Ideas for an unforgettable holiday for a child's birthday at 5 years old

Do you want to organize a bright, fashionable and creative holiday for your child? We, the wizards from the Sea of ​​Joy, have prepared ideas and tips for you. And if you are looking for a company that will organize a turnkey holiday, our team will be happy to create a fairy tale for your children!

Birthday programs for girls 5 years old


Meeting of guests: Disney Princesses and Princes

Program: Does your daughter dream of visiting a palace and seeing cartoon princesses? Young ladies can expect: princesses in VIP costumes, a fascinating program plot, etiquette lessons, a fashion master class, quest elements, outdoor games, puzzles and riddles, creative tasks and theatrical impromptu performances, ballroom dancing and the coronation of the birthday girl, cake takeout and fireworks.

Games and competitions : Secret tunnel, Palace labyrinths, Magic coloring book, Flower garden, search for keys, obstacle course, dinner in the palace, magic dishes, Masquerade, Dancing, princess coronation,

Color palette: pink, purple, gold

Decor to choose from: Large number 5, Banner with a garland of balloons, ribbons under the ceiling, “Palace” decoration, birthday girl’s throne, balloon fountains, Princess mirror or dressing table, Golden carriage, Large crown, Large flowers

Additionally: Riding a non-white unicorn, life-size puppets from fairy tales, magic furniture

Candy party

Welcoming guests: life-size dolls ice cream, candy, gingerbread

Program: All children love sweets, which is why the “Candy Party” is so popular among girls from 2 to 12 years old! The program includes artists in exclusive “Sweet Tooth” costumes, an interactive program with quest elements, a search for sweet keys, culinary riddles, games with themed props, a do-it-yourself puppet show, fun starts, a sweet disco, a surprise ball with sweets and cake takeout.

Games and competitions : candy tugging, searching for ingredients, creating an art cake, candy flips, sweet tasting, candy card, Donut dancing, Fun starts.

Color palette: pink, purple, white, blue, gold, silver

Decor to choose from: Big number 5, Banner with a garland of balloons, magic furniture, three-dimensional figures of sweets (ice cream, macaroons, donuts, lollipops, muffins, marshmallows, cake).

Extras: candy bar, ice cream station, cotton candy, chocolate fountain, cooking classes


Welcoming guests: life-size puppets, animators in doll costumes

Program. Does your daughter love playing with modern dolls? Then our party will be to the liking of young fashionistas. Waiting for you: creating an outfit, fashion show, relay race, puzzles, music and dance competitions,

Games and competitions: Young fashion designer, I'm a super star, puzzle, pink slippers relay race, bowling, guess the melody, best coloring book, ice dance, disco, Big bow, racing in fashionable slippers, doll-style costume, hot air balloon flight, bouquet of flowers , puzzles with dolls, magic labyrinth, golden ball, collecting cake, disco

Color palette: pink, blue, purple, gold,

Decor to choose from: Gold number 5, gold tassel balls, a themed banner with garlands of balls, cardboard dolls, volumetric figures of shoes and handbags, Large balloons with surprises, large tassel balls, large gold number 5, Volume letters,.

Extras: Riding a white unicorn, magic furniture

Decorating the room

If you decide to celebrate your birthday at home, decorate the room where the celebration will take place to create a festive mood for the birthday girl and guests. If the little hero of the occasion wants to decorate the room herself, let her do it, because it’s her holiday. Your task is only to help her hang the decorations. Invite her to make a poster from her photographs over the past year, let the guests see how the birthday girl has grown over this period, what she has learned to do, what she is interested in, how she spends her time.

Have you decided to hold a party in a certain style? Then choose the decor accordingly. The little birthday girl probably already has her favorite films and cartoons, in the style of which her holiday can be celebrated. If it is difficult for the princess to decide on her preferences, you can make the holiday in some color, such as pink or orange. Then balls, garlands and posters must be made in certain colors.

Birthday programs for boys 5 years old


Meeting guests: life-size ninja turtles, animators Spider-Man, Captain America and Batman

Program. Does your son love super heroes? Then have a themed party! Children will meet their favorite characters, test themselves for physical fitness, pass tests, solve puzzles, collect all the clues and keys, and at the end try to find a “box” with secret information.

Games and competitions: Combat mission, super abilities, city puzzle, dangerous targets, mysterious list, Riddles of the evil scientist, Riddler's labyrinth, super web.

Color palette: Red, yellow, black, silver

Decor: a garland with superhero flags, a three-dimensional cardboard city, black or silver tassel balls, cardboard designs of heroes, photo props “her masks”

Extras: Transformers show, lightsaber fight, laser show


Welcoming guests: life-size robotic puppets, animators in car costumes.

Program : Does your baby love to play with cars? Then this program is created especially for him! Children will be able to build a city, study traffic rules, repair Makwell, real races, riddles about cars, build a car of the future,

Games and competitions: searching for tools, studying road signs, sorting cars, dark tunnel, racing, cars puzzle, car of the future, dance marathon

Color palette : red and black

Decor to choose from : a garland of flags, road signs, tires, a traffic light made of balloons, cardboard cars, carpet in the form of a road, a large number 5, a Banner with a garland of balloons.

Additionally : racing attraction, biker show.


Meeting guests: stilt walkers, jugglers, mimes, life-size puppets of a poodle, an elephant and a tiger.

Program: Does your child love the circus? Then quickly invite Cirque du Solley to your party! Children will enjoy a fascinating acquaintance and interaction with all the artists: relay races, clown games, riddles, dances, comic impromptu performances, elements of magic tricks and pantomime.

Games: clown exercises, big shoes relay race, multi-colored parachute, magician's hat, main trainer, strongman tournament, joker competition, who's cooler?

Color palette: rainbow circus, red circus, blue circus, pink circus

Decor to choose from: animal figurines, a large star, animal stands, large balls, garlands with flags, honeycomb balls under the ceiling, a tent, glowing letters CIRCUS,

Additionally: trained animal show, surprise show, ball show, gymnast show, balancing act, street show

View all children's party programs

What to treat the children with?

Every child has their favorite dishes, but you can't please everyone. Therefore, prepare something universal. It could be potatoes, chops, several salad options. Five-year-old children eat almost like adults, there are no special restrictions, but it’s still better to have fewer fatty, fried foods on the table.

Children love fruits and sweets, so stock up on several types of fruit, preferably seasonal ones. You can prepare a fruit salad. And for dessert, offer your little ones cupcakes, jellies, and curd desserts. And don't forget to drink. Children drink a lot, especially on holidays. Sweet mineral water is not the best option. Prepare compote, several types of juices, soda without additives, and plain clean water.

Girls love everything beautiful, so pay special attention to table setting - beautiful napkins, dishes. If you plan to make the holiday themed, decorate the table in the appropriate theme. These can be toppers, juice stickers, sweet boxes made in a certain style.

Scenarios of games and competitions for the birthday of a 5-year-old child

We have prepared for you ideas for games that you can play at home or in a cafe on your own. Choose the games you like, buy props and write your own personal script. We recommend including elements of a quest into your holiday. To do this, prepare the keys and a chest with a lock. During the holiday, let the children receive a hint where the key is for each completed task. By collecting all the keys, they will be able to open a chest with gifts or a clue to where the cake is. We assure you that all children, without exception, will enjoy the process of searching for keys.

  • Tree of friends

On thick cardboard, draw or print a model of a tree without leaves. Prepare a palette with paints. The children's task is to leave their fingerprint in the form of a leaf on a tree. After the holiday, the picture can be hung in a frame in the birthday boy’s room.

  • What kind of animal?

Various soft toys are placed in a large bag. Each child is blindfolded in turn. The participant's task, blindfolded, is to guess what kind of animal he has in his hands.

  • Planks.

Each team is given a plaque. Their number is equal to the number of participants + 1 additional board. The team's task is to cross the river faster than their opponents. The rules of movement are as follows: children line up and stand on their boards; you can only step on them. Therefore, the first participant takes a step, after which the entire team moves to a new board. After this, there is one extra board left at the end, which must be quickly handed over to the captain. And then the whole procedure is repeated until the entire team crosses to the other side.

  • Secret banks.

Place your items in large glass jars. There are nuts in one jar and the children need to guess how many there are. There are candies in another jar and you need to guess how much they weigh. The third jar contains a toy and you need to guess how long it is. For each correct answer, children receive points, a hint or a key.

  • Shooting a clip

Decide in advance on the cartoon that your child likes. Download music from the cartoon, prepare the props and think through the scenarios of several scenes (the scenes can be copied from the cartoon). And at the holiday, together with children and adults, film your version of the cartoon.

  • Race

Ropes of the same length are tied to the sticks, and machine ropes are tied to the free ends of the rope. Each child is given a stick. The children's task is to wind the rope around the stick as quickly as possible so that the car reaches the finish line first. It is important that the machine does not fall during the competition.

  • Snowflakes

All children are invited to the dance floor. When the music plays, the presenter will give tasks: to join in pairs, threes or fives. The task of children is to quickly form new types of “snowflakes”.

  • Drawing for the birthday boy.

All children are given white sheets of cardboard, paints or pencils. The task of each guest is to draw a picture for the little hero of the day. If desired, you can reward the young artist whose painting the birthday boy likes the most.

  • Postcard in scrapbooking style.

To organize this task, you definitely need a person who will tell the children how to create such a postcard. You can buy special kits for scrapbooking or prepare white cardboard and decorative elements yourself: ribbons, rhinestones, colored paper, buttons, ready-made appliqués. And at the end of the master class, let parents help sign each postcard.

  • big tower

Teams are given sets of dice. The team's task is to build a tower higher than their opponents in the allotted time.

  • Who is cooler?

We divide the guests into two teams: children and parents. The facilitator takes turns organizing a competition between the teams. In each round, the host asks: whose team is wider, whose is taller, whose is louder, whose is lower, whose is quieter, which is more fun, danceable, musical. The task of the teams is to show all their strength and creativity.

  • Mount Fuji

The task of the teams is to create a mountain out of their shoes higher than those of their opponents.

  • Strongmen

The presenter announces a strongman competition. Both children and adults can participate. Before the competition, let everyone show off their biceps. Next, everyone is given a felt-tip pen, which must be placed between the nose and lip. The audience's task is to make the contestants laugh. The winner is the one who can hold the marker longer.

  • The sea is agitated once

The participants' task is to run under the blue fabric without it touching him. The two presenters create a wave effect using fabric.

  • River-sea-ocean

The children's task is to jump over the blue cloth pond. First, the fabric needs to be folded into a narrow strip so that children can easily jump over it. With each stage you need to expand the fabric and complicate the jumping process.

  • Guess the melody

It is necessary to prepare playlists with tracks from different cartoons in advance. The participants' task is to guess which cartoon this track is from. You can arrange a competition between children and parents.

  • Best Airplane

Teach children how to make airplanes and organize a competition for the most beautiful airplane. Let children use paints, markers, pencils and their imagination.

  • "Diction Lessons"

Each participant must repeat their tongue twister after the leader. At the end of the competition, prepare diplomas for each child: the clearest, the loudest, the most fun

  • Shadows

Prepare your layouts in advance. To do this, print and cut out different pictures: animals, transport, vegetables, fruits. Next, paint the layouts black. Each team is shown a shadow picture in turn. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

  • What's for lunch?

Various fruits, vegetables and other food options for some animals are located (hidden) in the room in advance. The presenter takes turns calling the animal, into which the children instantly turn and who begin to look for their food, that is, what this animal eats. In this game it is important to show the animals as believably as possible and to find food faster than others. For example, if the sign shows a bunny, then the children jump like a bunny and look for a carrot.

Animal options:

Carrot bunny Horse - sugar Dog - bone Cat - sausage Monkey - banana

I know absolutely exactly what questions need to be answered:

  • What are the best prizes for children?
  • where can I order them so that the courier brings everything in one box directly to school?
  • what to buy so that there is a lot and cheap, but at the same time from safe materials?
  • where to buy so that you can easily provide a report on the money spent?

I will answer most questions immediately. After much wandering, I settled on the online giant Ozone. Consider that I have given a decent answer to the last three questions. Always clear, on time, polite, no problems with documentation. The prices are good.

Venue options for a 5 year old child’s birthday party:

  • Amusement park dive
  • Children's auto town
  • City of professions
  • Oceanarium
  • Obraztsova Children's Theater
  • Theater "Magic Lamp"
  • Moscow Puppet Theater
  • Shadow play
  • Kuklachev's Cat Theater
  • Zoo
  • 7d cinema
  • Children's entertainment center zamania
  • Darwin Museum
  • Museum of Fairy Tales “Once Upon a Time”

Holiday at home

For a home birthday, you need to think in advance about decorating the room, small gifts and surprises for guests, competitions and, of course, a sweet table. Ideally, create a general concept for the event and think through all the little details: from guests’ arrival to departure. If the level of your own imagination is in doubt, then you can invite professionals. They know exactly how to celebrate a 5-year-old child’s birthday so that both the birthday boy and the guests are delighted.

Organizing and holding a turnkey birthday party for a 5 year old child

Our team has been organizing events of varying complexity for more than 7 years. We will be happy to create a beautiful fairy tale for your baby. We approach each holiday individually and invest a piece of our soul.

We also pay attention to details: decor, costumes, props, materials used, lighting and music. That is why we can safely say that we create happy holidays for children and adults

Briefly about our team:

  • We work with the best professionals
  • We develop individual scenarios
  • We work in designer costumes
  • We conduct training quests
  • We have a huge selection of shows and master classes
  • Stars and large companies trust us

Do you want to know how holidays are prepared and held in the “Sea of ​​Joy”? We have prepared the main stages especially for you!

We invite guests

A five-year-old girl has already formed a social circle - she has friends in the yard, she communicates with her peers in kindergarten, which means they are the ones she will want to see at her event. Therefore, the guest list must be compiled with the participation of the future birthday girl, otherwise resentment and spoiled mood cannot be avoided.

If you plan to invite adult guests - grandparents, aunts and uncles, separate them in time from the little guests. If you can’t invite them at different times, then at least give the children a separate room - this way they won’t be embarrassed and will be able to have a lot of fun, and the adult guests will chat in a calm atmosphere without restless and noisy children.

In the world of cars

Modern children understand technology and machines from a young age. This competition for little “clever kids” will allow you to remember all the unusual cars. The presenter takes turns reading out riddles or reading out sentences describing the cars that the children must guess. Whoever first guessed what kind of car it was raised his hand and answered. For the correct answer - a point, and for the highest number of points - the title of winner and a prize. Examples: I growl like a bulldog, but I am not a dog, but a machine and they call me almost like a bulldog (bulldozer) I dig holes, but not with a shovel, but with a bucket (excavator) I am a machine with an arrow, under which you do not stand. I can build a multi-story house, I am the most important one at the construction site (crane) and so on.

Children's menu

Treats for children should be as healthy and attractive as possible. Presentation is also important. For the birthday of a 5-year-old child, you can organize a buffet.

Salads can be divided into portioned cups or shortcrust pastry baskets. Vegetables can be cut into various shapes or placed in an unusual way on a plate. For example, make trailers from bell peppers that carry various vegetables. This presentation pleases and attracts the attention of children. Pizza, chicken kebabs, French fries and fish fingers can be hot. Something that almost all children love and eat with pleasure.

First marital anniversary

Five years from your wedding day is a long time. This date is considered the first anniversary of the family. Over the past years, the couple:

  • managed to distribute responsibilities (everyone knows what days they wash the dishes or walk the dog);
  • learned to understand each other at a glance and even at a glance;
  • accepted shortcomings and learned to find compromises;
  • set up their family nest.

What is the 5th wedding anniversary called? This date is considered to be “wooden”. The young family has already managed to get stronger, grow and take root. The union became strong and reliable, like a tree.

Psychologists call the first wedding anniversary one of the most important dates in a couple’s relationship. If in five years the spouses have created a strong family and learned to respect each other, then over the years such a connection will only become stronger.

Sweet table

Of course, cake should be at the head of the sweet table. Today you can order almost any design and surprise the birthday boy with a cake with his favorite characters.

Sliced ​​fruit and ice cream would be a great addition. Fruit kebab on small skewers looks original. You can also purchase a special attachment for cutting fruits and making them in the shape of stars, hearts, or little ponies. As for ice cream, serving it can be turned into a game called Ice Cream Factory. It lies in the fact that each child can arrange his own portion. To do this, small cups with pieces of chocolate, sprinkles, nuts, and candied fruits are prepared in advance. Sliced ​​fruits also come in handy here. Each child receives a bowl of ice cream and can add it to their liking.

Birthday gift

Birthday gifts for children 5 years old often consist of toys and sweets. However, it is important to remember that the child’s age does not allow him to simply thank him for a gift he didn’t like. He may get upset, even cry. To avoid this, parents can make a list of toys that the birthday boy is sure to like. Some toy stores allow you to assemble a gift box in advance and warn guests about it. Our compatriots find this practice not very convenient, as if you are asking for a specific gift. In fact, this will help the guest not make a mistake with his choice, and the child will get what he wants.

Colorful world

Children are divided into teams, the game is played using the relay race method. At a certain distance from each team there is a basket with multi-colored balls (red, blue, green). Each team receives the task of collecting balls of its color into its basket: the first team is the “blue” team, the second team is the “red” team, and so on. At the command “start”, the first participants run to their baskets, rummage there, find a ball of the desired color and run back to their empty basket, then the second participants take up the baton. The team that collects balls of its color faster than the rest will win.

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