Cool congratulations on the anniversary 2021: top 50+ options

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events to you!

An anniversary is an unusual birthday. This is a milestone, a time of results, analysis and setting new tasks. I sincerely congratulate you on your milestone anniversary. May the achievements with which you approach this bright number give you strength and inspiration for new achievements.

On your birthday, accept sincere and heartfelt wishes from me: peace, prosperity, health, love and friends who are always ready to help. May your days be full of sunshine and love. All the best to you, good and pleasant - everything that can bring a smile to your face. Especially what is hidden in a tiny word - happiness. And, of course, the traditional hundred years of life!

With all my heart, I congratulate you on your anniversary, I wish you good Caucasian health. I wish that your eyes always glow with happiness, and that your life is filled with positivity, love, and good mood. I wish that your loved ones and family will always be with you, appreciate and protect you. May your home be a full cup, and may your wishes come true as soon as you think about them. All the best to you. Happy anniversary!

An anniversary is an important event in the life of every person, which occurs only once every five years. Many people may not celebrate their Birthdays, but Anniversaries are never forgotten because they are special dates. I want to congratulate you on your significant event, and also wish you patience and endurance, because you have an incredibly difficult professional activity. But the most important thing is that you have truly found your calling in life. Remember that not every person manages to realize themselves and their potential, but you are a pleasant exception to the rule. I would like to wish you to continue to work in the same spirit in order to reach an even more serious level. I wish you good health, love and happiness. Let all this always be present in your life, filling it with bright colors and interesting events. Happy holiday to you! Let everything work out as it should.

Congratulations on the anniversary! In addition to the standard wishes - happiness, health and all the best - I wish that all your dreams come true, that every day brings many pleasant surprises, that you are surrounded only by kind and necessary people. And also luck. Good luck in everything and always. And so that every business started ends successfully!

I congratulate you on your anniversary and wish that every day of your life will be filled with optimism, fresh ideas and interesting meetings. May you have excellent health and cheerful mood. I also wish that every morning you are greeted with bright sunshine and the smiles of loved ones. I wish you great happiness and good luck. May success and good luck always be your inseparable companions. And any difficulties in life were fleeting and instantly overcome. And today, congratulating you on such a joyful holiday, I would like to wish that your plans are embodied in interesting projects, and that the projects themselves are adequately financed.

On such a significant day, I want to congratulate a wonderful person on reaching a new peak - a happy new anniversary! I wish you to continue to boldly sail through life, leaving all failures and worries behind and confidently steer your course towards the islands of success and independence. I wish you to successfully conquer new heights in your work and discover new pleasures in life. Happy birthday!

Congratulations on your anniversary from the heart with beautiful words

Today, on your anniversary birthday, I hasten to congratulate you and wish you, no matter how cliche these words are, happiness, love, health, respect and success. Let your family, loved ones, friends and colleagues be your support and support in any business and endeavor. Let your work be a joy, and let every new day give you positive emotions and a good mood. Let your broad soul be calm, your heart warm, and your thoughts sharp and wise. May this birthday and the new year bring new opportunities! Happy anniversary!

I cordially congratulate you on your anniversary. Please accept my most sincere wishes for good health, personal happiness, inexhaustible energy and inspiration in all your good deeds. May peace and harmony always reign in your home, kindness in your heart, and wisdom and balance in your deeds. May fate continue to be favorable to you, giving you the joy of life, constant good luck, loyal and reliable friends.

An anniversary is also a birthday, but decorated with a round number, and it just so happens in the world that people love round dates and attach special meaning to them, look for a special meaning in them... Therefore, today I not only congratulate you, but also wish you to live only happily from now on , not allowing a single dark shadow to approach you, and in addition, always set goals as high as Everest and conquer them in just a few steps!

Happy anniversary! I wish you that your life will be fulfilling, with pleasant worries, brilliant ideas and brilliant victories! May the source of kindness never dry up in your soul! Walk through life boldly and straight! May your loved ones and friends be nearby in difficult moments, may there always be those with whom you want to share joy! I wish you health and long life, joy and laughter, respect from others and love from family! Let everything turn out as planned in my youth! Happy holiday!

We wish you to live your life in such a way that in old age you can look in the mirror and admire not only the beautiful view, but also remember all the good moments that happened to you and the people close to you. Always be the same brightly shining sun. Happy anniversary!

Birthdays and anniversaries come suddenly. Before you have time to look back, you’re already the hero of the day again. And again a sea of ​​guests, flowers and congratulations. I would like to wish you good spirits, a positive mood, and youthful enthusiasm. May every new day bring joy, happiness and love. And the status of the hero of the day is just additional charm and authority!

An anniversary is not just a birthday - it is a special holiday when you want to review all your achievements and merits, and make a huge plan for future wonderful victories. We wish that you always have enough time, money, strength, health, support from all your loved ones and the most important thing - inspiration!

Drawing a birthday girl

If the priority in your congratulations for any celebration is a great mood and a lot of impressions, then this idea is just what you are looking for. The ability to draw does not play any role here, neither yours nor the other guests, since they will also take a direct part in the action.

For this you will also have to prepare: you will need a large stand for presentations, as well as a sheet of blank Whatman paper.

Secure the paper on an improvised easel and invite guests to draw a portrait of the birthday girl, but not just like that, but with a secret. The whole point is that you need to choose seven to nine people who will create. They are blindfolded, given colored markers and asked to take turns drawing parts of the hero of the occasion’s face: the oval of the face, lips, nose, eyes and ears, hair. As a result, the closest person to the birthday girl, who will also be “creative” blindly, is given the honor of adding a crown to the portrait. Alternatively, you can entrust different parts of the drawing to relatives and friends: husband - eyes, sisters or girlfriends - lips, father-in-law or mother-in-law - nose, children - ears.

At the last stage, you should turn the resulting art to face the guests and show them the result if you drew in the dark. If you decide to add fun, and everyone except the “artist” saw what was happening on the sheet, then you can simply comment on what is happening. Such humorous and funny scenarios for scenes for a woman, both for her anniversary (50 years) and for other dates, can become the highlight of the holiday.

Heartfelt congratulations on a woman’s anniversary in your own words

Happy anniversary to a sweet and wonderful, unique and charming woman. I want to wish that every morning begins with a smile and sweet inspiration, that every day brings bright moments of happiness and great success in business, that every evening gives warmth and peace of mind, that all life is a good fairy tale and a wonderful long story.

Congratulations! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and most sincere wishes for new creative success and inexhaustible energy. I sincerely wish that the anniversary holiday brings you joy. I wish you new heights in life, warmth, goodness and good luck, may the source of your vitality, creative strength and energy continue to be inexhaustible, may the coming years be even brighter and happier. Health, love and prosperity, understanding of family and friends, happiness and good luck for many years to come.

Happy Anniversary! I wish you goodness, light, peace, smiles, good mood. Let all bad things pass by, life’s adversities be overcome with ease, and every day be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, great hope, endless love.

Congratulations on your anniversary and I wish that your whole life will resemble a delicious birthday cake. Bake it yourself, knead the dough from love and tenderness, whip the cream from creative ideas and cherished dreams, decorate with smiles and positive emotions. And most importantly, light candles of faith, hope and optimism on it. Bon appetit!

Happy anniversary to a sweet and wonderful, unique and charming woman. I want to wish that every morning begins with a smile and sweet inspiration, that every day brings bright moments of happiness and great success in business, that every evening gives warmth and peace of mind, that all life is a good fairy tale and a wonderful long story.

Today is not just your birthday, today is a special date - your anniversary! And on this day, many sincere, warm wishes have already been and will continue to be heard for you. Let them all certainly come true, because our hero of the day deserves it! We wish her great female happiness, love, good health for many, many years to come! Happy anniversary, our dear (NAME)!

Today we celebrate the anniversary of the most beautiful and talented woman! Everything she does turns into masterpieces of world art, be it cooking, cleaning, sewing or raising children. In addition, our hero of the day is very kind, smart, cheerful and cheerful. In difficult times, he always comes to the aid of friends, takes care of loved ones and gives everyone his beautiful smile. So may optimism and good spirits never leave her!

Congratulations on your anniversary and I wish the charming and sweet woman to continue her triumphant march through life. Let problems recede before charm and charisma, the twists of fate will only be happy, and the path will be covered with petals of love and adoration.

I wish you to always remain as beautiful, cheerful, energetic and full of strength. May your life be full of admiration, compliments and bouquets of flowers. After all, a woman like you deserves all the best. Happy anniversary! And let the years add only health, beauty and wisdom.

My golden woman! You are the brightest ray of light in this world for me. You are sweetie and sunshine. Dear, most priceless. In your hands, all things become magical. You are the queen of my kingdom. Always be as young, beautiful and tender as you are now. My warmest words for you and sincere feelings. Happy holiday, dear!

Congratulations on the anniversary. I wish you to greet every day with joy, not to know the reasons for sadness. May your life be happy, may your friends be faithful, may your relatives be loving, may your success be constant. Health, beauty, charm and fun.

May your anniversary be the most fun and carefree! It will give you new friends, new meetings, new opportunities and adventures! Be irresistible and divine as always! Let the angelic smile and bottomless eyes pierce hearts and leave an indelible mark on men’s fantasies. Health, wisdom, good luck, unconditional victories, and genius in everything!

We arrange a star shower from wishes

To bring this original scenario to life, the idea of ​​which came to Nadezhda Khudyashova’s mind, you will have to thoroughly prepare in advance. Quite large stars should be cut out from golden and silver paper. You can use handmade foil, thick cardboard, and basically anything that comes to your mind. You need to make as many stars as there will be guests at the party.

Say hello to the birthday girl and the rest of the guests and invite them to the center of the room or hall in which the celebration is being held.

Text for the presenter

Dear friends (colleagues, relatives, etc.), now we will play an exciting game - “Starfall of Wishes”. I want everyone to write their own wish for (name of the birthday girl) on the star. We will arrange a real starfall. The wishes that the hero of the occasion catches will come true first. And everyone else, don't get lost either! Have time to make your deepest wish under a falling star.

  • Distribute pre-prepared props to everyone. You should also provide everyone with colored pencils, pens or markers.
  • Ask each guest to write their wishes on the back of the star.
  • Turn on the music ("Star Country", "We wish you happiness" or any other of your choice will do).

On three counts, everyone should throw their stars with kind words higher. The birthday girl should try to catch as many of them as possible. Then you can repeat the action twice more “to be on the safe side.” Everyone returns to the table, where the hero of the occasion reads out the congratulations that she caught.

This scenario is good because it provides an unlimited source for imagination. You can diversify your congratulations only with humorous wishes, and, perhaps, add a game moment to it, which is called the “Necklace of Wishes.” To do this, divide the guests into two teams. They will have to use ordinary paper clips and stars that have fallen on the floor to build improvised beads. Whoever does it faster wins.

Using a secret language of symbols

You can arrange a wonderful congratulation using your knowledge of sacred wisdom by bringing to life the “Full Cup” scenario. Its authorship belongs to Irina Ignatova-Lukashova.

To do this you will need a large and capacious container. You can take a glass or crystal salad bowl or a plastic bowl for fun. Next, you need to put different fruits into a makeshift bowl one at a time. This can be done by the presenter himself or by each of the guests, but then you should agree with them in advance and distribute the words.

Congratulation text

A life of abundance is called a full cup

The wisdom of our ancestors is hidden in it.

Filling her with gifts for (name),

We strengthen our destiny on a happy journey!

  • I wish life to always be abundant! (Pineapple is laid - a symbol of prosperity).
  • I wish you never quarrel with your loved ones and easily resolve any conflicts” (Pear is laid - a symbol of peacemaking).
  • I wish that you are always “pursued” by the favor of higher powers! (Grapes are laid - a symbol of grace).
  • I wish you always have fun in your intimate life! (Strawberries are placed - a symbol of voluptuousness).
  • I wish you eternal and enduring love! (A tomato is laid - a symbol of love).
  • I wish you to act wisely in any situation! (Nuts are stacked - a symbol of intelligence and wisdom).
  • I wish you to always remain energetic and creative (Pomegranate is laid - a symbol of vitality).
  • We wish you a happy family life! (Almonds are laid - a symbol of a successful marriage).

(Additionally, you can look at the meanings of other fruits, and also add sweets in colorful packages with names such as “Inspiration”, “Sweet Life”, “Dream”, “Beloved” and others. Only your imagination will limit you, so go for it and your congratulations will become unique).

Let's paint the asphalt!

You can decorate the sidewalk somewhere in a park near the birthday boy’s house with multi-colored crayons and bring him there blindfolded. You must leave the birthday person at the beginning of the colored path, and stand opposite at the end. Your friend then takes off his blindfold and walks towards you across the decorated slabs. When he approaches, you say: “May every step you take on your life’s path be as bright and colorful as the road you just walked along,” and give him a gift.

Continuing the theme of crayons, you can beautifully paint the asphalt in the birthday boy’s yard under his balcony or the concrete fence opposite the yard, if there is one. You write a congratulation in a large, beautiful font and decorate it with images of hearts, flowers, cakes, balloons - in general, you create a huge postcard on the asphalt. This can be done not only with crayons, but also with paints.

If you want to give a surprise at night, you can use glow-in-the-dark paints, and for greater effect, decorate your creation with lit candles.

A faithful companion to help

When figuring out how interesting it is to congratulate a woman on her anniversary, non-standard birthday greetings should be considered first. Many people consider the congratulation script “The best gift for a girl – “Vasya”” to be one of the most fun and amusing. To bring it to life, you need to print out a full-length, naked image of an arbitrary man. Some choose muscular handsome men, others prefer something simpler, but add abs to him.

Color over “Vasya’s” left ear with a red felt-tip pen, and glue an element of regular beige color on top of it with double-sided tape. You will also need additional panties, which also need to be secured over the main ones. They can be decorated with a cheerful multi-colored pot or other frivolous ornament of your choice. It won’t hurt to stock up on a recording of Syutkin’s song “Vasya” and play it at appropriate moments.

Presenter's text

Dear friends! Dear birthday girl! On such a festive day, we couldn’t think of anything better than giving you a unique gift. Introducing Vasya - the man of dreams for many young beauties, but today you will get him. It has many advantages.

  • Vasya will never swear, even if you came home late and not alone. He will always smile the same mysteriously and promisingly.
  • It doesn't take up much space. Compactness and convenience are its main advantages.
  • If the day is not going well and everything goes wrong, you can throw dishes and even throw darts at it.
  • Vasya is always ready for fun games and transformations: you can decorate him, change his skin color, add brutality with tattoos, and add jewelry.
  • He will never lie, and if he hears a lie, his left ear immediately turns red (with a slight movement, remove the false ear, and then glue it in place).
  • When returning home late, take it with you, and you won’t be afraid of any hooligans. With the help of Vasya you can easily get rid of them.
  • And most importantly, Vasya can be undressed at any time, he is never busy and is always ready for experiments (picturesquely tearing off his false panties to everyone's laughter).

(Finally, by playing a pre-prepared song, you can tie the cardboard Vasya with a beautiful ribbon and give it to the birthday girl).

Butterfly show

Since ancient times, our ancestors considered moths to be a symbol of carelessness, love, as well as the beginning of a new stage in fate. To make your greeting fresh, original and unusual, one that will be remembered for a lifetime, use these mysterious creatures. Moreover, nowadays you can buy them in almost any city. There are many options for how to use this unusual gift.

  • Fireworks made from live butterflies will definitely become a unique holiday decoration, but you can’t do it without the help of specialists.
  • Order a show with moths of different colors to your home. Similar services can be found on the Internet.
  • Bouquets of flowers with live butterflies will also appeal to any woman, regardless of age.
  • A photo zone with butterflies is another good present for a girl.
  • A homemade "butterfly" - a beautiful box in which butterflies are made from pupae, can also be purchased at a specialized store and given to the birthday girl.

Before you decide to give such a gift, it doesn’t hurt to take into account that these beautiful insects are very fragile. Therefore, preparation for the celebration will be painstaking. You must be extremely careful, otherwise the whole surprise may be ruined.

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