Anniversary quiz: top questions about the hero of the day, proverbs and sayings, gifts

How to prepare for competitions and games

To prepare fun table games for the party, you'll have to do a little fiddling. You will need:

  • write a script
  • select competitions for adults
  • find or buy props
  • stock up on small prizes for the winners

The Romantic Collection website will be your best assistant in this. Here are the most fun competitions with ready-made cards and props, you don’t have to invent anything! Simply select the competitions that suit your company and download the attached cards.

Birthday competitions for the whole family at the table

When preparing to celebrate his birthday, inviting guests to the celebration, the birthday person needs to select funny table competitions in advance to make the holiday as bright and interesting as possible, and, most importantly, to avoid awkward, protracted pauses or unwanted conversations.

Competitions should be chosen exclusively for table competitions - as a rule, adults have absolutely no desire to get up from the table to participate in outdoor games - therefore an invitation to jump and run is unlikely to be greeted with enthusiasm by guests.

Game "Dating"

The host asks the guests in advance to remember meeting the birthday boy, but not to talk to him about the competition. Each invitee remembers the moment they met in three words. For example: winter, stop, leg; sea, beer, burned. After finishing, the birthday person must guess what the guests were talking about.

If he guesses right, then all participants receive a piece of candy; if not, the hero of the occasion fulfills the wishes of the guests.

Game "Why did I come here"

The host approaches the guests one by one and asks them the same question: “Why did you come to the holiday?” Players draw cards at random with funny answers and read them out loud. The game usually causes a lot of laughter and positive emotions.

Competition “Tale of the Birthday Boy”

The presenter suggests writing a fairy tale about the birthday girl (birthday boy). Everyone comes up with their own plot, but each player will write only one sentence on a common sheet.

The fairy tale begins with the sentence “One fine day (name) was born.” The sheet is passed around in a circle. The first person writes a continuation based on the first sentence.

The second person reads the first person's sentence, adds his own, and folds the piece of paper so that the third guest can only see the sentence that the person in front of him wrote.

In this way, the fairy tale is written until the piece of paper returns to the guest who first started writing it. Together, we will get a very funny story about the hero of the occasion, which is then read out loud.

Competition “Questions about the birthday boy”

This is a very interesting competition where guests will have to answer funny and humorous questions about the birthday boy. Questions can be very different - from real to fictitious. For example:

  1. How much does the birthday boy weigh in oranges? (here you need to know the weight of the birthday boy and the weight of one orange)
  2. The height of the birthday boy in Alyonka chocolate? (although you can use any other chocolate)
  3. The birthday boy's first New Year's costume in kindergarten? (usually the first Christmas tree happens at 3-4 years old, and then you need to find out what costume he was in)
  4. Sum of digits of the birthday boy's phone number
  5. The exact amount of the birthday boy's first salary
  6. The last digit of the birthday person's passport number
  7. The total age of the birthday person’s family (you need to add up the years of the birthday person and his immediate relatives)
  8. Describe a photograph of the birthday boy taken in kindergarten (for example, at some holiday or even the very first photograph)
  9. How many photos does the birthday boy have on his phone with guests (or his own selfies, then decide for yourself what to ask)
  10. The main rule in the life of the birthday boy?

Competition “Wishes and funny gifts for the birthday boy”

This is a very funny competition for resourceful guests with a sense of humor.

First, the Presenter says the main congratulations. It sounds like this: “Our dear birthday boy (tsa)! We all sincerely love you and wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! May all your dreams come true! Now the rest of the guests will complement my wishes!”

Next, each of the participants must say the phrase: “And I know that this is exactly what you really need, that’s why I’m giving it!”, and then pull out a picture from the blue (or pink) box, show it to the birthday boy (or birthday girl), and explain - Why does he give this particular item to the hero of the occasion? If there is no explanation, the contestant reads out the text on the back of the picture.

The next participant, before taking the picture out of the box, again repeats the beginning of the congratulatory phrase “And I know that this is exactly what you really need, that’s why I’m giving it!” and takes out his funny “gift” with an explanation of why the hero of the occasion really needs it!

So, for example, having taken out a picture with a picture of a desert, the participant first says the main phrase with which everyone who draws pictures begins: “And I know that this is exactly what you really need, that’s why I’m giving it!” I found it possible to read the phrase written on the picture on the reverse side: “Let all your enemies and enemies go there, into the distance, forever, holding hands, and let all your enemies and enemies never be able to return, having captured all your troubles!”

The box contains pictures of unusual objects. On the reverse side, as a hint, wishes are written. First, the guest, looking at the picture pulled out of the box, tries to come up with an original wish for the birthday girl (birthday boy), then looks at the hint written on the back of the picture and adds to his congratulations.

You can add other pictures, in any quantity - the more pictures and wishes, the more interesting the competition.

Minimum required images for the competition:

  • a picture of special scales for weighing loaded KamAZ trucks, on the reverse side it is written: “I wish you so much wealth that it is impossible to count, but only weighed with such scales!”;
  • image of a telescope, on the reverse side it is written: “I wish that all dreams and their fulfillments were much closer than those stars in the sky that are visible through the telescope!”;
  • moonshine still, on the back there is a wish: “May a considerable percentage of unbridled fun always play in your veins!”;
  • a picture of a tank, a wish: “So that you always have something to go to the store with!”
  • image of a police car with a flashing light: “So that when you drive, people make way!”
  • a tree on which lemons grow, the inscription: “So that you have “lemons” and not only fruits growing all year round!”
  • a picture depicting a desert, on the reverse side it is written: “Let all your enemies go there, into the distance, forever, holding hands, and never be able to return, taking all your troubles with you!”
  • image of a propeller from the film “Kid and Carlson”, inscription: “May your life always be Karslson, who lives on the roof and brings many valuable gifts!”

There are two winners in the competition:

  1. First: the one who came up with the funniest congratulations to the birthday boy (birthday girl);
  2. Second: the one who read the inscription on the picture funniest of all.

Game "Guess whose wish it is"

You need to write a wish and put it in a jar. All guests will fill the jar with notes; the host must take out the package and read the wish. The birthday boy must guess whose wish it is.

Competition "Tell me about yourself"

Two bags (or two boxes): one contains chaotically mixed cards with questions, the other contains answers. The presenter pulls a card from the bag with questions and reads it out loud. The first participant in the feast draws a card from the bag with answers and an expression.

It is the random combinations of questions and answers that will be funny. For example, Presenter: “Have you ever been stopped by a traffic police officer?” The answer may be: “It feels so good.”

You can only draw one card per question. The game ends when all the cards are announced and all guests have read the answers to the questions.

Game “I’ll tell you a secret”

An interesting entertainment for which you need to prepare a little - “I’ll tell you a secret.” What is the essence of the game? Everything is very simple - each of the guests draws cards from a hat with a funny text in verse prepared in advance (you will have to try hard here). All cards begin with the words “I’ll tell you a secret,” and then there are possible options, for example:

  • I’ll tell you a secret that I don’t wear underwear, if you doubt it, I’ll show you now;
  • I’ll tell you a secret, I’m on a diet, I only eat grass, I don’t look at cutlets.

Ball of fate

Not only are birthday contests memorable for guests, but also the end of the evening. At any party, it would be appropriate to pay a little attention to the guests; for preparation you will need several balloons (according to the number of those present, plus a few in reserve), and notes with good rhymed wishes. When the invitees start to disperse or you need to change the mood to a more positive one, invite the guests to choose their own ball of fate and burst it.

Collective readings of good wishes are usually accompanied by good-natured laughter and lift everyone’s spirits.

Examples of wishes can be downloaded below, and then printed and cut out:

  1. A trip to the sea awaits you soon!
  2. Gingerbread and sweets, there will be a lot of joy!
  3. You will always have delicious food in your house!
  4. Good luck, happiness, peace to you! You will have your own apartment!
  5. I wish you good luck! A new addition to your family is waiting for you!
  6. Luck will not leave you! There will be a new dacha for you!
  7. I wish you not to be bored in vain! There will be new friends!
  8. Expect increased family income and vacations at your favorite time of year!
  9. You will join the cream of society! Perhaps you will find a sponsor!
  10. Your whole life in winter and summer will be illuminated with magical light!
  11. I wish you to save the style! You will have a car!
  12. Don't let worry bother you! A new job is waiting for you!
  13. You have a lot of friends and acquaintances, and everyone will come to visit you soon!
  14. An amazing meeting awaits you next evening.

Sobriety Test Competition

As a task for the Sobriety Test, you can use various funny tongue twisters:

  • In a stringer, a stringer in a rhinestone thong suffers from stress.
  • Kabardino-Balkaria Valocordin from Bulgaria.
  • The fluorographer was fluorographing the fluorographer.
  • The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful
  • In the hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles his silks and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of fig.
  • The exhibitionist has small biceps.
  • Sasha hit a bump with his hat.
  • The admiral selected the maidens, measured them and died.
  • Beavers wander into the cheese forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.
  • Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.
  • Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.
  • On the screw, you can see a well-worn Windows.

Anniversary quiz is delicious

  1. What can be organized for the whole world? (Feast)
  2. Another name for a feast in a monastery? (meal)
  3. Breakfast number 2? (Lunch)
  4. How does lunch usually end? (Dessert)
  5. A sweet and sour delicacy that shivers? (Jelly)
  6. A suitable snack for holiday tea? (Cake)
  7. A bagel from France, called “crescent” in Russian? (Croissant)
  8. Drink prepared in Turk? (Coffee)
  9. The patron of this drink is Dionysus? (Wine)
  10. Supervises the kitchen staff? (Chef)

    Asking questions about food

  11. A chocolate bar with the name of a planet on it? ("Mars")
  12. Ideal rice porridge from Uzbekistan? (Pilaf)
  13. Fish for the royal table? (Sturgeon)
  14. Dumplings with cottage cheese? (Vareniki)
  15. What is the name of American kebab? (B-B-Q)
  16. What can't you eat in a bagel? (Hole)
  17. What can you cook with an axe? (Porridge)
  18. What can you read in a cafe? (Menu)
  19. Should this be given to the enemy? (Dinner)
  20. Dental and tomato? (Paste)
  21. What kind of soup do fishermen prepare? (Woohoo)
  22. First course: pickled cucumber + pearl barley? (Rassolnik)

Wall newspapers and birthday posters

Delight, happiness and sparkle in the eyes - all this can be received as a gift from the birthday boy in response to a colorful congratulatory poster. Give emotions, and you will always remain in the black!

Do not doubt that the birthday person will be pleasantly surprised in the form of a happy birthday poster. Here are some ideas on how to make his heart melt with tenderness.

Create a stylish poster with a photo, warm confessions and wishes in 5 minutes and 5 steps:

  • choose the best photos of the birthday boy
  • add photos to the layout in a convenient online editor on the PhotoFantasy website
  • enter wishes and confessions
  • save for printing or send a print order directly from the site.

Create an online poster for an anniversary, birthday or any other event and be sure that your gift will be the most original and memorable. A bright congratulatory poster will be the best decoration for the holiday and will delight the hero of the occasion for many years!

"Happy Birthday" poster with seashore

Wall newspaper “Happy Anniversary, Mommy”

"Birthday Boy Wanted" Poster

Poster "Happy Birthday, Darling"

Similar quizzes are held at anniversaries in order to remind both the hero of the day and the guests about important moments in the life of the hero of the occasion.

Options for questions for guests:

What school did the birthday boy go to? Favorite school subject. In what year was he drafted into the army? What education does the hero of the day have? In what year did the hero of the day receive his diploma and in what specialty? What educational institution did the spouse of the hero of the day graduate from? What is her profession? Where did he meet his wife? When did the wedding take place? State the date and day of the week of the wedding. The maiden name of the wife of the hero of the day? What are the dates of birth of the birthday boy's children? What are the ages of the children of the hero of the day? Shoe size? Clothing size? Favorite color of the birthday boy? Favorite dish of the hero of the day? Favorite TV show? Favorite actors (singers, etc.)? What alcoholic drink does the birthday boy prefer? Name the hobbies of the birthday boy. Which countries did the hero of the day visit? The hero of the day's first brand of car? What brand of car does the hero of the day dream of?

The guest who gives the largest number of correct answers can be awarded a comic medal (certificate) with the inscription “Best friend of the family.”

Quiz for the birthday boy and his other half

This game is played for the hero of the occasion and his other half to find out how much they have learned from each other during the time spent in marriage. The spouses are given a piece of paper and a pen and are seated so that neither of them can see what the other is writing. Then the presenter reads out the questions, and the hero of the day and his other half answer them in writing. After this, the answers are checked out loud by the presenter.

Question options:

The total age of your couple. Total weight of your couple. Where did you meet? When (where) did you kiss for the first time? When is your mother-in-law's birthday? When is your mother-in-law's birthday? When was the last time your husband gave flowers? What is the name of your wife's boss? My husband's favorite dish? Wife's favorite TV series? Husband's favorite hobby? What's your wife's favorite activity? What was the weather like on your first child's birthday? What does your spouse affectionately call you? What does your spouse affectionately call you? Which country would you like to go on holiday to?

You can prepare “Ideal Spouse” and “Ideal Spouse” medals or certificates for spouses.

You may also be interested in:

Anniversary scenarios, Incendiary and interesting anniversary scenario, anniversary scenarios for women, anniversary scenarios for men, anniversary scenarios for 50 years, children's anniversary scenarios, cool anniversary scenarios, original anniversary scenarios, anniversary scenarios at home.

Having prepared and decorated the room in advance: Hang balloons and garlands. Design a wall newspaper

, with photographs of children and youth We distribute balloons and crackers to guests.
We are making a living corridor in anticipation of the hero of the day. The birthday girl enters, the firecrackers clap and the presenter begins: (presenter) You are already (50,60...) but it doesn’t matter. Of course, you are always young at heart!
You know how to protect the warmth of your friends, And every year you become wiser! You will always console when trouble comes, but on holidays, no, you are more cheerful! We want to wish you health again, Thank you for being here, we came to tell you!!! Then you can seat your guests at the table. (host) Dear Guests! We have gathered in this hall to celebrate the significant date of our wonderful hero of the day!

You can give the floor to the main guest at the anniversary table: (the eldest in age, boss, husband, etc....) Our summers run, changing, Changing everything, changing us. Again (spring, winter, autumn, summer) at the doorstep, Standing for the _______________th time.

How quickly the years have flown by And now the anniversary has crept up, We congratulate you with all our hearts. We wish you happiness and good days.

The feast can begin.....

(presenter) Life flies by like in a fairy tale, Moves forward, Day after day floats away, Year follows year, The glorious anniversary has come to us again So let’s begin our congratulations!

Having prepared in advance a sufficient number of copies of the words, the song is sung: To the tune of the song “Blue Car” 1 We came to congratulate the birthday girl. Pour wine into a glass to the brim. Let what you have planned come true, so that you are always happy!


2 May there be a good mood, May there be many sincere friends, May there be funny adventures and gifts from beautiful fairies!

Chorus. Good riddance, good riddance to the long journey. And sadness dissolves in the air, Everyone, everyone believes in the best, The train of childhood rolls, rolls into the distance.

Further congratulations are carried out by dressing the guests. While the song is being sung, several people dress up as hedgehog grandmothers (wide, long skirts, funny baggy blouses, a washcloth, a headscarf, a broom, maybe a rake for collecting leaves). Running out screaming, ditties are sung to the tune: “Stretch the fur accordion...”

1 Stretch the bellows accordion Oh, play, play! Congratulations to our (Name) Pour it into our glasses! 2 Our dear is brave, Oh! Beautiful and smart There is a reason for this, Brave girl! 3 Your anniversary has arrived. Pour us a glass. Delicious snack Your table is like art! 4 The anniversary has come to your house And there is no secret in that We are celebrating cool You are seventeen again!

(leader) We wish you the most earthly happiness. We wish you the sun of light and goodness! We wish you a pure blue sky and stay young at heart forever!

The floor is given (to friends or family) to present the medal (you can make the medal yourself, from a golden oracal, or buy a ready-made one).

Memo for the award medal


FULL NAME. award a commemorative anniversary medal

and command her (him) good health, happy and joyful days in life and all kinds of prosperity.
The medal
is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of loved ones, at a festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

The procedure and conditions for using the medal.


consists of the medal itself, the medallion, and holes for the medallion.

In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the wearer and into the outline, stick your head in so that the wearer catches on the part of the torso connecting the head to the body. The medal should be placed on the upper front of the torso with the front side facing out. The user of the medal must make a happy and solemn expression on his face. The bottom edge of the medal should coincide with the top of the belly of the hero of the day.

So that the medal does not lose its appearance and dignity, the medal must be washed annually with domestic and foreign alcoholic drinks, but with good Russian snacks.

The recipient of this medal has the right:

  1. Follow all instructions.
  2. For free travel in friends’ cars, as a “hare” in any worldly transport
  3. Free visits to clinics and supermarkets.
  4. Require your spouse to reimburse you for the costs of properly caring for the medal.

The recipient of the medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry, growing old, using the medal to make teeth, or as a weight when pickling cabbage.

Control over the safe storage of the medal is entrusted to police officers, the FSB, and faithful children.

There are three options for the “Memo for the Award Medal”

You can proceed to presenting gifts:

One of the options:

Men dressed in nesting dolls sing a song to the tune: “What do you need…”

1 We were choosing a gift for you, oh, all together. Suddenly we were filled with nervous tremors, Even though we all knew what we needed, what we needed, but where to get it, where to get what you want.

2 We're shopping in droves, oh! We went, oh! Went! We wanted to get you a diamond brooch! Although we all knew what we needed, what we needed, But where to get it, where to get what you want?

3 And we bought you a treasured gift And our nervous tremors passed We bought you what we could, what we could Take it whether you like it or not!

(As well as other remade songs)

(presenter) We wish you good health For more bright clear days, And, if possible, try to celebrate the Centenary anniversary

Time for
competitions and games .

We will organize a ditty competition, the winner receives a prize_______ and is awarded the “Most Vocal”


Let's organize a competition of adjectives, let's say starting with the letter B....

“_____” is our NAME of the hero of the day All the “__________________” guests Were looking forward to your “__________________” anniversary Everyone with “__________________” had fun, And “__________________” sang songs, Gave “__________________” gifts, Laughed “__________________”. We will wait for the next “__________________” anniversary!


Divide the guests into 2 teams and conduct a survey which team knows the hero of the day better

1. Date and place of birth.
2. Her origin: (parents, in which city or village she grew up). 3. Place of study. 4. Time to discover talent or start a career. 5. Friends or personalities surrounding her. (This question can be asked by showing photographs. Guests should not only name the names of these people, but also talk about what connects them with the hero of the day). 6. Detailed questions about where, when and how the person created his works, wrote songs, etc. 7. Questions about his personal life. Children, husbands, lovers, reasons for divorce. 8. Which countries have you visited and who did you meet there? 9. What are you currently doing? Place two chairs in front of the groups. On one there should be a sign “Truth”, on the other – “False”. You name a sentence taken from the biography of the hero of the day. But half the sentences must be lies. To do this, you need to distort dates or names. It is necessary to divide the team members so that each pair consists of one member of the first team and one member of the second team. Next, you loudly pronounce a saying concerning the life and work of your hero of the day. Members of the first pair, with the help of prompts from their team, must take the right chair, that is, if the saying is true, then the chair with the sign “True”, and vice versa. The first person to sit on the correct chair earns his team one point. The team that scores the most points wins. Or this option

Questions for guests about the woman celebrating her anniversary. How well do you know our dear hero of the day?

1. On what day of the week was our hero of the day born? 2. At what time of day did this event occur? 3. What was your weight and height at birth? 4. Where on the map was she born? 5. What was the name of the first teacher? 6. What was the name of her first love? 7. How did you study at school? 8. What does he do best? 9. In what year did you meet your dear husband? 10. Circumstances of the meeting? 11. What dress was she wearing then? 12. On what day of the week did they get married? 13. What was the weather like on your wedding day? 14. Age of her children? 15. The height of our hero of the day?

Or is awarded the “Best Friend”

Today we wished you Cheerfulness for many years to come. Be as we know you. Always sensitive and attentive!
Games for the soul "Striptease". Several girls take part in this competition; it is desirable that they be flexible and move well. Each girl is given elastic bands, tied with a ring, one on her arms (above the elbow), on her chest, on her waist, and on her legs (where she usually

Dance for the lazy. We put 4 daredevils on chairs, facing the audience and invite them to dance on the chairs (but without moving the chairs) as best they can, they dance, after 15-20 seconds of dancing we say “Stop!”, and explain to them that they now have

Let's have fun playing Oh, these legs! In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. The man is shown that his wife (friend, acquaintance) is sitting among them, and he is taken to another room, where he is tightly blindfolded. At this point, all women are transplanted, and

All men of the celebration are invited. The presenter offers to play fishing. “Let’s take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into the imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly the imaginary water begins to wet our feet and the presenter suggests we roll up our pants to the knees, then higher and

Quiz: who knows the hero of the day better? We answer the questions together: 1. Place of birth. — Parameters at birth. - What time of day was she born? 2. What grades did you graduate from school with? 3. Favorite toy? 4. What is your favorite flower? 5. Favorite dish

The presenter makes a toast to the birthday boy and ends it with the words:

We pour champagne into glasses and drink it all down together! We raise our toast to youth, And youth is not alone!

The first circle is over, a new one has begun, You have entered your second youth. A prominent man, strong and healthy, you are full of fresh ideas and strength.

Remain as energetic as you are, After all, it’s not in vain that you worked for so many years! Be as cheerful and cute as possible, and may fate protect you from troubles!

The guests perform an old gypsy romance for the hero of the occasion (two can sing, and everyone else picks up the chorus):

The glasses are poured, There is a reflection of amber in them, And faces light up, Like the spring dawn!

With wine, the melancholy is carried away, It becomes brighter, And a toast is asked in the heart: We drink to the anniversary!

Chorus: Our choir sings an old tune, The champagne flows like a river! For you, our beloved friend, Our birthday boy (maybe his name) dear!

What could be more wonderful, when, melting love, your family and friends greet you with a song!

Let the evening begin, Like a new circle of life, And all dreams come true, And everything blooms around!

Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up!

Musical pause.


Well, now, friends, the moment has come to fill a glass for your parents! For those who gave the joy of life and opened the doors to a beautiful world,

For those who taught him kindness and handed him the baton of courage. For those, thanks to whom, our birthday boy is now sitting among us!

So, let's drink to our parents... (calls them by their first and patronymic names)


Now I want to give the floor to the colleagues of the hero of the day.

Congratulations from colleagues

No one will look fifty-five, And in the heart a young fire burns! Even though you have a big burden of worries behind you, you are young both in body and soul! You are just as cheerful and lively, as smart, strong, strong-willed, as we have known you for a long time. You only get stronger with age, like wine! Over time, they always kept pace, did not choose the easy road, but boldly climbed straight up the mountain, and now any position is suitable for you! You came to production as a worker, and went to the factory management. And now he is a well-known businessman. This is your natural talent! Your flexible mind, resourcefulness, tact, decency in everything, diplomacy have earned respect from everyone. And it’s not for nothing that success accompanies you! There is a round dance around beautiful women: My beloved wife is waiting from work, Two daughters and a granddaughter are the cutest of all! We celebrate this anniversary with you. So may spring always bloom in your soul, May your life be full of love and happiness, May you always be lucky in commercial matters, And may there be more happiness than worries!

Musical pause.

The presenter briefly talks about the life path of the hero of the day.

Host: And now we will sing “Old songs about the main hero of our holiday.”

(Guests sing to the tune of the song “It’s time to hit the road”)

Without the hero of the day, let’s face it, there’s nothing to do. We will gather around the table, pour glasses full, and sing a song for his health:

It's time for us to celebrate

And meet this day

Even if you are not twenty or thirty, let them be! Don't lower your level of vigor! We'll keep a strict watch, you can't hide from us, you know that!

We see a brave, brave, brave man, slender, handsome, curly! Let the years go by, But we wish that your soul always remains young!

It's time for us to celebrate, It's time to celebrate, celebrate the glorious anniversary! And celebrate this day in a large company of family and friends!

Let fate be cruel to us at times, let it be! In response to her, make your jokes! Watch just as strictly, don’t allow despondency around!

Tonight, evening, evening There is nothing to do without our dear hero of the day! We'll drink once, we'll drink twice For the anniversary and for business, But so that tomorrow you don't have a headache!


We love and respect the hero of the day and continue our congratulations!

(Guests sing to the tune of the song “I can’t tell you on your birthday...”:)

We cannot give you a Dear Mercedes on your birthday, But we will give you a gift, without a doubt, And we are ready to repeat a hundred times:

That you are kind, cheerful, attentive and a generally recognized expert in business, that in general you are a wonderful comrade, a husband, and a father! Leading:

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, And also correct the age in your passport, After all, your appearance, your smile says that there is a mistake of ten years in your passport!

(The guests sing to the tune of the soldier’s song “The path is long for you and me...”)

The birthday boy is a brave guy, looks like a falcon in the ranks! He is rightfully respected by everyone And in service, as in battle!

________ (name of the birthday boy) Let's go! Let's hit the road! Let's hit the road! Reach a hundred years and stay strong Fate is calling you! ________ (name of the birthday boy) Go ahead!

Dear hero of the day Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts! We present both a medal and a gift as a sign of his great merits!

The hero of the day is presented with a gift and a commemorative medal with the inscription: “For great achievements in work, friendship and love. (The medal can be cut out of wood and hung on a ribbon around the neck of the birthday boy"

Competition on the topic “Who knows the birthday boy best”!

The judge will be the birthday boy himself. The presenter asks questions and awards chips for correct answers. The one who at the end of the game has the most chips receives a prize with the birthday boy’s autograph.

Favorite actor? Favorite dish? Does the birthday girl like to dance? Does the birthday girl like giraffes? What about platypuses? How many pineapples can he eat at one time? What if you clean it?

Musical pause.

Movie Quiz

Dear friends! Let's try to determine the most erudite guest! The theme, of course, is still the same - Birthday. Not in life, but on the screen! For each correct or witty answer, a chip is awarded. Based on the results of the quiz, a prize is awarded for the largest number of chips. For example, chocolate. If the guests cannot guess, the host should give a hint and remind them a little about this film.


In which movie does the character celebrate a fictional birthday?
(“Moscow doesn’t believe in tears.”)
In what movie does the hero, celebrating his anniversary, go “to nowhere” on a simulator?
(“Winter Cherry.”)
In what movie is the mother of the birthday girl inviting one guest to buy another guest’s gift for her daughter?
(“Cruel Romance.”)
Where did the hero of the film “Mimino” celebrate his 35th birthday?
(In prison.)
For whose birthday in the film “Adam’s Rib” did all the heroine’s husbands gather?
(For the birthday of the former and future mother-in-law.)
In which cartoon did the birthday girl almost die on her birthday from the clutches of a furry villain?
(“The Tsokotuha Fly.”)
Which cartoon character dined on an onion for his birthday?
(“The Adventures of Pinocchio.”)
What part of the body did one of the cartoon characters receive as a birthday present?
(Tail, Eeyore from The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.)
The name of the girl who received interplanetary travel as a birthday present.
(Alice, “Alice’s Birthday.”)
Which of the heroes received two identical gifts for their birthday - first a toy, then a real one?
(Baby, - the dog, “Baby and Carlson.”)
Which of the heroes on this day sings a song right on the street, to the accordion?
(Gena the Crocodile, “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends.”)
In which film does the heroine celebrate her birthday on the train?
(“Waiting Room”, Masha.)
Which film’s hero is congratulated on his birthday by a whole orchestra under the balcony?
(“You’re the only one I have.”)
In what movie does the heroine give her friend a birthday present six months early?
Which movie hero gets his girlfriend as a birthday present from his friends?
Which movie heroine comes to her birthday party with her head shaved?
17. In which movie is a birthday present a ticket to a flying saucer?
(“Promised Heaven.”)

Lottery forecast


And now it's time for a win-win lottery. But our lottery is unusual. Along with the prize, you also receive a forecast for the coming year.

You are a tough nut to crack, which means good luck awaits you! (Peanut.)

Whoever receives a can of beer will live happily all year! (Beer.)

While the boss “takes the shavings off” from us, calmly brew a mug of tea! (Mug.)

Receive this tube as a gift, so that every tooth shines in the sun! (Paste.)

Since you got a chocolate bar, it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet! (Chocolate.)

When you drink cranberry jelly, forget about the merry-go-round! Let the world, as they say, wait! And you will be healthy all year round. (Kissel.)

You may have decided to run away, but your lot is to continue your work! (Soap.)

Although this cream is inedible, the smell is simply incomparable! And you will have to constantly chew coconuts and eat bananas! (Coconut cream.)

The one who receives this candle will have to travel around the world! (Candle.)

To write down where your pay went, this pen will be very useful to you! (Pen.)

We'll have to live with the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! (Calendar.)

And great love awaits you And kisses all year round! (Set of sponges.)

Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is? Life will be joyful and bright! (Felt pens.)

And you are “in the juice”, in the prime of life! And there is no equal to you in the department! (Juice packet.)

You are well-versed in your work and will always be held in high esteem by us. (Horseshoe.)

A treat for your heart awaits you - a big salary increase! (Uslada yoghurt.)

You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo.)

Comic questions and answers

You make two bags with questions and answers. First, the person announces who he will ask the question to, draws out the question and reads it out. He passes the bag with the answers to the one he named. Then the one who was named draws out the answer and reads it out. Then he also announces who he will ask the question to, draws out the question and reads it out. Etc.

A bowl full of water, on the edge of which lie a spoon and a mug. What should you use to quickly remove water? - If you chose a mug, this is wrong - you need to pull out the plug in the bathtub!

Who is a fanatic? — A person who redoubles his efforts after he has forgotten the purpose of his efforts.

What is a desk? — Trash can with drawers

What's the difference between medicine and beer? - The medicine is prescribed first, and then they drink it. Beer is the opposite. * * *

— “Simply Maria”, “Slave Isaura”, “Helen and the guys” planted “Wild Rose” in the Santa Barbara garden. Who will water it? - “Nobody but you”!

Long tail and smells like fish. What it is? — Queue for beer. * * *

What is opera? — The place where the main character is killed with a dagger, and instead of falling, he sings.

Dance at the command of the leader

A dance is chosen, during which everyone is invited to break into pairs. The leader commands: left shoulder to left shoulder, right shoulder to right shoulder, left cheek to left cheek, right cheek to right cheek, left ear to left ear, right ear to right ear, right foot to right foot, left foot to left foot , forehead to forehead, back to back, nose to nose. The pair that performed the commands best wins.

Congratulatory telegrams-riddles


announces: Congratulatory telegrams have arrived for Tanya, but all of them are unsigned. You need to guess the sender. These are famous people and even fairy-tale heroes!

Let them whisper about love in your ear! Princess nicknamed... Frog

I wish to drink only vintage wines! Happy holiday to you!… Malvina

I wish I could sing with the guitar more often! Have a good company!... Rotaru

I wish you not to meet unplanned love! Hello musical from... Bulanova.

Live life, Seryozha, fun and cool! Don't forget about childhood!... Queen

I wish you a lot of music and laughter, love and eternal youth!... Piekha

Let there always be plenty of money! And chicken legs!... Baba Yaga

Be in the fields and forests more often! Good health to you!... Alsou

Never allow yourself to become discouraged! Big greetings from mom!... Orbokite

Don't get into emergencies or firefights! I wish you a long life! Group... arrows

The first person to give the correct answer is awarded chips. A prize is awarded for the largest number of chips.

Lottery mystery

The prize goes to the one who guessed what kind of item the presenter has in the bag. You can ask the presenter leading questions. He answers “yes” or “no”.

This white-white master does not lie idle at school. Runs across the board - Leaves a white trail. Our ceiling is also white, After all, it is whitewashed...


She will be born in water, but a strange fate: She is afraid of water and always dies in it.


This book is not easy, guess, but don’t rush! To have pictures there, you need to take pencils.


Stands on one leg, twists and turns his head. Shows us countries, rivers, mountains, oceans.


He doesn’t look like a little man, But he has a heart, And he gives his heart to work all year round.


I am small and distant: You just have to look at me - And you will immediately recognize the path.


I leave a thin trace, But it can live for many years.

Fork and knife

When they see food, they don’t count the crows; they rush in unison from both sides.

You can add other games and competitions.

At the end of the evening, you can invite guests to open a bank account for the birthday boy. Then take out a 3-liter jar, where all guests can throw ten.

At each anniversary, many competitions are held. And many competitions are repeated from time to time. And it happens that some guests who have already been to the holidays before know certain competitions and do not particularly want to participate in them. Or vice versa - they beat everyone, since they already know everyone. We offer you a completely new competition for the anniversary, which is called - who knows the birthday girl better. We have prepared questions for the competition, by answering which guests will be able to understand how well they know the birthday girl. Play competitions and make your guests happy.

And so, let's start coming up with questions for this competition. By the way, you can write questions on cards and put the cards in a bag. And the guests will take out any card at random, read the question and try to answer it. If they answer correctly, they receive a memorable prize.

Questions: 1. The height of the birthday girl in the Alenka chocolate bar? 2. Distance from the thumb of the left hand to the little finger of the left hand in centimeters (fingers should be spread out in different directions) 3. Color of shoes at school graduation? 4.Nose area? (measure simply as the area of ​​any triangle is measured) 5. Length of the right leg? (from hip to heel) 6. On which leg do you usually get out of bed in the morning? 7. Color of the wallet in your purse? 8. If there is a comb in your purse, how many teeth does it have? 9. How many friends are on the social network? (you can take any social network or all at once) 10. What poems are dedicated to the birthday girl? (for example, if the birthday girl’s name is Tanya, then such poems - our Tanya cries loudly, And so, she was called Tatyana and others. If there are no poems in the name of the birthday girl, then the question disappears) 11. Until how many years did you believe in Santa Claus? 12. What color are the eyes of the birthday girl’s first love? 13. Weight of the birthday girl in tangerines? (you need to weigh one tangerine and know the weight of the birthday girl, then you can easily calculate how many tangerines the birthday girl weighs) 14. The sum of all the digits in the birthday girl’s cell phone number? (you need to add all the numbers from the number, for example, 8+9+2+7+6+1+5+0+0+0+0=?)

After the guests have “met” the birthday girl from different sides, you can play a prank on the birthday girl herself. For example, send her comic telegrams from the president, postman Pechkin or from other celebrities.

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Birthday contests for a fun company

Draw “Read it carefully”

Write this task on pieces of paper. Call 4-7 volunteers who agree to do everything written here. Say that the one who does everything faster wins. The text is:

“Read the tasks: count how many people are in the room and shout out the number loudly; jump 10 times; go and hug a good friend; meow 3 times; speak the Russian alphabet out loud; close your eyes and turn 360 degrees. If you have read the assignment carefully, sit down and be quiet.”

The joke is that it had to be read, not done.

Game "Joint Postcard"

Participants in this game will have to draw a common card for the birthday boy. Each participant in turn must draw something in a short time. The postcard will be original.

Competition "Long Nose"

Everyone puts on pre-prepared noses. At the Leader’s command, you need to pass a small ring from nose to nose, and at the same time a glass of water from hand to hand, trying not to spill a drop.

The game is considered over when both the ring and the glass of water return to the “first” participant. Anyone who drops a ring or spills water receives a forfeit.

Competition "Find the birthday boy"

Guests are blindfolded. The leader moves everyone as he wants. As a result, no one knows who is sitting where now, and who is nearby. Each guest is given warm mittens. You need to find out by touch who is sitting next to you, touching with your hands in mittens only the head and face of your neighbor.

Firstly, it tickles and inevitably makes you laugh! And secondly, it’s very interesting to try to guess a person through touch! Each participant guesses who is on the left. You can only try to guess once, the final goal is to find the birthday person.

The headbands are removed only when the last participant has guessed or not guessed his neighbor, but if the birthday person is discovered, the game ends earlier.

Game "I look like..."

This very fun game is suitable for a small cozy company. To carry it out, you need to prepare several cards with animals, birds, cartoon and comic book characters. The main thing is that the images on these cards are fun and memorable.

In addition to such cards, you need to make cards with phrases, part of which will be the phrase “I look like.” For example:

  • In the morning I look like...
  • At work I look like...
  • Having a drink in company makes me look like...
  • When my wife caught me near the refrigerator, I looked like...
  • When my boss calls me unexpectedly, I become like...
  • After a stormy night I look like...
  • If I get fired, I'll be like...
  • When I eat I look like...
  • When someone stepped on my foot, I look like...
  • When I'm late for the bus, I'm like...
  • When I want a drink I'm like...
  • When I like someone a lot, I become like...
  • When I'm in a hurry, I'm like...

Competition "Portrait of the Birthday Boy"

Divide into teams to collectively create a portrait of the birthday boy: one participant draws the nose, the other the eyes, etc. The picture that is recognized as the best by a strict jury wins.

You can change the course of the game and agree that one of the guests will be drawn. The picture that is closer to the original, i.e., from which it will be possible to guess the guest who is depicted in it, will win.

"I don't know how to play this game" prank

The company announces that now everyone will play one very funny game. Everyone should stand in a circle and squat down.

Then the presenter affectionately turns to the neighbor on the right: “Vasenka, do you know how to play this game?” To which the neighbor on the right should answer: “No, Andryushenka, I don’t know how to play this game,” and then turn to his neighbor on the right with a similar question: “Mashenka, do you know how to play this game?” The answer follows, and so on in a circle.

When everything goes around in a circle and reaches the leader again, the leader gets up, (shaves himself off), looks down at everyone and says: “And if no one knows how to play, why are we sitting here like fools?!”

Competition "Draw a Portrait"

Creative fun competitions can leave the birthday boy with a gallery of unforgettable portraits drawn by the guests of the holiday as a souvenir. Everyone is given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen, and their hands are tied behind their back. Artists must paint a portrait of the hero of the occasion, holding a felt-tip pen in their teeth. The birthday boy himself chooses the one he likes from among all the “canvases” and awards a prize to its author.

Game "Hat for the birthday boy"

In a deep hat you need to put a lot of folded pieces of paper with laudatory descriptions of the birthday boy (birthday girl), for example: smart, beautiful, slender, talented, thrifty, kind, cheerful.

One person takes out a piece of paper and gestures at the word, while the others guess.

Game for the big one

Everyone present participates in the game; they are given cards with numbers according to the number of people. The presenter has a list of 100 wishes. He turns to one of the guests with questions:

  1. What do you desire most? The participant in the game calls any number from 1 to 100, the host reads out the wish under this number.
  2. Who will help make this happen? A participant in the game names any number from 1 to 15, the one with the card with the named number raises his hand.
  3. What do you wish for him/her? Again, the participant names a number from 1 to 100.

Now the presenter turns to the one who raised his hand in response to the question: “Who will help make this happen?” And he asks him the question: “What do you desire most?” The participant in the game names any number from 1 to 100, the host reads out the wish under this number, etc.

Funny fairy tale “The Shepherd and the Princess”

A wonderful fairy tale, the heroes of which guests can become. Distribute cards to four guests. The text is read by the Presenter. The heroes he named say their lines.

Characters and lines:

Princess - “I’m a decent girl, just what I need!” Old woman - “Everyone says I’m an old stick” Dog – “I’ll bite off anyone’s nose for the Princess” Shepherd – “I’m herding pigs, there’s no more handsome groom!”


Our theater is known throughout the world, There are passions in it, like in Romeo and Juliet. We will show a drama about two lovers, We will raise the curtain, we will play a melodrama! Once upon a time there was a Princess, her name was Lada. (I’m a decent girl, that’s what it takes) - She had an old woman as a servant. (Everyone says I’m an old stick) - And their castle was guarded by a faithful Dog (I’ll bite off anyone’s nose for the Princess!) - The Princess is across the river, by the grapes... (I’m a decent girl, that’s what it takes!) - I saw the handsome Shepherd. (Herding pigs, there is no more beautiful groom!) - Princess Lada fell madly in love. (I’m a decent girl, that’s what I need) – Cupid’s arrow struck the Shepherd. (Herding pigs, there is no more handsome groom!) - And the young ones began to meet secretly, Herd pigs, kiss under the oak tree.

But unfortunately, the Old Lady found out everything... (Everyone says, I'm an old stick) - Having seen youth fun And, knowing that these novels are harmful, The old lady decided to take the shavings off the guy... (Everyone says, I'm an old stick) - Calling the Dog for help is not question (I'll bite off anyone's nose for the Princess!)

– It’s scary to tell what started here! Love had to be actively defended. The dog was making an active cross... (I'll bite off anyone's nose for the Princess!) - The shepherd ran, saving the offal... (Herding pigs, there is no more beautiful groom!) - Princess Lada roared in three streams... (I'm a decent girl, that's what it takes!)

Passions boiled until the evening, Until all the misfortunes receded.

The active Old Lady is barely alive... (Everyone says I'm an old stick) - Princess Lada is not happy with life... (I'm a decent girl, that's what it takes!) - And the Dog can barely breathe from the stress... (I'll bite off anyone's nose for the Princess!) - All pigs scattered from the Shepherd... (Herding pigs, there is no more beautiful groom!)

– The moral of this fairy tale is well known: Everyone should know their place in life! The old Dog must growl and bark... (I’ll bite off anyone’s nose for the Princess!)

- The Old Lady should stand for morality... (Everyone says, I’m an old stick) - It’s a joy for a princess to play at love... (I’m a decent girl, that’s what it takes!) - But admire the gaping Shepherd... (Herding pigs, there’s no more beautiful groom!)

-Who will reimburse him for the pigs? And there is no time for Shakespearean passions here. We see off the actors with applause. We respect the talent of the actors very much!

Anniversary competitions: creating entertainment for guests

An anniversary birthday - a special type of name day - is celebrated, as a rule, crowded and magnificent, and therefore requires more careful preparation. Such a celebration is best organized as a surprise holiday. The birthday boy also takes part in preparing the evening, but for some time it is better to keep certain moments secret for him.

How to start a holiday

The celebration hall is decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday: welcome posters, photo collages, flowers, garlands, balloons. The whole atmosphere should be imbued with the anniversary birthday, for which you need to select appropriate music, decorate the festive table in a special way, etc.

Such an evening begins with a ceremonial part, but the hero of the day is congratulated in a special way, for example, you can sing in chorus a song written in honor of the hero of the occasion. There is no way to do without congratulations in verse. You can compose them yourself or use ready-made ones.

For the hero of the day who is young at heart and has a good sense of humor, you can organize a game “Find the Treasure”, where the treasure will be all the gifts prepared for the birthday. To prevent the birthday boy from getting confused, he is given a treasure map in the form of a scroll with clues. Guests can also take part by directing the treasure hunter with the words “cold” or “hot”. After the drawing, the birthday boy is given real gifts.

With the start of the festive banquet, a small “warm-up” can be done at the table, starting competitions for the woman’s anniversary with an auction.


To cheer everyone up at the beginning of the holiday, immediately after the first toast, you can hold an auction for guests. For fun, you need to prepare several lots that supposedly belonged to the hero of the day. Examples of such lots:

  • the first diaper of the hero of the day;
  • the car he played with as a child;
  • the shoes he wore to kindergarten;
  • laces for these shoes;
  • photo of the birthday boy's first teacher.

Before the auction begins, the presenter announces that the one who says the last good word about the hero of the day will win the competition.

A prerequisite is that the epithets that are awarded to the hero of the day must be harmless, and, of course, they can be pronounced only once.

The winner who came up with the most recent original compliment, in addition to the lot, is awarded a certificate for “The Most Eloquent Guest.” A toast sounds “To the most extraordinary hero of the day.”

Competition "Gift for the hero of the day"

When all the gifts brought to the hero of the day have been presented, there is an opportunity to please the birthday boy once again. An anniversary toast, a ditty, or a song may be suitable as an intangible gift. For guests, write tasks on cards and place them in balloons. Each guest chooses a ball, bursts it and completes the specified task.


To play, you need to assemble two teams of up to 10 participants each (there should be an equal number of players). The presenter says the condition according to which the players will line up. The team that quickly and accurately completes the task wins. The players must be fairly familiar with each other. Examples of tasks:

  • line up by name (in alphabetical order);
  • line up according to height;
  • line up in ascending (or descending) age order;
  • build in descending order of apartments or houses;
  • arrange everyone in order of hair color changes (from blondes to brunettes).

Grandmother at the market

This competition is for a woman’s 60th birthday. The players should be placed in a circle (the game can be played at the table). The presenter says: “Granny went to the market and bought a coffee grinder...”. At the same time, he turns the handle with his hand, imitating the movement when grinding coffee, the players take turns repeating the words and movement after him.

The next circle is “Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron.” Continuing to turn the coffee grinder, with your left hand you begin to stroke everything one by one. Then the grandmother bought a foot-operated sewing machine (foot movement is added), then a rocking chair (the players also begin to rock). And finally, a cuckoo clock (everyone says “cuckoo, cuckoo”).

The main thing is to perform all movements at the same time; whoever gets confused is out of the game.

Grandmother's chest

To play, you need to prepare a chest or suitcase with various cool things. Two volunteers are participating. Before the competition begins, they are blindfolded. At the leader’s signal, they take things out of the chest and begin to get dressed. The one who gets dressed first wins.

Quiz “As you were, so you remain”

Contests for a woman's 45th birthday can start with a quiz competition. The host offers to participate in the prize draw without showing it to the guests. For the correct answer to the quiz, guests receive a candy point. The number of candies determines the winner, who is awarded a certificate for “The most inquisitive guest.”

Sample list of questions about the hero of the day

  1. On what day of the week was the birthday girl born?
  2. His data at the time of birth (weight, height).
  3. Where did this happen?
  4. What time of day?
  5. What was the name of the teacher in the kindergarten where the hero of the day went?
  6. Her favorite toy.
  7. Best friend at school.
  8. What is her math grade on her certificate?
  9. What is her education?
  10. Where was her first day of work?
  11. Where did the hero of the day meet her future husband?
  12. When did the birthday girl get married?
  13. What was the weather like on your wedding day?
  14. The exact ages of her children.
  15. The birthday girl's favorite food.
  16. Favorite song.
  17. What is the size of her summer cottage?
  18. What kind of trees grow there?

After the quiz, the host invites everyone to sing the hero of the day’s favorite song. The birthday girl solos, everyone sings along. Texts for everyone must be prepared in advance.

The program will continue with dancing, but not simple dancing, but on chairs.


The game involves two teams - men's and women's. Each has its own captain. The women's team is lined up in a corridor with the captain at the end. The men's team starts the game. The captain must walk through the ladies' line without a single smile and kiss the captain of the women's team.

If he laughed (and the ladies constantly provoke him), then he must give a forfeit, and we appoint a new captain for the men's team. If the male captain successfully completes the task, the female captain is replaced, and the forfeit is also taken from her. The game continues until all the men on the team have passed the line as captain.

Then the teams switch places, and the female captain walks through the male line and kisses the male captain. At the end, the prisoners and forfeits are counted and played out.

Dance on chairs

For a fairly relaxed company, you can offer cool competitions for a woman’s anniversary. Participants must be seated on chairs so that they can be clearly seen by all other spectators.

Music is turned on with specially selected and well-known melodies - waltz, gypsy, lezginka, rock and roll, twist, tango, Russian “Barynya”. The tunes change every 30 seconds, and guests show off their talents without rising from their chairs.

The competition can be complicated by asking guests to dance only with their hands, heads, etc. the winner is awarded the prize “The Best Dancer” and is offered a toast “To the most cheerful guests at the holiday.”

Catch a fish

For the competition you need to prepare several paper fish. Participants are divided into pairs, and a fish is tied from behind to the partner’s belt so that it drags along the ground. During the dance, men try to step on the fish and tear it off, while protecting their lady's fish. The couple that keeps their fish until the end wins.

Ode to the hero of the day

For a woman’s 50th birthday, the “Ode to the Jubilee” competition will come in very handy. The host invites guests to write an ode in honor of the respected birthday girl. The rhymes that need to be used for this are posted in advance. To stir up interest in the competition, it is also advisable to announce the prize (in the form of a bottle, for example, champagne) in advance. Here are some sample rhymes for the ode:

  • hero of the day;
  • schoolboy;
  • case;
  • gift;
  • painter;
  • hit;
  • Tan;
  • nightmare.

The competition continues all evening, summing up the results, the winner is awarded the coveted prize and a certificate “For the gift of poetry.”

Remember everything

Divide the players into pairs and line up with their backs to each other. Participants tune in to each other, trying to remember his appearance as accurately as possible. The presenter invites everyone to remember their partner in detail, and no even sidelong glances are allowed. Here is an approximate list of tasks that everyone answers in turn:

  1. What is the partner's name?
  2. The color of his eyes.
  3. How long are the trousers (even if the lady is wearing a skirt, the question should sound exactly like that).
  4. What kind of shoes does your partner wear?
  5. What's on your partner's neck?
  6. Which hand is the watch on?
  7. How many rings are there on your hands?

In the same way, you can ask the color of lipstick, earrings, tights, ties, etc. The pair that guesses the maximum number of correct answers wins.

Warm heart

All volunteers are given the same ice cubes. On command, they try to melt the ice by squeezing it with their hands and rubbing it on their chest. The one who manages to do this first receives a certificate “For the warmest heart” and a prize - a glass of champagne.


The host announces any dance and has a hat in his hands. You can dance in pairs or alone. Suddenly he puts a hat on the head of one of the players. The main thing is not to be left with the hat when the music suddenly stops - you will have to give away the forfeit.

There is a nice variation: if a couple is dancing, you can put a hat on your partner and take the lady away from him in the dance. When enough forfeits have been collected, the second phase of the game begins. The presenter must have prepared tasks in advance for redeeming forfeits.

Each phanta owner draws a card from a hat and completes a fun task. For relaxation, you can dilute the dancing with song competitions.


Volunteer singers are invited to join the circle; they receive cards with the names of political figures of different generations (Stalin, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin).

On the other side are the names of the songs that the participants must perform. But it must not only be sung, but performed in an image that matches the image of the leader.

It’s better not to overthink the themes and lyrics of songs and choose the well-known “Katyusha” or “Yolochka” to everyone.

You can't erase the words from a song

All guests play (can be used as a table option). Everyone is given a pen and a piece of paper on which they must mark lines from six of their favorite songs - 6 phrases. When guests have completed the task, they are offered a clue:

  • song No. 1 – feelings at the first kiss;
  • song No. 2 – memories of the first wedding night;
  • song #3 reminds me of the honeymoon;
  • song No. 4 – feelings a year after the wedding;
  • song No. 5 – what I’m thinking about today alone with you;
  • thoughts from the morning after the golden wedding.

"Honorary wind blower"

Closer to the final part of the holiday, you can hold a competition for the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman for the title of “honorary wind blower.” The birthday girl should also participate in it. Each volunteer is given a balloon, which must be inflated as quickly as possible until it bursts.

If the shape of the balls is unusual, the competition is more fun and difficult. If the hero of the day wins, in addition to a diploma, he is awarded the title “Chief Candle Blower.” If one of the guests, then he becomes the “First Assistant to the Chief Candle Blower.”

After all the titles are awarded, the anniversary cake is brought out.

Theme parties: what options are there? Read here what scenes you can arrange for a woman’s anniversary.

Birthday contests for an adult company

Funny competition "Sausage"

Those present are asked questions that require only the words “sausage” or “sausage” to be answered. The main condition is not to smile. Victory for the most serious defendant. Examples of questions:

  • Why did you fly to China today?
  • How are boys different from girls?
  • What does your wife dream of getting for her birthday?
  • What's the longest thing in the world?
  • What's under your pillow?
  • What's hidden in your pocket?
  • What do you hang on the Christmas tree for the New Year?
  • What did you hide under your hat?
  • What are you sitting on?
  • What doesn't fit in your pants?

Fun game "Kompromat"

Married couples should be involved in games and competitions for a fun company for adults' birthdays. Men, secretly from their wives, write 10 types of animals on a sheet of paper in a column. Women perform the same action. At the beginning of the game, the leader begins a phrase and asks the wives to continue it with the first word on the list. The continuations of the remaining phrases are read strictly according to the list.

Phrases for wives about husbands:

  • sociable like...
  • fashionable as...
  • beautiful as...
  • strong as...
  • fast as...
  • independent like...

Phrases for husbands about their wives:

  • in transport she is like...
  • in bed she's like...
  • with her mother-in-law she’s like...
  • in the store she's like...
  • with her friends she's like...
  • in the cafe she's like...
  • with children she is like...

Competition "Candy Box"

The presenter invites two “real men” to participate, ready to do anything for the woman they love. Participants are tied with boxing gloves, the tension is heated with advice on which muscles to stretch, and how to box with an imaginary opponent. After receiving the necessary moral and physical conditions, the boxers go to the center of the improvised ring and greet each other.

The presenter acts as a judge. To escalate the situation, he explains that the fight lasts until first blood, no blows below the belt, no bruises. Next, the judge gives everyone a caramel and asks the “boxers” to quickly unwrap the candy wrapper without taking off their gloves. The winner is the one who is quickest to treat the woman he loves to candy.

Competition for girls “Erotic dance”

It’s best to hold piquant competitions for adults’ birthdays in the second half of the evening, when the company is already excited and relaxed. The participants wear an elastic band around their waist, which is more or less tight. To the accompaniment of erotic music, ladies must slowly and artistically remove this elastic band through their legs. The most artistic one wins.

Competition "How it was"

Each person at the table is given forfeits with questions and tasks in order:

  1. How did the birthday boy learn to walk?
  2. Depict how the birthday boy did rhythmic gymnastics as a child?
  3. How did the birthday boy, sitting on the potty, call his mother?
  4. How did the birthday boy select his favorite toy?
  5. How did the birthday boy demand in the store to buy him a toy?
  6. How did the birthday girl bathe in a basin?
  7. How did the birthday girl ride on her dad's shoulders?
  8. How did the birthday girl learn to count on her fingers?

Each participant in the competition must depict the answers to these questions. The player who completes the tasks the funniest and most colorfully is awarded an incentive prize.

Fun game "Like it or not"

An interesting competition for a friendly large company involves every participant. Guests take turns saying what they like and don’t like about the neighbor on the right. Afterwards, the presenter says that now what you like about your neighbor needs to be kissed, and what you don’t like about it needs to be bitten.

Competition for adults “Dancing Butt”

A fun competition for the big ones will lift the mood of the audience. Participants pull out signs with numbers. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, you need to “draw” the received numbers with your butt, constantly repeating from the beginning. The funniest dancer wins.

Fun game for adults “Teddy Bear”

The players sit in a circle. The presenter brings out a plush toy. For example, a bear. Each participant must kiss the bear anywhere. After this, the presenter asks everyone to kiss their neighbor in the same place where they kissed the bear.

Drawing “Fun Replacement”

To conduct this competition you need to choose a girl and two guys. The girl is laid on the sofa, and small edible objects (nuts, pieces of cookies, etc.) are laid out on her body. After this, one of the guys is blindfolded and offered to eat everything that is on the girl, without hands and blindfolded.

At the command of the leader, the guy begins sophisticated attempts, but the whole point is that instead of the girl, another guy unnoticed appears on the sofa. The guy, increasingly falling into lust, only begins to feel something is wrong when wild laughter begins around him.

Competition for adults “Ice Kiss”

All players sit in a circle, men and women alternate. The first player takes a frozen cube of water with his lips and passes it to the neighbor on the left without using his hands, then takes the second cube and also passes it to the neighbor on the right. As the ice melts, the game becomes more and more interesting. The player whose ice has melted pays a forfeit.

Anniversary quiz on knowledge of proverbs and sayings

  1. Birds that are taken into account by those who are distracted? - They're counting crows.
  2. What is the name of the mushroom that has the greatest likelihood of ending up in the truck? - " Gruzdev get in the body".
  3. What kind of poultry is amused by someone's stupid act? - “ The chickens laugh.”
  4. Food, which is sometimes not enough to be physically strong - “I ate little porridge .”
  5. Who lives in a cage all their life? - The heart is in the chest.
  6. What do they usually beat while spending their time idly and uselessly? - Baklushi.
  7. Behavior of human eyes when someone cannot make a choice? - They are running away.
  8. How often does someone/something fall? - Upside down.
  9. Part of the human body that you can peck with? - Nose.
  10. A beauty from a fairy tale with sky-colored hair? - Malvina.
  11. Does someone who takes on someone else's business mistakenly sit there? - Not on your sleigh.
  12. Before what significant event can, as a rule, any illness be cured? - Before the wedding (“heals”).
  13. The hardest baked product? - Kalach (grated).
  14. Mountain, where do they go to pick tomatoes? - Kudykina.
  15. A wooden stick that is asked to be hewn on the head? - “At least a stake on your head.”)
  16. A livestock representative who often looks at a new gate in surprise? - “Like a ram at a new gate”).
  17. What components of nature are remembered when talking about a modest, inconspicuous person? - “Quiet than water , lower than the grass .”
  18. Who/what has one leg and many arms? - By the tree.
  19. Parts of the human body in which the search for truth is meaningless? - "IN feet there is no truth."

    Let's make our guests happy

  20. Should a woman fall off this vehicle to make the mare feel better? - “A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare”).
  21. A comb that you never use to create your hair? - Mountain or cock.
  22. A game with the same name as a type of hosiery? - Golf.
  23. An assault that involves only the head? - Brain.
  24. A city with wings? - Eagle.
  25. A disease of the heavenly bodies, characteristic of the proud? - Starry.
  26. The most weightless of kisses? - Airy.
  27. Which insect cannot be offended by a conflict-free quiet person? - “And a fly ”).
  28. Which animal mittens should people be kept in for strict control? - In hedgehogs.
  29. Is fruit a symbol of disputes and misunderstanding? - “ Apple of discord.”
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