Congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday: sincere words and beautiful pictures

Away with banal toasts and heartfelt “Blessings, dear”! Congratulations on being creative. We welcome congratulations in the form of scenes for a woman’s 55th birthday. We surprise and delight the birthday girl and amuse the guests! Touching words will still have time to be felt. Give room for humorous performances. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time.

All numbers are aimed at paying attention to the hero of the day, however, they will appeal to everyone present. Are you writing a script? Include scenes there. Are you preparing a holiday speech? Play it out with a scene!

You should prepare for such congratulations in advance. Remember phrases, even if they are printed on paper, choose costumes, music, perhaps installations.

How about adding some extra flair to the evening?


You will need:

  • rug;
  • a fabric bag with tasks on pieces of paper;
  • Hottabych's costume (most importantly, turban and beard).

Hottabych bows, spreads the rug and sits down. Then he greets everyone and addresses the birthday girl with respect and congratulations. Further, he offers to fulfill her wishes. But! First, the old man needs to be convinced of the intellectual abilities of the hero of the day. He starts asking questions. First, he waits for a response from the hero of the occasion, then voices his version.


  1. Is this even possible? Celebrating an anniversary for two days? No, because there is night between them.
  2. What do you have that other people use often? Your name.

Hottabych is pleased with the answers and moves on to the wish fulfillment ceremony. He asks the guests for help with this. Those who wish take the task out of the bag and complete it.

The contents of the leaflets are at your discretion.

Approximate forfeits:

  • dance lezginka;
  • sing the hero of the day’s favorite song;
  • hug and kiss the birthday girl (or maybe Hottabych);
  • give compliments to everyone present.

The final gift of the oriental wizard is an oriental dance, which the participants in the skit help him perform.

I was born

The presenter is the congratulator (there may be several people, then the attributes and text are divided between the participants).

You will need:

  • pacifier;
  • cap;
  • bib;
  • baby bottle.

Presenter : Congratulations, we have a girl! (or “little pensioner”, “old lady”). Everyone knows newborns cry a lot. Show us how you roar.

The hero of the day pretends to cry.

Host : Oh, whose teardrops on wheels are these? Well, well, well... Well, don't cry, don't cry. Everyone knows how to calm a screaming baby. The presenter gives a pacifier to the hero of the day. She calms down.

Presenter : Just look at what a magical pacifier it is. She sits contentedly and smiles. Or maybe you're cold? Everyone knows that newborns should wear caps.

The hero of the occasion puts on a hat.

Host : Is everything okay? When did you eat? It's probably feeding time already. Everyone knows that babies need to be fed by the hour. So, let's try on the bib.

The hero of the day puts on a bib.

Host : Friends, don’t be shy and join in. Let's fill our glasses and drink to our baby! And, my dear, it’s too early for you to drink from glasses! Drink from a bottle.

The hero of the occasion is given a bottle into which an alcoholic drink is poured in advance.

Foreign guests

The interpreter or presenter announces the exit of a foreign guest from Japan named Atomuli Yadalato.

You will need:

  • kimono;
  • sake.

Japanese (comes out with a low bow):

I came here, even though no one called. Congratulations, Vasyak, even though you are not deserving.


Atomuli Yadalato is happy to be among those invited to your anniversary and congratulates you with all her heart.


If you are alone and want to swear, I will be offended, a visitor to the waka, Harakiri delaka.


The guest wishes you friendliness and a long life.


And I feel like a good eater, having fun, having fun, After all, there are so many eaters here.


Atomuli Yadalato asks permission to taste your treats. The man from the road is tired after all.

Japanese (takes out a bottle of sake): Sensei, ding!


The guest offers a drink to the birthday girl. Do you mind?

Beautiful congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday in verse

It’s like two A’s at school lined up in a row! There are so many good words being said about you today! You are beautiful, incomparable, And you shine like a diamond! You know how to rule life, Illuminating us with happiness! We wish you inspiration, Light, music around, So that a hundred friends sing along with you the song of life! So that everything will be like in a fairy tale, For another hundred years in a row, And let your eyes sparkle with enthusiasm As before!

They give high fives for good luck of the year - May your soul remain young and your health never fail, may your loved ones warm you with love! Let the flowers decorate the anniversary, Let your heart become warmer today! Let everything be in perfect order in the house! Live well, always in abundance! A cheerful smile, shining eyes, let every hour bring joy! Good news, and dreams come true, and be in a wonderful mood!

55 is a wonderful age for a woman who is true to herself, family, work, loved ones, After all, life has not yet been drunk to the dregs! And there are still many accomplishments ahead, And joys, and happiness, and worries. We wish you health and blessings from God! And there’s a lot to do! So that there is no time to cry, And to be sad, and to be sick - never! The days were always filled with only love and bright joy!

Life gave you two A’s on your anniversary For successful work and for living according to the rules.

Two excellent grades will be a bonus for you to lift your spirits and maintain your tone.

I wish that age would not frighten, but please, so that life would play with the colors of the rainbow.

For your 55 I raise a toast: I wish you happiness, joy, love.

We wanted to wish the smartest and most beautiful to become especially happy at this age - 55!

She raised her children, created comfort in the house, illuminated the world with a smile, Let her worries wait.

This age is for dreams! Take everything from life, No matter how many wishes you have, Let them come true.

This date is for discoveries! To embrace the whole world, Life will be full of events, Many long years to come!

Is it a joke - 55! It’s worth trying very hard, It’s not easy at this age, To stay young like that. This means that your years are not a hindrance for you. You know the formula for success - You are as young as before. Dear anniversary hero - Cheerfulness and long life. Remain yourself, There is simply nothing more beautiful in the world!

Today is your anniversary: ​​Two digits “five” - what a date! Smiles of adult daughters And laughter of grandchildren - yes, you are rich!

We wish you Smiles, laughter and good mood on this birthday. We would like to wish you good health, so that everything in life is perfect.

So that happiness illuminates the path, Trouble goes somewhere. Don’t even think about counting the years - In your heart you are only twenty-five!

Rearrange this way or that way It will only be the number five! It’s good in this world not to notice your years! We wish to find many new Hobbies. Nature is ready to give you a lot of vitality. Plant jasmine brought from distant countries. Stay in love with life! Others always need you.

If someone looks after you, it means you still like him. We don’t count how old you are - You are a beauty.

55 is quite a bit, This is a mature time, These are new roads, This is the best spring.

Congratulations on your anniversary. And for another hundred years, you walk like a queen, all in smiles and flowers.

They rushed like a sled down a hill, Your best years. Happy anniversary! Two A's - you deserve them.

With deed or kind word, you help everyone in everything. We wish you health, happiness and good luck in your home.

Remain as before, Generous, sharp, young, Stylish, smart, bright, gentle and so responsive!

We wish that you bloom beautifully, that you are happy as always, that the sun dazzles every day, in the morning on all your windows. We are used to congratulating you on your anniversary only at 25. So don’t think about your years, you are 25 today! So that you are always lucky, so that you have fur coats and coats. So that your family will praise you, and your friends will not forget.


You will need:

  • police uniform (a headdress is sufficient);
  • notes with questions and answers.

An investigator in a police uniform summons the hero of the day for questioning. The hero of the occasion is given pieces of paper with answers to the investigator’s questions. The birthday girl is asked a question, she, without looking, takes out a piece of paper with a prepared answer and reads it out loud.


  1. Tell me honestly, are you lying about your age?
  2. What about weight?
  3. Do you overuse obscene words?
  4. Do you snore?
  5. Are you naughty?
  6. Are you hiding from your husband exactly how much you spend on cosmetics?
  7. Do you turn into a priestess of the night after 24.00? This is the one who runs like this to the refrigerator while everyone is sleeping.
  8. Do you like to grumble?
  9. Do you dream of being on a desert island with Nikolai Baskov?
  10. Did you rehearse for your anniversary yesterday?


  1. If only a little.
  2. Yes, yes, yes and yes again!
  3. How did you find out?
  4. It’s not true, these are all evil tongues!
  5. Yes, just don't tell anyone.
  6. Only when no one is around.
  7. Well, I can afford it once a month.
  8. Yes, but what's wrong with that?
  9. Happenes.
  10. Only in my thoughts.

The investigator thanks the hero of the day for her honest answers and congratulates her on her birthday.

Happy 55th birthday greetings to a female colleague

We wish you kindness, peace of mind, more happiness, beauty, and every day with love. Let Sorrows and Anxiety pass you by, And let all the taken roads become a smooth path. And at the age of 55, we wish you good luck and luck. Let us congratulate you and hug you on your anniversary day.

We came to congratulate a colleague - today she is 55. She was ready to retire from us. But the laws have changed and she has to get up again in the morning, And go to her favorite job for another 5 years. We congratulate you on your anniversary and wish, as always, that you will always be healthy, beautiful, forever young. And you listen to whoever says what, and take it all into your head. Then, from these wishes, choose what you need!

Let's stand together, let's say this: For your colleague, best wishes! 55 is your anniversary, let life be more fun! It’s very interesting with you, We worked together wonderfully; You are in success and in honor, Always be on this note!

We want to wish, dear colleague, constant success in your work, so that your bosses don’t argue with you, your salary constantly increases, so that you can work and be able to do it, and so that you want to sing with delight, so that there is no reason to say: “I can’t!” After all, I’m 55!”

Let it be great at work, And great in your personal life, At the age of your A's You are very pretty, After all, an anniversary is not just a word, It's a step up, Conquering the peak, Where happiness and success await!

We wish you happiness and success, Love, hope and goodness, Let your faces glow with laughter. Let's raise a glass of wine. Let everything be smooth in your work, Let everything always be in order, And everything goes evenly Towards the best - forward! Today you already have “two A’s”, But the voices, as before, ring. Let everything in life be “A”, Good luck to you!

Your role model, Never tires of inspiring, Anniversary birthday, today you are 55. Remain always cheerful, Smart, cunning and beautiful, May your soul be beautiful, Young and strong in spirit. May your family be your support, your pride and admiration, may life give you inspiration for new achievements.

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Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

Happy birthday greetings to a female colleague, pictures

Happy birthday greetings to a female manager

In the morning, a rumor spread throughout the company that you are celebrating the anniversary of two “fives” today. And we rush from the whole crowd to kiss, hand over flowers and congratulate until we are hoarse. And although I am not a toastmaster, In the field of our work Let me wish you heights And live like this for another five hundred years!

Two fives stood side by side Anniversary - among important matters, Our department warmly congratulates you on this date! Wishes of the team - Happiness in life. And now Be stylish and beautiful and don’t leave us!

Today we wish you optimism, many happy and cheerful days, a long, beautiful and wonderful life, like this wonderful anniversary of yours.

Fifty-five is just a date, Your soul is bright and young, You are rich in kindness and tenderness. May success always accompany you.

May there be many anniversaries in life, May there be a lot of love, kindness and positivity, May your loved ones warm and cherish you, May great prospects await you ahead.

Doctor's visit

You will need:

  • a document in a beautiful design where the testimony will be entered;
  • medical uniform;
  • doctor attribute (suitcase, tool).

The doctor comes out and says that he recently examined the patient (he mentions the name of the hero of the day) and is ready to announce the medical report.

Then he reads out what is written in the document.

  1. Age: in its prime.
  2. Vital tone: still wow.
  3. Pulse: yes, and that’s good.
  4. Heart: there is enough love for everyone.
  5. Vision: enough to notice whether the husband has drunk, whether the grandchildren are well-fed and whether the garden beds have been weeded.
  6. Hearing: if there is a ringing in her head, then she knows exactly where it is.
  7. Disease detected: after a luxurious dinner, it may go into hibernation.
  8. Recommendations: accompany the meal with fun, champagne is welcome.
  9. Conclusion: our patient is beautiful, smart, kind.

Next, the doctor suggests proceeding with the recommendations and hands the birthday girl a document.

Heartfelt congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday in prose

Previously, this age gave the right to a pension, now everything is different! Now even the state has recognized that you are still young, beautiful, full of strength and health! Congratulations on your anniversary birthday! I wish that beauty does not fade, kindness is not exhausted, joy does not pass, and happiness and love fill the heart to the very brim. Love to you from your children and grandchildren, all your relatives and friends, respect from your colleagues and high praise from your superiors!

55 is a beautiful age, a velvet season of life. It’s not for nothing that these are two A’s in a row - probably someone up there gave such a high rating for the wonderful years lived. All the main difficulties and ups and downs of life are already behind us, the emphasis is set, the priorities are determined, the grades are given - two A's! This is a wonderful age, it contains wisdom, beauty and strength, and only the best lies ahead. 55 is not yet age, it is the peak of life, the peak from which, in the palm of your hand, you can see everything you have lived, experienced, and the beautiful things you should strive for. We wish you health for many years to come, so that everything you want and plan will come true!

Number 5, like a school o. You are 55 today, so may everything be doubly great for you! On your anniversary I would like to wish you so many good things: excellent health, cheerful mood, all kinds of luck, financial well-being. Let everything work out!

Congratulations, dear, on your anniversary birthday - 55 years! This is a whole life lived, and it’s worth being proud of the fact that you lived it so long and well, becoming a mother and wife, grandmother, while always remaining a friend and that cheerful sweet girl whom we met a long time ago. It’s wonderful that you were able to retain your youthful enthusiasm. I wish you health and joy.

Today, on your 55th birthday, there will be many congratulations, warm words, delicious food and positive emotions. Dear, sweet and beautiful woman, with all our hearts, we sincerely wish you to always remain a young soul, to be light, cheerful, energetic. And let every year become better, more beautiful and bring more and more positive emotions!

What is 55? Just two A's. Each of them contains a lot of accomplishments and experiences, and together it means joy, good deeds, dreams, adventures, family and friends. So let all the next years pass at “5”. Health, good luck, fun, warmth and miracles. Happy anniversary!

55 years have flown by like a flock of 55 birds. There were songbirds with joyful bright plumage, and there were silent birds painted in tones of sadness. But they are all unique. I wish you as many more beautiful birds. But now let there be only birds of happiness!

Oh, how beautiful a woman is in her prime! Let this youth, lightness and cheerfulness walk with you for many years to come. We wish that life will play in a new tone, be decorated with bright colors and roll out the red carpet in front of you. Smiles to you, good news, sincere conversations and warm friends.

Three heroes

You will need:

  • heroic attributes (for example, armor);
  • certificates, medals.

Three heroes appear before the hero of the day and the guests: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Optional: go out to heroic music or sing a congratulatory song-remake.

The men then proceed to the awards ceremony. One by one, the hero of the occasion is presented with certificates, medals and flowers. Any nominations are at your discretion.

Approximate rewards:

  1. Golden Grandma.
  2. The best gardener or soloist (who pickles cucumbers and tomatoes).
  3. Good hostess.
  4. Caring mother.
  5. The best wife.

Afterwards, the heroes lift the birthday girl up and shout: “Happy anniversary!”


It will be funnier if men wear granny scarves. You can share one ditty for each participant, you can sing it all in chorus, you can divide it into two, three - at your discretion.

1. Grandmothers, Babushki sing ditties for you. We like the anniversary, we’ll promote ourselves here!

2. All the ditties for the anniversary We’ve been preparing for the whole week! To entertain you for 5 minutes, receive applause!

3. Anniversary, anniversary, Anniversary girl, don’t grow old! Our pension was delayed, which means our youth was extended.

4. Oh, there is richness on the table, Noble treats, And we are hungry from the road, What luck!

5. Age is round, golden You give up on everything, Drink, dance and have fun, And don’t skimp on vodka.

6. All your relatives are here, it’s your anniversary! Then we'll walk until the morning, ladies agree? Gentlemen?

7. They say, they say again, That they grow old at fifty-five, Isn’t that nonsense or nonsense? If the soul is young!

8. What is it, what is it? Every year it's the same. You're 18 again, so what are we like?

9. Anniversary, anniversary, To wish us, Be rich, don’t get sick, Let’s continue to celebrate!

Then, to the song: “Grandmothers - Satisfaction,” the participants dance in a free style, inviting the birthday girl and everyone else to the dance floor.

Funny congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday

Today you are celebrating an interesting anniversary: ​​You get two A's, Put your diary in your briefcase.

The music is playing loudly, the mood is just great! Two A's are not your age, You are an excellent student with us.

“Five” - for the years lived, For a happy family. “Five” - for your invaluable experience and for your beauty.

For the love that you gave, For the care, for the work. I got two A's. Well, you can be proud.

On such a wonderful anniversary, one can only wish to celebrate so many more birthdays.

It’s unnecessary to hide your age these days, It’s much easier to add up the numbers - Not fifty-five years, but five plus five - You’re only ten, you still have time to live! You're ten, here's a doll, here's a bow, Briefcase, notebooks - to go to school, But on your anniversary, no one will give you a drink, For this you have to become an adult!

If at about forty-five Baba berry comes again, then what wonderful fruit should we call it now?

Everything sparkles and shines, And the eyes are burning! Can you tell that the owner is just over fifty?

She looks all good, her soul is young! Let us wish her happy, bright days on her anniversary.

More sunshine, so that she can be warmed up, and we wish her health. Congratulations, congratulations!

On the anniversary day of the dear lady, I wish you long years, Short winters and gentle springs, And if autumn suddenly drops by... You, smiling, let her into the house, Give her some tea, Warm her up, listen to her, and take her on her way back. For such a blooming rose, it’s no good for you to mope about summer with her. After all, from the point of view of the Universe, We are just children at 55!

Two A's in the postcard, Today you are an excellent student. Accept your birthday girl's grades from us with a smile! For children, family - excellent, for career - also five. Your anniversary is symbolic. Let's start celebrating. Congratulations and wish you Health and Prosperity, Let the Diary of a Bright Life play in fives.

Please stop for a moment. Now we will congratulate our Elena on her birthday! Today she is fifty-five! We wish you to live curly, prosperous, healthy, carefree. Let fate shout Bravo to you. May your happiness be endless. Don’t regret everything that has passed, Look forward with pride, Laugh at troubles, good luck awaits you ahead.

Three fishermen

You will need:

  • family people;
  • fishing rods;
  • signs with inscriptions.

Three fishermen appear. Over the pants they came in, they put on large size family pants. The fact that the panties will fly off is normal, that’s the whole point.

The fishermen announce that they want to catch a goldfish for the hero of the day. Then the participants turn their backs to everyone and take turns casting the fishing rod.

During the throwing, each person's underpants come off one by one, under which there are signs:

  1. POS.
  2. DRAV.
  3. LAY!

At the end, you can give something related to fish. For example, a refrigerator magnet in the shape of a fish.

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