30 of the most successful competitions for a fun corporate party

Fool me Each of the participants is given a whole pack of chewing gum, for example, “Orbit”. At the “start” command, each participant begins the chewing process. The task is to chew all the plates faster than the others and inflate the largest balloon. The winner and owner of the strongest jaws will receive a prize.

By centimeters For this competition you will need a centimeter and prepared certificates (medals), into which the vocations and titles of the guests will then be written. The host names the category, and guests who feel that they can take a prize in this category take part, and the measurements decide everything. Then everyone will be able to receive their own certificate, for example, “Outstanding Breasts”, “Elf Ears”, “Legs from Ears”, “Wasp Waist”, “Musical Fingers”, “Miniature Palms”, “Almost Twine”, “Navel-Mariana Trench” ", "Julia Roberts Smile" and so on.

Make up your own word

For this competition, the presenter must think through and choose interesting words. For example, in front of the guests there is an easel and the word - . u. nya The host explains that the guests must think carefully and pronounce the word that fits, that is, simply add letters instead of dots. Or, for example, you need to make up a word of 5 letters, which must contain the letters p, z, d, a. In this way, guests will cheer themselves up and become inspired. But the answers are quite simple. The first option is the kitchen, and the second option is the west.

Funny penguins

For this competition, teams can be formed, or it can be held for individual participants. The task of the contestants is to get to their goal, for example, to the ice cream table, the fastest. In this case, the participants’ hands are tied around the waist with tape, and their legs are also tied at the knees. The results will be fun and funny races. The participant runs to the target, takes his prey and runs to the starting place. Whoever manages to overcome the path faster in such an interesting situation will receive loud applause and a wonderful prize.

Show me your tongue

The guys are divided into teams. One by one, the participants of each team are invited to the center of the room, the participant takes out his forfeit from the hat, in which a certain phrase is written, difficult to pronounce, for example, “a somersault with a twist” or “the ships were still able to catch” and so on. Each participant goes to the center and, opening his mouth wide, sticking out his tongue completely, pronounces the phrase assigned to him, and his team must guess as quickly as possible and pronounce this very phrase word for word. If the team this participant is a member of guesses, it gets its point; if the opposing team guesses, it gets 2 points. There is an incentive and there will certainly be fun after everyone sticks out their tongue and tries to say something.


Each of the guests in this competition demonstrates their memory abilities. The first participant says: “We have a doctor in the hall...” and names his profession, for example, doctor and shows the doctor with facial expressions and gestures, the second participant says: “We have a doctor in the hall and...” names his profession, for example, teacher, and shows the teacher with gestures and facial expressions. And so the game continues. That is, the third participant already says: “We have a doctor, a teacher and a photographer in the hall, for example.” The task of the participants is not to stray from the correct chain, to list all professions in the correct order and to show them as funny as possible. All participants in this competition receive prizes.

Top 10 best universal competitions

"The most talented"

The essence of this competition is reminiscent of many modern television programs, the purpose of which is to identify talented participants. To avoid embarrassment and defuse the situation, the leader must be the leader; he is the one who will show what needs to be done. For example, start dancing to this or that melody, the rest of the guests should only pick up this cheerful baton. Well, based on the results, the most talented participant should be chosen!


A great way to let guests show their creativity and pay attention to the hero of the occasion. To do this, you need to prepare two sheets of whatman paper and make slits for your hands in them.

At the command of the presenter, two participants insert their hands into the slots and, without seeing their creation, begin to draw a portrait of the birthday boy. A fun and funny competition, the results of which will remain in memory for a long time.

"Poet of the Evening"

Everyone is given various items wrapped in thick paper wrapper (or placed in identical boxes). They must lie so that no one sees what they got. Then the presenter gives the command “begin” and the named poets begin to compose an ode to the subject that they came across. As a rule, little things are given away, like a toothbrush or a fountain pen. After the time has passed, the participants themselves or the presenter read out their masterpieces, and the rest of the guests must guess what they are talking about. The winner is determined by audience voting.

“Like it - don’t like it”

This competition can be held right at the table, especially if the company is not large. First, everyone takes turns saying what they like and don’t like about the neighbor on the right. After this, the presenter says that now everyone must kiss what they like and bite what they don’t like. Fun guaranteed!

"Favorite toy"

Almost everyone in childhood had favorite soft toys that we did not want to part with even at night. So the presenter invites the guests present to remember their childhood. To do this, he passes any soft toy around in a circle with the condition that everyone must kiss it in any place they like (for example, on the cheek or ear). After everyone has completed the first task, the presenter announces the second - everyone must kiss the neighbor in the same place as the toy.

"Who am I"

This is a very simple and funny competition, especially when it takes place in the company of people who have known each other for a long time. All you need for this is paper stickers, a marker and a little imagination. A piece of paper is attached to the forehead of each participant on which the name of a famous character or hero is written. A person must guess who he is by asking the other guests leading questions. Everything is very simple, but nevertheless funny.


Everyone loves to hear compliments, especially on their birthday, and this competition is a great way to get even the most shy and silent people talking. The point is that each of the guests present must voice a compliment to the hero of the occasion, but only in the form of an adjective. There should be no repetitions! The last one to voice his choice wins.

"It's time for pairs"

This competition will require the participation of married couples. The men are seated on chairs, and their wives are blindfolded beforehand. Now the task of the spouses is to find their beloved ones only with the help of touch. The catch is that you can only touch (with the help of the host) the nose, hair, eyebrows, hands, shoes. Thus, the process of “recognition” occurs several times. The most sensitive wife who manages to find her half the most number of times wins.


This fun game will help you determine the most eloquent guest. All participants receive the following task from the presenter - to voice as many synonyms for the verb “drink” as possible. You just need to do this one at a time and cannot be repeated. The one who is the last to name a suitable synonym wins, and he also gets the honor of the first toast!

"Cool rappers"

The props for this competition are simple: cool glasses and matching hats (like rappers). Three or four men dress up in all this beauty. Then, to the music prepared by the presenter, they must not only portray tough guys, but also improvise, that is, on the fly, compose a verse in honor of the hero of the occasion. For greater persuasiveness, you can invite lovely ladies to perform backing vocals and just for aesthetics. The winner of this cool competition is chosen by the birthday boy himself.


Several players are invited to participate in the competition, and they are given two sheets of paper. They must imagine that there was a fire in their home and decide which item they would save first. They should draw this thing on the first sheet. On the second sheet they must depict the reason why they will save this particular thing. All papers are put into two boxes, the first box is the “subject”, the second is the “reason”. Then the presenter pulls out a sheet from both boxes. And it turns out to be an interesting story: “I will save the TV, because it’s nice to walk on it.”

Game "Mafia"

Difficulty: medium

Preparation : special cards for the game, which you can find on our website in the article “Rules of the game of Mafia and cards for the game”

Rules : You can also read the detailed rules in this article. Although you can change the rules depending on your own wishes and preferences :).

Sports competition "Leapfrog"

A half-forgotten game: players jump over each other, leaning on their backs, and move forward from one intended line to another, and then jump in the opposite direction. If two teams are formed, you can arrange a speed competition. Dads are encouraged to participate in this game, with younger kids climbing over their backs and older kids jumping over them. By counting or by lot, choose the driver. In the game it is called a “goat” - the same as a gymnastic apparatus in the gym. And if so, then he must stand firmly in the game, bending down, on half-bent legs, resting his hands on his knees, so that it is convenient for a friend to jump over him. If a player jumps unsuccessfully (he knocks down the “goat” and falls after the jump), such a player becomes the “goat” and stands in front of the first. Now it becomes more fun for his comrades to play, after one they have to immediately jump over the other. This continues until the last player remains. In the end, he too is wrong. At this moment everything changes: the “goats” become players, and the one who made a mistake becomes the “goat”. Important note: the “goat” has no right to dodge, move his back, stand up, in a word, interfere with the player. Such a player is forced to drive additionally.

Games at the New Year's table

Games at the New Year's table allow you to get to know each other better. A cheerful company and interesting competitions are the perfect recipe for a New Year's holiday. And there must be a presenter or toastmaster. He directs the holiday in the right direction. Prepares props, costumes, gifts.

Game with a cool congratulations

General congratulations from colleagues. Everyone says some interesting adjective. For example, solar-stellar, sociable, wandering, sparkling, intoxicating, exploding, enchanting, ghostly and the like. The presenter enters the words into the congratulation in order. Then he reads it to the guests.

Congratulation text:

“In one _________________________ country in ______________ city there lived _____________ boys and _______________ girls. They lived __________, communicated in the same _________________ company. And so they gathered on ____________________ day in _______________ place together. And they began to celebrate the coming of ___________________ New Year. So let _____________ toasts sound, __________________ glasses break, __________________ drinks spill, ___________________ words sound, ___________________ smiles on people’s faces. I would like to wish you all that the New Year will be ________________________ for everyone, the tables will be full of ________________ snacks, the houses will be filled with ________________ wealth. Let your ________________ wishes come true, let your dreams become ________________ reality. And the work will be ___________________. May you be surrounded by ______________ friends, loved ones give _________________ joy and surround you with ___________________ care. I wish you to sail on the ship of _____________ happiness, ________________ love and __________ joy.

New Year wishes

For this game, the presenter will have to prepare in advance. You need to inflate many, many balloons. It is advisable to inflate with helium, a gas that will lift the balloons to the ceiling. A long thread should be tied to each ball. So that the thread hangs down to the guests and can be easily reached by stretching your hand up. A folded piece of paper with wishes should be tied to the bottom of the thread.

Inscriptions on pieces of paper:

  1. A road awaits you in the New Year.
  2. Soon, soon you will have a baby.
  3. In the New Year you will be the most stylish.
  4. Buy a car.
  5. Luck will accompany you in all matters.
  6. Feel free to buy a lottery ticket. There must be a story.
  7. You'll get big money.
  8. You will go to the sea.
  9. Looking forward to meeting old friends.
  10. There will be an addition to the family.
  11. Your plane ticket is waiting for you.
  12. You will have a new job.
  13. Don't be bored all year.
  14. An old friend will return.
  15. Luck is waiting for you all around.
  16. Someone is in love with you.
  17. Wait for a gift for Valentine's Day.
  18. Good luck on the personal front.
  19. You'll find a sponsor soon.
  20. Luck will not leave you.
  21. You give birth to a lot of children.
  22. Live in fun all year long.
  23. Love will decorate your whole life.
  24. Joy awaits where you don't expect it.
  25. Riches await around the corner.
  26. There will be a lot of joy.
  27. You'll be lucky soon.
  28. You're flying to the Canary Islands.
  29. Fate is preparing a surprise.
  30. Life without worries.

The balls should be placed so that they are under the ceiling exactly above the tables or above the guests. Everyone can take out their wish and read it at any time. It is important that there are more wishes than guests. This is both a hall decoration and a New Year's game.

Fanta from a hat

Guests are invited to draw a piece of paper from the hat. Draw what is written in it. The following may be written on pieces of paper from the hat:

  1. Meow 5 times.
  2. Barking at a pregnant dog.
  3. Pat yourself on the head.
  4. Pat your neighbor on the head.
  5. Kiss your neighbor on the cheek.
  6. Wave to the authorities.
  7. Drink a full glass.
  8. Imagine how a gorilla screams.
  9. Depict how a parrot screams.


In the game about numbers, the host asks the guests questions. They must answer in monosyllables, saying a number. Examples of questions:

  1. How old are you?
  2. What house do you live in?
  3. How many times a day do you eat?
  4. How many fingers do you have on your left hand?
  5. How old is your spouse?
  6. How many times have you repeated a year in school?
  7. How many drinks did you drink today?
  8. After which bottles will you sleep in the salad?
  9. How many teeth do you have?
  10. How many liters of beer can you drink in an evening?
  11. How many minutes do you sleep at night?

Another version of this game. The host distributes papers to the guests. They must write their favorite number or figure on a piece of paper. You can write a sequence of numbers or numbers. The presenter asks questions. Guests must respond with the number written on their piece of paper or show the piece of paper with their hand outstretched.

Toast “Who was born when?”

The host asks the guests who was born in January? Those born this month stand up and make a toast. This is how the leader moves through all 12 months of the year. You can't call it a competition. Just a fun way to make people laugh, and a good opportunity to drink.

"New Year's Crocodile"

“New Year’s Crocodile” is played in the same way as in the classic version. But the participants show something New Year's. For example, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, a decorated Christmas tree, ice or something similar. The presenter writes the name of the role on a piece of paper that the participant draws. After this, he tries to explain his role to the guests without words. The guests shout out versions loudly.

Game with soap bubbles

Three people participate. Two direct participants, one presenter. Participants sit on chairs opposite each other. The presenter asks questions, the answers to which can be “few,” “many,” or numbers. After asking one of the participants, he blows soap bubbles. If there are a lot of bubbles, then the answer is “a lot.” If there are few bubbles, the answer is “not enough.”


  1. Do you work a lot during the day?
  2. Did you work a lot during the year?
  3. How many work responsibilities do you have in a day?
  4. How many ballpoint pens have you used in a year?
  5. How many hours have you spent in a smoking room in a year?

Fun competitions from the toastmaster

It is very difficult to please everyone, especially when it comes to wedding entertainment. It is imperative to take into account the preferences of the guests and the wishes of the newlyweds. However, we are more than sure that funny wedding competitions will not leave anyone indifferent.

Actors big and small

Several opposite-sex couples are invited. They must show a skit according to the assignment received, for example:

  • Rose and Jake on board the Titanic.
  • The guy saw his girlfriend without makeup for the first time.
  • Mom rocks the baby in her arms and sings him a lullaby.
  • Monument "Worker and Collective Farm Woman".
  • A wife scolds her husband for finding traces of lipstick on his shirt.
  • A guy proposes to his girlfriend. (Who knows, perhaps after this scene the guests will witness the emergence of a new happy union of two hearts!)

The couple that manages to portray the situation most believably wins.

Checking combat readiness

Competition for young people. It will help you find out how prepared the bride and groom are for family life. The groom should name all the kitchen utensils, and the bride should list everything that is in the garage. You must answer one by one. You can ask for help from the audience, thus involving invited guests. Whoever remembers the most items wins.

Drunk snake

The presenter places several empty bottles at a short distance from each other. Blindfolded guests must walk in a snaking pattern so as not to touch any bottles. When the participants set off along the winding path, the bottles must be discreetly removed. Walking through a completely free path using intricate body movements will look very comical. And to straighten out the gait, at the end of the competition, prepare a prize for the participants - 50 grams each.

The fastest girl

Remember the song according to which, according to statistics, for every 10 girls there are 9 guys? This will form the basis of the competition. We arrange 9 chairs in a circle and the guys sit on them. Next, 10 girls are invited. The competition begins! The girls run in a circle to the rhythmic music, and when it calms down, they must sit on the guys’ laps. A person who does not have time to take the holy place leaves the competition. One guy also leaves, taking a chair with him (or maybe the eliminated participant, if she doesn’t mind). In the end, the fastest girl will be the winner.

These funny competitions will not let your guests get bored! They guarantee a cheerful laugh, a great mood and an atmosphere of general fun! Isn’t this the most important thing at the holiday?

Wedding games in our article. Ideas for scenarios for a man's birthday for you.

Birthday skits and competitions

Various skits and competitions planned for a birthday contribute to its fun and meaningful implementation, regardless of where it takes place: in a restaurant, outdoors, in an apartment, etc.

This can not only entertain the guests, but also introduce them to each other, because sometimes people who are unknown to each other are invited to the celebration.

Therefore, for introducing guests, these games are as useful as possible. They also serve to warm up the company.

Such simple entertainment at an anniversary or just an anniversary will remain in the memory of its participants for a long time.

We present some of them to your attention:

  • Open the champagne. Two men are invited to open a bottle of champagne each at speed. The one who finishes it faster wins. He is rewarded with the opportunity to make the first congratulatory toast.
  • Scenes-reversals. Participants are divided into two teams and give their opponents tasks. Having previously encrypted the name of a famous movie, song, book, etc. inverted: “Weak acorn” - “Die Hard”, etc. The team that solves the most riddles wins.
  • Question answer. Cards with options for questions and answers are prepared in advance. Participants are asked to take a question out of a box, and an answer out of another, and voice what they propose. The phrases should be as funny as possible, then the game will be very fun.
  • There wasn't enough chair. The participants of the game stand in a circle, inside of which there are chairs, the number of which is one less than the number of guests. When the music is turned on, they begin to move around the chairs. When the music suddenly stops, the contestants' task is to take an empty chair. The one who doesn't get it is eliminated. The last one remaining wins.
  • Playing foreign guests. One of the invitees is declared a foreigner. He pronounces phrases with water, vodka, nuts, etc. in his mouth, supposedly in a mysterious language, which others need to guess.
  • Monologue of neighbors. Guests sitting next to each other at the table make a congratulatory toast at the same time. The one whose speech lasts the longest wins.

On the baby's birthday, friends and relatives come to congratulate the parents. In a comic form, we remember the past year: its difficulties and joys, sleepless nights and first steps.

You can come up with funny riddles for parents about their baby, funny pranks on swaddling adult guests at speed, feeding them with a spoon, etc.

Role-playing games can be organized when participants need to portray various famous characters from literature or cinema, with wigs and colorful outfits. In this case, the holiday will be very fun.


A game in which all guests of the holiday party can take part. They will all be members of the choir, and the leader will be appointed by the conductor. You first need to agree on which gestures of the latter will be responsible for such actions as “Continue to sing loudly”, “Continue to sing quietly”, “Shut up”. For example, a wave of the hand may be responsible for loud singing, a downward movement for quiet singing, and a clenched fist for silence. The choir must perform a specific song, focusing on the “commands” of the conductor. The latter gradually demonstrates them with gestures more and more often, testing the players for attentiveness. Anyone who makes a mistake is eliminated from the competition and carries out any instructions from the birthday boy.

Game "In Search of Adventure"

Difficulty: medium

Preparation: map of the “terrain”. This could be a river bank, a clearing, or your apartment. Riddles for various destinations, competitions or puzzles.

Rules: You make the rules yourself. This could be a story about an ancient treasure, where you can split everyone present into pirates of various ships. Each of them receives a map indicating the points where they need to sail.

At the points, each team receives its tasks:

  1. Solve a Rubik's cube.
  2. Solve a small crossword puzzle, a set of children's riddles.
  3. Compose a pirate song.
  4. Show card trick.
  5. Puzzle over a puzzle or rebus.
  6. Do 17 push-ups.
  7. Learn Pushkin's poem.

As you can see, there are a great many conditions for passing each stage. The team that reaches the finish line first receives the main treasure. These can be symbolic souvenirs for each player or one common surprise - a cake and a bottle of rum

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