Comic introduction of guests. How to introduce guests at an anniversary, for congratulations, in a comic form. Introducing guests at the anniversary examples

How to introduce guests at a wedding

A wedding is the largest and grandest event not only in the lives of young people. At such events, it is better to divide the guests into several groups/companies, this makes it easier to hold competitions and also introduce people. Companies can be grouped by profession, hobbies, motorists, hunting/fishing enthusiasts, etc. Such mini-companies have a lot in common; they are easily included in games and competitions.


The comic performance of the guests adds some zest to the celebration. Today, comic songs for each guest and inscriptions on badges are considered quite popular. It is also important to put on musical cuts that welcome mini companies, informing the city of arriving guests, professional activities, hobbies. Short poems work great; they quickly lift the spirits of not only the arriving company, but also all the guests.

A rather interesting option is introducing a hint or a riddle. This comic form allows guests to easily remember who is who.


A presentation with all the regalia, kinship, first and last names is considered correct, but completely boring. Another thing is the informal presentation by the presenter, which at the same time amuses and fascinates with its meaning, removes awkwardness and allows you to easily plunge into the festive atmosphere. The presentation should be interesting, kind, without familiarity and vulgarity.

in verse

Introducing each guest in poetry is possible if there are not many guests. Then short quatrains will cause a storm of joyful emotions and will not take much time. For large wedding events this is a completely bad option.

The presenter can read out the main part of the rhyme himself, leaving one or two words for the guests to complete the presentation. The poem must rhyme, this is the basic rule. Well, good, you can’t do without it!

HAPPIK.RU - Everything for a holiday in Yakutsk

Opening speeches Address to young people Hello everyone! Both cool girls and cool boys! It’s so cool that you can not only see me, but also hear me. I invite you to hang out with us today. I promise! Everything will be OK! If we're together, play our songs! *** Appeal to business people Ladies and gentlemen! I would really not like to express myself in so-called cliches. But in this case, you simply cannot do without it. So, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, sirs and madams! *** Appeal in a close circle Friends! Today we have a feast and fun. There are feasts for holidays, weddings, birthdays, housewarmings, awards, dumps, etc. farewell, feast, i.e. at a halt, and such, i.e. so there's nothing to do. Today is our anniversary party and we all have something to do. Let's fill our glasses and drink to our happy hero of the day! *** Address to thirds of mixed age Good evening dear guests! Today is Saturday. The worries are behind us. You came to us to relax and accept congratulations. *** Presenter: Today all nature came to life, As if it had only been waiting for this day. Everywhere you look there is nothing but fun, Everyone is in a festive mood today. I see that the valley is all in flowers And now a swarm of colorful butterflies is circling above these flowers, Their every flap of their wings surrounds Us, as if with petals. And bowing before one flower, everyone is eagerly waiting for that holiday to begin, about which all the rumors will spread very quickly in the valley. *** In December, when there is cold and severe frost, there is various amazing demand for the holidays. Someone is happy about the day of the magician, someone is happy about the Day of Revival, and today we are celebrating my mother’s birthday. I sincerely welcome the assembled guests, And I open my mother’s anniversary with joy! (Fanfare sounds. Guests applaud. The garlands on the main backdrop design are lit.) *** Presenter: Let this day go down in history forever, And bring only joy to the birthday girl, And let the guests have fun carefree, I hope no one is sad from the anniversary will leave. To start the celebration as it should be, everyone is invited to fill their glasses. (Music. Guests fill their glasses.) I suggest drinking the first toast while standing.

Inviting guests for congratulations The May colors of this meadow are all associated with a friend’s birthday. Dear hero of the day! We ask you to stand up and accept congratulations from your colleagues. (Congratulations to colleagues.) *** Dear guests! I see you are in a good mood. We continue our congratulations. We place the Lily of the Valley flower on a pedestal and dedicate many flattering lines to him. Which of you, guests, is ready to say a few words for the hero of the day? (Congratulations.) *** In order not to take any sin on our souls, we give the floor to guests from afar. (Congratulations.) *** We will not break traditions on the anniversary; the relatives of the hero of the day will congratulate him. (Congratulations to relatives.) *** Host: What a wonderful inflorescence of guests is present at this table! Everyone is attracted by the sparkle of their eyes, a charming smile, special charm and uniqueness, like flowers in a beautiful meadow, to which no less beautiful creations of nature flock and living beings gather. For example, an ant could be among the guests. This nice hard worker, I’ll tell you, is not a miser at all. For such a celebration He has tons of gifts. But today he is not there, but next door is a neighbor - your military commander. (Addresses the boss): Over to you, dear...! (Congratulations.) *** How many petals does the beautiful Rose have, So many words of confession are each ready to express. And first, we will not break traditions; her work colleagues will congratulate her. (Congratulations.) *** And now we are waiting for all the words From our dear one, From the one who has been with us for years, With whom we are not afraid of adversity. Behind him, as if behind a stone wall, This is Oksana Petrovna, dear husband! *** Congratulations are flying like hail towards the birthday girl! (Congratulations to the guests.) *** Your guest of honor begins the congratulations. Presenter: ... (states the guest’s name and patronymic) we think that congratulations from you will replenish this basket’s stock. (Congratulations.) *** The word for congratulations is given to the spouses... (Congratulations.) *** Presenter: Dear guests! In order for the hero of the day to experience wonderful moments, We will continue our congratulations at the table. *** Dear birthday boy! Now the tender smiles are not hidden, Your friendly family will congratulate you! *** Presenter (to the hero of the day): Dear...! We see that many of your devoted friends came to the anniversary. They are ready at this hour to congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts! (Congratulations from friends) *** It’s a special birthday, a day of excitement and fun, When you can express words of love, gratitude, recognition without hesitation For care and attention, Just... for the charm of the Human soul. ... (mayor's patronymic name). Accept congratulations from... (Congratulations.) *** Congratulations to the birthday boy... (Congratulations.) *** The following congratulations are addressed to you... (Congratulations.) *** Time adds years of life, Changing the calendar sheet. Today, your close-knit, friendly team congratulates you from the bottom of our hearts! (Congratulations from the team.) *** Usually on such a big day, which is called a birthday. Friends with an open soul bring you congratulations. ... (first name, patronymic), meet your friends! (Congratulations from friends.) *** Fanfares are sounding in your honor, Trumpets are playing! We cannot count the roles in life, you are a friend, father and husband. (The melody “Happy birthday” sounds. Relatives and friends bring out a cake with candles. Relatives congratulate the hero of the day.) *** We will, I hope, continue to congratulate you. I think that everyone is ready to make a toast. (The presenter gives the guests the floor to congratulate and present gifts.) *** Today, on this anniversary day, the mother of the hero of the day will say golden words about her son... (Congratulations to the mother.) *** Happy birthday to a dear and beloved person, the wife and son congratulate . (Congratulations to the family.) *** Dear birthday girl! Let's not make long digressions, Let's start now with heartfelt congratulations. It is known that your leader came from the constellation “Builder” to congratulate you. (Congratulations from the boss.) *** The team would like to know when they will congratulate. Your turn has come. Get started, gentlemen! (Congratulations from the team.) *** Dear guests! You are all witnesses that in our horizon of One Star the light is not dimming now. And by the way, there is one fan among us who has been studying this for many years. The floor is given to the nearest and dearest person - the husband of the birthday girl. *** Today, with a low bow, the constellation turns to the birthday girl, Which belongs to family and friends. (Congratulations to relatives.) *** Among all the constellations, it’s brighter, more fun. We see here a constellation of friends. It hurries to congratulate you on your birthday and express congratulations to your friend. (Congratulations to friends.) *** Dear guests! We always admire the shining stars in the night sky. Our attention is especially drawn to the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which are popularly simply called the dipper. We managed to get these star ladles from the sky, and we invite you, friends, to drink a star drink from them, making a toast in honor of our hero of the day. (Toast from the guests.) *** Dear birthday boy! Life is not so complicated, If you are not alone, Your first friend is your wife, We will give her our word. (Congratulations to your wife.) *** There is always peace in your soul, When the children are all with you. Now is the time to tell them. All words to the hero of the day. (Congratulations to the children.) *** For your grandchildren, you are “Grandfather, “grandfather,” “grandfather.” There are three of them already in the anniversary year. (Congratulations to the grandchildren.) *** Every year our family grows. The birth continues, the relatives increase. (Congratulations from relatives.) *** Please accept your anniversary wishes from your friends as well. (Congratulations from friends.) *** Friends and family, without sparing words, want to congratulate you on your anniversary. (Congratulations to guests. Presentation of gifts.)

Invitations to dances Rather than clinking glasses, It is better to sing a song together. Well, if you don’t sing, just dance, Stretch your legs. *** And now I want to ask: Are you tired of eating and drinking? Maybe we can replace the crystal ringing with a beautiful ballroom dance? To hip-hop or rock and roll? If only the floor could hold up here! Come out, don't be shy, and start dancing! *** Put down the forks and spoons, Stretch your legs, So that the blues don’t torment you, We’ll teach you rock and roll! *** If your hunger has been satisfied, If you ate and drank together, If you don’t have the strength to chew - Go out and dance! *** Well, let's pour our glasses full! Let's drink together, without any fuss, And let's dance to the fullest - There is no fun more fun. *** We invite everyone to dance now, because the music sounds for you. *** We continue the evening and invite everyone to dance. *** Isn’t it time, guests, to get up and dance with the hero of the day? *** Presenter: Dear guests! There will be music, come out and dance. *** Friends! Don’t forget about music, perform all dances together. *** You can’t live without music, Let’s dance merrily, friends!

Invitations to the table We danced, had fun and sobered up a little. I ask everyone to come to the table again - both men and the weaker sex. *** We stretched our bones nicely. Isn't it time for us to kick things up a notch? So come to the table, honest people! Let's raise a toast in...! (name of the holiday) *** They danced together and had fun. Isn’t it time to eat? Is it playful to drink wine? Should I listen to a humorous toast? Hurry up to the table and fill your glasses! *** Before that they danced together - It became hot and stuffy for everyone. It's time for us to cool the heat and pour it with wine! Quench it with a snack – unearthly but very tasty! *** Wine is sparkling on the tables, Is toast already languishing on your lips? Well, friends, hurry up to the table - Both the male and the weaker sex. Make yourself as comfortable as possible, let's raise a New Year's toast! *** So that the eyes of the guests shine and sparkle, We want you to refresh yourself a little. *** After strong wine, you now need a snack. We invite you to enjoy it, and continue the anniversary evening. *** Dear people! The table has been waiting for guests for a long time. *** Dear guests! We're missing something here... Maybe a drink wouldn't hurt? I am male and female. I invite everyone to the table. *** Dear guests! We don’t forget about dessert and invite you to the table. *** Dear guests! The bawd's table is so rich that it attracts the eye. Both snacks and wine have been waiting for you all for a long time. *** Gifts, cards and congratulations This gives a wonderful feeling. In order for us to extend the holiday, the glasses need to be poured. (Guests fill their glasses.) *** We want to continue the feast, friends, We ask you to take all the seats at the table. *** We ask all guests to sit down at the tables, because we need to drink and eat a little. *** This holiday is a birthday, Just a glorious anniversary, So that the fun continues, I’ll say to everyone, “Pour it!”

Final “points” of the evening Thank you speech of the hero of the day I thank everyone present for sharing our family celebration, for their warm wishes and generous gifts. For your health! *** Final words of the presenter Presenter (Addressing the guests): I sincerely thank you, dear friends, for the pleasant time spent! May the new day begin with a smile on your face, may your loved ones be healthy, and may life bring you only long-awaited surprises! Be happy! *** The holiday does not end here, the fun continues. And we say to you all: “Goodbye! May your best expectations come true!” *** Presenter: Dear hero of the day! Dear guests! Let all the wonders of August: the abundance of the harvest, the smell of mown grass, the splendor of the falling stars, the clusters of bright rowan berries will captivate you forever and give you a charge of vigor for a long time. Goodbye! See you again! *** Presenter: And now, guests, attention! Show your diligence And suppress your applause In honor of this wonderful moment. (A soundtrack sounds. A cake with candles is brought out. The guests applaud.) Presenter: Dear birthday boy! Feel free to cut the anniversary cake and treat your guests to tea with a smile. (Music. Tea drinking.) *** Presenter: Dear guests, colleagues, friends! The floor is given to the hero of the day. Hero of the day: I thank everyone present for sharing our family celebration, for their warm wishes and generous gifts. (On behalf of the hero of the day, the young men give flowers to all the women in the hall.) *** So, hostess of the celebration, your finest hour is already coming. Now you are in the role of a deity and the whole hall wants to listen to you. (Response from the hostess.) *** The anniversary has long come to an end, friends, It’s hard to say goodbye, but it’s time. I hope that in a year on this day and hour I will meet you again at the hostess’s table.

Introducing your closest friends

If the gala event is held by an experienced presenter, then he must prepare in advance the presentation of the guests at the anniversary for congratulations. The closest and most faithful friends want to say their beautiful words in the first rows. They can be represented as follows:

“Every person can achieve success in life: tie the knot with the most worthy person, build a mansion, deposit several million dollars into a personal bank account. But he will be considered unhappy if throughout his life he does not have a faithful friend in whom he can completely trust. Fortunately, our birthday boy has one, and now congratulations will come from him.”

You can also come up with a similar option for introducing guests to a woman’s anniversary:

“Now I want to give the microphone into the hands of that person with whom the birthday girl always shares her deepest secrets, goes shopping and discusses all the men.”

A similar presentation of guests at the anniversary in verse:

"You have true friends,

This means that you didn't live in vain,

I would like to quickly imagine

These most devoted friends."

After these phrases, congratulations should be heard from the closest friends of the hero of the day.


Usually the most talented guest utters beautiful words on the holiday. Ancient parables with a special meaning always enjoy great success. To introduce guests at the holiday, you can use the following option:

“In every country it is customary to celebrate the day when a person was born. At this moment, everyone around him wishes him well, success and happiness. All nations have a special sign that will bring good luck to a person. For example, Italians hit the birthday boy on the forehead, Spaniards pull his earlobes, the British cheerfully lift him into the air, Canadians smear oil on his nose, and Germans hang the national flag on their shoulders. There are no such traditions in Russia, but this does not mean that we do not wish well to the hero of the day. We do this with sincere phrases. These are the ones that will now be heard from one of the guests.”

Why do you need to spend your time before every significant event to come up with a beautiful presentation for the guests at the anniversary? As it turned out, there are only two main reasons for this: to introduce everyone sitting at the table to each other and to make a small announcement before the person gives his fiery speech. It doesn’t matter why it is created, the main thing is to remember a few basic rules: it must contain plausible information and convey an atmosphere of sincerity and kindness. The second important quality is capacity; too long text will tire guests. The third factor is that preparations should be made for all guests, and not for individual characters, because someone may feel offended that they were not given due attention. And the anniversary evening will be ruined for someone.

Let's remember our parents

Introducing guests at an anniversary is a very important part of the celebration. Particular attention should be paid to words about parents. They should be as touching, gentle and caring as possible. For example, you could use the following template:

“Today we all gathered at the table, praising our birthday boy, discussing his successes and achievements. But we should not forget about those people who contributed to his birth, always worried about him and supported him in everything. You already guessed that congratulations from your most beloved parents will now sound.”

“When you got married, you got a second family and second parents. Sometimes there were quarrels and misunderstandings between you. But, despite all these situations, they continued to love you and support you in everything. Now your beloved mother-in-law and father-in-law will say pleasant words for you.”

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