Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom: in prose and poetry

A wedding is a wonderful celebration that newlyweds look forward to. But the parents of the newlyweds are no less worried, because on this day their adult children will start their own family and leave their parents’ home. We have selected the best words of gratitude to parents at a wedding in prose and poetry, from the bride and groom, as well as universal poems that the bride and groom can read together.

Newlyweds can prepare a speech about gratitude to their parents in advance or improvise. But you should understand that at the most important moment you may get excited and simply will not be able to clearly express what you want to say, so a little rehearsal will not be superfluous.

This does not mean at all that you will have to read from a piece of paper; such speech is devoid of sincerity and sincerity, so it is better to learn your speech by heart. If something is forgotten, it is not fatal, the main thing is that the words come from the heart.

Prepare words of gratitude for both your parents and the parents of your significant other. Even if some misunderstandings flashed between you, you should not remember them on this solemn day. A wedding is a great excuse to re-build relationships with the groom’s parents.

When choosing a speech, avoid excessive pathos or pomposity, this is inappropriate, let these be ordinary words that everyone understands. Words of gratitude don’t have to be long and complicated. Also, in simple words you can easily express warm feelings and gratitude. It’s great if your words are associated with some pleasant story or funny incident that you remember. Do not be afraid of sincerity, it could not be more appropriate in this situation. Tell them how much you love your family, because sometimes people need to talk about it.

Sincere and touching words of gratitude to parents at a wedding from the bride in prose

Saying words of gratitude to the groom’s parents at the wedding, the bride promises to love their son, to be a faithful, affectionate and obedient wife, a loving mother to future children, and not to offend her loved one with inattention or a rude word. A young wife must understand that it is not easy for parents to let a child, even a fully grown one, go into a new life. Therefore, her speech should convey the idea that they can be calm about their son. Such words can move you to tears.

*** My dear parents! I want to thank you today for your help in preparing the wedding, and also for your support and good advice! Thank you for loving and loving me! Thank you for constantly telling me that I deserve to be happy. Today I am truly completely happy: I married the one I dreamed of. I promise you, mom and dad, not to forget you and always share my joys with you. I want to tell you that you are the best parents in the world!

*** Today is the happiest day of my life. I am very grateful to my wonderful mother-in-law and father-in-law for raising such a wonderful son. I'm happy that I met him and fell in love with him. He is a very kind and sympathetic person with whom I will be glad to share my life. I realized that I had found true love, and I will keep it in my heart until the end of my days. I really appreciate and love your son. Thank you very much! At a wedding, in a response of gratitude, the newlyweds can thank their parents not only for raising and educating you, but also for giving you gifts.

*** Dear Parents! You gave us many gifts, but wedding gifts are especially dear to us. You helped us lay the family foundation, and we believe that it will be strong and reliable, that we will definitely build our beautiful and cozy home on it. And the first bricks in these strong walls were laid by you - our relatives, loved ones.

*** Our dear and beloved father and mother! We are sincerely grateful to you for the gifts presented today, for your attention and warmth that you give us. Thank you very much for the tenderness that surrounded us from the time we were little children, for the love that supported us in the most difficult moments. It is happiness to be next to you, to constantly feel your shoulder. We will always take your example, come for advice, respect and love you.

*** Dear dad and mom! Thank you for your love that has surrounded us since birth, for your support at various moments in our lives. Thanks to your protection, we confidently enter family life, knowing that we always have someone to turn to for advice, kind words and help. Of course, the most touching gratitude to parents at a wedding should not be read “from sight.” It's better to learn her words by heart. But even if you forget or confuse something, nothing bad will happen, because the main guarantee of the success of such a speech is your sincerity.

*** Today is a very joyful day for us. On behalf of our young family, we would like to sincerely thank our parents for their love, kindness and support in all situations. Thank you for your help in organizing this celebration (we couldn’t have done it without you), for your invaluable advice and simply for being you. We raise a glass to the health and longevity of our parents!

*** Today all words sound in our honor, and we congratulate and thank the other heroes of this celebration - our parents. Our dear and beloved mom and dad! Without you there would be no us, there would be no our wedding. We thank you for the happiness of being with you, feeling your warmth and support on the most difficult days. Thank you so much for your patience, care and true love!

Sample words of gratitude for the loaf

After the official ceremony at the registry office, parents on the threshold of the house or cafe where the celebration will take place greet the newlyweds with bread and salt.

Of course, they will give you warm, heartfelt words of encouragement, thus giving their blessing to your new happy life that is beginning.

That is why, in their response speech, newlyweds usually say a phrase where they thank you for bread and salt .

“Mom and Dad, thank you so much for the warm welcome. By greeting us with bread, you show that you bless our choice. We promise to protect our happiness and our feelings, to value each other as dearly as salt and bread crumbs.

We really hope that you will always help our young family with your advice and support in all endeavors.”

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at a wedding from the bride in verse

It is appropriate to say sincere words of gratitude in verse after the parents have congratulated the newlyweds and presented them with gifts.

*** Parents, thank you, dear ones, For those sleepless nights for us, When with love in our hearts, young people, We were at the cradle at a late hour... and that love, support and care That was given to us in childhood and always. Being a mom and dad is the best job that never gets boring. Words from the bride to the groom's parents:

*** Thank you for your golden son, for your precious husband, because there is no other as reliable. They brought Happiness into the world for me! Words from the groom to his father-in-law and mother-in-law:

*** Thank you for an unearthly Baby, for a wise and kind wife, so attentive and sensitive. I love her as March loves spring.

Thank you for teaching us to be worthy people in life. Love in hearts is always more valuable than gold. And we were able to recognize it.

After all, if it weren’t for you, then both of us would not have encountered a Miracle on the way. And now we will double our love And fortunately we will be able to find all the keys.

We hope for your understanding and we will thank you with grandchildren. Thank you for your patience and effort. We love you, appreciate you and keep you in our hearts!

*** You raised your daughter perfectly, We have become completely family, Thank you for your daughter, We are glad to see you with us,

Call for no reason and come visit. To remind you of this day, it’s a pleasure for me to present a present. Words from the bride to the parents:

*** We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time, Today is the main day and hour. It’s so great that in this room are those who are so dear to us.

We are eternally grateful to all our dear guests, that you, with a radiant smile, said so many toasts to us.

But there is still a big thing that we want to do - Let's ask for silence now, Parents! Words for you!

It will be very, very difficult for us to fit both gratitude and love into short lines, We are afraid that there will not be enough words.

You are very close, dear, You are just as young, As on the same day and at the same hour, When I was born to you.

Parents! I love you! I thank you for my childhood, in which there was magic, My birthday is on Christmas,

And for your favorite toys, And for surprises under the pillow. And for luxurious outfits, for holidays and parades,

For your wise advice, support, help in all this, For the fact that you, father, are like this, My closest and dearest.

I will say the main thing now: I value you very much, I will take all the best that we have into my family now.

Let's not shed tears today, I will come to visit, So that boredom does not settle in the house, I will give you a granddaughter and a grandson!

And here is a wonderful video:

Option No. 9

Dear Ulyana Makarovna!

I express my sincere gratitude for the great work done in raising your son

Artemyev Igor.

For your activity in uniting the children's team and educating the younger generation of high moral qualities - special thanks to you.

With all my heart I wish you good health, personal happiness, family well-being, and further success in raising a child.

Cl. Head of 5th "B" class

MBOU secondary school No. 71

Y. N. Sarina

Maykop, 2021

Heartfelt words of gratitude to parents at a wedding from the groom in prose and poetry

At a wedding there are many congratulations and toasts in honor of the newlyweds. In words of gratitude to the parents, the groom sounds a sincere “thank you” for their understanding and support in difficult moments, for their patience and wisdom.

*** My beloved parents! On this important day for me, I want to share my happiness with you. Thank you for never complaining about fatigue and lack of time when raising me, for the fact that I always felt your love and support. I am incredibly glad that we are together today, and I want to say that I am infinitely happy. I promise to become a good and faithful husband for my wife, to provide prosperity for my family and to take care of you!

The groom takes responsibility for his beloved, so words of gratitude to her parents have become a good tradition. Words of gratitude from the groom to the father-in-law and mother-in-law should be said for: • the loaf with which the parents greet the newlyweds (this is the personification of their care and love); • present; • of course, for my daughter. If it weren't for your parents, you would never have met your precious soul mate; • wedding organization. It is the parents who bear most of the troubles: both financial and physical.

*** Dear father-in-law and mother-in-law! I want to say “thank you” for that beautiful girl who today became my wife. She is incredible, magical, gentle and understanding, I have dreamed about her all my life. I promise that with me she will not know tears or grief and will be happy.

*** Thank you, _____ and _____, for raising such a beautiful daughter - the standard of a woman and wife for me, because she has so much tenderness and kindness that every minute spent with her is filled with joy and happiness. I promise you that I will appreciate and love your daughter, protect her from all sorts of troubles and make her the happiest every second of our life together!

*** Dear _____ and _____, I want to say “thank you” for finding my happiness, because without you this could not have happened. You raised a wonderful girl who will become an excellent wife and mother of future children for me, because you put in her only the best qualities. And it’s not surprising, because such kind and sympathetic people can only have such a beautiful daughter as _____. Thank you for sharing this day with us, we hope that we will continue to be friends as families, supporting each other in everything!


Or this poetic congratulation:

*** Today is a holiday for you too, and on this I congratulate you, I want to say thank you, thanks to you we are now walking.

You gave me happiness. After all, here she is, next to me. We promise to live in happiness, And to be a mountain for each other!

Option #1

Dear Eduard Filimonovich and Yulia Yakovlevna!

I express my sincere gratitude for the conscientious fulfillment of parental responsibilities, for your caring attitude to school and the excellent results of your daughter

Ekaterina Eduardovna Polushkina.

Your patience, sensitivity, prudence and high responsibility contribute not only to the successful general physical development of the child, but also to instilling in him the norms of moral behavior, ethics, respect for elders and humanity towards younger ones.

Thank you for your creative activity!

I wish you further success, stability, self-confidence and health!

Cl. Head 2 "B" class of secondary school No. 1

A. K. Sinistratova



Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom, spoken in their own words

Words of gratitude at a wedding, spoken by the bride and groom, should in no case be standard and stereotyped. The speech of the young people, delivered in their own words, will be truly unforgettable. How to choose the right words? Imagine that there is no one in the hall except you. Just be yourself and thank the people closest to you. Your sincerity will certainly be appreciated.

*** Lost in the eternal bustle, we say so many words, and so rarely talk about the important things! On your wedding day, when all matters are put off until later, and your thoughts are devoted only to your family, you realize the importance and strength of these family ties. Dear mom and dad, we hope that we will be as happy as you are, and will be able to live a decent life, delight you with grandchildren and great-grandchildren, save you from problems and worries, and protect you the way you protected us in childhood. Thank you for making this day possible, because if it weren’t for you, then we wouldn’t exist!

*** They say that parents and children cannot be chosen; we were destined for each other from above. Know that we are infinitely glad that you are our parents; it is impossible to appreciate the work that you put into us. Your support in difficult times, instructions and teachings have made us what we are today. Even though we didn’t always understand each other, we sometimes quarreled, but we always knew that these omissions would not make you stop loving us less. Thank you for everything and low regards!

*** Dear Mom and Dad! If it weren't for you, our paths would never have converged. You led us along part of our life’s path, you were always there, surrounded us with care and love, gave us warmth and affection. Today we become one, ready to go through life on our own, because you taught us this. Life always brings surprises, good and bad. We hope that in any case we can still count on your lessons, advice and wisdom! Thank you for everything!

Option No. 14

Dear Platon Sergeevich and Anzhelika Lukinichna!

The management and class teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Kaluga Secondary School No. 2” in Kaluga express gratitude to you for the excellent studies of your son Timofey, a student of grade 3 “B”, who became an excellent student at the end of the second quarter of the 2020-2021 academic year thanks to hard work, perseverance, a diligent attitude to study, as well as thanks to the responsible and attentive attitude of parents to their responsibilities, creating comfortable conditions for the successful development of the child’s abilities.

We wish you good health, patience, optimism, family well-being and success in raising your children.

Head teacher

M. Yu. Edasikhova

Cl. supervisor

O. Yu. Tilkova


Warm words of gratitude to parents at a wedding in your own words: short and sincere

Short but very succinct words of gratitude from the bride and groom, spoken in their own words, are always appropriate. Don't be shy about your feelings. After all, a wedding consists of just such sparkling moments!

*** Beloved parents, I want to thank you today, at our wedding, for everything! Thank you for the gift of life, for your upbringing and help, support and advice. For a helping hand and native shoulders. For every advice and warm touch. You are my most beloved, important, necessary, valuable and dear people on the whole Earth. Thank you for being with me on this beautiful day. God bless you!

*** From that moment on, our families became much larger, and we, the newlyweds, found each other in the daily bustle. And our joy will be incomplete if we do not thank those who made all this happen - our priceless parents. Beloved mothers, from the day we were born until today at this table, you took care of us, advised us, gave all of yourself without reserve. Dear dads, you protected your babies from the doors of the maternity hospital, to the doors of the registry office, and did not allow them to go down the wrong path. Low bow to you, dear ones!

*** We can be called the happiest people in the whole world. But not only because we found each other, but also because today our beloved parents share the joy with us. No one will ever be able to describe all the gratitude to you for your every second presence in our lives, for the advice that helped us take the right path in life. Beloved ones, as you cross the line of independent, family life, we ask you to never forget that we are ready to help at any time. Our dear, beloved ones, thank you for everything you have done and continue to do!

Gratitude for organizing the wedding

It is financially difficult for a young family to pay for a wedding themselves, so often the main financial costs, as well as meetings and agreements for holding the celebration, fall on the shoulders of the parents.
Therefore, at the wedding there should be words of gratitude for the help in holding the celebration.

"Dear Parents! Thank you so much for your help in organizing such a wonderful wedding. This holiday will forever remain in our hearts, and we will review the recordings more than once with you and your future grandchildren.

It was only thanks to your support that everything turned out exactly as we dreamed, and we are sincerely grateful to you for that.”

Recommendations for design:

  • After the header (the top of the sheet), in the center of the page, the main text is laid out. It is allowed to lay out the text along the width or along the left edge in cases where the design of the sheet or the length of the text does not allow it to be placed in the center.
  • After the main text, the position of the author is indicated on the left. If there are several authors, indicate the positions one below the other (the director will be in the first place, followed by everyone else).
  • Opposite the position on the right edge of the page indicate the initial letters of the name and surname of the author of the letter.
  • Between the position and surname, the seal of the institution and a personal signature (or several, depending on the number of authors) are placed.
  • The last entry on the page will be the name of the locality and the date of writing. The date may be shortened, leaving only the month and year, or only the year.
  • If somewhere on the page the name of the locality or date has already been mentioned (for example, the academic year was indicated), then they do not need to be indicated at the end of the page. See how samples No. 5 and No. 14 are designed.

Inadmissible moments

Both at the stage of preparation for the wedding and during the celebration, newlyweds often make mistakes. Some of them become so fatal that they spoil the feeling of a happy celebration.

To protect the ceremony from unpleasant surprises, you should listen to the following tips:

  1. Don't come up with a speech 5 minutes before the speech. You won’t be able to quickly compose a heartfelt message to your loved ones. It's better to do this a week before the event. Seven days is enough to think about everything and adjust if necessary.
  2. Thank you words should contain happy memories, stories and emotions. You should not supplement your speech with recalling childhood grievances and disappointments, otherwise the guests’ mood will decline.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary: ​​examples in poetry and prose

  1. The bride's words at the wedding should not be the only ones. If the spouse speaks, then the next speech should belong to the groom. We cannot allow some parents to receive words of gratitude while others do not.
  2. When speaking pleasantly to parents, you should not single out one person. It's unpleasant and humiliating.
  3. If for some reason there was no time to come up with a speech script, you should not tell the guests about it. It is better to modestly thank those present and wish them all the best than to indulge in lengthy explanations.
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