Quest “Picnic” for adults and teenagers: a team game to find a hidden surprise in nature or in the forest

There is a more effective way to invest company funds in HR. A quest in nature is a playful form of time behavior associated with a collective search for a solution to a problem. Outdoor quests are not just “fun starts” with a set of sports games. The organizers have set a theme, worked out an end-to-end test scenario, intrigue and dynamics maintain interest from the beginning to the end of the event. Finally, the final task, and a clear realization that success is possible only with the exertion of strength of each team member at all stages.

Why does this work?

  • great emotional involvement - drive (fascinating scenario);
  • the participation and contribution of everyone is necessary for the result - completing the quest;
  • a new interesting format, which is now at the peak of trends in Russia;
  • the opportunity to change the type of activity and spend time with a team, but in an unusual location: in a park, green area, at a recreation center in Moscow or the region;
  • nature and a relaxed dress code encourage you to abandon strict boundaries and express yourself in a new way.

Please note that corporate quests in nature in winter are a reality. Nature provides unique opportunities to host exciting, memorable events. By the way, good quest organizers even in the summer have a backup script in case of weather vagaries.

About the kit

  • The Picnic quest includes a set of tasks, each of which is hidden in a specific place. The solution to each puzzle reveals the location where the next clue is hidden. Thus, a chain of tasks is obtained that must be completed step by step in order to find the cache with the hidden prize.
  • The set includes a wide variety of universal places in nature or in the forest where you can hide tasks and surprises. 8 tasks out of 10 are additionally presented in the form of templates for self-editing. If some keywords do not fit, you can change them.
  • The kit allows you to create your own unique search chain: tasks can be laid out in any order and made in any number of stages, and you can also choose the most convenient place for the final destination where you want to hide the prize for completing the quest.
  • The tips are colorfully designed and contain a variety of puzzles, tasks for attentiveness, ingenuity and quick thinking. They are based on intellectual and verbal games, composing anagrams and various types of ciphers.
  • Suitable for black and white printing, since the solution of tasks does not depend on color.
  • The set is intended for adults and teenagers.

Using this kit you can organize a quest:

  • for one player - to play up the presentation of a birthday gift in an original way or just arrange a surprise
  • for one team of players
  • as a team competition
  • for teams without competition, with prizes for all players

See also: Quest in the forest

What types of quests are there?

Today I take quests and photographs as examples. To maintain suspense, plot details are kept secret until the very end. There will be just enough information so that you and I can confidently decide on the direction.

There are a lot of scenarios, so I will combine them into several groups. If you are looking for quests for a corporate event, this is an ideal selection:


Diving into an ancient era is an incredibly interesting experience. Time Travel does not recreate true historical events - it is rather an adventure novel with secrets and riddles, but that's the beauty of it.

Only professional actors who help set the plot will have costumes, but no one is stopping all employees from renting outfits from the appropriate era. There may still be difficulties with medieval costumes, but the retro of the 20s is a very fertile topic. For example, we simply put on straight-cut dresses, long black gloves, beads, bracelets and small hats with flowers and veils.

QUESTERN has the following quests with historical immersion:

  • "Gangster City" (Chicago 1920s)
  • "Journey to the Middle Ages" (Medieval Europe)
  • “In Search of Treasure” (Russia, 18th century)


Well, this is a classic of the genre. Someone is killed, something is stolen, and the thief and murderer are among you. You need to collect evidence, use the deductive method, solving a dozen riddles in parallel. After such a corporate event, you will spend another week identifying the criminal in the office, interviewing witnesses and looking suspiciously at your colleagues :-).

  • "Detective Agency"
  • "Search for the Lost Expedition"
  • "The Mystery of the Ghost"


An action-packed action filled with unexpected challenges. I think your employees should be prepared for a lot if they choose Fort Boyard, but no special physical training will be required. To complete tasks, you will need more intelligence, ingenuity and a love of adventure.

I won’t tell you details about each quest, just the names:

  • "Fort Boyard"
  • "Time Machine"
  • "Golden fever"


This is only suitable for the bravest... Why? The game and reality intertwine so believably that at times it becomes truly scary. Participants may not even know that they have become participants in a quest, and a tangle of amazing events will roll along the most unknown paths. Remember the movie "The Game"? Only this time you won’t be a bystander...

Three options for unreal reality:

  • "In a trap"
  • "Killer Hotel"
  • "Experiment"


Here everything is even more interesting, since the memory of the quest will remain not only memories, but also works of art created by the collective mind, ingenuity and talent.

What could it be? Movie. Script, distribution of roles, rehearsals, makeup, takes, filming... Premiere, finally. Just let’s not forget that this is not just Hollywood-style entertainment, but a quest. Everything will be surrounded by secrets, riddles and a cunning weaving of the plot. By the end of the game, a real film will be ready, which your employees created themselves from start to finish.

The second option is to create a series of stunning photographs that will remind your employees of the brilliant game for a long time.

  • "Kinomasterskaya"
  • "Photo hunt"

Quests based on your favorite films and books

I have always liked such scenarios, since each participant already knows the character of his character well, from the first minutes he gets involved in the role and shows artistry. In addition, everyone imagines the development of events, but at the same time they are looking forward to how all this will be embodied in the quest.

There will be many impressions and memories. In my opinion, the most difficult thing is to choose a plot, since I really want to take part in everything listed on this list:

  • "Bond in Moscow"
  • "Search for the National Treasure"
  • "A Riddle for Sherlock"
  • "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin"
  • "Game of Thrones"
  • "Jumanji"

Now I have listed only a few quests that are popular at summer corporate events. You can read the details, look at the photos, choose a scenario and order the quest here:

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way using a special postcard . It's durable and takes just a few minutes to cook (details included), with the first clue in the middle; Postcard format - A4. When finished it looks like this:

completing assignments

Quests are the best choice for corporate events

Outdoor quests in St. Petersburg will help you make pleasant changes to your usual leisure time. This is a great opportunity to spend time with family or friends. The choice is so wide that there is already an analogue quest for almost any movie or game. Some may be duplicated in different companies, but due to different functionality and equipment they are completely different from each other, so you can go and play in different companies with interest and compare which quest was more interesting and closer to the original. Real-life games help people unite and use their intellectual powers to reach the solution to a given problem. The tasks can be linear or non-linear, but the goal is always the same - to get out of the quest as quickly as possible! This type of leisure will help introverts to open up and extroverts to throw out their excess energy, so it is perfect as entertainment for a corporate party. This game will help unite the team, make the boss and subordinate equal comrades.

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. Cunning encryption (newspaper, sleeve, pocket, your option). An interesting type of encryption in a spiral.
  2. Missing word (water, bread, stump). An original task in which players need to solve a well-known saying using a colorful code.
  3. Picnic set (drink, napkins, hood, your choice). A task of ingenuity. We need to find the key to solve the riddle.
  4. Hiking keyword (cap, stone, pine). An exciting task in which you need to read the clue using a keyword.
  5. Mushroom hint (bush, blanket, chair, your choice). An interesting puzzle in which you need to remember the names of mushrooms and use tricky clues to find the key letters.
  6. Fishing anagrams (plate, tent, leader, your option). A fun task for making anagrams. You need to find a word that is not related to fishing.
  7. Navigation by compass (sand, grass, flowers; your option - possible keywords: jar, book, boat, burdock, bag, ball, hat, cones). A challenging puzzle for quick thinking.
  8. Tree leaves (trunk, path, T-shirt; your option - possible keywords: potatoes, pan, canned food, sleeping bag). To solve the keyword, players will have to remember which trees the leaves in the picture belong to.
  9. Logical series (ketchup, glass, fruit; your option - possible keywords: birch, apple tree, lilac, log, guitar, barbecue, scarf, fishing rod, lantern). A difficult puzzle for logic and intelligence. To read the keyword, players need to correctly place the sandwiches in logical rows.
  10. Hidden letters (package, bag, coal, your option). A fascinating task for attentiveness, you need to find 5 cleverly hidden letters in the picture.

Attention! The set includes task templates “Tricky encryption”, “Picnic set”, “Mushroom hint”, “Fishing anagrams”, “Compass navigation”, “Tree leaves”, “Logic series”, “Hidden letters”: if you don’t keywords are suitable, you can replace them yourself.

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need on a printer yourself (the postcard and tasks look great on regular office paper).

Possible scenarios

We organize sports team building of any type:

  • tourist rally (hiking trips through a winter forest/green mini-park with games and difficult but fun tasks; overnight stays in tent camps or camp sites);
  • office sports entertainment (emotional release with fictitious sports like racing on office chairs or in the unusual use of technology);
  • creative active team building (participation in an educational exhibition and an exciting master class for an ambitious team);
  • sports training (joint orienteering and completing tasks is especially useful for a team that was recently formed);
  • children's team-building quest (a game for young “colleagues” with the participation of professional animators and special equipment);
  • sports corporate rafting (water activities are an ideal summer holiday to raise the working spirit of an already close-knit team).

Sports entertainment is one of the most effective methods of team building. This type of team building includes important aspects of team building:

  • having a common goal;
  • an element of healthy competition;
  • experience in an informal setting;
  • temporary blurring of boundaries between managers and subordinates - their roles can change within the framework of a sports game;
  • overcoming unusual difficulties together.

You can choose a sports team building or quest from the catalog or order a new event from us. For any questions, please contact our specialist by phone or through the online consultant form on the website.

Winter fun. Quest for a walk

Outline of entertainment for children of senior preschool age.
: satisfy children's need for movement.

Training tasks

: consolidate knowledge and ideas about winter sports, games and fun.

Developmental tasks

: develop speed, agility, precision of movements, ingenuity; the desire to follow the rules of the game and accurately complete the task; form voluntary behavior and self-esteem.

Educational tasks

: to cultivate interest in team games and competitions, skills of interaction with peers to achieve the goal.


: sports ground.


: green and yellow plastic cubes - equal quantities for each child; 2 hoops of the same colors; cones – 6 pcs.; stretching with holes of different diameters; sleds – 2 pcs., clubs – 12 pcs., small balls – 2 pcs.; washer.

Demo material

: quest map, story pictures depicting winter sports - biathlon and hockey.


: phone with an audio recording of the verse and chorus of the song “A coward does not play hockey”, music. A. Pakhmutova; stopwatch.

Progress of entertainment

Fast, agile, strong
. Children with teachers go out onto the playground in an organized manner to the music. I greet them and ask questions: Are there any fast boys or girls among you? Which one of you is dexterous? Are there any strong kids here? I propose to raise the hand of the one who is fast; jump for someone who is agile; clap your hands to the one who is strong.

I inform you that adventures await us today: Zimushka-winter sent gifts for the children, and hid a box with them in a snowdrift. I am confident that preschoolers will definitely find gifts and complete all the tasks of the quest for this. I show you the quest map and offer to start the adventure.

Station 1. What team are you on?

I inform the children that they have to be divided into 2 teams and offer them to play.
There are cubes along the edges of the path to the right and left, and hoops in front of the path at a distance of 8 m. Children are located at the starting line. When explaining the rules of the game, teachers show how to implement them. You run along the path and gather a team. At the command “March!” The first 2 participants run along the track and take a cube of any color. Then each of them runs around a hoop with a cube of the same color as the cube in their hands and returns to the starting line. The next pairs of participants continue the game. I form 2 teams based on the color of the cubes, then the children put them in a basket.

Station 2: Swipe the ball

I propose to answer the questions: Why do you need a ball?
What games can you play with it in winter? At this time, teachers place 3 cones in a row on the track for each team. I propose to compete in dexterity. Swipe the ball with your stick

. Preschoolers take turns passing the ball with a stick between the cones, moving “snake” forward, and return to the team in the same way. The dexterous, fast and friendly ones win.

Station 3. Hit the target

I propose to name a sport that includes cross-country skiing and shooting;
and show the corresponding illustration. While the children examine it and call it biathlon, the teachers pull a stretcher with round target holes of different diameters. In the center of the line, located in front of the stretch at a distance of 2 m, they place a basket with cubes. I suggest that each team name the color of the cubes that its members put in the basket and choose only them for the competition.

Hit the target.

Children from both teams, 5-6 people each, approach the basket, take the cubes, position themselves along the line and throw the cubes at the targets on the stretch. The team with the most hits wins.

The teams compete with interest in accuracy while completing another task.

Knock down the pin

. Multi-colored skittles are set in a row in the snow. Preschoolers sit in front of them at a distance of 1.5 m and try to knock them down with plastic balls. Teams perform this exercise in turns, each participant can throw the ball 3 times.

Station 4. Drag the sled

I give the children a riddle: Here are the runners, the back, the slats - And all together this is... (Sled) After answering, I invite them to compete in strength, dexterity and ingenuity.
Who will pull who over?

. Two participants from different teams, each on a sled, are located opposite each other at a distance of 2-3 m. In the middle between them I draw a line in the snow and give the children the end of one rope in their hands. On command, they begin to pull the opponent towards themselves, while their legs can rest on the ground. The competition continues until someone's sled crosses the line. This participant is considered the loser. More children can compete at the same time.

The game is quite insidious, and often the winner is not the physically strongest participant, but the most savvy and dexterous. You can also include other sledding competitions in pairs in the quest.

Who is most likely to carry the sled?

. Teachers place one cone at a distance of 12 m from each team. Teams select 2 players. One of them sits on the sled, the other takes them to the cone. There the children change places and return to their team. The game continues with the next pairs of participants. The strong and the fast win.

Who is faster to the finish line?

On a flat, compacted area, 2 participants from different teams are located on the starting line, sitting on sleds or ice skates. I give each of them the end of a cord 10-15 m long, the other end of which is rigidly fixed at the finish line. Players need to pull themselves up to the finish line with their hands as quickly as possible using a cord.

Another version of this competition: the same thing, only sitting on a sled or ice skate together.

Station 5. Shoot the puck

I show the children the illustration “The Game of Hockey”, they name the sport.
I propose to answer the question: How many players are on each team? To check the correctness of the answer or find the answer, I suggest listening carefully to the song “A coward does not play hockey.” Preschoolers answer the question, then together we clarify the composition of the hockey team: goalkeeper, defenders, forwards. I suggest you play hockey. Puck play

. I invite 6 participants from each team to the court (goalkeeper, 2 defenders, 3 forwards). Teachers use cones to mark the gates. We play the game 2 times for 1.5 minutes. with a change of players. The team that scores more goals into the goal wins.

Station 6. Surprise

I invite children to name winter sports, fun, games and entertainment.
After the answers, I draw their attention to the snowdrift. Together we take out a box packed in a white plastic bag, and the preschoolers open it with interest. The box contains snowflakes for each quest participant. Yaroslava Deulina, physical education instructor,
School No. 218, Moscow

What to consider when traveling out of town?

A city person is always pleased to relax in nature, organize a picnic or barbecue. But active recreation will bring much more positive emotions than simple gatherings. To do this, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • Season. At the end of spring, summer and early autumn, some program options will be appropriate; in rainy times or winter, others will be appropriate. Remember that you can relax in nature all year round, the main thing is to fit the scenario into the weather conditions, and not try to do the opposite;
  • Consider alternative options. In the north of Russia, the weather is often changeable, so quests designed for a sunny day can be “covered with a copper basin” if it rains for two weeks;
  • Organize the delivery of guests and friends to the quest location. Ideally, order a shared bus rather than force everyone to take a taxi on their own;
  • Consider food, since quests in nature often take the whole day;
  • Write a fun script that will involve everyone present. If one or more people are left idle, they will be bored and will definitely not receive any positive emotions;
  • Stock up on all the necessary equipment, protection, gear and other paraphernalia necessary to complete tasks;
  • Take into account the possibility of injuries, mosquito bites, and anticipate possible troubles.

will take on all these organizational issues. Adult or child, forest or street - we can turn any environment into a mysterious playground of adventure.

Crazy game

With the organization of corporate parties and other public events it becomes much easier and much better. One of the solutions we offer is the Crazy Game program. These are crazy, exciting, unusually dynamic competitions that will quickly and effectively include you in a world of crazy fun, and will also give you the opportunity to unleash the creative potential of each of the participants. "Crazy Game" is a program for children and adults. It is safe to say that whoever is among the participants in this game will be guaranteed a good mood.

Our arsenal includes a huge variety of programs, each of which is worthy of your attention. There are a number of new scenarios for mass events and games aimed at creating adequate conditions for recreation and unity with nature. Today our company is ready to offer you favorable terms of cooperation. The prices for our services are relatively low, and it is possible to receive discounts.

More details:

How we are working

takes responsibility for your health and for you to receive only positive emotions. We will create a turnkey scenario for you, taking into account the number of people, ideas and other wishes.

We will provide you with equipment and equipment depending on the weather and type of tasks. We will take care of photo and video shooting, edit a video for your memory, and invite musicians and presenters. We have the best camp sites and sites in the vicinity of St. Petersburg for conducting quests. Prizes and awards also remain with us. You will receive full instructions, become familiar with the route, and learn the basics of driving ATVs.

All we need from you is your presence and a good mood!

Advantages of renting ATVs in

A wide selection of recreational programs: we have routes for novice drivers, families with children, as well as professionals and connoisseurs of extreme sports.

Trust in the client: You can rent an ATV without a deposit; we “turn a blind eye” to minor damage caused by using the equipment.

Official right to training: KvadroProkat instructors have the appropriate documents.

Advantageous location: you can get to the rental point in half an hour by car or public transport.

Convenient work schedule: we are open every day, this allows you to ride ATVs in St. Petersburg on weekends and holidays.

ATV rental cost

RouteDurationLengthPriceDiscount price
Training20 minutes5 km2000 rub.990 rub.
Family1 hour15 km4,000 rub.RUB 2,990
Children's1 hour10 km4,000 rub.RUB 2,990
Active2.5 hours30 km8,000 rub.RUB 5,490
Journey5 o'clock50 km10,000 rub.RUB 7,990

Prices are for 1 double ATV. We do not have any additional payment for passengers. For the “Children’s” route, you always purchase at least two ATVs: one for children, the other for an accompanying adult.

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