Fun games and funny competitions for graduation of grades 9-11

Tic-Tac-Toe Championship

Previously, every second schoolchild knew this game, but for some reason today’s students increasingly prefer computer strategy games or shooting games. Therefore, it will be useful to stretch your mind with an interesting and entertaining game of tic-tac-toe. Everything is very simple: 2 opponents, a board and chalk, a simple grid is drawn, if desired, 2 by 2, 3 by 3, and so on. The task of each participant is to place his cross or zero on one line faster than his opponent and cross it out. The winner receives a prize. At the end, you can have a battle of the strongest and find out which of the guys is the coolest in this matter.

Leisure organization

Children spend 11 long years of their lives in school. Their journey begins with the first day of knowledge and ends with a farewell graduation party. During the learning process, each child acquires valuable skills:

  • Learns to read . In the elementary grades, he starts with the usual alphabet, and in the older grades he moves on to complex literary works.
  • Learns the basics of mathematics - counts and solves problems.
  • It gnaws at the granite of other , no less interesting sciences.

On the eve of holidays or vacations, schoolchildren feel the most joyful. Teachers should organize the learning process so that children enjoy it.

The key to successful work is the proper organization of leisure time - holding competitions for children at school. Every good parent, sending his beloved child to study, hopes that he will find it interesting there. When teachers approach their work with soul and do not interfere with children’s creative expressions, their school life will undoubtedly be fun and they will remember it for many years to come.

May couples be reunited - couples game

Graduates are given signs with different words. Participants do not immediately realize that these are halves of one word, however, they must understand which word. In general, players search for their partner using a word.

The couples that reunite the fastest win.

Example options:

  1. Grape.
  2. Release.
  3. Wine-Vata.
  4. Cue-cue.
  5. Small.
  6. Besiege.
  7. Grocery.
  8. Auto-Zavod.
  9. Autograph.
  10. Grad-Usy.

Competition "Holiday Menu"

Based on the rules of this competition, which is held by teachers for the New Year 2021, all children must be divided into several teams and choose a captain. The presenter lays out small pieces of paper on the table on which the letters will be written. Team captains come to the table, choose one piece of paper and return to the rest of the players. Task: create a New Year's menu of dishes that begin with the letter chosen by the captain. The winner is the team that was able to come up with the most dishes and whose menu will be more original. It is better to choose consonants for the letters so that children can come up with as many dishes as possible.

Chemistry connoisseurs

Molecules are made up of atoms. Everyone is invited to the dance floor to play the role of atoms. While the music is playing, they are all in a chaotic order - dancing, running, spinning, etc.

When the music stops, the presenter gives a command with any number. For example, “Molecule 6”, which means: a molecule consists of 6 atoms. Participants should gather in a group of 6 people and hug. Anyone who does not have time to join any team is eliminated from the game.

Then the game continues until a pair is formed, i.e. “Molecule 2”. The winners are awarded the status of “Chemistry Experts”.

General knowledge

The presenter reads out the lines of the poem, and the guys must add one word to each line. Whoever does not answer is eliminated, and the poem will contain words from the field of general knowledge, for example: For lunch, my mother prepared cutlets for us, The rhyming headdress is called - ... (takes), If you go to a concert, you need to buy ... (ticket), Salad with potatoes and beets are called... (vinaigrette), If four people in an orchestra are... (quartet), And two of them sing a song, it means... (duet), A weapon like a bow is called... (crossbow), In the dark a person can see... (silhouette ), Clara stole from Karl ... (clarinet), The wounded soldier was sent to ... (infirmary), He understands beautiful manners ... (esthete), One carriage, but many - ... (carriages), An athletic body is ... (athlete).

Types of New Year competitions for schoolchildren

In order to mark the end of the winter school period at school and celebrate the New Year 2021, teachers strive to bring as much joy and fun into each class as possible, fill them with an atmosphere of kindness and anticipation of New Year's magic and miracle. During this period, the entire school staff, both children and teachers, should feel the full power of the strong and inextricable friendship of this educational institution, its unity. To do this, you have to create entire scenarios that contain a list of fun activities for children of different ages. The most interesting and famous ones are selected, which will certainly appeal to all children without exception. After all, children, first of all, should relax as much as possible, recharge with positive emotions, relax, and only then show off their intellectual abilities. To do this, we give you as an example the following good and humorous competitions that simply need to interest and entertain all primary and secondary school students.

Sports competitions:

  • "Centipede";
  • “Who will jump further”;
  • "Snake";
  • "Strongmen";
  • “Chair gymnastics”;
  • "Circus People";
  • "Drunken Caterpillar" and much more.

Dance competitions:

  • "Dance Sport";
  • "Dancing with Fruit";
  • "Dancing with Balloons";
  • "Ice Dancing";
  • "The island is narrowing";
  • "Primitive Dance";
  • “Pick a pair”, etc.

Creative competitions:

  • “Oh, dress,,,”;
  • "Frog Race";
  • "Table setting";
  • "Florists";
  • “Word is code”;
  • "Animals from the Forest";
  • “Riddles at the bottom” and so on.

Comic competitions:

  • "Surprise";
  • "Chairs on stage";
  • “We’ll figure it out for three”;
  • "Fast Walkers";
  • "The most attentive";
  • “Button and loop”;
  • "Dress each other" and much more.

Intellectual competitions:

  • “Drawing by Concepts”;
  • "Remember the details";
  • "Company Poem";
  • "Detectives";
  • "Pun";
  • "Situations";
  • Damaged fax" and so on.

These and many other competitions would be great to hold at school for the New Year 2021, so that children do not have to get bored and wait for the New Year's event to end soon.

Graduate - competition for 9 participants

9 tablets are prepared in advance, each with one letter from the word “Graduate”. 9 participants are invited. Each person is given one tablet. The presenter asks a question. And the players whose letters are contained in the answer line up in a row. At the end, all classmates line up, forming the main word “Graduate”.

Participants with a sign

  1. Throw smart words at... (Us)
  2. Club of cheerful and resourceful people in three letters! (KVN)
  3. The turkey thought, yes, he got it! (Soup)
  4. When we sleep, we see... (Dreams)
  5. It can be sour, sweet, bitter. (Taste)
  6. Grandma's favorite. (Grandson)
  7. Cry of fashion. (Beeping)
  8. Menu in Windows. (Start)
  9. Payment for the release of a prisoner. (Ransom)
  10. And today every classmate is ... (Graduate)

"Through hardship to the stars"

It is better to play this game in the yard, but a house is often suitable. A rope is taken in advance and stretched across the entire clearing. It is worth noting that the more difficult the path along the rope, the more fun it will be to play. It can be wrapped around a tree, tucked under branches and chairs, tables and other objects.

We form a team of an unlimited number of people (the more, the better) and follow the path of the rope, overcoming obstacles. The best option is not to unclench your hands under any circumstances.

Fortune telling is a cool game

A comic fortune telling in order to find out what awaits everyone in adult life. Everyone pulls out a note with a fortune.

You can print out homemade cards, the meanings of which will be announced by the presenter. You can give everyone fortune cookies, etc.

Sample results:

  1. If you meet your soulmate, biology will come in handy.
  2. You will become popular, not like at school.
  3. You'll star in a TV series. Perhaps mentally.
  4. Get into a prestigious university.
  5. You will live far from your native land.
  6. It was a waste of time to study physics; it will be useful in life.
  7. You will master the rarest profession.
  8. Your children will also study at this school.
  9. Give the world some kind of discovery.
  10. You will become an enviable bride/enviable groom.

Interview for graduates of grades 9-11

At the very beginning of the evening, graduates are interviewed on camera. Quite innocent questions are asked. For example: “What is your pet’s name?” Then a video montage is made with classmates’ answers. But the questions in the video will be different from those that were asked to the video participants live. Such a fake interview will amuse everyone in the heat of the evening. This highlight can be left at the end of the event - there will be more time for installation.

Fake questions that will be voiced in the video are highlighted in font with a question mark. The list includes questions that will be asked to graduates during an on-camera interview. It is permissible to answer some questions to several classmates at once. Some points will only go to one or two.

Hello, please introduce yourself!


  1. Give the name of your pet (yours or just a loved one).
  2. The name of your favorite singer/singer (it’s funnier to ask boys for women’s names, to ask girls for men’s names).
  3. Guess the character. A girl with red hair with pigtails, wearing stockings.
  4. Fairy-tale heroine with blue hair.
  5. What is the name of the girl whose grandmother was eaten by the ox?
  6. The old lady from the cartoon about Gena the Crocodile?
  7. Continue: “Pale mushroom...”.
  8. Old movie starring Julia Roberts and Richard Girr.
  9. A film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. He played a combat robot with artificial intelligence.
  10. Who lost their tail in Winnie the Pooh?
  11. She told stories for 1001 nights (her name).
  12. The name of your favorite rapper.
  13. He left both his grandmother and his grandfather. Only from the fox I couldn’t.
  14. The robber who whistles.
  15. The bearded guy from Buratino?
  16. What do young girls call their older boyfriends?
  17. There's sawdust in his head.
  18. Sing the chorus of the Hi Fi group song “Faina”.
  19. What was the name of the Cossack leader?
  20. What is the leader of a criminal group called (in jargon).

What do you affectionately call your classmates?

  1. Continue: “Secular …”.
  2. An animal that says “Moo-Moo.”
  3. Old movie starring Julia Roberts and Richard Girr.
  4. 4. A toy, inside of which there are the same ones, only smaller in size.
  5. 5. Young female cattle.

What about classmates?

  1. Spanish male.
  2. A mammal from the north with large beautiful horns.
  3. Male domestic goat.
  4. Call the cat affectionately.
  5. Continue with the title of the story. “Ivanushka...”

Tell us about your class teacher.

Classmates take turns being asked to describe various stars and characters. For example, Ksenia Sobchak, The Snow Queen, Housekeeper from Carlson, Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Baba Yaga.

What do you call the director among yourself?

  1. Which animal do you think is the cutest?
  2. How affectionately will “Naughty” be?
  3. Red mushroom with white polka dots.
  4. Jolie's ex-husband.
  5. A hero who lives on the roof.
  6. Pedals: gas, clutch and...?
  7. Your favorite soft toy from childhood.

The main advantage of a teacher. You can have one benefit for each teacher.

List the virtues that the following persons should have:

  • actress;
  • the president;
  • athlete;
  • Olympic champion;
  • wine taster;
  • football player;
  • fitness instructor;
  • fashion model;
  • Ph.D;
  • head teacher.

Who came to the prom on what?

  1. Transport of Baba Yaga.
  2. A biker rides it.
  3. What is the cyclist riding?
  4. Taxi driver transport.
  5. It is ridden by a groom.
  6. What do astronauts fly on?
  7. It is controlled by a pilot.
  8. Did the lion cub from the cartoon ride on it?
  9. How do newlyweds arrive at the registry office?
  10. What do you usually drive to school?

What do you dream of becoming?

1. What profession, in your opinion, is the rarest?

What are your plans for graduation?

1. What should you not do in public places?

Who is the smartest graduate?

1. The last letter of the alphabet.

How will you have fun at prom?

1. Show off some dance moves.

At the end of the video, words of wishes from the video participants are inserted.

School breakfast

This challenge will require lunch containers, but opaque ones! Each container contains any product with a specific smell, for example, fried pie, tangerine, sausage, cucumber, and so on. Each participant receives a sheet of paper and a pen. One by one, the children approach each container, smell it and write down on their piece of paper what they think is there. After all participants have determined what is in the lunch containers, the presenter announces the correct answer. Whoever correctly sniffed out all the products in the containers will receive a prize.


Each student who has an idea comes to the board and writes the name of the tree: the first name is any, for example, oak, and the next names must begin or contain any letter from the previous names (crossword puzzle method), for example, oak, and you can start writing the next tree with the letter “b” - birch, from birch you can take the letter “r” and write rowan, and so on. Students who can remember the names of trees more than others and skillfully enter them into the “crossword puzzle” on the board will receive prizes.

Competition "Prize in Riddles"

This competition is as follows: take a prize, wrap it in paper, and stick the contents of any riddle onto the wrapper. Turns around again. And again the riddle sticks. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The presenter gives one a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle; if not, he reads the riddle out loud; whoever guessed it gets the right to further unwrap the prize and everything continues according to the same pattern. The one who guesses the riddle and gets to the very end wins.

Thus, the child will not only take part in this event, which is held at school for the New Year 2021, but also, if lucky, will win the coveted prize.

Fun competitions for teenagers

Crazy game

Everyone stands in a circle. The leader stands in the middle of the circle. He gives the command to portray someone and at this time counts to 10. Those who did not have time become the presenter.

  • “Bipity-beepity- bob.” While the host says this while pointing at the player, the player must quickly say "Bob". If he did not make it before the presenter finished, he takes his place.
  • "Hare". The player at whom the leader points his finger becomes a hare (folds his hands the way the children point to him). And two players on both sides must make his ears. The presenter does not forget to count to 10 at this time. If one of the three did not have time or made a mistake, he takes the place of the leader.
  • "Elephant". The player makes a trunk. And two neighboring players make his ears.
  • "Kamikaze". The player makes glasses for himself, and his assistants make airplane wings.
  • "Bean". The player must stand silently, not answering anything.

Mister Muscle.

Ask the guys to bring large sweaters and don't tell them what they will be needed for. Also bring 10 to 15 balloons for every 4 to 5 people to the meeting. Do not remove the balls from the bag until the game has started. Form teams of 4 people with one guy on the team (required). Purpose of the game: make a "muscle guy" for the muscle beach. Each team will inflate and put as many as possible into the sleeves of the sweater the guy is wearing. You only have 2 minutes for this.

Lunch for two or three.

One is blindfolded, and the other has his hands.

Dress up as a counselor.

Each team must bring a counselor dressed in incredible fashion.


With this game you can discover new talents. Give each person in your group a paper and pen. Tell them to put the paper on their head and draw what you say (an object in the room or a person you name). They will have to draw this thing, but they cannot remove the sheet from their head. Only then. When the masterpiece is completely ready, you can remove the leaf from your head and admire it. Collect and display masterpieces. You can carry it out in stages, that is: ask to draw a Christmas tree. After everyone has drawn (the signal for this will be lowered hands), ask them to draw a gift under this tree, etc. During this time, the leaf cannot be removed from the head.

Who's first?

For this game, prepare 3 chocolate bars. Tie threads on both sides. Call 6 volunteers in pairs. Give each pair one tile. Start with the first pair. They should take the end of the thread in their teeth and move their hands back. On command, start the task: who can chew the thread faster and grab the chocolate with his teeth? The winner gets chocolate, and the loser gets a consolation prize of your choice.


Volunteers go out the door and then enter one person at a time. The first one receives the name of some animal (in the ear), which he must depict. Trying to portray it, he has absolutely no idea that all the players on the team already know this name and only pretend even more that they cannot guess by acting it out.

Scratch your back.

!!!!!!!!!Use as a dating game!!!!!!!!!!! Before everyone arrives, write the following words in capital letters on a piece of whatman paper: head, knee, foot, back, stomach, shoulder, nose. Show the children waspin,” and I call the number “6”, you should run around the room and scratch the other 6 backs.” Then the whistle repeats the procedure again with other parts of the body and numbers. You can repeat these body parts. But not in sequence. Keep the pace and activity.

Calendar search.

Bring old calendars and give them to everyone, or form teams and give each team one calendar. Say the name of the holidays from the last sheet of the calendar. The first person or team to find and celebrate all the named holidays correctly becomes the winner.


For this game you will need 2 dice and a platform marked with tape. Players of one team take turns throwing 2 dice 2 times. One player gets 4 numbers. With four limbs (2 arms and 2 legs) the player fixes 4 zones on the court, corresponding to the numbers drawn. The second player does the same. The goal of the game is to have as many players from one team fit into this space as possible.

A minute masterpiece.

Have you ever observed that teenagers are trying to identify the best among themselves? You will need paints, jars, aprons, paper and rewards. Give each group member 3 different colors of paint, an apron, and paper. Then challenge the painters to paint a masterpiece in 1 minute, using only their noses to paint. For options: blind creativity Vote for the best masterpiece and award.

The birthday boy's face.

Form teams and choose a volunteer for each team to serve the cake. Have the volunteer put the bag down and lie on it. Give each team a tray with the following:

  • tube of decorative icing
  • scotch
  • 12 Christmas candles.

At the leader’s command, each team begins to make a “birthday cake” on the face of a volunteer. Walk around the room and give instructions, encouraging the children to create a crazy masterpiece. After a few minutes, stop the decoration process. Appreciate the pie with applause. For options: decorate the face of the real birthday boy. Take a photo and hang it on your board in a few months.

Auto racing.

2 toy cars are tied to laces. The other ends are attached to sticks. Two people are holding wooden sticks. At the leader's command, they begin to wind the cord around the sticks, pulling the cars towards them. The one who does it faster wins.

Musical party.

The song stays with the person. Now a conductor is really needed. He offers to sing some song that he knows well, conducting at the same time. Warn everyone in advance: “If I wave my hand and clench my fingers into a fist, shut up immediately.” It almost never happens that the song ends at this signal. Somebody keeps pulling. This “singer” becomes the conductor.

Voice from the choir.

One player leaves the room. In his absence, players choose a line from a popular or famous song. Everyone gets a word from that line or song. The presenter returns and is greeted by a choir of voices: everyone pronounces their words at the same time.

Recipe from the song.

Divide the players into several teams. Invite each team to choose any kitchen recipe and come up with a melody for it. After a certain time, the teams gather for a presentation. Fantasy and improvisation are assessed.

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter.

Divide participants into groups. Offer the well-known song “From a Smile…” to be performed by each group in different versions. Performed by:

  • Hora named after Pyatnitsky.
  • Military song and dance ensemble.
  • African tribe.

A new twist on an old song.

Everyone knows the song well. Maybe you want something new? Ask all participants to split into pairs, turn their backs to each other and make a “lock” with their hands. Each pair will have one eldest. The elders in the group face the leader. They will sing the beginning of the line of the song, and others will sing the end of the line. When a participant begins to sing his part, he turns to face the conductor (the turn occurs only when each singer, holding his hands in lock, begins to sing his part). Try it slowly, then increase the speed. You can use other songs this way.

Guess the melody.

The principle of the game is like in a television show. You can use famous songs.

Noise competition of groups.

Divide the group into 2 teams. Give each a tape recorder, a blank audiotape, and a worksheet. Divide the teams into rooms. As a team, the group reads the task sheet. You will need to record various sounds on the cassette. The duration of each recording is at least 10 seconds. For example:

  • Sounds of a traffic accident
  • Coyotes in love on a moonlit night
  • Say good night in musical form.

Party “Remember your childhood”.

  • Handsome: Choose who has the best "baby" costume.
  • Who's Who: Ask everyone in advance to bring their childhood photos to the evening. Number them and ask participants to guess who is who.
  • Glug Glug: Fill some baby bottles with warm milk and have a competition to see who can drink the milk the fastest. Possibly through a pacifier.
  • Baby Food Race: Divide the participants into pairs: boy-girl. Give them a jar of baby food. The girls' task is to quickly feed the boys with baby food.
  • Don't cry, little one:

Hold an audition for the loudest, most dramatic, most compelling baby cry.

Foot Party

  • Foot painting competition.

Give the teams sheets of paper and paint. The team's task is to draw a picture using their toes or a hand held between their fingers.

  • Beauty contest.

Give prizes and awards for biggest foot, smallest foot, funniest looking foot.

  • Centipede.

Each team lines up behind each other and forms one big foot with their feet (the toes rest on the heel of the person in front). The team with the longest “foot” wins.

  • Autograph.

The players' task is to get as many autographs on their feet as possible.

  • Foot is wrestling. Participants sit on the floor facing each other. And they lock their legs. At the signal, they try to pin the opponent’s legs to the floor. Arm is wrestling, but only with legs.
  • Ping pong.

The team lines up and sits on the floor. Participants try to pass a ping pong ball to each other along the row and back, using only their feet. The ball should not touch the floor.

  • Shuffle your legs. Draw one letter like this on the sole of the foot for each participant. So that each team has its own identical set of letters. Make up a word from these letters and shout it out. Participants who have the letter of the word on their foot sit in a row with their backs to the judge so that the word can be read on their feet. Continue in the same spirit.
  • Blind shoe search.

You will need blindfolds for each child. Have them take off their shoes and fold them in the center. Let the children stand in a circle. Blindfold all players. Then mix all the shoes in the center again. At the leader's command, everyone begins to look for their shoes blindly. Everyone must find their shoes. They can try on shoes. Whoever thinks he has found his shoe, let him put it on. The game continues until everyone finds their own pair of shoes. Then have the children remove their blindfolds and look at the search results.

Hold the ball

This game is designed for a large group (15 or more people). Divide into teams of 4-6 players, arrange chairs around the room according to the number of teams. Place a few uninflated balloons on each chair. Then gather each group into a circle and give instructions to the participants.

At the signal "Let's go!" the team, huddled together, moves to the first chair, where one of the players inflates the ball and throws it into the middle of the team. The team then moves to another chair and the process is repeated. The whole difficulty of the game is that the team needs to keep the balls suspended, at stomach level, pressing very closely against each other and without using their hands. The team inflates two balloons near the second chair, three balloons near the third chair, and so on. Throughout the game, the team must keep the balls in the air. If the ball falls, the team must stop and pick it up. A team cannot approach a chair currently occupied by another team. After 5-6 minutes, stop the game, count who has how many balls in their weight, and name the winner.

Are you cold?

This fun game is good for a cold snowy evening when the players are wearing a lot of clothes. Divide the players into two teams, and let each team choose its own captain. Collect everyone's jackets, coats, mittens, scarves and other warm clothing and put everything in a pile. On command, the groups begin to wrap their captains in as many clothes as they can put on him. The team that puts on the most items wins the first round. For the second round, have the bundled captains compete on an obstacle course—indoors or outdoors—where they have to run, bend, reach for something, or crawl under something. For example, you could have the captains run outside, make a snowball, hit them a target, crawl under the target and then return to base. The captain who completes the course first wins the second round. For the third round, have a competition to remove the captain's clothing. The first team to strip their captain wins the third round. The team that wins the most rounds wins the game.

Fortune balls

When buying small prizes for group members before the holiday party (notebooks, pens, small chocolates, etc.), look for gifts that reflect the theme of the evening. For example, for [Christmas, you can buy paper napkins with a Christmas [theme. Write the names of the gifts on small pieces of paper and put them in the not yet inflated balloons. At the end of the party, ask everyone to choose a balloon and pop it, then read out loud what they wrote. Everyone will receive gifts and be happy.

Air racing

  • Inventory: toilet paper, chairs

Divide players into teams of four and give each team a square of toilet paper. Set up a short race track across the room, using chairs to define the boundaries of the track. Explain that the goal of the race is to move your square of toilet paper along the track from the start to the finish. You need to move the piece of paper through the air, blowing on it and without touching it. You can interfere with the other team by blowing their piece of paper beyond the boundaries of the track, but the main task is to keep your piece “on the fly.” Build teams at the start and start the game. The first team to successfully move their piece of paper across the finish line wins.

Chained by one chain

  • Players: 6 or more
  • Inventory: two rolls of toilet paper Divide the players into two teams and line them up in two lines, side by side, at one end of the room. Mark a line at the other end of the room - this will be the finish line. Have the teams face the finish line with their feet apart. Give the first person on each team a roll of toilet paper,

The goal of the game is to wrap toilet paper around the ankles of all team members and run to the finish line without tearing the paper. You can wrap your ankles however you like, but each ankle should be wrapped in at least one rose. While running, each player must remain within arm's length of their neighbors in front and behind. If the paper tears while running, the team must return to the start, rewind the paper and start again. Start racing. The first team to succeed wins


The players' task is not to laugh. Everyone sits down or stands in a circle, and one of the players says as seriously as possible: “HA!” The next one says: “Ha-ha!” - and so on. Anyone who says the wrong number of “HAs” or laughs is out of the game. The game continues, and those who dropped out try to do everything to make the remaining players in the circle laugh (just without touching them). Whoever laughs last is the winner.

Phrase in a circle.

Some simple phrase is chosen, for example: “Apples fell into the ships.” Now, starting with the first player, this phrase is pronounced by everyone in turn. Each participant in this game must pronounce a phrase with a new intonation (questioning, exclamatory, surprised, indifferent). If a participant cannot come up with anything new, then he is eliminated from the game, and this continues until there are several winners left.

Three phrases.

The presenter declares that none of those present will be able to repeat the three short phrases that he will say. Of course, no one will agree with this. Then the organizer, as if looking for words, says a short phrase. For example: “The weather is nice today.” Everyone confidently repeats this phrase. The organizer, embarrassed, looks for and hesitantly says the second phrase. Everyone can easily repeat it. Then he quickly and joyfully says: “Well, you were wrong!” Confusion, questions, argument. And the organizer explains that his third phrase, which had to be repeated, was: “Well, you were wrong!”

Discoverer. (For introduction)

First, participants are invited to “discover” a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw little figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner.


The presenter invites everyone to sing together, in chorus. For starters, a song that everyone knows. At the first clap of the leader, everyone begins to sing loudly; at the second clap, the singing continues, but only mentally, silently; at the third clap, they sing out loud again. And so on several times until someone gets confused. The one who makes a mistake comes forward and offers to sing some other well-known song. This is repeated several times. The leader can help everyone else by conducting the combined choir, especially during those moments when the participants are singing mentally.

An original introduction.

The players stand in a circle. Everyone comes up with a foreign name or any pseudonym and, taking a step forward, introduces themselves. For example: “I am Fantomas.” In addition, you need to come up with a gesture that accompanies your words and matches the image. For example, you introduced yourself and clapped your hands. As soon as the first person has introduced himself, the second must repeat the name and gesture of the first, and then introduce himself. The third repeats the name and gesture of the first, the name and gesture of the second, and then introduces himself by making some gesture. And so in a circle, like a snowball. When someone makes a mistake, he starts with the previous player, calls his name and makes a gesture, and again everything goes in a circle. After playing several rounds, determine who remembers the longest chain of names and gestures. Do something nice for the winner.


Two teams are participating. The presenter prepares two identical chocolates. On the command “start”, the outer players of the two teams, sitting next to the leader, quickly unwrap each of their chocolate bars, bite off a piece and pass the chocolate bar to the next participant. He, in turn, quickly eats another piece and passes the chocolate to the next player. The winner is the team that eats its chocolate bar faster, and there should be enough for all the players on the team.

Brito - shorn.

Remember the fairy tale where the wife, in defiance of her husband, did everything the other way around? The presenter will have to come forward and demonstrate some kind of physical exercise, and you will need to do the opposite. If the presenter raises his hand, you must lower it; if he spreads his palms, you fold…. Whoever makes a mistake will be the leader.

Put down the boxes.

An inverted stool is placed on the floor, the participant is 2 m away from it with four boxes of matches. He should approach the stool with his eyes closed and place the boxes on the legs of the stool.

Game of matches.

One of the players knocks over a box of matches (you can take an incomplete one) onto the table so that they lie in a pile. Another player begins to take one match from the pile so as not to touch the rest. As soon as one match moves, other than the one he takes out, another player begins to collect matches. The one who gets the most matches in a certain number of attempts wins.

You can mark the matches with different colors and agree on which color match will give you how many points. Then the winner is determined by the greater amount of points.

One-armed art.

You will need something that will be useful when creating: clay, plasticine. paper, glue... Organize pairs. Explain to partners that they will create when they work together and can do whatever they want. But each partner should work with only one hand. Competition is not necessary.

Hunting and cackling.

Before the groups arrive, hide sweet corn or candy in various places around the area where you are playing. Divide the group into several teams. Each team gets the name of an animal or bird. subsequently they will not be able to speak, but only notify using sounds. that this animal or bird makes. Each team chooses a leader. At the command “march”, all teams scatter across the entire field in search of corn. When they find a piece of food, they begin to make sounds. characteristic of their animal. The whole team must gather together and only after that the leader can raise the food and all the players’ hands. except for the leader, they are held behind the back. If several players from different teams find one, then the team that gets together first can take it. At the end of the allotted time, the trophies found are counted.

Hunting and cackling.

Before the groups arrive, hide sweet corn or candy in various places around the area where you are playing. Divide the group into several teams. Each team gets the name of an animal or bird. subsequently they will not be able to speak, but only notify using sounds. that this animal or bird makes. Each team chooses a leader. At the command “march”, all teams scatter across the entire field in search of corn. When they find a piece of food, they begin to make sounds. characteristic of their animal. The whole team must gather together and only after that the leader can raise the food and all the players’ hands. except for the leader, they are held behind the back. If several players from different teams find one, then the team that gets together first can take it. At the end of the allotted time, the trophies found are counted.

Games to divide the audience into several groups

1. Lot

Students choose cards with numbers, pieces of paper of different colors, figures, etc., and then groups are formed according to their similarity.

2. Artists

Students are asked to finish drawing something (a ship, a house, a car, etc.). Then, 3–5 completed elements are determined, according to which groups are formed (sail, oars, roof, windows, wheels, etc.).

3. Making a mosaic

Each participant receives one part of some photograph, document, quatrain, famous saying and must find those who have other missing parts of the divided material.

4. Celebrities

Students receive names of historical figures. Then they should unite into groups depending on the sphere of public life, on the historical era or on the country in which historical figures lived.

5. I need support

As many leaders are selected as there are groups to be formed. The presenters take turns choosing their assistants, saying the phrase: “I need support today... (name is called), because he (she) is... (positive quality is called).” This is how the required number of groups is recruited. Each next participant, pronouncing the key phrase, is called by the one who was chosen last in the group. We need to encourage kids to choose not their friends, but those with whom they have little contact, since in every person you can find positive, valuable qualities that are very important to notice.

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