Original and funny scenes for a man's anniversary

At the festival, funny scenes will amuse adults, as well as children, and fill their souls with positive emotions. Organizing skits and developing comic miniatures for a festive event is the job of professionals. The organizer of a corporate event or party must ask himself: is an entertainment program necessary for the upcoming celebration? It is worth noting right away that in special cases the answer will be that such entertainment is not needed. Sometimes it can interfere with the natural flow of the event, and fun competitions with outdoor games will be sufficient. First of all, this rule applies to family parties, meetings of classmates, where the number of participants is small. In other words, if the friendly atmosphere of the invitees is at the proper level, and the number of guests does not exceed 9-15 people, they are more likely to be interested in communicating with each other than watching funny scenes

or comic theatrical performances and other staged jokes.
A fun entertainment program at a corporate party should have a consolidating factor. Skits and jokes should be selected according to the theme of the event. A wisely designed show with competent compereance will add bright colors and diversify the holiday, and provide an opportunity for the hero of the occasion and each guest to feel involved in the festive event. Even a shy child or a gloomy adult, when watching comic scenes
will inevitably be drawn into the atmosphere of general fun. It is unlikely that a modest guest will immediately rush to participate in fun competitions, but he will watch and listen to short miniatures, which means he will empathize with the fun that is happening. Which is exactly what is required from the holiday program. After all, the main thing at a holiday with the participation of a large number of guests is a general positive mood and sincere fun.

Selecting music

We have already mentioned that you need to take care of the musical accompaniment

If you are in doubt about your choice or can’t think of anything, we suggest paying attention to the following options:

And, of course, do not forget about traditional Caucasian compositions

  • Caucasian music: Kochari compositions
  • Caucasian folk song: Oraida compositions
  • Caucasian music: Wedding compositions
  • Caucasian music: Classical Lezginka compositions
  • Caucasian music: Remix of Lezginka compositions

In fairness, it is worth noting that the concept of the East is very broad, this concept includes our Caucasus, and the countries of the Middle and Far East, so in terms of the musical score, you may end up with some kind of oriental mix.


The Arabian Nights costume party is an opportunity to show off slender legs, a wasp waist and smooth seductive curves. Short beaded tops, silk wide trousers or flowing loose skirts with slits on the sides, large bright jewelry on the wrists and ankles. Bright makeup with an emphasis on the eyes, lush curls, long claws, piercing or rhinestone in the navel, forehead decoration, large ringing earrings - a fully equipped oriental princess!

Men's suits are no less colorful. The image chosen for the party can be any hero from 1000 or 1 fairy tales - a rich vizier, an Arab warrior or a sneaky city thief (maybe Aladdin himself?). Belted trousers gathered at the bottom, a vest over a naked body or over a shirt, a turban - the richer the fabric, the more complex the pattern, the higher the social status of the guest. On the belt of a wealthy caliph hangs a tight purse, obviously stuffed with gold coins, in a warrior’s sheath is a sharp scimitar, and a thief hides a bunch of master keys in the folds of his clothes.

What is a pop miniature?

Theatrical and pop miniature is a separate type of stage art, its task is to reveal a certain topic with the help of verbal and stage action. Comic, or as they say now, funny sketches should make fun of human vices, and dramatic stage sketches provide more food for the mind of the audience for whom they are intended.

We are very pleased to announce the launch of our new series of mini-plays, these comic skits introduce modern life. Each skit includes tips to help you get the most out of the material.

Multitasking joke scenes

The mini-plays are written to provide valuable information to the viewer about real-life, social and cultural issues affecting contemporary culture today. Such humor always has one task - to ridicule shortcomings, to see the funny in the serious, so that it is easier to correct human mistakes.

These short plays or comic skits are dedicated to current problems of our time in society. The authors will be grateful if you leave your comment.

PASPER: Free holiday script for the whole year

How a woman sold a man in a new way - a funny scene for his 60th birthday

Has your beloved husband, brother or colleague turned 60? Congratulate him in an original way and with humor! To do this, it is enough to prepare a short funny scene where a tired wife sells her elderly husband at the market.

The birthday boy is seated on a chair with a sign “Used husband, price negotiable.”

The miniature begins with the words of the presenter: “At the market, a man’s wife was selling. The price of the goods surprised all the people.”

Customer 1: Mistress, will you sell half of yours?

Wife: I’ll sell it, I’ve been standing with it at the market since morning.

Customer 1: Tell me, how much are you asking for it?

Wife: Where can you make money? I wish I could give it back! What was at first is no longer there. It's worn out well over so many years!

Customer 1 incredulously: Your other half is too fat... (pats the product)

The wife, clasping her hands: Eats at night, damn it! Well, it's just a problem. I feed only meat. He has diabetes. He snores at night, there is no escape.

Customer 1: What can he do with his hands?

Wife: Yes, there is little help. This guy with the mustache would just sit at his computer and go online twice a day.

Customer 1 shrugs off such a product and leaves.

Presenter: The wife stood at the market all day, and the husband’s value dropped by lunchtime. Here the merchant from the next row decided to help her sell her bastard husband.

Merchant: Well, what are you doing, dear? I see that you can’t sell half of yours. Let me help, I'll stand with you. Maybe we’ll sell your uselessness. (Addresses people) Come on, people! The woman is selling her husband!

Buyer 2: Are you selling your husband? Why is your man rich?

Merchant, stepping forward: Look for yourself! Not a man, but a treasure! Imagine: it’s night, thieves are climbing through the window, and he, like a dog, takes care of everything!

Customer 2: Is that so, merchant? Look for yourself! Both legs are shaking with fear!

Trader: Although he is not Schwarzenegger, he is polite. And how much money he brings home!

Customer 2 interested: How much is the salary? Small, big?

Trader: You won’t have time to count, your hand will get tired!

Customer 2: What about the male part of this “product”? Didn't mind it too much? Probably old...

Merchant: What are you talking about! Look, he happened both at night and during the day...! Although he is not tall enough, he is a little funny, but in this matter he is... let's go!

Customer 2: Doubts creep in... Come on, come on, wait. Let's see!

Merchant: Better not! Away from sin! All the women will come running to buy a man!

Host: The wife looked at her living creatures...

Wife: Oh, why am I selling you, dear? Rich, handsome and... went. Well, why am I stupid! What else is needed? I won't sell you! And let's go home.

This ends the scene and the music starts playing. The wife hugs her husband, the hero of the day, and a cake with lighted candles is served to the table.


Invite guests to the vizier's chambers or the eastern tent! You can create the right atmosphere either at home or in a luxurious room. The easiest option is to rent tents and relax in nature, although such a party will require considerable expenses.

For DIY decorations, you will need a lot of silk fabric or satin in red, gold or lilac. Drape the walls and part of the ceiling, starting from the center of the room. Instead of fabric, you can use brown wallpaper with gilding, imitating a carpet pattern. Hang gold beads, serpentine, curtain tassels. Hide modern furniture under covers or remove everything unnecessary, leaving a few soft chairs and low sofas. You can sit on the floor, on colorful silk pillows. Cover your floors with Persian rugs or colorful woven rugs.

Hang weapons on the walls - scimitars, sabers, swords and daggers. They can be cut out of cardboard and coated with silver paint (the weapons will be useful in the scenario; let them be easy to remove from the walls). Place tall clay jugs or artificial palm trees in the corners. Place large wrought iron trays with a variety of fruits and sweets on low tables. Hookahs, peacock feathers, copper and brass dishes, photos of Baghdad, oases, caravans, and oriental bazaars will fit perfectly into the decor. Do not overdo it when placing scented candles and incense - not all guests will like the heavy smell.


The wise Scheherazade, who connects all the short stories in the collection “A Thousand and One Nights” with a thin thread, told her husband fairy tales of various contents.
The main roles were given either to real heroes or to thieving commoners. But they were all cunning, dexterous, smart. Build the scenario around the main idea of ​​fairy tales: boldly step towards your goal, and you will certainly achieve it. Hold competitions while listening to oriental music that carries you beyond the horizon: 1. The most dexterous (cardboard swords, doubles fight). The goal is to hit the opponent in the body three times, without allowing the enemy weapon to “pierce” your camp. More for men, but some women don't mind swinging scimitars too!

2. The most accurate. Throw darts or spears at the target with the image of a Persian thug. For a laugh, you can spin the shooter several times before throwing or even blindfold him (but then the presenter must himself put the guest facing the target).

3. The wisest caliph. Prepare several oriental riddles that guests must quickly answer. For example, who does the caravan driver meet often, the vizier rarely, and the sultan never? (equal to oneself).

4. The most charming princess. Competition for the best belly dancer. It is advisable that the presenter or guest animator tell the girls how to move. You can include a video with a clip in the topic.

5. The most eloquent vizier (cards with inscriptions - a pimple has popped up, a huge crooked nose, a bald spot and other imperfections). The guest who draws the card must praise the unfortunate person’s peculiarity with an oriental flavor.

The competitions can be based on fairy tale plots. For example, in the short story “The Cunning Salesman,” a beggar bought a tin bowl that supposedly turns everything into gold (cook and stir, but under no circumstances think about the dancing bear, otherwise nothing will work). Of course, the beggar couldn’t get the dancing bear out of his head and didn’t make any gold. Invite guests to sell a broken hanger, a bald toilet brush and other ridiculous things, inventing a use for them and praising the worthless product in every possible way.

Prepare rewards for all guests of the party - books “A Thousand and One Nights”, CDs with films in the theme, bracelets, earrings and silk scarves for girls, souvenir daggers with memorable inscriptions for men.

How to meet friends?

Oriental hospitality is a must for our themed party. It is ideal if each dear guest is greeted by the owner in a turban and an embroidered robe, while treating everyone who enters with fruits and sweets, and offering a cup of strong coffee brewed in Turkish style.

In addition to the above, you can treat yourself to traditional Caucasian drinks, such as an invigorating ginger drink, milk tan, ayran or matsoni.

Or maybe a fakir will entertain those entering the house? Demonstrating another trick, he will take out various treats from under his magic cloak. An excellent alternative to him will be our old acquaintance and Aladdin's assistant - the genie.

The meeting of guests can also be entrusted to beautiful concubines who perform a charming and seductive belly dance for all the guests gathered at the party.

Amazing music will help set your guests in the mood for an oriental fairy tale, because the melodies of the East cannot be confused with anything else. The atmosphere of the beginning of the holiday will be supported by a video with oriental dances and songs, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and the wonderful aroma of lit sandalwood sticks or other incense.

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