How to come up with and write a congratulation? 7 simple working methods

On a birthday, little is required from the invited guest: look good, buy a gift, and also come up with a few kind words to say to the hero of the occasion.

The latter is sometimes the most problematic, because it is not always possible to find the right words.

You begin to look for what others wish for their birthday, so that it does not look either banal or too ornate.

There are plenty of beautiful congratulations. You can come up with your own, following the general rules.

What do you wish on your birthday: good and bad congratulations

You might be surprised, but birthday wishes can be both good and bad, and even the most beautiful words spoken with expression can fall into the category of bad wishes if they are inappropriate.

1) Are all birthday wishes good?

It would seem, well, what restrictions and rules can exist in such a simple matter as birthday wishes? I came up with a few beautiful phrases, rattled them off at the right moment and continued to enjoy the party.

It is precisely because of such carelessness that unpleasant situations arise.

Natalya decided to call all her close friends and relatives for her 30th birthday, celebrating this occasion in a restaurant. Everything went well: they enjoyed delicious dishes, danced, and showered them with wishes. Until my aunt took the floor. And let’s wish Natalya children, and even saying: “Where is this good for? You’re already 30, you’ve been married for six years, and you’re still blessed with a child. But a woman cannot live without children. So don’t be lazy, and by the age of 31 you will already be a full-fledged family.” It seemed like a good wish to have children, but Natalya had medical problems that she could not solve. Because of this, I suffered a lot, because I wanted a child passionately. In response to such tactless congratulations, she squeezed out a smile and gratitude, but the rest of the holiday was hopelessly ruined for her.

I think that many have witnessed a similar situation, when the words seem to be good, and it is clear that the person was preparing, and had the most noble intentions, but it would be better for him to wish him something else for his birthday, so as not to seem like a tactless fool.

2) Birthday and what they wish on this day: 8 rules

On your birthday you wish only the best. No one tries to address the seven Egyptian plagues to the birthday boy, unless we are talking about a sworn enemy.

But excluding words with negative content from your birthday speech does not mean congratulating you correctly. You still need to adhere to a few simple rules.

Smart and tactful people wish on their birthday:

  1. What is really important to the birthday boy.

    If we are talking about a loved one, then you probably know what is important to him. For example:

    • if you know that a friend has been dreaming of a trip to Bali for years, then mention this in your congratulations;
    • women who have a high opinion of their appearance should definitely be given several compliments, and not limited to just wishes;

  2. men who have a hobby are wished success in this hobby: your fisherman friend will definitely blossom upon hearing the wish for big catches, etc.
  3. Something that will not cause unpleasant associations.

    Again, you need to know a person well in order to understand what words can please him and what words can upset him. But even in a situation with people you don’t know well, you can work smartly if you use your head:

    • a single woman over 30 does not want to “finally find a partner, and not sit around with girls”;
    • a man who has lost his job or a successful business does not need to once again hint about his troubles on his birthday; it is better to limit himself to a streamlined one - “let all the troubles be left behind”;

  4. a married couple living together for a long time does not want children, because adding to their family is not your business at all, wish better for “fulfillment of desires”, etc.
  5. Something that will be remembered.

    If you say for the 125th time: “Happy birthday. I wish you happiness, health and all the best,” then you will remain a faceless wisher, one of many.

    If this is your goal, go ahead. But, if you want your wishes to be remembered, say a more original, longer and heartfelt tirade.

It also matters how you deliver your speech. Even the most beautiful words will fade if you mutter them with your head down on the floor.

Here are some tips on how to properly wish the hero of the occasion all the best:

  • slowly and with expression;
  • looking into the eyes;
  • with a smile and joy in your voice;
  • not too loud, but not under your breath either;
  • without turning the birthday speech into a 10-page report, but also without limiting oneself to one word.

As you can see, the rules are very simple and easy to follow.

Etiquette for congratulating by phone

Congratulations over the phone require delicacy. It uses the same structure, only more expanded:

  1. Say hello and introduce yourself.
  2. Ask if the interlocutor is comfortable talking now.
  3. Congratulate.
  4. Ask how things are going if it’s a close colleague, or about the project if it’s a business partner.
  5. Wish you a good time.
  6. Say goodbye.

In a telephone conversation, you should speak clearly, loudly and understandably. Use polite phrases if this is a manager or business partner and colloquial language if it is a close colleague. Speech etiquette for congratulations is very important, so try not to make mistakes in words and find a place where external noise will not interfere. If this is a call via instant messenger that requires an Internet connection, make sure that you have a stable network with a high connection speed.

What do you most often wish for on your birthday?

There are a number of words that you can safely use in your wishes, because they always evoke a positive emotion and almost never provoke unpleasant associations.

What do people most often wish each other on their birthday?

It is better to stock up on some preparations in advance so that you are always ready to make a wish in honor of someone’s birthday.

What to give a girl when she turns 18, 20, 30 and beyond

Wishes related to health and well-beingHarmony and peace of mind. Optimism and vigor. Acuity of all senses, good health and longevity. Healthy body and cheerful spirit. Good mood and excellent health. Forget the trip to doctors and pharmacists forever because of your excellent health.
Wishes related to feelingsPersistence in overcoming life's circumstances. Inspiration, smiles, warmth. Steep climbs, vibrant life and intoxication with happiness. Bask in love and adoration. To be forever young, loved and desired. Let everything that surrounds you bring only joy.
Career-related wishesAchieving high (set) goals. Even more creative energy and good luck in its implementation. Financial stability and self-confidence. Inevitable victories and conquering new heights. Implementation of all planned plans.
Wishes related to success, dreamsFulfill all your desires and make your dreams come true. Inspiration, smiles of fortune and success. A sea of ​​luck and a dacha by the sea. Be successful and don’t forget to believe in a dream that will only move you forward! An impossible dream to have something to strive for.
Other beautiful wishesAll the best in your life. The brightest and most beautiful thing in the existing world. Bright colors in life. Everything unusual, mysterious, fabulous and magical. A mountain of success, a sea of ​​love, an ocean of health, a desert of joy, a planet of money. Only clear, bright days, stability and family well-being. I wish you what you yourself want to have in your life.

Usually they wish you all the best, you can even use quite general standard phrases. The main thing is that it sounds sincere.

How to replace the most common birthday wishes?

If you don't want your congratulations to sound like you copied them from a dozen guests who gave their toasts earlier, but at the same time you don't want to be too original or talk about something personal, use a simple trick: replace traditional words with synonyms , which are found less frequently in our speech.

Of course, not everything can be replaced, but much of what is desired in standard situations can be slightly modified and embellished so that it sparkles with bright colors:

WishWhat can replace it with?
HealthGo through life without illness; don't get sick; forget where the hospital is located; strength and power. You can also dilute the word “health” with adjectives: steely, strong, heroic, superman, etc.
LoveWishing for love directly is generally dangerous. What if you step on a sore spot? It is better to replace it with the following phrases: “I wish you to always feel the love and respect of others,” “Let the aura of love around you not fade,” etc.
WealthThis word can be replaced with: wealth, money, material well-being. If we are talking about a loved one, you can specify: a salary increase, winning the lottery, business expansion, promotion at work, etc.
HappinessIt is difficult to determine what the source of happiness is for a particular person, but if you know this for sure, do not hesitate to expand the sentence: “I wish you to always feel happy with your family”, “Let your favorite activity bring only joy”, “Let good mood and cheerfulness” they don’t leave the spirit,” etc.
SuccessThis word is replaced by luck, luck in something, triumph, climbing to the top, recognition, triumph, victory, etc. But you can simply specify what exactly you want success in.

Although all the above words need not be replaced, especially when it comes to formal congratulations to someone from a friend’s feed on social networks, a colleague, a teacher, etc.

Option #3

Dear Colleagues! Today, on the day of our professional holiday, we wish you all:

  • New interesting projects;
  • New professional achievements;
  • Bright professional goals;
  • Accelerating professional growth;
  • Expansion of professional skills and abilities;
  • Lots of interesting trainings;
  • Professional popularity, recognition and approval;

Be happy in your profession and may it also be favorable to you.

What they don't want on their birthday: avoiding awkward situations

If you don’t want to find yourself in an awkward situation, it’s better to take a closer look at what smart people usually wish for others on their birthday and follow suit.

Fortunately, now in the age of the Internet it is not difficult to get acquainted with beautiful and fairly neutral wishes.

With close friends and relatives, such problems are unlikely to arise, because you know exactly what difficulties these people experience, what they dream about, what words they blossom from, etc.

But with people you don’t know well, awkward situations are possible. They are not wished on their birthday:

  1. Fulfillment of a cherished dream with a detailed description of this very dream that you accidentally found out about. The sacred must remain that way.
  2. Support from loved ones.

    How do you know if the birthday person has any close people at all? What if he recently experienced the loss of someone close to him?

  3. True friends.

    If you don’t have such friends, step on a sore spot. And if they exist, then why desire them?

  4. Find your other half.

    Firstly, every person is a whole person, and not a half-hearted creature. Secondly, there is no need to remind the birthday person that he is lonely.

  5. Achieve success in life.

    I understand that you, out of good intentions, want the kindergarten teacher to succeed in life, but why don’t you take into account that she loves her job and considers her life to be quite happy, successful and fulfilled?

  6. Much money.

    It is generally not customary to talk about money in polite society. In addition, the birthday boy may well decide that you consider him a beggar, because they usually want what they lack in life.

  7. Nonsense.

    This, of course, is a vague concept, but I’ll try to explain. In pursuit of originality, there is no need to slip into vulgarity and rudeness.

    For example, talking about sex at a family party in the presence of the parents of the hero of the occasion is somehow stupid. Do you agree?

Well, I don’t think there is any point in reminding you that in your birthday greetings, you need to avoid any words with a negative connotation: trouble, seal, poverty, illness, failure, loneliness, etc.

Even if you don’t want all this, but ask, for example, to avoid it, the birthday person will be unpleasant to hear about troubles and failures on such a bright day for him.

Happy Birthday.

How to say congratulations and wishes correctly? The best advice from a specialist.

Option No. 8

Colleagues! Today, on the day of my professional holiday, I want to tell you that I am proud of each of you. And also, I am proud that I work with you every day. And I don’t regret a single day spent with you.

Every day you do difficult, important and very necessary work that many people need. And you do your job perfectly. Choosing such a profession characterizes you as wonderful people. And that’s why it’s impossible not to be proud of you.

Thank you for being you and for being who you are. And I wish that the next professional year (which is until the next holiday) will be easy, calm and fruitful for us. Thank you and good luck.

Option No. 11

Friends! Today is your professional holiday, on which I congratulate you. You are all real pros. And I know that sometimes it seems to you that you have reached the “ceiling” in your development and there is nowhere else to move. I have already wished you a lot on previous similar holidays... But today I want to say that I admire your professionalism every day, admire you and sincerely wish you to find ways to grow further, despite the fact that you are highly qualified specialists. I also wish you strength to cope with such dead ends in professional growth, not to despair, and again move forward along the path of professional prosperity.

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