100 short SMS happy birthday greetings in prose

Incredible facts

You don't always need a lot of words to wish someone a happy birthday. The most important thing is to let the person know that you remember and are thinking about him

on such an important day.

You can do this through a short message, a card, a social media post, or even face-to-face.

In fact, all you need is a “Happy Birthday!” But this is too general and brief.

To help you wish the most important people in your life, we have compiled a selection of short and meaningful birthday wishes


How to briefly wish happy birthday in your own words

Here is a list of simple and short birthday wishes that will suit almost anyone.

1. Congratulations on another year well lived.

2. Best wishes on your birthday, may you have many of them.

3. Wishing you the happiest birthday ever.

4. Best wishes to a fantastic person on his/her birthday.

5. Happy Birthday! Today is a great day to spend with family and friends and spend money on yourself.

6. I hope you treat yourself to something special on your birthday. You deserve it.

7. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people in the world!

8. Your birthday will be wonderful. I will take care of it. Happy holiday!

9. You make life better for everyone. Thank you for being there!

10. You do so much for others. I hope you can find some time for yourself on your birthday!

11. Happy Birthday! Don't forget to blow out the candles.

12. It's your birthday, have fun! I wish you all the best for next year!

13. Congratulations on another year on Earth.

14. I hope your birthday is everything you dreamed of!

15. Happy birthday anniversary!

16. I wish your birthday is as awesome as you are!

17. Sending you heartfelt birthday wishes and hugs!

18. Lots of good wishes on your birthday!

19. May your birthday be full of fun!

20. May the force be with you on this birthday!

21. Happy Birthday! Wishing you 24 hours of joy on this special day.

Happy birthday greetings short and sweet

A few nice words can brighten up the day of any birthday person. Here are some short and sweet messages for those who mean a lot to you.

22. Happy Birthday to a man who is as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside.

23. Happy Birthday! Today we celebrate your appearance on Earth. What a happy day!

24. I hope your birthday is as special and wonderful as you are.

25. I am grateful that you were born on this day many years ago. This is a real holiday for me!

26. There is not enough room in this world for all the gifts you deserve.

27. Happy Birthday to someone who gets better every year!

28. Happy Birthday! You are one in a billion.

29. May your deepest wishes come true on your birthday!

30. Happy Birthday! Today is the perfect day, because it is your big holiday.

31. My warmest birthday wishes to the one I love so much.

32. Accept the past and the future. The best of life is yet to come. Happy birthday!

33. Forget about age. Remember all the good things in life. Happy birthday!

34. Life is short. Go on an adventure and don't be afraid of anything. Happy birthday!

35. Every birthday with you is a little joy, just like you. Happy holiday!

36. You are our light. You make the Sun shine even on the stormiest day. Happy birthday!

37. You deserve a big celebration. Happy birthday!

38. Happy Birthday! Find joy in every moment.

39. You are still the same beautiful, honest and attentive person you were on the day we met. Happy birthday!

40. Celebrate, laugh, dance, because birthdays only come once a year!

41. My birthday wishes for you are the same every year - be healthy, be kind, be happy.

42. Never stop dreaming, even when all your dreams come true. Happy birthday!

43. May you always be surrounded by beauty, joy and miracles. Happy birthday!

44. May this special day be the sweetest of all birthdays.

Festive funny words for a birthday

May your birthday be full of impressions, may your life be fabulous, and may it give you many unforgettable moments.

May happiness stick to you, May luck pursue you, May the fun never leave you, And everything will be fine.


Birthday is a day of fun, a day of gifts and miracles. Congratulations and wish you a lot of happiness - to heaven!

And so much health, And great, great love, And good luck every day, So that it follows you.

Lots of laughter and fun, and emotions over the edge. Happy Birthday! Well, come on, pour it.


Today you are celebrating your birthday with friends, Here the fun is first class, There is champagne and cake.

You will blow out the candles sharply, It will be the best evening, Kind, very romantic, With a great mood.

For you a bouquet of melodies, Hilarious parodies, Hundreds of toastmaster jokes, For you a star concert!


Let your birthday be crazy, cheerful, drunk, let it sound throughout the whole area

Laughter of friends and clinking of glasses Let everything go with a bang! And it will be easy in the morning!


On your birthday I wish you to be in a cheerful mood. So that there is always a desire to light up and play pranks.

Happy birthday: Lots of joy, fun And victories, good luck, success, Be a great person!

Be different from others: Don't be sad, don't howl, don't whine. Do everything in life Don't miss your finest hour!

Go on vacation five times, travel around the globe, allow what is dear to your heart, live comfortably and happily!

22 Happy birthday, I wish you ease in everything, May all your days give you many joyful moments.

Open your windows, Let the sun into your soul, Lots of sweet impressions, Let the cash register not be empty.

I wish you joy, good luck, solutions to all your problems, well-being and laughter, success in everything!


Happy birthday, dear! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Let them give you diamonds, hurry to accept them!

Let there be more money, And love - worth a million! Don’t let people judge you, You are a champion in life!


How nice it is on your birthday, Forgetting all your regrets, Having a blast, having fun, Enjoying life again!

So that relatives are nearby, And gifts are like stars! And everyone wished with all their hearts to live like this: easy, magical!


Happy Birthday, We baked a pie with jam, We put on bright caps, We held bags of gifts in our hands.

Be happy and healthy, After all, today is the best reason to Make a cherished wish, For example, a trip around the world.

Let things go uphill, Let the heart joyfully shout “Hurray”, You are our cheerful birthday boy, The enemy of sadness and melancholy!

Short birthday greetings to your best friend

Your best friend deserves a unique birthday wish. Here are some options for short wishes.

45. Today I celebrate the birth anniversary of my loved one.

46. ​​I heard that today is your birthday. Another year older is another year wiser, my friend.

47. Happy Birthday to someone who is absolutely and unconditionally irreplaceable to me.

48. If cool was a crime, you'd be first on the most wanted list. Happy birthday!

49. Wishing my/my boyfriend/girlfriend the most amazing birthday.

50. Happy Birthday to one of the most wonderful people to ever live on Earth.

51. Happy Birthday, my dear friend! Have a nice day!

52. Happy Birthday, friend! May the coming year be great for you.

53. Happy birthday to a wonderful friend!

54. Happy Birthday, friend! I hope you have fun today and eat a big piece of cake!

55. Happy Birthday to my best friend! I raise a glass to another year of friendship.

56. Happy Birthday, friend! You are simply the best.

57. Happy Birthday to a wonderful person and friend. Let's drink to another wonderful year.

58. Happy Birthday to my dearest friend. May your birthday be memorable.

59. Happy Birthday! You have always been an exceptional friend.

60. There is no friend better than you. Happy birthday!

61. What would I do without a friend like you? Happy birthday!

62. Happy Birthday, dear friend! I wish you years of happiness, love and new experiences.

63. Happy Birthday to my best friend! You are simply incredible!

64. Happy Birthday to my wonderful friend! Let's make this day amazing.

65. Although I can’t celebrate your birthday today, you are always in my thoughts.

66. Happy Birthday! Sending you my warm wishes and big hugs on your special day.

67. When I found out that today is your birthday, I decided to send you something special, but I was not allowed to send me.

Funny scenes for a woman’s birthday: choose options for funny congratulations to the birthday girl!


1. Sister No. 1 Miramistina.

2. Sister No. 2 Avdulina.

3. Sister No. 3 Alyonushka

4. The fourth face is the Mirror (speaking).

5. The main character is the Tsar.

(We choose active, artistic, and well-fed men for the role of sisters, or, on the contrary, very thin men. For the role of Alyonushka - a large and “powerful” guest - so that he can lift the king in his arms).

Props and musical accompaniment

1. Chopped musical pieces (listed below), recorded voice of the presenter.

2. For girls : shaggy wigs, braids, false breasts, butts (or balloons), handbags, beads, fans, hats.

3. For the mirror : stretch foil over a stretcher and have a hole in the center for the face.

4. For the king , a crown, a toy or self-made scepter, a staff, a cloak.

Progress of the scene


They lived and did not grieve. The three sisters lived together. The eldest Miramistina (appears to the background fairy-tale music), Middle, the light of Avdulina (Avdulina appears), And the fourth was called affectionately and drawlingly: “Alyonushka” (Alyonushka appears).

Three girls sang songs in the evening, saying that men had forgotten them... How could they get married, find grooms for themselves...

The older sister gets up and immediately goes to the mirror. She approaches the mirror and asks a question about herself.

(A fragment of Aleksin’s song “Well, why are you so scary”) is included.

Avdulina smiled and also bent over to the mirror - Tell me about me, what did I do for three days?!

(Song of Glory “Loneliness is a bastard!”).

Alyonushka went to the mirror, wiped the dust off it and heard:

Song “How beautiful you are today!” V. Meladze


As soon as the mirror sang, the door creaked quietly, And the king entered the little room - the sovereign of that side!

(Background music)

The three sisters modestly (I say again - modestly!!) stood up and bowed to the Tsar... The Tsar was single, although not at all young. The king looked at those girls and quietly sang a song...

((Song of the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” “Girls are different”).

Here the sisters became shy, but were not at all confused - The first one quickly said: “We have gifts, for starters!” Of course, I won’t say anything, but what do I want from you!?

(Seryoga’s song “Black Boomer”)

Presenter : Well, the middle one said that she only needs a little, just crumbs... for the path!

(Song of Viagra “Girls’ best friends are diamonds”).

Presenter : The youngest Alyonushka did not ask for any gifts, but approached the Tsar and, suddenly, it rang out:

Yu. Karaulova’s song “I Just Want It So.”

The king was completely confused, he wanted to please everyone! All the girls are good, you need to choose for the soul!

Song “If I were a Sultan!”

Presenter : The mirror was indignant here, it bent over the Tsar, “What are you doing, Tsar’s face?” Here the king scratched his neck, there’s something I didn’t tell you... Don’t be angry with me, find out the truth about me!

An excerpt from Igor’s song “My Mom Makes Coffee” with the words “But I don’t have money, as always!”

When Miramistina heard it, she immediately produced a picture : The song “Get Out” Viagra!

Avdulina did not play up, she repeated her thought loudly: The song “I will send him to heaven for an asterisk” by Lolita

Presenter : And Alyonushka sighed, pulled the Tsar’s hands and...

Song "I'll kiss you" gr. "Factory". During the song, Alyonushka takes the Tsar in his arms and carries him away.

Presenter : That's the end of the fairy tale! The king finally got married! And we wish our birthday girl love and love again!

Short birthday greetings to a colleague

When congratulating a co-worker, it's best to keep it simple and professional. These wishes are perfect.

68. Happy Birthday! I wish you a year of continued success.

69. Wishing you a happy birthday and a prosperous year.

70. Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day and an even better year.

71. Happy Birthday! Celebrate well today.

72. Happy Birthday! I wish you a well-deserved holiday.

73. Enjoy today, because birthdays only come once a year!

74. It’s a pleasure to work with the birthday boy/girl!

75. Happy birthday to the person who makes you want to come to work!

76. Happy Birthday to the best colleague in the world.

77. I am honored to work with you and have the opportunity to wish you a Happy Birthday!

78. Happy Birthday from our entire team!

79. Without you, our team will not be the same! Happy birthday!

80. Happy Birthday, I wish you continued success in your career.

81. Warmest birthday wishes from the entire team!

82. On behalf of everyone in our office, Happy Birthday!

83. Happy Birthday! I admire your hard work!

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