Funny vulgar birthday contests

Competition "Bedspread"

for one thing on you.”

. You need to guess it. If you make a mistake and name something that is not what was intended, you take off the named thing. And so that you won’t be too embarrassed, you can cover yourself with a blanket.” (By the way, this is the item that is being riddled with). As a rule, participants strip down to their underwear, and after that they begin to think.

Let's have a drink

The participant needs to drink a glass of cognac, vodka, wine or other drink with the help of a partner. True, you will have to drink in a not entirely traditional way. Sitting on a chair, the partner holds a glass or glass between her knees

. In this case, none of the participants should touch the vessel with their hands.

Feed me

Now the partner is seated on a chair. Between his knees he clutches a banana, unpeeled, with a slightly torn peel. The partner needs to eat it without using her hands as quickly as possible.

Dressing rooms - locker rooms

Three or two teams can be formed for this game. Each team consists of one girl and two boys. At the command of the leader, the guys must put on the girl as quickly as possible and as many things as possible (taken off from themselves). As a result, you get a girl dressed from head to toe in men's clothing, and two completely naked guys!


To conduct this competition, all participants must be divided into pairs (boy-girl). One of the partners lies on the floor and a coin is placed on his stomach. The essence of the game is for the partner of the opposite sex to lie on top, and they turn over without dropping the coin. If someone's coin still falls, the guilty couple kisses.

Unwrap the candy

All participants must be divided into pairs. Each pair consists of a woman and a man. Their task is to unwrap and eat the candy (given by the presenter) without using their hands. The first pair to complete the task correctly wins.


Several pieces of chocolate are glued onto the bare parts of the girls' bodies. Male participants, blindfolded, must use their lips to find the chocolate. The fastest and most nimble participant wins. After this, you can switch partners and offer the girls a taste of chocolate.


Only couples

(a woman and a man). It is advisable that the man wear loose trousers. The woman is given a teaspoon, which must be threaded from below into the man's trouser leg. The goal of the game is to pull the spoon through all the pants and get it out from under the top edge as quickly as possible. T-shirts, shirts and other clothing above the waist must be tucked into trousers.

Siamese twins

Participating couples stand sideways to each other, hugging their shoulders with one arm. This leaves everyone with only one free hand. Together they are a Siamese twin. He just has to do something. For example, tie your shoelaces or button up a previously unbuttoned shirt.


This competition is a great success in a fairly tipsy company

. From those present, several couples are selected who have expressed a desire to prove themselves. To begin with, all participants are invited to take turns performing a slow erotic dance. After this, another, more complex competition is held to determine the winner. Each pair of participants must tell what they would do on a sofa placed in the center of the room. After everyone has shared their thoughts, participants are asked to demonstrate everything they have said, while their actions should be imbued with maximum eroticism. The couple that shows the “top class” wins!

Competition "Nesmeyana's Staring Games"

This ancient Russian game is a great way to start new relationships or attract attention.

Two chairs are placed opposite each other in the middle of the room. Two players sit down and gaze into each other's eyes without looking away. The one who first looked away, laughed, or somehow disrupted the move is eliminated and another player sits in his place. The winner, of course, is the most independent one. A good option is when one chair is for men, the second is for women. Recommended for holidays with a large number of participants. Good mood guaranteed!

Competition Ear, Nose and Two Hands

This competition can be held while sitting at a table. Everyone is asked to grab the tip of their nose with their left hand, and the left earlobe with their right hand. When the leader claps, you need to change the position of your hands, that is, grab your right earlobe with your left hand, and grab your nose with your right hand. At first, the intervals between claps are long, and then the leader increases the pace of the game, and the intervals between claps become smaller and smaller. The winner is the one who lasts the longest and does not get entangled in his hands, noses and ears.

Ball of Wishes Competition

2 participants are selected and stand at the beginning of the table. They are given a balloon each and whoever throws it further along the table. Guests can only help with their heads and blow. The winner makes a wish from the loser.

Competition "Rubber Ball"

Couples participate in the competition. A man and a woman stand opposite each other with a small rubber ball sandwiched between their stomachs. The task of each pair is to roll the ball with rotational movements to the chin of the partner whose height is shorter. The winner is the pair that gets the ball to their chin before the others without dropping it.

Competition "Ball on the Floor"

Couples also take part in the competition; partners stand with their backs to each other and tilt their bodies slightly forward. The ball is clamped in the lower back. The participants' task is to carefully lower the ball to the floor without dropping it. A prerequisite for the competition is that the ball must touch the floor and not roll to the side.

Competition "Water Carriers"

Draw two parallel lines on the floor, the distance between them is 10 meters. Contestants get down on all fours in front of one of the lines, and a bowl filled to the middle with water is placed on each person’s back. The participants' task is to get to the second line and back on all fours without spilling water. The winner is the one who comes to the finish line first and dry.

We have to try

This competition is not about the winner, but about positive emotions. Couples can take part in the competition: man-woman. All women are blindfolded. Every man gets a cucumber in his pants. At the command of the leader, each woman is brought to her man. Women begin the process of arousal - they rub the “interesting place” (after all, women do not know that there is actually a cucumber there). A couple of minutes of laughter and fun are guaranteed for all guests, and the participants themselves. The most passionate and courageous couples will receive prizes at the end of the game.

Erotic competitions for a party.

Competition Rubber Eroticexy

The game involves a guy and a girl. The girl puts an elastic band around her waist, not tight, but not very weak either.

The guy's task is to remove the elastic from the top, but with the condition that he should not touch the elastic with his hands. The girl must raise her hands up and at the same time dance, or otherwise prevent the young man from completing his task.

Competition Pillar

Several pairs participate in the game. Includes musical accompaniment. The guy acts as a pillar, and the girl needs to dance around him.

The girl's task is to leave the least amount of clothing on the guy. At the end of the competition, reward the winners with a prize.

Competition "Compliments"

Every man knows how to compliment ladies. This competition will allow you to find out who is the most skilled in this skill. The men sit in one row. It is advisable that girls stand opposite them. In turn, each man compliments the lady standing opposite him. But the compliment must begin with the letter that the presenter will call. Compliments should not be repeated. No more than 10 seconds are given to think, after which the participant who does not come up with a compliment leaves the competition. The man whose imagination is the richest wins. You can change the rules of the competition a little, because ladies also know how to compliment men.

Get out

Couples participate: man-woman. Each man has a broom tied to his belt (using a rope). Before each pair, pour out the same amount of garbage (you can take crumpled sheets of paper). Women in pairs are given scoops. At the “start” command, the man in each pair begins to clean up, but without the help of his hands, controlling his large... broom. And each woman bends down in front of the man, placing her dustpan under the broom. The couple that will clean up the mess faster than others and make it as erotic as possible will be the winner.

competition "Game-joke"

in this competition , this game is a joke to amuse the guests. Two participants are invited - a man and a woman. The rules of the game are explained to the man - “now the lady will sit on this sofa and take a sweet candy into her mouth, and your task is, blindfolded, to find this candy without using your hands and take it with your mouth too.” The whole comedy of the situation lies in the fact that as soon as the man is blindfolded, the man is placed on the sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me, no matter how long your chosen gentleman will try to find the candy from the “lady,” the guests will laugh heartily.

Who's that behind?

Women are blindfolded. Women are lined up in one row (one next to the other). Each man is given a large cucumber (carrot). The presenter announces the participants one by one, for example, participant No. 1. And participant No. 1 puts a cucumber between his legs and, in turn, approaches each woman from behind, gently pushing her (pushing her slightly). Then the second participant pushes, the third and so on. For fun, you can also blindfold men. At the end, each woman must guess which number her man was.

And now the sobriety test

As a rule, competitions are held during the feast. After a certain time, most guests will have already taken enough alcohol and relaxed. And now it’s time to start a comic competition to determine the degree of intoxication.

How such a check is carried out:

  1. "Sniper". You need to take a match and place it between two supports, maybe matchboxes. In this case, its ends rest on the boxes, and the center is free. The person being tested is forced to sit down in front of this “structure” 5-7 times to choose from. During the last squat, he must knock down the match with a snap of his finger. As a rule, few people succeed the first time.
  2. "Alcohol meter". For this competition you will need whatman paper with drawn divisions - 5, 10, 15, etc., which is placed on a horizontal surface. The maximum value is arbitrary, for example, 40, like the degree of vodka. You can write funny symbols next to each division. Let’s say, “sober as a cucumber” is for the very top, “knee-deep sea”, “in the trash”, etc. The player takes the marker, stands with his back to the paper and bends over. From this position he must make a mark on the paper as high as he can. The higher, the more sober the participant.
  3. Reading tongue twisters by people who have already taken a fair amount of alcohol is a pretty fun game. It’s good to print them on paper, but the font should be extremely large. You can pronounce the words one by one as quickly as possible. Whoever makes a mistake stops playing.

There are also a bunch of competitions to test your sobriety: walk exactly along a drawn line, hit the tip of your nose with the finger of your outstretched hand, etc.

Talented artists

Couples participate: man-woman. The guests themselves suggest any theme for the evening. And then the presenter hands out cans of cream to the women (can be replaced with a saucer of jam or condensed milk). At the “start” command, the men in each pair bare their torsos, and the women begin to draw on a given topic. Any element or a whole picture can act as a drawing. After a couple of minutes, the presenter stops the drawing process. The best picture is selected based on applause. That’s all, the participants will think. But no! Further more interesting. The artist is awarded a prize for the best painting. But to pick it up, you need to lick your painting. Next, they choose the best one among the remaining ones and the winner again licks her picture. And so the game continues until the last participant, who also licks the picture for losing. There is also a prize for the best “licking” of the painting.

Funny active competitions

You can start entertaining activities at the beginning of the fun, until the assembled guests have reached the required degree of intoxication. You can hold a fun competition or a joke. Here are some options:

  1. "Acquaintance". The game is suitable for companies in which not everyone knows each other. You will need roll stickers. Those present must take turns tearing off as many stickers as they want. After this, everyone must tell the facts of their own life, and according to the number of stickers.
  2. "Wardrobe". For the competition you need to find a large box and put items of clothing in it. For example, a cap, trousers, gloves, etc. Those present stand in a circle, and the presenter plays a fiery melody. Participants must pass the box to each other to the music. The presenter periodically stops the melody. At this time, the player who has the box must take out the item without looking and put it on himself. When the “wardrobe” is all distributed, the guests dressed in this way must remain in the outfit they have chosen for some time.
  3. "Banker". Prepare transparent jars, place money of different denominations inside and close them. Selected participants or teams must calculate the amount of money in the bank within a certain time. Whoever did it more accurately won.

You can come up with a lot of other interesting things: dance with selected objects in the room, guess the name of a movie from a picture, eat jelly at speed using Chinese chopsticks.

Funny competitions in drunken company

After testing, you can continue to have fun and play further. A few more fun competition options:

  1. "Frozen." You will need pieces of paper listing the parts of the human body. Let’s say “thumb”, “left ear”, “nose”, etc. The leaves are folded and placed in a hat or other convenient object. The first two participants make a choice, after reading what is written there, they touch these parts of the body, as if they were frozen. Those next in line do the same, but now “freeze” to those who came before. Thus, a cheerful round dance is built.
  2. "Pair dance" This is not a game, but a kind of entertainment. Couples are optionally tied together back to back. In this form, they should dance to the music, amusing themselves and the other guests. You can organize a competition for virtuosity of performance.
  3. "Fant". First, you need to receive a certain number of personal items from guests. You can do this like in the “wardrobe” game, but instead of taking out an item, you need to put something of your own. For example, a tie, a watch, lipstick. When there are a sufficient number of forfeits, the host should take them out one by one, but not show them to the guests. The rest choose a task that the owner of the item must do.

While having fun, we must not forget about moderation in drinking alcohol. Exceeding the dose of alcohol is fraught with negative manifestations from the body.

Sexy games that you can organize without spending

Love messages

One partner draws or writes something nice on the other’s body. The “canvas” is the bare back or a more intimate place. It is not necessary to take a brush or pencil. Your tool could be your finger or even your tongue. The second participant’s task is to guess what is written or drawn based on their feelings.

Cups of Wishes

Cut out small cards from paper. Each of you come up with 10 intimate tasks for each other and, without naming them, write them down - one on a card. Ask for what will bring you the most pleasure. If you don't have enough imagination, look for a couple of ideas in porn.

Fill two bowls with paper. The first contains tasks for him, the second - for her. During the game, take turns taking one random card from your cups and completing the tasks you come across.

If you lack variety in bed, this game will help you add new colors.

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