Relay races for adults. “Funny relay races. Funny relay races for adults without complexes

Designed by Freepik Are you planning an outdoor vacation with your friends? For a fun picnic you need to be properly prepared. This means, in addition to barbecue and beer, remember your childhood and organize fun outdoor games, relay races or competitions. This way you will avoid overeating and overdrinking, and also recharge yourself with positivity and have fun.

Nothing brings people together like team competitions. Relay races are the best way to help you with this. And here is a new selection from, from which you can choose and find one to suit your taste.

Defense is a sport game

Number of players: any Additional: mace, ball A mace is placed in the center of a small circle drawn on the ground or floor. A defender stands near the circle, holding the ball in his hands. The remaining participants in the game, holding hands, surround the defender with a wide ring. Then they lower their hands, one of the players receives the ball from the defender. Those standing in a circle throw the ball among themselves; Having seized an opportune moment, each player can throw the ball at the mace to knock it down. The defender covers the mace with himself and hits the ball in any way, without, however, kicking it. Read more @title

Menu, serving

It is better to exclude ketchup, mayonnaise, chips, fatty/fried foods and other harmful foods from the menu. Otherwise, at a themed sports party for children and adults, any food is appropriate. Of course, healthy food is a priority - salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, milkshakes, freshly squeezed juices.

Serving: green tablecloth “lawn”, drawings on dishes (you can buy a stylized paper set), pictures on toothpicks for decorating dishes, figurines of athletes, miniature equipment (for example, from kinders and other toys).

Alcohol at a party for adults, regardless of the theme, is rather necessary. Of course, at the discretion of the organizer, but it is better to give preference to light drinks - beer, wine, low-alcohol cocktails. And be sure to supply regular water, it’s more convenient in 0.5 liter bottles.

Desserts are also as usual - muffins, biscuits, cookies, ice cream, fruit. Some sweets can be decorated with icing and mastic - draw a ball, bat, etc. paraphernalia . The forms are very simple, no special skills are required. Print themed cones, skirts, dessert boxes, decorate jars and other transparent containers.

Long jump - sports game

Number of players: even Additional: no The first team member stands on the starting line and makes a standing long jump. After landing, he does not move until the landing location is recorded by the judges (using a line drawn along the toes of the jumper's shoes). The next participant places his feet directly in front of the line, without stepping beyond it, and also makes a jump. Thus, the entire team performs one collective long jump. You must jump carefully and do not fall when landing - otherwise the result of the jump will be canceled. Read more @title

Coin-2 - a game for adults

Number of players: any Additional: newspaper, coin, water The game is played outdoors in the summer. A tube is rolled out of a newspaper and inserted into the front of the players' pants, and a coin is placed on the forehead. The presenter explains to the players: “The game is to get a coin from your forehead into a tube.” And depending on which pant leg the coin gets into, the game will develop further. The players are given several practice attempts (at this time, one of the spectators quietly brings a pan of water). The presenter announces: - That's it, the game begins. Read more @title

Entertainment options depending on the time of year

A corporate holiday in nature can be held at any time of the year. The main thing is to choose so-called seasonal games, competitions and entertainment that will bring the team many pleasant moments.


Kissing marathon

A competitive game for a company with a young, cheerful team.

Each girl is assigned a certain number, and each boy is assigned a letter. They stand in groups on two sides of the clearing, in the center of which is the driver. He loudly calls the code - a combination of letters and numbers.

The girl whose number is called must run up and kiss the host, and the young man does his best to interfere with this. If he was unable to intercept the girl, then he himself takes the place of the leader.

Engine Chukh-chukh

A team, sports competition for the title of the most dexterous and fastest team, of which there may be several.

Teams form trains in a certain way: the leg is bent at the knee and directed back, one hand is on the shoulder of the person in front, and the other needs to support his leg bent at the knee.

Thus, at the signal from the leader, the participants must, without breaking the train, reach the finish line first.

Forced dive

An individual, active competition for agility, speed and skill in the water.

All participants stand in a small semicircle in the water of the river, and the leader stands on the bank in front of them. He horizontally unwinds a rope to which a small ball is tied, gradually lowering the height of the ball.

The participants' task is to dodge the ball as long as possible while falling into the water . The one who was hit is eliminated.

Friendly bonfires

It is carried out if at least two colleagues play the guitar.
One fire is lit for each team, the participants of which sit around. The task of the teams is to remember as many songs as possible - pioneer, lyrical, tourist, bard.

In order for the point to be counted, you need to sing one verse and chorus to guitar accompaniment. The counting is carried out jointly.

Grape harvest

The team is divided into several teams with an equal number of participants.

Each group is given a bunch of grapes (must be the same). One of the participants will hold the branch with their teeth, and the rest will carefully tear off the berries with their teeth and put them in a separate basket for each team.

Competition time is 2 minutes. The group that collects the most grapes wins.

Delicious drinks

You will need to stock up on several (up to 10) types of compote in advance - apple, cherry, peach, blueberry, currant, etc., as well as many disposable cups.

Participants are blindfolded and asked to taste what each compote is made from. The winner is the one who never made a mistake in the definition . 500 ml of each drink is enough for 10 participants.


Everyone interested is divided into two teams. Two routes are designated - pins are placed (can be replaced with twigs or sticks), which the “caterpillar” will go around like a “snake”.

In this case, all participants hold onto the previous player with both hands, and everyone except the first one is blindfolded.

The team that reaches the finish line first and knocks down the fewest pins wins.

Loading relay race

We need two teams with an even number of players, for the convenience of splitting into pairs. The “loading” distance is determined, for example, 10 meters.

In a pair, one participant is the “wheelbarrow”, and the second is the “loader”. The first one stands on his hands, and the second one holds him by the legs so that the body is in a horizontal plane.

It is in this position that the pairs will need to go the distance as quickly as possible and return back, passing the baton to the next in the team.

Unicycle racing

Participants are divided into teams with a number of players that is a multiple of three. Each trio will need to cover the entire distance in a certain way and, returning back, pass the baton to the next trio.

Additional attributes: two durable volleyballs. One of the players stands on the ball and rolls it with his feet, the other two must support it on both sides under the elbows. Back you need to carry the ball while running.



It is carried out in those places where you can collect enough cones.

To conduct the competition, you will need two basins and two buckets of cones pre-collected by employees (one per team).

The entire team is divided into two equal teams. After the leader’s signal, the participants throw the cones into their basin, taking one at a time. The team that collects the largest harvest wins.

Leaf creativity

Best suited for small creative companies who decide to spend a holiday in a deciduous forest.

There can be several teams, and they will complete the task of creating the best composition of colorful leaves.

Teams are given a certain time (about 30–40 minutes), during which they must independently collect the material and make ikebana.

Avid tourists

Two or three teams will work together to prepare any dish without prepared ingredients. You can only use what you find in the surrounding area.

Additionally, participants are given equipment - knives, dishes, seasonings, and water is obtained independently.

It is advisable to spend at least an hour for the competition. The taste of the dish, its presentation and, of course, the ingenuity of the participants, as well as the speed of teamwork, are assessed.


Two or more teams can participate in this competition. The task for the players is this: in a short time (no more than 20 minutes) to find and collect as many different plants and mushrooms that grow nearby as possible.

They receive one point for each name. It is necessary to know the name of the plant and provide the judges with a part of it (leaf, flower, mushroom), otherwise the points will not be counted.

Modern Tarzan

This is a team game that will allow participants to compete in accuracy. Everyone is divided into paired teams of five players each.

First you need to build two pairs of swings - “bungee”. All players receive 25 cones (5 attempts each).

While swinging on a swing, you need to throw as many cones as possible into a target (pan, basin), using your attempts and passing the baton to the next one.

Fruit Gatherers

The fruits will be the cones found by the players. For the competition, you need several medium-sized boxes (40 ´ 60 ´ 60 cm) - one per team.

The boxes are signed and, at the presenter’s signal, the competition begins. It consists of finding and collecting as many pine cones as possible to completely fill the box.

The team that can do it the fastest wins.


Snow shooting

You can play in teams or arrange individual competitions. Several trees of approximately the same diameter are selected - separately for the team.

At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to make snowballs and throw them at the tree. The team (or player) that manages to hit the tree the most times wins.

The shooting time is 1 minute in the team version, 3 minutes in the individual version.

Ski race

Individual competition for the title of the fastest and most agile skier.

The race track is prepared in advance - they are marked with flags, targets are arranged that need to be knocked out, a prize is hidden in a place indicated by a riddle, etc.

Skis must be prepared for each participant, so the competition is announced in advance.

Hey cab driver

You will need snowy weather and several fairly large sleds. Each team has six players. One strongman is selected who will lead the remaining five on the same sleigh along a given route.

From time to time the “strongman” can be changed. The winner is the team that lost the fewest number of players in a fall (the fallen one is eliminated from the competition), and at the same time reached the finish line first.

Relay race

Teams of 4 people. A sled is provided for each. When sliding down a slide prepared and decorated in advance, the first one must hit the gate (two sticks at a distance of 2 m) and, upon returning, pass the sled to the next one.

The second player, moving down, collects the flags placed along the way. The third must hit the target with a snowball, and the fourth must throw the rings onto a stick in the middle of the track.

Artistic modeling

Several teams of 3-5 people compete in their ability to sculpt a Snow Woman. Each chooses a section of the clearing/forest where they will take snow and other components for sculpting.

Since this competition evaluates not so much the speed as the aesthetics of the snow creation, Baba must be decorated carefully, using twigs, cones, bark, etc. An hour of time is allotted for completion.

Men's fun

Used in men's groups. A circle with a diameter of 5 m is drawn in the snow with coals. All participants (6–10 people) enter the circle.

The task of each is to push everyone else abroad, remaining the winner. In this case, you need to stand on one leg, holding the other with your hand, and the second hand is hidden behind your back.

The participant who fell, pushed another with his hand, or stood on both legs is eliminated.



This is not full-fledged badminton, but its team spring speed version. Two teams of 4–6 participants line up in a column before the start.

The first players receive a racket and a balloon and, at the leader’s signal, walk with it, holding it in the air with the help of a racket, to the designated finish line. Back - just run.

The second, taking the baton, is already rolling the ball on the ground, the third - similarly to the first, and so on.


It is better to spend it in the forest, where there is dense undergrowth and many flowers. Participants will have to be the fastest to weave the most beautiful wreath from available materials.

Each team has a man and a woman. He collects flowers, and she does the actual weaving. You can complicate the task by instructing everyone to weave a wreath for a partner.

For this competition, a wreath weaving pattern will be useful:

Search for a prize

In a limited area in the forest, many (at least 50) balloons are hung, with a note inside.

One note says “Grand Prize,” another “Consolation Prize,” and all the others say “Good luck searching!”

The main prize is the first portion of shish kebab in sole ownership , and the consolation prize is ice cream or a pie.

Hat to the king!

Two teams simultaneously begin to fight for the title of best hat team. To do this, they need to build a semblance of a human figure from what was found in the forest - these will be the “kings”.

The main condition for teams is that each king must have a headdress - a hat or crown. The fastest and most creative team, whose hat is the most interesting, wins.

Give freedom to parrots!

You need to choose four to five trees standing in a circle not far from each other. They will symbolize the bars of the cage in which 4 “parrots” sit - a team of participants.

A rope is pulled horizontally at a level of a meter above the ground around the trees, above which the players must leave the “cage”.

The winner is the team that was able to leave the circle just above the rope without hitting it.

Climb under the table - a game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any Additional: no When there is soft grass under your feet, it’s a pleasure to crawl on it. All participants sit at the table, strictly put their elbows and do not look down! One reaches under the table and takes off the participants’ shoes, changes them, etc. Meanwhile, the participants watch each other's stern faces. Whoever laughs first fulfills a wish that was previously thought up by everyone. Here you have room for imagination: approach strangers and offer them to buy kefir at a reduced price (while selflessly jabbering that today is International Kefir Day), climb onto the table and shout at the top of your lungs to the Martians to take you home, run throughout the entire base vacation (naturally, in front of unfamiliar vacationers) and yelling “They’re robbing us!” guard!". Read more @title


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