What to cook for a children's birthday - holiday menu

Very soon your baby will celebrate his next birthday. He is looking forward to this significant event with great impatience. Crosses out dates on the calendar. Tries to guess what gifts he will receive. He carefully paints invitations for his guests. And lives in anticipation of a miracle, magic, fairy tale. So give him this fairy tale! After all, you can do something like this. The main thing is to think through all the details in advance. And the theme of the holiday, and the design, and, of course, the menu for the child’s birthday. Turn on your imagination, activate your childhood memories, and go ahead - towards a brilliant extravaganza created only for your one and only little birthday boy!

  • 2 Solemn surroundings
  • 3 Festive menu for a child’s birthday
  • 4 Vegetables and salads (with photos)

    4.1 Photo gallery “How to serve vegetables to children?”

  • 5 Snacks: sandwiches, canapés, tartlets
      5.1 Video “How to prepare canapés?”
  • 6 Hot dishes
  • 7 Fruits
  • 8 Sweet table
      8.1 Photo gallery “Birthday Cakes for Children”
  • 9 What drinks to prepare
      9.1 Video “Recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails”
  • The most favorite children's holiday

    Birthday. The most desired children's holiday. Why do children love him so much?

    It’s only a pity, as Crocodile Gena correctly noted, that such a wonderful day happens only once a year. Therefore, it is your sacred duty, as parents, to make sure that before your next birthday, your child remembers the previous one with great delight. And I looked forward to him becoming another year older. And again a fairy tale will come into his life...

    Create a festive atmosphere for the little birthday boy and his guests. Decorate the room with balloons, lights, tinsel

    Decorating the house

    How to decorate the hall for the holiday? Of course, your baby will not remember this significant event - but there is a photo session that will preserve happy moments for a lifetime. Therefore, pay close attention to the decorations so that the photos will leave memories of a bright holiday.

    Decoration ideas:

    • balloons with inscriptions of wishes;
    • garlands of paper flags (for a boy) and flowers (for a girl);
    • drawn fairy-tale characters;
    • photo session of a toddler in beautiful frames.

    The first year of life is a rapid time of development for the baby. Every month of life brought its own changes. What ideas can be associated with this feature of the first year of life? You can draw (or print) 12 trains representing each month you have lived through: these will be photo frames. Select the best pictures of your baby and glue them into train frames. This decoration can be placed on the wall.

    Do not use firecrackers or bursting balloons to decorate the angel's first day: children may be frightened by loud noises and may also put pieces of paper or rubber into their mouths.

    It is also not recommended to spend Angel Day outdoors in the summer: mosquitoes and insects will ruin the entire holiday.

    Solemn surroundings

    Where does a child's birthday begin? Of course, with the decoration of the holiday. And it, in turn, depends on the theme of the celebration. There is no limit to the flight of imagination here.

    Start from what your little one likes. Heroes of fairy tales or cartoons, travel, pirate stories, space adventures, robots, princesses, fairies, scientific discoveries, etc.

    And more balls, tinsel, lights. Caps for guests, whistles, pipes and drums are required. What would a holiday be without all this? The little birthday boy should be congratulated loudly, colorfully, solemnly. And nothing else!

    Decorate the room where the party will take place according to the chosen theme. Children notice little things and details. Shapes, paints, colors. Costumes, scenery, effects. Let this all be purely symbolic, a sham. But it must be.

    The menu for a child’s birthday should include simple dishes that are convenient to eat with your hands: sandwiches, tartlets, canapés, for example.

    Fresh apple compote

    You will need about half a kilogram of ripe sweet apples, they need to be peeled and cut into cubes or slices. Place the pieces in one and a half liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for about fifteen minutes until the apples are soft. Add some sugar. It is better to leave the compote covered for a while so that it can brew until it gets a rich apple taste. Can be served either warm or chilled. A tasty and healthy drink for children!

    When throwing a child's birthday party at home, try to create a unique creative masterpiece. A variety of festive menus will decorate the celebration. And the guests and the birthday boy himself will remember this birthday for a long time.

    Festive menu for a child's birthday

    But the festive table at a children's birthday comes with its own requirements. Due to the fact that kids are active and playful, long sittings at the table are unlikely to be such an interesting pastime for them. What alternative can I offer you?

    Buffet. This is the perfect option for a children's party. He doesn’t oblige the little brats to anything. If they want, they eat, if they want, they play.

    And if so, then the menu for such a table should be appropriate. And the serving is interesting, bright, attractive. So that children have a desire to interrupt their games and entertainment and try something that looks so unusual.

    Place treats on a table that is not too high. A coffee table is quite suitable for this purpose.

    So, what to serve and how to serve it to your baby's guests on his birthday?

    1. The table on which you place the treats should match the height of the guests.
    2. Serve it with bright dishes and cover it with a colored tablecloth.
    3. Don't beg your children to eat. This is already a holiday for them.
    4. Instead of one long feast, have several short snacks in between competitions, entertainment, and games.
    5. The children's table is not for spicy, salty, fatty, smoked foods.
    6. When inviting kids to a holiday, ask their parents if the little ones are allergic to certain foods.
    7. Prepare healthy and simple meals. Which are convenient to eat.
    8. Don't come up with anything fancy. Kids enjoy eating well-known, traditional dishes.
    9. Design them according to the theme of the holiday. Or in a way that will interest children and capture their imagination.

    Vegetables, despite the fact that many children do not particularly like them, can be served in such a way that it is simply impossible not to try them

    Tips for moms

    In order for your baby’s birthday to start and end happily, you must adhere to these recommendations:

    1. Invite a photographer for a photo shoot or arrange filming with a relative/friend.
    2. Do not show the hero of the occasion all the gifts: he will want to play with all the toys at once, and the holiday will be ruined by the whims of the birthday boy. It is better to give a present while the baby is not looking.
    3. For the birthday boy’s little guests, prepare a special play area: it should be as large and comfortable as possible for crawling.
    4. Remove any sharp, traumatic or valuable objects from the children’s visibility in advance: the environment should be as safe as possible for one-year-old children.
    5. Remember that a one-year-old baby periodically needs peace: from time to time, take the baby to a quiet room so that he can be alone with his mother.
    6. Designate a special place for baby guests and their mothers to change diapers and breastfeed.
    7. Keep all pets in a separate room for the duration of the celebration.

    How to celebrate the first name day, what to give the child and what competitions to hold? You should prepare for this important event in advance. If the baby is sick, you can celebrate the name day later. Remember that noisy games and competitions can tire the baby, so carefully monitor his mental state. Also remember that you cannot give gifts in advance!

    Important! It is unacceptable to hold a noisy holiday if the child has recently been vaccinated!

    Vegetables and salads (with photos)

    Vegetables are not the last place on the children's menu. Therefore, their presence on the festive table is quite justified. Although some toddlers do not eat them very willingly, this problem can be solved by serving an original garden salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and herbs. It’s better to avoid more complex salads at a children’s party. Especially if the guests are very young or preschoolers.

    Cut vegetables into neat slices so that they can be easily pierced with a fork or skewer.

    Photo gallery “How to serve vegetables to children?”

    Cucumber snake

    Funny pepper bull

    Olive palms

    Salad in balls

    Swarm of happy bees

    In the meadow

    Mushroom glade

    To interest children in more than just sweets, present vegetables in a fun way.

    Place and time of the holiday

    At the request of the parents of the birthday boy, the celebration will take place either in some establishment such as a restaurant, cafe, children's club , or in the usual home conditions .

    The choice of venue will largely depend on the character of the child himself : whether he is used to being in public places or feels more comfortable at home, on the conditions : the opportunity for the baby to sleep, change clothes, eat, as well as on the number of invited guests.

    It is better to plan the start of the event at a time when the child has already slept and eaten . This can be calculated, since any mother knows approximately when her child will be awake.

    The duration of the holiday should not be too long . Although, if the baby falls asleep, then the guests will be able to sit quietly, raise their glasses to the birthday boy and congratulate his parents.

    Snacks: sandwiches, canapés, tartlets

    The main dishes of the festive table for a child’s birthday should be those that are convenient to take and eat. And these are just all kinds of sandwiches, canapés and tartlets.

    We do not allow children to “snack” and “bite” in everyday life. But, for some reason, this is what they like to do most. So let them give free rein to their true passions at least during the holiday.

    Children's sandwiches look very appetizing if you approach their design with soul


    Sandwiches can be made with cheese, sausage, ham, pate, butter, eggs. And supplement them with vegetables, herbs, olives, pineapples. Here, the choice is yours.

    Try cutting out bread using baking molds. You will get sandwiches in the form of bunnies, Christmas trees, cars, stars, ships. It will be interesting for kids. If you don’t have molds, then it’s better to buy a baguette instead of a traditional loaf. You will get small, neat children's sandwiches.

    Canapés in the shape of penguins will make a splash among your baby's guests


    Canapés differ from sandwiches in that they are smaller in size and that their ingredients are skewered on special skewers. This is a one bite dish.

    To prepare canapes, you can use meat and sausages, cheeses, vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as everything that you find in the refrigerator and everything that your imagination tells you.

    You can also make canapés from fruits. But it would be more appropriate to serve them along with a sweet table

    Canapes with sausage and tomatoes (recipe)

    To prepare such canapés you will need 1 baguette (preferably black grain bread, but white is also possible), 200 g of sausage (boiled), cherry tomatoes (1 sprig), spreadable processed cheese (150 g), lettuce and parsley. You also need to find something to squeeze out small circles with. For example, a Kinder Surprise container, a baking dish or a small thin-walled glass.

    1. Cut the bread into thin slices, and then squeeze small circles out of them with a mold.
    2. Spread them with melted cheese and place on each lettuce leaf.
    3. Place bread on skewers.
    4. Then cut the sausage into very thin slices.
    5. Bend them in four, placing parsley sprigs inside.
    6. And put the sausage on skewers.
    7. Cut cherry tomatoes into rings.
    8. And place them on the skewers on top.

    Canapes with sausage and tomatoes are ready.

    Video “How to prepare canapés?”


    It is better to buy molds for tartlets in the store. And you can prepare the filling yourself. As mentioned above, children do not really like salads. But they will certainly appreciate tartlets stuffed with vegetable, meat, fish or fruit salads and decorated in an original way.

    Tartlets can also be either salty or sweet. Everything will depend on the filling you put in them.

    What to cook for a one year old?

    When preparing a holiday treat, you will have to combine adult dishes and a children's menu for a one-year-old baby and his friends. There can be many options for such a table:

    • a beautifully set tea table with cake or mini-cakes;
    • small buffet (sandwiches, meat rolls).

    You can make two cakes: one for adults - for guests, the second for a child - according to a special children's recipe, for example, from porridge with yogurt filling.

    When organizing a menu for a children's party, you should choose an appetizer, main course and dessert. If your child loves fruits and berries, prepare a fruit bowl with chopped fruits.

    Crackers with curd and chicken filling are perfect as a snack To do this, grind the boiled chicken fillet to mince, mix it with cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve. Spread the paste onto regular crackers. Garnish with fine cracker crumbs.

    For main course, you can prepare baked turkey meat balls with a complex side dish. To do this, prepare meat balls from ground turkey and bake in a heat-resistant form in the oven with creamy sauce. As a side dish, prepare mashed cauliflower and potatoes. To make a beautifully colored puree, you can add boiled egg yolks to it and grind.

    For dessert, you can make milk-rice pudding with raisins. For children 2-3 years old, if desired, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon, as well as citrus zest.

    As a drink, children can be offered any berry juice or compote (preferably prepared at home). You should avoid store-bought carbonated drinks; they contain too much sugar and dyes. A wonderful choice would be blackcurrant or strawberry juice.

    Hot dishes

    For hot meals, it is also better to serve unique and unusual dishes to your baby’s little guests. What is it about? Yes, at least about chicken kebabs on skewers. Or about small cutlets, meatballs, meatballs. Which may look like mice, chickens or ants.

    Boiled beets and carrots, olives, green peas, a knife (curly or regular) and, of course, the dexterity of your hands will help them acquire this appearance.

    And as a side dish you can offer a very unusual treat.

    Potato mushrooms. Kids will undoubtedly love this side dish.

    Potato mushrooms (recipe)

    Preparing these mushrooms from potatoes is quite simple.

    1. Take as many potatoes as you expect guests.
    2. Wash them and boil them in their skins until almost done.
    3. Drain the water and let it cool.
    4. Then use a knife to cut out a mushroom-shaped piece from each potato.
    5. Add some salt to the potato mushrooms and grease them with sunflower oil.
    6. All that remains is to put them in the oven until golden brown.
    7. Before serving, the mushroom caps can be painted with colorful sauces.

    It's hard to find a child who wouldn't consider pizza one of the most brilliant inventions of mankind.

    Another hot dish that children will definitely not ignore. This is, of course, pizza. Nowadays it is difficult to find a child indifferent to this invention of Italian students.

    And again, here you have a vast field for creativity. Pizza size, shape, filling. All this can be so diverse that one has to be guided only by the culinary preferences of each individual family.

    Fruits can be served during the sweet table, or from the very beginning of the holiday. Children, while having fun, will not refuse to feast on them periodically


    The children's holiday menu cannot but include this item. Fruits. They are tasty, healthy and, with appropriate design, very impressive. If you cut them into pieces, you can lay out whole fruit pictures on dishes. Fruit canapés are also very popular among children.

    And fruit salads, unlike vegetable ones, the little ones will gobble up with great pleasure. Moreover, they are prepared very quickly and simply.

    In a fruit salad, the ingredients may vary depending on the time of year or the preferences of the birthday person.

    Fruit salad (recipe)

    To prepare a fruit salad, you will need 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 apple, 1 kiwi, 200 g of seedless grapes (quiche), 200 g of low-fat yogurt, strawberries or raspberries for decoration, grated chocolate or chopped nuts to taste.

    1. Wash the fruit under running water.
    2. Peel them.
    3. Cut into cubes and mix.
    4. Place the salad among the bowls.
    5. Top it with yogurt.
    6. Decorate with strawberries, raspberries, nuts, and grated chocolate.

    And remember: fruit salad is prepared immediately before serving.

    Sweet table - the culmination of a children's holiday

    Tribute to tradition

    If you baptized a boy/girl, then you need to include in the script of the day an angel and the cutting of hair by the godparents. First, the godmother cuts a small strand of hair on the top of the head with a cross, and then the baby’s hair is cut off. Prepare a special envelope or storage box for the first strand.

    Don’t forget to make a print of the child’s foot/hand: it will be interesting to compare the prints with those made after discharge from the maternity hospital. These prints can be framed and made into a painting.

    You can find out in advance about the fate of the baby on this holiday. To do this, place several objects on the table: money, a book, and others. If a child wants to touch a book, he will study well. If a child wants to touch bills and coins, he will be rich. Select the remaining items by association. This fortune telling can be included in the script for the day of the angel.

    Sweet table

    The sweet table includes, in addition to fruits, candies, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and all kinds of desserts. And, of course, the main attribute of any birthday is the birthday cake. Definitely with candles, which the hero of the occasion must blow out. This is what is considered the culmination of the holiday among children.

    It is the cake, this recognized symbol of a birthday, that should be not only the most delicious, but also the most beautiful. Of course, not in your understanding. And in the concept of a little birthday boy.

    Therefore, it is best to ask your child in advance how he imagines his birthday cake. And pre-order exactly the one your little one has been dreaming about.

    That's where the magic is! That's where the fairy tale is! Moreover, this will not be difficult for you at all. Today, skilled pastry chefs will build you any miracle of culinary skill, bring your every fantasy and every whim to life.

    Just admire what masterpieces can appear on the festive table on your child’s birthday!

    Photo gallery “Birthday Cakes for Children”

    Shaun the sheep

    Hello, Kitty!

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    Cake in the shape of a ship for sea lovers

    Cake with Smeshariki

    If you are celebrating a double birthday, this cake is perfect for you.

    Lightning McQueen for racing fans

    Making gifts

    What should be a gift for a 1 year old child? What to give to a boy, what to give to a baby? For a boy/girl you can give:

    • cubes for learning the alphabet;
    • bright picture books;
    • interactive toys;
    • smart clothes.

    You can also give gifts to the parents of the birthday boy:

    • for mom - a beautiful bouquet;
    • for dad - a family photo album with a family tree.

    Of course, a one-year-old boy/girl will not be able to appreciate the significance of this day and the gifts given, so all gifts must be made and given after agreement with the parents.

    What drinks to prepare

    As for drinks, you should stock up on them in sufficient quantities. Compote, homemade fruit drink, freshly squeezed juices, as well as cocktails prepared by you yourself will be just right. Especially if you pour them into tall glasses and decorate them with colorful umbrellas and straws.

    And one more secret. Before filling the glasses, dip the rims into water and then into sugar. A beautiful and, moreover, tasty border is formed. Kids will really like this presentation.

    There should be a lot of drinks at a children's birthday party. And they should be tasty, healthy and, again, well presented.

    How to celebrate your baby's one year anniversary at home?

    The optimal solution is to celebrate your first birthday at home, in a close family circle. In an unfamiliar place, a child may be scared and capricious, and it is important for parents that the birthday boy is in a wonderful mood.

    Take care of the hero of the occasion - prepare several beautiful outfits (suits for a boy, light dresses for a girl) to change him if he gets dirty.

    Don't forget about diapers, since at this age children are just getting acquainted with the potty, and with such a crowd of people they will get confused and not ask to go to the toilet.

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