20 ideas for throwing a pajama party for girls

Pajama party - what is it and how does it work?
It represents entertainment that is new in our country, and this holiday attracted not only children, but even adults. The name of the party speaks for itself - everyone must come to such events in pajamas. What to do at such a party is to sleep, but before plunging into the kingdom of Morpheus, you need to come up with an entertainment program - what would a party be without fun. Pajama parties came to us from America. And today they have gained popularity among adults. If you decide to hold such an event, then you need to know that the invitees will stay until the morning at such a party, and therefore you need to prepare a place for overnight stay and breakfast. It's an American tradition for pajama parties to sleep on the floor, and you need to take this into account as well. You should have a pajama party for children on the eve of the weekend, and you can also take the opportunity to hold it on your birthday. Imagine how happy your child will be when he learns that the guests will stay until the morning, but you need to plan a few details so that the party does not cause damage to the house in which you live. And the most important thing is that the parents of the birthday boy or girl are happy with this turn of events, then everything will go like clockwork.


Of course, a hand-made invitation will make children think of your party as some mysterious, meaningful event, long before it even starts. You can draw something colorful that hints at the theme of the pajama party, if of course it is themed. If you are not very good at drawing, you can make various applications, in general, dare, create, surprise.

In addition to indicating the start time of the pajama party and its theme, you can subtly hint to parents what items their child should take with them by depicting them on the invitation: the pajamas themselves, a toothbrush, a favorite toy. All those items that a child may need before going to bed and after waking up.

Dress code

It would seem that the issue of dress code for a pajama party should not be discussed much: all guests must be in pajamas. But they can be varied; their role can be played by:

  • pajama sets of all types and colors (fleece, flannel, knitted, with pants and shorts, plain or with prints);
  • wide long T-shirts with cute images of animals and shorts;
  • warm terry robes and knitted socks;
  • Kigurumi.

You can complement your pajama outfit with cozy slippers, as well as soft eye masks for sleeping. The hostess of the party can give these attributes to each guest upon meeting.


You will need to take care of feeding a group of children at least in the evening and the next morning. It’s good if you know all the children and represent their preferences. But if this is not the case, it would be a good idea to contact your parents and clarify information about possible intolerance to certain products and allergic reactions to any ingredients.

As a rule, dinner in such cases consists of light snacks, yoghurts, sandwiches, possibly pizza. Most likely, the children will spend the evening very actively, so take care of the drinks.

Pajama party methodological development (senior, preparatory group) on the topic

In January, at our kindergarten in the senior-preparatory group, we held the “Pajama Party” entertainment.

Goal: to teach children to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers; Objectives: - to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle; - develop in children activity, desire to achieve success, endurance and perseverance; - develop a sense of camaraderie, competition, the ability to empathize and support each other.

The preparatory stage was notifying parents (asking them to bring their children in pajamas on the appointed day, and to have a clean, light-colored pillowcase and a small convenient flashlight with them) and, of course, preparing the necessary attributes for games and competitions. A few days before the party, the following reminder was placed in the reception area:

On the appointed day, we prepared the hall (we moved mattresses, pillows and blankets into the hall), received the children in pajamas (and, by the way, the teachers and nanny also spent the whole day in pajamas), and our first task was to paint the brought pillowcases on the theme “My magical colors dreams." The guys gave full rein to their imagination; they could draw anything! This is what we got.

Then we all go to the hall.

Party progress:

-Guys, today we are having a pajama party, and who knows what a party is? (That's right, this is when everyone is dancing, playing and having fun!) What does a pajama party mean? (Listen to the children's answers).

-Let's play and have fun today! Let's start with the pajama fashion show. What is a "defile"? (Children's answers). And today we are all beautiful, we all have wonderful pajamas, but let us show them in all their glory!

This is followed by a fashion show of the guys on the “fashion path” accompanied by cheerful music. We took pictures of the guys, they all turned out to be very artistic and presented their outfits wonderfully.

Then they offered the children a number of fun games.

  1. “Pull off your sock.”

Each child pulls off one sock halfway, then everyone gets down on all fours and, at a signal, accompanied by cheerful music, tries to take these socks off each other. The winner is the one who took off the most socks.

  1. "Find a match."

And now the guys give me one sock at a time and close their eyes. At this time, I randomly lay out my socks around the room. At the signal, the guys need to find their pair of socks.

  1. "Before bedtime". Playing in teams.

-Guys, tell me, what do we usually do in pajamas? We sleep correctly. What should you do before going to bed? (Listen to the children's answers). Now you will need to properly prepare for bed, crawl through the obstacle and take from the table only those items that you may need before going to bed and bring them to your team.

Items on the table: comb, markers, toothpaste, soap, notebook, cubes, toothpaste, typewriter, towel, etc.

  1. "Hide and seek."

Children hide under blankets, I go up to any child, touch the blanket and ask: “Who’s there?”, and the child answers with a grunt or meow. My task is to guess who is under the blanket.

  1. “Who can put on a pillowcase faster?”

“You and I were just playing with blankets, but what else do you need for a sweet sleep?” That's right, a pillow, only our pillows without pillowcases. But we made such beautiful pillowcases with you, let’s dress up our pillows!

This is a speed competition to see who can put on a pillowcase the fastest.

  1. "Day Night".

A well-known game is played, only when the word “day” is said, the children dance with pillows to the music, and when they hear: “night!” Everyone should quickly lie down on their mattress and place a pillow under their head.

  1. "Who's louder?"

The game begins when the children are a little tired, lie down and when asked “girls snore” only girls snore, and when asked “boys snore” only boys snore. Let's see who can snore louder. Then they fulfill the request “both girls and boys snore together.”

  1. "Pillow fight".

In pairs, the guys stand in a large hoop; the one who steps over the edge of the hoop loses the battle.

  1. "Merry lights"

We turn on the flashlights and draw various figures in the air (the lights are off, of course, and the windows are darkened), then we dance with the flashlights and blow bubbles.

The end of the holiday was watching a good Russian fairy tale “Morozko”. The guys enjoyed watching it, lying on the floor on their mattresses.

Then it was time for lunch, and after lunch we went to sleep in the same room, on our “beds”. And the children had magical dreams that day, because it was not for nothing that we painted the pillowcases with colorful dreams and went to sleep on them. What a wonderful day we had that the children were absolutely delighted with!

Pajama Party Script

It is advisable to draw up at least a rough script for a pajama party and stick to it, gradually moving from one point to the next. To make it interesting for children to move from one activity or game to another, you can arrange this in the form of a little entertainment.

Inflate the balloons, after putting a note in them with the name of the action that should be the next point in your script. Largely write on the balls the time for which you have planned the next stage. That is, we will have as many balls as there are points in the scenario or games in the list. Once the time indicated on the ball has arrived, you toss the ball over the children. They will have to burst it, and, after reading the note, find out what they will do next.

Room decoration

A children's pajama party is unthinkable without the appropriate interior. Understanding how to throw a pajama party for girls or boys and decorate the room will create the right mood and make the atmosphere more cozy and fabulous.

The room must be prepared so that everyone has their own place to sleep. If the company is small, a sofa or bed will suffice. Lay out blankets, blankets and plenty of pillows. If there is no bed of the required size or there are many guests, you can even arrange a place on the floor. However, it needs more softness.

Scatter pillows throughout the room, which will make the room more comfortable and conducive to sleep. If it's a girls' pajama party, add lots of stuffed animals. Frequent attributes include Mickey Mouse decorations, pony toys (Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, etc.), LOL and Barbie dolls - this is ideal for girls under 10 years old. For boys under 9-10 years old, toys are also appropriate. Many people now like the heroes of the animated series “Teen Titans”. The design should always be selected according to the interests of the children and gender.

You can prepare a house from pillows and blankets. Stretch a rope across the room and throw sheets over it. Secure the edges. The result will be a triangular roof. You need to put more soft things inside.

Remove breakable objects in advance - while playing, children may accidentally drop them and break them. It is necessary to create twilight, but not with the help of candles - they are also dangerous. Turn off the main light and turn on the lamps and floor lamps. Or use LED candles. Hanging garlands create a particularly cozy effect.

Don't forget to leave room for a table with refreshments. It is better to use a folding table so that it can be quickly and conveniently removed when competitions, songs or dances begin.


Of course, the main part of a pajama party will be the entertainment. A group of children who find themselves together can turn out to be an inexhaustible source of energy, mercilessly gushing over the edge, and any person unprepared for this situation will be swept away. Joke.

But in order to keep the situation under control, you better prepare in advance and come up with what games the children will play, taking into account the interior of the room where they will take place. I mean, it's stupid to have pillow fights in a room that's filled with vases from the Qing Dynasty of China. Here are some games to play at a slumber party for kids .

Funny cotton balls


from 6 years old
you will need:

  • Cotton or foam balls.
  • Large ladle
  • Two large saucepans or two plastic buckets
  • Stopwatch
  • Two chairs with backrest

A game:

Each child plays for himself for a while. Place chairs facing each other at a distance of 1.5 meters. Place an empty bucket on one chair and a bucket filled with cotton balls on the other.

Blindfold the child, turn him around his axis several times and then put a ladle in his hand. Point your hand with the ladle towards the bucket of balls. On a signal, the child will have to move the balls from one bucket to another using only one hand. Keep time with a stopwatch. The one who does it faster than the rest wins.


To make the game even more fun, you can make fun of one of the children, for example the birthday boy. Stealthily transfer the already moved balls back into the first bucket. Blindfolded, he won't understand why everyone is rolling around laughing and the bucket doesn't run out of balls, even though he makes heroic efforts.

Bag with things


Ages 3+
Fill a large bag or sack with a variety of clothes. These can be old hats, trousers, skirts, boots of any size. If you manage to add elements like false ears, huge clown glasses, or something else like that as a joke, it will be even more fun.

A game:

Place the children in a circle and play some rhythmic children's music. While the music is playing, the children must quickly pass the bag to each other. As soon as the music stops, the child who happens to have the bag at that moment must quickly and without looking, take something out of the bag and put it on himself. If there are a lot of children, then you can run two bags. The fun will double, and the results will amuse everyone, including you.

Mystery box


from 4 years old
you will need:

  • Various objects, no sharp edges or edges
  • Large cardboard box
  • Tablecloth or towel
  • Paper and pencil for each player


Place different items in the box.
Cover it with a towel so that objects are not visible from the outside. Game:
Ask each player to reach into the box and touch an object. Then he will have to draw it on paper, the way he imagines it. The winner is the one who was able to draw the object more accurately.


  • As soon as the children start arriving, immediately ask them to prepare their sleeping bags
  • Announce to everyone that no one will sleep on the bed to avoid conflicts
  • Encourage children to spend as much time outdoors as possible before it gets dark, as they will spend the night indoors with a lot of other children once the slumber party has settled into the sleeping and resting phase.
  • Prepare cartoons and popcorn in advance
  • Lay out several board games so that those children who cannot immediately fall asleep will find something to do


Like any other party, a pajama party starts with invitations. The invitation card should note the style of the party and hint that each guest should wear pajamas. At a pajama party, a feast would be inappropriate, and therefore only the lightest snacks are prepared. In America, such snacks include cola, chips, pizza, but such products are not very healthy for children, so you can make sandwiches, apples, juice, and cookies. You can organize a cooking competition and bake with the participants. The dishes can be anything, the main quality is that they should be light as snacks.

Your daughter will love her princess themed birthday party!

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