Interesting competitions and games for young people on their birthdays

Tea or coffee

All guests are divided into two equal teams: “tea” and “coffee”. The host turns on the music, all the guests dance and mingle in the hall. Meanwhile, the host blindfolds each guest. As soon as the music stops, the host announces the condition - at the command “start”, the guests shout the call sign of their team: some - “tea”, others - “coffee”. The task is this: at the call of your teammates, you need to gather into a single team faster than your opponents - tea for tea, and coffee for coffee. The team that gathers in full force the fastest will win. As a prize, team members will be given a bag of tea and a stick of coffee.


Fun table competitions can be based on anything. For example, there are several types of “I” games. One is predominantly for teenagers - in it, two players compete to see how many candies can fit in their mouth; after each candy, you need to more or less clearly pronounce any stupid phrase, for example, “I am a fat-cheeked lip-slapper.”

The adult version of the game is slightly different - guests must introduce themselves (say the word “I”

) in a circle until one of them gets lost or gets distracted (by the way, laughter is also considered a defeat), and the host invites the other guests to give him a funny nickname.

After this, the fun begins, which unites all table competitions like a chain reaction - it can be very difficult not to laugh, and after a couple of minutes everyone has a nickname with which he introduces himself (for example: “I am a furry pseudopod”, “I am a cheerful armpit”, “I am a rosy-cheeked lip-slapper,” etc.)

In the next round, the person who laughed is given a second nickname, and he must pronounce it in its entirety (“I am a furry pseudopod - green Chingachgook”).

Usually this game ends on the fourth circle, because everyone is laughing! This competition is best held when the guests are already a little “fun”.

African dances

Let this competition become a little trip for you to hot Africa. To hold it, you will have to work a little and create the right atmosphere: place a symbolic fire in the middle of the room, distribute beads to the participants. Then divide all participants into pairs. All other guests will become members of the jury, who will have to evaluate the dances of the participants. Play African folk music to which your couples can perform impromptu African dances. The participants of the pair selected by the jury members become the winners of the competition.

Round Dance of Nations

Before the start of the dance part of this fun competition at the party, the host should talk about the greeting traditions of different nations. When meeting, Norwegians shake hands, the French hug, the Chinese fold their palms as if praying, the Yakuts rub their noses, and the Russians kiss three times.

The guests of the holiday form a circle, and inside it - another one. Two circles should move to the music in different directions. As soon as the melody ends, the presenter says the name of the country, and the participants who are opposite each other must depict the appropriate greeting. There are no winners in this game, but everyone can have a lot of fun.

Scene Guests from Texas

Host: If you are a cowboy, then you have a hat and a Colt. You may be a shepherd, but on horseback you are a hero. And you are not relaxing in a saloon today, but congratulating the hero of the day in this hall. Cowboys from Texas are our guests. And we ask them to appear here. Guests appear in cowboy hats, or on “horses” on sticks. In the Wild West, farming is everything! There it is customary to work to meet the dawn. The Cowboys have someone to look up to. Cowboys: Hello ranch owners! Presenter: We spend day after day riding in the saddle And we greet the sunrise by the fire, But we value a cozy home more. Cowboys: Hello ranch owners! Host: Women, you won’t be full of corn. And we’ll tell you one secret: She cooks steaks better than anyone else! Cowboys: Hello ranch owners! Presenter: Even though sometimes we swallow whiskey, But we protect her authority: We drink a little, but congratulate her a lot. Cowboys: Hello ranch owners!

Birthday contests for a fun company

Draw “Read it carefully”

Write this task on pieces of paper. Call 4-7 volunteers who agree to do everything written here. Say that the one who does everything faster wins. The text is:

“Read the tasks: count how many people are in the room and shout out the number loudly; jump 10 times; go and hug a good friend; meow 3 times; speak the Russian alphabet out loud; close your eyes and turn 360 degrees. If you have read the assignment carefully, sit down and be quiet.”

The joke is that it had to be read, not done.

Game "Joint Postcard"

Participants in this game will have to draw a common card for the birthday boy. Each participant in turn must draw something in a short time. The postcard will be original.

Competition "Long Nose"

Everyone puts on pre-prepared noses. At the Leader’s command, you need to pass a small ring from nose to nose, and at the same time a glass of water from hand to hand, trying not to spill a drop.

The game is considered over when both the ring and the glass of water return to the “first” participant. Anyone who drops a ring or spills water receives a forfeit.

Competition "Find the birthday boy"

Guests are blindfolded. The leader moves everyone as he wants. As a result, no one knows who is sitting where now, and who is nearby. Each guest is given warm mittens. You need to find out by touch who is sitting next to you, touching with your hands in mittens only the head and face of your neighbor.

Firstly, it tickles and inevitably makes you laugh! And secondly, it’s very interesting to try to guess a person through touch! Each participant guesses who is on the left. You can only try to guess once, the final goal is to find the birthday person.

The headbands are removed only when the last participant has guessed or not guessed his neighbor, but if the birthday person is discovered, the game ends earlier.

Game "I look like..."

This very fun game is suitable for a small cozy company. To carry it out, you need to prepare several cards with animals, birds, cartoon and comic book characters. The main thing is that the images on these cards are fun and memorable.

In addition to such cards, you need to make cards with phrases, part of which will be the phrase “I look like.” For example:

  • In the morning I look like...
  • At work I look like...
  • Having a drink in company makes me look like...
  • When my wife caught me near the refrigerator, I looked like...
  • When my boss calls me unexpectedly, I become like...
  • After a stormy night I look like...
  • If I get fired, I'll be like...
  • When I eat I look like...
  • When someone stepped on my foot, I look like...
  • When I'm late for the bus, I'm like...
  • When I want a drink I'm like...
  • When I like someone a lot, I become like...
  • When I'm in a hurry, I'm like...

Competition "Portrait of the Birthday Boy"

Divide into teams to collectively create a portrait of the birthday boy: one participant draws the nose, the other the eyes, etc. The picture that is recognized as the best by a strict jury wins.

You can change the course of the game and agree that one of the guests will be drawn. The picture that is closer to the original, i.e., from which it will be possible to guess the guest who is depicted in it, will win.

"I don't know how to play this game" prank

The company announces that now everyone will play one very funny game. Everyone should stand in a circle and squat down.

Then the presenter affectionately turns to the neighbor on the right: “Vasenka, do you know how to play this game?” To which the neighbor on the right should answer: “No, Andryushenka, I don’t know how to play this game,” and then turn to his neighbor on the right with a similar question: “Mashenka, do you know how to play this game?” The answer follows, and so on in a circle.

When everything goes around in a circle and reaches the leader again, the leader gets up, (shaves himself off), looks down at everyone and says: “And if no one knows how to play, why are we sitting here like fools?!”

Competition "Draw a Portrait"

Creative fun competitions can leave the birthday boy with a gallery of unforgettable portraits drawn by the guests of the holiday as a souvenir. Everyone is given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen, and their hands are tied behind their back. Artists must paint a portrait of the hero of the occasion, holding a felt-tip pen in their teeth. The birthday boy himself chooses the one he likes from among all the “canvases” and awards a prize to its author.

Game "Hat for the birthday boy"

In a deep hat you need to put a lot of folded pieces of paper with laudatory descriptions of the birthday boy (birthday girl), for example: smart, beautiful, slender, talented, thrifty, kind, cheerful.

One person takes out a piece of paper and gestures at the word, while the others guess.

Game for the big one

Everyone present participates in the game; they are given cards with numbers according to the number of people. The presenter has a list of 100 wishes. He turns to one of the guests with questions:

  1. What do you desire most? The participant in the game calls any number from 1 to 100, the host reads out the wish under this number.
  2. Who will help make this happen? A participant in the game names any number from 1 to 15, the one with the card with the named number raises his hand.
  3. What do you wish for him/her? Again, the participant names a number from 1 to 100.

Now the presenter turns to the one who raised his hand in response to the question: “Who will help make this happen?” And he asks him the question: “What do you desire most?” The participant in the game names any number from 1 to 100, the host reads out the wish under this number, etc.

Funny fairy tale “The Shepherd and the Princess”

A wonderful fairy tale, the heroes of which guests can become. Distribute cards to four guests. The text is read by the Presenter. The heroes he named say their lines.

Characters and lines:

Princess - “I’m a decent girl, just what I need!” Old woman - “Everyone says I’m an old stick” Dog – “I’ll bite off anyone’s nose for the Princess” Shepherd – “I’m herding pigs, there’s no more handsome groom!”


Our theater is known throughout the world, There are passions in it, like in Romeo and Juliet. We will show a drama about two lovers, We will raise the curtain, we will play a melodrama! Once upon a time there was a Princess, her name was Lada. (I’m a decent girl, that’s what it takes) - She had an old woman as a servant. (Everyone says I’m an old stick) - And their castle was guarded by a faithful Dog (I’ll bite off anyone’s nose for the Princess!) - The Princess is across the river, by the grapes... (I’m a decent girl, that’s what it takes!) - I saw the handsome Shepherd. (Herding pigs, there is no more beautiful groom!) - Princess Lada fell madly in love. (I’m a decent girl, that’s what I need) – Cupid’s arrow struck the Shepherd. (Herding pigs, there is no more handsome groom!) - And the young ones began to meet secretly, Herd pigs, kiss under the oak tree.

But unfortunately, the Old Lady found out everything... (Everyone says, I'm an old stick) - Having seen youth fun And, knowing that these novels are harmful, The old lady decided to take the shavings off the guy... (Everyone says, I'm an old stick) - Calling the Dog for help is not question (I'll bite off anyone's nose for the Princess!)

– It’s scary to tell what started here! Love had to be actively defended. The dog was making an active cross... (I'll bite off anyone's nose for the Princess!) - The shepherd ran, saving the offal... (Herding pigs, there is no more beautiful groom!) - Princess Lada roared in three streams... (I'm a decent girl, that's what it takes!)

Passions boiled until the evening, Until all the misfortunes receded.

The active Old Lady is barely alive... (Everyone says I'm an old stick) - Princess Lada is not happy with life... (I'm a decent girl, that's what it takes!) - And the Dog can barely breathe from the stress... (I'll bite off anyone's nose for the Princess!) - All pigs scattered from the Shepherd... (Herding pigs, there is no more beautiful groom!)

– The moral of this fairy tale is well known: Everyone should know their place in life! The old Dog must growl and bark... (I’ll bite off anyone’s nose for the Princess!)

- The Old Lady should stand for morality... (Everyone says, I’m an old stick) - It’s a joy for a princess to play at love... (I’m a decent girl, that’s what it takes!) - But admire the gaping Shepherd... (Herding pigs, there’s no more beautiful groom!)

-Who will reimburse him for the pigs? And there is no time for Shakespearean passions here. We see off the actors with applause. We respect the talent of the actors very much!

Birthday contests for an adult company

Funny competition "Sausage"

Those present are asked questions that require only the words “sausage” or “sausage” to be answered. The main condition is not to smile. Victory for the most serious defendant. Examples of questions:

  • Why did you fly to China today?
  • How are boys different from girls?
  • What does your wife dream of getting for her birthday?
  • What's the longest thing in the world?
  • What's under your pillow?
  • What's hidden in your pocket?
  • What do you hang on the Christmas tree for the New Year?
  • What did you hide under your hat?
  • What are you sitting on?
  • What doesn't fit in your pants?

Fun game "Kompromat"

Married couples should be involved in games and competitions for a fun company for adults' birthdays. Men, secretly from their wives, write 10 types of animals on a sheet of paper in a column. Women perform the same action. At the beginning of the game, the leader begins a phrase and asks the wives to continue it with the first word on the list. The continuations of the remaining phrases are read strictly according to the list.

Phrases for wives about husbands:

  • sociable like...
  • fashionable as...
  • beautiful as...
  • strong as...
  • fast as...
  • independent like...

Phrases for husbands about their wives:

  • in transport she is like...
  • in bed she's like...
  • with her mother-in-law she’s like...
  • in the store she's like...
  • with her friends she's like...
  • in the cafe she's like...
  • with children she is like...

Competition "Candy Box"

The presenter invites two “real men” to participate, ready to do anything for the woman they love. Participants are tied with boxing gloves, the tension is heated with advice on which muscles to stretch, and how to box with an imaginary opponent. After receiving the necessary moral and physical conditions, the boxers go to the center of the improvised ring and greet each other.

The presenter acts as a judge. To escalate the situation, he explains that the fight lasts until first blood, no blows below the belt, no bruises. Next, the judge gives everyone a caramel and asks the “boxers” to quickly unwrap the candy wrapper without taking off their gloves. The winner is the one who is quickest to treat the woman he loves to candy.

Competition for girls “Erotic dance”

It’s best to hold piquant competitions for adults’ birthdays in the second half of the evening, when the company is already excited and relaxed. The participants wear an elastic band around their waist, which is more or less tight. To the accompaniment of erotic music, ladies must slowly and artistically remove this elastic band through their legs. The most artistic one wins.

Competition "How it was"

Each person at the table is given forfeits with questions and tasks in order:

  1. How did the birthday boy learn to walk?
  2. Depict how the birthday boy did rhythmic gymnastics as a child?
  3. How did the birthday boy, sitting on the potty, call his mother?
  4. How did the birthday boy select his favorite toy?
  5. How did the birthday boy demand in the store to buy him a toy?
  6. How did the birthday girl bathe in a basin?
  7. How did the birthday girl ride on her dad's shoulders?
  8. How did the birthday girl learn to count on her fingers?

Each participant in the competition must depict the answers to these questions. The player who completes the tasks the funniest and most colorfully is awarded an incentive prize.

Fun game "Like it or not"

An interesting competition for a friendly large company involves every participant. Guests take turns saying what they like and don’t like about the neighbor on the right. Afterwards, the presenter says that now what you like about your neighbor needs to be kissed, and what you don’t like about it needs to be bitten.

Competition for adults “Dancing Butt”

A fun competition for the big ones will lift the mood of the audience. Participants pull out signs with numbers. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, you need to “draw” the received numbers with your butt, constantly repeating from the beginning. The funniest dancer wins.

Fun game for adults “Teddy Bear”

The players sit in a circle. The presenter brings out a plush toy. For example, a bear. Each participant must kiss the bear anywhere. After this, the presenter asks everyone to kiss their neighbor in the same place where they kissed the bear.

Drawing “Fun Replacement”

To conduct this competition you need to choose a girl and two guys. The girl is laid on the sofa, and small edible objects (nuts, pieces of cookies, etc.) are laid out on her body. After this, one of the guys is blindfolded and offered to eat everything that is on the girl, without hands and blindfolded.

At the command of the leader, the guy begins sophisticated attempts, but the whole point is that instead of the girl, another guy unnoticed appears on the sofa. The guy, increasingly falling into lust, only begins to feel something is wrong when wild laughter begins around him.

Competition for adults “Ice Kiss”

All players sit in a circle, men and women alternate. The first player takes a frozen cube of water with his lips and passes it to the neighbor on the left without using his hands, then takes the second cube and also passes it to the neighbor on the right. As the ice melts, the game becomes more and more interesting. The player whose ice has melted pays a forfeit.

Bag with a surprise

To play, you will need a bag in which you need to put various funny things, for example, adult diapers, underwear, colored scarves, funny hats. All players go to the dance floor. When the music starts, everyone should dance and pass each other a bag with things. At the moment when the music stops, the person who has the bag must take one thing out of the bag without looking and put it on. Then the music starts again and the game continues. The game continues until all the items are worn by the participants.

French passions

Argentina is undoubtedly the birthplace of tango, but in France this dance was transformed, absorbing the spirit of French fiery love. For the French, not only the expression of the dance is important, but also the graceful performance. This competition will require several couples, but let the women choose their own partners. Then, to the music, the selected couples dance tango, and the audience (preferably a male audience) evaluates which of the women is more graceful in the dance. It is she who becomes the winner of the competition.

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