Scenario of the competitive and entertaining event “Flower Party”, grades 8-11

We, one way or another, draw all our ideas from nature. All her gifts are beautiful and perfect, which means that designers, decorators and florists around the world successfully bring a piece of this beauty into the design of premises. Flowers have never gone out of fashion; for many centuries people have enjoyed their splendor and been inspired to create masterpieces. Floral style surrounds us everywhere, in clothing items, in interior design, in accessories, and of course it is the most popular in preparation for any celebration.

Scenario for a “Flower Party” for a birthday (anniversary), as well as for a corporate party or event

Preparations for the holiday can begin several days in advance.

  1. Party guests receive invitations that feature flowers or a flower that states that “The Queen of Flowers is giving a ball to celebrate her birthday.”
  2. Already in the invitation, everyone recognizes their floral title and, if possible, considers its features (if there are many guests, you can duplicate the flowers by changing their color, as well as the place of origin. If this does not work, combine them into mono-colored bouquets, but be sure to take care).

There are no holidays without flowers. Pompous bouquets are usually given to anniversaries, thereby expressing respect to them; smaller bouquets and cute very small bouquets are eternal signs of attention, sympathy, love... Placed skillfully in vases and vases, they decorate the room and create a good mood. Flowers are a great decorative element. For a big celebration, the room is decorated with exquisite voluminous flower arrangements and garlands to evoke a fireworks display of emotions. But even one flower, be it a regal rose, an elegant daffodil, an exotic orchid or a white-headed daisy, is also a holiday. And one flower can tell a lot about the feelings of the giver... Flowers have been and will always be with us. Of course, it is easier to organize a party of a similar theme in the summer than in the cold season - in the bright, warm season there are many more flowers. But you can also make them yourself - for example, when holding competitions in honor of the birthday girl or the March 8th holiday.

What you need for a party - A special party invitation card. You can attach a dried flower that has not lost its beauty, or even a dried blade of grass to a card made of thick paper - it can be very impressive. The invitation informs about the place and time of the holiday, as well as the fact that a special pass is also required - a fresh flower as a gift. In addition, in accordance with the scenario, the organizers can give the guests new “flowery” names, which they will inform everyone about in the invitation. However, guests can choose such nicknames for themselves. — The room and the festive table are decorated with various bouquets and garlands (see design ideas below). The main bouquet can also be assembled from New Year’s garlands; you certainly won’t take your eyes off this one. — A magical flower made of paper, the petals of which are 30-40 cm. — Props for games and competitions (see below). — A camera for filming the most impressive moments of the holiday. — Musical accompaniment.

How to hold a party Flowers at this party, as at any celebration, help create a festive mood and a special romantic mood. This will work out to the fullest, since flowers are

  • party symbol;
  • the main decoration of the room and costumes of guests and hosts;
  • the main attribute of all entertainment;
  • prizes for each participant of the holiday.

This time the program does not have a competitive nature, so as not to destroy the high emotional mood of the celebration.

Some tips for creating a festive atmosphere

The main people when preparing for such a party are florists. They can be both teenagers and their parents. You just need to read the following recommendations.

- Festive table. A tablecloth (obviously specially purchased, disposable) can be simply stunning if its free edges are embroidered with an ornament of fresh flowers. Napkin rings can be made in the form of small wreaths of flowers, or you can wrap a flower in a napkin for each guest. “Scatter” flower petals or buds on the table surface. — Pour water into low glass vases (salad bowls) and place petals, flower heads and special candles in them. Small candles can also be placed in the middle of open flowers. If you use regular candlesticks, decorate them with flowers. - Decorate the holiday cake and other dishes with flowers and leaves. To do this, the tips of the strong stems of roses, asters, and dahlias should first be washed with water and dried with a napkin, and then any dish can be decorated with flowers. If the stems are flexible, then they need to be washed, dipped in melted paraffin and allowed to dry. There won't be much trouble with the flower heads of pansies, daisies, violets, etc. - Create a “valley of happiness” in a convenient place - place all the containers with bouquets of flowers there. — Make business cards for everyone at the party. They must indicate the “flower” name and the “seat” number. Business cards can be attached to the front surface of a vase with low edges or placed directly into it. — From flowers, guests can make wreaths, beads, bracelets, pendants, brooches, using chains, rubber bands, paper clips, tape, etc. as a base and improvised means. — Prepare flowers for gifts — or crafts in the form of flowers or figurines who hold them.

Entertainment program

If a party is a birthday


In ancient times, men not only knew how to gallantly give flowers to ladies, but also spoke a special language - they communicated with their chosen ones using flowers, and each bouquet was a message that could be “read”. This is how lovers communicated. The first dictionaries of flower symbolism appeared hundreds of years ago in the East. The ancient Persian sources that have reached us include a description of the secret meaning contained in more than four hundred plants. In Europe, the French and Germans succeeded in creating such original dictionaries - they picked up the baton in the 18th century. For example, rosehip, according to one interpretation, meant: “Can you be trusted?” - and geranium: “I need to talk to you secretly.” At this party, guests have the opportunity to get acquainted with the amazing language of flowers, so that everyone can express their attitude towards the hero of the occasion, and then, in the course of exquisite fun, guests can generally say with flowers what they think about each other - naturally, good. To write a “flower” letter, simply select the names of flowering plants and list their names and quantities on a piece of paper using a pen.

A short dictionary of floral symbolism with comments

Comment 1. The number of flowers sent is very important. One, three or five flowers are good, two or four means trouble. In addition, an odd number of flowers produces a more harmonious bouquet. One flower - you are all I have! Three flowers - I want to see you again. Five flowers - I’m ready to go with you to the ends of the world. Seven flowers - I love you! Nine flowers - I'm yours forever! Eleven flowers - you are all I have!

Comment 2. In the language of flowers, each flower has its own meaning (although different peoples attach different meanings to one or another flower). For example:

white - purity; yellow - a premonition of love; pink - love, dream; bright red - passionate love; blue - devotion; lilac or violet - peace and trust.

When choosing the color scheme of the bouquet, listen to yourself and try to express your feeling.

Comment 3. With the help of plants you can make a subtle compliment and communicate the shades of your state of mind.

White rose - your beauty is impeccable. Red rose - I love it passionately. Fern - I'm timid. Marigolds - I'm jealous. Tulip is my true love. Violet - you are modest. Hawthorn - you are allowed to hope. Cornflower - I am faithful to you. Buttercup - you are ungrateful. Nasturtium - I'm burning with love. Hortensia - you are beautiful, but indifferent. Iris - you are fickle. Jasmine - you intoxicate my feelings. Lily of the valley - we will be happy. Forget-me-not - don't forget me. Narcissist - you love only yourself. Carnation - you have a rival. Daisy - you are beautiful. Mac - you arouse my suspicions. Pansies - I only think about you. Peony - I'm confused. Lavender - answer me. Lilac - my love for you awakens. Sunflower - I bow to you. Ivy - I will always be faithful to you. Chrysanthemum - I appreciate your nobility. Chamomile - goodbye.

Goodbye, goodbye - but see you in the new game.

If the party is in honor of a calendar, personal holiday... or just a holiday for the soul


All young people present at the party are invited to participate in this fight; girls are assigned the role of spectators of the upcoming competition. The duelists line up. Each of them in turn takes a step forward with the words “I would like to give you...” and names a flower. You cannot repeat the names of flowers that have already been spoken - these flowers are considered to have already been given. The poor knight, temporarily speechless, unable to say anything, remains standing in the same place - he can be generously encouraged. Nevertheless, at the end of the fight, the beautiful ladies (the birthday girl) become the owners of the most incredible bouquet in the world.


It will not be at all difficult to weave a wreath if you remember the game of “cities”: the last letter of one name serves as the initial letter of another name.

For example: Rose - pansy - iris - lilac - nasturtium...

A player who has forgotten the name of the desired flower is eliminated from the game. To make this happen less often, you can allow using not only the last letter of the previous name of the flower, but also the penultimate one. The winner will receive an exquisite craft in the form of a flower or a figurine.


There are a lot of legends about flowers, and they are all beautiful and often sad. Isn't it a sad legend about a young man who turned into a narcissist? Of course, if the young man had not been so fascinated with himself, his life would have turned out differently. An instructive story, but for some reason it evokes a painful feeling. Or the legend of the Ivan da Marya .

A long time ago there lived a brother and sister. Not knowing that they were close relatives, the young man and the girl got married. And after the wedding, the cruel truth was revealed to them. And out of grief, on the night of Ivan Kupola, the lovers turned into a flower.

Or the legend of the primrose , which is also called the primrose.

Primrose, like fern, helps to find treasure. Only it is not the man himself who finds the treasured flower, but a fairy who gives it to him. You can meet the sorceress in the spring in an open field, when it gets dark. She approaches the lonely wandering traveler and hands him a primrose. Taking a flower in his hands, a person suddenly discovers that he is holding a key. A door immediately appears, behind which, if you open it with a key, there are untold riches. However, this gift did not bring real happiness to anyone if a person forgot how sweet bread and sleep are after a good day of work, what it means to be a good friend, a faithful husband and a loving father.

A legend that has come down from the depths of centuries or composed by oneself must be told by candlelight, in a mysterious atmosphere - to make it more interesting. And then the story you liked the most should be staged, presented in person - for the pleasure of yourself and others.


The beauty of flowers is short-lived; the outfits that the participants in this competition will make and demonstrate will help you capture a beautiful moment.

WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THE COMPETITION - Clothing and various accessories to it - shawls, belts, ribbons, hats - Floral material: flowers, leaves, twigs - live, dried, artificial. All this can be used to decorate clothing models. You can also create unusual outfits - mainly from plant material - Accessories: bows, feathers, beads, rhinestones, sparkles, beads, New Year's rain, etc. etc. All this will add shine to clothing models in the literal and figurative sense - Auxiliary products and tools - double-sided tape, stapler, scissors, glue, spray paint, clothespins, clips, etc. d.

Preparation for going on the catwalk can begin at home, and end immediately before the start of the fashion show. Each model must be given an original name by its creator or creator (most famous couturiers are men, this is a fact that is regrettable for some, pleasant for others).

For example: “Queen of Roses”, “Ceremonial Portrait of a Bell”, “Flower Blues”, “Scarlet Flower”, etc. Other names are not forbidden - “Festive Fireworks”, “Tenderness”, “Dance of Passion”, “Coquette” ", "Purple Mood", "Sunny Day".

In addition to the name, the following will be assessed: - originality of the concept; — technique of execution of the plan; - color harmony; - mastery of product presentation.

It would be nice, of course, not to forget to say a word about your creation: what it was inspired by, for whom it was made - and in general, who will be happy about it, what details are truly innovative. You can praise a sewn and decorated dress, or a suit, or just a shirt, or... - in a word, clothes - not yourself, but delegate authority to the presenter. You just need to hand him the text in advance.


What would a fashion show be without photographers! We need to take care of the photo as a keepsake this time too. First, you should film each model's appearance on the catwalk. Secondly, after awarding talented fashion designers, a competition of phytodesigners can be held.

WHAT YOU NEED FOR THE COMPETITION - All the same outfits on the models - Additional floral material

Floral designers must get creative and make their contribution to finalizing the already rated costumes (it is likely that there will be those who want to become models). Here's what it might look like specifically:

- weave a wreath and put it on the model’s head; - weave a bracelet and decorate your hand with it; — make an incredible brooch, boutonniere, earrings or necklace from plant material; - make decoration for a bag, umbrella, fan, etc.

The jury will properly evaluate all this, and the photographer will take pictures! For successful photographs, not only the appearance of the models is important, but also their ability to relax, the ability to convey various emotional states that the master would like to capture. A worthy end to an unusual photo shoot can be a group photo as a souvenir, “The flowers smiled at us tenderly.” Yes, and of course, the photographer can work tirelessly - throughout the entire holiday.


After showing unusual outfits, after taking photos, there is no need to change clothes! After all, the festive program continues! And it will continue with a waltz to the melody of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”. Then a few slow dance compositions may follow, and then - an incendiary disco! Recommended music is a “flower mixture” of famous hits of past years. Your legs will begin to dance on their own. Each dance will begin only when the guests guess the name of the song.

Options for pre-dance riddles - What color roses does the nameless classmate use in his annual ritual of congratulating a girl named Sveta on her birthday? (“Pink Roses” by Svetka Sokolova) - What flower, coinciding with the name of her lover, did the heroine draw on a white sheet, painting its petal with black paint? (Cornflower; song sung by N. Vetlitskaya, “Cornflower”) - Which flowers, having become unwitting witnesses to the impermanence of the feelings of young people of pleasant appearance, “hid” and “drooped”? (Daisies and buttercups) - How many flowers and which ones did the artist manage to buy for his beloved, selling everything he had for this? (A Million Scarlet Roses; song “A Million Scarlet Roses”, lyrics by A. Voznesensky, music by R. Pauls) - What flowers, according to the unanimous opinion of grandparents, are “Bright May greetings”? (Lilies of the valley) - What is the name of the language of flowers that once appeared in the East? (Selam)

But the fun challenges at the disco don't end there. Having split into two groups, its participants take turns singing other lines from songs about flowers. Whoever remembers the most “flower” songs will win a prize for that team. And that is not all! The competitions “Merry Roll Call”, “So Different, Different Bouquets”, “Magic Flower” can also be held, alternating with dancing.


Now the pseudonyms of all party participants will come in handy. However, this is not enough to hold the competition. Everyone still has to come up with their own original movement (maybe this is how this or that flower dances when no one sees it). As soon as the DJ calls a flower, the dancer named after him must try to perform his signature dance step.

For example: - a rose can curtsy in an elegant curtsey; - chrysanthemum - open your arms expressively; - narcissist - bow your head with dignity; - peony - tap dance, etc.

The main thing is not to repeat yourself. And apparently, it’s impossible to do without preparatory and rehearsal work. But this is short-lived. And ahead - dancing, dancing and from time to time a cheerful roll call.


All guests are involved in this game. The guests’ task is to “bath” the birthday girl (or a party participant chosen by lot) in flowers. But first you need to make bouquets: the bouquets are not simple, directly from the guests - after all, each of them is one flower or another! And the presenter must do this masterfully. For example, he gives the command: “We collect a bouquet of wild flowers from chamomile, bell, forget-me-not.” Guests with the corresponding flower nicknames join hands and continue dancing, only now in the center of the hall. Next, the presenter orders: you need to give the birthday girl (guest) bouquets consisting of 3, 5, 7 flowers. And the dancers consistently unite into one group or another. Of course, if there are not too many guests, some previously created dance teams break up - the leader must keep the situation under control and give appropriate cues. Bouquets can also be created according to color scheme (for example, “a bouquet of two white and one pink flowers”). To fulfill this order, guests must estimate whether their flower can have this color. The last task of the presenter: to collect a bouquet from the maximum odd number of participants (if necessary, he himself starts dancing). It is with this dance that the game ends.


Each flower captivates in its own way. One - immediately, the other - if you look closely at it. Not everyone is strikingly beautiful. But everyone is attractive in their own way, as people. And there are also extraordinary flowers - magical. They can be created by nature, or they can be man-made. At this competition you will have to deal with man-made things. One of the guests holds such a magical flower in his hand while dancing. He can fulfill any wish of the birthday girl (selected guest). As soon as the next dance ends, everyone, at the request of the leader, remains in their place - waiting for the choice of the keeper of the magic flower. He goes around his friends and stops near one of them. The chosen one must tear off any of the petals and fulfill the birthday girl’s wishes written on it. After the next dance, he himself, having become a guardian, goes on a search. The game is played during dance breaks as many times as there are petals on a flower.

Sample options for tasks : Sing in an “operatic” voice the song lines “Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year” or “The chrysanthemums in the garden have long since faded.” - Get down on one knee right in front of the birthday girl (guest), bow your head, and then kiss the “lady of your heart.” - Pull out a hair from yourself and tie three knots on it, each time wishing something good for the birthday girl (guest). - In one corner of the room you will laugh, in another you will cry bitterly, in the third you will yawn sweetly, in the fourth you will start dancing. — Invite the birthday girl (guest) to the next slow dance. - Say the phrase: “Calm down,... (name of the birthday girl), I’m Dubrovsky” with five different intonations. - To all statements of the birthday girl (guest) answer: “I completely agree with you.”

And at the end, the presenter and his assistants can arrange a flower shower - from the petals of fragrant flowers.


Fortune telling with flowers is an old pastime; the great-great-great-grandmothers of the guests of the “flower” party enjoyed it (for some reason, men trust it less). There are many methods of flower predictions, and their list can be supplemented with your own comic versions. We offer these ways to use colors to navigate the twists and turns of fate.

Fortune telling on a sunflower (off-season option). Or rather, they tell fortunes using sunflower seeds - sunflower seeds. To do this, you need to take as many seeds in your joined palms as will fit. Pour the seeds onto the table and collect them in piles nearby - but four seeds in each. After admiring the small slides, look at how many “unattached” seeds are left. The presenter will help you see the hidden meaning in their number. Looking at a piece of paper, he will say: “One seed - in the near future you will be lucky in only one thing.” - Two seeds - two acquaintances ahead. - Three seeds - a lot of things await you. You need to choose the main ones and not spread yourself thin.

And then you need to count the resulting slides. - Three - joy is coming. - Four - success in practical matters. - Five - we must wait for changes. “Six—you’ll have to answer for something.” - Seven - there will be trials, but you need to believe: in the end everything will work out as it should. - Eight is great luck. - Nine or more - fulfilling daily duties will bring a good mood.

Fortune telling with dandelions (summer version). You will need dandelions that have already bloomed - the yellow flowers have turned into white balls. Carefully take such a dandelion, make a wish and blow forcefully on the fluffy head. The dream will certainly come true if the person trying his luck manages to catch with his hand at least one of the flying parachutes before it falls to the ground. If the desire is very strong, then it will not be difficult to fulfill this condition.

A beautiful and kind holiday can be completed with a surprise, which will be presented by adults by arranging fireworks. Fiery bouquets flaring up and scattering in the evening sky will leave an indelible impression.


For an anniversary in the form of a flower party, it is better to choose something elegant so that the invitation is on the level: discreet shades, satin ribbons, pearl dew beads, ornate font. But, of course, first of all, the invitation card should be in harmony with the decoration of the hall.

If the holiday is for children or informal, a more cheerful design is suitable: bright colors, colorful designs, bees and butterflies. You can make an individual invitation for each guest - a single style, but different flowers.

Invitation ideas:

  • postcard with embossing, floral ornament (kirigami, scrapbooking or buy/order from a printing company);
  • tie the message wrapped in a tube with a liana ribbon and decorate with a bud;
  • fill the box with petals/buds, card inside;
  • make an invitation in the shape of an open flower or with text on the back;
  • lush bud, text on the leaf on the side.

Menu, serving

If this is a holiday for adults, you should not “drown” dishes in a heap of petals and buds. A few elegant details are enough to maintain the theme. Menu according to the taste of the company. It is advisable to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, seafood, light snacks, and natural juices.

  • petals around the perimeter of the plate, extending beyond its limits.
    You will get a salad or hot dish in the center of the bud;
  • glue or paint with acrylic thin delicate flowers on transparent dishes
  • Decorate desserts with sugar flowers

  • buds, petals on cakes, cupcakes (icing, mastic)
  • bouquets of live sweets in miniature vases
  • roses wrapped in napkins or thin paper wreaths instead of napkin rings

  • prepare cookies and chocolate (melt, pour) in a shape that emphasizes the theme
  • roses from any thin slices, tulips from cherry tomatoes, chrysanthemums from egg whites cut into strips. There are hundreds of ways to make a flower from any food! Look at the photo and MK on the Internet, there are definitely no problems with this;
  • you can sew petal skirts for bottles and glasses

  • For a birthday or anniversary party, order/bake a cake in the shape of a flower
    , a summer meadow, or simply decorated with delicious buds.

Design ideas

  • fresh flowers are wonderful . But if your budget is tight, a floral themed party will require a lot of paper and/or fabric. Lush buds made of organza, tulle, corrugation, crepe, silk and other airy materials are charming. For roses and lilies, satin and thin velvet are more suitable.

Select several MKs and repeat - it's easy! The Internet is full of lessons on creating flowers from any available materials. Some can be bought in bulk through the Internet (you still need a lot, but it’s much cheaper).

  • decorate doorways, curtains, tablecloth skirts, chair covers, mirror frames . The drapery can be a background - one color, or with an ornament - then be careful with the decor, do not overload it;

  • for a birthday in a cafe/restaurant, make a flower path (fabric, green carpet, lay out wallpaper) so that the party guests can walk along it to an impromptu garden;
  • cover the walls and ceiling with buds . Lush pompoms, garlands or balloons with flowers tied to the “tails”. If the chandelier doesn't fit, hide it behind strings of garlands or a paper lampshade;
  • for vertical gardening, collect hanging houseplants from friends . Cover assorted pots with paper/cloth. Decorate the “vines” with artificial buds;

  • Kirigami, origami, ribbon embroidery, appliques, patchwork paintings or just cute watercolors - all this will make the interior cozy and memorable. Ask your friends, they probably have something suitable in their home collections;
  • For an anniversary in the form of a flower party, make a congratulatory banner - draw or lay out the inscription with buds. Flowers can be glued onto a stencil or filled in three-dimensional letters with cardboard “sides”;
  • hang several photos of the birthday boy and his family/friends in floral frames . Touching surprise! With humor? Glue faces into the centers of the buds of a huge paper bouquet;

  • fill several balloons with petals and intentionally inflate them a little more than necessary . Guests are sure to accidentally burst them (or “accidentally” if you persuade one of the guests) - another beautiful surprise;

To prevent the petals from becoming wrinkled in the process, first slightly inflate the balloon and insert a tube of sufficient diameter into the “neck” to gently push the petals through. Carefully roll the petals into a tube before lowering them inside.

  • Any garden equipment, wicker furniture, a fragment of a fence, decorative bird cages, bicycles, swings will organically fit into the theme of a flower party . Of course, props are also appropriate - miniature compositions, images, flowerpots, stands for treats;

  • to enliven the interior, populate your garden with butterflies, dragonflies, birds, and bees . Flamingos and garden gnomes will fit in. Bright multi-colored or simple silhouettes emphasizing the laconic atmosphere;
  • In addition to vases/pots, use unusual “containers” in your compositions . Boots and shoes, light bulbs and all sorts of jars, umbrellas, guitars, wall pockets. And an endless supply of ideas that will make your flower party truly special!

Are you afraid of ruining something? Sawdust or a special material that retains moisture in a tight bag, flowers in a bag, secure tightly with an elastic band. Cover the cellophane with artificial soil, grass, decorative shavings (florist stores).

If the party is for adults, you can reflect the profession of the birthday person in the design. The hero of the day is a physician? Place miniature flowers in flasks and glass medicine jars. Does your work involve paper? Decorate the compositions with scraps of “documents” and office supplies. Loves photography? Organize a mini-exhibition of works (there are definitely summer landscapes in the collection). Trade, finance? Flowers from banknotes, coins in decoration. Such attention will certainly be pleasant to the hero of the occasion, even if we are talking about a couple of little things in a prominent place.

  • make a flower “throne” for the hero of the day . From a wire that is strong enough, but flexible (so that it does not interfere with sitting), fold 5 petals and cover them with fabric. Sew the pillow in color. To prevent the petals from falling apart, grab them with several stitches one to the other. Place a pillow in the center and sew the base of the “bud” to it from below.

It is better not to do the lowest one - it will interfere with the legs, the position of the petals on the chair is approximately this, i.e. the front part will remain free:

  • The design of the photo zone, of course, is also in a floral style . For example, a banner or background with buds is simple but elegant. Or a piece of paradise: a carved bench, an openwork blanket, a coffee table with a book and a couple of cups, flower birds.

Accessories for photos: frames of any shape (lined with buds around the perimeter), flowers with a hole for the face, rubber boots, aprons and gardening tools, flower beaded hats.

Flower Girl Birthday Celebration

The host of the holiday is a gardener in an appropriate suit. First, the presenter reads a fragment of the poem to the children:

Children like flowers: Gaucher - DAHLIA, Because he is George, and that’s the whole reason; Rose loves ROSES, and Lilya loves LILY. Romka loves our CHAMOMILES in great abundance.

Love Maksimka's scarlet POPPY, and JASMINE's to Zhannette. Irinka loves IRISES more than anyone else in the world. BUTTERCUPLE is cute to Lyuba, flower ASTRA is cute to Asenka. Levka loves the flower LEVKA, and VASILYOCHKA loves Vassenka...

Well, Praskovya is in love with blue BLINDS, Boy Gia is in love with HYACINTHES in the bright shine of the sun. Annushka loves ANYUTKA - three-colored flowers... Mothers love us children, because for them we are BOUQUETS!

After this, you need to invite the children to match the name of the flower to the name of each of those present. You will most likely need adult help. Stock up on an encyclopedia of colors or simply find the names of colors on the Internet and print them out - this will make it easier for you to decide. Agree with the children that while the holiday is going on, they will call each other by the name of the flower, chosen for each one under his name.

Next, the presenter asks the participants to help him prepare the garden for the holiday:

You've come to celebrate, but the garden isn't quite ready yet. I still have a lot of work to do and I need your help. You need to fill the garden with ladybugs, plant these seeds, water these flower beds and guess the names of some plants. It will take me a long time to do this alone, but if you help, then together we will cope much faster. And as soon as we finish, we’ll immediately start celebrating. Well, can you help? This is good. First, let's refresh ourselves with a garden cocktail.

The children are treated to a cocktail, after which they help the gardener with “garden work”. There are several entertainments under appropriate names.

We fill the garden with ladybugs. For this creative task, you need to get some stones in advance - rounded sea pebbles will do. You need as many stones as there are participants. The stones should be washed, dried and painted with red paint in advance. Give children a stone and a black marker. Let them draw the “face” and black dots of a ladybug, and the children or adults themselves will sign the initials of the author of the work below. Then the pebbles, that is, ladybugs, need to be placed in the place of celebration. When the holiday is over, children can take their ladybugs home as a souvenir.

We plant seeds. For the game you will need “seeds” - these can be large sunflower seeds or beans. You need some kind of container - for example, a plastic container. Children receive the same number of seeds and, standing at a certain distance from the container, try to throw the seeds into it. Whichever child throws the most seeds into the container is the winner.

We water the flower beds. This competition is best held outdoors. You need two empty containers (for example, small buckets), two containers with water (for example, two large basins of water) and two watering cans.

If this is a team game (children are divided into 2 teams), then it is carried out as a relay race: the first participant takes a watering can, runs to a container with water, fills the watering can, goes to an empty container and pours all the water out of it from the spout of the watering can. Then he runs to the second participant, gives him the watering can and stands at the end of his column. The second participant does the same and passes the watering can to the third. The game is played until the empty container is filled with water. The team that does it first wins.

You can participate in two or three: participants each fill their own container. Whoever fills it up the fastest wins.

Guessing the names of flowers. An option for children who can already read is flower anagrams . They need to be written down on tablets and shown to children.

If the children do not read, you can divide them into two teams and ask them to name flowers according to the letters of the alphabet: first, the teams remember the flower with the letter A, then with the letter B, and so on. If a team remembers the name of the flower with the correct letter, it receives 1 point. Whichever team has the most points by the end of the alphabet wins.

Flower anagrams:

  • zomima (mimosa)
  • arzo (rose)
  • duchivonak (dandelion)
  • kashmaro (chamomile)
  • drawbar (lily of the valley)
  • tyukil (buttercup)

After this, the gardener thanks the children for their help and invites them to the table. After the festive dinner is over, the kids will want to play some more. We offer several “garden” activities.

Game “Ladybug flies to the sky.” To play you will need large green paper petals. There should be as many of them as there are children. The petals are laid out on the floor. The presenter turns on the music, the children dance and pretend to be a flying insect (ladybug).

When the music stops, each child must stand on one of the petals. The first time everyone has enough petals, but then the leader removes one petal. Accordingly, when the music stops, one of the participants is missing a petal. The children shout to him in unison: “Ladybug, fly to the sky!” , and the participant is eliminated. Each time the presenter removes one petal. The game is played until one participant remains. As you can imagine, this game is similar to the chair game.

Game “Garden Tasters”. You will need various fruits and vegetables, cut in half and placed in a basket. You can take onion, cucumber, apple, pear, orange, peach, etc. You also need to prepare a scarf or sleep mask. Children should take turns blindfolding or wearing a mask and letting them smell a fruit or vegetable, asking them to guess what it is by the smell. For a correct answer - 1 point. Whoever gets the most points gets a small prize.

Game “Flower Lottery”. This game is best played at the end of the party. If the holiday takes place outside, you need chalk. If at home, you will need pre-prepared paper supplies.

You need to draw circles on the path with chalk, and write different names of colors in the circles. The same names should be written on pieces of paper folded into the basket.

If the holiday is at home, you need to cut out paper circles in advance and write the names of the colors on them, having prepared the pieces of paper in a basket. Paper circles need to be laid out on the floor.

To the music, children dance around circles without stepping in them. When the music stops, each child takes one of the circles. The presenter, without looking, pulls out a piece of paper with the name of the flower from the basket and reads it out. Whoever stood in the circle with the same name receives a small gift.

If there are few gifts, then the child who received his gift drops out of the game. In this case, the paper circle is removed (the one drawn with chalk is erased), and the piece of paper from the basket with the name of this flower is thrown away. This will allow all children to receive gifts - and only one per person.

If there are a lot of presents, you can continue to play in full, again and again returning the pieces of paper with the names of the colors to the basket and shuffling them. In the first case, the lottery will be a win-win, and in the second, it will be gambling, because Some may receive several prizes, while others may receive none.


Depending on the level and nature of the party, floral costumes can be very different! Therefore, it is better to discuss the dress code in advance and, if necessary, assign roles at least a couple of weeks in advance. Options from simple to complex:

  • Regular clothing for the occasion/format of the holiday . And the organizer will prepare accessories - boutonnieres, wreaths, flower beads-bracelets, buds for hair. For men - buttonholes, suspenders, bow ties or floral ties;
  • Any outfits, but made from floral fabric . For men, only accessories and bright plain or polka-dot shirts are enough;
  • One shade for everyone (for example, a daisy-themed party - white/yellow, a rose-themed party - all in red, etc.) plus the accessories listed above;

  • Costumes of different colors (rose in a red dress, bell in a blue suit, lily in white, etc.). Then accessories should highlight each look, i.e. consist of buds of a certain type;
  • Costume party - butterflies, dragonflies, bright hummingbirds, bees, fairies. Or costumes of flowers. But not just the right shade, but a stylized hem and sleeves, a hat, shoes and everything else. More suitable for presenters, animators and children's/youth parties.

Start of the party

  1. Music is playing.
  2. Guests are gathering.
  3. The hall is decorated with floor and table flower arrangements (a more economical option is balloon flowers as decorations).
  4. Each guest announces his title and a new flower name, after which he is given a distinctive sign (for example, a wreath of flowers corresponding to the title, a boutonniere, a bracelet, or the simplest option - badges with a picture of a flower).
  5. Guests can be divided into groups or bouquets (for example, each family - a bouquet).
  6. Fanfare announces the beginning of the evening.
  7. The presenter appears (you can immediately choose him from us) in the form of a Gardener. He begins his greetings with an excerpt from Antonina Nazarenko’s poem “On Flowers”:
  8. Next, the host can address some of the guests individually, playing with their floral title in the greeting, and then solemnly invite the hero of the occasion to the holiday.
  9. The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds.
  10. Guests line up in a corridor, holding bouquets up and closing in pairs, or holding flower garlands in their hands. The birthday girl walks along the flower corridor.
  11. After congratulations and presenting gifts, the birthday girl invites guests to the table.

Feast and competition program

During the feast, light background music is played, guests make toasts and the host holds competitions.

  • You can find out more about the structure of the banquet and the principles of constructing an entertainment program in this interesting article. It describes in detail all the factors that should be taken into account when organizing any celebration, starting from general human physiology and ending with the individual characteristics of the event.
  • This principle also underlies any holiday or event, including the services of a presenter at a birthday party (anniversary).

Below are the quizzes and competitions included in the party program.

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