What words should you say when giving a gift? Words when presenting a gift in poetry and prose for a birthday, wedding, anniversary

What to say when giving a gift.

You have been looking for a long time for a suitable gift for a loved one or just a very good friend, and you think you bought exactly what he needs. But how to present a gift so that the presentation is original and memorable?

What congratulatory speech would be most appropriate? The article contains congratulations for the most common and valuable gifts. You can use them unchanged or add something of your own.

The most important thing is that the congratulations sound sincere, and that the hero of the occasion accepts your valuable gift as a sign of warm and cordial relations.

Words for a gift from a bank with money in verse and prose

What is the most practical gift? Of course, money! Even if you visited a dozen stores on the eve of the celebration and did not find what the birthday boy or colleague would really like, then you always have a win-win option - donate money.

We invite you to present a jar or other glass vessel with money, accompanying the moment of presentation with a comic quatrain or a simple but original congratulation.

A birthday gift should be original, useful, beautiful and evoke positive emotions. A gift like money meets all these requirements.

How can you give money so that the gift does not look official and is remembered for a long time?

  • Roll up a jar of money and write a funny label. For example, “dried greens”, “cauliflower”.
  • Give a sealed jar with money and hand it over with the words: “I’m giving you a bank account.”
  • Hand over a jar of money and printed instructions detailing how to stamp money.

What words should you use to decorate a cash gift?

Please accept my sincere congratulations! May you have good health, may luck accompany you in all your endeavors. So that everything in life goes smoothly and well, so that in the morning you want to sing cheerfully, I give you this jar of money. I think with them you are guaranteed smiles and bright impressions.

I congratulate you and wish you warmth and comfort, so that the sunlight will warm you in any weather. May your wishes come true. I'm giving you a jar of money to help this process start faster!

A jar is almost like a pot as a gift. You give it - and immediately everything is fine. There is somewhere to put it and where to put it. Life immediately becomes easier.

Everything goes to its place and nothing just lies around. A jar is the most useful item in the world. Of course, there is no better gift.

A jar is not a simple object, but a universal one. Accept this unique gift.

She will solve a hundred problems in an instant, Because she was created Only for filling.

Ideal for water, milk and juice, will become a flower vase, not bad for wine.

Suitable for bulk products, for cereals and semolina. And the safest thing is to keep your money in a bank.

If you want to buy something urgently for yourself, our gift will help you make all your dreams come true!

Words for the gift “money jar”

Money in the bank is cool, You can accept it from us quickly, With a tidy sum in your stash, Life will be warmer and more fun.

I give you a large jar, the initial deposit is in it. Replenish your piggy bank. Let the coin rattle.

I want to save money for a big cause. Let there be strength and faith, everything you want to buy.

I'll put the money in the jar and close it with a lid. Here is the gift I will arrange for you.

Let a penny go for only good deeds. If you need it, break the jar!

you Money in the Bank today Let them help you with your goals. Take them from me.

I'm sure you know where you need them. I sincerely wish you to buy everything you want.

In honor of this significant day , I want to congratulate you, I wish you to be successful, and to feel better than anyone else, so that any sorrow and misfortune will bypass you, so that peace reigns in your soul, so that God is always with you, so that nothing will ever harm your health, Little Paper , as from me, May you have more.

Words depending on the design of the gift

Most guests prefer to give money in a wedding envelope. But there are many original ideas on how to surprise young people with a seemingly standard gift:

    Cabbage with banknotes between the leaves. Accompany the presentation of a head of money with the following rhyme:

I give you cabbage, So that your pockets will be thick. There was always money around, so that dreams would come true sooner.

A funny gift for a wedding - “money launcher”. Glue bills and coins onto the broom using tape, decorate with ribbon and a cool poem:

This broom is not easy, This broom is golden. Sweep the corners boldly, So that your pockets will ring. There's a problem in the refrigerator. All of the food has suddenly disappeared? And there is no gasoline in the car, You will fly to the store on a “money launcher”, Like on a fast helicopter.

  • A picture with money is a beautiful way to congratulate the newlyweds and present them with your gift. You can make an unusual collage in the form of a ship, on the mast of which there will be banknotes instead of sails. When presenting, tell the young couple your parting words: “Let your family ship know no storms, quarrels and storms of disappointment, and may only the sun of joy, clouds of hope and a sea of ​​money accompany you.”

  • You can present banknotes not only in a wedding card, but also in a box.

We were in such a hurry to get to the wedding, But we didn’t forget about the gift. This is not a simple box, it’s all so beautiful. And inside there is a surprise for the wedding, so that there is enough for the estate.

  • You can make an unusual monetary surprise in this way: take a photo frame, place the inscription under the glass: “If you need money, break the glass with a hammer” and banknotes. Give an original gift with a hammer and accompany it with the following congratulation: “When you don’t have enough money to buy a dishwasher, a car, a trip to the Maldives or a luxury cottage, you know what to do - a hammer will help you.”
    • Most often, guests give an envelope or postcard with banknotes inside. You can write any congratulatory text on it, for example:

    Our gift is suitable - very necessary, rustling. It's not easy for a young family, It's not easy to start from scratch. We decided to support the wife and husband at least a little. Open the postcard and see what lies there. Spend everything easily and quickly, arrange your life.

    If you want to amaze the young, prepare for them a money carpet from transparent files that are filled with banknotes and connected to each other. Accompany the presentation of the original carpet with the following poem:

    We give an exclusive carpet, very expensive and stylish. But so that the moth does not suddenly eat, we will boldly sprinkle it. We quickly raise our glasses, We drink to the young ones.

      Another way to surprise with a gift is to present a photo album with banknotes pasted in instead of pictures.

    Leafing through the album, remember the past, What was once good in life. Money, of course, cannot buy happiness, but we want to wish you to learn how to spend money and always increase it.

    Or you can give a decorative chest, inside which the newlyweds will find a monetary surprise.

    In this wonderful chest, we give you a pirate treasure. There are bills and coins - Everyone would be happy with him. Exchange banknotes for cherished dreams, so that there is a lot of happiness, light, beauty in life.

    Start preparing for the wedding in advance so as not to search for the right words in the process of congratulations. And it doesn’t matter whether they are in poetic form or you give a speech in prose, the main thing is to do it sincerely, with all your heart.

    The best wedding gift is money: many people think so. It will be useful and pleasant for the newlyweds, and it will be easy for the giver to please the heroes of the occasion.

    Words for a car gift in poetry and prose

    Not everyone can donate a car. But if you have prepared such an impressive present, then you simply need to supplement your congratulations with a comic wish.

    • Congratulations on your birthday! I won't tell you standard wishes. Your guests did this for me today. Today I will fulfill one of your dreams: accept a car as a gift. I think this brand suits you. Follow the rules and have good luck on the roads!
    • Happy Birthday! Let fate surprise you with pleasant surprises. For example, like today: accept this car as a gift! It’s always nice to give a good person a valuable gift, because you will treasure it and won’t turn up your nose! With such a car you will always appear on time everywhere!
    • Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best : health, good luck, fulfillment of all your cherished desires. May fate spoil you and give you only memorable gifts. For example, a car! Now we can also congratulate you on purchasing a foreign car! Make new plans with a car, because the accumulated money can be spent on another desire!

    To be fashionable and stylish And to be on time everywhere, Take a car, It’s just right for you.

    Having become the master of the wheels, do not hold your nose high, do not drive on the road, follow all the rules.

    Let the car become a friend, It rushes through life round and round. Hold the steering wheel tighter in your hands and cherish the gift.

    To have time everywhere and do a lot, Now you can confidently, boldly. And you will no longer be tired, He will solve almost all problems.

    Congratulations on your car purchase

    Beautiful and fast, not a fairy tale, but a reality, I give you this car. May it always serve you flawlessly, And may the gas tank never be empty!

    My love for you cannot be measured, There are no words to describe it, I want to entrust my modest gift, I hasten to hand over the keys to the car.

    Drive carefully, don’t drive too hard, take care of your life and health, enjoy the ride. Green light is always on the way!

    You are now very big, Our man, our hero! You deserve the car - All bolts are present.

    Just drive carefully, Letting pass if possible, Still, we are responsible for you - We worry about the children.

    Any holiday purchase - Buying a car is doubly so! I send you different wishes, so that it’s easy to travel.

    The road was smooth, There were only friends and relatives at the traffic police. The car, like lightning And not a day in repair.

    Words for a gift "car"

    Words for a gift with a cake in verse and prose

    A traditional birthday gift is a cake. It’s good if the baked goods are made to order or have an interesting wish written on it for the birthday person. Then offering a sweet treat will not look banal and boring.

    And if not? How to present one of the obligatory elements of the celebration? Accompany its delivery with a humorous comment or poem.

    • Happy birthday! I wish you health, prosperity, a lot of money and a sweet life. Let this cake delight you today and decorate all your dreams in the same pink color as the ribbons on the box. Let life consist only of white stripes, like these white roses on the cake.
    • Happy Birthday and I want to sweeten this joyful day for you with a sweet treat! Cut it only with good thoughts and may everything you have long dreamed of come true. As it begins to melt in your mouth, may your soul be filled with endless joy.
    • Happy birthday! May you have enough of everything: friends, money, warm days, smiles, success, and love. And so that your life is filled with sweetness, I give you a cake with best wishes from the confectioners. Sweet love, sweet kisses and more luck!

    A cake as a gift is always appropriate for name days.
    You won’t find a tastier gift - It’s great, gorgeous! He makes people shiver, He is so relevant today.

    A wonderful cake like a dream: It is fresh and incredibly tasty. It was created slowly and only especially for you!

    I give you this most wonderful cake, so that all your wishes come true. May your long, sweet life always be of the highest quality!

    Let every new night be airy and tender, just like him. And may you have the most fabulous dream, How misfortunes all go away!

    I wish you a sweet life, and therefore the gift is cake! Let good happiness sneak into your life with love!

    I wish you a lot of positive things, So that every moment is a parade of successes, May all problems rush past, Like a fast horse galloping!

    My gift is the sweetest. In fact, it is of the highest quality. So that everything in life goes smoothly, I’m giving you a cake today.

    It will lift your spirits, It will cure sadness, To make the treatment more effective, take it with tea.

    And a circle of friends helps to increase its properties - All sadness will pass instantly, And treatment will be more fun.

    Pour some tea quickly, and cut the cake into pieces, so that we can quickly put an end to sadness and sadness.

    On the best holiday we would like to wish: To fulfill your cherished dreams, To be in motion and to go towards the goal, Good people on your way!

    Let life make you happy every sunny day and happiness settle in your world, good luck, prosperity, strength and love! Receive the most delicious sweetness from us.

    Let this cake give you pleasure, satisfy exquisite tastes, delight you with its zest and beauty, and make your holiday more joyful!

    It's elegant, delicious , AND tastes incredible! It lifts your spirits and gives you pleasure.

    My gift is a cake. You know a lot about sweets - This is a holiday for the soul. Bring it to the table quickly!

    We wish you a sweet life, like this very cake. We wish you prosperity and a hassle-free life.

    May everything be wonderful, May you always be lucky, May troubles forget you, May life take off.

    Words for the gift “cake”

    How to give such a gift?

    The presentation of wedding gifts is usually limited to a meager word: “Congratulations.” In addition to standard wishes, you can read a short poem to the newlyweds or even act out a mini-scene to cheer up the bride and groom and the guests present at the celebration.

    What verses can be read when handing over money in the bank:

    Our gift to young people is the most popular. It will be ideal for everyone without exception. Take this money and buy whatever you want. Or store it carefully to multiply it many times over. Yes, even a hundred thousand times, We will be happy only for you!

    To become happy in life, You need to smile a lot, To experience love and passion, To always laugh from the heart. Don’t swear, don’t be sad, Share worries, And, of course, load the Stork with work.

    We would like to wish the bride and groom to always walk side by side in life, only together. You carefully take care of your love, carry it through your life together. Don’t look for any reasons for quarrels, Live in love until the very wrinkles. We wish you great family happiness, so that bad weather can be avoided. Keep your love carefully, live happily, long, richly.

    Bring a bridal bouquet to the wedding along with the money jar. Giving flowers to newlyweds is an old tradition, and good wishes and warm congratulations will demonstrate your sincere joy for the newlyweds.

    How to give money for a wedding in an original way:

    • Before presenting an original surprise, you can put homemade necklaces made of banknotes and paper flowers on the bride and groom - this will add positive emotions and become an occasion for another memorable photo.
    • You can invite a magician or learn simple tricks yourself to put on a real show and present a gift.
    • An interesting idea would be a costume performance, the theme of which could be any subject: gangsters, Russian folk tales, robbers. At the end of the mini-performance, the main character will hand the newlyweds a jar of banknotes.
    • Arrange a quest for the heroes of the occasion during the holiday. Prepare clues in advance that will lead lovers to the main gift. Young people love such entertainment and will be happy to go in search of the main surprise.

    Organize the quest in such a way that there are no unexpected hiccups along the way for the seekers, otherwise the game will quickly get boring for the bride, groom, and guests.

    A wedding is an exciting and important event not only in the life of young people, but also of guests who are invited to share the happiness of a couple in love. Regardless of the amount you decide to give for the celebration, use your imagination and figure out how to present the traditional wedding gift – money – in an unusual way. A jar of banknotes is an excellent option that will amuse young people and leave the most pleasant memories.

    Words for a gift with flowers in poetry and prose

    You can express your feelings by giving a beautiful bouquet. Flowers complement the feeling of celebration and bring the aroma of miracles to the celebration.

    By accompanying the presentation of a gift with a comic verse or a warm wish, you will certainly bring joy and spiritual sweetness to the hero of the occasion.

    Happy Birthday! May your life be as bright and colorful as a rainbow. May there be a lot of positivity and good emotions in your life. This bouquet, rich in aromas and shades, will add inexhaustible energy to fulfill your cherished desires. I wish you to walk along roads strewn with flower petals!

    Words for the gift “flowers”

    Happy holiday! I wish you to be as beautiful as these flowers and delight the eye with charm!

    Happy birthday! I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, so that luck is always nearby, and you bloom like these flowers!

    Flowers are a wonderful gift for any occasion

    We've been racking our brains for a long time, what's the best gift? Express as admiration And pleasantly surprise? Even though the gift is not new, What would a holiday be without flowers? And with the bouquet - a wish: Be as beautiful as a flower, Delight our eyes with your charm. And let there be no worries!

    It may be difficult to surprise with this, They (flowers) have long been familiar: I thought of reviving feelings - Give flowers, as usual! If you touch the petals with your hand, they are so lovely! All gray hair away from the temples, It will return, our courage! When it’s time to give a bouquet... ...and this is already cool - Take a risk, luck awaits you in the morning, Success will come to someone again! I give you these flowers, After all, only you are the best in the world. May their wonderful pleasant smell bring you joy.

    Let them evoke fun and fill you with a feeling of affection. Let your dreams come true, And everything will be as you want! I will bring flowers for you as a gift, you will touch the delicate petals with your hand.

    is clear and understandable to us, Let them talk about feelings without words.

    Method No. 7 – Decorative cake

    Is everything wrong? Then look at how unusual it is to give money for a wedding. Then make a money cake for your wedding day; the newlyweds will definitely love it.

    • Prepare a round cardboard base.
    • Now carefully roll the bills into a tube, then lay them out in three rows.
    • Next, you need to tie the “layers” with ribbon, and decorate the cake with flowers (think about the design in advance). The gift as a gift will undoubtedly surprise and delight you. Don’t forget to say congratulatory words upon presentation. You can prepare such a surprise for your sister, girlfriend or friends.

    Comic and funny words of congratulations for gifts

    If you are not lazy and prepare a comic wish or poem for the hero of the occasion, you will be able to make an unforgettable impression on him.

    The loved one you are gifting will appreciate your creative approach and will remember the words you spoke for a long time. The selection below will help you find the words you need.

    May you have more reasons to drink. May both Lamborghini and Ferrari wish you today and may their wishes come true. So that on your birthday you can afford vodka, whiskey and even a cup of tea. Be healthy and happy!

    Happy birthday! I wish you a lot: happiness, joy , good luck, warm days, good neighbors and understanding colleagues. Let a flow of dollars and euros rush to your home! When there are too many banknotes, you will wave your arms and shout: “That’s enough!”

    Our dear birthday boy! Even though you are no longer fifty dollars, it is still a joy for friends - a birthday, an anniversary! After all, any birthday is also a reason for giving. Because - see for yourself! - We came here with gifts.

    You can also prepare a comic congratulation for the gift.

    Birthday boy, dear! We come to you with all our hearts! But first, pour it. Drink, respect people! No, we don’t need alcohol, We would like a drink like this, just to refresh our throats! And we will begin to give you everything that we took with us. It’s still a lot of work - after all, there are a lot of gifts! We are generously happy to give gifts to our dear hero of the day. And, without demanding a reward, Let's get started. Is everyone ready? We spared nothing for our dear friend - We barely dragged it.

    (With these words, they bring out a large box in which all the prepared gifts are stored, and begin to take each item out of it one by one and read funny poems about each gift)

    Gift No. 1.

    Look here: It says “WATER.” And although there is no water here, Let us emphasize this point: After all, the bottle, although empty, is so beautiful! Suitable for everything at once. Well, first of all, it's a vase. Secondly, these are dishes, And not only for the bouquet: For water and for compote, And for tea with bergamot.

    (with these words they present an empty plastic water bottle)

    Video: Happy Birthday! Comic congratulations!

    Gift No. 2

    Here’s another “hello”: A cigarette pack. And “hello” is from childhood: Do you remember - summer, the stadium... 100-meter race in physical training... Gatherings in the yard... There were cigarettes too - You still won’t deny? Even though you haven’t smoked for a long time, we still give you a pack. One has only to take a glance to understand: smoking is poison! Why, you ask, a pack? - You will hide your stash in it!

    (with these words they present a cigarette pack, preferably empty) Gift No. 3

    Look how beautiful this beer can is! You can make a rattle, a very nice toy - throw a couple of coins there! Why isn't it a joy for the hero of the day? Rattle - isn't it? And a piggy bank for coins.

    (with these words an empty beer can is presented)

    Gift No. 4

    Here's another present for you called a euro cent, or simply a penny made of excellent stainless steel. For what? It’s no secret: The birthday boy feels good about the coins he’s given as a gift! We will not take the gift back! This is money, and besides, our modest contribution to this dinner.

    (they present a coin and throw it into the already donated beer can)

    Gift No. 5

    Here's another surprise, Not a quirk, not a whim: It's a candy wrapper. Why, you ask, is this? We want to set an example: You will become a collector! This is the first copy. Do you understand, hero of the day? Who buys paintings, Who collects coins... Wrappers are still more reliable: After all, paintings are more expensive! And when giving candy to your friends, take off the candy wrappers.

    (at this place they present a candy wrapper)

    Gift No. 6

    And made of refractory steel, we give you a pin. You ask: why suddenly? For the gum! Got it, friend? You might say: “What is it? After all, now the underwear is different - From Trussardi, from Dior...” - But what kind of conversation? But take it, don’t torment your friends, Just in case!

    (with these words an ordinary steel pin is presented)

    Gift No. 7

    Look here, my friend: These are matchboxes! You say it's a small thing? No, it's not: This is not a trifle at all. Even if you are not a tourist, Not an avid climber, But from now on you will be able to light a fire in your soul!

    (with these words they present a box of matches)

    Gift No. 8

    We are happy to give you this lipstick tube. And although it is completely empty, He retains the touch of beautiful female lips. Oh yeah tube! What a sight for sore eyes! And I can give advice: Throw it into the enemy’s pocket! His wife will take full revenge on him for you!

    (at this place an empty tube of lipstick is presented)

    Gift No. 9

    Look how lovely it is: Even though the jaw is still in place, Behind the teeth there is an eye and an eye! We give... Now, now... (rummaging in the box)

    Is the hero of the day ready to receive this dental floss? Oh, it looks like we made a mistake... But we’ll hardly repent - With a simple, ordinary thread Somehow we act more habitually. But if you make a mistake, it doesn’t matter: they’ll always come in handy!

    (these words are used to present a spool of ordinary thread, maybe not a new one)

    Gift No. 10

    And now, in earnest, we will solve the “dental issue.” This is pasta. Yes, dental! So fragrant! We know, we tried it too... However, doubt gnaws at us: Is it worth giving it? Because we didn’t have time to buy a new one today. But let's give it away - really!

    And now it’s time for all of us to ring out a friendly “hurray”!

    Money Tree

    For a young family, you can make your own money tree. But at the same time, it is important to know that it is better to make the tree itself from artificial banknotes, and it is better to put real money in a beautiful envelope and on a stand to the tree or on top of a pot under the crown.

    To create a money topiary you need to prepare:

    1. Pot for the base.
    2. Styrofoam.
    3. A beautiful branch for the trunk.
    4. Artificial banknotes.
    5. Coins.
    6. Scotch.
    7. Hot glue.
    8. Braid for decoration.
    9. Stand.

    Making topiary is simple:

    1. Place polystyrene foam in a pot and stick a stem - a stick - into it.
    2. Make a base out of polystyrene foam in the shape of a ball, glue it to the top of the trunk and wrap it with tape.
    3. Roll the bills like an accordion and stick them tightly to the ball.
    4. Decorate the surface of the pot with coins, gluing them with hot glue or Titan glue.

    The topiary should be placed on a stand and wrapped in cellophane, while real money should be placed in an envelope and placed on a stand next to the pot.

    You can give such a tree with the words: “We are presenting you with a money tree, and in order to collect fruits from it, you need to take care, groom and cherish it and each other!”

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