Where to celebrate a 12 year old girl's birthday? Holiday ideas and scenarios


I'm talking to you in a foreign language

The competition is not so much interactive as it is imaginative.
It is necessary to prepare in advance a dozen pieces of paper written in foreign languages. Choose those that are common and whose names children usually know. Place all the pieces of paper in a hat or box. The task is to pull out a piece of paper with a foreign language and depict it, and the guests must guess the parodied language. It turns out to be a rather funny game in which the guests and the birthday girl will speak “all the languages ​​of the world.”

Guess the image by its part

It is necessary to prepare several known images in advance. These can be paintings by artists, stills from cartoons, film and game scenes, etc. The main thing is that children orient themselves in the field of selected images.

Next, you need to print or cut off only part of such an image, putting them in a hat or box. The task of the participants is to pull out a piece of the image one by one and try to guess which whole image this part belongs to. The one who guesses the most pictures wins.


A classic competition for any event. Even my parents played it when they were young. The task is simple: you need to divide into teams. Each team takes turns choosing the main player who will show the word from the box. The task is to show the word that comes across without pointing to objects and without saying a word.

For each word guessed, 1 point is awarded. The team that scores the most points wins.

You can choose not a team game format, but an individual one. Then everyone will take turns coming out and showing the words, and a point will be given to the one who guesses the word.


Board competitions can include both pre-prepared games and creative competitions.

If we talk about games, then children aged 12 years will be interested in playing the following games:

  • Uno;
  • Erudite;
  • Monopoly;
  • Queue, etc.

If you choose just a tabletop format for holding competitions, then you can choose creative games. Let's look at one example of this competition format.

Congratulations for the birthday boy

All guests are given small Whatman paper for drawing or white A4 sheets.
The task is to draw an interesting congratulation poster. No more than 10 minutes are allotted to complete the competition. In the end, everyone takes turns congratulating the hero of the occasion with their posters, which will remain with him as a keepsake in the future.


The sea is agitated once

Quite a popular competition with a long history, which dates back to Soviet times. The presenter turns on the music, to which the children begin to actively move, run and dance. Then the presenter begins to say phrases: the sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the sea figure freezes in place. When the last phrase is said, the players must freeze in their positions. The one who fails is eliminated. They play several rounds until one player remains, who is the winner.

Sit on the chair

Up to 10-12 people will be required to participate. If you have gathered, for example, 10 participants, then you need 9 chairs, which are arranged in a circle with the seats facing outward. The presenter turns on the music, and the children begin to walk in a circle around the chairs. As soon as the music turns off, you need to take a seat on a chair. Those who fail to do this are eliminated, and one chair is removed before the next round. The one who manages to take the chair in the last battle between 2 participants wins the competition.

Where to celebrate a girl's birthday (12 years old)

Today there are many options for organizing holidays for children.
You can organize an event in a children's club, cafe, museum, outdoors, or go to a quest. But you need to focus primarily not on the prestige of the institution, but on the personal preferences of the child. Children's birthday clubs are suitable for active girls. You can choose any holiday scenario. This could be a fairy tale in which a girl will feel like a princess, or maybe an adventure in which she will need to solve puzzles, solve riddles and participate in competitions. If your child is a calm person, then you need to choose something simpler. For example, celebrate the birthday of a girl (12 years old) in a cafe. Invite 3-4 best friends and order them delicious treats. Girls will be able to feel like adults, because their parents can easily leave them alone for 2-3 hours. The children's birthday studio is suitable for inquisitive children. Here you can not only order the services of an animator, but also take part in some show. Today, performances in which children can feel like real chemists or watch a soap performance are popular.


This option is suitable if the birthday falls during the warm season. Agree, in the cold it’s not particularly pleasant to look at frozen animals in enclosures. But in the summer or spring, touch the natural world - why not? Especially if you gather a group of children. It will be more interesting for them together, and the birthday boy will remember such a day with pleasant memories.

One of the nuances is that you will again have to think about how to organize the treat. After the zoo, you can go to a cafe for tea and cake, or you can organize a small sweet table at home. After running around the zoo, the kids will calmly drink tea with sweets and share their impressions of the excursion.

How to decorate a room

Children's clubs for birthday parties are one of the most popular options precisely because decorating rooms is the task of specialists.
Parents are already coming to a beautiful room, which is decorated with flags, balloons and other holiday paraphernalia. The same goes for playrooms for birthday parties. But how to decorate an apartment on your own? The easiest option is to use helium balloons. They can be ordered in one color (the one the birthday girl likes) or in multi-colored ones. Balls can be hung from the ceiling or made into fountains. To do this, you need to tie 4 ordinary balloons and attach a weight to them. Balloons inflated with helium are attached to this crosshair at different heights. Various streamers can be used as decoration. They are sold in any store that specializes in selling gifts. If mom is not deprived of the gift of needlework, then she can make the “Happy Birthday” banner on her own by printing out pictures and gluing them on paper flags. You can use colored foil as decoration. Numbers, letters or stars, hearts are cut out of it.


Another art competition. You can play in teams. Players line up in a column one at a time (you can even sit at a table), and the last participant in the column is given a piece of paper with a simple drawing, for example, a snowman. He must depict it on the back of his neighbor. He tries to delve into the plot and pass on his feelings to the next person. When what is left of the snowman is applied to the back of the first one, he is given a piece of paper, and he must depict his feelings. As a rule, a snowman, like a broken phone, only has one bun left.

Birthday script

If you decide to organize a party for your child on your own, then you need to think about the location and entertainment. We propose to congratulate a girl (12 years old) on her birthday in nature. The scenario for such a holiday is given below.

The hosts are the parents of the birthday girl.


– Daughter, today you have become a year older, and we have prepared an interesting game for you. You and your friends have a difficult task ahead of you. We need to find a treasure left here a hundred years ago by pirates. I have a card, but you'll have to work hard to get it. Here's your first task. I want to check how loyal your friends are. They will have to answer quiz questions.

A kind of testing is being carried out. Children answer questions (in what year was the birthday girl born, what is her favorite color, favorite animal, etc.).


– What great guys, everyone knows about you. And now you need to check how dexterous and strong they are, whether you can rely on them on your journey.

There is a competition for dexterity. In a minute, children must run a relay race, each of them needs to hit a hoop with a ball.


– And again you did it, you can’t go wrong with such friends. Well, now let's see how well you know each other.

The children are blindfolded, their parents divide them into pairs, the children must name the name of their opponent, identifying it by touch.


– You surprise me, you are all smart and quick-witted! Now let's see how prepared you are to go on a trip.

A competition is being held for the ability to determine the cardinal directions by the sun, by moss, etc.


- Well, you smart guys deserve to get a map, but finding the treasure won’t be so easy.

Mom gives the card to the children. Trees are encrypted on it using rebuses, under which there are clues. Having identified them all correctly, the children find the place where the treasure is buried.

golden goose

As an icebreaker, to warm up bored (waiting for late arrivals) guests, you can offer a fun game based on an old fairy tale, where everyone was glued to each other, and the ringleader was the golden goose. Children stand in a circle and each one, in turn, names any part of the body (nose, heel, etc.). After the signal, you need to stick to the neighbor on the left with this particular part. The place of attachment does not matter - the main thing is not to fall.

Gift ideas

A child will regard renting a playroom for a birthday party as a matter of course, and not as a gift. Therefore, you need to give a real gift that you can hold in your hands and use. What could it be? It is advisable to give something necessary, and not just another toy. For example, you can present a constructor. If a girl likes to do needlework, an embroidery or beading kit will suit her. If a child draws, then a set of brushes and paints can inspire him to create new masterpieces. Of course, if a girl dreams of a tablet or a new phone, then you can give her a gadget.

How to congratulate a child

Celebrating a birthday is a must.
But you also need to approach the congratulations in an original way. How to do it? You can surprise your child in the morning. For example, a girl will be pleased to wake up in a bed littered with soft toys or balls. Balloons scattered around the room will be an interesting surprise. Happy birthday to a girl (12 years old) can also be organized using gadgets. For example, make a film dedicated to a child and use a projector to broadcast it on the wall. It is also worth congratulating you on your birthday in words. Tell your daughter that she is the smartest, most beautiful and talented. It’s definitely worth mentioning that not only you, but also all your relatives are proud of her. It is not so important for a girl (12 years old) where to celebrate her birthday; she values ​​more the attention of people close to her.

Quest rooms (props built into the walls)

This is a place specially equipped for small groups of children. 2-5 people can enter one room, but, as a rule, there are several such rooms. You can bring 15-20 children at once, everyone will be able to play, divided into teams. Children under 12 years of age enter the rooms accompanied by an adult.

Here are the quests on Sukharevskaya (two options for Jumanji, two options for Hogwarts, Minions) Quest battles near the Akademicheskaya metro station (for teenagers over 12 years old)

All the props are built into the walls, you need to get out of the rooms in 60 minutes...

What kind of competitions can you come up with?

If you decide to celebrate a holiday at home, you should definitely think about entertainment. What competitions can be organized for a girl’s (12 years old) birthday? This can be a standard set, which includes the following fun: who will bite off an apple that is tied to a string the fastest, who will burst a balloon faster, who will eat a piece of cake faster, or who will spin a hoop the longest. More exotic competitions can also be held. For example, pull a string and test the flexibility of the guests. Everyone will take turns walking under the tensioned thread. Gradually it is worth moving the rope lower, thereby complicating the task. If you have a Twister game at home, you can entertain the children with it. You can also play “Mafia” or “Crocodile”.

Should I invite animators?

Holding a children's birthday party in Moscow requires the presence of actors. Any club or children's center cooperates with animators, so their services (most likely) will be immediately included in the cost of the holiday. But this should not be considered a disadvantage. Good actors are able to intrigue children and make the holiday unforgettable. You just need to discuss the entertainment program in advance. If your girl is not very active, animators should know this and not force her to participate in every competition. If you have a birthday party at a children's center without an entertainment program, the children will get bored.

Mistake No. 6. “We will set luxurious tables, otherwise the guests will think that we are saving money”

A children's holiday is not the best reason for a feast. The main participants, passionate about the game, will not want to waste their time on food. At best, they will stuff a couple of tasty treats into their mouths on the go. To avoid wasting time preparing delicious dishes or money on an expensive and useless feast, invite a catering service and order a birthday cake in advance. The rating of the best catering companies in Moscow will help you.

Entertainment ideas

Children don't like to sit still. What else, besides competitions for the birthday of a girl (12 years old), can you arrange? Of course, you can order or do any show yourself. Children love soap bubbles and chemistry tricks. If you have neither the strength, nor the means, nor the desire to show the show to children, then you can hold a quiz. Such an intellectual game will entertain children and enrich their young heads with new knowledge.

What other ideas are there for celebrating a birthday at home? You can have a disco. Hang disco balls around the house and turn on the lights and music. You can also have a pajama party. Girls who love American films will appreciate this idea. To keep children from getting bored, you can turn on a good movie. For example, episodes of the birthday girl’s favorite TV series, in which the main character celebrates her birthday. You can also entertain children with fairy tales. But they will be told not by adults, but by guests. Each person who comes writes a line on a piece of paper, and then the birthday girl reads the joint work aloud.

Celebrating a birthday outside the city

If you are active parents and like to go hiking, then you can celebrate in nature.
Where to celebrate the birthday of a girl (12 years old)? You can go into the forest with tents, you can go to the dacha, and if your child’s birthday coincides with your vacation, you can celebrate it at the resort. All people need new experiences. If you can’t go out into nature, you can go horseback riding. Today, in the vicinity of even small towns there are stables where you can learn horse riding for a fee.

If you live somewhere near a river and your child’s birthday falls in the summer, then you can arrange a kayaking trip down the river. Or you can just go boating.

And what did you do there?

12 is not 10, although both children and adults play this game with passion. The signs are printed with the following inscriptions: “Director’s office”, “Dentist’s office”, “Bathhouse”, “Pension fund”, “Cinema”, “Shop”, “Toilet”, “Kindergarten”, “Desert island”, “Construction site”, “Zoo”, “Barbershop”, “Post Office”. The participant turns his back to the audience and one of the signs is attached to his back. The presenter asks the player questions (you cannot give monosyllabic answers like “yes” or “no”):

  • Do you go there often? (every Monday, three times a week, rarely, but with pleasure).
  • Do you like this place? (I still don’t fully understand, there are better ones).
  • Who do you go there with?
  • Which celebrities do you dream of seeing there?
  • What three things do you always take there?
  • What do you usually do there?
  • Why did you choose this particular place for yourself?

When the player told how he goes to kindergarten with Dima Bilan, taking a toothbrush and laptop in order to eat pizza and practice ballet there, the next participant is called with a new sign.

How to issue an invitation

Today it is common to send birthday cards. They are made and presented to the birthday person. Such invitations usually announce the date and location of the celebration. This is no longer needed for children, but for their parents. So that they are aware of when and where to bring their child.

You can arrange such an invitation in the form of a lace dress or make it in the theme of the party. For example, if the holiday is called “Princess 12,” then the invitation card should be made in the shape of a castle.

End of the holiday

A cake with candles will help end the holiday effectively.
There are many ways to serve a delicious treat. You can decorate it with candles, or even fireworks. If you want to surprise the crowd, you should organize a small pyrotechnic show. You should stock up on fireworks and fireworks, and when it gets dark, parents can decorate the sky for the birthday girl. At the end of the celebration, all guests need to be presented with some kind of gift. These could be balloons that decorated the room all evening or a small sweet gift that was beautifully decorated by the hands of the birthday girl. It doesn’t matter what will be given, the main thing is to show attention.

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