Quiz for children 8-11 years old “Red Summer” and materials for the wall newspaper competition, first inventions, relay races.


Birthdays are not a sad holiday at all, contrary to the line from the song. If you prepare for it in advance, it will be just an enchanting party. Be sure to decorate the room where the celebration will take place. Bright balloons, flowers, garlands - all these paraphernalia will give you a good mood upon entering the hall. There is no need to hire a decorator; think for yourself where it is best to hang balloons, bouquets, and paper banners with congratulations. All these things are inexpensive, and the impressions from such decoration are amazing.

You can hold a themed party and give each guest some suitable accessory: hat, mask, beads, caps, pipes. It all depends on the topic you choose. Birthday quizzes are always a great success. Excitement awakens when visiting. There is no need to invent too intellectual questions and confuse everyone. Everything should be easy and unobtrusive, like fun fun.

Historical quiz for children 10-13 years old

History is a fascinating subject and is perceived by children much better than mathematics or physics. The questions should not be very difficult, humorous and preferably with multiple answer options.

We work with children 10-13 years old

Examples of questions for a historical quiz for children aged 10-13 years:

  1. Who did the aborigines eat? Answer: Cook.
  2. Which birds saved Rome? Answer: Geese.
  3. Which Greek god gave us fire? Answer: Prometheus.
  4. Who invented the alphabet? Answer: Cyril and Methodius.
  5. Which god is called the "Thunderer"? Answer: Zeus.
  6. Which Roman emperor considered himself a great actor? Answer: Nero.
  7. Which Roman ruler is considered the most beautiful? Answer: Cleopatra.
  8. According to legend, who is the ruler of the seas? Answer: Neptune.
  9. Which prince suffered death from his horse? Answer: Oleg.
  10. What was the name of the princely army in the old days? Answer: Squad.
  11. Who ruled Egypt in ancient times? Answer: Pharaoh.
  12. What was the name of the house where the king lived? Answer: Palace.

Write with your finger and meet everyone at the party

Number of children – from 4, the more, the merrier.

What will you need?

Pen and paper.

How to play?

  1. All participants stand in a column one by one. If there are a lot of children, you can make 2 columns that will compete with each other.
  2. The last and first standing in the columns are given a pen and a sheet of paper.
  3. The last one must draw something on paper. It can be any figure, animal, vegetable or some word. And the same thing should be drawn with your finger on the back of the person in front.
  4. The picture is passed along the relay race. Each person draws on the back of the person in front what he felt was painted on his back.
  5. As a result, the first in the column depicts what was transmitted with a pen on his sheet of paper.
  6. The drawings are then compared.

Pros of the game:

Helps you become more sociable. Develops senses and fine motor skills. Cheerful, not boring, although sedentary.

gold fish

One of the children is chosen to play the role of a goldfish, this child stands at a certain distance from the other children. For each participant, the “goldfish” changes its location. Participants take turns guessing the distance to the “goldfish”, which can fulfill his wish, that is, award him some kind of prize. Distance is measured in certain measures, for example (5 steps, 1 long jump, 4 midgets (heel-toe step), 2 hops (jump on two legs)) and so on. Each participant must use one of each dimension. Whoever accurately guesses the distance and gets to the “goldfish” receives his prize, prepared in advance by the presenter.

Interesting competitions for children at home

  • Who is bigger. Riddles are read to the players; whoever gives the most correct answers wins. Instead of riddles, participants can list literary characters, read poems, sing songs, repeat tongue twisters or proverbs.
  • Complete the song. Everyone is invited to sing a familiar song at the first clap. During the second clap, everyone sings to themselves. On the third clap, players continue to sing out loud. Whoever hits the beat better wins a prize.
  • Girls can hold a children's creativity competition. Weave a bracelet, beads, pendant. It is enough to put a tray with jewelry and material on the table. If each participant makes his own decoration, then there is no need to time the time. If instructions are given for making a general bracelet, then note the time.
  • Boys can show off their culinary skills. Place a tray with different ingredients on the table. Each of which has an unusual name. Each team is given a recipe. Whoever makes a delicious salad faster wins.

Happy New Year

The guys are divided into teams of 11 people, each participant is given a felt-tip pen or marker. For each team, easels with whatman paper are located at the same distance. Each participant must jump in a bag, like a wolf in the cartoon “Well, Wait a minute!” to the easel and write one letter at a time so that at the end you get the phrase “Happy New Year.” So, at the command “start”, the first participants jump in a bag to the easel and write the letter “C”, then jump back and pass the baton to the second participants, the second write the letter “N”, the third - “O” and so on. The team that finishes the relay faster and writes “Happy New Year” will win.

Create a miracle copier using a scarf

Number of children – from 3, the more, the merrier.

What will you need?

Shawl or scarf.

How to prepare?

One of the participants is blindfolded.

How to play?

  1. The one who is blindfolded is a photocopier.
  2. The other one from among all the participants is a picture, or, well, a sculpture – whatever it is more convenient for you to call it.
  3. The rest are spectators.
  4. The task of the picture is to take any interesting pose and freeze in this position.
  5. The copier's task is to examine the picture blindfolded and make an exact copy of it, that is, to take the same position yourself.
  6. As an option: the photocopier must make an exact copy of the sculpture from another participant from among the spectators. All this, of course, blindfolded.
  7. The funniest thing is when the copier's eyes are untied and he sees what he did wrong.

Pros of the game:

Helps shy people cope with their insecurities.

Smart clappers for nimble and active children

Plus, at least for a little while, calm them down so that they don’t run.

The number of children is 7 or more, but less is possible, although then it will not be as fun.

What will you need?

Cards with numbers - one for each player.

How to prepare?

How to play?

  1. Everyone stands in a circle.
  2. First, let's set the rhythm. To do this, everyone claps together: “one, two” on their palms, “one, two” on their knees, then repeat.
  3. Then one of the children claps his hands and says not “one, two,” but repeats his number twice. For example, “three, three.” When he slaps his knees, he shouts out the number of one of the players: “six, six” and so on. Out of order.
  4. The one whose number is called continues.
  5. The main thing is not to lose your way. Anyone who gets confused or names the number of an eliminated player is eliminated himself.
  6. The most persistent ones win, that is, those who remain only together.

Pros of the game:

Develops attention, calms the most nimble

Don't say "yes" or "no"

A game of elimination. Everything is quite simple: the presenter asks the participants questions in turn, and they answer them, but you cannot say the words “yes” and “no”. The presenter speeds up with each question, and the guys must answer quickly as well. Someone will definitely get confused and say the forbidden “yes” or “no”. Whoever says “yes” and “no” is eliminated from the game, and whichever of the guys remains victorious will receive a prize. And the questions can be any. Examples: Do you like ice cream? (of course) Would you like to fly into space? (possibly) Are you lying to your mom? (how is it possible?) Do you have a computer and so on (have).

Review of competitions and games

Not always at the holiday all the children know each other, so the program should begin with games that promote familiarization and unity of children, so that no one feels like an outcast, and everyone is included in the process, communicating with each other comfortably. So-called dating games will help you correct the discomfort and feel like a welcome guest at the birthday person’s home. Let's look at some of the most fun ones, which can be arranged both indoors (at home or in a cafe) and outdoors.

“Recognition” is a popular game that is suitable for both children and adults. Its essence is simple. The birthday boy is blindfolded, or you can play an honesty game, after which his friends come up to him one by one, whom he must touch and find out who it is, while commenting on his actions. Since the guesser will be wrong, his comments will be funny, and the guests will definitely be entertained. In addition, guests will remember each other, and the birthday boy will be tested on how well he knows his friends!

12 year old boys and girls will love the crocodile game. The rules of the game are that one person must show, using gestures and facial expressions, without using available means, the word or phrase given to him. The other players' task is to guess what they are trying to show. The one who guesses acts as a shower, and the previous person can guess the word for him. Here, ingenuity and acting skills are used, as well as the imagination of the one who makes the wish.

Another simple and popular game is “truth or dare,” which has many other names. Players take turns asking each other tricky questions, which they can either answer honestly, or choose a wish that others will come up with for them, and which they will have to fulfill. The fun begins precisely when wishes are fulfilled, so the company needs to try and come up with creative and funny tasks.

A simpler version of the game with completing tasks is forfeits. This game fits into table entertainment, and tasks should be prepared in advance. Having come up with funny options, you should write them on pieces of paper, and then put the pieces of paper in a hat or bag. Let the children take turns taking out forfeits and doing what is written.

Suggestive questions

You can hold a non-standard quiz at the holiday. The result will be something similar to an auction. The host says suggestive phrases, and the guests guess which object is veiled by words. The winner is the one who guessed right, he receives the hidden object as a gift.

  1. Football fans send the referee to him. This item kills bacteria and dirt. It leaves its mark in every opera. It can change shape and color, and be liquid, but not tasty. We are talking about soap, the one who guesses correctly receives a piece of fragrant soap as a gift or, on the contrary, to make it funnier - household soap.
  2. The best fortune teller who will tell you exactly whether she loves you or not. Drinking tea with her is a pleasure. The best gift for Masha! Of course, these are daisies. Give the winner a pack of chamomile tea.
  3. This item measures patience. If you don’t know what to give, be sure to choose this item. Coffee, juice, compote, jelly - you can fit everything in it! This is a cup.
  4. Always on the table. It exists both in the musical staff and in the mighty ocean. We are talking about salt, give the person who guessed it a whole pack.
  5. Everyone has one in their house, but it’s better not to approach it in the morning. Sorcerers enter the other world through it. Girls spend more time with him than with their beloved. This mysterious object is a mirror.

It is better to conduct such quizzes at an adult birthday; children need to choose simpler questions.

Birthday games for children 9 – 12 years old

Game "Mafia"

This game can be played by people over 8 - 9 years old. This is an intellectual game that teaches observation skills and helps you understand people better.

  • The rules of the game "Mafia" are very diverse. The classic “Mafia” is played by 10 people. More people can play the game with modernized rules
  • The presenters must prepare for the game in advance. The first thing you need is cards. There should be 3 mafia cards, 1 sheriff, 1 doctor. The rest are civilians. You will also need a timer or stopwatch, blindfolds
  • The essence of the game is very simple. The civilians' mission is to kill the mafia as quickly as possible. The essence of the mafia is to find and kill the sheriff and skillfully hide
  • There is “day” and “night” in the city. These stages are announced by the presenter. During the day, each participant is given one and a half minutes to voice his role (he can lie) and express suspicions. The rest of the participants follow the speech and try to find inconsistencies. At the end of the day, each participant votes against whoever they consider to be the mafia
  • The mafia shoots at night. They must decide during the day, by secret signs, who will be killed at night. The mafia shoots with their eyes closed, showing the leader the number of the one they want to shoot
  • The game is over if the entire mafia is killed or the sheriff is killed. In the first case, the city wins, in the second, the mafia
  • The game "Mafia" will definitely appeal to all children. The main thing is to approach the organization responsibly, follow all the rules and understand that a game is a game

Game "Crocodile"

  • This is a simple game that can be played in a large group.
  • The presenter writes various words on pieces of paper and throws them into the box. Each participant draws out his word
  • Now he must show this word to all participants. You need to show without words
  • The rest of the participants guess. The one who guessed the next one draws the word
  • This simple-looking game is very fun and active. It can be played both indoors and outdoors

Game "Mafia" for children

Features of competitions

Competitions for children 12 years old. Often parents don't have enough time to create a unique and colorful event. Modern children crave an exclusive holiday on their day and, of course, freedom in everything.

We present to your attention a variety of ideas for games and competitions for celebrations. You wish, and we will help make your child happy!

An exciting game for a children's party - Funny forfeits for children's birthdays

Comic quiz for children (with answers)

Children, as a rule, answer quiz questions smartly and energetically; they are happy to shine and surprise everyone. A funny quiz for children is something that will help someone open up and show their knowledge. Listen carefully to the questions, answer, express your versions - and everything will be okay!

1. What disease usually “strikes” a student who does not want to go to school? Answer: inflammation of the cunning

2. What is it customary to call a peer who is in no hurry to share something and shows greed? Answer: greedy-beef

3. In which game, at certain points in time, you just need to stand still and do nothing? Answer: “Freeze and die”

4. How many miles do you have to walk to drink jelly (jokingly)? Answer: seven (“for seven miles to drink jelly”)

5. What object told the evil stepmother who was more beautiful than her? Answer: mirror (“My light, mirror, tell me...)

6. How do we talk about a student who has only excellent grades? Square excellent student Triangular excellent student Round excellent student +

7. On which continent did the circus lion Boniface spend his vacation? Answer: African

9. What is the name of the boy who is persistently urged not to chase pigeons (according to the famous teaser)? Answer: Andrey the Sparrow (“Andrey the Sparrow, don’t chase the pigeons”)

10. What is the name of a toy that always takes a vertical position, no matter how it is placed? Answer: Vanka-Vstanka

11. What geometric figure does a person find himself in a difficult situation drive himself into? Answer: into a corner

12. Which word, according to the writer V. Oseeva, is magical? Answer: the word “please”

13. Which doctor, in order to provide medical care, is ready to run through fields, through forests, through meadows, ride on a shaggy wolf, ride on a whale? Answer: Doctor Aibolit

14. For whom do they usually persuade a child to eat a spoonful of this or that food? For a magpie, a crow For Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal For mom, for dad +

16. In which game are the main ones the plus sign and the number zero? Answer: “tic-tac-toe”

17. Which animal in the famous poetic fairy tale swallowed the sun? (based on the work “The Stolen Sun” by K. Chukovsky) HippopotamusRhinoCrocodile +

Ecological quiz: questions for children 10-13 years old

The quiz may include questions about various natural phenomena, about how to behave in nature, for example in a forest or near a river. What types of substances are harmful to nature? How to protect nature. For children, it is better to construct these questions in a playful, comic form.

Questions for the environmental quiz for children aged 10-13 years:

  1. Which animal has very thick skin? Answer: Rhinoceros.
  2. What is a bird without feathers? Answer: Penguin.
  3. What bird runs well, but cannot fly? Answer: Ostrich.
  4. What animal can go without water for a long time? Answer: Camel.
  5. What bird is called the “forest orderly”? Answer: Woodpecker.
  6. Which bird loves everything shiny? Answer: Magpie.
  7. What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? Answer: Cuckoo.
  8. Which bird is the smallest? Answer: Hummingbird.
  9. What bird wakes everyone up in the morning? Answer: Rooster.
  10. What is the name of the beast that builds a house? Answer: Beaver.
  11. Which plant stings painfully? Answer: Nettle.
  12. Which animal has the longest neck? Answer: A giraffe.

Save the Christmas balls

Participants are divided into 2 teams of the same number of people. Each team has a basket with the same number of balls, which are about to be stolen by an evil wizard and need to be saved. All participants stand in a row: two teams - two rows. A basket with balls stands near the first participant, and near the last there is an empty basket into which the team will put the saved balls. At the word “start”, the first participants take one ball and pass it to the second participants, the second - to the third, the third - to the fourth, and so on until the last. When the last participant puts the ball in the basket, he shouts “there is”, and then the first participant takes the second ball and passes it. The team that saves all the balls the fastest will win.

Road games

  • 1, 2, 3, car stop. This game can be included in children's sports competitions to learn road rules. The presenter-policeman stands with his back to the players and says the words “One, two, three, stop the car.” At this time, the machine players go to the leader. As soon as the policeman said the words, he quickly turns around and looks to see who didn’t have time to stop. Penalties start their journey all over again. The presenter turns away again and says the words. He can stretch them out or jabber. The players’ task is to quietly “reach” the leader and touch him. Next, the player becomes the leader, and the game starts all over again.
  • Traffic light. This game is similar to the previous one. Only the presenter stands facing the players and pronounces some color of the traffic light smoothly, quickly or syllable by syllable. Players should stand motionless on “red” (arms at their sides), on “yellow” tilt their body forward, and on “green” run towards the leader. The first one to reach the leader will be the winner.

Such active thematic games will allow you to quickly consolidate the acquired knowledge and diversify any school scenarios for children's competitions. They are especially relevant at extracurricular events dedicated to traffic rules.

Intellectual game for children 12-15 years old

Intellectual game for children 12-15 years old

Erudite show “We didn’t go through this” Goals and objectives:

• nurturing the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, uniting the class team and developing the intellectual and creative abilities of schoolchildren. Equipment. Any musical accompaniment - audio recordings of various melodies. A set of tokens for participants, 3 sets of cards with the numbers “1”, “2”, “3”. Description of the erudite show Host: Good afternoon, dear friends! We invite you to an exciting erudite show. But this is not just a show, but an intellectual and competitive program, during which we will identify the most erudite students in our class. This is a competition for ingenuity, sense of humor, erudition, knowledge of the school curriculum and more. You will have to remember what you studied at school for almost nine (eight) years. But be careful - there may be pitfalls and pitfalls. The game consists of ten competitions: a savvy competition, a music competition, a mathematical competition, a historical competition, a literary competition, a grammar competition, a competition in art and science, and, in our opinion, the most difficult one – the biological competition or “Autumn Gifts”. Where necessary, the team, after consulting, quickly gives its answer. It may be necessary to simply hold up the card with the number of the correct answer. Be attentive, friendly and tactful. For each correct answer, the team receives one token. And the jury is already ready to evaluate you. So, set off through the most interesting country of school and life knowledge! 1. Who is the most savvy? 1. What is common between S. Holmes, I. Stalin and R. Khasbulatov. (Tube) 2. Oblate square. (Rhombus) 3. You can eat it or... spread it on your boot. (Cream) 4. A musical genre especially loved by the military. (March) 5. Violin, water, key... (key) 6. Common things between wood, books and Hungarian music. (Leaf) 7. The designer of the first aircraft on the planet, he is also the father of the first pilot. (Daedalus) 8. Half man, half horse. (Centaur) 9. Ballerina and smoker. What common? (Tuch) 10. A scientist who saw through all of humanity. (X-ray) 11. Permanent inhabitant of the roof, Swede by nationality. (Carlson) 12. The Russian sovereign, during whose reign we began to have napkins at the dinner table. (Peter I) 13. The name of the hero of the comedy Beaumarchais, which has become synonymous with an efficient servant. (Figaro) 14. What is sometimes called “Russian America”? (Alaska) 15. Which knot cannot be untied? (Zheleznodorozhny) 16. In what geometric body can water boil? (Cubed) 17. Which river is the most “terrible”? (Tigris River) 18. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters) 19. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins) 20. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he cannot speak) 21. When they build a new house, what do they drive the first nail into? (In a hat) 22. What is under a person’s feet when he walks across a bridge? (Shoe sole) 23. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh) 24. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down) 25. What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin) 26. What is between the window and the door? (Letter “i”) 27. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons) 28. How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (You need to make condensed milk from milk) 29. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, then how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes) 30. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months) 31. What is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed? (Anchor) 32. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked 300 meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything) 33. What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner? (Postage stamp) 34. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (You can if you pour water into a glass and hold a match below the glass) 35. How can an thrown egg fly three meters without breaking? (You need to throw the egg four meters, then it will fly the first three meters intact) Presenter: Well done. The jury will count which team has more correct answers or answers that are close to the truth, which the jury considered to be the correct answer. This was just the beginning. Let's continue the game. 2. Riddles of mathematics 1. Solve the problem in verse: We are just from the ship, Recently from a trip - We stayed on the water for eleven weeks. How many days is this? (77 days) 2. Solve the joke problem: a plane flies from city A to city B in 80 minutes, and back in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Why? (80 min = 1 hour 20 min) 3. A flock of geese was flying: one goose in front and two behind; one goose between two and three in a row. How many geese are there in total? (Three geese) 4. Listen carefully! I entered the bus and counted the passengers. There were 17 of them. The bus started, then stopped. At the first stop, 6 people got on, 2 got off. At the next stop, 4 got on, no one got off. And then at the bus stop one citizen came in with a whole bunch of new clothes. How many stops were there? (Four) 3. Historical figures 1. Who owns these words: “Whoever comes with a sword to Russian land will die by the sword” (Alexander Nevsky) 2. Which city in Ancient Rus' was called the mother of Russian cities? (Kyiv) 3. Who compiled the Slavic alphabet? (Brothers Cyril and Methodius) 4. Name the leaders of popular uprisings in Rus'. (K. Bulavin, S. Razin, E. Pugachev, I. Bolotnikov) 5. Riddle 1. Muscovites live in Moscow, Vladimir residents live in Vladimir. What do the residents of Kursk and Arkhangelsk call themselves? (Kuryans, Arkhangelsk residents) 2. Name the words that should begin and end with the letter “K”: - flower (bell)] - dance (krakowiak); - an irreplaceable person on the ship (cook); — children's fairy tale (“Kolobok”); - edged weapons (dagger); — Caucasus Mountain (Kazbek); - a room on a ship (cockpit). 3. Name the words that should begin and end with the letter “A”: - the central place of the circus (arena)] - an ancient musical instrument (harp)] - a large river in Siberia (Angara)] - part of the world (Africa, America)] - central blood artery (aorta). 5. Fantastic declension Presenter: It is necessary to remember the cases and demonstrate the rules of declension. We use the words “ekalemene” and “eperesete”. We inflect these words, leaving the root “e” unchanged, changing only the endings - “kalemene” and “peresete”. It should look like this: Nominative (who? what?) ekalemene, eperesete. Genitive (who? what?) ekalemenya, eperesetya. Dative (to whom? what?) ekalamenu, epereset, etc. (All those present try their hand. The one who pronounces the words faster and without errors wins) 6. A little bit about everything 1. Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile) 2. Which giraffe legs are longer - front or back? (Identical) 3. Where is the grasshopper’s ear? (On the leg) 4. What animals fly? (Bats) 5. Does a badger bring benefit or harm to humans in winter? (He sleeps in winter) 6. What is the name of the natural phenomenon when the Moon is in one straight line between the Sun and the Earth? (Solar Eclipse) 7. Write as long a sentence as possible (all words must begin with the same letter, with the exception of prepositions and conjunctions). For each word in a sentence - 1 point. For example, the letter "K". 8. What did Cinderella treat her sisters to at the ball? (Oranges, lemons) 9. Which fairy tale hero went blind without losing his sight? (Kai from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by H.H. Andersen) 10. The heroine who taught the reckless boy: “Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don’t eat with your hands, that’s what spoons and forks are for.” (Malvina) 11. Name the author of “The Adventures of Cippolino.” (D. Rodari) 12. In what city was the Russian writer A.P. born? Chekhov? (In Taganrog) 7. Gifts of nature from different countries Biological competition: “Autumn Gifts” Now we ask everyone to be silent, just raise the signs with the number corresponding, in your opinion, to the correct answer. 1. After archaeological excavations, we learned about the very first bread. It was prepared from... 1) wood 2) nuts and acorns 3) wild grass. Soaked and dried acorns were ground between stones into flour, from which the first raw cakes were made; they could be baked over a fire. This is how they made bread until they started using wheat. 2. There is a fairy tale about a miracle tree on which buns, rolls, and gingerbreads grow. In which country does breadfruit actually grow, which bears fruit 8 months a year, and the bread from one 15-year-old tree is enough for a family of three for a whole year? 1) In Jamaica 2) In Japan 3) In China 3. As you know, you cannot live without bread. Therefore, humanity has learned to grow it in the waterless desert and among stones, but no one has managed to bake bread from the poison except... 1) residents of Chukotka 2) South American Indians 3) Papuans Bread is made from yucca, a deadly poisonous cassava root. Yucca juice was used to lubricate arrowheads, and the Arawak Indians from the island of Dominica placed the pulp in flat clay plates and pressed them on top with heavy stones. The resulting white circles - casaba - is the bread of the Arawaks. They store it for a long time and prepare it simply: just put the casaba in the coals - and the bread is ready 4. The name of this vegetable, borrowed from the German language, goes back through the Italian word “truffle” to the Latin “terratuber”, which means “earthen cone”. What do you think these “earth cones” are? 1) Radish 2) Beets 3) Potatoes 5. Judging by archaeological finds, this vegetable was used by primitive people already in the Stone and Bronze Ages. The name was borrowed from the Latin language, it comes from the word “kaput” - head. What vegetable was given this name? 1).Turnip 2) Pumpkin 3) Cabbage 11. In the old days in Rus', wandering from one place to another, people often experienced severe troubles and hardships. In order to somehow help those following, those walking in front left various kinds of notes. They threw the grains of this vegetable, they quickly sprouted and, when ripened, saved many settlers from starvation. What vegetable seeds did nomads throw into the ground? 1) Peas 2) Tomato 3) Onion 16. Several centuries ago in our country, these berries were valued more than gold and were recognized as a very rare and extremely important medicine. They were exchanged for satin, velvet, and sable furs. They were kept in the Kremlin, in the Apothecary Prikaz, and in order to obtain them, special permission from the tsar was required. Jam is made from the flowers of this plant and used to make perfume. And the Greeks called its flower “dog rose.” What are these miracle berries? 1) Rose hip 2) Rowan 3) Strawberry Presenter: Our competition, or erudite show, has come to an end.

Cool competitions for the New Year 2021 at the table

This game is designed not only for moms and dads, but also for children. In the previous issue for children, 12 COMPETITIONS were published at once. I advise you to take a walk and take a look. In the meantime, enjoy the quiz called "COW"

  1. What do we call a small flying bug with bright spotted colors? (soldier beetle, butterfly, ladybug, poisonous beetle).
  2. What is the name of the extinct aquatic mammal of the sirenian order? (Sea cow, blue whale, hammer cow, cow).
  3. The better a cow is fed, the more she has.. (horns, milk, calves, eyes).
  4. How often do girls who like to cry get teased? (sneak, liar, roaring cow, thief).
  5. Do cows see colors? (yes, only black and white, no, they only see what moves) Cows and bulls do not distinguish colors. And in bullfighting, red fabric is used for beauty and entertainment, as well as to attract people's attention. Bulls are simply annoyed by active movement in front of them.
  6. Can cows cry? (yes, no, only because of an angry bull, if the owner does not feed) Scientists have proven that cows can cry.
  7. Where do cows have their unique patterns? (on the side, on the hooves, on the udder, on the nose) Cows have a unique pattern on their nose that can be compared to human fingerprints. No other cow has such a pattern, and farmers in one of the US states use this when searching for stolen cows.
  8. Do all cows moo the same way (they have one mooing sound, there are 2 options - loud and quiet, there are 2 options - sad and happy, cows moo in different intonations) Zoologists, studying the mooing of cows, have identified 11 different intonations.
  9. How much did the largest cow in the world weigh? (2 kg, 200 kg, 20 kg, 2000 kg) The largest cow (Mount Katahdin) in the world weighed 2270 kilograms, it was almost 4 meters in girth, and 1 meter 88 centimeters at the withers.
  10. What was the symbol of a cow in ancient times among the Slavs? (a symbol of war, fertility, beauty, a symbol of peace). Cows were symbols of fertility.
  11. What affects the taste of milk in cows? (weather, mood, grass eaten, shepherd songs) The taste of a cow’s milk is affected by the grass she eats. If the milk has a bitter taste, it means that the cow ate wormwood or some other bitter herb.
  12. How many years do cows live on average? (20 years, 2 years, 100 years, they are immortal) The average life expectancy of cows is 20 years. However, there have been cases where a cow lived for 35 years.
  13. Who usually lives longer: a cow or a bull? (bull, cow, the same, they are immortal) Bulls live a little less than cows - 15 years.
  14. How does a cow show who is its close friend? (moos in the ear, plays together in the meadow, always walks like a train, licks each other) Cows have their own close friends, tenderness for whom is expressed in affectionately licking each other.
  15. Why are cows NOT bred (meat, milk, leather, hooves). Cows are raised for meat, milk and leather.
  16. Why do cows have special earrings on their ears? (for beauty, to distinguish, to repel flies, to sell at a higher price) To combat flies, scientists have invented special earrings for cows. They are made from polyvinyl and impregnated with a special preparation that has a repellent effect.
  17. Why does a cow get scared when someone suddenly approaches her too quickly? (the cow sees everything on an enlarged scale, the cow sees everything upside down, all people seem to be aliens to her, she is afraid that she will be stolen) Thanks to the special structure of her eyes, the cow sees everything on an enlarged scale. Therefore, a cow often gets scared when someone unexpectedly approaches her.
  18. Do cows respond to their name like domestic cats or dogs? (no, yes, only some cows, only with nicknames of two short words like moo-moo) People are always surprised to learn that cows are able to remember their name and come just like cats or dogs do.
  19. What does a cow do if she likes a person? (asks to be held, butts with horns, stomps with front legs, licks). Cows show their sympathy for humans in a very original way. If a cow likes you, then be prepared for her to lick you.
  20. How do cows show joy? (laugh, jump, moo, wag their tail) When cows are happy, they run and jump.

Children's birthday contests for teenagers

It’s not easy for teenagers to find entertainment that will keep them interested and captivated. Fun should be funny, cheerful, entertaining - so that the children do not try to quickly leave the holiday, which has become boring, or do not bury themselves in their smartphones.

Birds at the market

This is an Italian competition. The game can involve from 6 to 8 participants.

One participant plays the role of the seller, the other must cope with the role of the buyer. The rest of the children squat down and clasp their hands around their knees. They will play chickens.

A buyer comes to the market and asks: “Do you sell chickens?” The seller replies: “I’m selling.” Buyer: “Can I look at them?” Seller: “I allow it.”

The buyer begins to walk behind the chickens, talking dissatisfiedly: “This one is thin, and this one is plump, this one is not young, but this one is dry, this one is too wiry and frail.” Then he grumbles dissatisfiedly and chooses chicken. The seller and the buyer lift the purchase, swing it and say: “You are beautiful, don’t unclasp your hands and don’t smile.” If a participant starts laughing or smiling, he is eliminated.

Putting shots

This is an exciting competition for teenage children. Place balloons on the edge of the table. The one who drives must be blindfolded and placed with his back to the balloons that lie on the table. The player must take five steps forward, and then turn around 3 times in one place. Then he turns around and tries to deflate the balloon. Quite often, guys lose the right direction and try to blow away the balloons from where they weren’t even there. It's funny and funny.

Goose made of gold

The presenter can remind the children of an old fairy tale, where everyone was glued to each other, and a magical golden goose led the procession. All players must stand in a circle, each can name one of the body parts. On the count of three, you need to stick to your neighbor with exactly the part that was named by the player

It is important to walk confidently and not fall. In this unusual form, children must loudly shout “Congratulations!” three times.

Dancing with obstacles

The competition consists of several stages:

You will need to stock up on ropes. One must be pulled at a height of 1 meter, the second 50 centimeters from the floor. If there is nowhere to tie the ropes, the guys can hold it. The music turns on, we step over the bottom rope, and climb under the top rope. The two participants taking part in the game are blindfolded. They must overcome obstacles to Latin melodies

The ropes are carefully removed, and the guys watch how the dancers try to carefully squat and step over.

Still artist

The presenter invites 2 people who can boast of artistic talent to participate in the game. Guests are given a felt-tip pen. The presenter says that there will be no need to draw today, because he has a magical gift and will bewitch the participants. Children should imagine an invisible easel in front of them and stand in front of it with a felt-tip pen.

Two more children are invited to take part in the game. They are given a sheet from the album, which is recommended to be attached to a solid base. The point of the competition is that the artists do not move, and the players with paper move the sheet along the tip of the felt-tip pen, trying to depict a drawing. The one whose drawing is more original wins.

Mimicry or pantomime

To conduct the competition you will need to prepare cards. You need to write a word on them. This is an object that participants in the game will have to portray using pantomime. Those invited will have to guess what is being shown to them. If no one could guess within 2-3 minutes, the participant loses and completes a penalty task. He can crow, meow, grunt, and giggle.

It is important that the entertainment that will be at a children's birthday party is not boring, mediocre or banal. In many ways, the holiday will depend on the host, his talent and ability to attract attention, interest and organize guests. Games should not be the same type. The main requirement is attention to everyone, variety and fun

Don't forget that competitions must be safe. Do not use low-quality pyrotechnics and do not trust children (especially small ones) to use candles, sparklers and other dangerous objects on their own.

The main requirement is attention to everyone, variety and fun. Don't forget that competitions must be safe. Do not use low-quality pyrotechnics and do not trust children (especially small ones) to use candles, sparklers and other dangerous objects on their own.

By preparing in advance, you can be sure that your child’s birthday will be held in a fun and friendly atmosphere with exciting competitions and prizes.

Organization rules

The quiz must be organized step by step. At the beginning of the game, divide the participants into teams, this will make the game more fun. Each group must come up with a name and identification motto. These little things will help create a team spirit, and children will be happy to unite as one team.

Set up a location for the game. It is necessary to prepare a device for keeping score, sheets or buttons for answers, and incentive prizes.

Consider the format of the questions and their number: will you give open-ended questions or provide multiple answer options.

It is also important to alternate interesting topics for questions. This will help diversify the game and involve participants as much as possible in the process.

Don't forget about musical breaks and rest if you plan to make a long quiz.

Also, don’t forget about the gifts that participants will receive at the end, in addition to certificates. For example, small toys.

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