13 fun outdoor games for a group of adults (from active to alcoholic)

Creating and enjoying different camping trips for kids is one of the best activities any family can do, as they are fun ways to socialize, learn, and relax, as well as a great way to get away from everyday life. mention distractions, including computer games, television and mobile devices.

However, if your family is preparing their things for a trip to camp this weekend, then thinking about what needs to be done may be your biggest challenge, but not if you can plan and list all these activities before you leave .

Calm games

Sometimes you want some quiet entertainment around the fire after a busy day of hiking. When thinking about how to entertain children, choose games that are fun and engaging for everyone involved.


This is a universal game. It can be played if there are at least three participants. However, the more, the better. If there are a lot of people, then people need to be divided into 2 groups.

The first group thinks of a word or phrase. And one of its participants tries to describe to the second team with gestures and facial expressions what is planned. As soon as the word is guessed, the right to guess goes to the second team. It is convenient to prepare words and expressions in advance and put them in a bag, and during the game take out the piece of paper with the word. The funnier the words and expressions are, the more fun the time will pass.

Despite its simplicity, this game has its own rules:

  • You can’t guess by naming only letters;
  • It is forbidden to point at objects, trying to help and suggest to the other team;
  • You can’t give hints by pronouncing a word with your lips;
  • If a phrase is guessed, then it is considered guessed if it is pronounced in the required declension and number.

But you can still help the enemy a little. For example, at the very beginning, show on your fingers how many words are planned, cross your arms if the answer is wrong, move your palm in a circle if the answer is nearby and you need to find a synonym.


A simple game where each participant needs to “turn on” their imagination. Suitable for large companies.

The game begins with the presenter coming up with a proposal and writing it on paper. After this, the paper needs to be rolled up a little so that the next participant does not see what is written. He also writes his proposal, folds the paper and passes it to a third person, etc. After everyone has written, the sheet is completely unfolded and the resulting story is read aloud.

In order for the essay to be logically correct, it is necessary for the participants to answer the questions in turn: who, with whom, where, when, what they did, what they said, how it ended. There should be questions based on the number of people playing.

Beautiful photo shoots for children. Ideas

Ideas for a children's photo shoot:

  • Dream. This idea is suitable for babies, they are very cute when they sleep
  • Photo with the item. If you want to see your baby grow, take a photo of him next to one thing at regular intervals. Background, clothes and decor should be the same
  • Portrait. Take a close-up photo of the child. There should be no decor at all. Choose calm tones for the base of the photo
  • Photo with accessories . These are thematic photographs where clothing and accessories are perfectly combined
  • Black and white photos. This is a classic that is always in fashion

Beautiful photo shoots for children

Outdoor games

After a long trek, of course, such games are not suitable, but if everyone is already well rested, then it’s just right.

Traffic light

On a flat area or clearing, 2 lines should be marked. Participants will stand behind the first line at the beginning of the game. They will need to run across the second one, and so that the driver does not catch them. The one who will drive first is selected from the group.

The presenter turns away and names any color. After he turns around, those participants who have this color on their clothes or shoes show it and calmly pass behind the second line. The rest must run across to avoid being caught. The last one caught becomes the new leader.

Ice floe

Ice Floe must be played in groups. While one group is trying to stay on the ice, the spectators have fun watching this, then change places.

The main attribute can be a newspaper, a fairly large piece of fabric or a soft rug.

The newspaper must be completely spread out on the ground, it will be like ice. As many people stand on it as can fit. Then the newspaper should be folded in half, and the whole group should stand on it again. Those who did not fit in or could not resist drowned. The game is a team game, which means that you need to try as long as possible to help your colleagues in misfortune on the ice floe “survive.” Then the newspaper is again folded in two and so on until it “melts” under the feet of the participants. A little cruel, but tested - the audience likes it, and the participants are not bored either.

Elephant - toaster - monkey

Participants in the game stand in a circle, the leader is in the center. The presenter thinks, then quickly points to any participant and says a word. The task of him, as well as his neighbor on the right and left, is to show the word that the leader said. The one who made a mistake or completed the task very slowly stands in the center to lead.

I provide a basic set of words, but, of course, you can add your own.

Monkey. To whom the presenter pointed, he should do his best to pretend to be a monkey, and his neighbors should delve into his head and hair.

Elephant. The first shows his trunk, the other two attach large ears to it with their hands.

Skunk. The first one pretends to be embarrassed, while moving one foot on the ground. His neighbors hold their noses and say “ugh.”

Toaster. The first one is jumping on two legs in one place. The others close it in a circle with their hands.

Giraffe. The first one extends two arms up, showing the giraffe's neck.
His neighbors squat down.

Poses for a photo shoot with a child

It can be difficult to explain to a child how to stand or sit. In addition, such poses may seem unnatural. Therefore, most often babies are photographed in motion. Babies under one year old who are not yet sitting are placed on their stomachs. Small children can sit in their parents' arms. You can place your baby on your back or neck.

Older children may be willing to pose and complete the photographer’s assignments. It is best to capture the baby during interesting games.

Poses for a photo shoot with a child

Poses for a photo shoot with a child Poses for a photo shoot with a child Poses for a photo shoot with a child Poses for a photo shoot with a child Poses for a photo shoot with a child Poses for a photo shoot with a child

Team games

Team sports games are perfect for hiking. They teach not only to take into account the opinions, desires and capabilities of other people united by one goal, but also that it is important to understand with half a glance and half a word what needs to be done.


One leader is selected. All other players must divide into two teams and stand in a row one after another, placing their hands on the shoulders or waist of the person in front. You should get 2 centipedes.

Then the presenter will give the teams tasks; whoever does the best job wins.

Tasks can be like this:

  • raise your left leg
  • run in circles
  • back away
  • sit down and then jump up,
  • The "head" needs to catch the "tail"
  • jump on one leg

Playing outdoors should be safe. If space allows, the game can be complicated by closing the eyes of the participants: all of them, or leaving them open only at the “head” of the centipede.

Save the egg

This is a version of the relay race in which two teams are created. Each participant needs to run to the designated place and return, passing the baton to another. The process is complicated by the fact that the spoon in which the egg will lie serves as a baton. The team's task is to complete the task first and save the egg.

Attention! Eggs must be boiled. But you can’t talk about this before the start of the competition.

You can come up with many variations of relay races. For example, running with a ball sandwiched between your knees. The smaller the ball, the merrier.


So, if you are still wondering whether to spend time on a summer family photo shoot or whether it is better to just spend a day on the beach, immediately cast aside all doubts and make an appointment with the photographer!

A summer family photo shoot is an excellent opportunity to relax with the whole family (and you must admit, such a chance comes quite rarely) and to preserve the memory of these happy moments in the family album for a long time!

Of course, the success of a photo shoot largely depends on the professionalism of the photographer, so if you are interested in a master who knows his business 100%, be sure to contact the photographer

Nikolay Yakubovsky

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Educational games

Games for children on a camping trip can also be intellectual. Their task is not only to amuse, but also to “pump up the brain.” They may not be suitable for very young children, but older children, teenagers, and adults will enjoy playing with them.

Who am I?

To play you need to stock up on stickers. Participants sit in a circle so that they can see each other. Everyone writes on their own piece of paper a well-known actor: an actor, a character, a celebrity, etc. Then he passes this sheet to his neighbor, who, without looking, sticks it on his forehead. Thus, each participant will have a piece of paper on his forehead received from a neighbor, but he will not know what is written on it.

All participants take turns asking others a question in order to find out what is written on the forehead. It is important to formulate the question correctly, because the answer to it can only be “yes” or “no.”

The game continues until everyone guesses what is written on their sticker.

Opposite words

Participants sit in a circle. One of them is the leader. To play you need a ball or something that replaces it.

The presenter throws the ball to any of those sitting, while saying a word, for example, “cold.” The participant who caught the ball must throw it back, saying the word with the opposite meaning, i.e. "hot". If he makes a mistake or doesn’t catch the ball, he leaves the circle. The last one standing wins. And he becomes the driver.

I tell you what you need to know about safety precautions when traveling with children in the article: “Children on a hike: safety rules, planning a camping trip.”


No one is immune from the vagaries of nature: a thunderstorm may suddenly break out or a gust of wind may blow. In this case, there must be a backup plan in case of force majeure. The birthday must take place in any case.

A safe place to celebrate includes:

  • No broken glass, nails, holes.
  • No dangerous items (bags, cans, garbage).
  • If you plan to cook food over a fire, extra caution must be taken. Only adults should prepare food. If children are allowed to participate in preparing dishes, then this process must be controlled by their parents.

Organization of children's parties in nature

In order for a children's holiday in nature to become a source of only positive emotions and unforgettable impressions, parents will have to work hard on organizing it and think through everything to the smallest detail. We cannot allow any force majeure to spoil the holiday for children and nullify all the efforts of parents to organize it. But, be that as it may, a holiday in nature has many advantages:

  • He is very economical. There is no need to spend money on renting a children's cafe, and you can do without outdoor animators.
  • Children have the opportunity to run and jump as much as they want without fear of hitting or breaking anything.
  • A huge selection of games and entertainment, which are also not limited to four walls.
  • A picnic that all children simply adore. Even the biggest “haters of food” have an appetite.

What should the ideal children's party be like?

The ideal children's holiday is bright, colorful, cheerful, memorable . And most importantly - exactly the way your child wants to see him. Therefore, be sure to discuss the future event together with the little hero of the occasion. Who does he want to invite? What games should I play? What does he prefer as a treat? Perhaps the child wants a themed holiday - with pirates, robbers, or vice versa - princesses? Be sure to find out this so that the holiday really is for children, and not “for children, from the point of view of an adult.”

  • Graduation from school is both a joyful and sad event at the same time, so the graduation party should be remembered for a long time.
  • A themed-style wedding has long come into fashion in our country and is 100% justified in its demand, details are here.

How to prepare details

To conduct a successful street set, unlimited use of all props is provided. Suitable for this:

  • Balloons;
  • umbrellas;
  • large portrait frames;
  • inscriptions made on plates;
  • capital letters of the name;
  • drawings made by the child himself;
  • crayons and other paraphernalia.

Photo session for newborn children

Take your camera with you to the hospital. The pictures of the baby with the tag on her hand look very touching.

Newborn photo options:

  • Outdoors. Bring a basket or mat with you. Lay your baby down and take a photo of him. It is better to take photographs on a sunny day
  • With pets. Place your baby on the bed and invite your dog or cat nearby
  • Photo in a hat. If you like to knit, or bought an interesting hat, take a photo of your baby wearing it. Kids look cute in “owl”, “hedgehog”, “dog” hats
  • With balls. Take a basket and place the baby in it. Tie a lot of colorful balloons to the handle

Photo session for newborn children

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