Interesting birthdays for teenagers. How to throw a good birthday for a teenager

It seems that just recently your cute, inquisitive little one learned to crawl, walk and read. And now an adult boy or girl stands in front of the mirror, very puzzled by his appearance and the opinions of his friends. Time has flown by, as always, unnoticed, and your son or daughter is looking forward to his birthday.

And what to do if a trip to a children’s cafe seems too childish for
a teenager
, and a regular “adult”
holiday at home
brings boredom? I invite readers of “” to take the initiative into their own hands and surprise your grown-up child and his friends with a “super party.” And or spend a memorable one, you can find out by reading the relevant articles on our website.

Choose a theme or style of celebration.

For boys, even in adolescence, football and cars do not lose their relevance; some are interested in the theme of detectives. Or maybe your son dreams of becoming a DJ, hockey player or programmer - use all your observations to choose the appropriate party theme. Also decide on the holiday in honor of your daughter - what she loves, her hobbies or dreams will give you the right idea. Having decided on the theme, think about how to weave it into all stages of the party as much as possible. Let congratulations, cake, various games - everything revolve around your main idea of ​​the holiday. And also the decoration of the room should correspond to the chosen theme. In this article you will find several universal ideas for what a birthday party (with any theme) can include. But your main task is to try to surprise your birthday boy! Add your own bold ideas to the holiday and your teenager will be delighted with the “cool” mom.

Attention to the birthday boy:

1. Game “All about the birthday boy!” Balloons are hung in the room, in which notes with questions about the birthday person have been placed in advance. Guests choose any ball, pop it, take out a note and answer the question from it. Whoever gives the most correct answers receives a prize from the birthday boy. 2. On a large sheet of paper on the wall, write the name of the birthday boy vertically and for each letter come up with words starting with it that characterize the birthday boy from the good side. For example: IRA: Interesting, Reasonable, Active. 3. Game “Choose a congratulation.” All guests are given blank pieces of paper on which they draw what they want to wish or give to the birthday person. Then all the notes are rolled up and thrown into the hat. The birthday boy pulls out one at a time and guesses the wish. Whoever gets the note first gets a prize. 4. Letter of congratulations. Prepare a draft letter in advance, but leave empty spaces for adjectives. For example: On this...... day, we want to congratulate our...... birthday boy. Ask guests to take turns naming any adjectives, and you write them in order in the letter. Be sure that when you read out your congratulations, no one will be indifferent!

Hot dancing

An unlimited number of children can take part in this competition. First you need to create a playlist of fast, incendiary and slow lyrical songs (they should alternate and end in the most unexpected place). Rules: 1. When children hear a catchy, fast song, they must dance. 2. As soon as the lyrical melody begins to sound, the players freeze in place. Anyone who fails to freeze in time is eliminated from the competition. The dancers continue to compete until only one remains, the most attentive.

Games, competitions, entertainment.

This part of the holiday will take the most time.
So what are we playing? 1. “Oh, this gossip.” Everyone is given sheets of paper. The birthday person writes any phrase, but leaves only the last word for everyone to see. The next participant must, based on this word, continue the text by writing on his paper. Then he tells the third player the last word of his sentence. The third writes his continuation of the phrase and so on. Then the text is read in a circle. 2. We play twister - a suitable warm-up after the feast. 3. “Guess the word.” Everyone is divided into two teams. To the participant of the first team, the second team says any word (more difficult!), which he must silently depict for his team. The team guesses what was planned, and the teams change roles. 4. Game “Pass the Key”. A thin rope is tied to two keys (preferably large ones). Everyone, divided into two teams, at a signal, begins to thread the key under their clothes one by one. The team that is the first to “thread” the key with a rope through all its players wins. 5. You can attach small pieces of paper to the dartboard with the names of the prizes. Everyone takes turns hitting the darts with darts, and whoever hits what wins a prize. 6. “Film shooting.” Select several actors. Explain to them their roles and the plot of the production (for example, an excerpt from a fairy tale or film). Then ask them to play their roles, but first let them do it in a whisper, then quickly, next time laughing, then crying, and so on. 7. Game "Professional". Give everyone a sheet of paper and on command everyone begins to fold it 16 times with one hand. Whoever completes it first wins a prize. 8. For girls, organize a “Dress Up” modeling competition. Place a basket of different clothes in front of them. Give them five minutes to choose their outfit. Then let each demonstrate her choice by describing it. It's better to film it on video. 9. Organize karaoke singing.

The end of the holiday. To ensure that the birthday person has pleasant memories of the party, prepare a plain T-shirt or his old jeans, on which guests will be asked to write their wishes. For the last surprise of the party, inflate balloons in advance, into which finely chopped New Year's rain will be poured. It is better to do this by inserting a funnel twisted from cardboard into the neck of the deflated balloon.

If possible, attach the balloons to the ceiling. At the end of the holiday, to the music, pop these balls so that the tinsel flies down. Try to get it on video as well. Happy Birthday!

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Celebrate a teenager’s birthday so that “the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe”? This is a difficult task facing parents of 13-16 year old children. After all, these are no longer foolish children, but they are also not quite adult boys and girls. What's the best way to celebrate a teenager's birthday?

Why is celebrating a teenager's birthday always so difficult?

It is very difficult to please a teenager in choosing a scenario for celebrating his birthday. Usually, preparing for an event looks like a continuous chain of puzzling problems that require immediate resolution.

Teenagers strive to grow up quickly and become more mature, so entertainment programs with clowns and pirates often seem like “baby talk” to them. However, the truly “adult” holiday program is also not yet interesting to them, because in some respects they still remain children.

In addition, in adolescence, it is especially important for a child what his friends think of him, so often a teenager’s pleasure from a holiday is measured in the number of admiring reviews from guests.


When figuring out how to celebrate a teenager’s birthday, you can be sure of only one thing: he really wants this day to be somehow fundamentally different from what has already happened in his life before. For him, this is not just a holiday, but definitely the beginning of some new stage in life, expanding his capabilities.

Problem No. 1. Should I stay at home or go somewhere?

So, what is better - to celebrate a birthday at home, or to go somewhere? To make the right decision, you need to weigh several factors:

  • preferences and hobbies of the birthday boy himself
  • season
  • expected weather
  • estimated holiday budget
  • number and composition of invitees, their characteristics and preferences
  • physiological characteristics of adolescents - the need to throw out energy in movement, dancing, outdoor games, competitions
  • age-related need for adolescents to make as much noise as possible - to shout themselves and listen to loud music
  • the amount of free time you can devote to preparing for the holiday

It is impossible to say in advance exactly which holiday option will be preferable for you. It all depends on your specific situation. But if, when thinking over a program for a teenager’s birthday, you focus not on how it is “usually” to spend it, and not on how you yourself spent it in your childhood, most likely you will have a really good holiday, and this The teenager will remember the day for a long time.

Problem No. 2. What to treat guests if you celebrate a teenager’s birthday at home?

A teenager's birthday can be celebrated perfectly at home. Just one condition: you don’t need to turn your birthday into a “binge party” with several changes of dishes.

The feast itself should be discussed in more detail. To prevent the birthday boy and guests from being “sluggish” and literally tired from a rich meal, it is best to organize a buffet or buffet table. This table should be served with snacks on convenient skewers, various sandwiches, pies, cookies with surprises, and plenty of soft drinks. The food is simple but satisfying. It is very good if there are a lot of fruits on the table. You can also prepare one thing - but only really one thing - an uncomplicated buffet should not only be varied and beautiful - there should simply be a lot of it.

And at the end of the feast - of course, a cake with candles, because no matter what teenagers say, at heart they are still the same little children who love sweets and surprises.

On a note!

When developing a menu, do not forget that sitting at the table for a long time, decorously using cutlery, is not interesting for teenagers. Most likely, a cheerful company will prefer to return to food several times between other things, or even sit down with pieces somewhere on the sofa or balcony. Do not prepare dishes that can get cold, turn sour or stain the furniture - this way you will save your nerves and not spoil the holiday.

Problem No. 3. How to make a home holiday interesting and original?

The choice of scenario for celebrating a teenager’s birthday largely depends not only on the financial capabilities of the parents, but also on the tastes and preferences of the birthday boy and the entire invited company. Of course, in any case there will be a lot of music, noise, running and dancing. But this is still not enough to make the holiday unforgettable.


The feast should definitely be “diluted” with fun, moderately “adult” competitions. Think over and prepare them in advance. You must choose competitions for the holiday together with the birthday person - everyone’s character and interests are different, so only the teenager himself can decide whether the competitions you like will be suitable for his company. And don’t forget that the winners of the competitions are entitled to prizes.

Playing different games is fun for any age, although the games are different. Teenagers often like intellectual games with elements of competition - erudite, Danetki, Burime or anagrams, etc. However, it is still much more likely that they will be captivated by games that require movement and noise - for example, film pantomime, impromptu theater, candlelight, recognition games, dancing with an orange, and the like. Team quests like “find the treasure” are usually received very well. But no matter what games you choose for your teen party, remember that they should be interesting for all guests and should not offend anyone.

Theme parties

Recently, it has become increasingly popular to celebrate a birthday with a party on a pre-designated theme. The success of such a holiday is, of course, determined by its organization. The theme of the party should be of interest to all guests. Guests should have enough time to prepare for the party. There is usually cosplay at these events, so you need to have some stock of themed clothing items for guests who do not have time to prepare their own costume. Games, competitions and menus for a theme party are also selected very carefully.

Choosing a theme for such a party is a separate issue. Attempts to persuade teenagers to engage in “fairy tale” themes usually end in failure, even if they are interested in fairy tales - after all, they need to demonstrate their “maturity.” It is much better if the topic is related to a movie or computer game, the main thing here is that they are familiar to everyone in the company. Girls may like a “fashion show” or a “cat party”, boys may like the “wild west”, any teenagers like parties with a “vampire” theme, fruit (orange, banana, etc.), color (black and white, red and etc.), sometimes geographical (Japanese, Indian, American, Russian, or simply sea, cave, mountain, etc.). And naturally, the birthday boy should play the main role at the holiday.

On a note!

Whatever games and competitions you hold, you can be sure of one thing: teenagers have such irrepressible energy that they can smash an apartment to smithereens and not even notice it. Therefore, when preparing to celebrate a birthday at home, immediately determine the places where a cheerful company will have fun, and where it is not advisable to enter. Of course, this must be done together with the birthday person and in a tactful manner.

Problem #4: Where can you go to celebrate your teen's birthday?

Celebrating a teenager’s birthday outside the home is both easier and more difficult than at home. On the one hand, you won’t need to prepare anything, you won’t have to think about a lot of cleaning up after the holiday, it’s easier to organize entertainment, and in general you can invite presenters with a ready-made birthday script. But on the other hand, such an event, firstly, can be very difficult for the family budget, and secondly, it assumes your responsibility for all minor guests whom you invite to the holiday.

If funds allow, and you are sure that there will be enough adults at the party so that nothing happens to your teenager’s guests, you can choose from several options.

  • A teenager’s birthday can be celebrated in a very fun way at a water park, a roller rink, a climbing wall, or riding an ATV. The main advantage of such a celebration is that the birthday boy and his guests have room to “unwind”. You can run from the heart, jump, scream - have a blast.
  • Just sitting in a cafe is a common, but rather boring option for teenagers. Usually it is combined with a visit to a bowling club, cinema or entertainment center.
  • Many teenagers will probably enjoy playing “shooting games” - paintball, laser tag, quasar.
  • You can please a teenage girl by organizing a professional photo shoot or filming in her honor - she will be able to feel like a real singer, model or actress.
  • Perhaps the teenager and his friends share some common hobby, for example, cycling. Then organizing a camping trip to some beautiful and unusual place is a great option.
  • Another great option is a birthday party at an equestrian club. Usually there are sleigh rides or carriage rides, depending on the time of year, and you can always ride ponies and horses.
  • If it’s summer outside, then you can celebrate a teenager’s birthday by having a picnic in the forest, on the shore of a lake, or at the dacha. It’s just important not to forget to grab a ball or badminton set along with snacks and barbecue.
  • Holidays where teenagers are offered a live quest are very interesting: participants must play a certain plot and solve a whole series of riddles, while visiting several objects in the city. To organize a live quest, you need to contact special agencies, because the success of the event depends primarily on the professionalism of the presenters.
  • And finally, you can always order a themed holiday show from the agency with professional presenters, which is held either in a cafe, or in a special club, or on a rented water bus.
  • Important!

    When deciding where exactly you will celebrate your teenager's birthday, try not to repeat yourself. Even if your teenager and his friends really like, for example, bowling, he is unlikely to be pleased if he celebrates his holiday there several times in a row. Anyone on their birthday is inspired by something new, but for teenagers this is not just joy - it is the need to enter “adult life” and get what “yesterday was not possible, but now it is already possible.”

    Problem No. 5. Is alcohol needed at a teenager’s birthday party?

    This is an extremely delicate problem, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. On the one hand, it is certainly too early for teenagers to drink alcohol. However, the “forbidden fruit” is especially attractive to them, and therefore the birthday boy and guests can easily get drunk on cheap “port wine” somewhere around the corner, thus marking their “growing up”, and you are unlikely to be able to prevent this. Therefore, each parent will have to decide this for himself, taking into account the attitudes and traditions of his family.

    In any case, if you decide to serve alcohol at the birthday party of a 15-16 year old teenager, you will be sure of at least how much was drunk and what quality it was, and the birthday boy will not be left with the feeling that that you don't trust him. But the choice of alcohol should be taken as responsibly as possible. Of course, there should be no strong drinks on the table. Carbonated alcoholic cocktails are not an option at all. Firstly, they are generally extremely harmful. Secondly, teenagers do not subjectively feel intoxicated by such cocktails (they are too “like lemonade”), and therefore try to drink as much as possible. Perhaps a small amount of good wine will help solve the problem.

    Problem No. 6. Should I invite relatives to a teenager’s birthday party?

    Should adults celebrate a teenager's birthday with his friends? Often parents invite “their” adult company to their teenager’s birthday party. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, other relatives and family friends gather to admire the birthday boy and congratulate his happy parents. Of course, parents have the right to share their joy with these close people, but the teenager himself, as a rule, believes that sitting at home with his family is childish and boring, and in some ways he is right. After all, for all the relatives present, he remains a child, and after congratulations, “adult” conversations begin that are completely uninteresting to the teenager, during which he plays only the role of decoration.

    If you cannot refuse a family celebration with relatives, separate the company. Let the teenager accept the congratulations of adults, but his main holiday will still be separate, with a group of friends. It is best if these two events can be held not on the same day, but on different ones. First, your teenager’s actual birthday. Well, the next day or next weekend - family gatherings with relatives. It is unlikely that a teenager will refuse to extend his holiday for another day, but in this case a solemn family feast will no longer seem so burdensome to him.


    It is best to prepare for a teenager's birthday together with him, unless it is a surprise party. Together with the teenager, you should discuss options for celebrating and offer him competitions and entertainment that are successful in the parents’ opinion. If you plan to go to an entertainment center, be sure to make a reservation in advance. But still leave room for a little surprise. Let the holiday program include several pleasant surprises for your teenager, which he will not know about in advance.

    A teenager's birthday is, first of all, not all sorts of troubles, but a holiday with a capital letter. Let this holiday become the most beloved and unforgettable for your teenager!

    What problems did you have to solve when celebrating a teenager’s birthday? Tell us how you dealt with them.

    If you don’t know where to celebrate a teenager’s birthday in a cafe, at home or outdoors, then to resolve this issue it is better to pay attention to the preferences of the birthday boy himself, and not your own. Children at this age need more than just tea and cake, they want real fun, more entertainment and something amazing for their birthday.

    To solve the problem of celebrating a teenager’s birthday, you can always seek help from a special agency for organizing holidays and celebrations.

    If you are planning to celebrate a holiday at home, then you can make it more interesting by adding more entertainment and games. Gathered at one table, children can be invited to play mafia or monopoly or other board games.

A fairy tale with special effects

An improvisation game for two teams of 4-6 people each. Each team chooses its own captain, to whom the presenter hands the text of a famous short fairy tale. The teams take turns doing the following: 1. The captain reads a fairy tale as suggested. 2. Players must role-play each sentence or provide it with sound accompaniment (for example, the sound of wind, rumbles of thunder, etc.). Children need to try to perform as energetically and brightly as possible. The winner is determined by applause or voting.

How and where to celebrate a teenager's birthday?

Before making decisions regarding the main aspects of organizing a teenager's birthday, it is worth thinking about his preferences. Since at this age children definitely have their own idols, trends in music and cinema that they like more than others and their own style, this suggests that when organizing a celebration, parents should pay as much attention to these things as possible.

If your child constantly listens to the songs of a popular foreign group, then make sure that they are present at the party. If your daughter simply adores the color pink, try to have as much of it as possible, but still in moderation. In this way, you will increase the chances of success of the holiday you organize and the likelihood that not only your own child will like it, but also your guests will become much more likely.

Entertainment for teenagers on their birthday is one of the most important details of the entire evening.

. Since children at this age are active and cannot sit in one place for a long time enjoying languid conversations, it is worth thinking about how they will have fun. Competitions and games will enliven the evening and make it more fun.

If you decide to celebrate in a cafe, then think in advance about how the entertainment part of the event will take place. Provided that there will be no one except you in the restaurant all evening, you can arrange anything. Both dancing and competitions would be quite appropriate at such an evening.

  • , while delighting and surprising your guests? Almost every person asks this question every year.
  • Regardless of what kind of relationship you have with your husband’s mother, she is the same member of your family and on her birthday, you need to choose the right thing to give your mother-in-law for her birthday.

Original dance

To conduct this competition you will need: • a musical selection consisting of incendiary compositions; • lids of ordinary saucepans. Everyone who wants to play is divided into pairs. Players clamp the lids of the pots with their feet and, as soon as the music starts, they begin to dance energetically, trying not to lose the lid at the same time. If this does happen, the couple is eliminated from the competition. The competition continues until the winner is determined. Dodgers The only details needed for this game are: • one long thread, the middle of which is marked with a knot; • two coils. The players stand opposite each other, holding the ends of the thread in their hands. At the leader’s signal, they need to wind the thread onto the spool as quickly as possible, reaching the middle, marked with a knot. The one who completes this task faster wins. Important! The thread should be wound onto the spool as tightly as possible.

Birthday at home

If you decide to celebrate a teenager’s birthday at home, then all organizational issues fall entirely on your shoulders. First of all, the apartment needs to be put in order and perfectly clean.

Few of the invited guests would like to be in a dusty room, where their feet stick to the floor, and in the corners there are things that a priori should not be there. A clean apartment creates the first impression that its owners were expecting guests and preparing for their arrival.

Also, don’t forget about treats. Make sure you have appetizers, main courses and dessert. Drinks are also best served in an assortment.

You also need to know the exact number of guests who will come to the holiday, so that there is enough space for everyone at the table. The music at the celebration should also be appropriate. Don’t forget that quiet and calm melodies should be played during the meal, allowing guests to comfortably communicate with each other, and more rhythmic tunes are suitable for entertainment.

The plot of the holiday

If the day before one of your family’s favorite holidays comes - the birthday of your own child, and all organizational issues fall on the shoulders of the parents, then organizing a fun and interesting celebration can be very easy and simple.

Consider traveling as a great celebration idea.

. This method of celebration will be appropriate if you are planning to celebrate the holiday in a narrow family circle. Surprise your child by booking tickets to the sea or ski resort in advance.

Changing your usual place to something new, interesting and exciting, combined with gifts and congratulations, can give an incredibly positive result. In addition, such a trip will benefit the whole family.

If the sun is shining and warming outside the window and it’s a warm season outside, then an outing into nature may be a good idea for celebrating a birthday. Barbecues on the edge of the forest or a trip to the river are definitely the most successful and win-win option at the same time. Volleyball, football, badminton and other active games will be good games for teenagers, and the opportunity to swim and sunbathe will definitely appeal to every boy and girl.

If it’s winter, early spring or late autumn outside and the air temperature does not allow you to celebrate a teenager’s birthday outdoors, then an alternative option could be a cozy cafe, a chic restaurant, or simply the warm atmosphere of your own home. In winter, you can have a fun and healthy celebration in a bathhouse or sauna.

This option will be very appropriate, seasonal and interesting for both children and parents. A steam room and a swimming pool are used as entertainment, the main dish can be barbecue and vegetables, due to this, organizing such a holiday can be very easy and quick.

If your child is categorically against celebrating his birthday at home and wants something more interesting, unusual and fun, then there are a huge number of different ideas and options for places where you can organize this holiday. Almost every city has entertainment centers or simply interesting places that are worth visiting. In most of them you can celebrate any celebration.

For example, you can go to a water park with all your guests.

Water slides, a swimming pool and tropical cocktails will make the holiday fun and interesting. If there is laser tag in the city, then this place will be a great option for celebrating a teenager's birthday. Laser battles will be the most exciting entertainment and, in a competitive style, will help children burn off excess energy to continue the holiday at the table.

If you invite a real master of his craft in any available field to your child’s birthday, for example, a chef of some restaurant who can teach them his skills, then as a result your guests will also attend a real master class.

Organize a birthday quest for teenagers and incredible emotions combined with team spirit will be guaranteed to everyone present at the celebration. Solving puzzles, looking for new clues and finally reaching the finish line is not so easy, but it is very exciting and incredibly interesting.

Organization details

You can celebrate your birthday in a cafe or restaurant, but in this case you need to think about entertainment. It is best for such an event to invite a professional presenter with his own program and competitions.

Give your child and his guests a real surprise by going on a boat ride or horseback ride. But do not forget that this idea should remain a secret until the trip itself.

Celebrating a teenager's birthday at home can be just as interesting and fun as in a cafe. The main thing is to pay more attention to small details. After all, in a warm homely atmosphere and a close family circle, you can have a great celebration with heartfelt conversations.

Celebrating a teenager's birthday: video

In order for the holiday to be a success, when preparing it, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of the teenager’s character. The videos below will help you understand all the details.

With the onset of a significant date - a child's birthday, parents always try to arrange an unforgettable day for their offspring. When a child still lives in the world of fairy tales, you can easily arrange a party for him with the help of animators and clowns, but what to do if he no longer believes in Santa Claus and considers himself quite old?

Teenager's attitude to the holiday

Children in adolescence believe that they have grown up a long time ago and all these human-sized plush dolls at their holiday can be perceived negatively. This can put him in an awkward position in front of his friends, because they have completely different thoughts in their little heads.

Some parents want to please their child and throw a party in an adult style, that is, they simply give money for a cafe and let them go home. This is a grave mistake, since “adult” children at the holiday will certainly try to try drinks for adults, and then it’s not far from crazy actions.


This game is a way to pretty much “torment” the detective. For the game, a detective is chosen and sent to another room. At this time, the leader explains the rules to the others. If the detective’s question ends with a vowel, you need to answer “yes,” if the consonant ends, “no,” and if it ends with “b,” “maybe.” The detective needs to be told that the guys thought of a word and he needs to guess it. The game is like walking in circles because the detective is trying to guess the right word, and the others are just fooling him. Fun overtakes everyone at the moment when the detective himself begins to realize that he has been tricked.


Congratulations for the holiday: Happy Birthday 16 years


Voice greetings for Happy Birthday

How to arouse interest in a teenager?

Do not despair about organizing a holiday, everything is not so bad. All you need is a little imagination, patience and finance. The main thing is to know the interests of your offspring and involve him in organizing the holiday.

  • Discuss with him about the theme party and what style it will be in. Also discuss the list of invitees and help draw up invitations.
  • Find out the venue and full menu. It is advisable to avoid first and second courses, which require the use of a knife and fork. Everything should be in the form of snacks; it is better to put meat, fish and vegetable salads in tartlets, so they will be easy to eat. Oddly enough, this is where pizza may be appropriate. Don't forget about fruit slices, desserts and cakes. Juices and drinks are also required.
  • You should prepare exciting competitions in advance, for example, hide some thing (treasure) and draw a map with riddles for it. Divide the children into two teams and give them similar cards. At each designated point, hide a clue to the next secret location. Also, instead of a riddle, there may be “forfeits”, that is, in order to get a continuation of the card, one of the team members must fulfill a wish, sing a song, recite a poem, or, in extreme cases, “crow”.
  • Children at this age love to be photographed, so if finances allow, you can hire a professional photographer in front of whom the children will be happy to pose.
  • Teenagers during this period are trying in every possible way to express themselves, so it would be useful to worry about “karaoke” in advance; they sing in front of an audience with pleasure. To make this activity more exciting, you need to come up with some incentive prizes in the form of a keychain or a pen.

No matter how much they consider themselves adults, they still remain children, and not only children, but also adults would like to play such games at any holiday.

PS For musical accompaniment with songs and dances, you can invite professional artists by following the link, with their help an ordinary holiday can easily turn into an unforgettable show.

6-7 years

When children are 6-7 years old, they already confidently perform in a team of their peers and take on any task responsibly.
And winning is very important for them

  • Piñata. I have already written about them. I just want to say that little ones really like this activity, because they get interesting prizes: toys or sweets.
  • Developing breathing. Fill the glasses with water, place them in one row, leaving the last one empty. The child must blow on the tennis ball so that it “floats” from one cup to another. You can divide the children into 2 teams and arrange a relay race. Each team member must roll the ball so that whichever team gets all the balls into the empty glass the fastest wins. If you play in an apartment, you should place a basin under glasses of water.
  • Football. Great sporting event. It is very pleasant for both boys and girls to run around with a ball.
  • Jumping or running in bags. For centuries we have enjoyed this activity. You can jump in an apartment, the main thing is to remove toys from the floor.

Tug of war. The rules, I think, are known to everyone. As an option, you can play with two participants and pull the belt. In this case, each participant should not go beyond the circle (hula hoop). The place of the loser is taken by another participant.

  • Word game. You need to name the objects starting with the letter the presenter names. The baby should see these items: on the table, in someone’s outfit, in the setting. Which group of children can name the most?
  • Fashionistas and fashionistas. Show of outfits. And not necessarily fashionable. Have children wrap themselves in curtains, or wear socks like gloves, etc. The main thing is who will be funnier.
  • Transfer the egg in a spoon. This is a relay race for speed and agility!
  • Hit the ball into the bucket. We hang or place the buckets. And each of the guys tries to hit them with the ball. At the end, team results are tallied.
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