How to celebrate a baby's first birthday? This means the baby's first birthday

We invite guests

First of all, decide who to call. It is better if these are close relatives and friends whom the little one knows well. You may want to invite several of the baby's peers and their mothers.

Please note that a large number of guests, especially young ones, can overstimulate the birthday boy and lead to unnecessary whims. It would be better to choose one option: either relatives or the little ones - playmates. Try not to have too many peers: 2-3 are enough. At this age, children do not yet know how to play together, so more small guests can ruin the holiday.

The role of godparents at the holiday

Let the godparents make notes in the album: outline the arms and legs of the child so that you can then see how he develops. You can also make a notch on a special board or on the back of a wooden meter (indicate height) and continue this tradition every year.

A long-standing tradition is cutting off hair in the first year of birth. This should be done by godmothers and fathers. To do this, you need to cut off a small symbolic curl on each side of your head (cut on four sides). Some people prefer to go bald, but this is not necessary. The rite of circumcision on four sides is a symbol of the cross, that is, protection. So, if your boy has already grown up and is joining the army, then the curl will serve as his strongest amulet and protection from misfortune. To do this, when the son is on the threshold, the mother needs to cut off a strand of his hair and put it with those that were cut off when he was one year old. In turn, a small strand of small hair had to be put in the amulet and given to the son. This amulet is intended as protection against injuries, failures and various dangers.

Choose a place and time

The best option would be to celebrate at home, in an atmosphere familiar to the child. This will allow you not to deviate from your usual routine. If funds allow, you can hold a birthday party in a children's cafe, come up with an original script, and invite a host. But most likely, the baby will quickly get tired, and he will no longer have time for fun.

A good option, if the weather permits, is to celebrate outdoors. In this case, you can combine a holiday with a walk, and also come up with a lot of fun active entertainment for children and adults.

When thinking about how to celebrate a birthday, take into account the temperament, characteristics and preferences of your child. When inviting guests, focus on the baby’s daily routine. If he naps twice a day, choose a time between 12:00 and 16:00. If you switched to one daytime nap, then it is also better to schedule the holiday after a quiet hour. At this time, the child will be full of strength and energy and will be able to take an active part in the fun.

How to congratulate your baby on his first year of life?

You should immediately warn young parents that at this age your child will not need a magnificent banquet. On the contrary, the fewer guests there are, the better for both you and him. Let it be a narrow circle of your closest friends and relatives.

Let your godparents and grandparents help you decorate your entire house or room with colorful balloons. Balloons will dominate the mood not only of the baby, but also of adults. Let it be various clowns, cars, dolls and other interesting figures.

Parents can also make a special album on whatman paper. Take photographs taken over the year and paste them one by one, marking the dates (months) and pointing with an arrow to the next photo. Take 12 photos: from the first birth to 1 year.

The calendar can also have a different theme: the first tooth, the first step, the first word, etc. That is, you show what path your child has traveled this year and how he did it.

You can make a beautiful crown from gold foil and decorate the child’s head with it, as well as the parents.

Read about ideas for celebrating a first birthday here

Preparing a treat

For your first birthday, you can set a buffet table with light snacks. In this case, you will not need to run after the children every time you leave the table. Even if you are setting a regular table, prepare light salads, cheese, tartlets, meat rolls, and cut up fruit. Sandwiches can be decorated in the form of animal figures. It is better not the abundance, but the variety of dishes.

Set a separate table for children. You can put sliced ​​fruits, curds, cookies, cakes, juices with straws. To avoid worrying about broken plates, buy holiday-themed disposable tableware.

If the baby is alone, you can prepare a mini-cake for him. Take baby cookies and place them in several layers, greasing each one with the same curd. Insert a beautiful candle into the cake.

Let the little one, with the help of his mother, blow out his first birthday candle, and after him, you can invite other little guests to do the same. For adults, you can order a beautiful birthday cake, decorated in a children's style. And mom can make a cake for the kids. To do this, you need to take a simple recipe for sponge dough, bake a couple of cakes, grease them with baby curd cream, and decorate them with berries or fruits on top.

What to cook for your daughter's birthday?

Well, how can you celebrate a birthday without delicious dishes and a birthday cake? For adults, in principle, there are no restrictions as such; you can serve whatever you want. You can decorate the table in a children's theme, and decorate sweets and salads in the same way. For children, it is better to make fruit purees and cottage cheese. You can organize a buffet, cut fruit into small slices, add berries with cookies, juice bags to the table. By the way, it is better to make the cake yourself - this is a 100% guarantee that it will not contain any harmful additives or other chemicals that have now become the norm in confectionery products.

We decorate the room

To create a festive mood, decorate your apartment with balloons, colorful garlands, flags, and streamers. You can arrange a surprise for your little one and do it when he falls asleep, or, conversely, involve him in the decoration.

  1. Dedicate one wall to the birthday person. Design a train with carriages, in each of which place a photo of the baby with captions: 1 month, 2, 3, 4, 5... and finally, 1 year. Add your baby's achievements to each month.
  2. Another option is to design a wall newspaper with photographs on a piece of Whatman paper, accompanying them with funny comments. Place the most successful and latest photo in the center, accompanied, for example, with the inscription “That’s what I’m like (what)!”
  3. If you don’t want to bother with whatman paper, make a collage of photos on your computer and print it in a large format in a photo studio. Such an image will remain for a long time and will delight you years later. Or you can simply print out the best photos of your little one and attach them to the walls throughout the apartment.
  4. A good idea is to hang in a prominent place the results of joint creativity between mother and baby: the first drawings with watercolors and finger paints, handprints or foot prints.

Folk traditions of celebrating a baby's first birthday

Folk traditions of celebrating a baby's first birthday A baby's first birthday is one of the most important holidays for the whole family.
First of all, this is a special holiday for the parents, and not for the child, because he is unlikely to remember anything. It is important to take into account that your little child can quickly get tired of a noisy celebration, so we recommend organizing everything so that the baby’s usual routine (sleep, eating) is not disrupted. You should not invite too many people to your child’s first party, so as not to scare the baby with excessive attention from the guests. It is best to have the nearest and dearest people at the celebration, to whom the baby has already become accustomed. According to Ukrainian folk traditions, a special role in such an action belongs to godparents.


The custom of cutting a cross on a child’s head has pagan roots, for the cross (but only an even-sided one) is a symbol of the Sun - God. And the sheep's skin symbolizes the world of Veles - prosperity and protection from magical forces.

Traditionally, a child was not cut until he was one year old (with the exception of a few strands of hair during baptism, or in the first month from birth, as a sign of the child’s initiation into the family). When the baby turns one year old, Post-Girls are a kind of initiation rite, symbolizing the baby’s transition to a new social status.

This action takes place before sunset. According to folk rituals, the child is seated on a spread casing with the wool facing up, and the Postryzhin ceremony is performed by the godfather : he cuts off a little hair from four sides; in front, behind and on both sides near the ears. You should take new scissors for this task. The father throws some money on the casing and under it so that the child is rich and happy. It is important to sprinkle a handful of rye under the casing, as a sign of continuity with the family and for a long life.

Cut hair should not be thrown away. According to legends, the hair was picked up by birds to build nests, which caused the child to have a headache. The cut strands are usually left as a keepsake.

A girl's haircut is a solemn ceremony of weaving the first braids crosswise. For this ritual, parents invite a godmother, who is presented with gifts after performing the ritual.


On the first birthday, parents can tell fortunes about the future of their child. To do this, various symbolic objects are laid out in front of the baby. According to popular beliefs, on this day the child’s fate is revealed. Whatever he chooses will become his path.

Traditionally, the following was presented on the casing in front of the baby:

In fact, the props for such fortune telling can be very diverse. It all depends on the parents’ imagination and ability to interpret the signs. The only advice here can be that if you take such fortune-telling very seriously, you should think about whether it is worth placing objects with a negative meaning (bottle, cards, etc.) in front of the child.

Dear parents, remember that your baby’s first birthday is your holiday. Spend it with dignity so that years later you can share warm memories of this important event. And may your little miracle grow up healthy, happy and delight you with new successes in life!


What to give for 1 year

Guests often ask what to give the baby for her first birthday. Don’t be modest, but rather tell them right away what the birthday boy needs. This will save relatives from painful thoughts, and you from a bunch of unnecessary things.

Good gift options for a 1 year birthday:

  • rocking horse
  • educational books
  • musical and interactive toys
  • sorters, inserts
  • cars
  • dolls
  • ball (large inflatable or small rubber)
  • pyramid
  • tumbler
  • playhouse tent
  • home puppet theater
  • large children's photo album
  • set of dishes for feeding.

Child development at 1 year

In the first year of his life, the baby has already learned a lot. His vocabulary contains several of the simplest words - “mother”, “woman”, “bi-bi”, “meow”, “give”. He knows the names of parts of the body, face, favorite toys, can point to them upon request, distinguishes the intonation of speech, and can dance or sway to music. He reacts joyfully to the appearance of familiar faces, waves his hand when saying goodbye, blows kisses, and imitates the actions of adults.

By this period, his mobility and curiosity increase. He climbs onto the sofa, walks around the rooms, looks into secret corners. He can move both on all fours and stand on his legs. He likes to “manage” in the kitchen: open cabinet doors, examine the contents of jars and boxes. The kitchen is a rather dangerous place, so you can’t leave your baby alone in it. By the age of one year, the child tries to hold a pencil in his hand, he really likes to draw. Therefore, during this period, his first scribbles appear on a piece of paper or wallpaper.

Many kids love to have books read to them and shown bright pictures. If the child does not sit still, you can talk and read to him while he is playing, for example, assembling a pyramid, examining cubes. Even if he doesn’t pay visual attention to you, he involuntarily absorbs your words like a sponge.

How to spend a birthday

The apartment is decorated, the gift is prepared and finally the long-awaited day has arrived. This is your parents’ holiday too, so you should be in a birthday mood. Hug and kiss your child, tell him what event is happening in your family today.

After breakfast, you can give your baby a gift from mom and dad, with which he will enthusiastically play. For a walk, choose an interesting place, for example, a zoo, an amusement park. The main thing is not to overtire the child and put him to bed on time so that he gains strength before the guests arrive.

Child care for 1 year old

Every day the baby becomes more and more independent. He already drinks from a cup himself, tries to eat with a spoon, even if he doesn’t always succeed neatly. The role of parents in caring for a child comes down to teaching him self-care skills, monitoring his routine, nutrition, hygiene, and health.

The child most likely does not always ask to go to the potty on his own. To speed up this process, it is necessary to place him on this hygienic “throne” after meals and every hour and a half. Gradually he will develop a habit, and if you forget to put him there, he will ask you about it.

It is necessary to monitor his hairstyle so that his bangs do not get into his eyes. Trim hair and growing nails in a timely manner. Children usually do not really like this procedure, so it can be combined with a game.

The room where the baby plays and sleeps must be frequently ventilated and wet cleaned. Make sure there are no drafts, and there is a carpet on the floor in the play corner. Plastic toys must be washed periodically with soap. In order to gradually accustom the child to order, after playing, all toys must be put in a box or placed on a shelf. At first you need to do this together with the baby, then he will be able to cope on his own.

Entertaining guests

You can start the holiday with funny poems about the first year of life from the baby’s perspective. Tell him how great his life is in your wonderful family, with such caring and loving parents. Dedicate touching and funny lines to mom and dad, remember the moment of birth. Let dad talk about mom, and let mom talk about dad. Prepare in advance and show your guests a video or slide show dedicated to the birthday person. Photos and videos from birth to 12 months, superimposed on suitable music, will arouse interest and remain for a long time.

At 1 year of age, it is customary to play the fortune-telling game “Choice of Fate” . Objects are laid out in front of the child at some distance from each other, each of which symbolizes something (the first thing the child chooses awaits him in the future):

  • ball of wool (long life)
  • garlic (health)
  • coin (wealth)
  • book (knowledge and mind)
  • brush (creative tendencies)
  • ring (successful marriage)
  • keys (welfare)
  • chocolate (sweet life).

Be sure to say kind words and thank grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles for their help in raising them, if they are invited. It’s good to do all this in funny verses too. You can prepare medals, for example, “Mustachioed Nanny”, “For overloading a grandson with toys”, “Beloved Aunt”, “Caring Godfather” and further down the list.

“Chamomile” competition: who knows the birthday boy best? Prepare a flower, on the petals of which are questions about the hero of the occasion:

  • What weight were you born with? How tall?
  • Which maternity hospital?
  • When did the first tooth come out?
  • When did you sit down? went?
  • What color is the winter hat?
  • What time was he born?

And anything else that suits your imagination. There are prizes for correct answers. If there are still kids, think about entertainment for them too. Set aside a space in the room for a play area, cover it with a soft rug, and lay out bright, interesting toys. At the end of the holiday, sing “Loaf”. Give everyone gifts: you can give out balloons to children, and magnets or calendars with a picture of the birthday boy for adults.

How to celebrate your baby's first year is up to you. The main thing is that this day should be easy and joyful and give your family a pleasant experience. Even if the baby does not remember this date, he will definitely have a feeling of miracle with which he will celebrate his next birthdays.

Recently you and your baby arrived from the sheltered hut, and it was already the first day of the people’s day. It is very reverent for young fathers to celebrate such a date, and even more sacred in the lives of their children. How do you mean a child’s river so that the day passes cheerfully, easily and joyfully, leaving behind any spark of hostility? For which it is better to prepare in advance, having thought through all the details of the future saint.

User comments

We didn’t, I forgot about fortune telling.

Whatever you want, put it in.. We had: a bank card, a lollipop, a battery and a legal academy badge.

threads - long life,

Brush - life connected with art,

Pen - life associated with science,

Ring - a successful marriage,

Keys - wealth, prosperity, everything)))

Mine generally ran away from it all, she wanted to play with gifts, and not choose all sorts of little things))) but in the end she took the keys and a coin! But it seems to me that this is because she always plays with the keys, and the coin glitters))) then write back what your little one chooses!

What will his life be like?

a ball of thread (long life),

garlic (healthy life), chocolate (sweet life)

Who do you think he will become?

keys to the house (will continue the grandmother’s dynasty, building houses),

Computer mouse (in papa s eo-optimizer)

calculator (for grandma as an accountant) Jar of vitamins - doctor Wrench - (for Uncle Tolya and D. Aidara, auto mechanic) Car - (driver) Candy - cook Spoon - restaurant business Flashlight - policeman Glasses - scientist, researcher, teacher Toy dog ​​- veterinarian, trainer Telephone – businessman, leader Pistol (toy tank, shoulder strap) – military


We request guests

First of all, figure out who to call. Better yet, there will be close relatives and friends, whom the child knows well. Perhaps you would like to request a number of one-year-old babies with their mothers.

Please note that a large number of guests, especially younger ones, can lead the birthday boy to unnecessary troubles. It would be better to choose one option: either relatives, or the little one – playmates. Try to ensure that there are not too many yearlings: feed 2-3. Whose children don’t have enough time to drink at once, then a large number of little guests can be taken away religiously.

Choose a place and time

The best option would be to celebrate the holiday at home, in an atmosphere that is familiar to the child. This is not allowed to go into the regular mode. If money allows, you can spend a national day in a children's cafe, come up with an original script, ask for a leader. Already tired of everything, the little one will soon be tired, and he will no longer have time for cheerful things.

The worst option, as long as the weather permits, is a holy day in the fresh air. In this situation you can enjoy a holy stroll, and also come up with a lot of fun adventures for children and adults. When thinking about how to celebrate the national day, take into account the temperament, characteristics and achievements of your child.

When asking guests, focus on the child’s daily routine. If you want to sleep twice a day, choose an hour from 12.00 to 16.00. If you switched to one day's sleep, then it is better to take a holy note after a quiet year. At this hour, the child will be full of strength and energy and will be able to take an active part in the fun.

Medical observation for 1 year

From birth the baby is under the supervision of doctors. Basically, this was a local pediatrician and a nurse who monitored his physical development - height, weight, and gave vaccinations. Now the baby has grown up, he no longer requires monthly supervision; one visit every two months will be enough.

In order not to miss possible deviations in the state of health, it is recommended that he undergo an ultrasound of the hip joints, abdominal cavity, brain and undergo individual medical specialists. At one year old, he should definitely be shown to an orthopedic surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurologist, or otolaryngologist. It is advisable to get vaccinated against rubella, measles, mumps, and take a general urine and blood test.

Gotuyemo chastuvannya

On the first day, you can set a buffet table with light snacks. In this case, there is no need to run after the children as soon as they leave the table. Once you set the table, prepare light salads, cheese, tartlets, meat rolls, and cut the fruit. Sandwiches can be decorated to look like animal figures. What is more beautiful is not the thickness, but the diversity of the herbs.

For children, cover the table with a glass. You can put sliced ​​fruits, curds, baked goods, dough, juices with straws. To avoid worrying about broken plates, buy Christmas-themed disposable tableware. For older children, you can make a garniy Yuletide cake, decorated in a child’s style. And the cake for the children can be prepared by the mother. For this you need to take a simple recipe for sponge dough, bake a couple of cakes, cover them with baby cream, and decorate the dough with berries or fruits.

If the little one is alone, you can prepare a mini-cake for him. Take the child's oven, place it in the dekylka balls, and coat the skin with the same syrup. Place a candle near the cake. Let the little one blow out his first birthday candle for his dear mother, and after that you can reward the same for other little guests.

Asyandi: one year old in Korean

Throughout the life of the Korean people, three important events are celebrated, which are usually celebrated on a large scale: the first birthday of a child - asyandi, a wedding ceremony and hangabi - the 60th anniversary. Today we will visit asyandi and find out how this holiday is celebrated, the brightest and most important for both the baby himself and his parents and all the numerous relatives.

The heroes of our report are a Korean-Russian family. Let's meet: Viktor Tsoi

, his wife
, their eldest son
and the hero of the occasion -
. And Yurik was born on the same day as our president - July 6th.

What does the word "asyandi" mean? Translated from Korean, “a” means child, “xyandi” means birthday.

The holiday is divided into two parts. The first part is a national Korean ritual, the “children’s table” (dolyabi). During the ceremony, the hero of the occasion must be dressed in national Korean clothing - hanbok. A headdress is put on the boy’s head - miniature, but just like that of an adult unmarried young man. And the brighter the clothes, the brighter and more joyful the child’s life will be.

The ceremony takes place until 12:00 local time. The ancestors believed that in Asyandi before noon the spirits are unusually friendly and supportive of the child, that they will help bring to life all the wishes that the guests express in their congratulatory speeches.

For a girl, the celebration begins a little earlier (so as not to stay too long in the girls), and for a boy - closer to 12:00 (so as not to rush to start a family early).

What is so important that happens during the “table”?

It is believed that on this day one can predict the future of the birthday person. For the ceremony, a low table is set so that the child can easily reach any object.

Cups of beans and rice, a pen or pencil, a notebook or book, scissors, money, thread and three cups of chartogi (rice bread) are placed on the table. As the legend goes, the fate of the little Korean will directly depend on the first three items he takes from the table.

Yurik chose chartogs, threads and rice, and then red beans and money caught his attention.

What does this choice mean?

For example, rice symbolizes wealth, life without need, goodness and happiness.

If the baby chooses beans, he will be a farmer.

It is believed that children who choose rice bread will have a satisfying, successful life and enough wealth for all family members. But this wealth will appear through hard work, just like when making bread.

A child who picks up a book or notebook may become a writer, journalist or teacher.

The words said above about the book will be true for a child who has chosen a pencil or pen. It is likely that such a child’s work and hobbies will be related to drawing, fine arts, archives, and generally quiet activities.

If the birthday person took scissors, he will earn a living by manual labor (tailor, hairdresser, sculptor, dentist) or will be capable of applied arts. Previously, scissors were placed only on girls, but nowadays parents also put scissors on boys, dreaming of his career as a dentist, surgeon or jeweler.

Threads symbolize long life.

Well, money - everything is simple here. Before you is a future successful entrepreneur or businessman.

Note that for many years in a row modern objects began to appear on the table: a synthesizer, a judge's gavel, a microphone, a laptop, a phonendoscope, bank cards. Again, this does not violate traditions, because with new times come new interpretations.

Then all the guests - and usually the closest relatives are present during this part of the celebration - congratulate the baby and give money, most often large bills.

So, the first part of the holiday is over. Guests are invited to a small home buffet. And our little hero needs a good rest and sleep, because next he will have to attend his first banquet in his life.

Let's meet Yurik and his big friendly family in the restaurant.

Asyandi is of such high importance that, if possible, all lines of relatives and friends come to celebrate it. Koreans believe that the more guests sit at the festive table, the happier and more successful the baby’s life will be. By the way, Koreans’ tables are simply bursting with treats, which must include three Korean salads, appetizers, Korean bread and sweets.

The festive feast usually begins with traditional Korean dances so that the child’s life is always festive and colorful.

And here is the solemn moment! All guests at the tables applaud the birthday boy, who appears before the guests in the presence of mom, dad and older brother.

The booming beat of the drums is simply mesmerizing. The drums disperse evil spirits and call upon the bright forces of good. This is a very ancient, but living ritual that Koreans religiously follow when they organize a big celebration and invite guests.

— Of all the Korean holidays, I like the one year anniversary the most. This holiday is very significant, and I think it is undesirable to miss it. This is the first time we are showing our child to people.

The main thing is to do the ritual with the table, and everything else is optional. Some people refuse to host a banquet at all due to finances. The table is simply set with the family. But no one blames them for this, says Viktor Tsoi.

VOX : How many guests are at the party today?

— We invited one hundred and twenty adults and about forty children. This is a children's party, and that's why I told everyone to come with their children.

— Our children are entertained by animators and life-size puppets. And today adults can expect a show program with dance groups, a light show and many competitions. The main thing is that not a single guest gets bored, everyone relaxes, has fun and is happy for the child.

VOX : Well, the wedding is understandable. Why exactly one year and 60 years are celebrated?

- Previously, many children did not live to see one year, and therefore one year is a happy event. And 60 years is the average life expectancy. It may happen that a person will no longer celebrate his seventieth birthday. And even in older age, it is no longer easy for people to walk and have fun at the holiday.

VOX : You also went through such a ritual


- Necessarily. But I don't remember this moment. I spent my year in the field - my father grew onions and watermelons then. Of course, the celebration was not on the same scale as in the restaurant, but there were guests, tables were set under awnings.

VOX : I heard somewhere that the celebration of asyandi is most often taken over by the grandparents on the father’s side.

- Yes it is. My father celebrated his eldest son's one-year anniversary. Nastya and I were young then, inexperienced, and we didn’t have much money. And the parents stood firmly on their feet.

Children's weddings should also be celebrated by their parents. But now children are celebrating hangobi—the sixtieth birthday of their parents.

It turns out that Koreans do not celebrate all three holidays for themselves.

It was not difficult for my parents to celebrate their anniversary. We are four children, and we all chipped in money.

VOX : Do you remember what Denis chose during the ceremony?

“For his one-year anniversary, during the ceremony, he chose beans - by the way, all children choose them, they love to fuss with them. He also took thread and money.

VOX : Is there room for Russian traditions in your family?

- Since Nastya is Russian, I am not against Russian customs if she wants it. This is a tribute to her traditions, and I respect them.

Koreans do not celebrate a child's forty days. But when Yurik was forty days old, we set the table with those closest to us and fried kebabs.

We also celebrate our eldest son’s birthday every year. He invites his friends, and we take them out somewhere to have fun, we invite animators.

— Nastya wants to baptize her children in the Orthodox Church, but I am of the opinion that while the children are small, this should not be done. We decided: when they grow up, they themselves will decide what faith they should be - Buddhist or Christian. A person must make an informed choice.

VOX : Vitya, tell me, are there any other traditions associated with the first birthday?

— One of the main ones: a child under one year old should not be cut, not even a little bit. Once the holiday passes, then the next day you can.

— I try to preserve our Russian traditions. In our family, absolutely all Orthodox holidays are celebrated. I even kept a fast once, and Vitya didn’t mind,” says Nastya. - And when it’s Vitya’s birthday, I still set the table and call my parents so that he gets used to the fact that this is also a holiday.

Korean customs of celebrating three holidays - I absolutely love it. I believe that turning one year old is a wonderful event for a child. This is a great opportunity to show the child to people: here he is - a person, he is already big, he can stand on his own feet and walk.

Yuri Tsoi and Lyudmila Pak, Victor's parents

VOX : Do you remember how you celebrated Vitya’s one-year anniversary?



“I remember how his grandparents took him and did everything themselves, I remember he chose money then.



— In the summer of 1985, we were working in the field, growing onions. But now I also barely remember how it all happened.

I have four children, and I celebrated both an asyandi and a wedding for each of them. According to Korean laws, if I had not celebrated their one-year anniversary, I would not have been able to celebrate the wedding. And if I had not celebrated their wedding, they would not have been able to celebrate my sixtieth birthday.

My eldest son has a daughter. And Vita’s son Denis is our heir to the family. Because the headship of the family is passed down through the male line, from son to son, and it is the eldest grandson who inherits it. I celebrated his one year anniversary. But Vitya is already celebrating Yurika.

VOX : How did you feel about your son’s choice when he was getting ready to get married?

“On the wedding day, when Vitya had to go pick up the bride, I sat him down and said: “You have 10 minutes to weigh everything well and refuse.”

And he said to me: “Dad, what about the wedding, the restaurant, the guests?” - "But how? It’s okay, we’ll take a walk and go our separate ways,” I joked. And he got up and went after Nastya.

VOX : Are you happy with your daughter-in-law?

- Very satisfied. She learned everything very quickly.



- Nastya is great! She really wanted to learn how to cook in Korean to please her husband, and she always asked me and listened to advice. And now he cooks Korean dishes even better than the Koreans. I'm always amazed how she does it. Only a loving wife can do this. She is smart, in a word!

Elena Khvan

, relative:

— Our traditions are already hackneyed, but they are still observed.

Now, what’s most interesting is that our Korean custom has spread to other nationalities. Both Russians and Kazakhs are already making such a table. And we have seen this more than once. But sometimes the Korean anniversary is celebrated on a larger scale than weddings among other nationalities.

VOX : Lena, what should you do if the children still want to have a hangabi, but the wedding was not celebrated by their parents?

“It even happens that if a wedding was not celebrated, in order to comply with the law, a table is laid for those closest to them, and then, a few days later, the father’s sixtieth birthday or the mother’s is arranged.

VOX : What do you think about interethnic marriages?

— Since Koreans are sociable, they live in harmony with all nationalities and know how to be friends. We have a lot of friends: Russians, Kazakhs, and Uighurs. And the fact that interethnic marriages are being created - and why not, if you are happy with this person. And the children are so beautiful!

Nastya has a wonderful family. And our Korean traditions have already mixed with Russian ones.

Margarita Zherebyonkova

, Nastya's mother.

VOX : How did you perceive your daughter’s choice when she got married?

— To be honest, it was not easy for me to accept it at first. After all, the cultures are different, and we didn’t know what would come of it. But I decided that my daughter’s happiness is more important to me.

I myself am happy, because I have a wonderful son-in-law and wonderful matchmakers. And I don’t like my grandchildren at all. And I will help my children in their upbringing as long as I live.

VOX : How do you feel about the fact that the first year is celebrated grandly, like a wedding?

- I think this is not bad. A child’s first year is a very serious year. And we all survived it together.

Boris Zherebenkov

, Nastya's father.

VOX : Well, did you approve of your daughter’s choice?

- How could I not approve if Nastya and Vitya sat at the same desk at school? And when they held hands after graduation and walked away, Lyudmila said: “Well, that’s it, we need to send matchmakers!” This is a love marriage and I am happy for my daughter. When children are happy, what else do we, parents, need? And Koreans are now dear people to us. And we now have common holidays.

It is also interesting to know the impressions of Russian friends from the Korean holiday.

Vladislav Pushkov


— This is my first time in a Korean year. I am impressed. It's like I'm at a wedding. I really liked the Korean girls in national costumes and Korean dances. The drums are breathtaking. Everything is very beautiful and impressive. We Russians don’t celebrate children’s birthdays this way. God willing, I will also attend a Korean wedding.

And I congratulate you, Yurka, on your first year and wish you to grow up healthy, happy and obey your parents.

Vasily Pirozhkov


— This is my first time at a Korean festival. It's even cooler than a wedding. I have already taken part in various competitions.

I am glad that my friend Victor had another son. There is one more Korean in the family.

I want to wish little Yurik to grow up to be a real man! And the main thing is that his father always has the opportunity to celebrate his children’s weddings on an even larger scale!

Vladimir Shmatov


— We grew up with Nastya. I was at their wedding and when their eldest son celebrated his one year anniversary. Koreans have three main holidays, but it seems to me that there should be more of them: for example, the thirtieth anniversary, the forty-fifth anniversary, the half-century anniversary...

VOX : Nastya, share, what is it like to be the wife of a Korean? Was it easy for you to master Korean cuisine?

— Vitya and I started dating back in school. When we got married, we had to live with his parents for the first few years so that I could learn to cook like his mother. He's used to his mother's food.

I didn’t have any difficulties with cooking, because initially I simply adored Korean cuisine. Koreans have their own secrets in adding spices. And I caught this taste and immediately hit the spot.

Of course, at first I didn’t succeed in some things. I remember once making puktyai soup. My mother-in-law was not at home then. Dad and Vitya came home from work, sat down to dinner and, so as not to offend me, began praising the soup: “What a delicious soup! How full we are!” And then, when I tried it, I poured it into the toilet. But, of course, I took into account all my mistakes.

“Vita’s parents are very friendly and kind, and during the five years that we lived with them, they never told me that I cooked poorly. On the contrary, they always taught me. And Vitya always tells me that I cook well. I know how to cook heh, and all the salads, and hot dishes, and kuksi... It happens, of course, if I forget something, I call my mother and ask.

— I am very glad that I married a Korean. What I like about them is that they honor and respect adults: as their parents said, so it will be. And Vitya tries not to contradict them.

In my family, of course, everything is simpler. I’m used to defending my position, but Vitya always explained to me that I couldn’t do that. Now, thanks to Vita, I have understood a lot and changed my attitude towards my parents.

I love my family very much and am happy that I have them.

This is how one of the main holidays of Yurik passed, which, surprisingly, he endured steadfastly - like an adult.

Of course, the birthday boy is unlikely to remember this day and will only know about it from the stories of adults, photographs and videos. But how great it is that, despite the modern way of life, Korean families continue to honor national customs and traditions.

Well, we, the entire editorial team, join in the congratulations and wishes of the guests. Grow up happy and healthy, baby!

Decorate the location

To create a Christmas spirit, you can decorate your apartment with colorful garlands, garlands of different colors, banners, and banners. You can manage this surprise and earn it if you fall asleep, or, in fact, get it before registration.

  1. Dedicate one wall to the birthday boy. Decorate a train with carriages, in leather, put out photographs of the baby with signatures: 1st month, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th… and, nareshti, 1st month. Give the baby until the first month of age.
  2. Another option is to create a newspaper with photographs on whatman paper, accompanying them with practical comments. At the center, place the photo in the distance, accompanied, for example, by the inscription “What kind of axis am I!”
  3. If you don’t want to bother with whatman paper, make a collage with a photo on your computer, create it in a photo studio on a large format. Such an image will be lost forever and will calm you through the rocks. Or you can simply tear up the photos of the toddler you find and pin them on the walls throughout the apartment.
  4. A great idea is to reap the results of the loving creativity of mother and baby at home: the first babies with watercolors and finger paintings, embossing the bottoms and bottoms.

Scenario for children's birthday, 1 year old boy

Proper organization of a child's first birthday is a responsible task for every parent. The proposed scenario is perfect for a holiday that will bring together guests of different age categories. This event will be interesting for both children and adults. The hero of the occasion himself is not very tired of the noise and crowds of people.

As a rule, the first such holiday is celebrated at home. Parents should decorate the room where the celebration will take place in advance with balloons, design a poster or wall newspaper, which shows everyone the achievements of the birthday boy from the day of his first breath to the day of his first anniversary. In the wall newspaper you can place funny photos of the child, corresponding to each month of his growing up, for example, in the form of daisy petals or the trailers of a toy train, and also indicate some funny incidents from the life of the family that happened this year. It is more rational if the baby’s mother delegates the right to be the host at the holiday to someone close to her: a grandmother or a friend. After all, she herself will most likely have to periodically leave the room where the celebration will take place due to troubles with the child.


Exactly a year ago a miracle happened: a new man was born. And from that time on, the family was transformed, You will never find them happier. Let's have fun from the heart On a wonderful birthday, children. Any pranks are good today: Even throwing a ball, even shelling a piece of candy!

The song performed by the Barbarika Group “Happy Birthday!”

Those gathered around the table begin to celebrate the holiday. During this action, the presenter unobtrusively highlights interesting information.


I will be happy to share with you interesting facts about the history of birthday celebrations. This tradition was introduced by the ancient Egyptians. Initially, this day had the right to celebrate exclusively by pharaohs, kings, their heirs, and only men. When a girl was born, this day was not even recorded in the documents. The first woman to earn such a privilege was Queen Cleopatra II (2nd century BC). The tradition of lighting candles on cakes originated in Greece. On the birthday of the moon goddess Artemis, they brought round honey cakes, like the moon, in which several wax candles were placed, to her temple as a sacrifice. North American Indians loved to celebrate not only the child's birthday, but also the days when he first sat down and walked. In the Northern Hemisphere, the most common birthday is October 5th, and the rarest is May 22nd.

The song “Birthday” performed by the “Giant” Children’s Choir plays in the background.


When our baby was born, he ate only milk. But growing up without vitamins soon became difficult. He is happy with new delicacies, The orchard helped us!

I invite everyone to the circle. Let's play a fun game called "Fruit Round Dance"!

Game "Fruit round dance"

Game conditions: Each participant is dressed up with a certain fruit. You can prepare masks or cardboard costumes in advance. Several characters take part in the fruit dance. These are banana, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, peach, apricot, pear, apple. The birthday boy is in the center of the circle, if he can’t walk yet, then in his mother’s arms, and during the game he chooses one of the fruits. Each participant tries to please the baby. After choosing, the fruit is sent to an improvised basket. To do this, you can arrange a place, for example, on the sofa. After the competition is completed, all the fruits are photographed along with the birthday boy as a souvenir. For this game, you can use a song that is available on Internet resources containing children's educational cartoons. It sounds like this: “There are very different fruits in this world! And, of course, adults and children love them!” This work very cheerfully sings about each of the fruits listed above.


Guests, praise the young mother. I worked for a whole year to raise the baby. I listened to advice from experienced mothers: How to bathe, how to entertain and what to feed. She boiled porridge, steamed purees, and tried to please her Chad. Dad was very brave and tried to help. I nursed this baby and had no peace. He did everything together with the child: he crawled and bit, and once, by mistake, he finished his puree.

Dear men, tell me, are any of you capable, like our young father of the family, of such feats? I invite you to take part in the competition.

Conditions of the competition: 2 men are invited to participate. It is necessary to involve those who do not yet have children of their own, or whose offspring are already adults. Each participant is given treats from several jars of baby food to try. It is better to use broccoli, cauliflower, meat purees with additional ingredients, for example, buckwheat, since unsalted sterilized purees are more difficult for an inexperienced person to recognize. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes when identifying products wins. During the competition, everyone should be amused by how men will wince and twist their mouths at such a peculiar children's food.

Next, the presenter reads out a congratulatory telegram from the stork. You can decorate it beautifully for the parents themselves, or you can buy a colorful card in the store.


This congratulation will remain in the memory of the family for many years. Dear friends, I would like each of you to give the birthday boy today beautiful wishes as a keepsake. I invite those who wish to participate in the next competition called “Let’s put together puzzles.”

Competition "Let's put together puzzles."

Competition conditions: 2 teams participate. A team of adults versus a team of children. Puzzle blanks must be made in advance. For adults, these are parts of a big heart; for children, the picture is simpler, for example, a sun with rays or a bun. Participants must write a wish for the hero of the occasion on each piece and assemble the whole figure. Children who cannot write can simply draw a picture. The team that combines all the puzzles the fastest wins. After this competition, it is time for tea and a traditional cake with candles.
Wonderful cake! The candles on the cake will light up with a fiery fire. This evening will not be repeated, But we will not forget about it. Years will pass, there will be a reason for Guests to rush to this house. And the child will grow up with love, happiness and kindness.

Parents bring in the cake and blow out the candles together with the birthday boy. The song of Gena the Crocodile sounds. All participants in the celebration sing a song, eat food and take pictures. The editors of recommend this scenario.

Open and print: scenarij-detskogo-dnja-rozhdenija-malchiku-1-godik.rtf [22.09 Kb] (downloads: 67)

What to give for 1 rik

People are often asked to give a gift to the child on the first day of birth. Don’t be shy, but rather, say right away what the birthday boy needs. This is to spare your relatives from painful thoughts, and you from buying unnecessary speeches.

Good options for gifts for National Day at 1st:

  • goydalka horse
  • educational books
  • musical and interactive games
  • sorters, inserts
  • cars
  • dolls
  • m'ball (great or small inflatable humovium)
  • pyramid
  • tumbler
  • Game booth - outline
  • home lyalkov theater
  • great childish photo album
  • set dishes for the bath.

How to spend people's day

The apartment is decorated, the preparations are ready and the day has arrived. This is yours, father, sacred, that’s the mood of the birthday. Hug and kiss your child, tell him what the weather is like in your homeland.

After the meal, you can give the child a gift from the mother and father with whom the treasure will be buried. For a walk, choose a place, for example, a zoo, a park. Golovna - do not overwhelm the child and immediately put her to bed so that she gains strength before the arrival of the guests.

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