Three easy ways to make a beautiful ribbon gift bow

  • How to make a ribbon bow on a gift box with your own hands
  • How to make a beautiful paper bow for a gift with your own hands
  • How to assemble a purchased bow for a gift yourself
  • Conclusion

When preparing a gift, not only its component is important, but also the aesthetic part. It is much more pleasant to present a beautifully decorated gift than an item in manufacturer’s packaging. Sometimes just tying a ribbon bow on a gift is enough to make it look festive. That's what we'll talk about.

How to make a ribbon bow on a gift box with your own hands

If you have the skill, tying a bow from a ribbon is not difficult. Sellers of wrapping paper and various accessories for decorating gifts masterfully cope with this. They did not learn this right away - once upon a time they also learned the basics of such a simple art .

We offer you three options on how you can beautifully tie a bow from a satin ribbon for a gift. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

For a classic bow (also called “bunny ears”), the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Take the tape and visually divide it in half. Fold each end into a loop.
  2. Place the right loop on the left one in the shape of the letter “X”.
  3. Wrap the right loop into the left one.
  4. Pull it out in the middle and make a knot.
  5. Align both sides of the bow.
  6. Trim the ends diagonally.

Classic bow
This bow is suitable for both women's and men's gifts. By the way, there is an opinion that men do not need the aesthetics of a presentation and only the content is important to them. There is some truth in this statement, but, as you know, there are exceptions to any rule. Who knows, maybe it is your recipient of the gift who attaches great importance to appearance?

Gifts should be decorated for both women and men

Now we will tie a large gift bow or “pompom”. The algorithm is like this:

  1. The tape is folded into a ring and wrapped around the center. The number of layers will be equal to the number of “petals” of the future bow.
  2. Pinch the ring until it is flat and make four diagonal cuts.
  3. Bring the ends of the aligned ring together so they meet in the center. The workpiece is fixed with a thin tape. Its color is matched to the tone of the base material.
  4. Carefully remove the innermost “petal” from one edge and move it to the other side. Do the same with the other “petals”.
  5. The resulting bow is secured at the base with a thin ribbon.

This pom-pom looks original on a large or miniature gift box. Depending on the size of the gift, you can increase or decrease the number of “petals”.

Big gift bow

And finally, the third option is the Tiffany bow . Instructions for registration:

  1. The gift box is being measured. We are interested in the length of the lid and the height of both ribs from the lid to the bottom. All three values ​​are added and multiplied by five. The result was the optimal length of ribbon for a beautiful bow.
  2. The center of the tape is placed in the center of the box. To prevent it from moving, hold it lightly.
  3. The tape turns around. The ends cross at the opposite edge of the box (bottom).
  4. The free ends are wrapped horizontally around the lid. Then, twist them under the ribbon positioned vertically.
  5. A knot is formed over the ribbon from the same free ends and a classic bow is tied (as in the first method).
  6. The ends are cut diagonally.

The Tiffany bow looks unusual and impressive. It is more convenient to tie it on small boxes .

Tiffany bow

What tapes should I use?

What ribbons can be used to make a beautiful bow for a gift? The most diverse! However, it is advisable to select a material that holds its shape well. Satin ribbons are often used for decoration, but satin, velvet, and nylon can also be used. Materials such as organza, tulle or polyester have proven themselves well.

To decorate a bow, you can use a variety of decorative elements: self-adhesive rhinestones, beads, seed beads, beautiful buttons, pieces of lace, feathers, etc.

You can also use a combination of materials to create a bow, for example, combine nylon and satin or silk and velvet in one element.

How to make a beautiful paper bow for a gift with your own hands

To create a bow from paper ribbon for gift decoration you will need :

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • napkins;
  • stapler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • double sided tape;
  • glue.

Using these materials, you can make five different paper bow options for decorating gifts. Here are step-by-step instructions for creating jewelry.

A regular gift bow is made like this:

  1. A sheet of colored paper is cut into strips 1.5 cm wide.
  2. Trim the length of the strips. To create one bow you need three strips of 25 cm, three strips of 22 cm, two strips of 19 cm and one strip of 9 cm.
  3. All strips are folded in half.
  4. The right and left parts are brought alternately to the fold mark of the strip. In the center, the ends are fastened with a stapler. We do this with all the blanks, except for the 9 cm long strip.
  5. Double-sided tape is attached to the bottom of each workpiece.
  6. We collect the bow. We start with the largest blanks obtained from years of 25 cm. We cross them with each other. All other parts are attached in the same way.
  7. A short strip is glued into a ring. It needs to be placed in the center of the bow.

Photo of gifts with a bow
You can make a bright multi-colored bow to decorate a gift. To do this, you will need to take sheets of paper of three different colors. We cut eight strips of each color: the first is 25 cm long, the second is 22 cm, the third is 19 cm. Each strip is glued together at the ends. A small circle (diameter 3 cm) is cut out of thick paper. All blanks from long to short are glued to it in a circle. The bow is fixed on top with any decorative element - a button, bead, rhinestone, etc.

There is also a very simple way . We take a beautiful sheet of paper and cut it into strips 25 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. You will need 20-25 pieces. Each strip is glued together at the ends (you get “petals”). A bow in the shape of a flower is formed from all the blanks. It can be glued in the center for strength. Then, the center is decorated with a paper circle, button or rhinestones.

Photo of a gift box with a bow

If you want to make a lush bow , you will need to take five regular napkins of the same color. They are stacked one on top of the other in an open form, and then folded in half twice. The upper corner of the resulting workpiece is bent to the lower one - a triangle is obtained. You need to bend it again and draw a semicircle. The future decoration is cut out along the resulting line. It is secured from below with glue or threads. All that remains is to straighten the bow and attach it to the box.

Another simple way is an accordion bow .
You need to take two sheets of paper and fold each of them like an accordion. The edges are cut in a semicircle. Each “accordion” is folded in half. Glue is applied to one side and secured to the second part of the workpiece. After the glue has dried, the decoration is carefully straightened. The same manipulations are carried out with the second “accordion”. The finished parts of the bow are attached to the paper circle.


To begin with, cut off the satin (4 pieces): 2 large ones of the same size, 1 smaller one and 1 small one (it is used as a jumper). How to make a big bow using this example:

  1. The short parts are sewn or glued together to make two rings, as shown in the picture.
  2. Afterwards they are folded in half so that the seams are at the bottom; smaller ones are placed on large parts. Next they stitch or glue in the middle, then gather them together.
  3. The remaining small piece is folded inward towards the middle. The jumper is wrapped around along with a long piece of material, which is inserted from below.
  4. The jumper is sewn together, and so that the fabric of the “tails” does not look sloppy, the bottom is cut off a little diagonally.

Some people use a lighter to finish the edges. How to make a bow from a wide ribbon so that it is more voluminous? To do this, prepare 3-4 rings. There is one simple condition here: each next ring must be smaller than the previous one.

Bow - Butterfly my master class

The next bow is a butterfly, but in only women’s colors, and the principle of creation is the same as what men usually wear. Although I believe that this is a classic option that can be used for different purposes.

You can play with sizes and fabrics. The fabric is very soft to the touch and has a nice color. Length 16 cm and width 4.5 cm.

Fold the fabric in half and pin it together.

My fabric frays a lot, so I process it on a machine, but in principle you can sew it by hand. I sew it in a circle and leave a small hole.

Through this hole I turn the fabric inside out.

Now I sew up the remaining hole by hand using a blind stitch.

I mark the middle and stitch along it, gathering a bow.

I cover the middle with a piece of the same fabric.

And this is what I got. I like! And you?

Back side.

Flower made from wave braid and zigzag braid

Very original products are created from wavy braid. You will need a needle and thread, scissors, one wave braid 50 cm long or two 30 cm long (preferable). First of all, the two sections are intertwined, like curls in a braid. This blank is sewn on a machine. Then a bud is made: the braid is rolled up and secured with glue in several places, preferably once for each turn. The end is tucked in and also fixed with glue. In this form, the product will imitate a peony, and if you turn out the petals, it will resemble a rose. A very original non-standard product will be made from zigzag braid. A segment with 20 bends is required. The ends of the fragment are sewn together. For this, an allowance is left in advance. Then, using a thread, you need to sew 10 elements (one at a time). Then this ring is assembled into a compact circle and secured. Then it is made flat, and as a result all the petals will be directed clockwise or counterclockwise.

The nuances of making satin flowers

They are quite simple to manufacture; you just need to have the necessary materials on hand, know the manufacturing technology and do everything very carefully. What you need to make it yourself:

  1. The most important tools for craftswomen are tweezers and a candle. They help create petals of the desired shape.
  2. Tapes for making are an affordable material, they can be found in stores in any area, the range is quite wide, there are always different colors.

This hobby takes a minimum of time; any modern woman can devote herself to an exciting activity.

If you are making a brooch, use bright colors to draw attention to it. If you are composing compositions, paintings or bouquets, select suitable shades; the source material should not cause disharmony.

By the way! There is ribbon embroidery. They are draped and embroidered with them. This method leads to quick results, looks very profitable and expensive, and is highly prized by amateurs.

To create leaves

  1. Take a green ribbon, it should be wide. To begin with, measure out five pieces of seven cm and six pieces of four cm.
  2. Cut out circles that will serve as the basis for the sepals.
  3. Fold 1 half of the leaf, turning it inward with the edge. Using a needle and thread, pierce the petal where the edge is folded.
  4. They do exactly the same on the other side, but in this case they bend the edge.
  5. The petal is collected a little and secured with threads where the edge is.
  6. The sections of the leaves are folded in two and the leaf is cut out. The edges are scorched.
  7. Take the wire, it will be needed for fastening. Before this, the edges of the petal are smeared with a glue gun, the first petal is taken and wrapped around the end of the wire, and the others in turn, around the first petal.

To clearly fix the rose on the wire, turn the rose over and fill it with glue until it cools completely, at the end of the work the sepals and petals are glued.

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