Organizing a pirate party for children and adults

A party in a pirate style is a holiday that will be remembered not only by children, but also by adults. After all, books and films about pirates do not lose their popularity among all generations. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a birthday, a corporate event, or just a party for friends - everyone loves pirates, and people of any age will be happy about such a holiday. You should learn how to organize and host such a party.

Pirate party scenario

How to organize and host a pirate party

More and more people, inviting their friends to a party, are wondering what they can do so that everyone is happy and the impressions of the event remain for a long time? To achieve this goal you don’t need to make a lot of effort, you just need to use your imagination a little. One such fantasy is a pirate themed party.

If you and your friends are brave and reckless, if you are carefree, desperate and know a lot about entertainment - then you are a real “pirate gang”! It's time to organize a crazy pirate party filled with the spirit of adventure and freedom!


You can develop a cover sketch yourself, or you can use existing pictures by searching for suitable ones on the Internet. It could be a map of buried treasure, comic portraits of pirates, or pictures depicting sea battles - the choice is huge. You should use great imagination when composing the inscription inside the invitation card - the invitation itself. Here you can use pirate words and quotes from films about pirates. For example: “Old man... (name)! I would consider it an honor to welcome you on board my schooner “The Flying Dutchman” ... (date) this year when the bells strike ... (time). And strike me with thunder if you have to regret your time! Thunderstorm of the seas - Captain... (name).” If you used a buried treasure map on the cover, the invitation text might be something like this: “Sea Wolf... (name) is assembling a crew! On the secret map, an X marks the gathering place! It’s all about finding the treasure followed by a pirate feast!” If you are planning a costume party, this should also be indicated in the invitation card: “Pirates and their friends are strongly recommended to arrive in proper attire!” At the end of the evening, invitation cards can be used as tickets in a comic lottery.

More invitations to a pirate party: you can design it in the form of a black mark, a round shape, Jolly Roger on one side, information about the event on the other.

We create the scenery

You can decorate the room for a pirate party in a ship's style. Hang ropes on the walls, make sails from fabric, a captain's rudder, a mast and a large anchor from cardboard. And if any of the men in the family have fishing nets, be sure to use them too. The walls can be decorated with applications depicting inhabitants of the underwater world: octopuses, sharks, dolphins.

Also, your young robbers may find themselves on a desert island. Then you will need more greenery to decorate the site. For example, you can order palm trees from balloons or cut out the branches of this tree from cardboard.

And don't forget about the most important thing - the treasure chest. You can make it yourself from a large cardboard box. But it’s best to contact one of the decor rental studios in Moscow. Here you will be provided with all the necessary decorations for a children's pirate party: fake barrels, ropes, an anchor, a spyglass, a pirate chest and even a large fake lighthouse.

You can complement the decoration of the site with garlands of pirate flags and balloons with a black mark.

How to Decorate a Venue

If your pirate party involves many guests and there will be more than one table, attach a name to each table - like pirate ships - “Unsinkable”, “Barracuda”, “Black Pearl”, etc. Decorate the walls and columns of the room with inflatable balloons with pirate-themed designs printed on them. Place applications in the form of large sea anchors, masts, and sea creatures on the walls. You can make rope ladders from skeins of twine.

Hang garlands with “jolly Roger” under the ceiling. The same image can be used on the flags with which you decorate the tables. You can come up with an interesting solution for decorating dishes and bottles of drinks. Design a label layout for alcoholic beverage bottles. A real pirate drink is, of course, rum! Make analogue labels for drinks. For example: “Pirate Rum”, “Tear-Out-Eye. Cuban rum." The menu should have a lot of seafood dishes. Also come up with appropriate names for the dishes: “Sperm whale liver”, “Tongue of a chatty pirate”, “Black cuttlefish” and so on.

If the pirate party is taking place in an apartment, your guests will certainly appreciate this find: designate the apartment’s premises with “seaworthy” names by hanging appropriate nameplates on them. The kitchen is a “galley,” the toilet is a “latrine,” the living room is a “cabin,” the bedroom is a “cabin,” and so on.

Room decoration

Decorating the venue where the event will be held is the first step in organizing a party. The simplest and yet most effective is to stylize the room as a ship. When decorating a room, you should take into account a number of factors.

  • Match the size of the room to the number of guests. If there are a lot of guests, then they will be uncomfortable in a small hall, just as a dozen people will be uncomfortable in a huge loft.
  • Interior of the original room. For example, if the decoration in the room is made of wood or “wood”, such a place is better suited for stylizing as a ship than a typical room in neutral colors.
  • Since a ship typically has a multi-level structure: several decks, masts, a hold, the hall should, if possible, be equipped with at least balconies so that the stylization can be brought as close as possible to the original.
  • Appropriate decorative elements will be required, so you should take care of purchasing or renting guns, anchors, a steering wheel, ropes and other ship attributes. If you have the time and skills, you can make some of the props yourself.

Blue curtains or a film that imitates the sea will look good on the windows. If the room allows, waves can be imitated on the walls.

A pirate party is an event where most guests will want to take photos. That is why at the entrance it is worth organizing a so-called welcome zone, that is, a photo zone where everyone can take a photo with pirate paraphernalia. For photographs to be successful, the photo zone must be well lit.

If the party is for children, there should be an animator in a themed costume in the photo zone so that children can take pictures with a real pirate.


Undoubtedly, the “outfit” will give your pirate party a special look - this is the easiest option for those who want to look their best at the party “like a pirate” and are not strapped for cash. The choice of costumes – for both men and women – in such establishments is quite wide. If you haven’t decided what exactly your pirate look should be, visit several costume rental shops and choose an outfit to your taste. If you want to choose an outfit for yourself, combining and modifying things from your wardrobe, take a closer look at the suits offered by rental companies - you will probably come up with something original. Accessories can be bought, or you can make them yourself. For example, a cardboard saber covered with foil and decorated with “jewels” made of colored paper, a black eye patch made from a piece of black material and a wide black elastic band. An old wide belt or belt can easily be styled as a pirate one, just by adding a few thick chains to it. Buy a toy parrot and attach it to your shoulder - it will be very original. In a female pirate look, you can use short dresses with a fluffy skirt - red or black and large fishnet tights. This look will be perfectly complemented by high black boots. Many stores offer a wide range of costumes and accessories for pirate parties. If you know what your outfit should look like, but you haven’t found a suitable one either in the store or at the rental store, and you don’t dare to make it yourself, contact a tailoring studio.

Music, dancing, entertainment

Guests are greeted either by the host of the event himself, and/or by a specially invited presenter. Both are dressed accordingly. The appearance of each new guest is played out by the host with approximately the following words: “Welcome aboard! Raise anchor! "Thousand devils! Old man, we've been waiting for you! But they still saved a barrel of rum!” and so on. Any music typical of pubs will be suitable as background music. For example, blues, jazz, rock and roll. It would be very appropriate to play tracks from famous films, cartoons and TV series about pirates from time to time (especially as musical accompaniment for competitions). To warm up the crowd, you can invite a group of dancers to perform pirate-themed numbers and accompany your guests while they dance themselves. The “Sea Bartender Show” (juggling bottles, making pirate drinks based on rum, etc.) will be interesting for guests. If the event is held outdoors, you can organize a barbecue and/or boiling crayfish in large cauldrons.

Music: Songs from the film “Treasure Island” are perfect for a pirate party: “Chance is not a payday, not an ovance” “The story of the Bobby boy who loved money” “We are all participants in the regatta” “A song about the dangers of drunkenness” “A song about sports” “Song about greed” “Song about the dangers of smoking”

And also: “Song from the film Blue Puppy” “The King and the Clown” Pirate song “tequilajazz” Soundtrack to the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”

Video: Suitable pirate surroundings, they will help you create films and cartoons about pirates that can be played without sound: “Treasure Island” “Pirates of the Caribbean Sea” “Captain Blood’s Odyssey” “Master of the Seas, at the End of the Earth”

What dessert to prepare for sea robbers

If you are planning a party for children, you will be interested in the idea of ​​a candy bar in a pirate style. All the secrets of organizing a fashionable sweet table are described here; all that remains is to decorate it with the appropriate attributes.

"Fruit on Skewers"

Pirates often ended up on exotic islands, so tropical fruits would not surprise them. We hope your guests enjoy this dessert recipe!

To prepare, you will need your favorite fruits: pears, apples, grapes, banana, kiwi, strawberries, etc. They need to be washed well, dried and cut into small pieces, for example, apples and pears - into cubes, banana - into slices. Strawberries and grapes can be left whole. Take wooden or plastic skewers and stick all the assorted fruits on them, place them beautifully on a large plate.

Competitions for a pirate party

An interesting quiz that can be diversified by giving out prizes in the form of “golden ducats” or “black marks”. Pirate quiz No. 1 (correct answers are highlighted in red):

1. Name your favorite pirate drink: • Coca-Cola • Kvass • Kissel • Rum

2. Who is a pirate? • Sea Robber • Honorable Gentleman • Ghost Hunter • Representative of the Office Plankton

3. Which writer did not write about pirates? • Daniel Defoe • Mine Reed • Robert Louis Stevenson • Walter Scott

4. Who did the pirates call the gunpowder monkey? • A pirate's monkey who was injured in battle • The lowest pirate rank on the ship • An enemy soldier captured in battle • A boy who carried gunpowder and shells during the battle

5. Who is a gunner? • A pirate who writes the charter canon of the command and monitors its implementation • A crew member responsible for the condition of the guns on the ship • A man from the convoy • The first mate

6. Why were the pirates’ noses and ears cut off? • For foul language • For eavesdropping • For stealing from teammates • For curiosity You can come up with additional tasks for the quiz yourself.

Pirate Quiz #2:

Pirates are rude ignoramuses who do not like to study, but in maritime affairs they have no equal, they must know everything about the sea and ships, because their lives depend on it. Let's check which team is worthy of being called real sea wolves by answering sea questions.

For example: What is the name of the ship's cook - (cook), what is the name of the captain sparrow - (Jack); Captain Sparrow's ship - (Black Pearl); the name of the captain whose treasure Jim, Trelawney and Dr. Livesey were looking for - (Flint) ... See more questions above.

The team that answers first gets a point.

The two teams with the highest number of points advance to the finals and receive a new task - take turns naming the types of ships; whoever they stop at (those who cannot name the ships) loses. Types of ships: Aak, Bark, Barquentine, Brig, Brigantine, Galleon, Gallera, Junk, Iol(joll), Caravel, Karakka, Ketch, Cog, Rook, Flute, Frigate, Sloop, Schooner, Cruiser, Battleship, Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer, Dreadnought, Battleship, Boat, Yacht, Longboat, Icebreaker, Tanker.

Competition “Sea Mummy” Players are called to the center of the hall - about 3-4 people. Each person is given a roll of toilet paper. The players' task is to tear the paper into pieces and stuff these pieces into their pockets, collars, trousers, etc. The winner is the player who completed the task first. The “judge” must ensure that the pieces of paper are as small as possible.

Competition “Pearls in a Bottle” 4-5 people are invited to participate. An empty bottle with a narrow neck is placed on the floor in front of each person. Each person is given 15-20 beads or peas, which he must hold in his hand. The second hand must be placed behind the back during the competition. The players’ task is to put all the beads from the hand in which they are held into the bottle: do not help with the other hand! If a pea falls past the bottle, the process begins again - all the peas must again be held in the hand and started to be lowered into the bottle. The competition is won by the one who completes the task first.

Competition “Fortitude” For the competition you will need empty matchboxes. Those wishing to participate in the competition stand in a line sideways to each other at a distance of a step. A matchbox is placed on the floor opposite each player (at a distance of approximately 20 cm). At the leader's signal, players blow on their boxes as hard as possible to move them as far as possible. Using a ruler or tape measure, the presenter measures the distance by which each box was moved. Based on the results, the winner is announced.

Competition "Who's Who?" Everyone is invited to participate, confident that they have a rich imagination - about 5 people. Everyone is given paper with a pen and time - 5-7 minutes. During this time, everyone must come up with a “pirate nickname” for themselves (after all, it is not customary for pirates to address each other by name!) After the time has passed, the presenter reads out the nickname of each participant. Spectators in the hall express their sympathy for this or that nickname with applause - this is how the most original one is determined. Now these “names” can be written on badges or special badges and given to competition participants as a prize - let them wear these badges for the rest of the evening.

Competition “Hook” You will need at least 2 prop hooks, gouache (can be the same color) and large sheets of paper (preferably whatman paper). A sheet of paper is placed in front of the participants and gouache is placed. Then everyone takes the hook in their left hand, and on command begins to draw a portrait of their captain or leader with the hook. The presenter times the time. Whose portrait turns out to be funnier and cooler is the one who wins. The winner is determined by the audience.

Competition “Drowned Treasure” We take two basins with water, throw oranges, lemons or any other fruits to the bottom, the participants kneel down, put their hands behind their backs and, on command, take out the fruits with their teeth. Whoever is faster wins.

Competition "Fortune" And now we will test our pirates for luck (fortune). Need 5 participants. Stage 1 - participants draw one card from the deck, the one with the least is eliminated. Stage 2 - you need 4 long fireplace or hunting matches. Participants draw lots: whoever has the shortest match is eliminated. 3rd stage - participants throw dice; whoever gets the lowest number is eliminated. 4th stage final - two remain, in front of them they place two chests, one empty and the other with a gift.

“Fishing” competition We call the competition participants, give each one a fishing rod (fishing rod: a meter-long stick, we tie a slightly longer rope to it, we tie a small magnet to the end of the rope), we mark a line beyond which the players cannot step. At a short distance from the fishermen we scatter coins, only in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks (others are not magnetic). The presenter times the time. On command, the participants begin to fish by casting their fishing rods. Whoever pulls out the largest amount within the allotted time wins.

Competition “Polundra” Participants put thick winter mittens or gloves on their hands. Wide shirts or dressing gowns are placed nearby. At the command “half-hearted” they must get dressed and fasten all the buttons. Whoever wins faster (when choosing mittens, check whether it is possible to fasten buttons in them).

Competition “The Most Accurate” Cut out a ring from cardboard and hold it vertically. Give the shooters a rattle (for children). The most accurate one will win.

The final and main competition is a treasure hunt: Hide a treasure with valuable prizes where it will be difficult to find. Searching for treasure using a treasure map - here you have 2 options. 1. Draw the map only in a confusing and unclear way. You can imagine the venue as an island, the tables at which the guests are sitting are ships, the dance floor is a clearing, the columns are palm trees, the stage is a mountain with a cave. 2. Write a riddle on the map, and the answer should be the object or place where the next riddle is hidden. You need 4-6 riddles. The last riddle will lead to the treasure. As gifts, in all competitions, you can use souvenirs with pirate symbols - mugs, T-shirts, magnets, badges.

We wish your pirate party to be successful and unforgettable.

Theme parties

Recipes for pirate dishes for mischievous people of all ages

On September 19, a holiday was celebrated that probably became the favorite of all boys and naughty girls from 5 to 95 years old - International Pirate Day. His “parents” are considered to be two friends from Albany (USA, Oregon). The idea for the holiday came to them back in 1995 and at first it was celebrated only by residents of the town.

They were throwing a party where, in addition to slang, it was customary to wear pirate costumes, hold competitions for accuracy and, of course, treat each other to food from conquerors of the seas and foreign caravels. In Russia, the holiday began to be celebrated in 2009.

The menu for this day must meet all pirate standards, which means it must contain meat, fish, a lot of garlic (prevents scurvy on long voyages), spices and exotic fruits. Therefore No. 1 will become

Chicken with garlic in Spanish

For it we will need: a kilogram of chicken breasts or thighs, 100 ml each of olive oil and wine (or balsamic) vinegar, 3-4 whole heads of garlic, cut horizontally and in the peel, 3-4 sprigs of thyme, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 200 ml chicken broth, a handful of chopped fresh parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

Place portioned pieces of chicken in a bowl and pour a mixture of olive oil and wine vinegar, add salt, pepper, thyme and garlic. Then mix all the ingredients thoroughly and leave in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, remove the meat from the marinade (we will need it later), dry it and fry in a frying pan with boiling oil until golden brown on both sides.

Add the marinade, broth and garlic, bring to a boil and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 1.5 hours, until the meat begins to easily come away from the bones. Carefully transfer the chicken and garlic to plates and simmer the remaining sauce over high heat until it begins to thicken. Pour it over the chicken and garnish the dish with fresh parsley.

Baked mackerel with vegetables

We will need: 1 mackerel, 1/2 lemon, 30 g butter, herbs, salt and spices to taste (rosemary, coriander, etc.). For garnish, you can take any frozen vegetable mixture, 2 drops of soy sauce and a few tablespoons of sour cream or cream.

Mix the oil with lemon juice and spices, add chopped herbs and mix everything thoroughly again. Then wash and clean the fish, coat it with the oil mixture on both sides and add a little to the belly. Wrap in foil and place in an oven preheated at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables. Heat them in a frying pan, add soy sauce and sour cream or cream to them and simmer for 5 minutes. Place the prepared mackerel on a bed of vegetables. Well, what would a pirate holiday be without exotic fruits, especially when you manage to get a pineapple on a desert island. We are preparing an open sandwich with ham, cheese and pineapple. We need 3 round buns, 6 slices of ham, 6 slices of processed cheese, 6 slices of pineapple, fresh or canned, and 2-3 tablespoons of butter. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Cut the buns lengthwise and grease them with butter. Place the ham, a pineapple circle and a slice of cheese on the resulting halves, put them in the oven for 5-10 minutes so that the cheese melts a little, and then enjoy the pirate party.


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