Original birthday contests for adults

To organize competitions you will need cards and boxes where you can put them. You should buy prizes for participants, balloons and other props. For example, if you are preparing a theatrical performance of a fairy tale (for example, “Turnip”), then you can purchase cardboard masks of the heroes. However, most competitions will not require props.

Photo: Wavebreakmedia/depositphotos.com

Original reincarnations

The presenter gives the participants cards with the name of the character into which the ladies must turn. A certain role comes with attributes that the participant puts on to make it easier to get used to the role. The women change clothes and read out an impromptu congratulation to those present in the voice of their hero.

Roles with attributes:

  • Dzhigurda - a red wig made of threads, a bright bandana;
  • Petya the alcoholic - a stretched out alcoholic T-shirt, glasses with one arch;
  • Vano Gruzin – cap or hat, mustache;
  • Boris Moiseev – bright beret, boa;
  • Boyarsky - brimmed hat, glasses, mustache.

Competitions for adults

Adults love to have fun just as much as children, especially when a friendly group has gathered. If new people are present, the initial awkwardness often disappears after a few toasts to the birthday person.

Alcohol competitions

Drinking competitions come down to this: try not to get too drunk after drinking alcoholic beverages. As a rule, the most sober one wins.

Competition "Cocktail"

Participants pour juice into a glass to a certain level. You need to take a sip and top up the rest with vodka or another alcoholic drink. With each subsequent sip, the cocktail becomes more and more rich, and less and less juice remains in it. Participants are eliminated when they say “Stop.” The most persistent one wins.

Competition "Naughty fingers"

A plate or tray is placed in the center of the table. Participants, sitting at the table, place one finger on the plate. Someone counts: “One, two, three.” On the count of three, participants must either add a finger or remove it from the plate. The one who is left in the minority (and this is several people) drinks a glass.

Competition "Roulette"

Glasses are placed on the table according to the number of participants. All glasses contain water, and only one contains vodka. On command, all participants drink. The one who gets the vodka wins.

Competition "I have never..."

The first participant says the phrase: “I have never…”, adds that he has never done it and drinks a glass. For example: “I have never skied.” Anyone in a similar situation should take a drink. Then the next participant says that he has never done it. And so on in a circle. At the same time, you can learn a lot about the guests. The less intoxicated one wins.

Vulgar but interesting competitions

"Find the clothespins"

Boys and girls are invited to participate in the competition. The guys are blindfolded, and the girls are attached with clothespins in various places. The guys' task is to find all the clothespins on the participants. The one who can do it the fastest will win.

"Leaves on Knees"

For men sitting on chairs, a piece of paper is placed on their laps. Women sit on top. Their task is to crumple the piece of paper within the allotted time (for example, thirty seconds). The one with the most wrinkled paper wins. It looks fun and funny.

Fun competitions


For the competition, participants must be divided into pairs: men and women, boys and girls. The presenter announces that male birds are especially good during the mating season. In the allotted time, women must make as many tufts on their men's heads as possible using hair ties. The couple with the most ruffled man wins.

"Put out the candle"

It is best to invite men to participate in the competition. Each person has a thread with cotton wool dipped in water tied to his belt, so that the cotton wool hangs between his legs approximately just above the knees. A lit candle is placed on the floor in front of each man. The players' task is to extinguish the candle with wet cotton wool. The competition is fun and funny. What kind of body movements do men make during it! Do not forget about safety precautions: there must be metal trays or stands under the candles.

Funny intimate contests

“Like it - don’t like it”

Participants in the competition name two parts of their neighbor’s body: one they like, the second one they don’t like. For example: “I like the neighbor’s ear on the right, but I don’t like the nose.” After everyone has been named, the host announces that guests must kiss the part of their neighbor’s body that he likes and bite the part that he doesn’t like. A fun time is guaranteed.

"Kiss the Neighbor"

Boys and girls are called to the center and placed in a circle. Their task is to give the other a kiss. The host announces where to kiss: on the cheek, nose, shoulder or ear. Participants in a circle kiss the indicated places to the music. When the music stops, one of the participants, the one who did not have time to kiss, is eliminated. In the end, you can arrange it so that two or three guys remain. A few minutes of laughter are guaranteed.

"Dancing with Balloons"

Guests are divided into pairs: a man and a woman. Each pair is given a balloon, which the participants must hold between each other. Couples should dance to fun, upbeat music (for example, rock and roll). Those whose ball does not fall win.

Fun and harmless competitions

"Make a doll"

For this competition you will need balloons of different shapes, tape and markers. Participants are divided into teams. Each person makes a doll out of balloons in the allotted time. The team whose aerial lady turns out to be the most interesting or funny wins.

"Guess who"

This competition will require cardboard animal masks. The participant closes his eyes and a mask is put on him. He does not see himself, but looks only at others. Everyone needs to guess who he is. In this case, you can ask leading questions in such a way that the answer is “yes” or “no”.

Instead of buying masks, you can attach cards with inscriptions to the hoop with tape. They point to a variety of heroes: the terminator, the postman Pechkin, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Spider-Man and so on. The one who guesses the most heroes wins.


Balloons are scattered on the floor. Participants must collect them within a certain time. The winner is the one who can hold the most balls.

"Sausage Competition"

Guests are asked questions, the answer to which will be the words “sausage”, “sausage”. The main thing is not to smile. Whoever smiled is out. The most serious participant or participants wins. Questions could be:

  1. Why did you fly to New York yesterday?
  2. What is the difference between a boy and a girl?
  3. What will you give your wife for her birthday?
  4. What's the longest thing in the world?
  5. What are you hiding under your pillow?
  6. What's in your pocket?
  7. How do you decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year?
  8. What's under your hat?
  9. What are you sitting on?
  10. What's in your pants?

Music competitions

Musical entertainment for a company that loves to sing. If someone is shy, it is better to agree to perform songs collectively. Singing together creates a warm atmosphere at the holiday and brings people together.

"Sing a song"

Participants are divided into two teams. The presenter offers to perform a song that contains a certain word or phrase. You can prepare cards with words in advance, and then draw them out. For example, the word “love” came across. Songs:

  1. "Love is like a dream..."
  2. "It's love that makes you rich without money..."

For the word "dream":

  1. “The dream comes true and does not come true...”
  2. “A dream flies in the sky, does not see the earth, does not notice...”

"Who is bigger?"

The birthday boy invites guests to sing songs on any topic. Let's say "Birthday". One person starts, the rest pick up. The one who remembers the most songs wins.

"Songs with a name"

Guests are divided into two teams. One needs to remember songs that contain a woman’s name. The second is masculine. The team that names or sings the most songs wins.

The sweetest

Another interesting competition for March 8th is the sweetest woman. For it you need to buy a large box of chocolates or put together a set of different types of chocolate with different fillings: puffed sweet rice, candied citrus fruits, nuts, cream, almonds. Each lady receives a piece of paper, a pen and the same set of sweets.

On paper you must first write the names of the candies that go with the filling. On the sheet, participants must determine in a limited time what is included in the chocolate filling. The winning woman receives the title “Sweetest” and a box of chocolates.

Cheerful girlfriends

It is advisable for men to play the role of girlfriends. Image: extravagant hats or scarves, colorful robes or loose-fitting dresses, balloons instead of breasts, beads, bags, etc.


  1. Motya;
  2. Aunt;
  3. Zosia.

Gifts are prepared in advance: horseradish root, lemon, cabbage.

Three girlfriends appear to the song “Buranovskie Babushki - I’m 18 Again.”

Motya : We came to congratulate you. Leave something positive here. And have a little fun. Do you promise to forgive us?

Aunt : Let’s say straight away that we didn’t come in vain. Let's drink three healthy stopars to your health!

Zosya : Don’t expect trouble from us, we came to please you. We'll sing and dance, don't care about the rest.

The girlfriends begin to dance to the music of “Babka Ezhka - Satisfaction.” The movements are arbitrary, it is permissible to involve guests or the birthday girl.

Motya : We wish you great income. (shows big breasts)

Aunt : And send everyone who is dissatisfied to the ass. (turns his back and twists his hips)

Zosia : And also health, passion. (focuses on his charms)

Motya : And a lot, a lot of happiness.

Aunt : So that there are no problems with passion, keep horseradish as a gift. (gives horseradish root)

Zosya : To avoid illnesses, keep a big lemon. (gives citrus)

Motya : And so that they grow like mine (points to his chest), I saved cabbage for you. (gives a bike)

Then the girlfriends sing the chorus from the song “Happy birthday to you” in unison. They hug the hero of the day and raise a toast to her health.


In a fun and simple competition, women have the opportunity to demonstrate their acting skills (when not on March 8th). On the sheets, the presenter prepares written tasks that the participants must complete. You cannot speak the task out loud. Guests must guess the action taking place only by movements. For example:

  • a dove that walks around the yard;
  • a cat begging for fish from its owner;
  • Alla Pugacheva sings the song “Iceberg”;
  • a first-grader on the shoulder of a graduate;
  • the graduate takes her final exam;
  • female leader.

The award goes to the one who can clearly show the most actions.



  1. Painter 1.
  2. Painter 2.
  3. Boss.

The painters are dressed in appropriate uniforms, holding brushes and a bucket of paint. However, in reality the bucket contains not paint, but rose petals. Only the container is closed, so no one knows about it. The workers pretend that the bucket is heavy.

For the image of a boss/foreman, a helmet and a business folder in your hands are enough. A bouquet of flowers is hidden in advance for the birthday girl.

The boss appears in the festive hall, and painters start banging on the door.

Chief : Who else brought it! (opens the door, painters come in)

Boss : Well, hello, aren't you too late? What were the deadlines? Which ones, I ask?

Painter 1 : Oh, don't swear, boss. We all know that everything should have been painted by (anniversary date).

Painter 2 : My mother’s cow in the village got sick, so I had to go urgently. Well, get into the position!

And we only work in pairs, that’s how I came back. So hit the bullet here. Now we can paint everything in no time! Chief: Which one will we paint? Are you crazy? The holiday is in full swing, where and how are you going to paint!

Painter 1 : Come on, foreman. We are like mice, we won’t bother anyone.

Painter 2 : And with the smell of paint, the anniversary will be more fun.

Chief : He’s also joking! Yes, you missed my deadlines and set me up in front of the customer.

The workers begin to pretend to paint the walls.

Painter 1 : Yes, while you are yelling there, we will already paint everything.

Painter 2 : Calm down, go for a smoke break and don’t get on our nerves.

Chief : How are you talking to me? What are you allowing yourself to do? Come on, let's get out!

Painter 1 : Oh, there? Oh like this?

Painter 2 : You know what, get out of the forest! And your customer!

The workers, out of anger, take a bucket of paint and quickly pour paint on the hero of the occasion. Only in reality they are sprinkled with rose petals. It turns out to be a very beautiful sight. Lots of emotions and great congratulations.

Any song “Happy Birthday” is played. The foreman gives the hero of the day a bouquet of flowers.

Sandwich and massage

A competition in which men do the deeds and women act as judges. The game consists of three stages:

  1. First. Women turn their backs, men will receive the same set of products and make a sandwich out of them in a minute that can win women's hearts. At a signal, the men place the sandwich on the platter, and the women turn and choose the best one.
  2. At the second stage, the women turn away and the men are given markers. They must write or draw something that can melt a woman's heart. A minute later, the masterpieces are sent to the jury.
  3. At the third stage, women are blindfolded. Participants come up and give the ladies a short shoulder massage. By voting, women choose the most courteous, caring and gentle man. The winner is awarded the "Ladies' Man" prize.

Congratulations from the Italians


  1. Juanito.
  2. Pedro.
  3. Translator.

Men's image: hat, red wide bandage on the belt. The translator wears loose-fitting clothes. It is acceptable to read words from a piece of paper.

It is necessary to prepare gifts: soap, pasta, sauce.

Juanito : Ciao cocoa Ospiens!

Translator : Hello everyone. We are very glad to see you.

Pedro : Slurp on anything. It's shining right in Italy's eyes.

Translator : We flew in business class, straight from sunny Italy.

Juanito : Congratulations to Conchita (name of the birthday girl).

Translator : To congratulate dear (name) on her anniversary.

Pedro : It's all unnecessary and unnecessary.

Translator : We brought gifts, albeit modest, but from the bottom of our hearts.

Juanito : Keep the saprone so that your face doesn’t stink or get dirty.

Translator : So that your skin always smells fragrant, keep fragrant soap.

Pedro : To avoid distrophin, use the cheapest macaron.

Translator : So that you are always full and maintain your magnificent shape, keep branded Italian pasta.

Juanito : It’s very tasty, saucento, rewarding.

Translator : In addition to the signature dinner, take the most delicious sauce from Italy.

Pedro : We want to wish. The back is not painful, the nose is not sneezing.

Translator : We wish you good health.

Juanito : Copanto in the garden, tidying up in the house, taskanto bags, success everywhere.

Translator : Long life and a lot of strength.

Pedro : Let's pour it and the hero of the day is velicanto!

Translator : Let's drink to the hero of the day!

Everyone raises their glasses.

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