Menu for a festive table for a birthday at home - salads, appetizers, main courses, desserts

What to cook for your husband’s birthday largely depends on the culinary preferences of the birthday boy himself. On this day, more than ever, you want to please your beloved man. Another important condition for choosing dishes is the novelty of the recipe and originality of execution: guests need to be pleasantly surprised. Are you at a loss? Welcome to us, there are recipes for every taste.

Snacks for a birthday party table

Peacock Sandwiches


  • Eggplants - two
  • Processed cheese – 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Cucumber - one
  • Bell pepper - one
  • Olives - 10-12 pcs.

Boil the eggs, peel them.

Wash the eggplants and cut them into slices. Fry in oil until golden brown. Then we put them on a napkin so that the remaining oil drains.

Grate processed cheese and boiled eggs on a fine grater. Press the garlic through a press. Salt and pepper to taste, mix, season with mayonnaise. The mass should be quite thick. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices. Cut the pepper into four parts, then into thin slices. Cut the olives in half. Spread each eggplant circle with paste made from eggs and processed cheese. Place a cucumber on one end of the circle and place half an olive on top. Place a slice of pepper on the opposite side along the edge. Place the finished Peacock Tail sandwiches on a plate and serve.

“Stuffed sushi “I want more!””


  • Dryers (not sweet, “School” type) - 350 g
  • Minced meat (pork + beef) - 450 g
  • Onion - one head
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs
  • Hard cheese – 200 g
  • Vegetable oil (for frying)
  • Salt

Finely chop the onion. Combine with minced meat. Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking bagels. Soak the bagels in hot milk for 5 minutes on each side.

Place the bagels on a plate. Roll the minced meat into balls approximately 2 cm in diameter. Place the balls into the holes in the bagels and press the minced meat with your fingers. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt.

Fry the stuffed bagels in vegetable oil, after dipping them in the egg. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Place the bagels on a greased baking sheet, sprinkling each with grated cheese. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven. Can be served both hot and cold!

You can choose a variety of recipes in the article “Holiday Snacks”.

Cold appetizers recipes with photos

Creamy tartlets with red fish

Ingredients: 16 tartlets made from wheat or rye dough, 300 grams of lightly salted trout (you can use salmon, but this will worsen the taste of the dish), 2 quail eggs, chopped dill, a little red pepper, 100 grams of cream cheese or mascarpone.

  • Boil the quail eggs, peel them, cut them into two halves, and place them in a blender;
  • Place 100 grams of cheese on top of the eggs, sprinkle everything with pepper and salt if you see fit. Beat the mixture, and after a minute of processing, stop the blender;
  • Place the resulting mixture into tartlets. Gently spread it so that the top becomes flat;
  • Place a strip of trout on top of the cheese mixture. Top the appetizer with finely chopped herbs (use dried if desired) and serve chilled on a large, shared platter. The quantity of products is designed for a company of 8 adults.

Salad with beef and onion marinade

You need: 200 grams of boiled beef without fat, an onion, 100 grams of Roquefort cheese, 2-3 chicken eggs, a little vinegar at 9%, clean drinking water, mayonnaise.

  • This salad can be quickly prepared before guests arrive. To begin, cut the onion into half rings. Immerse it in a marinade of a glass of water and a tablespoon of strong vinegar. Keep the onion in it for about a quarter of an hour;
  • Pass 200 grams of boiled beef through a meat grinder. This is an important step: you cannot replace the rolled beef with regular minced meat;
  • Grate all available eggs on a fine grater, do the same with Roquefort. Start layering the lettuce;
  • First of all, place the onions in a translucent or glass salad bowl. Next comes meat, eggs and cheese. Spread each layer of the dish with mayonnaise or Greek yogurt if you don’t use it.

Sandwiches with chicken legs and walnuts

Ingredients: 4 chicken legs, yeast-free black bread, a medium jar of mayonnaise or a package of low-fat yogurt, a glass of peeled walnuts, olives, dill, 35 grams of garlic, salt, water and black pepper.

  • Boil the meat in salted water. Peel the skin from the chicken, remove it from the bones and pass the existing pulp through a meat grinder twice. The result should be a porridge-like mass;
  • Add crushed walnuts and garlic to it (you can crush it using a garlic press);
  • Season the future chicken pate with mayonnaise or yogurt. Salt to taste and add a little pepper, beat everything in a blender;
  • Cut the bread into thin slices and spread the pate on it. This appetizer should be served on a large common platter, and you can decorate the pieces of bread with dill branches and olives.

Chicken quesadilla with tomatoes and corn

You need: 3 large pieces of chicken fillet, half a head of red onion, a can of canned corn, a tomato, 100 grams of hard cheese, red bell pepper. Also prepare 6 baked or purchased tortillas, tomato paste, salt, ground pepper, olive oil and herbs to taste. These ingredients are enough to create 6 small servings of Mexican dish.

  • To arrange a delicious surprise for your spouse, turn to Mexican cuisine. The spicy quesadilla will definitely not leave even the most spoiled gourmet indifferent. First, finely chop the tomato, pepper and onion. Add corn to their mixture and fry everything in a thin layer of oil;
  • Transfer the roast to a deep bowl, add dill and parsley to create a fresh taste;
  • Cut the meat into cubes, fry for 2-5 minutes and do not forget to stir it so that the chicken does not burn. Add a little tomato paste and simmer for another minute. Then add the meat to the vegetables;
  • Grate the cheese coarsely, pour the crumbs into the tortilla. Then comes a layer of filling and some more cheese. Cover with the other half of the dough base, cut into two equal halves and fry again in boiling oil. It should take 2-3 minutes on one side. Typically, quesadillas are served with hot salsa sauce.

What salads can you prepare for a birthday?

Salad with beans, chicken and mushrooms


  • Canned red beans in their own juice – 1 b
  • Korean carrots – 200-300 g
  • Boiled chicken breast or chicken roll – 300 g
  • Canned champignons – 200 g
  • Onion - one head
  • Mayonnaise for dressing

Cut the mushrooms into medium cubes, finely chop the onion. Transfer everything into a frying pan and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then let it cool and drain off excess oil.

Open the can of canned beans and let the excess moisture drain out.

Cut the chicken (chicken roll) into small cubes. Mix all ingredients, taste for salt, add salt if necessary. Season with mayonnaise. Salad ready.

Chicken and pineapple salad


  • boiled chicken breast – 1 pc.
  • onion - head
  • vinegar – 1 tsp.
  • eggs – 5 pcs.
  • cheese – 200 g
  • canned pineapples (rings) – 1 jar 500 ml
  • sour cream – 5 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise – 7 tbsp.
  • garlic – 3 cloves
  • salt - to taste
  • ground pepper - to taste
  • ground ginger - optional

First, prepare the dressing - mix sour cream, mayonnaise, garlic, passed through a press.

Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water for 5 minutes. Then drain the water, add a teaspoon of vinegar, stir, and leave for a couple of minutes. Then drain the vinegar. The pickled onions are ready.

Then we cut the chicken breast across the grain and place it on the dish as the first layer. Salt and pepper to taste, add ground ginger. Lubricate the top with dressing. Spread the next layer of pickled onions, then the dressing.

Three hard-boiled eggs on a coarse grater, spread in a third layer. Lubricate with dressing again. The top layer is decoration – pineapples. Place a circle of pineapple in the center of the dish, cut the remaining circles in half, and place them in the shape of a sun. Place the salad in the refrigerator to soak for half an hour.

Greek salad"


  • two medium cucumbers
  • red bell pepper
  • yellow bell pepper
  • 250 g cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 225 g feta
  • 100 g Kalamata olives
  • two cloves of garlic
  • 1 tsp dry oregano
  • 1/2 tsp. mustard
  • 60 ml red wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt
  • 1/2 tsp. coarse fresh ground black pepper
  • 125 ml olive oil

Cut the cucumbers in half, remove the seeds, and cut into 5-6 cm slices.

Cut the pepper into 1.5 cm squares. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, chop the onion into thin half rings. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.

Let's prepare the dressing. Finely chop the garlic. Using a whisk, mix garlic, oregano, mustard, vinegar, salt, and pepper in a small bowl. Continuing to beat, gradually add olive oil. Pour the resulting sauce over the salad and mix thoroughly. Cut the feta into cubes with a side of 1.5 cm. Remove the pits from the olives and cut them in half. Place the feta and olives in a bowl. Leave the salad for 30 minutes at room temperature, then serve.

If your birthday is outdoors

But now - the snow has already melted, the sun is getting hotter every day - it’s time to get out into nature. What to cook for your husband’s birthday outdoors? Easily! You just need to prepare a little. Original salads, meat dishes and snacks.

Cooking kebabs

Well, what would a picnic be without barbecue? In order for the meat to turn out perfect, it must be properly marinated in advance. Two very successful barbecue marinades:

For meat (beef, pork)

  • for 2 kg of meat: 750 ml of dry red wine and table mineral water;
  • 2 onions;
  • BBQ spices.

Cut the meat into pieces, sprinkle with spices and onions, place in layers in a food container with a lid. Pour a mixture of wine and mineral water, leave to marinate in the refrigerator overnight.

For chicken and turkey

  • 100 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 1 onion;
  • juice of ½ lemon.

Grind 2 kg of poultry meat (in arbitrary pieces) with a mixture of salt and pepper, then pour in marinade (a mixture of mayonnaise, juice and onion) and leave to soak for at least three hours.

Lavash envelopes with filling

  • 10 pieces of thin pita bread;
  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 tomato;
  • salt pepper.

Finely chop the fillet and fry, add finely chopped onion and pepper, stir. At the very end, add diced tomato, salt and pepper and simmer until tender under the lid. This filling must be prepared in advance at home and taken with you in a container. You need to cook the envelopes when the barbecue is almost finished and there are good coals - place a frying pan on them. The filling is wrapped in pita bread and the “envelopes” are fried in a frying pan with a small amount of oil.

Tomatoes stuffed with salad

For this snack you will need 10 pieces of medium-sized, fairly strong tomatoes.

We prepare any salad - it’s better if it’s the birthday boy’s favorite salad. The caps are cut off from the tomatoes and the insides are removed with a spoon. Tomato “cups” are filled with salad, and the appetizer is ready!

Mushrooms on skewers

The appetizer can be prepared from both wild mushrooms (if you already have them) and champignons. The best choice is from the meatiest variety of champignons – Portobello.

Mushrooms need to be washed, salted, and put on skewers. Using a brush, brush the mushrooms prepared in this way with a sauce of vegetable oil and lemon juice and fry over coals like a regular shish kebab. You can also fry mushrooms without skewers - on a wire rack, turning them from side to side as they are ready.

Grilled vegetables with yoghurt sauce

While there are hot coals in the grill, you can bake vegetables - bell peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and even onions.

The sauce for baked vegetables is even easier to prepare. Greek yogurt, mayonnaise are mixed in arbitrary proportions, a small amount of any grated cheese and a spoonful of French mustard are added. The vegetables are peeled, placed on a plate and poured over with sauce. By the way, if you and your guests are going outdoors, you can arrange a buffet for which you can prepare various snacks.

Salad with champignons, corn, egg and cheese - delicious recipe with photo

Recently I tried an excellent champignon and corn salad while visiting. We liked it so much for its taste and simplicity that we decided to cook it at home over the weekend. Read more…

Salad with canned tuna, egg and avocado

The taste is very pleasant, the consistency is delicate. Read more…

You will find several more delicious and beautiful salads here.

What to cook for the main course on the holiday table

Chum salmon in boats in the oven


  • Chum salmon - steaks (8 pcs.)
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 5 tbsp.
  • Parsley.
  • Lemon.
  • Black pepper.
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Tomatoes

We clean the chum salmon, cut it, remove the fins, tail and head. Wash it, cut it into steaks. Finely chop the parsley. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into slices. Let's make a marinade for the fish. Take olive oil, soy sauce, black pepper, mix everything. This is a marinade. Place the fish steaks in the marinade and mix thoroughly. Let marinate for 40 minutes. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

We form boats from foil for each steak. Place the resulting boats on a baking sheet. Place one steak in each boat. Squeeze lemon juice into each steak. Place 2 tomato slices on top. Sprinkle with herbs on top and place in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, take out the baking sheet and sprinkle each steak with grated cheese. Then put it back in the oven for 10-15 minutes. The fish is ready. You can serve it with boiled rice.

Mushroom julienne


  • champignons – 300 gr
  • hard cheese - 100 gr
  • onion - head
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • nutmeg - ½ tsp. (not for everyone)
For the sauce:
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 200 ml cream (20%)
  • butter 20 g

Cooking process:

Peel the onion, rinse under running cold water, and chop finely.

Wash the mushrooms, dry them, cut them into thin strips. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown. Then remove it from the pan. Fry the mushrooms in small portions until golden brown.

Let's make the sauce

Heat a frying pan over medium heat, fry the flour until golden brown, stirring constantly. When the flour has browned, add vegetable oil and stir until smooth. Gradually pour the cream into the pan, continue stirring, making sure that no lumps appear, add salt and nutmeg to taste. Cook the sauce until it thickens.

Once the sauce has thickened, add onions and mushrooms. Mix all the ingredients in a frying pan, sprinkle with pepper to taste, add salt if necessary and continue to simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from the stove.

Three cheeses on a coarse grater. Take a baking sheet and grease it lightly with oil. Place the contents of the frying pan on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese, and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes until the cheese turns golden brown. It is advisable to serve julienne hot, so it is not advisable to prepare it in advance.

Juicy, soft whole turkey stuffed with rice in the oven

When baking a bird in the oven, do not forget to provide a side dish for it. As an option, I suggest you cook a juicy, very tasty and tender turkey all at once with a side dish and gravy. We will bake it and stuff it with rice. Read more…

A delicious recipe for baked chicken breast in the oven with Bechamel sauce

The breast will be tender and flavorful, but since it is a lean part of the chicken, the meat will be a bit dry. Therefore, I advise you to serve the sauce with the breast baked in the oven. Read more…

Stuffed chicken drumsticks


  • Chicken drumsticks - 4 pcs.
  • Champignon mushrooms - 4-5 pcs.
  • Processed cheese – 90 g (1 pc.)
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Carefully remove the entire skin from the chicken drumsticks. We cut the meat from the bones, chop it finely, or pass it through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion and champignons and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Combine the prepared mushrooms with minced chicken. Add grated processed cheese there. Salt and pepper to taste.

Stuff the chicken skin with the resulting minced meat and place it on a baking sheet. We tuck the skin on the side of the knee so that the minced meat does not end up on the outside during baking. Lubricate the drumsticks with vegetable oil on top and season to taste. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Serve the finished stuffed drumsticks on the table, garnished with herbs. You can serve mashed potatoes as a side dish.

You can cook meat in French.

Delicious chicken thighs with potatoes baked in the oven in a sleeve

Chicken meat has several advantages that allow it to occupy a leading position in the ratings of housewives. Read more…

Surprise your husband and guests with an original roast - three best recipes

When a birthday falls in one of the colder months of the year, the question of what to cook hot for your husband’s birthday sounds especially relevant. Is your husband a “meat” person? Then a set table cannot do without a large piece of deliciously baked beef, lamb shoulder or pork knuckle. There are a lot of meat dishes, we suggest making a roast.

Whole roast beef

  • a piece of beef weighing up to 2 kg;
  • bacon strips – 100 g;
  • fresh or frozen pitted cherries – 100 g;
  • salt, black pepper;
  • soy sauce – 3 tablespoons;
  • honey – 2 tablespoons.

Using a long thin knife, make deep cuts in the meat and place one cherry in each.

Salt and pepper the meat, not too much. Wrap in strips of bacon and place on a baking tray.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the meat until crusty - this is necessary so that the meat is “sealed” and as much juice remains inside as possible.

The baking time is calculated as follows: at 220–240 degrees, 20 minutes for every 500 grams of meat, plus another 20 minutes. During the entire time in the oven, the roast should be brushed several times with a mixture of soy sauce and honey - it will acquire a beautiful glazed appearance.

Roast leg of lamb

  • leg or shoulder of a young lamb – up to 2.5 kg;
  • head of garlic;
  • two sprigs of rosemary;
  • salt, pepper, spices for meat;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml red wine.

Rub the piece to be fried with a mixture of salt and pepper. Make cuts in the meat, insert a clove of garlic and part of a sprig of rosemary into each of them. Brush all the meat with vegetable oil using a brush and place it on a baking tray.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake the roast for about half an hour, basting with wine from time to time. Then cover the piece completely with foil and keep in the oven until ready. How long it will take to cook can be calculated as follows: 15 minutes for every 600 grams, plus another 20 minutes.

Roast pork in a goose pan

  • piece of boneless brisket – up to 2 kg;
  • a bottle of good dark beer;
  • salt, pepper, oregano.

Rinse the meat, dry it, rub it with a mixture of salt and pepper, sprinkle with oregano and roll it up. Place the roll in a casserole dish with a lid and put it in the refrigerator overnight to marinate.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the casserole dish in it without a lid and fry until crusty. Once the crust is formed, cover the roast with a lid and reduce the temperature to 160 degrees. In total, the meat should be in the oven for at least three hours. When the piece is completely baked, pour a bottle of dark beer into the casserole and leave it in the turned off oven for another half hour.

Homemade drinks



  • Lemons - 2 pcs.
  • Fresh peppermint - 6 sprigs
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Water - 2.5 l

Squeeze juice from lemons.

Place lemon peels and mint leaves in a saucepan and fill with water. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes. Add sugar to the still hot compote and leave until completely cool. Strain the cooled compote. Add lemon juice and stir.

Cool the lemonade, pour into glasses, add ice if desired. Garnish the refreshing lemonade with mint leaves.

Cherry compote “Traditional”

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):

  • 500 g cherries
  • 1.5 l water
  • 5 tbsp. Sahara
  • Cloves 3-5 pcs


We sort out the ripe cherries. There is no need to remove the seeds. Rinse well and drain the water. Pour clean cold water into the pan, add granulated sugar, add stars of dry clove seasoning. Place on the stove, bring to a boil, and cook until the sugar dissolves. The base for the compote is ready.

Add cherries to hot syrup. Cook over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes. As soon as the berries float to the surface, the compote is ready. We leave it for a couple of hours to let it brew and cool. Serve the chilled compote on the table.

Delicious dishes on the menu in nature

If it is possible to spend the holiday outdoors, the list of treats should be supplemented with “themed delicacies.” The main tool for cooking outdoors is the grill. This means that the recipes will use it.

Chicken in kefir

An integral part of most picnics is barbecue.
It can be made from any type of meat, including chicken. A good budget option is chicken shish kebab. But so that it does not spoil the holiday experience, you need to properly prepare the marinade. Ingredients:

  • chicken drumsticks or chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • kefir - 0.5-0.7 l;
  • seasoning for chicken, salt - to taste;

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

  1. The meat is cut into pieces.

  2. Add salt and spices and mix.
  3. Place in a deep marinating container, where kefir is poured.

  4. Leave for several hours.
  5. By the end of the time allotted for marinating, the coals are prepared.
  6. Bake on a wire rack.


It is better to purchase kefir in glass or transparent plastic packaging so that you can see the contents.

Champignons on the grill

The word "kebab" is usually associated with meat or fish. But you can cook absolutely anything on the grill. Grilled champignons are unusual, tasty and very filling. It is important to choose the right marinade.


  • fresh champignons (medium) - 1 kg;
  • lard (fresh or salted) - 250 g;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • onion head - 3 pcs.
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