Cool scenes for the anniversary of a man 50-60 years old. Examples of humorous scenarios

Scene 2: “Day of Honoring the Great Man”

A slow melody of the Chinese genre sounds.
In the middle of the improvised stage (room) sits an old man in the lotus position, dressed like a Shaolin monk and wearing a Chinese hat. A boy in a kimono and hat runs in.

Boy: Hello, grandpa, I brought you rice cakes! Try it, very tasty!

The boy sits next to him.

Grandfather: Thank you, grandson, this is a very tasty flatbread...(eats)

Boy: Grandpa, you look so smart today! It is a holiday today?

Grandfather: Oh yes, today is an important day. On this day, the family (family name of the hero of the day) honors and congratulates the Great and Wise Man with a capital letter (name of the hero of the day). Many years ago he was born into this world and with his birth the world became happier and brighter.

Boy: Oh, who is this man? Grandpa, tell me about him!

Grandfather: In a distant, beautiful country, in the city (name of the city), one wonderful day, with the first cry of an infant, a wonderful boy appeared, who was named with an unusual name - (name of the hero of the day. From that very moment, the boy’s family and friends realized that he was a strong personality. He drank milk with a huge appetite and ate baby cereal, shook rattles with great force and persistently did not go to bed.No amount of persuasion from his parents had any effect on the strong-willed growing toddler.

Boy (fascinated): Oh, what happened then?

Grandfather: Oh, then the boy grew up and went to school. How many sleepless nights did his poor mother spend, trying to force the child to do his homework, but the strong character and proud disposition of the boy born in the year (names the animal under whose symbol the hero of the day was born) forced the Great (name of the hero of the day) to go against the views of others. He always did what he thought was right. Every bruise received in a fight, every deuce was a deliberate decision by the Excellent (name of the hero of the day)!

Boy: What did he become after graduating from school?

Grandfather: This respected man chose a wonderful profession (name of profession) and followed a bright path. He was always respected by the team and by his superiors. With great persistence he overcame laziness and hurried to work in the morning. Dark forces tried to force (name of the hero of the day) to lie all day long on the sofa watching TV, but the Great Man was adamant. He bravely fought evil spirits, got up from the couch and helped around the house.

Boy: Oh, what a story! And today is this person's birthday??

Grandfather: Yes! On this day, for many years, it has been customary to put on smart clothes, take gifts and go to bow to the Great One (name of the hero of the day) to congratulate him on his birthday and wish him long life! Relatives and friends from all corners of the city rush to him with warm wishes and gifts.

Boy: Grandfather, I also want to congratulate this wonderful man!

Grandfather: Your wish will certainly be fulfilled, grandson. But, for this you need to fulfill two conditions: smile sincerely, stand up, turn to the person who is now looking at us with a smile and say loudly: “Happy birthday, dear (name of the hero of the day)!”

The boy and Grandfather get up, say congratulations to the hero of the day, bow and leave.

Sketch from the group “Polygamist”

There are two chairs in the center of the hall. The presenter solemnly announces the beginning of the funny miniature. The birthday boy is seated on one of the chairs, and an actor (one of the guests) sits next to him.

Guest: My dear friend, I have an important announcement to make! On this solemn day I confess... I have a big family!. Behind the door are three girls with their faces covered and in long outfits like a burqa.

They run into the hall one by one when their names are announced.

Behind the door are three girls with their faces covered and in long outfits like a burqa. They run into the hall one by one when their names are announced.

Guest: Come in, dears! Gyulchatai! Zulfiya! Maryam!

The girls stand with their heads down. The guest gets up, walks from side to side and sighs heavily.

Guest: You know how much I love you all. But the time has come for us to part. The girls are shocked and excitedly whispering and looking at each other.

Guest: From now on you are free and free to control your destiny. I can't hold you back.

There is a moment of silence, then the song “If I were a Sultan” sounds.

The girls circle around their husband, dance and at the end take off their burqas. Together they take a step forward towards the guests.

Gyulchatay indignantly: He abandoned us! He doesn't love us!

Zulfiya angrily: And, for sure, he never loved. Deceiver!

Maryam sadly: This is terrible! What a betrayal!

Gyulchatay and Maryam hug and cry. Zulfiya takes matters into her own hands.

Zulfiya: Since he didn’t value us, we will find someone who will!

Gyulchatay: How will we do this?

Zulfiya: Just look around! There are so many wonderful men around. We will definitely find our happiness.

Maryam enthusiastically: Yes! And they will truly love us!

All three turn to their ex-husband and fold their arms over their chests.

Zulfiya: Okay, darling! If so, we'll leave!

Gyulchatay: And we will find our happiness!

Maryam uncertainly: Yes. And you...will regret leaving us!

The girls proudly turn away and walk throughout the hall, peering at the men. They actively discuss something, comment, reflect. At the end of the round, they return to the center of the hall and freeze in thought.

Zulfiya: We've arrived! It's harder than I thought!

Gyulchatay wearily: We won’t find anyone until the end of our lives.

Maryam wants to cry again: Let's remain old maids!

Zulfiya looks around and glances at the birthday boy.

Zulfiya whispers: Girls! How we missed it! Look!

Gyulchatay interestedly: And he is neat, stately and handsome. Not bad. What do you say, Maryam?

Maryam enthusiastically: How good. He is kind, interesting and has a sense of humor. What we are going to do?

Gyulchatay is the first to approach the birthday boy: Well, hello, (name)! Happy birthday!

Zulfiya catches up: We wish you happiness, joy, love!

Maryam: And we have a gift for you, yes!

Gyulchatay takes out a pen from his pocket, and Zulfiya takes out folded paper. They ask you to sign in unison. Having received the signature, they jump joyfully and show everyone the large inscription on the unfolded paper “Marriage Certificate”.

To the song “My Half,” the three of them put on the birthday boy a prepared white cape to the floor, a turban (or crown) and drag him off the stage. The audience is delighted!

Hobby competition: “A purely male hobby”

For many men, fishing and racing are considered their favorite hobbies. For some, they also play sports, for example, boxing. What if you combine these hobbies in one competition?

For the competition you need:

  • 3-4 fishing rods with a reel, line and hook;
  • 3-4 toy cars;
  • 3-4 pairs of boxing gloves.

A machine is attached to the hook of each fishing rod, and the fishing line is unwound at the same distance from the fishing rods.

Those who want to play (3-4 people) put on boxing gloves and pick up fishing rods. At the command of the leader, the players begin to twist the reel of the fishing rod, reeling in the fishing line. You cannot pull or lift the fishing rod!

The one who is the first to wind the line with the machine to the end will win the fishing race.

The winner receives truly masculine gifts:

  1. fishing rod;
  2. typewriter;
  3. boxing gloves.

How to celebrate properly

Naturally, a woman on her 55th birthday may feel a little sad, because a certain stage of her life with its advantages and disadvantages has ended. Therefore, the task of the holiday is to dispel melancholy and remind that life is just beginning. Everything wonderful is ahead - new and old hobbies, a lot of free time, kindergarten and grandchildren, pies and cottages, fitness centers and resorts.

When organizing an anniversary, it’s worth choosing a list of funny costume scenes that will cheer you up and distract you from sad thoughts. If simple gatherings with interesting toasts are enough for a man, then women are more picky in this regard.

You don’t have to choose expensive costumes; imagination helps

Costume scene Narcissus Pierre

HOST: I see many beauties in the hall - That’s why chocolate is so sweet, We adore you, chocolate bunny, Our chocolate garden welcomes you. Could it be that this chocolate bunny has prepared a little surprise for us?... On stage for the beauties present is the Chocolate Lover, Pierre Narcissus. Pierre Narcisse comes out and sings the song “Chocolate Bunny” to the soundtrack. HOST: Our beloved chocolate bunny, tell us about your successes, how do you probably miss your homeland????? In response, Narcissus Pierre sings a remade song “Chocolate Bunny - Sneaky African” to the soundtrack (Here is a parody of the song “Chocolate Bunny” I found) Sneaky African I have problems with Russian, a very difficult language. I can’t communicate in it, except perhaps with a dictionary. Believe me, I am very ashamed, I ask everyone to forgive me. I need to buy a textbook to learn Russian.

I have a hole in my pocket - I have lost all my rubles. It broke off very abruptly - after all, there were keys there. How will I get back to my apartment? Apparently, I'll have to break down the door, otherwise I'll disappear.

Chorus: I am a vile African, An unfortunate ragamuffin, I am so unlucky, oh-oh-oh. I am a vile African, a slacker parasite, it’s hard for me to think, oh-oh. I'm a mean African, I'm a terrible asshole, I'm dumb as a log, oh-oh-oh. I am a vile African, How handsome I am! I was made for cinema.

One day in mid-May I came to take the test. For a very long time everyone laughed and clutched their stomachs, and the professor told me: “Listen, guy, don’t be funny! Learn Russian first - then come!”

Chorus. (3 times)

Scene for a man’s anniversary “Time Machine”

Recommended for celebrants 35, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 years old.

Props and decorations of the festive hall:

Children's toy large telephone.

Preliminary preparation:

Recording song excerpts:

  • “Dance while you’re young, boy”;
  • “I’m going, I’m going to the neighboring village, to the disco”;
  • “And I like him, like him, like him”;
  • “You tell me, you tell me, what do you need, what do you need, maybe I’ll give you, maybe I’ll give you whatever you want”;
  • “It must happen, it must happen, it must happen! You must, you must, you must fall in love with someone like that”;
  • “Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced”;
  • “Stomp, stomp, stomp baby”;
  • “Only a glass of vodka on the table”;
  • “Are you my brother, or not my brother”;
  • “The most important thing is the weather in the house”;
  • "We wish you happiness";
  • "Fine! Everything will be fine".

Presenter: Today an unusual gift for our hero of the day arrived in the mail - the latest gadget. Most modern! And it has the newest “time machine” feature! Let's try it? Let's go back a few years earlier and see how the life of our dear birthday boy turned out. Want to? Do not mind? Just watch, all the secrets will come out!

So let's see how it happened...

He presses the button on the toy phone and approaches the hero of the day. The song plays: “Dance while you’re young.”

Host: Maybe I made a mistake?.. I’ll check the settings now.

Honey mushrooms approaches him. The song “I’m going, I’m going to a neighboring village, to a disco” plays.

Host: Yeah, I caught the wave, everything is correct! Go ahead…

Approaches the birthday boy's wife. The song “And I like him” plays.

Host: Yeah! All clear! We liked each other immediately!

Points at her again. The song “Tell me what you need!” Maybe I’ll give you whatever you want.”

Host: These are the feelings between our lovebirds! Wow... What did the mother-in-law think about this topic?

He approaches her. The song “It had to happen” plays.

Host: What a turn! What's next?

It affects the whole family. The song “Oh, this wedding, sang and danced” sounds.

Host: Well, of course... And then?

The song “Stomp, stomp, stomp baby” sounds.

Presenter: Clear! The baby is born! What about our birthday boy?

Points at him and the song “Only a glass of vodka on the table” plays.

Presenter: But of course! Is it possible without this? I wonder what your friends said?

He approaches his friends and catches the wave, the song “Brother, are you or not my brother” sounds.

Host: Everything is clear with you! Washed as expected! What about a young family?

Approaches the husband and wife in turn. The song “The most important thing is the weather in the house.”

Host: You say it correctly! What about now?

The song “We wish you happiness” plays.

Host: Great! Let's check with this super-duper modern gadget what will happen in the future in this family?

He turns and presses buttons. The song “Okay! Everything will be fine!".

Host: That’s great! This is worth drinking for, friends!

Poems of congratulations for gifts

​Guests in chorus:​

​Accept the wonderful car, And write Viagra as soon as possible) To preserve the past. Everything is in front of you And for it will be, on the table, always. The beauty ________"And for us, and in answer that I liked it,​8.) For a prize​To make his​ set special!​ Let's drink health, finally!​If these fruits​Only salt is the mistress,​And the sonorous name​Lips are raspberries,​we have a simple gift​ what not.​ count,​ do,​Gorus suggested a gift.​We are greeted by how​to eat!​where?​Enema - scientifically.​like peach-lanita...​for you"​Our "Roventa" vacuum cleaner.​If in the house

Cool scene for a man's birthday

It’s time for a young bachelor who is about to turn 30 to think about starting a family. In connection with the solemn anniversary, friends and colleagues can prepare a skit for the birthday boy on the topic of the difficult choice of a life partner.

So, there are three chairs on the stage. Intriguing music sounds, and the presenter says introductory words:

- So, three girls one evening

The three of us decided to sit on a bench.

The first girl came out onto the porch (the first actor dressed as a woman comes out).

- This is the eldest Marfusha,

Support the girl with applause! (the audience laughs and applauds).

- Here the second girl Maryushka came out (the second actor in a dress enters).

We didn’t have to wait long; the third, slender and beautiful sister Alyonushka appeared on the porch (a lanky, thin actor in a short dress appears).

The girls are sitting on chairs, resting and gnawing on sunflower seeds.

Presenter: Three girls under the window sang songs in the evening, Sang, sang, talked about how they should get married,

How to find suitors?

- Darling Marfushenka stood up, put her hands on her hips and declared (the first actor rises from his seat, Verka Serduchka’s song “If you are a little over 30...” sounds).

- The second sister Maryushka pushed Marfushenka away and began to sing (the second actor gets up, dances, Slava’s song “Loneliness” sounds).

- The third sister, modest and beautiful, shakes her head. (The third actor gets up and throws up his hands to the song “Women’s happiness, if only a sweetheart were nearby.”)

Host: The beauties got excited, got excited and argued which of them was more beautiful and would get married faster?

They brought a large mirror and began to take turns admiring it. (A fourth actor enters the hall with shiny paper on his chest.)

Presenter: The first sister came up to the mirror and asked, am I the cutest, the most rosy and white in the world? And the mirror is in response to her... (the song “Well, why are you so scary...” sounds).

“The first sister ran away, and the second one took her place and is torturing the mirror again, tell me, am I the cutest in the world, the most rosy and white?” And the mirror answers her (the Rybak’s song “You got me so sick” sounds).

“The girl was offended, began to cry, and the third sister, in defiance of her, looked in the mirror and didn’t ask anything. And the smart glass speaks to her (the song “How bright you are today..." sounds).

Presenter: I just had time to say the word, the door creaked quietly and the king entered the little room, the sovereign of that side! (To the music “The King was returning home from the war...” the fifth actor enters the room, holding an inverted wine glass and fork).

“The three girls stood up modestly (modestly, girls, modestly!) and bowed to the king!”

Well, the tsar, being single, although no longer young, became thoughtful a little! (the hit song of the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels “Girls are different”) sounds.

Host: And the girls were shy, but not at all confused. A girl, the eldest sister of all, came up to the king and said without hiding (behind the scenes music is “My Sweet Baby”).

— The king recoiled from the pressure, but the second of the girls ran up and sang (the song “Play-boy, next to you...”).

- Well, the younger sister, also not a bastard, approached the king, shook her curls, stuck out her chest and loudly declared (words behind the scenes “Hug me, take me, I don’t want to!”). The couple hugged and danced to romantic music.

Presenter: The mirror also did not stand aside, it rolled up to the king and, looking at the third sister, whispered in his ear (song behind the scenes).

- The king became thoughtful, scratched the back of his head, what kind of bride should he choose? (the music started playing “If I were a Sultan, I would have three wives”).

“Then the mirror became indignant, flew at the king and said (over the scenes words from the film “What are you hinting at, king’s face?”).

Presenter: The king was completely at a loss, became shy and decided to give back! (the song “Yes, there is no money, there is no money at all”) was played.

- Two girls attacked the king, and began to beat him with their fists, and only the third sister looked affectionately from under her eyebrows and smiled at the groom (the song “I will kiss you ...” sounds).

Presenter: The king realized that he had found his happiness and led the beautiful maiden down the aisle! This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened, well done!

Scene: “Fishing Anniversary”

Two fishermen with fishing rods enter the room. They joyfully greet the birthday boy.

Fisherman 1: Oh, hello, dear, they let you go with us! How amazing! My wife didn’t swear too much, what, you decided to spend your birthday fishing? (The hero of the day answers)

Fisherman 2: That's great! Let's sit and celebrate in the company of men. We have everything for this. Look what a great clearing, come and sit with us.

The fishermen sit on the floor. The hero of the day sits down next to him. The fishermen spread a newspaper on the floor and take out a bottle from their backpack with the inscription “Moonshine”.

Fisherman 1 (winks): Look what we have! Now let's drink a glass for your health!

Fisherman 2: Wait, I’ll get a snack (takes “Sprat in Tomato” out of his backpack and opens the jar, puts it on the floor. He takes out a fork and a piece of bread from his pocket and puts it next to it) Just like in the best houses of London and Paris! Let's (name of the hero of the day) for your health! (They pour out the contents of a bottle, which contains champagne instead of moonshine) For you, my friend, be healthy and happy!

The fishermen and the Jubilee clink glasses and drink.

Fisherman 1: Oh, that went well! So, where's my fishing rod? I'll catch you a whole bucket of fish as a gift. The fisherman throws his fishing rod into the doorway. At this time, the wife of the hero of the day puts various objects on the fishing rod. The fisherman pulls out an empty bottle.

Fisherman 1: Oh! I give you this bottle as a sign of friendliness and hospitality. May you always have time for close friends to gather in a friendly company.

Fisherman 2: Come on, now me! (throws out a fishing rod, takes out a sock) This symbol speaks of warmth. May you always be surrounded by the warmth and care of your loved ones.

Fisherman 1 (throws a fishing rod and pulls out a tin can): I wish you not to know the need, but to live in abundance and wealth.

Fisherman 2 (pulls out a chest with the inscription “Treasure”): Oh, and here is a treasure, what’s in the chest... Oh, there is a paper with the inscription “Health”. That's right, my friend, the most important treasure in life is health!

Fisherman 1 casts his fishing rod and cannot pull it out.

Fisherman 1: Wow, what a catch, come on, help me! The Little Mermaid must have been hooked.

The fishermen seem to be pulling the fishing rod with force and “pulling out” the wife of the Jubilee.

Fisherman 2: Ah, this is the most expensive prize: your Goldfish, it will fulfill your most cherished desires, and now you definitely want this beauty to kiss you. Advice and love to you for many years to come!

The wife kisses the hero of the day to the applause of the fishermen and guests.

Surprise for the hero of the day

For the scene you need four women.

  • Presenter: “This sketch is for the hero of the day, it will receive the highest rating! (Musical insertion) What does a man dream of most? About a caring mother?
  • Mom comes out, maybe in the guise of a retired housewife.
  • Host: “About your best friend?”
  • A friend appears wearing a T-shirt with a football player’s number and a glass of beer.
  • Host: “About a passionate lover?”
  • A spectacular sexy vamp woman emerges in an extravagant red outfit.
  • Then all together in chorus: “We know how to unite all wishes and therefore we present the hero of the day with the best surprise gift (pointing to a huge gift box, beautifully tied with a ribbon).”
  • Music sounds, a wife in a peignoir comes out of the box with a bottle of cognac and pies and says: “Darling, happy anniversary!”

The 60th anniversary is not just a round date. There is a lot to sum up at 60, and therefore it should be celebrated in a big way. Cool scenes for a man’s 60th birthday will help make it lively and original. When composing a scene for your celebration, it is very important to play out the theme well. You can take any achievements of the hero of the day - hobby, profession. Take care of costumes, scenery, music, and props.

First, you need to come up with a genre for the scene. You can choose a mini-drama or a romantic comedy, but for a man celebrating the anniversary, most often they choose an action movie or a detective story. In the anniversary scene, the structure should be visible - the plot - the main plot - the denouement. It is important to skillfully combine all three components. You can remember life stories on the fly or come up with them yourself - such impromptu ones, as a rule, are the most successful.

Costume scene Countrymen from Kazakhstan.

Presenter: Dear birthday person, fellow countrymen from Kazakhstan have come to see you, they have come a long way to congratulate you and bring greetings. Meet my fellow countrymen! A Kazakh folk song sounds, Kazakhs come in in Kazakh national costumes with the flag of Kazakhstan on horses (you can make horse heads from cartoa and glue them to sticks).

1st Guest from Kazakhstan: Yes, you have climbed far It was not easy for us to get there But your fellow countrymen came to congratulate you with all their hearts Play, button accordion, ring, dombra: I wish you peace and goodness, Health and patience, Excellent mood, No matter where you live , which country We wish you happiness throughout the whole world. 2nd Guest: We brought you greetings from the President of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev sends you his congratulations. (They hand the birthday boy a congratulatory telegram.) The presenter reads the telegram: May Aspan be kind to you, Arman always comes true, And the ram multiplies, There is always a lagman for dastarkhan! I wish you with all my heart Kurgan Tenge big-big! So that the ditch would rustle under the mound, and an altyn balyk would live in it. I wish you light and warmth and eat tea from a bowl! So that every day there will be a bezhbarmal in the boiler, so that the baursak will bloom life after life, do not forget about your fellow countrymen! Countrymen invite you to dance, Serik Musalimov's song sounds - “My Kazakhstan.

Creating a fun holiday

Creating a fun holiday

How to turn an ordinary boring feast into an enchanting holiday show? You need to come up with some funny skits and act them out at your birthday party. Everyone should participate in them - both the birthday person and the guests. On a festive evening, no one should remain at the table.

During the holiday, any impromptu and improvisation must be immediately accepted

. If “according to the script” the appearance of a waiter with an excellent dessert-soufflé was not planned, but the waiter suddenly appears, this should only cause admiration. Any initiatives on the part of the guests should also be supported, then the evening will truly be a success.

Bright and funny birthday scenes will give everyone a great mood, a boost of energy and good impressions. The most important thing when organizing a celebration is not to be afraid to fantasize and be creative, to show ingenuity and ingenuity.

Birthday is very important for every person. In everyday worries, a person rarely manages to find a minute to cheer himself up and have fun from the heart. On your birthday, you can forget about worries and problems and celebrate a holiday that will be remembered for a long time.

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