Animators at a children's party: preparing a bright and fabulous celebration

The essence of animation work

The animator literally brings to life fairy-tale characters - this is the meaning of this word translated from Latin. Performing in the guise of popular cartoon characters and children's books, the artist creates a bright festive atmosphere and helps children find themselves in a fairy tale.

The work of a children's animator requires great dedication and a high level of self-organization.

In addition to personal qualities, professional knowledge and skills are important.

The main requirements that are put forward to the artist of children's shows:

  • knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and child psychology;
  • the ability to find an individual approach to the child: calm, interest, cheer, etc.;
  • acting skills, ability to improvise;
  • sense of humor, positive emotional attitude, ability to charge others with positivity;
  • applied skills (the art of dancing, the ability to play musical instruments, apply face painting, sing, perform some tricks, mastery of the twisting technique, etc.);
  • excellent knowledge of cartoon plots, books, fairy-tale characters and other information from the children's world;
  • neatness, attractive appearance;
  • the desire for constant personal and professional improvement, the use of modern technologies in show programs;
  • responsibility, organization, patience, calmness.

Animators at a children's party perform several roles at the same time: they are actors, psychologists, organizers, clowns, magicians, and teachers... The list goes on.

During children's events, unforeseen situations often arise, so presenters must be able to change or supplement the program on the fly, and this requires a considerable amount of knowledge and skills.

If you decide to invite an animator to a children's birthday party, listen to the following tips:

  • Consider the age of the children. It is optimal to start getting acquainted with disguised actors from the age of 3. Younger children may be frightened by the giant fairy tale characters. Remember that not all preschool children love clowns. Sometimes a child needs to be prepared in advance for the arrival of unusual guests.
  • Do not order programs with a large number of presenters, it is too tiring for children. 2-3 people will be enough.
  • Discuss with the organizers the duration of the show program. Find out how to pay for the services of children's animators on-site if the holiday time is extended or, on the contrary, reduced. Depending on the age of the participants, parties with actors last from 40 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Contact only an agency with a good reputation, where the best children's animators work. Study reviews of the artists’ work, view photos and videos of celebrations with their participation.
  • Before an animator goes to a child’s birthday party, you need to meet with him in advance, get to know him better and discuss all the details of the event.
  • You need to know how to celebrate your child's 1st birthday to make it colorful.
  • The right choice of animators for a children's party allows you to create a truly magical atmosphere. Details here.

Preparing for a bright show program

While the animators are preparing the script for the children's party, costumes and props, parents should also add a “zest” to the organization of the long-awaited celebration. The three main components that you need to prepare on your own are invitations, children's costumes and decorations.

Invitation cards are the work of the hero of the occasion himself. Parental help is, of course, necessary, but motivation must come from the child. The colorful design of invitations in a themed style will tell you what kind of party to expect and what costumes you need to prepare. For example, a postcard in the shape of a ship or a bottle of rum would be suitable for a pirate show, or a message in the form of a helping backpack would be suitable for a fixie party.

The text of the invitation is no less important than its design. The letter must accurately reflect the style of the main character and contain his “catchphrases.” You also need to point out the need to adhere to the dress code (sometimes it is useful to intimidate with penalties).

Children's costumes are an important component of the animation program.

The guys should be “on the same wavelength” with the disguised presenter. Some agencies provide young participants with elements of costumes and apply face painting to create a complete image (you need to find out about these services in advance and include them in the contract, if necessary).

It is interesting to make costumes from available materials - bags, foil, colored or crumpled paper and other materials that can be found at home. Firstly, creative skills develop, and secondly, the children will become even more interested in the upcoming event.

Parents who order a show program with a children's animator for their child's birthday should stock up on simple elements of themed costumes (for example, black eye patches for pirates or caps for gnomes) in case guests forget about the costumes.

The room is also decorated taking into account the theme of the holiday. A classic attribute for children's birthdays are balloons in different variations. They can be decorated with drawings of program characters, thematic attributes (for example, the Jolly Roger at a pirate party), or entire compositions can be created from balloons (for example, lay out an inscription or “draw” an emblem). You need to place objects around the apartment that indicate the nature of the party (sometimes you can use them to hide clues if the holiday takes place in the form of a quest). If those present constantly “bump into” the relevant details, an atmosphere of complete immersion in a fairy tale will be created.

The festive table should also be decorated taking into account the celebration scenario. A tablecloth, napkins and even some dishes will complement the festive atmosphere. The main delicacy - a birthday cake in the style of the event - can be prepared as a surprise by the agency's culinary specialists.

Individual approach of animators to the holiday and the most affordable prices in Moscow!

We understand how important a birthday or other children's holiday is for a child. That is why our animation team is doing everything possible to make this holiday bright and unforgettable. When developing a script for animators for a holiday, we take into account all the requirements and wishes of the customer. The event program is adjusted to the theme of the upcoming event, age, number and interests of children.

The agency has a wide range of suits. All of them are of high quality and are absolutely safe for the health of others. We monitor not only the costumes, but also the makeup, voice and behavior of our animators for the holiday, as we understand that any little thing can ruin the celebration. The work of our animators at the festival is to ensure that children receive only positive emotions from the event, so that they overcome their fear and take an active part in what is happening.

It’s very easy to order an animator for a holiday or birthday in Moscow and the Moscow region! To do this, you need to call the number listed on the website or fill out an online application. Our consultants will answer all your questions and help you choose a holiday program that will meet your requirements.

Animation ideas for little ones

Program “Masha and the Bear”

The animation with many children's favorite characters Masha and Misha is designed for participants from 2 to 5-6 years old. These are ideal animators for kindergarten and birthday parties.

According to the script, the guys find themselves in a fairy-tale forest and find themselves amidst adventures and mysteries along with the main characters. The organizers displayed the plots of the most popular cartoon series. Masha is just as mischievous, laughing and creative, Bear is good-natured and calm. In this colorful show, Masha, Misha and the kids tame wolves, cook a huge pot of delicious porridge, catch fish, learn to distinguish the tracks of animals... And they will also be treated to various competitions, riddles, funny surprises, and a “forest” birthday cake.

The holiday program also includes soap bubbles, face painting, balloon crafts and other services. Depending on the script and budget, variations are possible with the participation of one actor - Masha or the Bear.

Animation “Smeshariki”

Children watch with curiosity the adventures of their faithful and good friends - Smeshariki. Krosh, Nyusha, Losyash, Kopatych, Sovunya and others are ready to share their secrets, teach good manners and good deeds, solve puzzles and, of course, have fun with the guys.

The holiday will be interesting for children from 3 to 6 years old. As a rule, Krosh and Nyusha, the most striking characters, are chosen as presenters. The program includes contests and competitions, a master class on amazing jumping and carrot competitions from Krosh, singing with surprises from Karych, interesting problems from Losyash and other entertainment. Together with their favorite characters, boys and girls will travel through a magical land of fun and fulfillment of desires and “stumble across” surprises at every step.

This holiday is not complete without soap bubbles and balloon crafts. Many agencies include construction ball puzzles in their scripts.

Holiday “Visiting Luntik”

Luntik is the kindest, sweetest and friendliest children's hero who will always come to the rescue. He flew to us from the Moon and is in a hurry to share his secrets. Children aged 3-6 years old will be happy to see him as a guest. The children's animator's costume can be a life-size puppet that accurately depicts a fairy-tale character. This is a great idea for an animator in kindergarten. At holidays, Luntik appears alone or with his friends Kuzya and Mila.

The birthday program with children's animator Luntik includes many tests and competitions at home.

According to the plot, Luntik prepared a surprise for the guys, but got lost in a fairytale forest. The participants' task is to complete several tasks and find the long-awaited present.

The scenario includes various games:

  • sports,
  • culinary,
  • dance,
  • musical.

The kids will need to collect pollen and berries for jam, plant carrots, create an entire orchestra with musical instruments, complete several competitions in the Flower Meadow and much more. In the finale, Luntik will give the guys a gorgeous cake with his signature logo.

Online YouTube holiday

For children from 7 years
In the holiday program:
Rap battle
Flex, Floss

Bottle Challenge

Retired star

Dance Battle
Guess the song from the video clip

What's popular on YouTube

Dance game "Fortnite"

Anyone can become popular!

For this you need a gadget, positivity and a team of online friends!

And also a holiday in YouTube style!

All participants in this event, led by the birthday boy, will be able to become real bloggers!

They will invent, flex, rock to “skipidi” and have a blast!

YouTube acquaintance Each guest introduces himself and tells how he knows the birthday person. Shows off his signature dance move to a famous track.

What's popular on YouTube? Challenges, reviews, giveaways, broadcasts, video blogs, parodies. Communication with guests: Who is on social networks? Who watches what channels? Who is on YouTube? What's important on YouTube? (likes, comments, views).

Challenge warm-up! BOTTLE FLIP CHALLENGE is a game in which you need to throw a bottle so that it somersaults and lands without falling. Reaction game, divide into 2 teams. Whose team will reach the goal faster?

Guess the song from the clip Team members guess the name of the song and artist from the clip without sound.

Retired star Team members guess the star from her photo in old age (photos processed in Photoshop beyond recognition)

Dance challenge Participants draw cards with the names of dance styles from the game “Fortnite”, this style is shown on the screen. The participants' task is to dance in this style as accurately as possible.

Dance flash mob The screen shows a dance to the most popular tunes. The task of the participants is to dance together and repeat the movements of the models on the screen.

Necessary applications for the holiday: Skype, Zoom

Examples of animations for boys

Transformers Battle (6-12 years old)

For lovers of adventure and fantasy, this holiday is an opportunity to plunge into another reality and fulfill an important mission - to save the galaxy from the invasion of evil forces - the Decepticons. The guys will be transformed into fearless warriors, for which they must master cunning fighting techniques and learn the important secrets of autorobots. But children should also help transformers become a strong army - after all, they are the ones who can charge the heroes with enormous energy.

Participants will go through a series of tests to find alien artifacts, decipher them and, as a united team, complete various tasks to bring them into power - dance, sports, intellectual.

The artists will transform the young warriors using face painting and elements of fantastic costumes, and will endow each participant with fearlessness and combat prowess with the help of swords made from “sausage balls” and magical amulets-constructors, which must take on a certain shape at each stage of the test. For additional color, the celebration may include tricks and competitions with soap bubbles, and entertainment using modern technologies (for example, a laser show).

Spy Academy (8-12 years old)

Enrollment is open for the Spy Academy - the school needs talented students who will become followers of famous special agents. This holiday is a test in all respects: speed, intelligence, endurance, attentiveness, accuracy... The room will be “stuffed” with clues and clues, the task of the young participants is not to pass by them.

After testing their professional suitability, the team of guys undergo training - all the secrets of the fascinating life of a spy are revealed to them. Children will learn to change their voice, disguise themselves, crack combination locks, take fingerprints, decipher messages, and find unusual uses for objects from everyday life. In addition, the script includes puzzles, active competitions and games, and “taming” soap bubbles. At the end of the party, as an exam, participants will be given a key task of increased complexity, after which each child will be awarded a special agent diploma.

  • Exciting children's birthday contests will delight the little ones.
  • Various ideas for creating original gifts will help to please the hero of the occasion. Read here.

Birthday at home

If you are expecting guests at 17:00, then put your camera down and wait until everyone has arrived. Meeting smartly dressed children with a camera in hand and filming them getting rid of their outerwear is not a good idea. When should we start?

  1. When everyone gathered at the table, the plates were still clean, the children were reserved but in festive anticipation, and no one had their mouths full.
  2. It is better not to film the eating process - not everyone is used to the camera and may be shy, but at this moment it is best to relax and enjoy.
  3. Of course, the appearance of the cake cannot be avoided! But by this time, the guests have usually already relaxed, “talked” and are waiting for the main dessert. The lighting, of course, will have to be dimmed, and as soon as the candles go out, immediately light the chandelier. Life hack: While you are bringing in the cake, turn on a small lamp at the other end of the room, and in the recording you will see not only lights on a black background.
  4. Another moment that should remain in the record is the presentation of gifts and congratulations. It’s funny and touching, and it’s always nice to remember.
  5. The sweetest things for shooting are games, competitions, and fun. Children no longer pay attention to the camera and are ready to immerse themselves in fun: they laugh sincerely, stomp their feet, “cheer” for each other in relay races, cover their eyes with their palms when the balloon bursts, hug and joke.
  6. At the end of the holiday, satisfied guests can be asked to say a couple of wishes on camera. It is better to choose a separate room for the interview so that the respondent is not distracted, but with hints and chuckles it can come out even better.
  7. It is better to film all events in short recordings, and then combine them at the editing stage.

Examples of animations for girls

Hawaiian Party (8-12 years old)

Hawaii is an eternal summer, a hot beach, exotic fruits and fiery dances. Children's animators

For birthdays and other holidays,
dressed as stylish Hawaiians, they will give children 1-2 hours of carefree Hawaiian life
: they will introduce them to rituals, teach dances, help them get a “chocolate” tan, show them tricks and create a bright thematic image for everyone using face painting and colorful jewelry.

The festival program includes all the most colorful shows: magic tricks and dances with soap bubbles and light effects, pyrotechnic stunts, culinary delights like fruit and chocolate fountains, fashion shows in chic Hawaiian outfits. The script also includes creative master classes on creating amulets, fun competitions in carrying pineapples. Since Hawaii is the sea and the beach, children will be offered sea and foam competitions, sand animations and other entertaining entertainment.

Such a celebration is appropriate at any time of the year. In winter, it will remind you of fun summer days, and in summer it is better to spend it on the river bank or near the pool to enjoy playing with water to the fullest.

Winx Fairy School (5-15 years old)

Girls dream of becoming such kind sorceresses as the Winx fairies - lovely creatures in bright costumes and with translucent wings. These heroines are very friendly, try to be attractive, fearlessly fight evil - this is what they will teach their earthly followers.

The program provides many variations: it can be adapted both for 5-6 year olds and for teenagers 14-15 years old. The main idea of ​​the scenario is to find three gifts of fate and disenchant the school of fairies, which may require completing an entire quest. Another variation of the show is preparing and passing exams for this star school under the guidance of little sorceresses (at the end of such a holiday, each girl receives a certificate of enrollment and proof of her magical nature).

Party entertainment includes collecting and using fairy dust, animal tricks, magic with soap bubbles and balloons, learning the Winx dance, solving codes and spells, singing and intellectual quizzes, creating and trying on luxurious Winx-style costumes.

Professional actors in the image of your favorite children's characters will fill the celebration with fun, bright colors and free you from the tedious organization of the holiday. By ordering the services of children's animators, you will receive a full list of programs for a certain age and the opportunity to adapt them to the character and hobbies of your child.

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