Meeting guests at the table, at a wedding, at an anniversary. How to introduce guests. Comic introduction of guests. An example of how to introduce a guest, in a comic form, in poetry, for congratulations, on an anniversary, at weddings

A large selection of scenarios for meeting and presenting the hero of the day in different styles. It will help to start the holiday in a fun and original way and indicate its focus, style and theme. It will be useful for those who want to organize an anniversary celebration on their own, without resorting to the services of a professional toastmaster.

The introductory part of each evening is a very important moment that sets the tone for the holiday as a whole. When preparing the anniversary script, include an interesting beginning in it - a playful or entertaining scene of a meeting of the hero of the day, so that she immediately feels like the central person of the holiday, and the guests feel the fun and free atmosphere of the event.

In general, the scenario can contain very diverse numbers and entertainment, or it can be designed in the same style - choose the option that will suit the taste of the hero of the occasion.

  • View “Original meeting of the hero of the day at the beginning of the evening” Part 2

“Magic Garden” - presentation of hosts and guests at the anniversary

Scenario for meeting the hero of the day with an entertaining survey game to meet and introduce guests in a floral style. The hero of the day acts as the Flower Fairy, and the guests take on the roles of flowers. The scenario is perfect for a woman who is famous for her love of flowers, the owner of a garden and a summer house. It’s great if the anniversary can be spent outdoors or in the countryside - the holiday will be doubly harmonious.

The script is long, so please follow the link below.

  • Read the entire script “The Magic Garden”

How to introduce guests at a wedding

A wedding is the largest and grandest event not only in the lives of young people. At such events, it is better to divide the guests into several groups/companies, this makes it easier to hold competitions and also introduce people. Companies can be grouped by profession, hobbies, motorists, hunting/fishing enthusiasts, etc. Such mini-companies have a lot in common; they are easily included in games and competitions.


The comic performance of the guests adds some zest to the celebration. Today, comic songs for each guest and inscriptions on badges are considered quite popular. It is also important to put on musical cuts that welcome mini companies, informing the city of arriving guests, professional activities, hobbies. Short poems work great; they quickly lift the spirits of not only the arriving company, but also all the guests.

A rather interesting option is introducing a hint or a riddle. This comic form allows guests to easily remember who is who.


A presentation with all the regalia, kinship, first and last names is considered correct, but completely boring. Another thing is the informal presentation by the presenter, which at the same time amuses and fascinates with its meaning, removes awkwardness and allows you to easily plunge into the festive atmosphere. The presentation should be interesting, kind, without familiarity and vulgarity.

in verse

Introducing each guest in poetry is possible if there are not many guests. Then short quatrains will cause a storm of joyful emotions and will not take much time. For large wedding events this is a completely bad option.

The presenter can read out the main part of the rhyme himself, leaving one or two words for the guests to complete the presentation. The poem must rhyme, this is the basic rule. Well, good, you can’t do without it!

"Attention! Attention! The hero of the day is wanted! — meeting in the style of “James Bond 007”


  • The TV screen is fake.
  • Black and white photograph of the hero of the day - front and profile.
  • Audio recording of music from the movie "James Bond 007" + fanfare.
  • Rose petals - natural or artificial.

Guests are standing in the room with champagne and flowers. Music from the movie "James Bond 007" is playing. A black and white photograph of the hero of the day is shown on the screen - in front and in profile. “Behind the scenes” the stern voice of the presenter sounds.

Presenter: Attention, attention! We are looking for a particularly charming birthday girl. Special features: shining eyes, a dazzling smile, luxurious hairstyle and a happy look. Presumably dressed in a fancy dress. Armed with crazy charm. May carry gifts and a bouquet of flowers. When meeting the birthday girl, you should behave promptly: shoot the cork of a champagne bottle at the ceiling, throw rose petals, utter enthusiastic compliments and words of congratulations. If there is resistance, shout loudly: “Happy Birthday!” and squeeze in a warm embrace. It is strictly forbidden to: be bored, yawn, talk about abstract topics. Remember, incorrect behavior threatens to ruin the mood of the hero of the day! Be carefull! She is already close...

The music changes to fanfare, the birthday girl enters the room, the guests joyfully shout: “Happy birthday!” and shower her with rose petals.

“Seasons” - meeting the birthday girl at the women's anniversary


  • Seasons - Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. You can choose a man for the role of Summer, a young girl for the role of Spring, and women of a suitable type and character for Winter and Autumn. For characters, you can make headdresses in the style and colors of the seasons (for example, a blue hat with white fur and sparkles or a kokoshnik for Winter; a wreath of delicate flowers for Spring; a straw hat decorated with flowers and berries for Summer; a knitted hat with decorations from autumn leaves - for Autumn), use suitable scarves, capes, etc. - depending on capabilities. The simplest option is cardboard headbands with inscriptions and symbols of the seasons.

Props, gifts:

  • A crystal (glass) vase , decanter or other suitable utensils - presented by Winter.
  • A thin “magic” wand made of metal or glass - for Winter. When you hit the glass lightly, you should get a melodic ringing sound.
  • A flower heart in a box or in the form of a bouquet (or candy) - given by Spring.
  • A basket of fruits or berries 0 is presented by Summer.
  • Umbrella - given by Autumn.
  • Phonograms of popular songs for all seasons - choose as you wish

Presenter: Make way, friends, make way. At this moment, smile from your heart. Skip forward without a doubt You are the one whose birthday it is!

(Fanfare sounds, the hero of the day enters)

Presenter: What is a year? This is 365 days, 12 months, 4 seasons. When can you celebrate all the seasons together? Only in a fairy tale. And since today is a special, fabulous, anniversary day, we will see a miracle - all seasons at the same time! Meet the Enchantress Winter at our holiday!

(Winter comes out to a winter song)

Winter: Winter is the queen of carnivals, and it’s time for bright holidays. Let there be confetti happiness and tinsel pleasures in your life.

So, friends, make wishes for the hero of the day, and I will definitely fulfill them when my time comes!

(The guests express their wishes for the hero of the day, and Winter hits the crystal vase with her magic wand, as if recording each wish. At the end, she hands the vase to the hero of the day and leaves).

Presenter: And so, Winter gives up its rights to Spring! What does spring bring with it? Streams, bright sun, blooming leaves and flowers…. Let's meet. Fairy of the year - beautiful Spring!

(Spring comes out to the spring song)

Spring: Like a fairy of beauty, Always beautiful and bright. The beautiful Spring brings a heart of flowers for you (name of the hero of the day).

Let it fill your soul with love, And let all your cherished dreams come true, May every day be the best, After all, there is still a lot of beauty in life.

(Spring goes around the guests so that everyone touches the heart. Then he puts a flower heart in front of the hero of the day and leaves)

Presenter: So spring has passed, and Summer has quietly crept up to replace it. What does Summer bring with it? (Guests answer). So, let's meet. Lady summer!

(Summer comes out with a basket of fruits and berries in her hands to a summer song)

Summer: And like a ray of sunshine, Shining Summer brings you the gift. So that abundance and wealth fill the house, Keep the juicy fruit, you are always in it.

(Summer gives a basket to the hero of the day, kisses her and dances to the song, leaves.)

Presenter: And now we have reached the main time of the year. Autumn! Why is Autumn the most important time of year? (Guests say their options). What is beautiful about Autumn? (Guests answer). So, let's meet! Lady Autumn!

(Autumn comes out accompanied by an autumn song).

Autumn: I am Lady Autumn, the queen of inspiration! I bring peace and tenderness with me. With my umbrella I will protect you from worries, bad weather, and, of course, bad weather.

(Autumn carries an umbrella over all the guests to the music, then gives the umbrella to the hero of the day and leaves).

Presenter: Well, (name), a year has passed, and you have a lot of guests! Call everyone to the table as soon as possible to celebrate your anniversary!

(The hero of the day invites, the guests are seated at the tables)

Definition of anniversary and its types

An anniversary is a solemn celebration of a milestone date or other significant anniversary.

Such an event is not held every year, so its organization must be at a decent level so that the hero of the day and guests remember the celebration for a long time.

Depending on the thematic focus, several types of anniversaries can be distinguished:

  • Corporate anniversaries
    Such celebrations are dedicated to the anniversary of the establishment of a company or enterprise. Holding corporate events is not only an opportunity to represent the company, but also to unite the team of employees and unlock their potential.
  • Wedding anniversaries
    A wedding anniversary is a emotional memory of the most important day in a couple’s life, an opportunity to go back a few years and feel like newlyweds again.

    Each wedding anniversary has its own name and corresponding traditions.

  • Personal anniversaries
    The anniversary celebration in honor of the birthday takes place once every five years - dates ending in the numbers “5” and “0” are considered anniversaries. At such events, a definite summary of the life achievements and acquisitions of the hero of the occasion is summed up.

    Anniversaries are often considered to be other significant birthdays that are turning points in the life of every person - for example, coming of age.

    It is important that such an important event is attended not only by the closest people, but also by a wider circle of relatives and friends.

  • So that no one gets bored, and the holiday is remembered for a long time, prepare comic congratulations on the anniversary from our selection.
  • Your boyfriend deserves to receive an original birthday gift, see ideas here.

“Health, Happiness and Love” - meeting the hero of the day with wishes and gifts


  • Health, Happiness, Love - three guests with signs, headbands or ribbons that say “Health”, “Happiness”, “Love”. If desired, these roles can be distributed among relatives: Love = spouse or loved one, happiness = one of the children or grandchildren, Health = parents, brother or sister.


  • A basket of fruits gives you health.
  • A basket with candies or sweets gives Happiness
  • A basket of flowers or a bouquet gives Love.
  • firecrackers or balloons for fireworks.

Presenter: Make way, friends, make way, At this moment, smile from the bottom of your heart, Let the one who has a birthday pass forward without a doubt!

(The hero of the day enters)

Presenter: Oh, how elegant, dear Anniversary! It’s shining all around - the holiday has come to our house with her!

Don’t rush to sit down at the table, First, accept our gifts: First, we give you health, For your great feast!

(One of the relatives comes out with a “health” sign and brings out a basket of fruit)

Health: I tell you with love, may your health be strong! You will always shine, surprise everyone with your beauty!

Presenter: Now we will give you happiness and give him the floor!

A guest comes out with the inscription “Happiness” and hands the hero of the day a basket of sweets.

Happiness: What to wish for? Of course - happiness! It is everywhere: in flowers, in dreams, Sometimes in music, sometimes in bad weather, Sometimes only in dear eyes!

Presenter: Well, now it’s time for love, Well, love, come out!

“Love” comes out with flowers, handing them to the hero of the day.

Love: I wish you the best in everything, success and love in your family. It can be difficult in life, I know, But you always go forward.

Presenter: And it’s time, in honor of these minutes, to hear us here the anniversary fireworks!

(Guests pop balloons or explode firecrackers).


Well, you have received the first wishes - And we are waiting for everyone to be invited to the table.

The hero of the day thanks the guests for their congratulations and gifts and invites everyone to the table.

Opening speech at the anniversary

1. Hello! It’s very nice to see you all at our holiday! And today we have a wonderful occasion - we want to celebrate the anniversary birthday of an amazing woman - Galina’s birthday! Let's start celebrating, sit down, serve, pour, don't be shy, smile, anticipate fun, and everyone have a good mood for tonight, it's all just beginning!

2. A Russian proverb says: The word is silver, silence is gold. But since we are celebrating a silver wedding today, I dare to ignore the gold, that is, silence, and say a few words. Today marks 25 years since a gentle bride in a white dress and a young groom took an oath of fidelity for life. And they kept this oath, as we can be convinced of today. Despite the passing years, (names) remained the same and only time slightly covered their heads with silvery frost. Both on sunny and cloudy days they understood each other, lived the same life, learning to believe, hope and love. Looking at (names) surrounded by a cheerful circle of children, relatives and friends, the soul becomes light. Let us wish that they celebrate the 50th anniversary of their married life just as cheerfully and happily. Let the guests stand up together and shout to the spouses: congratulations. Now let’s fill the glasses and raise them to the heroes of the day. Raise your glass higher and higher and drink it all to the bottom for our heroes of the day.

3. Good afternoon, dear guests! We have gathered here today, in this beautiful hall, to celebrate the anniversary of a wonderful man in a solemn, festive atmosphere………..

I am very glad that I have the opportunity to tell all the assembled guests what an exceptional person our hero of the day is. Worthy of the deepest respect from everyone who sees the results, I will not be afraid of these words, great deeds, real achievements of our dear hero of the day for the benefit of people.

I don’t want to talk much about the work of ………… at this festive evening, but it is impossible not to note that he is one of the founders and continuers of the traditions of the Russian army, one of the founders of ……………….., a continuer of the traditions of the Slavic culture of martial arts .

Today, in this hall, our birthday boy is surrounded by sincere people, proven by years of true friendship, these are childhood friends, colleagues, associates and partners who came to this holiday to personally convey to you…………… the warmth of their friendship, bright smiles and the best wishes.

It’s nice to see family and friends surrounding our hero of the day, mother…………. who came from Belarus, a loving wife and not just a wife, but a main friend and comrade-in-arms, ……………, who is ………………… The pride of our hero of the day, Son …………. Daughter …………. A young mother and, of course, a granddaughter, ………who is only 3.5 months old.

And in honor of the opening of the gala evening, I ask everyone to stand with glasses in their hands. Expensive ……………..! In honor of the glorious anniversary, we wish you the main thing, Long years, good health, a life surrounded by love, Success in business for the whole century, everything that makes a person happy, Happy anniversary to you…………………!!!

4. Presenter: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! To celebrate our anniversary, I need very responsible assistants. You need to select _________________ Analysts. _________________ Practitioners. This is necessary so that Analysts monitor: “Did we all get a drink?” Practices to monitor: “Has everyone drunk?” So begin your duties.

5. Dear friends! We open this evening dedicated to our hero of the day. I immediately want to get everyone in the mood not only for serious words that will definitely be said to her, but also for jokes and humor, so that the hero of the day will remember this evening as one of the most fun holidays. Today we have the honor to congratulate you on your anniversary. Look, this holiday has brought together all your friends here!

You have something to remember, something to be proud of, and you are an example for us in everything. And let the years fly like birds, you won’t care about them.

Today we will hear many different speeches, not only congratulatory and praising, but also analytical and even critical speeches. And I want to give the first word for such a speech to one of the friends of the hero of the day.

More congratulations

“Beauty Queen” - meeting the hero of the day


  • A crown or diadem for the hero of the day - made in any way, or a real decoration.
  • The royal ribbon is a strip of beautiful fabric with the inscription “Queen-20..”, which can be tied over the shoulder (can be made immediately in a connected form and simply put on).
  • Flowers from guests.
  • Phonogram of the song “Beauty Queen”

(Waiting for the hero of the day, guests line up in a semicircle. Fanfares or other celebratory music sound).

Presenter: We invite the one whose birthday it is to join our circle of guests. And as a sign of love and respect, we greet you with applause!

(The hero of the day enters the hall to the applause of the guests)

Presenter: I ask all the guests for a moment of attention, Today is not just an anniversary being held here, Not just a birthday in the midst of the bustle of everyday life - Today a beauty contest will be held here! I ask all lovely applicants to go forward, and let the jury choose the best of the best!

Ladies please!

(The presenter accompanies her words with an inviting gesture and the female guests take a small step forward)

Presenter: There must be a queen, without a doubt, dearer to everyone, And she must captivate all men with her beauty. Blonde or brunette - then, of course, it doesn’t matter, Only the main condition must be met: We will award the crown not to the one who is young, But to the one who did not break, but adorned the years! There are quite a few beautiful women among us, But only one has light streaming from her eyes, Only she has an extraordinary look today And the most royal and festive outfit!

(Looks at the hero of the day and gestures to the guests to evaluate the contender)

Presenter: Do you agree with me? Please look me in the eye... Against who? Who abstained? Everyone unanimously “For!”

(The guests unanimously raise their hands, voting for the hero of the day.)

Presenter: I will name the queen as soon as possible - (Name and patronymic of the hero of the day) celebrates her anniversary! The queen's crown, which burns with gold, is presented by the chairman of the competent jury!

(The husband, son, son-in-law or nephew puts a crown or diadem on the birthday girl’s head)

Presenter: We'll tie a ribbon on her chest! Let that ribbon tell everyone on the right, everyone on the left, who is the queen today!

(Children or any guests put a ribbon over the shoulder of the birthday girl with the inscription “Queen-20...”)

Presenter: I ask: observe etiquette with the queen!

(The phonogram of the song “Beauty Queen” plays. To the music, all the men present take turns approaching the hero of the day and handing her flowers with a kiss or bow to the hero of the day. At the end of the ceremony, the music fades away).

Presenter: I ask: observe etiquette with the queen. Well, now everyone is at the table - it’s time to start the banquet!

A couple of phrases from us:

This option for starting the evening is perfect for the anniversary scenario, which also uses other “Royal” numbers: comic congratulations from heads of state, rendering “royal honors” to the hero of the day, humorous scenes with the participation of fairy-tale characters, etc.

Another option - a scenario based on the beauty industry - is suitable for the hero of the day, whose work is related to this industry, creativity, and art.

“Red carpet” - meeting the hero of the day


  • The red carpet is a real one, or a fairly long piece of red fabric, paper, wallpaper, etc.
  • A crown is a fake crown or a diadem on a rim.
  • Firecrackers, sparklers , etc. — are distributed to guests and used upon a signal from the presenter.

A red carpet was laid out from the entrance to the desired location; guests were located on both sides of it, forming a corridor.

Presenter: Attention, attention, dear guests, please do not disperse, but it is better for you to cheer up, After all, a beautiful queen is entering the solemn hall!

(The hero of the day enters the hall and is immediately given a crown.)

Presenter: And now we royally welcome (name) the queen and in her honor the fireworks sparkle and sparkle!

(The presenter makes a sign to the guests, and they fire firecrackers or light sparklers).

Presenter: You call this woman a queen, Kiss her hands - both right and left. Free her, beautiful one, from worries, If she won’t dance, lead her by force! Today you laugh three times as much for her, Warm her soul with her favorite song, So that she doesn’t forget these feelings for a long time, After all, today is a difficult day - it’s the Anniversary!

Walk along the red carpet, queen, and invite your dear guests to the table!

(The hero of the day walks along the “red carpet” to her place to the music, then turns to the guests and invites them to the table)

A couple of phrases from us:

In addition to the crown, the hero of the day can wear a “robe” made of fabric. Well, if someone is going to give her a shawl, stole, fur coat or something else similar, then this thing can play the role of a mantle. A beautiful tiara or a decorated hairband can also become a real gift, and not a prop.

To make the ceremony of walking along the “red carpet” more solemn, the hero of the day can be accompanied on both sides by “pages”, “maids of honor”, ​​“knights” from among the guests. If desired, you can prepare some costume details for these characters - hats, fans, cardboard or plastic swords, etc. Those accompanying them can support the “queen” or walk half a step behind.

The “red carpet” can be fenced off on both sides with ribbons or braid, so that there is enough space in the center for the “queen and her retinue” to move around. Hand the ribbons to four guests and place them at the beginning of the path and at the end - let them stretch them and hold them while the “royal procession” lasts.

Competitions for women's anniversary

A good scenario for a woman's anniversary is decorated with common games. We present several competition ideas:

  • The game is played at a table, or even better in a circle. The presenter tells everyone what action he would never dare to do or has not yet done. For example, “I will never jump with a parachute,” “I have never eaten a caterpillar, but I really want to try.” What revelations do your guests keep?
  • Add some activity and have a relay race! And you need to pass on not just anything, but a round and terribly slippery orange, and without using your hands, just holding it with your chin to your shoulder. The winning team receives a prize!
  • Try to determine the most logical lady of your evening. Several participants are called and tricky situations are asked. For example, “what should you do if your husband’s parents come to you in 15 minutes, but nothing is ready for the table: the soup is too salty, the pie is burnt,” etc. The one whose answer turns out to be wittier and more interesting wins.
  • In the middle of the evening, it's time to organize a sculpture workshop. Divide all guests into groups of 4 people and give the task on cards: depict a composition made of marble. The sculptures can be the following: “Turnip, Grandmother and Grandfather”, “Lonely Decanter”, “Horses on the Balcony”, etc.
  • You can draw a box of chocolates among the fair half of the hall. Let everyone guess how many candies are inside. Afterwards the box is opened and the contents are counted. The most insightful person is given a sweet gift.

“Spinning and spinning” - an anniversary scene with balloons


  • Balloons of red, blue and green colors are inflated. Before the start, they are distributed to the guests. During the congratulations, guests present the hero of the day with balloons of the color mentioned in the text.
  • Backing track of the song “The blue ball is spinning and spinning.” The text of the wishes is read to the music or sung. It can be performed by both the presenter and groups of guests with balls of the commemorated color.

(The guests line up to meet the hero of the day, holding balloons in their hands, the backing track of the song is turned on. The hero of the day enters the hall).

Presenter: The earthly ball is spinning and spinning. Years, like birds, fly in succession. We came to congratulate you on your anniversary. We brought balloons with us as gifts.

In red balloons there is an expression of love (given) We have now brought them with us. Friendship and fidelity are a fiery sign. We have brought it in our hearts.

Blue dreams in blue balloons (give) So that you continue to dream, So that all your dreams come true - This is what we all want now.

In the green ball hope lives (is given) That you will be happy, That there will be no war in the world, The forests and gardens will be green.

We didn’t carry the black ball with us, not because we didn’t find it, but because in the hearts of the guests there was only a wish for sunny days.

“Sea of ​​Roses” - congratulations to the hero of the day on her 50th birthday


  • 25 fresh roses

Before the meeting of the hero of the day, roses are distributed to the guests. Then, in turn, each guest gives the hero of the day one rose, and the presenter voices her wish.

This greeting is designed for 25 guests, but you can easily add your wishes if there are more guests.


Dear birthday girl, Today you are celebrating a wonderful anniversary, you are greeting your friends and guests with a smile. But the guests, I will say, did not come empty-handed, they brought scarlet (white) roses with them as a gift to you. We will take every rose into consideration, Because they contain hidden heartfelt wishes for you.

  • - The first rose is for love, so that you can save it.
  • - Rose number two, wishes you more good things in life.
  • — I wish you health all your days, rose number three.
  • - The fourth rose, in any case, wants to live in prosperity.
  • - The fifth rose is for happiness, let bad weather avoid your house.
  • - The sixth one wants to live without boredom, let your children and grandchildren make you happy.
  • - The seventh wishes not to know poverty, to prosper in any business!
  • - The eighth wishes to have true friends, forever from A to Z.
  • - Rose Nine wishes you to achieve your cherished goal for days, years and weeks!
  • - The tenth wishes that the head does not turn gray, and never, never hurts.
  • — Rose 11 wishes that your pocket would be thick and bananas and cabbage would bloom.
  • - The twelfth wishes more joy than worries, more rest than work.
  • - The thirteenth wishes, live, be a fool, love children, so that everything in life will be okay.
  • — Rose 14 wants to live, like in a fairy tale, in full health and affection.
  • - The fifteenth wants to forget about old age - it is so far away! And more joy, let life be easy!
  • — Rose 16 congratulates you from the bottom of her heart and wishes you eternal vigor.
  • “Seventeenth wants to be beautiful like Madonna, quirky like Jackie Chan, so that Chuck Noris can take her to the movies and Schwarzenegger protects her.”
  • - Eighteenth wants to be the happiest, loved by everyone, cheerful, beautiful.
  • - The nineteenth is simple in her congratulations, she wishes to live another half century.
  • - Love your husband more deeply, don’t click your teeth on him, wishes rose number 20.
  • - Twenty-one wishes that when you go to bed, 4 angels will protect your sleep.
  • - Twenty-second wishes that the sun always smiles on you, that your cherished dream comes true.
  • “And these three roses wish that there be no tears, and, like today, a sea of ​​roses always surrounds you.”

Surprise washed over us all, There are only 25 roses. After all, half a century has passed for you today, After all, we are celebrating your fifty.

She's twenty-five today, guys! Just twice 25…. She will be fifty someday, and today she is 25!

“Fire, water and copper pipes” - meeting and testing the hero of the day


  • Candles - quantity as desired. They are lined up on the floor in any configuration - in the form of a path or obstacles. (Fire Challenge)
  • Matches or a lighter - for the person who will light the candles.
  • Containers with water - plates, glasses, jars - whatever. They are placed on the floor replacing candles, or in advance (if the area of ​​the hall allows), continuing the fiery path. (Test "Water")
  • Laurel leaves or a wreath , small mirrors, flowers, pieces of copper or copper pipes (can be replaced with souvenir angels with timpani), beautiful jars with the inscriptions “Flattery”, “Confessions”, “Honours” - everything is laid out after the vessels with water. (Copper Pipes Test)
  • basket . Placed on the floor after items symbolizing glory
  • Cones - spruce or any other (can be artificial). (Test "Strikes of Fate")
  • Twigs are dry twigs. Given to the hero of the day during the fifth “Mistakes” test.

Presenter: Today is a significant day for ... (name and patronymic of the hero of the day), but before we start our holiday, I propose to see how our birthday girl walked along the road of life to her anniversary. The first test is by fire!

(The candles placed on the floor are set on fire. The birthday girl steps over the fire or walks between the candles).

Presenter: There were very, very many lights on the road of life! Many smoked and smoldered, and wanted to cover the path with smoke. Others burned with flames, Burned brightly, but did not warm. And there were those that burned and left a scar on the heart. The lights were different - they blazed and, warming, they encouraged, they instilled hope and dreams and, of course, they forced us to live!

So, the fires have passed! Applause to our heroine! And she, without stopping, moves on, full of strength and energy. And the next obstacle is water!

Containers with water are placed on the floor. The hero of the day steps over them, or passes between them.

Presenter: Water... She has been running all her life, Drowning plans and getting in the way! And it cooled, it froze, And it soaked my reputation! She kept trying to swim away, almost got swept away by a wave, and almost pulled her into the pool! But more often it gave strength, and did not interfere with swimming freely! She held her high on the crest and didn’t let her go down, she washed away the sweat, the shame, she gave her water, she cleansed her soul and washed her with soap!

Our heroine passed this obstacle successfully. And now she is approaching a new life test - the test of glory.

The hero of the day carefully walks around objects symbolizing glory or steps over them.

Presenter: Well, who doesn’t love them - Laurels of glory, copper pipes? Like hypnosis, they will spin you around And they sing, they ring, they blow! Flattery will blur your eyes, tie your hands with a cobweb: It can be difficult to figure out where is the truth and where is false! You have to walk a lot to understand it all!

Look, look! Our heroine overcame this test with honor! Well done! But there is a new obstacle ahead! Attention! The fourth test is the blows of fate.

Guests from different directions begin to throw cones at the feet of the hero of the day. She takes the basket and starts collecting them.

Presenter: And on the road of life we ​​picked up a lot of bumps! They flew from above, from the side... And from where they were not expected... We collected a lot of them, While the years passed!

Applause for the birthday girl! (guests clap)

Yes, the path of life was harsh, I had to break some wood!

(The guests hand the hero of the day a few twigs, she breaks them).

Presenter: So nothing broke, Life gave more strength! Tempered only for years of trials and tribulations.

This is how our birthday girl overcame life’s difficulties and obstacles on this part of her journey with honor and dignity! Applause!

Author of the basis: Guseva L. A.

A couple of phrases from us:

In the original, the hero of the day passes each test after the presenter reads the corresponding poem, but we would recommend that everything happen at the same time: the presenter reads, the hero of the day goes. For the background, you can choose a suitable melody, or mount a cut of five compositions suitable for each theme.

In this option, the first test can be quite dangerous, since open fire is used. The hero of the day will need to be very careful so that the hem of her dress does not get caught in the flames or something unexpected happens. This test should not be carried out if the hero of the day is very advanced in age or has problems with mobility. For safety, you can place candles in glass jars, or even use artificial counter candles, lay out a path of Christmas tree garland, or come up with some other alternative option.

If you still decide to use candles, stock up on a small fire extinguisher or a bucket of water, just in case. The cause of trouble can be inappropriate guests, children, pets and a regular draft.

Regarding cones, make sure that the age and physical condition of the hero of the day will allow her to collect the cones easily and gracefully. By and large, this scenario is suitable for fairly young and active ladies.

"Celebratory Rally" - 50th Anniversary


  • Posters with slogans: “25 again!”, “Give 25 twice!”, “All power to Komsomol members, athletes and simply beauties!”, “Power to the Soviets, land to the peasants, factories to the workers, gifts to the birthday girl!” etc. - you can come up with your own options.
  • Red scarf - for the hero of the day . If desired, you can distribute it to other ladies.
  • Flags - small flags - red or state colors (there may be options).
  • Red ribbon and scissors. The ribbon is either pre-stretched in front of the banquet table (can be secured between two chairs, columns, etc.), or it is stretched by the guests. The hero of the day cuts the ribbon according to the script.
  • Phonogram - march "Farewell of the Slav"

Music is playing. Guests unfold and raise the prepared posters.

Presenter: Dear guests! Today we have gathered in this hall - can you hear the music? - to a festive meeting on the occasion of the farewell of the Slavic woman... excuse me, (name and patronymic of the hero of the day), with her youth. From now on, this is not a young activist, Komsomol member and beauty, but a lady meeting her maturity. Therefore, prepare your firecrackers, firecrackers, fireworks, flowers, applause and slogans, and meet the hero of the occasion!

(To the music, the hero of the day in a red headscarf enters the hall).

Presenter: Long live our intelligentsia, of which (name and patronymic of the hero of the day) is a prominent representative! Hooray!

(The guests shout “Hurray!” in unison)

Presenter: Long live our employees and mental workers represented by... (name, patronymic of the hero of the day)! Hooray! (guests shout) Long live the workers of the factory/enterprise/company/office... (name), the most persistent and persistent! Hooray! Long live the procurement and acquisitions department, whose face is (name, patronymic of the hero of the day)! Hooray!

(Guests shout “Hurray!”, wave flags and banners)

Presenter: Comrades! Please consider the meeting open! The floor is given to a party member... sorry, I got carried away... a member of the trade union committee since 1974, a shock worker of all five-year plans, an activist with experience... (name, patronymic of the hero of the day)!

Anniversary girl: Comrades! Our existence and our mood are in our own hands! Down with decadent thoughts, despondency and dullness! Long live humor, enthusiasm, good mood and positive thoughts! For the creatively minded masses - good news: a set table awaits everyone, and I am opening the second part of the rally - a banquet!

(The hero of the day takes scissors and solemnly cuts the red ribbon, clearing the way to the table.

Anniversary girl: Hurray, comrades! (guests shout “Hurray!”) Everyone please come to the table!

Author of the basis: Berdnikova L.D.

A couple of phrases from us:

The “meeting” can be expanded by preparing speeches by several guests in the same spirit, who will say a few words about the hero of the day. These can be words from the manager (the contribution of the hero of the day to the struggle for the success of the enterprise), friends from “fiery youth”, comrades-in-arms (colleagues), etc.

To keep the script in the same style, you can include congratulations from the pioneers, congratulations based on the “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, adaptations of old revolutionary songs, etc. This version of the scenario is good for people who are nostalgic for the USSR, so you can add Soviet paraphernalia and symbols to the decoration of the holiday and the hall, decorate it in appropriate colors, etc. Scarlet “revolutionary” bows pinned to the guests’ clothes would also be appropriate.

It’s easy to remake the script for a men’s anniversary by slightly changing the test and making a reference to another film suitable on the topic.

Stages of preparing a holiday party

Select the date of the celebration and time of reception of guests

Focus on weekends and holidays, when people are free from work and in no hurry. For an adult celebration, it is better to choose the evening; Organize a children's birthday party during the daytime.

Determine your holiday budget

Not only the holiday menu, but also the entertainment program, as well as the number of invited guests, depend on financial capabilities.

To make it easier for you to control costs, divide the preparation of the celebration into several components and calculate the amount of each of them - drawing up and sending out invitations, room decor, festive table, memorable souvenirs for guests, etc.

Make a guest list

This step is necessary for three reasons.

First of all, you won't lose sight of anyone. Secondly, knowing the number of people present, it is easy to calculate the approximate amount of food and drinks. Thirdly, the number of invitees will make it possible to determine the right place to organize the anniversary.

Choosing a place to celebrate

With twelve or fewer guests, you can organize an anniversary celebration at home. If there are more people, it is better to hold the event in a cafe, restaurant or rented premises.

Book tables in advance - this is not only reliable, but in some cases it is also profitable, since you can get a good discount for booking several weeks in advance.

A more expensive option is a celebration in a banquet hall. It is appropriate if a luxurious holiday with fifty or more guests is expected.

Determining the theme of the anniversary

If you want the event to be bright and interesting, base it on some thematic plot that is close to the hero of the day.

For young people, a party in the style of a Hawaiian party or a costume ball is perfect. An older audience will be delighted to organize a holiday in a retro style, based on a famous movie or TV show.

Drawing up and sending out invitations

In invitation cards, you need to not only indicate the place of the celebration and its start time, but also draw the attention of guests to the nuances of the event.

For example, if the party has a specific theme, specify the dress code rules. The invitations themselves should also be designed in the appropriate style and immerse the invitees in the festive atmosphere.

Preparing the festive table

Create a menu for the celebration taking into account the tastes of the birthday boy and all the guests. All dishes must be safe and not cause allergic reactions (this especially applies to the presence of children at the party).

The holiday menu has its own characteristics depending on the location of the holiday and its time - for example, in the summer you need to stock up on more drinks and cool desserts.

Room decoration

The decor of the party venue should correspond to the chosen theme. The classic option is decoration with balloons, ribbons and bows, and congratulatory garlands.

At themed parties, decorative elements should be visible in everything - in outfits, on the festive table, in the preparation of dishes.

Determining the entertainment program

During the entire festive evening, guests should not get bored, so you need to plan games and competitions very carefully. Alternate active, creative and intellectual entertainment so as not to overtire your guests with monotony.

Have a few extra treats in reserve in case something goes wrong.

To make it easier for yourself to entertain guests, you can invite a toastmaster or a professional host.

Thinking through organizational details

Musical accompaniment of the holiday, props for competitions, prizes and souvenirs for guests - all these moments should also not be overlooked.

Be prepared for unforeseen situations and troubles

The celebration does not always go smoothly and according to a clearly planned scheme. Consider relocating the event if weather prevents it from being held outdoors.

You should always have a first aid kit on hand in case someone gets hurt (especially when going outdoors).

If children are present at the anniversary, they may become overtired and begin to act up, so organize a relaxation corner for them with interesting books and toys.

“Presidential Decree” - a solemn meeting of the hero of the day


  • The secretary is one of the guests in a formal suit.
  • Ambassador of the Russian Federation


  • Audio recording of fanfare.
  • The Presidential Decree is a printed form. At the ambassador's, at the end of the scene it is given to the hero of the day.

All the guests sat down at the tables. The hero of the day appears and is greeted with thunderous applause. The hero of the day comes to her place and sits down. As soon as she sits down, fanfare sounds and the Secretary appears.

Secretary: Madam hero of the day, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation (such and such) has arrived and asks to be received.

The hero of the day agrees. The Secretary invites the Ambassador to enter.

Afterwards, the Ambassador enters and reads out the Presidential Decree, and then gives it to the hero of the day as a souvenir.

“Gypsy camp” - meeting the hero of the day in a gypsy camp


  • Audio recordings for the design of the scene - according to the text.
  • Elements of gypsy outfits for men - gypsy hats, sashes, clips in the form of gypsy earrings, you can glue on a mustache.
  • Elements of gypsy outfits for women are colored shawls on the shoulders and hips, large beads and monistos, bracelets, flowers for hair decoration.

You can ask guests in advance to come up with a gypsy image for themselves and take some elements from home. Then you will need less props.

Gypsy music sounds, the guests form a circle and, dancing slightly, clap their hands.

The music changes to “Glorious” and the presenter brings the hero of the day to the center of the circle.

Next, the presenter or one of the prepared guests sings a song to the same music

Great for the hero of the day

Today is a joyful holiday, There is a great feast here! After all, the earthly world has never seen a sweeter anniversary!

And we greet cheerfully, the Goddess of celebration - (Name of the hero of the day) - light (patronymic), Honor and praise to her here!

Our choir sings the beloved chorus, The wines flowed like a river, Congratulations on your anniversary From the bottom of my heart and soul!!!!!

(Name of the hero of the day) - light (patronymic)! (Name of the hero of the day) - light (patronymic)! (Name of the hero of the day) - light (patronymic)! Drink to the bottom!

The hero of the day is served a filled glass on a tray or a beautiful flat plate.

Guests (in unison): Drink to the bottom! Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up! Drink to the bottom!.. – 2 times

Host: That long-awaited hour has already arrived, And the place has been prepared for you! We rightfully invite you to occupy it and shout to everyone in the camp:

Guests (in unison): Congratulations!!!

Host: Come on in, fellow Romans, the time has come for Piru. Take your seats at the table, Prepare your sugary lips for speeches!

The guests all go to their places after the hero of the day.

Further, the anniversary may go in a different style, but it would be nice if you include a gypsy skit, a fortune-telling game for the entertainment of guests, a dance competition for the best “Gypsy Girl with an Exit,” etc.

“Balls of Prosperity” - meeting the hero of the day with balloons and dollars


  • Dollars from the joke bank - a lot.
  • Balloons are yellow, blue and green - approximately equally, the total number is equal to the number of guests.
  • Balloon in the shape of a bird - 1 pc.
  • The sun is large enough, preferably made of foil on thick cardboard. You can make it double-sided and insert a stick to make it easier to hold.
  • Musical soundtracks for arranging a meeting - according to the text.

Before the hero of the day arrives, divide the guests into three parts and distribute balloons. Then arrange the guests facing the entrance so that the first guests stand with yellow balls, followed by blue ones, and the last guests with green balls. Also give the guests suns, a bird balloon and fake dollars. All props are down, except for the yellow balls.

The hero of the day enters and sees the guests with yellow balloons.

Host: Dear (name of the hero of the day), what do you associate the color yellow with?

The hero of the day says her associations and reaches the sun (the presenter can give her a hint if the “sun” does not sound).

Host: That's right! And may the gentle sun always shine above your head and warm your life with its warmth.

The song “Sun in Hands” sounds, guests with yellow balloons raise the foil sun up.

After this, the guests with yellow balloons step aside and the hero of the day sees blue balloons.

Host: What do you associate the color blue with?

The hero of the day lists and reaches the sky.

Host: That's right! And may there always be a cloudless sky above you. And storm clouds and black clouds pass by as far as possible!

Guests wave blue balloons. A bird “takes off” from one side of the guests and “flies” along the guests, and then is presented to the hero of the day. The ball with the bird can be entrusted to a child who will run in front of the guests or one of the adults will do it.

The guests make way and green balloons open in front of the hero of the day.

Host: Well, the color green is probably associated with money, dollars, for example.

Let there be so much money in your life that it is enough for a decent life, for any of your dreams!

Solemn music plays and guests throw counterfeit dollars into the air.

To the music, the hero of the day and guests enter the hall and take their seats.

A couple of phrases from us:

Guests can tie their balls to chairs - this will further decorate the holiday, in addition, the host will be able to conduct table games, guiding guests by the color of the balls.

At the end of the holiday, guests can go outside together and make a wish and release the balloons into the sky. This option can be used instead of traditional fireworks. It will be beautiful and fun, and the number of balls can be increased by adding balls of other colors to them.

Top 7 cool ideas for an anniversary

Here are some interesting ideas for organizing

“Bollywood invites you!”

What if, for your anniversary evening, you transform into actors and actresses of Indian cinema and make a real film? Just remember the immutable features: the entire plot should be based on songs and dances. The decoration of the room is dominated by carpets and bright scarves, embroidered bedspreads, many fresh flowers and shiny garlands. Guests come in costumes, or can turn into Hindus already at the holiday, let the guests have turbans and jingling decorations at their disposal. Spend your holiday outdoors, because the Indian party is a unique opportunity to have a battle with bags of colored dry paint!

"Hot Fiesta"

Mexican motifs will add peppery spice and dynamics to your anniversary. Transport yourself and your guests to a sultry region, where they protect their heads from the sun with a sombrero and eat tortillas and jalapenos with gusto. For main drinks, choose a glass of tequila with a slice of lime and hot chocolate. It would not be amiss to hold a blitz flamenco dancing lesson for the Mexican woman’s anniversary. And at the end of the holiday, breaking a clay cup means happiness and long life for the birthday girl.

"The Pull of Ancient Egypt"

It’s interesting to play out the scenario for a women’s anniversary in the motif of Ancient Egypt. The hero of the day is honorably recognized by Cleopatra and sits on a gilded throne. Only delicacies and expensive wines are served. And the whole hall can look like a huge tent, where pillows are laid out on chairs and some mysterious oriental melody is playing muffledly. But there is also a place for fun in this festive atmosphere: organize a toilet paper mummy competition, as well as stylized and hilarious Egyptian dance in costumes.

"Tropical Afternoon"

Warn your guests about the dress code: swimsuits, garlands of flowers, shorts, and light colorful shirts are welcome. The atmosphere will be created by sound, let the fiery music be replaced by the sounds of the forest and the murmur of a waterfall. Place a lot of fruits and juices on the banquet table, make a special tropical punch, and place all dishes on bright dishes. And dance, play limbo and twister.

"Masquerade Ball"

Agree, no one can resist the possibility of reincarnation, at least for one evening. The main attribute is an exquisite and mysterious mask. This scenario for a woman’s anniversary is suitable for a large company, when not all guests know each other. The participants of the holiday can be introduced to each other using a dance card: each guest at the entrance is given a sheet with the names of those with whom he must dance today, and try not to find his match, the wrath of the Masquerade Queen will be guaranteed. An anonymous or open (the louder the applause) voting for “Costume of the Evening” is also a mandatory competition.

"Chess Jubilee"

A black and white script for a woman’s anniversary is an excellent choice for organizing an evening. Subordinate the design of the room and dishes to the theme, just let there be more white tones. Guests will be able to enjoy a monochrome exhibition of photos of the birthday girl, as well as a stylish black and white session with a professional photographer. Put on a shadow theater performance: you will need a script, flexible hands and a bright lamp. And the evening will end with a luxurious domino cake.

"Holiday of the Sun"

Start honoring the birthday sunshine with a general cheerful round dance. The decorative range should be the warmest and hottest colors. For a pleasant mood, turn on jazz or Cuban music. Let the holiday feel a little of the comfort of childhood, add countless outdoor games and dances to the scenario.

“Balloons with a secret” - meeting the hero of the day with balloons


  • Balloons of different colors are distributed to guests. During the congratulations, guests present the hero of the day with balloons of the color mentioned in the text. If there are any other colors, congratulations are given at the end.

Presenter: Congratulations on your anniversary, We send you big greetings. And also a garland of balloons. Each one has advice for you:

The red ball is a symbol of passion! We give it for power over the male half, so that you drive them crazy. So that your husband loves you and only carries you in his arms.

The green ball is for money, It will bring you good luck, So that in your wallet for business And it rustles and rings!

The white ball is a family sign! Let everything be like this in the family: Let your son and grandson adore you, Let your daughter-in-law respect you very much, And you yourself will forever be crazy about your grandson!

It’s not in vain that we give the blue balloon - Let friends be nearby, Share joy, share troubles, They just go to visit more often!

The yellow ball is for good luck - Let the envious people cry! Let your dreams come true! May you be happy!

May the anniversary bring only joy. Let this be a wonderful evening to remember! And let your most cherished dream come true soon! Let life give you wealth, prosperity, and let your loved ones give you love and understanding!

Author I. Sutkina

How to spend a women's anniversary in a homely and cozy environment

Is it good to celebrate an anniversary without leaving home? Don't hesitate, you can do it! A few recommendations to help you organize:

  • Start by decorating your home. If you have a pre-announced theme, the design style is predetermined. And if it’s a traditional anniversary, then just prepare a couple of dozen balloons, streamers and festive caps for guests.
  • The feast is your chance to show ingenuity and imagination. Prepare your favorite dishes and add some flair to the decoration. It is important not to make mistakes with the calculations so that there is enough goodies for everyone. And as final accents on the table - multi-colored napkins and funny cocktail straws to lift the mood.
  • You will have to entrust the conduct of all competitions to a friend - the “ringleader”. But you can easily prepare a script for a women’s anniversary yourself, for example, using the scripts offered on our website as a basis.

Despite the fact that holding a woman’s anniversary at home is a bit of a troublesome event, this option also has its advantages. Your feast will be guaranteed to be delicious; it was prepared by the hostess with her own hands. And since any living space has its own limited space, there will be no random guests at your celebration, but only your closest relatives and good friends.

“Berry Among Flowers” ​​– 45th Anniversary


  • fresh flowers or bouquets (for guests)

Presenter: Friends! So that we can greet the birthday girl in an unusual way, congratulate everyone together and greet her affectionately, I propose to immediately, without hesitation, stand in two rows along the intended path.

(Guests with flowers line up in two rows from the entrance to the table, forming a corridor. Solemn music sounds. The birthday girl enters the hall.)

Presenter: Dear (name and patronymic of the hero of the day)! A path stretches out in front of you. And every guest on it is a blade of grass. Today you are in the role of a berry with us. Walk among the guests for show. And the guests, like blades of grass, bow their heads to greet the king-berry of heavenly beauty.

(The birthday girl walks between two rows of guests, the guests make polite or comic bows. The birthday girl reaches the table or the desired place and turns to the guests.)

Presenter: All around, while you were walking, the flowers were fragrant. On this day we collected them in bouquets for you. (Guests present bouquets of flowers to the hero of the day.)

Presenter: Among flowers, you are the brightest color! You bloom among us without counting the years. Such a beauty doesn’t care about age - She’s as young in appearance and soul as she is at twenty! (Applause from the guests.)

Presenter: And now, to start your berry anniversary, invite dear guests to the table as soon as possible! (The birthday girl invites the guests to take their places at the table and sits down at her place at the head of the table).

A couple of phrases from us:

Guests can hold in their hands the bouquets that they brought for the hero of the day, or you can prepare some flowers or flowering branches in advance and distribute them individually to the guests so that they can wave them while the hero of the day moves to her place. These can be not only traditional flowers, but also branches of lilac, bird cherry, flowering berry bushes, forest or wildflowers, etc. — focus on the season and opportunities. Don't forget that each guest should have an ODD number of flowers (in case you want guests to hold plants in both hands).

Also prepare containers with water (large vases or buckets) where you can place bouquets and flowers after presenting them to the hero of the day. All this needs to be placed beautifully and in such a way that it does not interfere with the movement of guests and the further celebration of the holiday.

  • View “Original meeting of the hero of the day at the beginning of the evening” Part 2

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Women's anniversaries

First, it’s worth figuring out what these anniversaries are. It all started many, many years ago, when a jubilee was the term for debt relief equal to 50 years. Gradually, the celebration of every date divisible by 10, even 5 years, became a tradition.

Today we are happy to celebrate both small, sometimes not round, anniversaries, such as 10, 18, 25, 30 years, as well as honorary 60 and 80-year anniversaries. And in special cases, for example, like ours, no matter what number appears on the birthday cake, we know that the hero of the day is actually only 17 years old!

To ensure that the celebration goes off like clockwork, a cool scenario for a woman’s anniversary is prepared in advance. You will find an abundance of ideas for celebrating the holiday on our website.

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