What board game should I play? 16 coolest options for an adult group

The best board games have long been well known to us all - Monopoly, Uno, Activity, Munchkin... Yes, yes, yes, they are wonderful, but you can’t limit your friendly get-togethers only to them?

Especially now that we live in the “golden era” of board games, and every year a lot of interesting new games are released.

So, in order not to drown in all this colorful variety, we have collected the coolest and most popular games for adults of recent years, which will appeal to lovers of a wide variety of entertainment - from thoughtful multi-hour strategy sessions to spicy competitions with a lot of booze.

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three sticks

In the game, 2 participants play with a deck of 36 cards. The first dealer is determined by lot, then the cards are dealt clockwise. Each participant is given 4 cards. The remaining cards are placed in the center of the table. Card price: from 6 to 9 - 0 points, jack - 2 points, queen - 3 points, king - 4 points, ace - 11 points, 10 - minus 10 points. The player to the left of the dealer goes first. The participant places an arbitrary card and at the same moment picks up the missing four card from the deck.

The second player does the same. Points for the cards laid out are immediately counted. The participant who scores more than 31 points in the total amount of cards earns one stick and a new distribution occurs. The same thing happens if the number of points reaches 31, but the player in this case does not earn a stick. If the deck runs out, the eliminated cards are shuffled, the top card is removed, placed on the table, and the rest become a new deck. The one who collects three sticks loses.

"Broken phone"

You probably remember playing a game with this name in those distant times when the Internet was rationed and soda tasted better than it does now. The rules for this board are similar, however, after a few glasses it may not become as innocent as before.

One of the players gets a word or phrase to draw, and then the rest try to guess what it was. We warn you right away: the game is more difficult than it seems, and in the process it becomes incredibly interesting, causing constant bursts of laughter.

You can play it anywhere - having a table is not at all necessary, unlike a good mood. And yes, get ready for the fact that you and your friends will draw quite a few parts of the male body this evening, starting with the letter “C”.

Board game “Broken Phone”

RUB 1,790


This game can be played by up to five players. The dealer gives everyone 7 cards and reveals the trump card. The first move is made by the neighbor sitting to the left of the dealer. Each player must collect seven tricks and wait for the start of a new game. The one who does not collect seven tricks loses.

You can move from any card, and respond with the highest card of the same suit; if it is not there, then you need to beat with a trump card. After the game is over, any participant shuffles the deck and lets his neighbor remove it and looks at the last card. Based on the number of its points, a settlement is made with the loser (money, schalbans, etc.) In order for this game to be more interesting, a good soundtrack is necessary.


It is designed for four participants (36 cards), but you can invite more people (52 cards). The dealer must lay out all the cards in the deck in a circle, placing a trump card in the center, and take out a random card from it. When the deck has been cleared, the game continues: the participant turns his cards face down to his neighbor and hands them to him. The neighbor puts the card face down and, after evaluating his cards, decides whether to cover it or take it for himself. The game continues until there are no more cards left. It is not allowed to start a move with the Queen of Spades. The Queen of Spades changes its owner until it is the only one left. The next player does the same. If he takes out a card of higher value of the same suit, then he takes the bribe, and if he takes out a card of a lower value or of a different suit, then the dealer gets the bribe. The Queen of Spades (Gypsy) is not hiding here and is not hiding anything. Next, the neighbor of the one who took the bribe makes a move to his neighbor.


The game, like the previous one, is considered solitaire. The task is to arrange all the cards according to their suit, in ascending order.

They play with a deck of 54 cards. The deck is shuffled and the cards are randomly arranged into ten piles. The first six consist of 6 cards, others of 5. Only the top cards are revealed to the player, they are moved between the piles in different quantities until the solitaire game is completed. Cards are moved to those that are deservedly higher than them, suit does not play a role. When one of the rows of the suit is collected, it is removed.

There are variants of the game in which rows are collected not from each of the 4 suits, but only from 1 or 2.

One hundred

This game requires three players and a deck of 32 cards. The cards have the following value: ace - 11 points, ten - 10, nine, eight and seven - 9, 8 and 7, respectively, king - 4, queen - 3, jack - 2. The goal of the players is not to score more than one hundred points. The deck is shuffled and dealt out completely. The player sitting to the left of the dealer plays from a random card. The next participant also puts down any card and says the total cost of both cards.

For example, the first participant puts down 10, the second puts down a queen and calls the number 13. The rest continue the game in the same way. The participant who scores more than one hundred points loses and is awarded penalty points. Their number depends on how much the player has exceeded 100 points. For example, a player scores 110 points, in this case his penalty is 10 points. A player who scores exactly one hundred points deducts 5 penalty points from his account.

Black Jack

The game is also famous in the Russian Federation under the name Twenty-one. The competition is between the players and the dealer (intermediary). The player’s task is to collect more points than the dealer, but not more than 21. If the number of points is higher, “bust” is declared and the player loses. They play using from 1 to 8 decks. If the dealer has 21 (blackjack) in the first two cards, then all players (not counting those who also have 21) are losers. Everyone else remains at their bets.

Players place bets with chips.

There are a number of additional rules, the presence of which may vary (split, double, triple, insurance). Quite a lot of game options have been created, options:

  • American (basic)
  • European
  • Blackjack Exposure
  • Spanish 21
  • Karbiskie 21


This game is for two. Two decks of 52 cards are used. Participants must mix both decks well. The first move is determined by lot: everyone lays out one card, and whoever has it higher starts the game. The winner is the one who has no cards left. Players take turns placing the top cards on top of each other. If a king falls, the opponent puts a couple of his cards on top, if an ace - three cards. In both cases, the participant who laid out the king or ace must take all the cards and put them down on his deck.


This game is also called quartet. It can be played by 3 to 5 people with a deck of 32 cards. The goal of the game is to collect as many cards as possible, for example, 4 jacks, 4 nines, etc. Having shuffled the cards, the dealer lays them out to the participants (someone may have an extra card if the number of players is not equal).

The first move belongs to the one who is on the left side of the dealer. He chooses any participant and asks him for a certain card, for example: “Six of Diamonds”. If the player has this card, he gives it away, and then the requester goes again, until the first error, and if the participant does not have the required card, then the one who requested the card goes. A player can only ask for the card he has. The winner is the participant who collected the maximum number of cards in one or maybe several game rounds.


The domino game can be played by up to 3 people. Take a deck of 52 cards. Each participant receives 7 cards from the dealer. The remaining cards in the deck are not revealed. The dealer takes the first card in the deck and places it face down next to it.

The next move is given to the person sitting to the left of the dealer. He has the right to put from one to several cards on the open one if their value is ascending or descending (despite the suit). Let's say the distributor opens a king, queen, jack, and so on. Another player can cover it with a queen king and an ace. If there are no moves, the participant takes the top card from the deck, either moves it or keeps it. The next participant continues the game. If the deck is over and the player cannot make a move, then he misses it. According to the rules of the game, you cannot hold back cards if there is an opportunity for a move.


is considered the one card game that is recognized as an Olympic sport. There are several options for bridges: rubber (amateur) and sports.

The game involves 2 pairs of players, the pair sits opposite each other. A classic deck of 52 cards is used. One of the players deals the cards. In rubber bridge, the dealers change each other, in sports bridge, the dealer is only a formality, since all the layouts are prepared in advance.

The players' task is to collect the most points. To do this, you need to choose the most profitable suit as a trump card, collect a large number of bribes and place an order. In order to choose the suit and number of bribes, “trading” takes place.

The task of the counter-partners is to disrupt the execution of the rivals’ order.

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Other names for this game are “Witch”, “Sorceress”. To play you need two people and a card. 32 if up to six people are playing and 52 cards if more than six people are playing.

The entire deck is dealt from right to left. The first move is made by the player sitting to the left of the dealer; he discards 2 cards of the same value. (two eights, two tens, two queens, etc.), first drawing a card from the neighbor on the right. Akulina, her role went to the Queen of Spades, cannot be discarded. It continuously moves from player to player, and at the end of the game the loser is left with a pair of queens, a spades and any of the other three.


To play you need 2 or more people and 54 cards. The goal is to collect more pairs of black or red than the rest. The dealer lays out the cards face down to form a rectangle. The neighbor of the dealer on the left comes in.

On his turn, each player reveals two cards of his own free will. If they are the same in value, the player takes them and opens new ones. If the cards are not the same, they are put back and the turn is passed to the next participant. By the way, do you know that the city of Cannes is the founder of this game? Participants earn points for winning pairs. The price of each card: ace - 1 point, king - 4, queen - 3, jack - 2, other cards - according to their value.


This game uses decks of 32 and 54 cards. Number of players 2-12. The task is to take the announced bribes.

Players are dealt 4 cards. After the deal, everyone decides which move to announce. This can be: frap (2 or more tricks), whist (1 trick) or pass. Then the bribe drawing begins. For each trick, the player takes part of the stake depending on the announced move. The player who took the bribe makes a move, the next player puts a card similar to the suit on it. After the bribes are drawn, they are counted. The bank is zoned between the players who were late to “go crazy” during the hand.


The game can be played by two people. You will need a deck of 32 cards. Each player is dealt 16 cards face down. Each player turns over one top card. Whoever has the nominally higher card (regardless of its suit) takes both cards and places them at the bottom of their pile.

If the cards are the same (jack-jack, seven-seven, etc.), then they are set aside, and the participants turn over 3 cards each, and whoever has the highest last one takes all the cards. If these cards are equal, then the situation repeats. The loser is the participant who has no more cards left.

Meow meow

To play you need a deck of 32 cards. It is designed for any number of participants. This game has no trump cards. There is no seniority of cards, but each one is worth a certain number of points: ace - eleven points, king - four points, queen - three points, jack - two points, and all the rest - at their face value.

The goal of the game is to give away all the cards while receiving as few penalty points as possible. The first distributor is determined by lot. Then they are distributed one by one. The one who sits to the left of the dealer goes first. All players are dealt five cards. Of the cards remaining in the deck, we open the top one, leaving the rest as is. Each player takes turns laying out one card.

The card laid out in this pile must match the previous card laid out in suit or value. For example, pike on pike, king on king. The special card in the deck is the jack. It can be laid out by declaring any suit. The next player must play a card of the announced suit. The participant who does not have the required card takes the top one from the common deck. If this card does not match, the player misses his turn. The game ends when any player discards the last card. The rest write down penalty points for themselves, based on the value of their remaining cards. The game is played to one hundred points.

Gin rummy

The game has a Mexican appearance. From 2 to 4 people take part, a deck of 52 cards is used. The goal of the game is to lay out cards in as many certain combinations as possible.

Depending on the number of participants, everyone receives 7-10 cards. A combination of cards consists of either cards of the same value or cards of the same suit. Also, the main thing for players is to make fewer moves. A turn consists of discarding one card and drawing another from the deck.

The winner of the game receives 75% of the prize fund. The rest is divided among other participants.

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The donor is determined by lot. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and each player is dealt 12 cards. The top card from the deck is opened and placed under the deck, so that it can be seen - this is the trump card, the remaining cards make up the coupon. The party consists of 5 imperials or games. To take the imperial you need to take 24 points. King, queen, jack and 7 trump are worth 4 points each. 4 points are counted for each extra trick over the required six, which each player must take. The player who wins 24 points marks the imperial and forces them to destroy all their opponents' points. Imperials are as follows.

·Imperial first (in imperial) - when the player has a king, queen, jack and king of the same suit in his hands.
·Imperial second (in imperial) - when the player has 4 aces or 4 kings or 4 queens or 4 jacks or 4 sevens or 4 sixes in a game with three players.
·Imperial revealed (in imperial) - if one of the cards that makes up the first imperial is revealed, it belongs only to the dealer.
·Imperial tombe (in imperial) - is made up of trump cards when there is a king and a queen in hand, and the remaining cards for the first imperial are acquired through bribes.
·Imperial white (in imperial) - an imperial made up of bribes when there are no pieces in the hands.

Progress of the game.

After the cards are dealt, players make announcements.
The player to the left of the dealer makes the announcement first. To his announcement, players can respond: glasses may be good; be equal to the dealer's points; may not be suitable. The player who wins the announcements makes the first move. The player can log in from any of his cards. The next player clockwise must place a card of the same suit, if there is no such card, then he must put a trump card, if there is no trump card, then he can put any card. After the bribe is played, the players draw one card from the coupon. The player who took the bribe takes first. The right to make the next move also belongs to him. Imperials are shown after taking a bribe before their move. Thus, players play tricks until they run out of cards, after which they count the points for the taken tricks. The cost of cards in points: ace - 11 points, king - 10 points, queen - 10 points, jack - 10 points, all other cards according to their value. The winner of the game can be the player who scores the most points or the player who takes the most imperials.


Game with bribes. In many cases, 3-4 players take part.

The deck consists of 32 cards. One of the suits is designated as a trump card. In any type of preference, the player’s task is to take a certain number of tricks or not to take them at all, gaining the greatest number of points. A trick is the total number of cards that any of the players laid out in one round.

During the game, a specially marked sheet is used - a bullet, where the number of points is recorded.

After the distribution, trading begins, the course of which depends on the type of game. There are 3 game options:

  • One of the players tries to take the number of bribes he named, others try to stop him.
  • One of the players does not take a single bribe, others try to stop him.
  • Each player tries to take the minimum number of tricks.


The deliverer is chosen at will. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and completely dealt between all players. Cards are dealt strictly one at a time. Players must have an equal number of cards. The player who has the nine of clubs goes first. The player places it in the center of the table, open. The next player clockwise can place to the left of the nine of clubs - an eight of clubs or to the right of the nine of clubs - a 10 of clubs, or he can start a new row, put under the nine of clubs or on top of the nine of clubs any nine of a different suit. If a player does not have the opportunity to place a card, then he misses his turn and the turn goes to the next player clockwise, who must play a card according to the same rules. The strategy of the game is that the player must prevent other players from playing their cards. The first player to get rid of all his cards is considered the winner.

I once won a good coat in nine. So learn to play this game and be aware that you may lose your clothes. =(


We take the deck, carefully shuffle it, deal it out, dealing one card to each player. The right of first move belongs to the dealer. He opens any of his cards and places them in the center of the table. The next player clockwise reveals and places his card and so on in a circle. In this case, you need to salute the discarded king, when you see an ace you need to slap your palm on the table, when you see a queen you need to shout: “Bonjour, madam!”, and when you see a jack: “Pardon, monsieur!” The player who reacted last or mixed up something takes all the cards from the center of the table. The player who gets rid of his cards first wins. The game requires intense attention and quick reactions.

I noticed that many different madams drive an increasingly affordable car called Daewoo Matiz =) This makes me happy... it’s really strange that there is no tachometer in it, otherwise...


The deck of cards is carefully shuffled, removed, and the entire deck is dealt one card at a time. It is possible that players will have an unequal number of cards. Nothing wrong with that.

The player who sits to the left of the dealer goes first, he reveals his one card and places it in the center of the table, forming a common pile. Then the next player moves clockwise until the jack is revealed. The player who owns the jack loudly slaps the card on the table and takes the common pile under his deck.

If any player slaps a jack with his card, he takes the entire stack under his deck. If several players spank at the same time, then the one who first spanked the jack with another card gets the deck. The next player in turn begins again laying out cards in the center of the table. The player who has all 52 cards wins.

Beep beep

The donor is determined by lot, then they are handed over in turn. The two decks are mixed into one. The deck is carefully shuffled and a trump suit is assigned by cutting the deck. After this, each player is dealt 7 cards. The deuce is considered the highest card, that is, higher than the ace. Card value in points: 2 - 11 points, Ace - 10 points, King - 5 points, Queen - 4 points, Jack - 3 points, the rest of the cards are worth nothing.

The first move belongs to the player who sits to the left of the dealer. A player can enter from any card, the next players clockwise must put cards of the same suit, if there is no card of that suit, then they can put any card. The player who wins the trick begins the next run.

If there are two identical cards in one trick, then preference is given to the second card placed. After the player has placed a card, he takes another one for himself from the remaining deck, if the player discovers after taking a card that he has a king and a queen in his hands of the same suit as the card taken from the remaining deck, then the player says “beep” beep,” placing this card face up on the table.

In this case, the trump card changes to the suit of this pair of cards, and the player receives an additional 50 points for changing the trump card. If before the start of the game the player finds a king and queen of the same suit but not trumps, then the player can say “beep-beep” and change the trump card. If both players have a queen and a king of the same suit other than trump, then both players receive 50 points and the suit is changed to the one that was announced last.

It is allowed to say “beep-beep” twice on the same suit, only if there are two pairs of this suit. It is forbidden to form pairs of one king with two queens in turn. Players draw cards from the remaining deck until there are fewer cards left in the pile than there are players in the game.

The remainder of the cards are revealed, but are not credited to anyone, and players continue to play the cards they have in their hands. After all cards have been played, players count the points in the tricks they won. The player who scores the most points wins.

Texas Hold'em

It is considered the most popular poker variation in the world.

2-10 players take part. During the game, 2 hole cards and 5 community cards are used. The goal of the game is to create the best combination by combining 5 out of 7 cards.

After the mandatory bets are made, each player receives 2 cards face down, the other 5 cards are laid out face up on the table. After any cards are received by the players, there is a betting round. At the end, all players who went through the auction and placed their bets show their combinations, after which the winner is determined.


The first dealer is determined by lot, then the players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled and each player is dealt 6 cards. The dealer deals himself 7 cards. The remaining deck is placed in the center of the table, closed. Players will draw cards from this deck. The first move belongs to the dealer. The dealer passes two of his cards clockwise to the next player without showing them to anyone, and receives one card from that player in return, also without showing them to anyone. Then the next player exchanges two cards for one, clockwise, and so on, all players in turn. A player who has 4 cards of the same value discards them and takes 4 new cards from the deck. If there are two identical cards, a player has the right to ask other players if they have two cards of the same value. If there is such a pair, 4 cards of the same value are discarded (a pair from each player), after which each player draws two cards from the deck. Thus, the game continues until all players except one have no cards left. This player is considered the loser, he is called a bzdun. If the losing player is female, then the player is called a bzdunya.


The most common game in the former Soviet republics.

A deck of 36 cards is used, 2-6 players take part. The goal of the game is to free yourself from all the cards. Each player

6 cards are dealt, one of the remaining cards in the deck is revealed and its suit is considered trump. The trump suit can beat off any card of non-trump suits in terms of seniority.

The one who fails to free himself from the cards loses. There is also the possibility of a draw in the game.

“Fool” has a couple of variations, the most popular being the flip and transfer versions of the game.

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