Competitions for the New Year 2022 for playing at home and away

Corporate parties have long turned from a fun event into a boring forced affair. Often, management entrusts someone else with organizing everything at the last minute. New Year's scenes for adults, especially interesting ones, are quite difficult to come up with on your own.

Take advantage of ready-made scripts, complementing them with a flavor unique to your team.

Don't do as we do

On New Year's Eve, adults can feel like little mischievous children and laugh at their shortcomings. We suggest that you take psychological relief and ridicule the unseemly actions of your colleagues so that they do not repeat them.

The two presenters act out the dialogue:

1: Dear friends, now I will tell you how to celebrate the New Year correctly.

2: Why isn’t it me?

1: You don’t even know how to celebrate perfectly!

2: Oh! And this is said by the one who puts the same boxes under the Christmas tree every year! Still empty! It’s as if everyone loves him so much and has given him so many gifts!

1: And you always bring a box of stale “Bird’s milk” as a gift to the boss’s secretary!

2: And every December 31st you stay at work until the last minute and then go on a visit so that you don’t have to cook anything at home!

1: And you gorge yourself on olives at the table all night, and dance while sitting to the “New Year’s Light”!

2: Have you never bought fireworks? You just stare at strangers from the window all night!

1: And you howl the national anthem at karaoke! I couldn’t learn the words!

2: And on all holidays you send other people’s SMS messages to all your friends, and then you receive them back with your signature!

1: And every time you make legendary plans to spend the night in Morocco, and then snore in your salad before midnight!

2: And you burn pieces of paper during the chiming clock and then chew the ashes with moonshine instead of champagne and believe that your grandmother will finally die and leave you a palace on the Cote d'Azur as an inheritance!

1: And for a whole year you’ve been stealing stupid pens with our company’s logo from everyone and then giving them to your colleagues at work!

2: And you live as a guest from New Year to Christmas! Until the owners run out of food in the refrigerator!

1: And you’ve been watching “Home Alone” forty times in a row all New Year’s weekend!

2: And every year you snatch champagne and, shouting “I’ll show you the class now,” flood the entire table, and get the cork in your mother-in-law’s eye!

1: Okay, we're both good...

2: Therefore, beloved friends, may you have a safe New Year’s Eve...

Together: Never do like us!

Blind photo zone

All participants are blindfolded. The presenter chooses a pair at his discretion. The members of the couple do not utter a sound. With the help of the leader, the pair (one of its participants) takes out a phantom from the bag. Each fantasy indicates a “couple” of heroes, which the real couple should improvise (without discussing, without understanding who is who), for example, the Wolf and the Hare with “Well, wait a minute” or Gerda and Kai; Squirrel and acorn from Ice Age or Winnie the Pooh and Piglet; bandits from “Home Alone” or Sharik and the cat Matroskin “Winter in Prostokvashino”; Solokha and the Devil “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” or the Nutcracker and Clara and so on. At the moment when the couple portrays their heroes, the presenter takes a photograph of the couple as a souvenir. The result will be a fun and mysterious competition, as well as a photo break, because the holiday must definitely leave behind at least a couple of cool pictures.

Impromptu about the Christmas tree

A wonderful version of the scene is a production of the children's fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” in an adult way.
We offer another sketch for adults who want to fool around and remember their childhood. It is desirable that the company is already quite “warm”. The point is to play up “The Christmas Tree Song” with the cast and make it as funny as possible. The most artistic and funniest will receive a prize - candy.

From among the corporate party participants, you need to choose the 9 most fun ones. In advance, you need to print out the text of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...” in 10 copies.


  • herringbone;
  • blizzard;
  • freezing;
  • cowardly bunny;
  • Angry Wolf;
  • hairy horse;
  • little man;
  • firewood;
  • leading.

It is advisable to determine the roles by drawing lots so that no one is offended. The task will be to play out the song as funny and emotionally as possible, listening to the words of the presenter. The participant begins to play his role when he hears the name of the desired hero. During the chorus, you can start a round dance around the Christmas tree.

Old year VS New

To organize a New Year's skit, you need 6 people, a sign with the inscription "2018" and a sign with the inscription "2019", 2 costumes of D.M., one of them must be noticeably shabby.


  • 2018 - Old Year in the costume of a shabby D.M. with a name plate;
  • 2019 - in a new Santa suit and with a sign;
  • leading;
  • employee 1 – C1;
  • employee 2 – C2;
  • employee 3 – C3.

Presenter: On the New Year's holiday, when one year replaces another, it is customary to remember the Old and welcome the New. If you had the opportunity to choose, who would you keep?

Art. g. “looks reproachfully at the employees”: This is how you thanked me! But we had such a good time together! I did everything for you! And you are driving me away! Traitors!

S1: What good have you done to us? Did you even love us a little? Every day, food became more expensive, things got lost, girls refused and nothing worked out at all!

S2: You promised fulfillment of desires, but what happened?

Art. g.: Why did you wish for a dollar to cost 8 rubles? Am I the National Bank?

S3: What, were you sorry? Why did we burn the paper and spoil the champagne with the ashes?

Art. g.: Why did you decide that what was written should be fulfilled? Then maybe I should start performing the inscriptions from the entrance? There are some very good wishes there.

S1: There is no need to go away from the topic, it’s better to go away altogether.

Art. g.: No question, since you want it so much. But who will you stay with if not me? WITH THIS? At least you already know me well, nothing unpredictable, but this is a year in the bag! On the contrary, I can give you a guarantee that gasoline will not become more expensive, oil will not become much cheaper, the president will always be the same, the retirement age will not be extended to 80, taxes on idleness will not be introduced, divorce will not become more expensive, the Russian Orthodox Church will not cancel more concerts !

S2: Well, the national team won’t win even with him, and the president won’t change for us even with him, and this one can guarantee “points the finger at NG.”

Is this how you want to celebrate this New Year?

Not really

Art. g.: Well, I don’t understand how he bribed you? Will you have five holidays a week? Have you checked with your liver to see if this is suitable for it? Here you are, remember “addresses C1”, I gave you a meeting with your soulmate! But you, “turning to C2”, took out a mortgage on the apartment. Three-room apartment by the way! So that your mother-in-law can move in with you!

S2: Thank you, dear! I will definitely not forget you until the grave!

Art. g.: But for you, “turning to C3,” hasn’t anything positive happened at all? You went to China!

S3: I went! They fed me mouse tails, and then for a month I was afraid to look at anything other than water!

Art. g.: Oh so! Okay, I'm leaving you! But you will still cry for me! Remember how good I really was to you! And only through photographs can you remember these unforgettable moments. And when you leave, they throw stones after you: it’s spoiled, it didn’t work out, it didn’t... Why do I need all this?!

Employees approach the Old Year and hug him.

S1: Don’t be offended, you really were wonderful “they begin to remember what important things happened in the company, what important events the employees had.”

S2: We didn't want to offend you.

Art. g.: Thank you, my dears! Goodbye, I’ll leave you, and you live with him “points to N.G.” It must be somehow different from year to year: “it goes away slowly and sadly.”

NG: Of course it should! Let's start with housing and communal services tariffs! “hands out receipts to employees.”

S1: Is this a joke?! 75 percent?

Everyone runs after the Old Year and starts shouting: “Stop! Don't go! Come back! We will forgive you everything! We've changed our minds!"

We decorate the Christmas tree

Guests are divided into teams with the same even number of participants (men and women equally, as they are divided into pairs). Pairs of each team stand in separate rows at the same distance from the tree (pair by pair). Near each team there is a box with Christmas tree decorations (pine cones, balls, etc.). At the command “start”, the men in the first couples take the women in their arms, and they, in turn, take one Christmas tree toy each. Then the couple runs to the tree. A man holds his woman tightly, and the woman hangs a toy on the Christmas tree. After this, the pair returns to their team and passes the baton to the second pair, standing at the end of the team. The winner will be the team that decorates the Christmas tree faster and in which the first couple returns to first place again.

Seven-flowered flower

For impromptu skits, it is better to invite artistic and expressive people; this is where the success of the event lies.

For a short funny scene, you need to prepare a flower with many petals, on which are written the most daring, absurd, but funny predictions.

For example:

  • I'll dye my hair purple;
  • I will get divorced and go away to become a hippie;
  • I'll buy myself a pony;
  • I will find a treasure, etc.

Each corporate party participant blindly pulls out a petal with a prediction and fantasizes about how what they wrote could come true.

Christmas decorations

The kids and I will play an interesting game: I will tell the kids what we decorate the Christmas tree with. Listen carefully and be sure to answer. If we tell you correctly, say “Yes” in response. Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, boldly say “No!” - Multi-colored firecrackers? — Blankets and pillows? — Folding beds and cribs? — Marmalades, chocolates? — Glass balls? — Are the chairs wooden? - Teddy bears? - Primers and books? - Are the beads multi-colored? — Are the garlands light? - Snow made from white cotton wool? - Satchels and briefcases? - Shoes and boots? — Cups, forks, spoons? — Are the candies shiny? — Are tigers real? — Are the cones golden? — Are the stars radiant?

Staged and costumed story about Grandfather and Snow Maiden

In a small miniature, it is advisable to force only colleagues who can quickly improvise to participate.

Characters and props:

  • Snow Maiden - a hat with braids;
  • Santa Claus - hat and beard;
  • Grandfather Mustafa - turban and beard;
  • Akyn – skullcap and tambourine.

The presenter reads out the text, the actors need to come up with and say a line at the appropriate moment after his pause, and also perform actions from the script. Uninvolved guests support the participants.

Q: It’s frosty and cold outside, so first we’ll organize ourselves into a spring mood. Those who know how to whistle - let them whistle, the rest loudly knock with their forks on their glasses and glasses.

"Summer. Heat.

D. Moroz is dragging along with a dirty empty bag. He has a hangover.

Behind, holding on to Grandfather and whining that she is hot, the disheveled Snow Maiden is barely trudged along.

Grandfather Mustafa walked towards them actively, cheerfully, skipping, whistling and with a huge bag of alcoholic gifts, he was in a hurry for Nowruz.

Noticing the unfortunate travelers, he stopped, sat down on the ground and shouted...

A dancing Akyn appeared on the horizon, he immediately began to sing a soulful song about everything he saw around him.

He really liked the Snow Maiden, and he decided to sing about her beauty.

D. Mustafa began to cry, stretched out his hands to the sky and sang... “come up with a phrase”

D. Moroz fell to the ground, reached out and pulled D. Mustafa’s beard with all his might, flicked him on the nose and said “...” with unbearable bitterness in his voice.

Granddaughter Snow Maiden plopped down on Grandfather Frost’s lap and sarcastically said “...”

Akyn was confused, dropped his instrument and could not sing anything. Nothing at all.

D. Moroz bravely tried to get up.

He didn't succeed.

D. Moroz finally stood up proudly and said “...”

D. Mustafa reached out to the Snow Maiden and shouted “...”

D. Moroz looked around, determined where the north lay, and waved his hand with complete confidence, declaring “...”

Then he went to the left and “...”

The Snow Maiden kissed D. Mustafa on the forehead and chased after D. Moroz.

Mustafa was not particularly surprised, thoughtfully scratched the back of his head and said “...”

Akyn was planning to sing a new song, but we won’t let him, otherwise we’ll have to listen to this chaos until the morning.

End! Look for the moral yourself!”

It is best to print the roles on pieces of paper. Distribute roles by drawing from a hat, or let the presenter himself assign.

We answer in chorus

A game of attentiveness. We answer yes or no. It turns out pretty funny. Everyone knows Santa Claus, right? He comes up with exactly that, right? Santa Claus is a good old man, right? Wears a hat and galoshes, right? Santa Claus will come soon, right? He will bring gifts, right? The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right? It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right? What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right? Tomatoes and gingerbread, right? Well, our Christmas tree is beautiful, right? There are red needles everywhere, right? Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right? He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right? Well, the answers have been given to the questions. You all know about Santa Claus. And this means the time has come, which all the children are waiting for. Let's call Santa Claus!

Corporate event scenario for lazy organizers


  • cleaning woman;
  • Father Frost;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • leading.


  • a bag with small gifts;
  • pieces of paper;
  • a snowflake with many corners - the task number is indicated under each corner;
  • hat.

Scene 1

Presenter-B: Greetings, my dears!

A little more and the New Year will come - a holiday when miracles happen and all dreams and wishes come true!

And first, I have to fulfill several wishes that could not be fulfilled on time, and all because of our mail - the gifts were not given on time. Now we will correct this awkward situation.

He extends his hand into a small bag of gifts.

Approaches the manager.

Q: It was you, boy, who asked Santa Claus for a car as a child?

Leader: Yes!

Host: Here is your gift “holding out a toy car.”

The host goes to the rest of the little guests and gives them gifts too!

Host: This is how children's dreams come true! Let's drink to this!

Scene 2

Q: Not everyone probably knows, but Santa Claus has a wife! And her name is Winter! She has prepared tasks for you!

They bring out a snowflake with tasks:

  • on the 1st corner - a poem about NG;
  • on the 2nd corner - dance with a colleague;
  • on the 3rd corner - a riddle about a holiday, etc.

Scene 3

The cleaning lady follows the leader, waves a mop and scolds him.

Ub.: Just look! How well I settled down! Should I clean up after him? They’ll scatter confetti and garlands everywhere, and then I’ll have to clean up around the clock!

Host: Well, Klava Ivanovna, why are you slandering me, have I done anything bad to you? But look at others, “pointing at guests.”

Ub. "looks angrily at the others"

Ub.: Oh, you! They littered, they littered so much! So, quickly grab some pieces of paper! Write or draw all the bad things that happened to you this year! I'll be back in three minutes to throw everything away, okay?

On squares of paper you need to draw an association with the worst moments of the past year or write in words.

Which costumes do you prefer, store-bought or homemade?

Not really

Ub.: Well, are all the papers filled out? Have you collected all the junk in your head? Here are the smart ones! Come on, throw everything into my bucket!

Ub.: Wow! How much garbage has accumulated! I’ll throw it all away, I’ll burn it! Nothing bad will remain!

V.: Now tell me, has it become easier?

V.: That’s great! But a holy place should not remain empty, right?

Scene 5

V.: Writing letters to Santa Claus with wishes is risky, they may simply not arrive. So here we have the Magic Hat!

Today, under this elegant Christmas tree, on this magical day, each of you can wish anything for the coming year, and this Hat of Wishes will fulfill any wish “those who wish come up, put on the V.Sh. of wishes and pronounce their wish.”

Scene 6

Q: And for all our wishes and dreams to come true, we need to give this Magic Hat of Wishes to Santa Claus, right?

Let's call him, remember how in childhood?

Happy New Year.

Cool New Year's entertainment for a drunk company

New Year's competition "Monkey Lunokhod 2021"

A new competition for those who are already slightly drunk will give them the opportunity to fool around in the guise of a New Year's hostess. The guests stand in a circle. The children's counting rhyme selects one participant, who wanders around on his haunches inside the circle and says in a serious tone that he is Lunokhod -1. Whoever laughs first joins him, imitating Lunokhod-2 by analogy. Whoever laughs next becomes Lunokhod-3. Thus, the cheerful chain continues. The most serious person is offered a drink as a prize.

Competition "checkers-glasses"

Guests are invited to play a game of checkers. But instead of checkers, there are glasses of white and red wine on a regular board (you can have stronger ones: vodka and cognac). He “ate” the enemy’s checker, said a toast and drank a glass. The “auditorium” for such a game will never be empty.

Competition "Snowman's Nose"

This will amuse anyone. On a large sheet of whatman paper they draw a funny snowman, but without a nose. The nose is issued separately. Fairly tipsy players are given the task of attaching the “carrot” to its proper place. It will be especially fun if the participant is well promoted beforehand.

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