Funny scenes for last bell (9th grade). Skits for the last call for subject teachers

Every year in the summer there is a very solemn and beautiful event that every schoolgirl dreams of - it’s a prom. It takes place in the evening, graduates come dressed in evening suits and ball gowns. At this holiday, they have fun, dance, sing, and are awarded certificates and medals for special achievements in their studies and more. You can admire this spectacle for an infinitely long time; it is more difficult to organize and carry out everything. Our article will help the organizers of the school prom to spend this holiday as it should be and even better!

Where and how to celebrate graduation

A prom is a celebration that, in terms of preparation, is no different from a wedding.

There is a lot that needs to be done in advance to make the evening beautiful and bright:

  1. First of all, you need to rent a spacious banquet hall, which is not only beautiful and clean, but also serves delicious food. Moreover, the rental must be for a certain number of people. You need to figure out in advance which of the children will go to the holiday, whether their parents or other invitees will be with them, which teachers will be invited. There should be enough food and space for everyone at the celebration.
  2. The second point is the menu. It should be varied and rich. The organizers’ task is to make sure that no one present is hungry, that there is no less food than alcoholic drinks.
  3. To make the hall beautiful and cozy, invite a professional florist who will decorate the banquet hall with beautiful flower arrangements. You can, of course, use balloons and fabric, but it will look old-fashioned. It is better to decorate the hall with school photographs of the class that is graduating instead. The children will feel nostalgic, and everyone present will be in the right mood.
  4. Find a good host to host the evening. You can also agree on a script with him. As a rule, practitioners have already drawn up scenarios that they adhere to when celebrating holidays. However, you can offer your own version or develop a completely new scenario together.
  5. To make the evening memorable, you should agree with a photographer or cameraman who will immortalize the prom in photographs and film.
  6. At the holiday, not only music from a tape recorder should be played; to make the atmosphere solemn, invite a musician with excellent vocals. To make the mood at the holiday as positive as possible, agree that the repertoire includes songs that graduates like.
  7. Be sure to think about what the ending of the holiday will be like. You can traditionally launch fireworks, but it is more beautiful to release balloons or Chinese lanterns into the sky at dawn.

All other nuances are a personal matter for everyone. What outfit to choose, where to do your hair and makeup, where to buy bouquets are individual questions, but you also need to prepare for them properly.

Last bell skits 9th grade (funny)

During the entire training, the children had a mentor - a class teacher. It is this teacher who knows them best. When preparing a presentation, you cannot ignore it.

An interesting option would be sketches for the last bell (9th grade) about class teachers. One of them is presented below.

Class decorations on stage. There is a poster “Welcome, graduates…. of the year!" An elderly teacher, the class teacher, sits at the teacher’s table, and adult men and women sit at their desks. They can be played by both today's graduates in disguise and their parents.

Former students begin to remember their school days.

- Marya Ivanovna, remember how in the 6th grade we put a button on your chair once and poured glue another time?

The teacher smiles, the graduates laugh cheerfully.

- Marya Ivanovna, do you remember how we hid our magazine? You spent more than 2 weeks looking for it? Even then you were almost deprived of your bonus.

Everyone starts laughing again, and the teacher continues to smile sadly.

- Marya Ivanovna, remember how in the 10th grade we ran away from class and a dead mouse was thrown on your table?

Again the friendly laughter of the graduates and the smile of the teacher.

She then stands up, adjusts her glasses and states:

- Do you, my beloved students, remember how in the 6th grade I gave everyone a bad mark on a test, which is why you stayed after school for a whole week? What about our hike when we supposedly got lost? This happened just after the story with the magazine. Have you forgotten how I forced you to learn entire chapters of “War and Peace” by heart? It really was fun.

Now the teacher begins to laugh, looking at the confused faces of her former students.

Such miniatures will be great entertainment for both the guests of the evening and the graduates themselves. So, we decided that a mandatory attribute of this celebration should be scenes for the last bell (9th grade). Subject teachers are especially interested in what their graduates have prepared for the last bell.

Modern graduation scenario

Funny skits about school for graduation in 4th grade

Probably the happiest school graduates are the 4th grade students. They know for sure that an interesting life will soon begin, filled with acquaintances with new subjects and teachers. When finishing primary school, boys and girls present funny scenes to the first teacher, parents and guests who came to the holiday about lessons and breaks, about lazy students and “nerds”, about jokes in physical education and fun outdoor trips.

Examples of funny skits about school for graduation in 4th grade

Saying goodbye to elementary school and their first teacher, 4th grade graduates can give their classmates and teacher an excellent gift - show a small concert consisting of miniatures: jokes, funny short songs, humorous poems. Since fourth-graders cannot yet write a script for a graduation play on their own and act out the roles, their parents and older friends help them with this.

Video “Big Break” - Funny scene for school graduation in 4th grade

Watch the video "Big Change". Here, 4th grade graduates perform a real performance consisting of anecdotal situations that often occur at school. For this production, it is necessary to select appropriate catchy music that sounds in short breaks between scenes.

Interesting and original graduation script

Scene No. 2 “At a geography lesson”

The presenters on stage are 11th grade graduates. A guy and a girl in formal attire sadly say goodbye to school and remember how difficult it was in Valentina Stepanovna’s geography lesson to get a good grade.

The presenters leave, the actors appear on stage - a teacher and 3 students.

Teacher : Hello, children! Today I’m in a great mood, who’s going to go to the blackboard?

Students pretend to sleep or repeat a paragraph.

Teacher : So, Vasilkov will go to the board! Show me Brazil, Vasilkov!

Student #1 clumsily points at the globe.

Teacher : Well, who shows it like that?

Student number 1 : How should it be?

At this time, fiery Latin American music is playing, and the teacher and student No. 1 are rocking salsa on stage.

Teacher : Huh, sit down 4! And now he’ll go to the board...

The students raise their hands: I, I, I!

Teacher : Sokolovsky, show me the continent of Eurasia!

Student No. 2 pokes at the globe.

Teacher : Now show Austria on the map...

Student No. 2 throws up his hands in bewilderment. The Viennese waltz sounds, the teacher and student No. 2 spin around the stage.

Teacher : Sit down, Sokolovsky, three! And now Petrov will go to the blackboard and show me Russia!

Student No. 3 points to a map of the Russian Federation.

Teacher : Well done, Petrov, excellent!

“Kalinka-Malinka” sounds, the teacher and student No. 3 dashingly start dancing.

Other guys run out onto the stage and a Russian folk dance begins. The audience laughs and applauds.

Unusual and fun graduation scenarios: 11th grade

Scene No. 3 “Ah, Pushkin!” (literature exam)

Two actors in the foreground portray a teacher and a student. Behind them is an empty stage where the guys will perform a fun literary show.

Teacher : Pull the ticket!

The student takes the ticket and reads: Theme “Golden Age”...

Teacher : What can you tell me?

Student : The Golden Age is, first of all, Pushkin...

An actor in a top hat appears on stage, portraying Pushkin.

Student : And also his friend Kuchelbecker and... Onegin! The indicated characters appear on the stage, greet and hug Pushkin.

The teacher is perplexed: Is Onegin a friend of Pushkin?

Student : No, no!

Onegin leaves disappointed.

Teacher incredulously: Okay! Tell us what Pushkin did?

Student : He was hanging out...

Girls appear on stage and everyone starts dancing to cheerful music.

Teacher annoyed: Is that so?

Student : No, no! He went to balls!

Classical music turns on, girls with fans flirt, and boys invite them to dance.

Kuchelbecker : Ladies and gentlemen, Pushkin’s beloved Natalya Goncharova!

A girl in a long dress and with a fan comes onto the stage. Kuchelbecker announces a waltz, everyone dances.

Goncharova : Ah, Pushkin! Let's run away! Just you and me...

Pushkin : Better yet, you, me and the horse! Well, it's really faster!

Goncharova : Pushkin, read me something from your repertoire. From new!

Pushkin solemnly: Well, good. Listen, gentlemen! “The devil is dancing the samba in your eyes. And I slowly, without an ensemble, descend to your feet!” Pushkin falls to his knees in front of his beloved, moves his shoulders and sings: Boom-shaka-taka-taka, boom, senorita...

Teacher shocked: Are you crazy?! I'll kick you out now! Well, answer me, with whom did Pushkin conflict?!

Student confused: With Fet!

Teacher surprised: What a turn!

A group of students holding a “FET” banner comes onto the stage. Their leader is ahead of them all.

Fet encourages the crowd: Afanasy! Afanasy! Fet, Fet, Fet! The song “Felicita” comes on and the guys perform a modified version of “Feta Chital”.

Fet : Natalya! What are you doing here? Pushkin, what does all this mean? Do you want a duel?!

Dramatic music plays and everyone whispers excitedly.

Pushkin : Exclamation mark!

Fet : What do you mean?

Pushkin : I mean, no question!

Teacher : So, you want to say that Pushkin fought with Fet because of Goncharova? Remember, he shot with Dantes!

Student : I know you will listen to the end!

Fet comes forward: Gentlemen, I have been deceiving you for a long time. In fact, I... (tears off his hat) Dantes!

Fet's fans change the poster and hold the name "DANTES" in their hands.

Pushkin : We need to decide something with Natalya!

Dantes points a pistol at her: Don’t let anyone get you!

Teacher : This is not from there at all!

Student : Oh, exactly!

Pushkin shakes Natalya by the shoulders: Did you pray for the night, Goncharova?!

Teacher wearily: Either you now answer me how Pushkin’s life ended, or I’ll give you two!

The ticking of a clock sounds, the student thinks. All the actors run up to him.

Dantes whispers: Hey, I'm poof-poof!

Goncharova : Ps, because of me!

Pushkin : And then I... (coughs and falls, feigning death)

Student : I remember! Dantes mortally wounded Pushkin in a duel over Natalia Goncharova!

Teacher condescendingly: Okay. I see they were getting ready.

Cheerful music sounds, everyone applauds and dances! The exam is passed, the actors come out to bow.

Graduation ceremony

Scene No. 4 “Learning the English alphabet”

On the stage there is a chair and a board with the English alphabet. The actress in the role of a teacher is waiting for her student for an additional lesson. The student appears to thunderous applause.

Student : Hi, teacher. May I... Well, in short, I came in.

Teacher : Hello. Please sit down. Today we will consolidate what we have been working on for a whole month.

Student , taking his place: Damn, this alphabet again! Difficult topic! Is it possible to learn a language without an alphabet?

Teacher : No, you can't. What letter is this? (points to first letter)

Student : This is “A”.

Teacher : Hey!

Student : What?

Teacher : Not “a” and not “sho”. This is the letter "Hey"! What letter is this? (points to the second one)

Student : “B”... No! "Wey"!

Teacher : This is the letter “B”! A month down the drain! Remember. What letter is this? (points to the third)

The student thought: “Si”?

Teacher : Yes!

Student confused: So “Si” or “Yes”?

Teacher : This is the letter “C”! Let's move on! (points to the next one)

Student : This is... “Di”.

Teacher : That's right. "Si", "di".

Student : That's how I sit. Let's move on.

The teacher points to another letter.

Student : This is... “E”!

The teacher is disappointed: This is the letter “I”!

Student : Damn, I remember that there was some kind of setup in this place! What a difficult language!

Teacher : Yes, we haven’t even gotten to the language yet.

Student : I can imagine what the language is like if the alphabet is so complex! Now, if this is “I”, then what letter is it? (points to "I")

Teacher : This is the letter “Ay”.

The student gets up and tries to leave.

Teacher : Where are you going? Come back! Tell me, what letter is this? (points to "P")

The student reluctantly returns: Yes, it could be anything! “Re”, “ri”, “paradise”... Well, this is... an inverted soft sign!

Teacher : This is the letter "Pi".

Student : “Pi”? Show me where the letter "pets" is and I'm done!

Teacher : We taught this letter separately. How is it read? (shows "V")

Student: That's five!

The teacher is amazed: What “five”?

Student : Roman! This is five, and this (points to the “X”) is ten! You told me to come up with associations. I came up with them, but forgot the letters.

Teacher : Well, okay. This can be fixed. But you and I forgot one interesting letter! Then all that remains is to learn the last three.

Student : Are these three letters? (points to “xyz”) I thought someone spelled the word wrong...

Teacher : Pull yourself together! Look, it's the letter "H" (pointing to "H")

Student : By the way, I have a lot of questions about this letter. Can you say at least one word with her?

Teacher : For example, “home”.

Student in shock: Well, where is “H” here?!

Teacher : This is the first letter, “ash”.

The student is perplexed: What “ash”? Are you making it up as you go?

Teacher : No, this is a rule! In the word “hour” it is not readable at all.

Student : Then why is she standing there?

Teacher : That's the rule. Let's now connect the letters. What do you get if you combine “s” and “h”?

Student : What?

Teacher : Almost, just not “sh”, but “sch”. As in the word "sheep". What if you combine “c” and “h”?

Student joylessly: The intrigue is just crazy! Well, that's it, I'm home.

The student gets up and heads towards the exit. The teacher runs after him. The actors hide behind the scenes and then return to bow. The audience is delighted!

Graduation scene

Option #1:

Option No. 2:

Option #3:

Option No. 4:

Option #5:

"Dramateshka" is the largest archive of children's plays in RuNet

Characters: Leader Leader Head teacher 2-3 girls. Tokens with numbers for playing “mail” are prepared for all participants of the ball, including teachers. Presenters can use recordings when conducting game episodes. It is not necessary to conduct all episodes of the ball at once, in one “run”; you can intersperse them with congratulations from teachers, dancing and refreshments. Presenter: Today we say goodbye to school, and for this we need to find some kind words. Host: Maybe we shouldn’t split hairs. Let's remind the guys what words Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin addressed to the educational institution from which he graduated - to his dear Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. No matter where fate takes us, And no matter where happiness leads us, We are still the same: the whole world is a foreign land for us, Our Fatherland is Tsarskoe Selo. Presenter: Wonderful poems, but it seems to me that they would sound more correct if we pronounced them a little differently. Host: Otherwise? But as? Presenter: Having made the necessary corrections. It seems that Alexander Sergeevich would forgive us if we took his wonderful lines as a basis. Listen to my version. He reads a version of Pushkin’s poem, slightly modified so that the number of the school where the farewell ball is being held is “fitted” into the final lines. For example, these options: No matter where fate takes us, And no matter where happiness takes us, We are still the same: the whole world is a foreign land for us, The Fatherland is school number six for us! Or Wherever fate takes us, We are still the same, the whole world is a foreign land to us. And wherever happiness takes us, the Fatherland is school number eight for us. Presenter (admiringly): Great, these are poems! I think everyone present will remember them. We started our evening with beautiful lyrical poetry. What else unusual awaits our graduates today? Presenter: The main thing is that our evening should become a wonderful, memorable event that will complete the entire life span of each of us. Just think: we are 17-19 years old, we can say that one third of life is already behind us, the simplest, the most carefree. Presenter: Suddenly we part at the threshold of the school and never meet again. Presenter: But it will be possible to correspond. Even you guys can send a letter to your favorite teacher at any time - just send it to our school address. It’s so nice to receive letters from alumni. I think that the school management will appreciate this and will be proud of your letters. Host: And you can practice writing letters today. You see, upon entering our ball, each of you, including teachers, received a special paper token with a number and a pin with which you can pin it on your chest. There is a number written on the token by which each of you can write a letter to your addressee without being recognized. You can thank your beloved teacher for excellent teaching of the subject or declare your love to a classmate without fear of being rejected. Presenter: Today we will play the role of postmen. So, write letters and give them to us, and we will take your letters by number to those for whom they were intended. What are we parting with when we leave school today? Host: Never again will we be called “boys and girls” anywhere. Presenter: Yes, these school messages will disappear from our lives. But let’s finally play with the graduates a game called “Boys or Girls, Girls or Boys.” Host: Well, remembering your childhood is also sometimes useful. Just explain, please, how to play it. Presenter: You need to finish the phrase correctly. Where necessary, you need to say the word “girls, girls,” and where necessary, “boys, boys.” Only this game has a trick, listen carefully. Host: And one more condition. Boys should only say the word "boys". Presenter: And girls should say the word “girls.” We can begin, everyone is ready to listen carefully! 1. Only... Boys are eager to take part in the motorcycle racing draw. 2. They play with bows and bears, Of course, only... Girls. 3. Any repair will be done subtly, Of course, only... Boys. 4. In spring, dandelion wreaths are woven, of course, only by... Girls. 5. Bolts, screws, gears You will find in the pocket of... Boy. 6. They tie bows for themselves from different ribbons, of course... Girls. 7. Skates drew arrows on the ice, They played hockey all day... The boys. 8. We chatted for an hour without a break in colorful dresses... Girls. 9. To test your strength in front of everyone, Of course, they only love... Boys. 10. They wore uniform aprons In the old school only... Girls. Host: That's great! But I still wonder how the life of each of us will turn out, say, in 10-16 years? Presenter: Interesting, of course. But I would like to wish each of us a clear goal and the achievement of this goal. Even if you fail at the beginning of your journey. Host: The first failure is not a reason for despair. History has known many examples when, after a persistent struggle with circumstances, a person still achieved what he strived for. Let's say, do you know such a writer - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky? Presenter: Of course, this is my favorite writer. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is the author of well-known children's books that have become classics: “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Tsokotukha Fly” and many others. Host: But Korney Chukovsky was at one time expelled from the fifth grade of the gymnasium by a decree according to which the children of nobles could not study next to the “cook’s” children. But Chukovsky independently studied the entire gymnasium curriculum, passed the exams and received a gymnasium certificate. Presenter: I know such an example. The famous dancer Isadora Duncan was so poor in her youth that she was unable to buy a ticket for a horse-drawn bus. She walked to work every day, walking 300 blocks there and back. Presenter: The great commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was short and in poor health. But all his life he spent his entire life cultivating willpower and tempering himself. At the age of 18, he entered the army as a simple soldier, although he could, like all noble children, immediately become an officer. He served as a soldier for seven years, but no one else knew military affairs as thoroughly as Suvorov. And Suvorov rose to the highest military rank - generalissimo. Presenter: Here’s another example from military history. The dashing hussar, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Denis Davydov, was not accepted to serve in the cavalry regiment because of his small stature. But he was so persistent that he was accepted. “Oh, he will be a brave warrior,” Suvorov said about him, “I won’t die yet, and he will already win three battles.” And Suvorov turned out to be right. Presenter: The English poet George Gordon Byron was lame from birth, but strenuously strived to be the first in everything. He persistently practiced boxing, swimming, fencing, horse riding and achieved extraordinary success everywhere. Presenter: We all know that there is such a beautiful city in the world as Odessa. But once upon a time it was a Turkish robber fortress. But the commandant of the fortress, whose name was Duke Richelieu, decided to turn it into a flourishing, comfortable city of the European type with luxurious streets and a real port. He pursued his dream for eleven years and achieved what he wanted. Now in the center of Odessa there is a monument, which all Odessa residents affectionately call the “Golden Duke”, this is a monument to the founder of their beautiful city. Host: So it’s not in vain that they say: “He who walks can master the road.” Presenter: Yes! You have to try, and your dream will come true. Host: And now I propose to start dancing. Let's just remember the wonderful Russian traditions - let's announce a cotillion. Presenter: Oh, I remember that Pushkin wrote about this in his novel “Eugene Onegin.” Remember how he describes a ball on the estate of the Larins landowners: “In jealous indignation, the Poet waits for the end of the mazurka And calls her to the cotillion.” But what kind of dance is this - a cotillion? Host: There is nothing complicated here. Here, you see, I have several pairs of multi-colored ribbons clutched in my hands. Let those who want to dance come and grab the ends of these ribbons. Then I will unclench my fist, and you yourself will use the ribbons to determine who will dance with whom. Maybe our teachers will set an example for graduates by taking part in the cotillion attraction. There is an attraction followed by a series of dances. Presenter: Our next competition is old sayings in a new way. I will begin a well-known proverb, and you will finish it. Host: I agree, only one condition: the proverb must be about school. Presenter: And this is your task, try to change its ending so that everyone understands that this proverb is about school. Will you try? Host: I'll try. The presenter names the beginnings of proverbs, and the presenter attaches “school” endings to them. 1. You can’t spoil porridge with butter... ...said the quick-witted one, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case. 2. He who seeks will always find... ...thought the smart one, looking into his neighbor’s notebook during a test. 3. Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth... ...exclaimed the polite man, knocking over a glass of coffee from his friend during a break in the buffet. 4. Smoking is harmful to health... ...sympathized with the compassionate one, having told the head teacher that his friends smoke in the school toilet. 5. A penny saves the ruble... ...the thrifty man thought and decided not to donate money for gifts to teachers by March 8th. 6. If you know a lot, you’ll soon grow old... ...decided calmly when he received another bad grade in class. 7. It’s time for business, an hour for fun... ...said cheerfully, running home from music lesson. 8. Time is money... ...decided by the sensible one who went to football instead of doing his homework. 9. If you want to be healthy, toughen up... ...exclaimed the caring man, pushing his friend into the school pool. 10. Walking in step means you won’t be tired... ...announced the businessman, loading his classmates with axes and a sack of potatoes during a camping trip. Presenter: And now we will show you a scene that could happen in any school. Presenter: The skit is called “Beauty Competition”. Presenter: Why didn’t you tell me that they want to organize a beauty contest at our school, I would also try to take part in it. Host: No, the question here is completely different. Imagine: the head teacher’s office, into which dressed-up girls enter. The presenters leave. The stern-looking Head Teacher and the Girls appear. The girls are pretentiously dressed and have pieces of paper in their hands. 1st girl (sternly): Marivanna, we are coming to you. 2nd girl: Hello, Marivanna, we are coming to see you. Head teacher: What's the matter, girls? 1st girl: Here, sign the application. 2nd girl: Yes, sign mine too. Head teacher: Statement. What other statement do you have for me? (Takes papers from the girls’ hands and reads). What are you asking for? 1st girl: Let me out of lessons. Sign it there. Head teacher: Shall I sign for you? Let me out of lessons? Where are you dressed up like that? This is not the way to go to school. 1st girl: We're leaving on business. Head teacher: What other case? 2nd girl: We’ll go to the competition. Head teacher: What competition? 1st girl: School beauty. Head teacher: Where? Girls (together): School beauty. Head teacher: School beauty? Who are our beauties? 1st girl: We, what? Head teacher: Well, if you are beautiful, then I am our Minister of Education. Yes, you should have pulled yourself up first at school, and then looked at yourself carefully - what beauties you are?! For example, Tyutkina, tell me, why did you move from four to three? 1st girl: This is not relevant. Sign and we'll leave. Head teacher: I won’t sign anything, take away your application. The team needs you. You have a lot of lessons, I have work. Take your applications, go and study. 2nd girl: No, we have firmly decided. Head teacher: They decided! I wish you well, by the way. After all, you don’t know, but there, at the competition, you have to sing, and dance, and answer various questions. Now we will check how well you can think. Now I will ask you different questions. If you can answer, I’ll let you go to the competition. If you fail, don’t be offended, you will continue to study without competition. Do you agree? Girls (sluggishly): I agree. Head teacher: First question. Continue the phrase of the famous writer. Here you are, Tyutkina, continue the phrase of the poet Nekrasov: “You may not be a poet...” What next? 1st girl: The question is very simple - this is... (Pushes her friend). What next? 2nd girl: I don’t know myself. 1st girl: Marivanna, as you said, please repeat. Head teacher: Continue the phrase of the poet Nekrasov: “You may not be a poet...” 1st girl: It is very difficult to live as a poet. Head teacher: Oh, you. Two for the first answer. It should be like this: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen.” (To the second girl). Now you. Continue Griboyedov’s phrase: “I would be glad to serve, to be waited on...” 2nd girl: Oh, I know, I know: “I would be glad to serve, to be waited on too.” Head teacher: Oh, you. It's sickening, but not too. “I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.” You failed the first task. Now let's see what your horizons are. I want you to explain what some words mean. Here you are, Tyutkina, answer what kind of word this is - grip. 1st girl: I think the grip is a riot policeman. How to grab it! Head teacher: So, who is the founder? 1st girl: This is probably the head of the maternity hospital. Head teacher: As always, you got everything mixed up. (To the second girl). Now come on, tell me, what is the word for a dentist? 2nd girl: Dentist? Probably ice cream. Head teacher: Why is this ice cream? 2nd girl: Because he puts fillings. Head teacher: What is vodka? 2nd girl: Gorilka is the daughter of a gorilla. Head teacher: You know, I'm tired of all this. Here, take your applications, go and study. Go, go! The girls leave. Head teacher: Everyone is obsessed with these competitions, no one wants to study. They'll get to us soon. They’ll take him and send him in his old age to defend the honor of the school at some “Most Beautiful Head Teacher XXXX.” This will make you laugh! (Dances the cancan and leaves). Cheerful music is playing. Host: That's the story. Presenter: What will it be like to remember your native school? Presenter: Let's better ask our ensemble to perform the final farewell song to the school. Ensemble (sings to the melody of the song by composer G. Movsesyan “Half an hour before the flight”). People all know This is everywhere, School is the basis of all foundations. Let's say goodbye to the School "goodbye", the School will answer us "be healthy". Chorus: Someone will smile, Someone will turn away and wipe away a tear with their fist. Still, we will know, We will not forget the school, The school will forever be our good home. The case is atypical, the case is isolated, but for now the phenomenon lives on. The school will say “goodbye” in farewell, and then wait for us to visit for the rest of our lives. Chorus.

Graduation poems for teachers

Scene No. 6 – Musical sketch 11 “R”

Presenter : Dear guys, we are in a hurry to surprise you! Another class graduates today! Which one do you think?

Are there answers from the audience : A, B, C, D and D?

Presenter : You almost guessed it, grade 11 “R” is leaving us today! Meet 11 “R” - parents in our musical sketch!

The melody from the song “School, I miss you” plays. The first to enter is a mother in a school uniform with bows on her head and lays out notebooks on the chairs. The excellent student takes a chair in the first row.

To the song “When We Were Young,” a couple in love enters into an embrace—the graduate’s mom and dad. They sit next to each other in the second row and take up their notebooks.

Two fashionista moms in skinny jeans and heels are shown on stage. “On the Louboutins” plays, they take selfies and chew gum. A man from the second row looks at them, but his lover pulls his ear. The girlfriends occupy the third row.

The next one to come out is the bully dad with his cap askew. The song “Three Words” plays. He tugs on one fashionista's pigtail, high-fives a friend, and heads back to the back to take the fifth row alone.

The music changes to "What a Wonderful Day." Dad comes skipping in with glasses and a shirt buttoned to the last button. Flowers in hand, the botanist hurries to take an empty seat in the front row. Hooligan and fashionistas giggle.

The mother-teacher enters to the trill of the school bell. Suddenly a line from the chorus of the song “Tsunami” sounds.

Mom and Dad run under her with balls; these are friends-athletes. They occupy the empty fourth row and take up their notebooks. A bully throws papers, a botanist gives flowers to the teacher, the kids study to the song “They Learn at School.”

After the lesson, they get up and dance, stretch their arms to the funny children's song “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired.” Only the bully doesn't stand up.

The composition “I want” by the group Gradusy is turned on. At the first lines, the bully throws out the notebook.

The music changes to a chorus with the words “There is only smoke in my head...”, the couple in the second row begins to hug.

The teacher scolds the children and addresses the nerd with words from the chorus “Sometimes” by the group VIA Slivki. He stands up and sings along to the familiar “Twice two is four.” Other students join him, and a friendly choir sounds. The audience applauds.

The bully suddenly raises his hand. “Vitya needs to go out” is playing. The teacher is unhappy, but allows him to leave the class. The music changes to "I'm Free." A bully with a backpack leaves the stage and waves goodbye to his classmates.

The guys start stamping their feet and demanding a break to the song “Changes” by Viktor Tsoi. The rescue bell sounds. The athletes get up and run away together under the famous “They won’t catch us.” The couple gets together and leaves the stage in an embrace. While they are leaving, the song “Do you love me?” plays. The man actively nods at the word “Aha.”

Then the fashionistas leave the class, walking from the hip, as the track “On Style” plays. The last to leave are the excellent student and the nerd, to the very first melody of “School, I miss you.”

The teacher is left alone and sighs. The song “The Ice Is Melting Between Us” comes on and she starts dancing. Students return to class and join the teacher.

A real flash mob begins, everyone dances. The audience applauds loudly!

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