Beach games for children and adults + games at sea camp

We continue the summer theme. We've already talked about what you should take with you on vacation. And today we’ll talk about the most important thing, about what will leave a lot of positive emotions and what will help you remember your vacation for a long time. Our theme is sea games! By the way, those who have subscribed and been participants in our conversations for a long time know that you can collect all these articles in collections by topic. This conversation will add to the collection, which already has games in the camp, winter, as well as for large and small teams.

I really want you to actively participate in the conversation. We shared what you do with your kids and what you liked from the options I suggested. Be bolder! Tell us how you spent (or are planning to spend) your holidays and what discoveries in the world of games awaited you! I'm sure all your stories will be interesting for other readers! And so, together we will create a summer collection of games, the largest and most entertaining!!!

Diving for pearls

The guys are divided into 2-3 teams. For each team, the same number of items has been collected, for example, a bottle, a mug, a bracelet, a toy (a car or a shovel), a cork, and so on (whoever has what is at hand). At the same distance (not very deep and not very far), the leader throws objects into the pond. At the command “start”, each team sends one participant to dive for their “pearls”. The team that gets the most “pearls” in a certain time, for example, 5-10 minutes, will win.

Card index of games for children in the camp

We have already talked about what kids can do at camp. But now let’s clarify: our camp is located on the seashore!!! So what can you play?

In water

  • Tritons. The children should all move away from the shore into the water to a depth of approximately knee-deep. Get into the water. Lean on your hands. And without using your hands, just moving your hands, quickly move towards the shore.
  • Toads. The goal is the same, the position is to squat down and lean on your hands. You need to move towards the shore like frogs: placing your hands in front, and at the same time, with a quick movement, throw your legs forward to your hands. Just like frogs jump.
  • Buckles "on the bumps". Inflatable rings (small) are placed on the water. You need to jump so that your foot gets into the circle. The important thing here is not speed, but not falling. The one who never falls is the winner.
  • Fishes and fishermen. The same tug-of-war, only one team is in the water, and the second is on land.
  • Salky. Everything is exactly the same as regular tags. That's just the territory where you can play (it is immediately fixed with tapes and buoys) both on land and on water.
  • Sea knights. The game takes place in waist-deep water. Someone will have to be the “horse” and take their comrade on the shoulders. 2 pairs stand against each other. The goal is to pull the “knight” off your shoulders.
  • "Who is faster". The players line up in one line on the shore, holding hands. At the leader’s signal, they all enter waist-deep water together and, turning to face the shore, lower their hands. At the second signal, the players try to run out of the water as quickly as possible. Those who get to the shore faster win.

On the sand

  • Relay race at the edge of the water.
  • "Dog". Children stand in a circle and throw the ball. Someone is alone in the middle of the circle, and his task is to catch the ball. As soon as the “dog” catches the ball, he changes places with the one who just threw the ball.
  • Running with obstacles. Embankments are built from sand along the entire length of the “route”. Runners must jump over them.
  • Catching the ball with a blanket. Someone throws a ball. And his two comrades must catch the ball. They just catch the ball with a blanket; Each person holds 2 edges of the blanket.
  • Water, sand and air. One kid should give commands without adhering to a certain order. When he shouts “sand,” everyone must run to land. “Water” - children must run and go into the water. “Air” and all the children jump. You need to shout commands quickly.
  • The players sit with their backs to the center. Each person has a pile of 10-12 stones behind their back. Without turning around, by touch, players must arrange the stones in descending order. At the presenter’s signal, everyone turns around, examines their results and chooses the winner.
  • Bouncers. The playing field consists of two circles: the inner one with a diameter of 10 meters and the outer one with a diameter of 15 meters. One team is located inside a small circle, and the other is located outside the large circle. The team located “outside” must knock out the members of the “opposing” team with two balls in the minimum time. Then the teams change places. The team that stays in the inner circle longer wins.

  • The participants of the game are given the task of building a sand city and inventing a legend about it. The city can be medieval, modern or a city of the future. The guys need to develop a plan for it, come up with buildings, towers, arches, bridges. To make the structure durable, you can use pebbles and planks. There must be a legend of the city, preferably mysterious, enigmatic and, perhaps, a little scary. The competition ends with a city tour, during which legends are heard and the most talented are awarded.
  • A lump of wet sand or clay is stuck on a stick. The stick is lowered into the water. The weight dissolves and the stick floats up. You can arrange a competition to see who can more accurately pop up in a given time.
  • In advance, all children in the squad are introduced to the 12 second rule. If the whistle “to the shore” sounds, then you are given 12 seconds to exit the water. The children, together with the counselor, who are on the shore, count together to 12, and the one who came out of the water later must perform a creative number on the beach (sing, dance, shout, etc.) of the squad’s choice.
  • Potato. The players stand in a circle. They quickly throw the ball to each other. A player who threw the ball poorly or did not catch it squats in the center of the circle. If the players sitting in a circle can catch the flying ball, then they are freed. There is another way to free the players sitting in the circle. It is necessary, without catching the ball flying into your hands, to hit it so that, as it flies away, it hits at least one player sitting in the circle. Then all players sitting in the center of the circle and holding hands are released.
  • Indian Day competition on the beach. The party's job is to come up with a hut, a story, and come up with a name and motto for the tribe.
  • Puzzles. If you buy a book with riddles in advance, you can not only please the children, but it will also be interesting to solve them yourself. You can come up with riddles yourself. You can arrange something like a mini-game in “Field of Miracles”, with small prizes.

  • Players are divided into 2 teams. Participants compete in jumping on one leg (optional - on two), holding a glass of water in their hands. The one who spills the least wins.
  • Give me the ball. Everyone is divided into 2 teams, each team is awarded a small ball or apple. Team members line up one after another. Those standing in front hold the ball between their neck and chin. Players standing behind must take the apple, also holding it between their chin and neck. Apples are given to all players. The one who drops is out. The team that does it faster (or has more players left) wins.
  • "Who's under the towel?" Here it is desirable that there are as many “suspects” as possible, then the game will be more interesting. Someone may be missing at sea, etc. In general, so as not to solve it right away. Someone is hiding under a towel, and the rest are thinking and wondering who he is? And the one who is hiding can, in turn, give hints: funny, diverting, and to the point. For example, show part of your swimming trunks. Or speak in a changed voice. Or show off part of your braid...

By combining both programs, both on water and on land, kids will have a great time!

The best dating games at camp for older and younger children

How to make children friends in a team

Drink beer, eat fish

A bottle of beer and fish are prepared for each participant. At the “start” command, participants begin to clean the fish and drink beer. Whoever completes the task faster than others will win, and even get a bite of fish.

Participants are divided into two or three teams. Each team needs an inflatable mattress (you can also use an inflatable ring). At the “start” command, the participants take turns inflating their mattress, and when they have inflated it, one of the most dexterous and strongest participants in the team takes the mattress and swims to the indicated mark or completely swims across the pond, if the size of the reservoir allows. Whichever participant swims back and goes ashore faster than the rest wins, which means his whole team wins.

The best games for kids 2-3 years old

How to keep little ones busy at sea so that they are interested? Here are some fun games.

  • Pour the water. You will need a bucket of water and several small containers. The child must pour water from the bucket into the containers and vice versa. And so on several times.
  • Hit the target. The target can be the same empty bottle (so that it does not float away. It can be tied with a long thread/rope to a large stone on the shore). You need to hit this target with a shell or pebble.
  • We dig a trench. First, we give the child the task of digging several holes. We help connect these holes to create a long trench running from the sea to the shore. The oncoming wave runs into this trench!
  • A la golf. We need to dig holes on the shore. And now the task is to hit the holes with a small ball or shell.
  • Track. We build a path from pebbles and shells. First, together with the baby, we will collect our building “material” in a bucket. And then, together with the baby, we build a path in one row to the sea.

Little kids love to play on the beach. They like to design something on their own and with the help of their parents!

Dishes and drinks with an exotic taste

When choosing a Hawaiian party as a scenario for a birthday or other celebration, of course, you cannot forget about the kitchen. It is not necessary to spend time and money on preparing traditional Hawaiian dishes; it will be enough to follow some canons of a Hawaiian party. First, prepare a variety of cocktails (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Alcoholic cocktails must be served at the bar; non-alcoholic cocktails can be placed on separate tables for free access. Don't forget: all glasses must be equipped with straws, umbrellas and slices of fruit (pineapples, lemons, oranges).

Hawaiian traditional cuisine includes a variety of fish dishes. Feel free to fill the table with plates of seafood, caviar and other fish delicacies. Don't forget that the islanders simply love meat, especially fried pork. Roasted wild boar will look great in the center of the table. Less semi-finished products, Hawaiians love everything natural, so vegetables and fruits should be present on the buffet table. If you really can’t do without the usual salad and mayonnaise assortment, then arrange the salads in tartine baskets. So that guests can eat and relax in peace between dances, place small tables with chairs along the walls. Decorate tables with umbrellas, flowers and candles. Place a basket of fruit on each table (you can never have too much fruit at a Hawaiian party).

List of games for a child or company aged 5 years

At the age of 5, children master many professions: they are drivers, builders, and captains. Now we will test all these skills in practice!

  • Captains. Each (or one, if our little one has no company) child is given a circle. The child is appointed captain of the ship. He needs to get the ship into port and do it quickly. We place the child in waist-deep water and give him the opportunity to control his watercraft. When there are a lot of children, it’s a competition. How to make the game interesting if the child is alone? It is necessary to create “obstacles” in the ship’s path. Figure out how you can detain your captain's yacht!
  • Jumping. We stock up on a few towels. We put them on the path. Children must jump from towel to towel without touching the sand!
  • Water pistols! Find the target. Who is more likely to hit her with a water pistol?
  • When you have a group of children, you can play an interesting game with them. Take 2 hoops. The little ones join each of them (we divide them into 2 teams). Who will get to the shore faster?
  • You can also open a “School of Body Painting”. Children sometimes like to paint themselves like Indians or African aborigines. But this is rarely possible, usually adults forbid getting dirty. But on the beach everything is possible. Let them take watercolor or gouache paints and paint their hands, backs, bellies and even heels for themselves and their friends. Just be sure to close this “exhibition of living pictures” before the last swim, so that the “canvases” have time to wash themselves. If your camp is not a river, but a swimming pool, then such an activity is undesirable - the water will be spoiled by washed-off paint. But in this case, a shower can help you out.
  • And especially for girls, you can hold a beach hairdressing competition. Invite them to make their friends and girlfriends original hairstyles from wet hair. And of course, come up with appropriate names. The fact that the hairstyle will not last is even good.
  • "Enchanted Castle" A sand palace is being built not far from the water. A magic wand will be placed on the highest tower of the palace. A guard of 1-2 people stands at the castle walls. At a distance of 5-10 meters from the castle, a starting line is drawn, behind which the players are placed; they must disenchant the castle by stealing a magic wand. The guards close their eyes and count loudly to three, at which time the players run to the castle. Having said “three”, the guards open their eyes, and if they see any movements, they send the players who made them behind the starting line. Then they close their eyes again and count to three. The first player to take the stick becomes the guard in the next round.
  • "Bank and River" Two lines are drawn at a distance of one meter or less from each other. Between these lines there is a “river”, and along the edges there is a “bank”. Everyone is standing on the “shores”. The leader gives the command: “river”, and everyone jumps into the “river”. On the command “shore”, everyone jumps to the “shore”. The presenter gives commands quickly and randomly to confuse the players. If at the command “shore” someone ends up in the water, or vice versa. On the command “river” - on the “bank”, then this person is eliminated.
  • "Tag-legs-in-the-weight." Players can hide from the driver by diving under the water. That is, an ordinary game of “kvacha”, only a house under water.

  • Giant soap bubbles. I wrote how we make them here - a recipe for durable soap bubbles. If there is no glycerin, then we do this - a glass of fairy for dishes + a glass of water + 1 tsp. Sahara. Mix and make a launcher from thread and sticks.
  • "Shooting Range on the Water". A circle is thrown into the water 5-6 steps from the shore. The players walk along the shore and take turns throwing pebbles or sand bombs into the floating hoop. The winner is the one who, after throwing 10 pebbles, hits the target the greatest number of times.
  • "Treasure with a magnet." To play you will need iron objects and a magnet. Yes, you need to prepare a little, but it will be interesting! Take a stronger magnet and smaller iron objects. Let us outline the place where the treasure will be “buried”. Now one of the players is hiding, and the other is looking. Then all the “treasures” found can be placed in a chest, in your treasure storage. The role of a chest can be played by some hole near the place where you usually stop to relax on the beach. The child will hide the treasures, and tomorrow he will come and find them again! This is great!
  • Geography games. Here we will learn how people live in different parts of the planet. We simulate various climatic zones and life in them in sand. We study continents and oceans. It's much more interesting than in the book. The child will quickly remember everything.

Of course, you can “borrow” some games from kids from other age categories, if it’s interesting for the little ones. And you can become your child’s rival!

Beach games

Entertainment on the beach comes down mainly to playing with sand, however, you shouldn’t stop there, it’s better to show your child a variety of outdoor games. This will help him throw out accumulated energy, get pleasantly tired and gain moral satisfaction. Children's games ⛳️ can also be of a creative nature, for example, painting stones with paints can be the beginning of creating a home collection and a powerful impetus for development. To prevent the child from quickly becoming bored with these activities, parents will need to pay a lot of attention to him and, possibly, select suitable peer companions.

Dress code - bright and casual

When sending invitations to a Hawaiian party, do not forget to warn guests about the need for a dress code. Regardless of whether you are creating a Hawaiian party for children or adults, stick to one rule: no formality, solemnity and boredom! Men should wear wide Hawaiian shirts, women should wear light, colorful dresses.

To make things easier for guests, leis (flower garlands), wreaths and bracelets can be distributed at the entrance.

Play it this way: have everyone invited at the entrance respond to the Hawaiian greeting “Aloha!” and will immediately receive a lei as a gift. Hawaiian leis can consist not only of flowers, but also of seeds, leaves and feathers.

Children will really like the idea of ​​such a party, because it is bright, noisy and fun. Girls will look charming in a traditional dancer's costume decorated with flowers and feathers. Boys can be dressed in colored shirts and shorts. Children simply love Hawaiian parties and take part in them with pleasure, dancing, playing and having fun with the adults.

What to play at sea with children 4 years old

Children grow up and explore more opportunities to have fun at sea. Let's help them and teach them how to play cool games!

  • Artists. Draw pictures with a stick on wet sand! Don't forget to take pictures of your painters' work!!!
  • Water path. Let's instruct the baby to fetch water from the sea with his bucket. He must wet the sand from us to the water.
  • Competition to see who can bring the most water. If there are several children, then only kids participate in the competition. If the baby is alone, then we will give the baby some healthy competition. Pour sea water into buckets. And we hurry to transfer the water to the blankets, where we rest. Whoever brought the most quickly and without spilling it won.
  • Fill the bucket with water. This task is not easy, because the bucket stands on the shore, at a distance of 1 meter from the little one. The baby will have to collect water in a cup and throw the water towards the bucket. You need to fill the bucket with water in this way.
  • Treasure! Adults bury treasure (pebbles, shells). And the child will have to find the treasure using the arrows that we leave for him on the wet sand.
  • You can arrange a competition of crocodiles - walk with your hands along the bottom, catching up with each other. Children always enjoy this game! How long ago have you, adults, tried crawling along the bottom like this?
  • Have the children lie on their backs and ask them to look up at the sky and look for animals or objects among the clouds, discussing what they see.
  • "Gold Diggers". We all love finding treasures. You, too, can please the children of the younger group by searching for, if not gold, then at least copper. To do this, take a sieve or fine mesh and a handful of coins with you to the beach. While the children are playing somewhere nearby, scatter coins in a certain place and sprinkle them with sand. When everything is ready, give your child a sieve and let them “mine for gold.”
  • "Kite". The beach is a great place to fly a kite. However, preparation is required for this activity. You can buy a paper kite in a store or make it yourself.
  • Drawing with sand and water. Apply the design with water using your finger, quickly sprinkle with sand and blow off the excess. Where there was water, sand sticks. And you can paint entire pictures on your body or learn the alphabet.
  • Drop the sink. Dig a hole in the sand and have a shell or pebble throwing competition. Draw a line for the players to stand behind and take turns throwing the shells, trying to hit the hole.
  • "Mine". The hand of one player turns into a “mine”: it can be in the sand in any position. The task of the other player, the “sapper,” is to dig up the “mine” without touching it.

At 4 years old, children are actively learning and greedily learning everything new. And we don’t continue to train them even by playing with them at sea!

Calm games on the beach

The kids were running across the sand, it was time to play calmer games.

Whose leg?

Children choose a driver. The players stretch the blanket and stand behind it. One person stretches his leg forward, and the driver must guess whose leg it is.

Mine or sapper

One player covers his hand with dry sand - this is a mine, the other tries to clear it. To clear the mine, you need to remove the sand from your hand and press on the nail of each finger. You need to dig up the sand so carefully so as not to touch your hand (mine). If this fails, the hand flies into the air and showers sand on the unsuccessful sapper. You cannot clench your hand into a fist.

Beach golf

Several small depressions are made in the sand - holes, and tennis balls are distributed to the children. The players' task, as in golf, is to drive the ball into the hole.

Creating sand figures and castles

Wet sand, a shovel or just your hands and beautiful sand sculptures are ready! You can create figures for a while, you can play one by one or in a team. You can sculpt any sculpture or only on a given topic, for example fairy tales. The most beautiful sand castle or figure wins a prize!

Tic Tac Toe

On the beach, you can play tic-tac-toe with both shells and pebbles. If the beach is sandy, then players use shells of different colors. On a rocky beach, pebbles of different shades are suitable.

On the seashore you can also play such famous games as Nonsense, Ladoshki, Grandma's Pantaloons, Grandma's Pantaloons and others.

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