Competitive game program for teenagers “We are united and we are invincible!”

New Year's film mania

In this competition, each of the guests will show their talent in front of an easel. To do this, each guest chooses a leaf from a bag on which the name of the New Year's film or the name of some hero from New Year's films will be written. In turn, each of the participants goes to the easel and tries to draw their film or character so that the others can guess it. Examples of films and characters: Home Alone, the assistant professor from “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “Morozko”, the Grinch from “How Christmas Stole”.

Games for teenagers at school

When holding mass events within a school, it is extremely important to include interesting competitions for teenagers in the script. Schoolchildren take part in such public events with pleasure and great desire.

"Written on my forehead"

All participants sit in a circle so that they can see each other. Each player is given a sticker with an adhesive strip on which he writes a new name for his neighbor and sticks it on his forehead. You can write anything: Thumbelina, Barmaley, Kirkorov, centipede, suitcase. As a result, all teenagers acquire new names, but can only see who the others are.

The first player begins to ask the others one by one leading questions to find out who he is. For example: “Am I human?”, “Do I have paws?”, “Do I like to sing?” You can answer questions positively or negatively, but without prompting. If the circle is completed and the hero is not solved, then the next one begins to ask questions. The one who guesses himself wins a prize.

If you have gathered a company in which everything is in order with a sense of humor, funny competitions for teenagers are perfect for the event.


You need to inflate a balloon and place it on the edge of the table. A blindfolded player is spun around and brought to the table. The contestant must blow on the ball until it falls off the table. It will be very funny, because the ball will probably end up in the other direction.


Raw eggs are laid out on the floor. The participant is given a minute to remember the location of the “mines” and is blindfolded. At this time, the eggs are removed. Under the shouts of extras with hints in which direction to go and exclamations: “Be careful, mine!” the player will have fun sneaking around, and the audience will laugh.

Decorate the Christmas tree

Participants are divided into pairs: boy-girl. Everyone stands around the tree. Each girl sits on her boyfriend's neck. On the floor for each couple there are toys (simple candies on strings) in the same quantity, about 5 pieces each. At the command “start”, each guy squats down so that his girlfriend can pick up the toy and rises so that the girl can hang it on the tree. You can only take one toy at a time. The first couple to hang all their toys on the tree will be the winner.

Go to a fireworks show

One of the brightest ways to start the New Year. You can admire fireworks in many amusement parks. By the way, your teenager can take his friends and their parents along - then the party will turn out to be even more interesting.

Fireworks will help lift your spirits and will be of interest even to quiet and calm teenagers who do not particularly like noisy celebrations. After all, this sight in itself makes you feel the magical atmosphere of the holiday. It is especially beautiful when bright fountains and cascades of sparks slowly descend. Your teenager will remember this holiday for a long time.

Kill me, deer

Guests are divided into teams of 3 people: two people are reindeer, and the third is Santa Claus, who will be carried by the reindeer. All deer stand at the start line. At the command “start”, “Santa Clauses” stand with their feet on their reindeer (one foot on one, the other on the other). And the deer rush him to the tree (to another line). As soon as the reindeer have brought Santa Claus to the tree, he gets up, takes a cracker and slams it (the firecrackers are placed in advance on the tree for each participant), then back to the reindeer and back to the starting position. The fastest team will be the winner.

Attend an organized event

When you have neither the time nor the desire to organize a party at home, you can simply purchase tickets to an event. This way you won’t have to spend a lot of time preparing dinner and then having to clean the apartment. But if you decide on this option, it’s worth remembering: attending events can affect the family budget.

Such a different Santa Claus

Well, who else but the youth can easily get used to the role of any hero, even Santa Claus himself. But we all know Santa Claus as the kindest wizard. But the guests have to show other sides of him, as if Santa Claus is a simple person. Everyone in turn pulls out a forfeit, which will indicate any life situation of Santa Claus, for example, Santa Claus with a hangover or Santa Claus looking for a job, Santa Claus at a meeting of toy factory employees or Santa Claus's things were stolen from the shower, Santa Claus plays in a casino or Santa Claus meets Baba Morozikha and so on. Each participant takes turns showing their situation, showing their acting skills, and at the end of the game, all spectators will determine the most talented Santa Claus, who will be awarded an Oscar.

Home games for teenagers

A great reason for fun is a birthday! The usual festive atmosphere with a variety of dishes and popular music does not guarantee the cheerful mood of the guests and the birthday boy. Fun competitions and games for teenagers will help you organize a bright, unforgettable party.

"Treasure Hunt"

An excellent choice for teenage children would be the game “In Search of Adventure” or “Treasure Hunt”. Such an idea will require you to have a clear plan of action: put the object (treasure) in a cache and come up with various competitions for teenagers, consisting of performing various actions, guessing riddles and answering questions, the correct solutions of which will help to find the treasure.

When organizing such a game indoors, put breakable objects away and get ready for the mess that comes with the fun. Hidden items could be a children's toy jewelry set.

"Guess the melody"

High school students love music and creating a game that features their favorite songs will appeal to everyone and will also show that you are on the same page as them. Pick out your teens' favorite songs. Then play one melody for a few seconds and let the person who guessed the song answer.

The rules of the game can be arbitrary or, on the contrary, more structured, indicating playback time and counting points (the less the song was played, the more points the player gets). You can also come up with gifts and create teams from large groups.


Most children have favorite youth artists whose songs they like to sing or parody. Then everything depends on your idea. Organize an entertaining event by setting up a small stage and connecting karaoke. Then the children will be able to put on a real show for each other, singing their favorite songs.

Instrumental versions of compositions and music competitions for teenagers will be a good addition.

Question-Answer Tournament

If your children are smart and erudite, although this is not necessary, organizing a question-and-answer tournament can add flavor to the evening. Of course, you can make cards with questions yourself, or you can purchase ready-made sets.

Try not to repeat questions and exclude frequently occurring ones each time so that children have no chance of remembering the correct answers. The themes of such games vary - from modern pop culture to any other topic close to teenagers.

Typically, intellectual competitions for teenagers are perceived with the greatest enthusiasm by the younger generation.

TV sketches

If your children love television, encourage them to act out short skits inspired by various TV shows. Allow them to dress up in whatever they find around the house or in your closet.

Children can write a script based on a particular TV show. They are allowed to make any changes if they feel that this option is better. The dramatizations are then performed in front of each other.

Such entertainment activities for teenagers are suitable for a close-knit group in which children have known each other well and for a long time, therefore, they will be able to behave relaxed and will not be embarrassed to demonstrate their talents.

"GOOG night kids!"

From the group of guests you need to choose participants: kids (two people) and parents (four people: 2 moms, 2 dads).

The competition must consist of stages:

  • The baby woke up. To the music, “mom” and “dad” dress the “baby”: diaper, bib, cap, pacifier, booties (shoe covers will look very funny). The couple that did it faster gets 1 point.
  • Om-Nom-nom! Moms” need to try, blindfolded, to feed the “baby” fruit puree from a jar. At this time, the “dads” try to help, suggesting where to point the spoon. Each “father” has a bottle of milk or juice in his hand, so you still need to have time to give the “baby” something to drink between meals. Winners get 1 point.
  • Baiushki bye. babies” begin to cry loudly, and mothers try to console them with rattles and songs. At this time, caring “fathers” prepare their “children” for bed: they take off their clothes and give them a pacifier. The “family” that completed the task first earns a point.

The winners should be awarded the main prize, the rest of the participants - consolation prizes.

Birthday contests for teenagers include a lot of fun and unique moments, so during the games you need to remember to take photos as a keepsake.

"Funny ditties"

Those wishing to participate are divided into groups of 3-5 people. To make the competition bright and spectacular, teams can be given any toy musical instruments and each group can be given distinctive features: hats, bows, bundles of bagels around their necks, scarves.

The task is very simple: compose a ditty in two minutes, using a certain word. The presenter prepares cards with words in advance and, choosing one, shows them to the teams. The more complex the proposed expressions are, the more comical the texts of the ditties will be.

When ditties with the first word are sung, the leader determines which team is eliminated from the game. Then a new phrase is proposed. And so on until the winner is determined.


Unleash your teens' creative potential through drawing. Cut out or draw a few items and then put them in envelopes. Participants in the game must sit back to back. One of them draws an object from the envelope and describes it, but without naming what it is, so that the second one draws it too.

This game for teenagers teaches teamwork, develops communication skills, and funny drawings will amuse everyone. You can hang them on the wall at the end of the game and create an exhibition of great paintings.

"Greeting card for the birthday boy"

All guests of the holiday are invited to congratulate the birthday boy with an original card drawn by himself (the ideal option is to draw a portrait of the hero of the occasion). The highlight of the competition is that artists are given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen, but they are not allowed to pick up the instrument. Participants have no choice but to take the felt-tip pen in their teeth.

The birthday boy will have a lot of fun when he sees the resulting cards. All participants must be awarded prizes.

Birthday competitions for teenagers will not only help defuse the situation and relax guests, but will also fill such a significant day with emotions and make it unforgettable.

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