Contests and games for adults at children's birthday parties

No one doubts the fact that the birthday boy is the main character at his birthday. And special attention is paid to the birthday child, because for him this is a long-awaited, special day. But don't forget about the guests. And it often happens that not only his peers come to the little birthday boy, but also godparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives and family friends, so it’s worth thinking through in advance and preparing competitions for adults at a children’s birthday party, so that this day will also become a happy holiday.

In fact, you can take any competition, both adults and children. The main thing is that these are not too frank or indecent competitions, as well as games where alcohol is involved, after all, a birthday is for children. In principle, any fun and decent competition or game that will appeal to an adult company and will amuse the children watching what is happening will do.

Our selection consists of simple options that do not require special preparation and require a minimum of props, which will greatly simplify their implementation. Well, now let’s take a closer look at each of the competitions.

Hunting for a crocodile

You only need one very ordinary clothespin. At the beginning of the fun, we announce that we have a crocodile and it will periodically attack guests, after which, during the celebration, we quietly attach the “crocodile” to someone’s clothes, or hide it under a napkin, or throw it in their pocket. When the job is done, we announce that the crocodile has escaped, and the guests’ task is to find him. The one who found a crocodile receives a small present and is declared the new driver, that is, now he must throw a clothespin to the next guest. So, during the celebration, the clothespin goes around almost all the guests and everyone receives small pleasant gifts.


A very pleasant end to the festive evening. Everyone loves to receive gifts. There are quite a few who experience genuine pleasure in giving them. I'm sure you are among them. Unfortunately, budgets are often limited, but don't despair. You can use my ideas in choosing budget gifts or take care of gifts in advance and order them from one of the most popular online stores.

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For this competition, take a glass jar, several bills of different denominations, coins, as well as pieces of paper, fabric, foil, and any small objects. You can use coin-shaped chocolates to confuse the participants. The size of the jar and the amount of money is at your discretion. Next, we put the money and all other details in the jar so that it is difficult to count the amount in the bank. We pass the finished jar around, and each of the guests tries to count the money and writes down their amount on a piece of paper. At the end, we open the jar, count the money and determine the winner, and the winner is the one who counted the amount as accurately as possible.

Let's get ready for family dinner

Couples can take part in the competition: father (mother) and child. Participants are blindfolded. For all couples, you will need to prepare the same sets in advance, for example, a large glass of mixed pasta (2 types). It is better to choose large pasta to make it easier to count. Participants sit at the table (can be next to each other, or opposite each other). Near each pair there are two empty bowls. At the “start” command, a glass of mixed pasta is poured in front of the pairs. Participants know that there are two types of pasta. You need to quickly figure out who will collect what. Having “agreed” by touch, the participants begin to package the pasta: one type in one bowl, the other in another. The couple that finishes it faster will win.

Balloon battle

This is a fun game that you can play to get some exercise after sitting at your desk for a long time. It is carried out in a spacious room or in an open area. The essence of the game is that each guest has an inflatable ball tied to his leg. It should be tied as low as possible and it is advisable that the ball can lie on the floor. Then we turn on a cheerful melody, and the participants’ task is to pop other people’s balloons. The winner is the one whose ball stays intact longer. You can also play in teams, then the participants

one team destroys the balls of the other team, and the winner is determined by the maximum number of intact balls in the team. A good mood after the game is guaranteed!

Possible ideas for joint competitions for children and adults

Unlike many previous ones, these competitions are aimed at spending time together between adults and children. Such games bring people closer together and are the “cherry” of every children’s holiday, because adults have long wanted to relax, and children are interested in seeing their parents in an unusual role. Such games are worth diluting children's and adult tasks.

Your emotions about the holiday and specifically the competition must be sincere, because children feel lies and insincerity.

My mighty dad

Many children are proud of how strong and dexterous their dads are, and this competition will help bring out the best dad while bringing a lot of laughter to moms. Dads must put the child on their back and crawl, jump and jump on all fours from one end of the room to the other. The winner is the one who carries his baby first without dropping him (because then he will receive from his mother).

You shouldn’t force one of the fathers to participate in the competition, this is everyone’s individual choice.


If you want to defuse the holiday atmosphere and have the opportunity to make a lot of noise, collect a set of improvised “musical instruments” and distribute one to each guest. The list of such tools includes:

  • Iron pans;
  • Metal lids from frying pans;
  • Tin cans containing change;
  • Glass glasses combined with chopsticks;
  • Cabinet doors;
  • Not very thick tabletops that can sound like a drum.

The list can be continued for a long time, including real tools if you have them at home. Toy drums, whistles and children's xylophones, will also work . The essence of the task is simple: create your own orchestra or play along to a famous song as best as possible.

This game will allow you to throw out tension, completely relax and lift even the most depressing mood.

The path of Little Red Riding Hood

This competition is more suitable for playing with children under 6 years old in order to equalize the chances between participants. To start the game, you need to lay out two ropes on the floor: a two-meter rope is placed straight, and a five-meter rope is placed in a spiral. Afterwards, a child and his parent are selected and will compete with each other to see who reaches the finish line first. Obviously, the child should follow a straight path, and the parent should follow a winding forest path.

Try playing with your child beforehand to test the chances of both participants. This will allow you to choose the most optimal rope length.


Another game for the participation of the baby and his parents. Here you will have to choose two pairs at once, who will try to get from one point to another first, following improvised tracks. Eight animal footprints are cut out in advance according to the shape of the paws, and their size should allow the child to freely stand on them with one foot.

The game can be modified according to your wishes, but the essence should remain the same.

Both pairs move by shifting footprints, with one child’s foot per footprint. The adult must move the remaining tracks forward so that the child can move on.

Oh, these storytellers

Many children at such a young age love to listen to stories and especially fairy tales , so on the holiday you can congratulate the birthday boy with a fairy tale about him. To do this, you need to draw up a small narrative plan and divide children and adults into groups responsible for each point. The plan might look something like this:

  • A fabulous introduction.
  • A little introduction to Name_Birthday Boy.
  • The beginning of the story.
  • Climax.
  • End of story.
  • A fairytale ending.

The group’s task will be to come up with a story about the hero of the occasion, while remaining within the framework of their point. At the beginning and end of each paragraph there should be introductory sentences like “Once upon a time in a galaxy far away” and “And suddenly he got out of bed” so that the story is more or less complete. The funniest part will be the combination of all the points, the stories in which will probably differ in location and actions, which will amuse the children.

Adults are needed not only to help kids come up with a story, but also to tell it emotionally with them.

Fun Zoo

This game is suitable for children, but adults will be no less delighted with it. How to carry it out? At the beginning, we distribute cards with animals to the participants, but we do it in such a way that they do not see which animal is indicated on their card. Then everyone shows their card to the other participants and asks leading questions. The remaining players answer the questions, but do not name the animal itself. The person who guesses their animal after the fewest number of questions wins.

A zoo can easily be replaced by a hardware store, for example. To do this, we take cards not with animals, but with household appliances. The guessing process is identical.

Possible ideas for competitions for adults

Adults also love to participate in competitions, but children's competitions are not suitable for them. separate entertainment for everyone over fifteen It could be any of the following ideas.

Predictable Guest

While all the parents are sitting at the festive table, you can invite them to speak about the best qualities of the birthday boy , while playing this game with them. For this, you will have to prepare in advance a number of pieces of paper with the most popular options like “Kind” or “Talented” and write a wish on the back of each one. The person who says one of these qualities will have to fulfill the wish written on the piece of paper.

Any holiday should be bright and joyful, especially when it comes to a child's birthday. Therefore, under no circumstances mock a guest who makes himself look ridiculous; it is better to support him.

Grandma Wang

This is a rather unusual game, where relatives try to guess how the birthday boy will grow up in the future . To do this, you need to prepare a Whatman paper about A3 in size and draw a table on it with the child’s age and the names of the guests. In the cells of their column, guests will write predictions regarding anything: height, character traits, hobbies, and more.

The table will look something like this:

10 yearsWill go to dances.
15 yearsWill go to concerts of contemporary artists.
20 yearsGet a job in the capital as a designer.
30 yearsShe will give birth to a daughter and teach her to dance.
50 yearsHe will drone on about the news in the country.
70 years oldGo on a trip around the world.

Of course, there will be predictions in every cell, and if there are a lot of guests, then you should choose a really large Whatman paper . After filling out the table completely, roll up and pack the Whatman paper well, hiding it for several years. Give it to the birthday boy when he comes of age so that he can periodically check it and note which of the prophecies have come true correctly.

Remember all

If your company consists mainly of relatives, and many of them spent a lot of time with the hero of the occasion, this game is suitable for you. The essence of the competition is that participants try to give as many correct answers to questions about the birthday person as possible . To do this, you will have to prepare questions and answers in advance, which may include:

  • First word;
  • When the baby started walking;
  • Exact date of birth;
  • Favorite and least favorite dish;
  • Favorite toy;
  • All sections and clubs where the child goes.

There are plenty of ideas for questions, and it is important that you have accurate answers in hand. For winning the competition, you can give a prize “For the closest person” with a photo of the baby and his words to the winner on the back side.

Sweet Nothing

The Russian language is multifaceted and interesting, and adults know how to handle it, coming up with truly unusual words . People especially often like to come up with diminutive versions of names, which is what this competition will be based on. Participants need to call in a circle the affectionate version of the name of the hero of the occasion: Vanya, Vanyushka, Vanechka and so on.

The winner will be the one who can come up with his own version of the name last. As a gift, he can receive a drawn card from the birthday boy with warm words.

Clever Dad, Clever Mom

It will be extremely interesting for children to watch how their parents, grandparents and aunts and uncles try to complete funny tasks , so this competition is simply necessary at a children's party. Its execution is simple:

  • Buy and inflate enough dense balloons in advance so that there are plenty of them for everyone involved.
  • Scatter the balls all over the floor. You can draw mocking faces on them or encouraging phrases like “You can do it!”
  • Give the command for the adults to start collecting the balls. Their task is to keep as many balls in their hands as possible using any available means.
  • On purpose, do not end the competition too quickly so that adults can compete, trying to keep the balls from themselves and knock down others.

the winner who holds the most balls a notebook or postcard.

One person

If you are young parents, you can try to find your baby photos , as well as photos of your nephews and, of course, children. If the quality of the photographs is not too different, it will be difficult to guess who is depicted in the portrait. A game like this can be a good way to attract adults during children's competitions.

If necessary, you can deliberately “age” recent photographs of children using graphic editors or third-party services. There you can remove the clarity of the photo, change its color and add “noise”.

We fall into childhood

Every parent has probably experienced an incredible feeling of irritation when a baby spits out a freshly washed and scalded pacifier. Now adults can feel like babies by spitting their nipples as far as possible and marking their length with sticks . To do this, you will have to purchase pacifiers in advance, remembering to sterilize each time before putting them in your mouth.

You can give the winner of the competition the pacifier he threw, signing it with his name.

Unlike children, adults are not always willing to have fun with ridiculous tasks, so try not to be too intrusive. Accept that some guests may feel uneasy or simply out of sorts by allowing them to enjoy a delicious meal in peace. As the hosts of the evening, you must be courteous and attentive to each person invited, allowing him to relax in a relaxed atmosphere.


A great opportunity to test your imagination and writing skills, and have fun at the same time.

How to do it? We prepare a list of questions in advance. It should look something like this:

  • Who?
  • Where did you go?
  • For what?
  • What did he see there?
  • How did he react to this?
  • Who came next?
  • What happened next?
  • etc.

You can take our list and add a couple more questions to it.

The process itself:

  • hand out pieces of paper and pens to participants;
  • Everyone writes at the very top of the sheet the answer to the question “Who?” This can be either a real or a fictional character;
  • then the piece of paper is folded so that what is written is not visible and the participants exchange leaves with each other;
  • Next we write the answer to the question “Where did you go?” and continue in the same way until the questions run out;
  • finished literary works are handed over to the presenter and read aloud. Believe me, the stories will be very funny and with unexpected plot twists!

Competitions for women at the table

  1. A plate with a set of identical products is placed in front of the women. It could be fruits, ice cream; cheese, sausage, herbs or any other. You need to prepare a delicious dish in 3 minutes. Whoever comes up with something tastier and more original wins.
  2. The first participant names a culinary dish, for example, vinaigrette. The next one must name the dish starting with the last letter, in this case “t” (meatballs), etc. The hostess who knows the most names of dishes wins.
  3. One of the participants is blindfolded and a plate with some dish is placed in front of her. You need to determine what kind of dish it is and what it consists of.
  4. Women are given scissors and a napkin. The task is to cut a snowflake out of it in one minute. The winner is chosen by the birthday boy.
  5. All women present should remember and sing a lullaby. The winner is the one who remembers the most such songs without repeating the previous ones.
  6. For this competition you will need several dolls and diapers. The task is to swaddle the doll the fastest.
  7. In this competition, the first participant remembers a fairy tale and begins to tell it. 5 seconds after several sentences, the next participant falls silent and continues the story, who must also do it within 5 seconds. The one who hesitates is eliminated from the game.
  8. Come up with another name for fairy tales, for example, instead of “Teremok” - “Palace”, “Golden Fish” - “Tin Fish”, etc.
  9. A set of products needed to prepare a dish is written in advance on the cards. For example, onions, pickles, carrots, beets, peas, potatoes (vinaigrette). Participants in the competition must guess what can be made from this.
  10. Women demonstrate their driving skills. To do this, they are given toy cars with a string. It is necessary to overcome the given route without breaking the rules..

Sign up for a prize

We prepare one or several sheets, at the very top of which we write: “who will tell a fairy tale or poem,” “who will sing a song,” or something similar. You can also consider options such as “who will wash the dishes”, “who will help clear the table” and so on. We cover the inscription with a sheet with the word “Prize” and send this sheet around the table so that those who wish can sign up for the prize. What a surprise it will be when those who signed up see what they actually signed up for! But, of course, don’t leave them without a prize after they complete the task)

"Great Artists" - another party idea

It turns out that it’s better to draw those same traditional home wall newspapers together. A few sheets of whatman paper, gouache, a set of brushes and a couple of old sheets - and within an hour your guests, wrapped in togas in the ancient Roman style, are enthusiastically creating a masterpiece. Last year I proposed doing this in the form of a competition - team against team. And since there were 2 nominations - “artistic value” and “warmth of soul”, friendship won, and everyone received prizes. The main thing is to make sure that the creators do not quarrel, since everyone’s artistic vision is different.

My friend took the issue of drawing even further - at her party, after painting the newspaper, the guests began to paint each other. But she has a big advantage over me - two bathrooms in the apartment, that is, two bathrooms, which significantly speeds up the laundering process. And she also has a lot of space, so she could leave her painted friends overnight and wash them gradually.

Like a birthday boy

A competition requiring participants to demonstrate their acting skills.

For this entertainment, we prepare pieces of paper in advance with inscriptions like “I can eat like the birthday boy,” “I can walk like the birthday boy,” “I can draw like the birthday boy,” “I can dance like the birthday boy.” This competition will be especially interesting at the birthday of a child 1-3 years old.

Participants take turns taking out pieces of paper and showing their acting skills. We reward the most talented actor with a prize.

My dream is an improvised performance

For the second year now, I have been dreaming of making an impromptu performance out of my birthday. That is, dress up the guests in partially pre-made, partially made-on-the-spot costumes, masks and wigs, paint each other with makeup and, on the fly, compose and act out a fairy tale. Something modern, but based on well-known material - for example, a tower, where a mouse will be a call girl, a frog will be a businesswoman, a wolf will be a bandit, and so on. The only thing missing so far is space in the apartment... My friends are already aware and have also begun to dream with me.

Wish us luck, because we will definitely do this... may our apartment remain safe and sound... well, at least almost intact...

Stella Elena Chirkova

Open the chest

Something like a mini-quest for guests. You can use any box or even a box as a chest. Mini-quest stages - any interesting riddles or questions about the birthday boy himself. As an option, divide the participants into teams and let each of them compete for the “treasure”. It can also be carried out in the form of an individual competition - whoever gives the most correct answers receives the key to the treasured treasure chest. Well, we fill the chest itself with pleasant little things - candies, chocolate bars, small toys. Even if the adult guests do not have a sweet tooth, then each of them probably has children at home who will be happy about such a treasure won by a parent.

More about fun at birthday parties and more!

  1. If you think that the stupid game of mummy (that is, wrapping each other in toilet paper at speed) only appeals to preschoolers, you've simply never tried it with adults.
  2. They say that most men are indifferent to sweets. Perhaps so - but this is the case when the candies are folded in a vase. Try hanging sweets and small chocolates in garlands from the ceiling and hanging a poster on the wall that says “You can only pick sweets with your teeth.” You will be greatly entertained by your serious men, who for some reason will definitely need to get at least one piece of candy. But God forbid, they argue about something, as we did last March 8th - they tear and eat everything that was hung, and then some will be covered with red spots, for which the wives will make big claims.
  3. Don't give your guests balloons!!! Or figure out in advance how you can distract them later... You can’t even imagine (if you didn’t see it yourself, you wouldn’t believe it) how long your friends are able to invent various things with balloons, how many things in the room they are able to drop and break during this time and, most importantly, how much noise there will be.
  4. Puppet theater is entertainment not only for young children. In just an hour, your guests can enthusiastically cut out a scene from a shoebox, attach a curtain to it from the remnants of an old sheet, attach children's toys in the house to their fingers and strings and create a fairy tale.
  5. Remove everything that breaks and breaks, but is dear to you, in advance. Very far. Where guests can’t even think of hiding. Better take it out onto the balcony.

Who will melt the ice?

Refreshing entertainment. It’s worth preparing a few ice cubes in advance for this. To make it more interesting for the participants, we freeze any small figures in cubes, which will become prizes. You can freeze, for example, small sweets, only by first wrapping them in several layers of packaging film so that they do not dissolve in water before they freeze)

The task of the participants, as you probably already guessed, is to melt the pieces of ice. But how to do this is up to you. You can dissolve them in your mouth, you can blow on them (in this case they will melt more slowly, but this will be safer for the participants’ throats). The winner is the one whose piece of ice melts before the others.

Possible ideas for competitions for children

In addition to the main scenario, a children's birthday party must necessarily consist of competitions that are interesting to children . They may be quite budget-friendly, but they will still bring a lot of joy to the kids. Several ideas for entertainment that are suitable for children from 2 to 10 years old.

Crazy egg

The essence of the game is to transfer a colored egg in a teaspoon from one plate to another. For the competition you will need to buy plastic plates, boil and color two dozen eggs, prepare teaspoons and place two pairs of stools on opposite sides of the room. Two teams of kids will have to move all the eggs for a while without dropping any, and the team with the most eggs by the end of the competition wins.

You have the right to improve the competition at your discretion: carry the spoon only in your teeth, pass the egg from one spoon to another along the way, and so on.

Help me collect leaves

Some character, perhaps the birthday boy's favorite toy, asks the kids to collect for her all the leaves scattered on the floor . She will give a sweet prize for special leaves; they will be marked with a special icon on the back. To play the game, you will have to cut out several dozen leaves from thick colored paper and put a special symbol on some of them.

This idea can be made more useful and educational for kids if you write letters on the back of all the leaves and ask them to find, for example, only vowels. For musical children, you can draw notes.

Mr Frankenstein

Don't let the name scare you, the essence of the game is harmless : children will take turns with their eyes closed and try to attach part of the character's body to his image on the poster. The character can be absolutely anything, and several body parts will need to be made - nose, ears, mouth, and so on. It is better to do the drawing on whatman paper so that it is convenient for the child to attach another piece of paper with plasticine or a button.

The child who attaches the piece of paper closest to the actual location of this part of the body wins, and he can be given an impromptu medal “For Flair.”

Wind, wind, you are mighty

In this game, the guys must move their ball from one part of the room to another faster than others , but this can only be done by blowing on the ball. The competition area should be clean and spacious enough for kids to roll around on the floor and blow on their balloons. To play, it is enough to prepare a dozen fairly dense balls, leaving some in reserve, and the reward “For the mighty breath.”

You will greatly complicate the task if you choose long and curly balls instead of standard ones.

Book antonyms

This competition will be able to “kill” three “birds with one stone” at once: help in the development of the thinking process in children, increase interest in books and cheer them up at the holiday. The essence of the game is for the presenter to pronounce the name of a book or fairy tale, but using only antonyms. The following options are available in the game:

  • Green hat - Red riding hood.
  • Castle - Teremok.
  • Black Sandpiper without the Seven Giants - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Kilometer - Thumbelina.
  • The ugly one and the cute animal - Beauty and the Beast.
  • Cold-fish - Firebird.

Of course, in addition to book works, you can choose any others, the main thing is that they are interesting to your children. To be sure of this, ask the parents of the children invited to the evening in advance what they are interested in.

A gift for everyone

If financial capabilities allow, you can arrange a surprise for each guest of the evening by giving him a small gift. To do this, you need to blindfold all the children, spin them around and give them the opportunity to pull a gift for themselves from the ribbon that was hung in advance. Gifts can include keychains, stickers, pens and small toys.

To make it more convenient to take the toy, give your baby scissors with which he can cut the ribbon with the gift. A child holding scissors must be monitored very carefully.

Little wizards

This competition is quite similar to forfeits, because each participant in the game writes a wish in advance , perhaps with the help of their parents, and puts it in a special box. Afterwards, the kids take turns pulling out pieces of paper with wishes and fulfilling them: dancing, reading a poem, hugging everyone present, and so on. Children will especially like this game if parents also participate in it, because you can see them in an informal setting.

Decorations for the birthday boy

Not only sweets, but also pleasant speeches can please the hero of the occasion , which can be organized into one competition. To do this, you will have to prepare a small rope and a certain number of bagels for each child. The kids will take turns stringing the beads and saying something nice to the birthday boy, and the participant with the most rings on the “beads” wins.

For this competition, it is important that the birthday boy willingly listens to his guests, reacting to their words. If children see that the hero of the occasion is ignoring them, an unpleasant situation may be provoked.

Be sure to give your children a rest between competitions so that they don’t get capricious and have time to participate in each one. Try to arrange the competitions from the most active to the calmest, inserting a tea party between them. At the end of the evening, be sure to treat each child to a piece of birthday cake.

Guessing the classics

Children these days watch and read a significant number of works, and some of them are considered classics. Invite the kids to play guessing phrases from popular cartoons, songs, books and films that have already become classics. Options may include:

  • What do you want, old man? - a fairy tale about the Golden Fish.
  • I'll sing now! – cartoon “Once upon a time there was a dog.”
  • Hakuna Matata - cartoon "The Lion King".
  • The talking bird is smart and quick-witted - cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet”.
  • We smile and wave... – cartoon “Madagascar”.
  • You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed - the fairy tale “The Little Prince”.

It is better to look for ideas for the game on the Internet, after consulting with the parents of the kids about their favorite works. To find a popular phrase from a movie or song, just enter “Phrases and quotes from Title_of the Work” , replacing the phrase in bold with your source.

Place and time of the holiday

In choosing the venue for the celebration, the leading role is played by the budget, the number of guests and the wishes of the birthday person. If the living space does not allow you to accommodate a large number of guests, or there is no time to prepare for a large festive table, then the best solution is to celebrate in a cafe/restaurant.

Many establishments are adapted for children's matinees by having:

  • animators;
  • entertainment areas;
  • children's menu;
  • a banquet hall that can be decorated on any scale;
  • birthday discounts.

The opportunity to relax and free yourself from hassle by choosing this option is a huge plus for mom. Celebrating a birthday at home is more economical. You can also invite an animator and even a presenter there. Preparing for the holiday will take more time, so you will need the help of all willing relatives.

Depending on the format of the event, the celebration can be held:

  • Outdoors;
  • in the entertainment center;
  • at the amusement park.
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