Cool games and competitions for Knowledge Day (September 1)

Making a schedule

There are numbered items on the desk. Each numbered set of items represents one subject from the school curriculum. For example: Dumbbells and jump rope - (physical education); Sheet music and children's microphone - (singing); Calculator and the root of some plant (the main thing is to make it clear that it is a root) - (mathematics); Several plants (leaf and flower) - (botany); Periodic table and flask - (chemistry); An hourglass and an old scroll (you can make it yourself - burn it a little and rub a piece of paper and write an ancient text on it) - (history); Disk (floppy disk) and flash drive - (computer science); Magnet and light bulb - (physics) and so on. At the “start” command, participants turn to the objects and write a schedule on their sheet of paper, deciphering school subjects in the objects. Whoever completed it first received a prize, such as a diary.

Games with small prizes on September 1

All competitions and games for children are here.

Game 1: Finish the phrase.

The host of the holiday prepares in advance phrases from famous classic poems for children. Children must complete the phrase they start. Whoever of those present can complete the most phrases receives a gift - a book with poems by A.S. Pushkin or another poet.

Game 2: Fun math.

Testing knowledge in mathematics for those who can add and subtract. 1-2 grade. The presenter shows the cards in close-up so that everyone can see them. And a + or - sign. But this is not simple mathematics. The cards contain pictures, not numbers. The game is a great warm-up before starting school. The best mathematician receives a prize - a set of rulers.

Game 3: Draw a teacher.

2 participants are called. On two sheets of whatman paper, everyone draws their teacher blindfolded. Anyone who succeeds in a similar manner receives a souvenir, for example, a ballpoint pen.

Game 4: Win-win lottery.

Small prizes, stationery or sweets are prepared. Each gift comes with a piece of paper with an easy example or riddle. Items are placed in a round glass vase. Children draw 1 piece each and solve examples or guess riddles. Everyone gets a prize.

Game 5: Riddles and guesses.

The presenter prepares cards with riddles and other cards with answers in advance. Divides equally between the two teams. One commander is selected from each team. The commander reads a riddle to his opponents.

They must guess it. And then make your own wish. And so on, one by one, until all the riddles are completed. The winner is the most erudite team with the most correct answers.

Everyone gets some candy for participating.

Game 6: The amazing is nearby.

The presenter, without saying the name of the object, tells a story about it. Children must guess what it is about. Whoever guesses first gets a prize, for example, a calendar. Examples: globe, ruler, book, etc.

Game 7: 1 time in 1st grade.

Suitable for first graders who should not yet be able to write, read and count. The game will introduce the children of the class better. All first-graders and classmates are placed in a large circle.

Starting with the class teacher, you need to shake hands with your neighbor, say his name and ask the neighbor’s name, and give a fictitious gift.

And so along the chain, in a circle, everyone should become acquainted and, as if, hand over something from themselves.


- Hello! My name is Anna Ivanovna. And you? - I'm Daniel.

- I give you such a big balloon!

- Hello, my name is Daniil Petrov, what about you? - I'm Dasha.

- I'm giving you candy.

- Hello, my name is Dasha Vasilyeva, what about you? - Hello, I'm Katya.

— I give you a bouquet of flowers.

And so on.

The game encourages friendship and encourages further communication.

Game 8: Best friends.

Game for grades 2-5. Where there are already friendly relations between children. Pairs of friends are selected. 2 or 3. The presenter gives the task to the children to tell how they would behave in various delicate situations. Children must perform mini skits.


1. One boy asks another boy to borrow a pen and accidentally drops it and breaks it. How should he behave? 2. The girl invited her friend to her birthday, but her parents said that they would celebrate the birthday with their family. How to proceed?

3. Two boys helped prepare for the holiday at school. One of them was given a chocolate bar for this. But the second one doesn’t. How to proceed?

Game 9: What's in your backpack?

Various items are placed in two backpacks - school and foreign ones. Two participants are called. They have to decide in a minute what they will need in school and what to leave at home. Useful school supplies as a prize.

Game 10: One jump, two jump.

On September 1, a fun relay race can be held in middle classes (warn in advance so that children take sportswear). To make it easier for children to adapt to school after the summer, they are given game exercises for agility, speed and team spirit.

You can include in the script a game of hopscotch, rubber bands, and jump ropes. A relay race with a ball or hoop. Jumping on one leg and over obstacles. At the end of the game, children are given souvenirs or a cup is awarded to the winning class of the competition.

Author of the games: M.A. Savinykh Specially for the site: PORGI.RU

We also recommend: riddles about autumn.

( 2 votes, rating: 5.00 out of 5)


Guess the proverb

Students are divided into pairs. The first participants will have to solve examples, and the second will have to match letters from the alphabet in accordance with the answers to the examples (number-answer = serial number of the letter in the alphabet). For example: √441 (21);50÷2 (25); 2x3 (6); 10+5 (15); 15×2 (30); 12-6 (6); 50-31 (19); 3×1 (3); 6÷1 (6); √400 (20); 10-9 (1); 30÷2 (15); 12÷2 (6); 18+3 (21); 15+10 (25); 8-2 (6); √225 (25); 6+0 (6); 19-4 (15); 3x10 (30); 4+2 (6); 40÷2 (20); 90÷3 (30); 2x7 (14); 1+0 (1). The first participant decides, and the second quickly matches the letters (the 21st letter of the alphabet is y, the 25th is h, and so on). The result is “Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.” The couple that finishes it faster than the rest will be the winner.


The game goes to elimination, that is, whoever was unable to quickly improvise is eliminated from the game. So, each participant takes out a phantom, and any letter is indicated in it, except e, ь, ы, й, ъ. Each participant, in turn, must compose and pronounce a sentence of at least 4 words, all words must begin with the same letter - with phanta. For example, the letter u. The teacher knows how to organize engaging lessons. The letter a. The acrobat Alexey addressed the audience with applause. As soon as each of the participants said a sentence, there were again forfeits and new sentences. The most persistent participants who can last the longest in the game will receive prizes.


First and eleventh grades take part. You can choose other classes with a margin. Participants are divided into teams 50/50, that is, one team = half first-graders + half eleventh-graders and a second team of the same composition. First-graders stand opposite eleventh-graders. If first-graders cannot read, the teacher will help them. Each participant receives a note in which a certain profession is written, for example, engineer, flight attendant, teacher, gardener, doctor, veterinarian, and so on. For each team, the leader marks the time at the start. So, as soon as the presenter gives the “start,” the first-grader opens his note, reads (with the help of the teacher) the profession and, without naming it, tries to explain it in his own words. For example, a person knows how to fly, and also treats him to tea or coffee, gives advice, and gives him magazines to read (flight attendant). The first-grader explains, and the eleventh-grader must guess. As soon as he guessed correctly, he opens his note and explains the profession written in his note to the first-grader. That is, the game goes in a zigzag (first-grader-eleventh-grader-first-grader). Once all the participants in the team have explained and guessed all the professions, the presenter stops time and records the result. Then the second team enters the game. And those who spend less time guessing their professions will win. It will be interesting for everyone to observe how differently little students and big children see adult professions, but how harmoniously they work as a team, trying to convey to each other the main thing.

Competitive game program “Back to school!”

Competitive and game program for the Day of Knowledge “Back to School!”

Goals and objectives:

creating a festive, friendly atmosphere and joyful mood in children, developing attention and organization, and promoting team unity. Program participants are primary school students in grades 2–4.

Details: Tokens (7 colors), prizes for all competition participants (given after each competition), sweet prizes (given to children at the end of the game program), multimedia equipment, details for competitions, clown and Baba Yaga costumes. The competitive game program is held in the assembly hall. The hall is festively decorated. Cheerful music is played before the program starts. Students take their seats in the assembly hall. Each student receives a token.

Progress of the event:

Cheerful music is playing. Clown Bim appears on stage.


Hello kids, girls and boys! I am glad to see you in this room. You are so beautiful and elegant today! Is it because today is a holiday? (children's answers) I congratulate you on the beginning of the school year, on Knowledge Day! Let's get acquainted. My name is Bim. What's your name? At my signal, shout your names loudly!.. Okay, everyone is in place! And if everything is in place, then I propose to start our holiday. Have you forgotten your letters over the summer? Have you forgotten how to count? How many letters are in the alphabet? (Children answer.) Can you count to at least seven? (children's answer) I have a red ball and a blue ball in my hands. I will swing the balls like this (shows), and you do the math. Be careful, if I swing the blue ball, then you count in ascending order from 1 to 7, but only up to seven! Not more. If I swing with a red ball, you count in descending order. Agreed? Let's try.

    The game is played for attention. "Check"


Well done, you know how to count, you completed the task!

And now the competition “The fastest, most accurate” I invite students who have yellow


In front of you are notebooks and covers. Your task: put covers on notebooks. This must be done quickly and carefully.

    The competition “The fastest, most accurate»

(each participant in the competition needs to put covers on 10 notebooks)


Well done! You also completed this task. Can you put together a briefcase yourself? (children's answers)

    A shouting game is being played: “ What’s in your briefcase?”

The time has come to collect the briefcase, and we are waiting for the correct answer. If you agree, answer “Yes”, and if you disagree, answer “No”. What's in your briefcase? A box of bright watercolors...

A simple regular pencil... A plate of fish and goulash... A textbook with a glossy cover... A paper bow for playing with a cat... Your favorite toy... And a New Year's cracker... An eraser and a ruler... A battery-powered tap machine... Notebooks, books and a notepad... And a machine gun , and a machine gun... And a compass, and a large pencil case... And an electronic dump truck... And removable shoes - sneakers... An album for a cool sketch... A universal slingshot... And a medical glove... A new construction set for work... A set of paper of all colors... Cardboard, and glue, and plasticine ... And kerosene, and Vaseline... A diary with a filled page... To put a unit there... We were able to put together a briefcase, For which everyone gets five!

I'm so glad we're all finally back to school! Are you happy?

Loud, cheerful music is heard, and Bom the clown appears on stage, dancing.


Hello girls and hello boys!
How are you? Bim:
Meet my little brother Bom!
Yes, it's me!
But I’m not at all glad that summer is over and I have to study again! Be-be-be, I don’t want, I don’t want! Let the holidays continue. And I’m not the only one, but all the children don’t want to go to school either! Bim:
It can’t be!
Let them say it themselves! Guys, now I will tell you different news. If you like the news, then you shout “Hurray!” and clap your hands (rehearses with children). And if you don’t like it, then you say “Oooooooo!” and stomp your feet. (rehearsing.)

I'm reporting the news: - Summer holidays continue! “But then the strict school principal comes and says: “No, the holidays are cancelled, now there will be a math lesson!” “But the class leader replies: “The math teacher has not returned from vacation yet!” “And the school director warns: “Then we’ll be on duty around the school!” - And the headman: “The school hasn’t had time to finish repairs yet.” — And we’re going to the celebration at the House of Culture! Bim:

But how can this be?
After all, learning is so interesting! Bom:
Studying may be interesting, but personally I have five reasons why I don’t want to go to school!
Here's more news!
And what are these reasons? Bom:
Here's what. (bends his fingers.) Reason one: you can’t give hints in class. Reason two: you can’t dress up like you’re going to a disco for school... Guys, tell me what else you can’t do at school?

Bohm asks questions to get answers: “fly airplanes,” “shout and run,” “twirl and jump.”

That's why I won't go to school. Bim:

I have an idea!
Guys, shouldn’t we open an unusual school now, in which, in addition to the usual lessons, there will be a lesson in hints, and a fashion lesson, and a lesson in screaming and running, and everything, everything that Bom and you guys have listed! Bom:
Oh, but does that really happen?
Of course it happens! And the teacher in this school will be Bom! Guys, do you agree? (children's answers).


Well, if you agree, then let's not waste time! So, lesson one: who gives the best advice?

Bim leaves the court, and Bom conducts the games.


Guys who have red tokens go to the board. (children go up to the stage. Bohm invites the children to choose one of the proposed letters). You name a variety of words based on the letter you choose. Let all the guys give you hints. The one who hears the most clues and names the most words gets an A!

    There is a competition game “Repeat the hint”


(After the game.) Great!
I like this school! And you? Now lesson two - fashion lesson! I call the bravest boys to the board. (Boys with blue
tokens come out.) I invite girls who have pink tokens. (Girls come out)

While listening to music, the helpers bring out a large, beautiful box containing a lot of decorations: hair clips, beads, headbands, brooches, bracelets, etc.


Women are always considered fashionistas, but famous couturiers and hairdressers are men. Maybe our boys will become trendsetters? Boys, divide the models into groups. (After organizing the teams.) This box contains many decorations. Our boys will now decorate their models with them. Whoever does this faster is the best student!

    Game-competition “Fashionistas”

The boys run up to the box, take one decoration, run up to the girl and put it on her. Then they dress up the second model, etc. The game continues while the musical composition is playing. After the game, the decorations are counted. (Competition participants receive prizes).

The sound of a jet plane is heard and Baba Yaga appears .

Baba Yaga:

Hello my killer whales!
Hello precious ones! Bom:
Guys, Baba Yaga herself came to us. Hello Grandma Yaga!

Baba Yaga:

Why did they start the holiday without me?
Today you have no place at our holiday.
Baba Yaga
(indignantly) What does “not the place” mean!!! What holiday could be complete without me? I can do without you, but you can’t do without me! You can not! You can not!


Today we have a holiday of Knowledge.
It takes place in our unusual school. And our lessons are unusual. And I'm a teacher at this school! Baba Yaga:
Ha ha ha! You are teacher? Are these your students? Ha ha ha, made me laugh!


Everything is correct! I've already done a tips lesson and a fashion lesson. And my students are smart and quick-witted!

Baba Yaga:

Are you saying that I am Baba Yaga, I know less than these kids?
Yes, I am the wisest, I know absolutely everything. And you can't cope with them without me. Who will entertain you, tell you riddles, hold competitions? Bom:
Okay. I will not refuse your help. But first I’ll tell you a few riddles. (to the guys) Just don’t give me any hints. Well, if Grandmother Yaga does not answer, we will turn to you.

So who goes to school with a bag of books in the morning? Baba Yaga

Yes, who can walk, this what’s his name... postman.
(Bom addresses the audience with a riddle. Answer: student) Bom:
To have a place to write, We really need.....
Baba Yaga:
A bed!
(Bom addresses the audience with a riddle. Answer: notebook) Bom:
Kolya and Lena are having fun.....
Baba Yaga
(interrupts) Apparently, they cut down the log!
You have to listen to the riddles until the end.
I repeat, but for the guys. - Kolya and Lena are having fun - So it’s at school……… (break) Bom:
- Who will color our album?

Well, of course…….. Baba Yaga:

(Bom addresses the audience with a riddle. Answer: pencil) Bom:
Letters, icons, like soldiers in a parade, are lined up in a strict order.
Everyone stands in an appointed place, and everything is called.... Baba Yaga:
(Bom addresses the audience with a riddle. Answer: alphabet) Bom:
You see, Grandma, how much knowledge is in your head. I was right.

Baba Yaga:

Who would say... You didn’t want to study yourself, give him a vacation.


But today we are studying at an unusual school!

Baba Yaga:

(does not pay attention) And your knowledge, who needs it?
I’ve been living without them for three thousand years and no problems. DB:
Isn’t it boring?
Baba Yaga:
Why should I be bored? I love dancing. I always have all the forest evil spirits and swamp creatures going to discos. But you probably don’t know how to dance?


Guys, let's prove to Baba Yaga that she is wrong?

    Musical break: The soundtrack plays

    (Bom and Children perform dance moves)

Baba Yaga:

You move well, but you can’t play the game with me? Can you speak Tormashin language? No? I’ll explain for those who don’t understand. For example, you don’t have a head on your shoulders, but an avolog, and the annoying akhum doesn’t let you sleep, in the store you ask not for milk, but nearby, and kijod is pouring from the sky on you. That's it.

Children with orange


Baba Yaga:

There are various objects on the table in front of you.

(Ball, rose, bow, key, book, ball, pencil).

Now be careful. We say a rhyme together with the audience, and at the end of the rhyme I name one of the objects in the Tormashin language. And you quickly take what I call. Whoever is more attentive will win. The counting table is like this:

Oker, poker, karakot,

Walked in, came out... a hippopotamus.

Let's do it all again together! (To the hall.)

And you - get ready. (To the players.)

8. A competition game is held:
Upside down”
kirash (ball), azor (rose), kul (bow), chyulk (key), cham (ball), agink (book), shadnarak (pencil).

Baba Yaga:

I see that some people have already mastered the Tormashin language to perfection. Let us thank them with applause. (Participants in the game receive prizes).


: And now we have the next lesson.
And this is a lesson in flying airplanes. Guys, those with purple
tokens come out to the board. (Children go on stage). Baba Yaga can also take part in our lesson. There are airplanes and markers in front of you. Write your names on the airplanes. We warm up and fly airplanes on stage. Now, pay attention! Get ready to launch airplanes into the hall! On the count of three we launch. One two Three! Whose plane flew farther? (Children's answers)

    Competition game: “Launching airplanes”

Baba Yaga:

How many of you take toys with you to school? Well, at least one? Who carries sweets and chewing gum in their briefcase? (Invites children with green tokens onto the stage.)

Forms two teams for the relay race. Props for the relay race: a briefcase with toys (according to the number of players), a briefcase with sweets, two baskets with school supplies, two empty baskets.

Baba Yaga:

Here's your team with a school bag, one of which contains toys, and the other contains sweets and chewing gum. Imagine that you have packed your briefcase and are heading to school. But then your parents decided to check what was in it. And you need to quickly put out unnecessary items and put down school items. When signaled, begin to act. You will act in turns. You take out one unnecessary item from your briefcase, run a distance and throw it into an empty basket, take a school item from the next basket and carry it into your briefcase. Then the next one runs. Let's see which of you is faster.

The “Pack up a briefcase” relay race is held.
Baba Yaga:

Oh, how great you guys are! Oh. Oh. Oh (grabs his heart). Now I can’t live without you (cries, leaves the stage).

Bom: (

Why cry? We are having such a fun time, and new meetings await us ahead, which means new games and fun things to do. Well, now I suggest you watch the cartoon.

    Watching the cartoon Masha and the Bear "First time in first grade."

Bom: (

after watching the cartoon
And we have our last lesson. A lesson in shouting and running. In this lesson I will not call anyone to the board, you will all answer at once. But first let all the girls raise their hands... Okay, there are a lot of girls in the room. Now let the boys raise their hands... And there are a lot of boys. Which one of you screams louder? Boys or girls? What do you think? Let's check! When I pick up the red ball, the girls scream. When I pick up the blue one, boys. Agreed? Why are we going to shout?

Children offer their own options.

Since today is a holiday, let's congratulate each other! The boys shout: “Happy new school year!”, the girls: “Happy September 1st!” And when I raise both balls up, we shout: “Happy Knowledge Day!”

There is a chant.


Well done! The first day at your school, where everything is the other way around, went with a bang. Shall we start all over again tomorrow? Bom:
Oh, no, Bim.
I jumped and shouted so much that I don’t want to be a hooligan anymore. I’ll go to a regular school, sit there quietly and behave properly. Bim:
That's great!
Let's once again congratulate each other on the holiday and tomorrow we will go to school with renewed vigor. Bom:
Good luck to everyone and see you again!

The soundtrack of a song about school plays. Students receive sweet prizes.


Cartoon cipher

Students are divided into teams of approximately 3-4 participants. For each team, you need to prepare sets of certain items (numbered) in advance. Such sets will be a kind of code for some cartoon, and students will have to guess which one, showing their ingenuity. For example: Onions, tomatoes and cherries (real or plastic; A jar of honey and a balloon - “Winnie the Pooh”; A golden key and the alphabet - “Pinocchio”; A red hat and a basket - “Little Red Riding Hood”; Satin with a cross in a certain place (mark) and a chest - “Treasure Island”, etc. The team of students that can do it faster and correctly decipher all the cartoons will be the winner.

How to make September 1st a holiday?! Thoughts and advice

September 1 is a holiday that begins with the first bell and continues throughout your life!

First we go to school, then we get vocational education, then further training courses and self-education. Perhaps that is why we remember the events of our lives not by calendar dates, but like this: “When I was in seventh grade,” or “It was in my second year.” Maybe our distant ancestors were right when they began counting down the New Year on September 1?

One way or another - happy holiday! We are all eternal students in this world!

The child went to school. For the first time or the tenth time, it doesn’t matter. How do we celebrate September 1st with our children?

Most likely, this is the first time we are organizing some kind of small festive dinner. But time passes, and we are content with buying everything we need for school, a bouquet of flowers and, sighing with relief that this relay of preparation is over, we send our child to school and return to the usual “adult” affairs. And I did the same, I won’t hide it. It's a pity!

Or maybe you should put your business aside and think about how to make the First of September a holiday for your children?! Or, for example, take the initiative and organize a game program for your children on the very First of September? After all, we all want our children to study well, we demand results from them, we are unhappy if they do not want to go to school. Sometimes we are even indignant that they don’t want to study, we don’t understand why they don’t like school.

Our age is a time of information. What do our children hear and see about school? I won’t talk about the media; you yourself will find a lot of negative examples. But we ourselves, WHAT are we saying? We complain about prices, about the quality of education, about laws. And our children hear and absorb all this.

But school is their life. For 11 long years (think about it!) they will be forced to go to school, like hard labor, if we cannot convey to them that learning is truly light! This phrase has become so commonplace that we don’t even think about how wise it is. After all, Light (just light - solar, electric) is a vital necessity for humans


Both individuals and teams can take part. A sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen are prepared for each participant. All participants are focused and ready to listen to the presenter’s long text, for example: Elephant, plate, apple, window, flower, dog, house, shoe, glasses, grille, eye, boa constrictor, car, pants, number five, brick, tree, fish, mug , heart. After the presenter has finished reading the text, he gives the command “start” and records the time. Participants take their markers and draw objects that they remember from the text on their sheets. The winner will be the participant who can remember and draw the most objects in one minute.

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