“In honor of the defenders of the Fatherland” event on February 23

School holidays remain in our memory for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to give the younger generation not only a long memory of the walls of the educational institution, but also unforgettable impressions that, decades from now, will evoke pleasant nostalgia. If you are entrusted with the responsibility of organizing Defender of the Fatherland Day, you must understand that this is an extremely important task, which is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance. Before you start preparing, you need to draw up a detailed action plan and develop a scenario for February 23 at school, ideal for young participants.


The presenter invites each participant in the competition to write down eight adjectives on a piece of paper. Then, having given them the text, he suggests inserting these adjectives in place of the missing words and reading out the resulting note. The text could be like this: “Yesterday in..... a dream..... artilleryman Ivanov argued with..... artilleryman Petrov that he would knock out 100..... enemy tanks at once. Immediately, without waking up, Ivanov in..... battle used all his..... experience and..... took revenge on..... the enemy with a blow.” The military correspondent, the author of the funniest note from the front, wins.

The boys are divided into teams, in which girls can also be present. Each team receives a piece of paper with dates. In 5-10 minutes, the guys must remember these dates and write what wars took place during these years, for example, the 13th-15th centuries - the wars of the Mongol Empire, 1917-1923. — civil war in Russia, 1914-1918. — First World War, 1939-1945. - World War II and so on. The team that fills in all the dates correctly or, if not all, then more than the rest, will receive a prize.

Gifts for boys on February 23

Gifts can be inexpensive and varied. For example:

  • mugs with military print;
  • shower gels/bath foams;
  • postcards with pleasant wishes;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • sweets;
  • office;
  • notepads or calendars;
  • wallets;
  • Board games;
  • flashlights and laser pointers;
  • books;
  • computer games;
  • computer mouse pads;
  • headphones;
  • flash drives;
  • speakers and so on.

Remember that gifts should be made with soul! You will see for yourself how the boys’ mood will lift when you add a couple of warm words to the gift!


The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people (girls can also take part). The first team members receive a task sheet in which one or two phrases are written (the same for all teams), for example, “In the spring, in the month of March, ours must hold the defense from the north-western side, standing with dignity until the bitter end.” At the “start” command, the first participants open the envelope with the task sheet, read it and pass the phrase orally into the ears of the second participants, trying to keep the entire phrase verbatim, the second pass it to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on until the last participants. The team in which the last participant is the first to be ready to pronounce the phrase from the task sheet and does it verbatim will be the winner.


Finally, I would like to add that in order to get a truly fun and joyful holiday on February 23, you need to come up with varied and creative competitions that will evoke only positive emotions among schoolchildren.

The most important thing is to prepare good prizes that must be awarded to the winners; other guys should also not be ignored. In this way, you can involve as many students from different classes as possible in participation.

Congratulatory dance video:

Video of a funny skit on Defender of the Fatherland Day:

Strong, fast, dexterous

The boys are divided into pairs. In each pair, the guys either cross their arms or take each other’s hands so that the other person can sit on them, like on a chair. Each pair of boys gets 5 girls from the class. At the same distance from each pair there is a line beyond which the boys must move the girls. At the command “start,” the boys squat, the first girl sits on their crossed arms, and the boys take the girl beyond their line, after which they return back for the second girl. The pair of boys who can get their girls over the line faster than their rivals will be the winner.

Ideas for celebrating February 23 at school

Celebration in the classroom

A good idea is to hold the holiday in your class, with your classmates. Girls can take charge of organizing the event. The holiday can consist of congratulations to boys using poems, posters, drawings, songs and ditties, congratulations in prose, as well as interesting competitions for the heroes of the occasion.

Girls can organize a holiday program, for example, for real military personnel, including competitions such as assembling a machine gun, peeling potatoes for speed, relay races, putting on a gas mask, and so on.

It is also possible to create a script based on interesting works such as Harry Potter, superhero comic series, Lord of the Rings, Sherlock Holmes and so on. The holiday can be held in the format of interesting quests. Then each participant will be able to play his own unique role, which will suit his taste. This will definitely be remembered for many, many years to come!

Ideas from the best gift store

  1. Gifts for February 23 – 539 ideas
  2. March 8 – 368 ideas
  3. Inexpensive gifts under 1000 rubles - 1632 ideas
  4. from 1000 to 2000 rubles - 576 ideas
  5. from 2000 to 3000 rubles - 96 ideas
  6. from 3000 to 5000 rubles - 288 ideas
  7. Expensive gifts (from 5,000 rubles) - 144 ideas
  8. Unusual gifts - 336 ideas
  9. Cool gifts - 480 ideas
  10. Personalized gifts - 528 ideas

Festive tea party

If you don’t have enough time to compose or memorize a script, you can easily and quickly organize a festive tea party. Delicious food and drinks will definitely appeal not only to boys, but also to girls, because they tried very hard to organize the holiday. Collecting money, buying food, moving desks in the classroom and laying out refreshments on them is not so difficult, and such gatherings in the company of a friendly class will definitely bring unforgettable pleasure.

Combat drawing

The boys will show imagination and creativity, and the girls of the class will act as a jury. At the command “start”, all the boys begin to draw a picture on a combat or military theme on their sheet of paper. There are no limits to imagination here. The children are given approximately 3-5 minutes to be creative. Without showing their drawings to the girls (so that everything is fair), the guys give their drawings to the teacher (leader), and he pins them on the board. The jury (girls) familiarize themselves with the drawings and after the meeting assign nominations to the drawings, for example, “the most patriotic,” “the most multifaceted,” “the most daring,” and so on. And, after that, the presenter announces the nominations and the authors of the corresponding drawings are awarded the corresponding prizes.

How to decorate a school for February 23

Balloon decorations

There is a huge variety of balls of different colors. It's not at all difficult to hang green or camouflage balloons throughout the interior of the school. Balloons can be inflated either with regular air, which is a cheaper option, or with helium, which is a little more expensive. You can also weave a garland of balloons in the color of the Russian flag, because patriotism is inherent in real wars and heroes.

An interesting idea is figurines made from balls of matching colors. For example: soldier, tank, shoulder straps, and so on. Boys will definitely appreciate the original design of the school on their birthday. You can order a whole composition of multi-colored balls of various shapes and sizes. And they can be placed in recreation areas or classrooms.

Paper decorations

The most basic, cheapest and easiest to do is making paper airplanes in huge quantities. Of course, this method is not original, but it will be a sign of this holiday. They can be hung from the ceiling in hallways, above chalkboards, and on students’ desks.

Many stores that specialize in holiday decorations sell paper figures such as stars, tanks, airplanes, etc. They would become a large-scale and original decoration for the holiday.


Painted or printed themed posters are a fairly simple yet colorful and vibrant decoration for the school. To create them, you only need skillful pens, paints and whatman paper, or a computer with Internet access and a color printer. You can print a poster with the faces of classmates dressed in military uniform. This would definitely make them happy and amused.

Library events

Who said the library is a boring place? This stereotype is extremely common among schoolchildren, and it’s time to dispel it! Libraries across Russia are holding traditional events for February 23, including readings, games, literary quizzes, talks and exhibitions.

Many events are organized a week before the holiday, so you will have enough time to get everywhere.

Many events are organized a week before the holiday, so you will have enough time to get everywhere.

Basic moments

The twenty-third of February is a celebration for boys. And since at the age of 3-5 years the connection between boys and dads is very strong, it makes sense to invite parents, namely dads, to the matinee. You just need to do this carefully: if not all the kids in the group have dads, you need to think about those who would be uncomfortable in this situation. Therefore, it is better to invite parents to the holiday in general. This move suggests that not just dads, but grandfathers, uncles, older brothers or close family friends can come. To strengthen the connection with parents, you can think through a competition program so that children can play and compete together with their elders.

The matinee program can be structured as follows:

  • educational part (history of the holiday);
  • concert part (songs, poems);
  • competitive and gaming part.

When preparing the scenario for February 23 in kindergarten, the emphasis should be on the educational part, which will be carried out by the teacher himself. Here, in an accessible, concise, interesting form, children are told about the holiday itself, history and traditions. This part should not be drawn out, and the language of presentation should be figurative, lively, accessible, and understandable for any kindergarten age group.

A brief history of the military celebration of Army Day on February 23

In order to move smoothly to the concert part, children should focus their attention on the important role of men, their duty to the country, and personal destiny. In this story, moralizing, unnecessary dogmas and cliches should be strictly avoided.

The peculiarities of kindergarten age are that children really love to learn poems, songs, and participate in small, simple skits. This love and energy should be directed towards preparing concert numbers. It’s great if preschoolers learn thematic poems, sing a couple of songs or play a funny skit. Moreover, we should not forget that February 23 is primarily a boys’ holiday. Therefore, girls can learn poems and songs too, this will be the best gift for boys. After a few numbers you can move on to the games.


Traditionally, fireworks are launched in almost all cities of the country. In Moscow, for example, for many years now, festive fireworks have illuminated the evening sky in more than 10 places. Skyscrapers and tall buildings are the best for viewing.

Fireworks are especially exciting for elementary school students. Although this fascinating spectacle always attracts the attention of both older students and adults.

Congratulations to veterans at home

You can show your respect in person. Students in grades 10–11, especially young men, are usually interested in talking with people who were directly involved in hostilities.

Together with schoolchildren, you can congratulate veterans at home: read a poem, sing a song, give gifts

Such an event for February 23 can be organized not necessarily at school, but, for example, by visiting veterans at home and congratulating them.

Prepare gifts in advance that may be pleasant for grandparents: flowers, sweets, fruits (in old age it is difficult to go to the store, and not everyone is helped, so products are an excellent gift), sign a postcard from the family, personally from the giver or from the class .

Give veterans a basket of fruits and sweets

You can find out addresses at your local veterans council.

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