Funny wedding congratulations: let's joke creatively!

Congratulations on your wedding! Let the beautiful wings of your incredible, faithful and bewitching love be wide open and give you the opportunity to fly high, high above the earth from great, unimaginable happiness, wonderful and joyful days spent together.

Look into each other's eyes, And holding hands tightly, Walk along the path of life, Keeping a living passion in your hearts.

Let kisses rule the house, And “I love” be heard often, Let storms bypass your happy family.

We wish you great happiness, May there always be spring, May you never know misfortune. And their hearts would be pure. So that you trust each other, Not counting the years that have passed, You haven’t lost loyalty over the years And you haven’t been afraid of various troubles!

Dear bride and groom! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage. Today, on your wedding day, the Sun gave you a piece of itself, and this piece is the family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, the family hearth is the source of life for the family. Keep your expensive gift for life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. I raise my glass to the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

Congratulations to the newlyweds, We wish you a sea of ​​happiness! And may all misfortunes pass you by. Let Life flow through you like a pure river. And like a month a young son will be born to you, A daughter, like the color of roses, To the joy of your mother. And how many of them you will have, you decide for yourself...

On your wedding day everything is for you: flowers, gifts, Smiles, congratulations, banquet. May your life be as bright, May the beautiful light of love burn in you. Appreciate every moment when you are near, And let your hearts beat excitedly. You are together, what else is needed for happiness? May this joy last forever!

Congratulations on your wedding day! This is truly a wonderful event – ​​your family’s birthday! Today, a family is a small newborn who has to go through the journey of life. And today you two, holding hands, are entering into a new life together. You have to take the first timid steps, which will become stronger and more confident every day if respect, wisdom, patience and love reign in the family. We wish your family long and happy years! We wish you to celebrate family anniversaries with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and lose track of the years! May you live happily ever after!

Your two destinies are now united, Two rings on your fingers are a good sign, You are now a family - from now on indivisible, And let it continue to be so!

Let's wish you to be happy in marriage, Let's wish you to live without quarrels and troubles. For each other to always be loved, Many many more years to come!

Let joy accompany you, May peace and tranquility reign in the family, Your union grows stronger over the years, There will be no boredom in everyday life.

We wish for an avalanche of tenderness to cover you completely. We congratulate you on your wedding, May love be eternal!

Today is a significant day - your wedding day! Carry the memories of this bright event throughout your life, rejoice together, worry together, be a reliable support for each other, walk along the path of life hand in hand, take care and respect each other! I wish you family comfort, prosperity, eternal love and a long, happy life together!

Comic congratulations

The peculiarity of comic congratulations lies in more thorough preparation. You need to think not only about the text, but also take care of the costumes and props. The task is feasible for creative people, but what to do if creative ideas don’t come to mind? In this case, you can please the newlyweds and their guests with a ready-made cool congratulation. To do this, just read the article to the end, choose the idea you like and start implementing it.

"Basket from Friends"

Friends can present a basket of vegetables, which can be easily collected at any time of the year.
When sometimes the young people at their feasts give the floor for congratulations, everyone will present their vegetable, accompanying the presentation with comic poetic lines:

1 We brought you a basket of vegetables from your friends. It contains cabbage, beetroot, and garlic - for a reason! Everything is meaningful, everything is to the point. Strengthens the spirit and body.

2 Here, for example, is a juicy radish, so that the family is super strong!

3 A head of cabbage for the bride, so that the house is not empty!

4 And also these carrots, so that my mother-in-law would call her daughter!

5 We give the groom red pepper, If only his eyes were sober and clear!

6 And we give this spicy garlic, so that you will be drawn to your wife!

7 Love will be stronger if you taste a turnip at night!

8 Now the bottom has appeared in the basket, We know for sure that from now on Our cheerful garden

In chorus: Only happiness and good will bring to the young!

You can put vegetables in the basket for your father-in-law, mother-in-law and other new relatives. Such couplets rhyme very easily.

For example: “And for my father-in-law - a jar of honey mushrooms, so that he can throw in some money!”

An original congratulation, which, without a doubt, will enliven the wedding feast, is ready! All that remains is to drop by the agricultural market...

Family Happiness Pie from Parents

This option is perfect for parents of newlyweds.
The essence of the congratulation is to convey a symbolic recipe for family happiness to the young couple. It’s better if the pie is home-baked, rosy and aromatic. The parents of the bride and groom will carry it out on an embroidered towel, say their most heartfelt words to the newlyweds and reveal the “secret” of making the “Family Happiness” cake.

By the way, it is worth adding to it that young people should not only preserve the recipe, but also pass it on to their children and grandchildren.

To prepare the pie, you need to pour into half a kilo of love a handful of trust and a pinch of jealousy, 3 tablespoons of patience, extinguished by condescension, one teaspoon each of vigor and sensitivity. To add piquancy to the dough, you can add 10 grams of passion. But it is not recommended to add salt and pepper to the dish, so as not to spoil its wonderful taste. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a hot oven. Fill the finished cake with aromatic glaze of optimism and joy, sprinkle with tenderness and affection. The pie turns out especially tasty and healthy when prepared in a warm home environment!

Thus, in a light humorous form, the older generation will give the younger generation valuable and completely serious advice.

Congratulations from the older generation or Back to the USSR

Representatives of the older generation can present
the newlyweds with an original surprise in the form of a comic excursion into the times of their youth.

For example, read out a comic resolution of the Council of Ministers with approximately the following content:

Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated... (wedding date)

  1. Recognize the marital union... (the newlyweds' surnames) as valid.
  2. To hold a Komsomol non-alcoholic wedding in the best Soviet traditions according to an ideologically consistent scenario.
  3. At the first family plenary meeting, consider and approve the plan for socio-economic development and the family budget for... In terms of basic indicators, catch up and overtake the West. Show by example that the family is a fundamental and viable unit of society.
  4. Conduct elections for the head of the family on democratic principles.
  5. To resolve the most important issues of family life, hold home referendums appointed by the head of the family, as well as at the proposal of the House of Relatives or the Council of Parents.
  6. A married couple... to ensure a demographic explosion in the country as soon as possible, that is, increase the birth rate by 5%. Challenge other young families to socialist competition.
  7. Remain faithful as a guarantor of family unity and cohesion. Do not allow a split in your ranks.
  8. Strictly observe not only your marital, but also constitutional duties.
  9. (Date, month) declare the Red Day of the calendar. Celebrate it annually with your family according to a specific plan:
  10. Ceremony
  11. Festive procession
  12. Fireworks from a bottle of champagne
  13. Accept the most sincere congratulations from the Merry Congress and smile! Hurray, comrades!

During the performance, guests will unfurl posters with the inscriptions:

  • Glory to the new cell of society!
  • Long live the family (surname of the married couple)!
  • You give five children in four years!
  • Everyone is ready to storm the maternity hospital!

Any march from the 1960s and 70s is perfect for musical accompaniment.

The congratulation ceremony in the spirit of the Soviet clock will be of interest to everyone gathered at the wedding table. Especially young people who read about the construction of communism only in history textbooks.

Creative gifts

If you decide that money is money, and the memory of a gift should last a lifetime, then it’s enough to apply a little imagination. You can use one of the following ideas:

  1. If the wedding takes place in winter, then the issue of congratulating the newlyweds can be resolved in this way - by ordering for them an ice sculpture in the form of a heart, cupid or rings.
  2. Write a song that will be performed by an invited musical group or record it yourself on a disc and play it during the holiday.
  3. Create a film about the life of the newlyweds before marriage. It may consist of photographs or videos from the family archive. Another version of the film is when all the relatives and friends will say their wishes to the young people on camera. And if you also ask passers-by, the newlyweds will be doubly pleased. It is especially touching if you manage to find those with whom the young people studied at school or university. If you have the opportunity to shoot from different cities, it will turn out very interesting and beautiful.
  4. For a bride who loves sweets, you can order a bouquet of chocolate, marzipan or caramel flowers.
  5. Draw or order a picture depicting the newlyweds.
  6. Another idea on how you can congratulate newlyweds on their wedding day is to make a comic first aid kit, accompanying each medicine with a wish.
  • I give you effervescent aspirin so that your love will be burning;
  • take a bandage as soon as possible so that there are no offenses in the family;
  • and so that you have a baby boy, I put some brilliant green in the medicine cabinet;
  • and in order to give birth to a girl, I want to give iodine;
  • so that you live richly, I will put cotton wool in the first aid kit;
  • so that your love is eternal, here are heart drops and others.

Cool little things for family life

An interesting solution for wedding congratulations are small gifts with a comic symbolic meaning .

By the way, with the wish for the couple to “do not spill the water,” you can present waterproof glue “Moment” for gluing marital relationships. Just add a couple of lines to the instructions for use and you can safely go to the address indicated in the wedding invitation.

Instructions for use Particularly strong adhesive Moment is designed for reliable connection of two halves. The product is great for bonding marital relationships. Method of application: clean the bonded bonds with sandpaper and degrease with a solvent. Apply a thin layer of glue to both surfaces, leave for half an hour and press tightly against each other. The decisive factor is feelings, not the strength and duration of pressure. In the event of a frozen relationship, the glue restores stickiness in a warm, trusting environment.

Here are a few more options for cool gifts for your spouse:

  • Tape measure or ruler (to measure career growth);
  • A set of candles and rose petals (for organizing a romantic evening);
  • Brick (for building a house);
  • Keychain (for keys to a future car).

For the spouse:

  • Soap (so that you have something to soap your husband’s neck);
  • Stocking (for storing family heirlooms);
  • Electric lighter (to maintain fire in the family hearth).

into a wedding scenario in a folk style :

  • Walking boots (so that the husband always has time for a hot lunch);
  • Rejuvenating apple (so that the wife always remains young and beautiful);
  • Magic carpet (to quickly get to work).
  • And also a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisible hat, living water...

Russian folk tales are truly an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

There are modern couples whose couples will be amused by such ultra-original gifts as aphrodisiacs or family ties in the form of toy handcuffs.

However, you can present meaningful gifts only in full confidence that their meaning will be correctly interpreted and their humor will be appreciated.

Important components of a successful wedding congratulations

First of all, let's learn a few simple rules that many guests at weddings neglect, as a result of which the mood deteriorates not only among other guests, but also among the newlyweds.

  • Sincerity . Congratulations, of course, must come from the heart. Insincere and memorized words are immediately noticeable. Therefore, it is better to say a few words from the heart than to read abstruse and pompous phrases from a piece of paper.
  • Time. The timing of the speech is also important. Most likely, everyone who has attended a wedding has met such a slightly inebriated guest who tested the patience of those around him with long and boring speeches. Verbal congratulations should not be long, but they must be bright and memorable.
  • Delicacy . Even if you know the newlyweds very closely, you should not mention in your congratulations any piquant details from your “bachelor” life or remember any other moments that could embarrass the bride or groom in front of the guests.

Cool calendar

A wonderful creative idea for wedding congratulations is a homemade calendar. It can have very different design and content. For example, information about wedding anniversaries, as well as events that await the couple in the future:

  • birth of triplets;
  • winnings in sports lotto 1 million rubles;
  • cruise around the world;
  • buying a yacht;
  • 100th anniversary, etc.

There is no doubt that this gift will take pride of place in the home archive.

Song-remake from mother-in-law

If the future mother-in-law is not deprived of a sense of humor and also has good vocal abilities, she can prepare an unusual musical gift - the romance of Tortilla Turtle. The image of the heroine of “The Golden Key” will be ideally complemented by a cap and an umbrella.

For the number you will also need a backing track of the song to the music of A. Rybnikov for the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”.

Time flew by like a bird, I didn’t notice when my son became an adult and a man, how his spring came.

I remember little feet took their first step, How long ago it was, Twenty years ago.

He grew up stately and broad-shouldered, I recognize my father’s gaze, I fell in love with him like that Twenty years ago.

He also once brought me into his house with his wife, She timidly entered our difficult life on the threshold.

Don’t be afraid, dear ones, If something is out of place, We ourselves were wrong Twenty years ago.

On this magnificent day, everyone is happy to congratulate you, And I am happy as before Twenty years ago...

The floor is given...

Toast is an indispensable element of any festive feast. But a wedding toast is more than a short formula: “To the health of the bride and groom!” There are rules and customs for wedding toasts .

  • For example, a hierarchy that determines the order in which congratulatory words are pronounced. As a rule, the father of the bride is the first to raise a glass to the newlyweds. Subsequent persons may be the groom's father, groom, witness, godfather, etc.
  • All the attention of those sitting at the table should be directed to the person toasting.
  • Congratulations should not be delayed in time, or give it a boring, moralizing tone of a sermon. And the words should be pronounced solemnly, loudly and clearly, so that they can be clearly heard at the other end of the table.
  • And, most importantly, during the feast, do not forget about the heroes of the occasion. All words of congratulations and toasts on this day are dedicated only to the young.

In this section you will find interesting information about the customs and traditions of matchmaking among different nations: in Rus', in Ukraine, among the Kazakhs, etc. Read thematic scenarios of bride price to pick up some idea for your own wedding!

According to tradition, a wedding is always preceded by matchmaking. You can find one of the ritual scenarios here.

What is the perfect wedding toast?

Most likely, this is a laconic good wish, charged with sparkling humor. Perhaps with an admixture of nostalgia, romance, euphoria... anything that will give the toast an original sound.

You can start with an anecdote, a small parable. Or tell some interesting noteworthy fact about the bride and groom, about their hobbies, remember how they met (and thanks to whom), etc. And, in the end, wish the newly made spouses:

  • Strong-willed decisions, like the Russian president!
  • Amazing discoveries, like Nobel laureates!
  • Health like Olympic champions!
  • Fame like Hollywood “stars”!
  • Money like Gazprom shareholders!
  • And have a great mood, just like us!

Thus, we can conclude that you can’t ruin a wedding with a joke. Cool congratulations decorate the celebration, making it even more fun and joyful. But the most important thing is that the optimism with which the young people entered a new life remains in their souls for many, many years...

Wedding congratulations in your own words

I love weddings! May your celebration of love be the beginning of a wonderful journey full of adventures and amazing experiences. You made the right choice; I see so much love in you two. Congratulations on the wedding!

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I want to wish you to love, respect and protect each other. Let your family life be as bright, cheerful, happy, full of positive emotions as your wedding day. I wish you family comfort, warmth, joy, care and, of course, children.

If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what a woman wants. So let's drink to the fact that the desires of men and the desires of women coincide! For a strong and harmonious union of two hearts! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you mutual understanding, love, fidelity, tenderness and great joy. Let the house be filled with sonorous children's laughter, and let your soul sing with happiness!

Happy wedding to you, dears! I wish you a long and wonderful life together: peace above your heads and in your hearts, sun outside the window and in your eyes, warmth in your home and souls. Live in love, understanding and mutual respect!

My speech today to the newlyweds. Happy wedding. Be not just happy, but fabulously rich, deeply and faithfully loved by each other, successful in all your endeavors and always inspired by wonderful dreams. And let these dreams, of course, come true.

Happy wedding day, newlyweds! Let your life be smooth, without obstacles and disagreements. Forget the word “I”, from now on you are one and will do everything together. I wish you plasma love and understanding, the rest will all come with time.

Dear newlyweds! Keep your love, keep warmth in your souls and live as your heart tells you - live in love and mutual understanding! May your union be happy! Bitterly!

Congratulations on starting a new family! We wish that your love only grows stronger and becomes stronger. So that you always help each other, so that mutual understanding and respect always reign between you.

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