Interesting birthday contests for children and adults

Birthday is the brightest holiday for children and adults. It’s nice when guests are happy and happy during the celebration. In order for the holiday to be a success, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance, especially if it is a teenager’s birthday. Preparations include not only the decoration of the hall and the festive table, but also the approval of the entertainment program, without which it will be difficult to keep the attention of the guests. There are many birthday contests offered on the Internet, but when it comes to writing a script, nothing can be found. To help solve this problem, we have selected the most fun birthday contests for adults and children. There are many competitions on our list that you have never heard of before, but they have such powerful energy that they can cope with any company. They will give you a charge of vigor and positivity. The main thing is, when organizing the competition program, do not forget to bookmark our page. You can quickly find everything you need. We will be glad if you enjoy the competitions and your guests will be satisfied with an interesting pastime, regardless of the time of year, be it a birthday in summer, spring, or even a birthday in winter.

Birthday contests

In order to hold the competition, you will need balloons to decorate the hall for the name day, and large pants or bloomers. The participants' task is to stuff more balls into their trousers. It is recommended to play this game when all the guests have already warmed up enough at the table.

The most greedy

Balloons are scattered across the floor, players must pick up as many of them as possible while the music is playing. The “greediest” one will win, the one who collects as many balls as possible.

Jolly Orange

In the circle of participants there are those who want to pass an orange to their neighbor. The orange is pinched between the chin and neck and passed from one player to another. The one who cannot pass it is eliminated. Hands are not involved in this task. Anyone who has skill and dexterity will easily cope with the task and win.

Universal ATM

The competition is held with the participation of two people. Bowls - ATMs - are placed on two chairs, the contestants move ten steps away from them and try to throw as many coins into the bowl as possible. The winner is the one who puts the most money into the ATM, that is, the bowl. To ensure that the losing participant does not remain offended, he takes the money of his competitor, and he, accordingly, takes the main prize.

DIY children's party

Games and competitions for the company

Once all the supporting materials are prepared, you can start the game!

When all the guests have gathered, presented gifts, congratulated the birthday boy, and it’s time to enjoy the cake, the fun begins!

Dad asks everyone to come to the festive table and, suddenly, it turns out that there is nothing on the table - it is completely empty! The children are perplexed. And suddenly a voice is heard (the mother speaks, but she must hide and pronounce the words either into the microphone or by bringing an empty saucepan to her mouth, it will be even funnier).

Voice: Hello guys! You overslept your treat long ago! Look for him in the jungle, but the path through it is not easy - wild animals and dangerous adventures await you there!

Dad: But it’s our birthday! Where can we look for treats now? Today, my beloved son Nikita turned eight years old.

Well, don't worry, friends. Nikitka's birthday is moved from home straight to the jungle. And it’s more interesting to walk there than to fill your bellies with tasty treats at the table. Moreover, the voice told us that someone hid the treats in the jungle and, if you are not afraid, you will definitely find them. Who will go into the wild jungle with me?

Children: We.

Dad: Well, if there are no cowards among you, then from ordinary children you will turn into real jungle inhabitants - herbivores and predators.

Dad gives each child medals with drawings of animal faces or animal masks, dividing everyone into two teams - predators and herbivores.

Dad: Now let's choose captains for each team. Let one of them be Nikita - our birthday boy, but we will now choose the second one. (Let the children choose the captain themselves). Oh, now we're ready! Let's shout our cry louder: “The jungle is calling!” We are ready, Voice! What kind of tasks do you have there?

Voice: What do you want to know, friends? Feel free to approach the snake and look straight into its mouth! (A note with the task should be placed in the mouth of the toy snake in advance).

Children find a toy snake, take the cardboard out of its mouth and read the task.

Relay race "Hares in sacks"

To carry it out, you need to set guidelines (the bright orange caps that come with your roller skates are best). Each team needs to be given a bag and given the command to start: “The jungle is calling!” Each team member must gallop to a landmark in the bag, and then return back in the same way. The team that completes the task first receives a banana or a bone as a prize.

Voice: Look under the log, find the task there.

The children find a card under the log on which the second task is written.

Relay race “Collect a palm tree”.

Each team is given half a dozen cardboard boxes and live or artificial greens. Each team must line up in a column and, as soon as the signal “The Jungle is Calling!” is given, the relay will begin. Its participants must stack cardboard boxes one on top of the other so as to fold the palm trunk, and put greenery on the topmost one.

Competition based on TV shows

"Fashionable verdict"

The competition is very entertaining. To carry it out you need to prepare two bags of clothes. It is best to invite men to participate in the competition. Each team must dress their ward as beautifully as possible.

The quality of the game depends on the creativity of selecting clothes for bags.

Picasso Those wishing to take part in the competition must have artistic talent. They will be faced with a difficult task, and without the manifestation of these qualities it will not be possible to cope with it. On a piece of whatman paper, guests must draw what they want to give to the birthday boy. The main difficulty is that you will have to draw with your teeth. The birthday boy must guess what the artist wished for.

Pinocchio at short distance

To successfully run a marathon, you need to prepare very seriously, that is, purchase or make noses in the shape of a cone or an elastic band. Teams compete in a race, holding a golden key on their noses, which they pass to each other. The winning team presents the key to the chest with gifts to the hero of the day.

How to have a fun children's birthday

Children grow up quickly, and along with them the number of friends with whom they want to share the joy of their birthday grows. And then one day it turns out that such a large and friendly company will no longer be able to have a good time in one room. And even more so in such an exciting children's game as “Call of the Jungle”. After all, according to the script, the action will take place in a real jungle. Therefore, the ideal venue would be a forest clearing, garden or cottage. As a last resort, a large hall will do.

So, let's divide the roles - let mom become the leader, dad become an experienced forest guide, and the children turn into funny animals - “predators” and “herbivores”.

For this game you will need:

  • A saucepan or microphone;
  • A couple of bags;
  • A dozen cardboard boxes of different sizes that will be needed to create two makeshift palm trees;
  • Live or artificial greenery;
  • A pair of logs;
  • Skittles or small cubes in the amount of four pieces, which will serve as reference points in the relay race;
  • Small balls or balloons;
  • A flock of toy animals - a bear, a monkey, a snake;
  • Cards on which the texts of the tasks will be written;
  • A pair of sheets of Whatman paper and felt-tip pens;
  • Large medals depicting the faces of herbivores and predators, under whose names the participants play, or the masks of these animals;
  • A pair of large fake bones, sewn from fabric and stuffed with synthetic padding (in case of difficulties with production, they can be replaced with pillows);
  • Bananas and seeds made of cardboard or sewn from pieces of fabric;
  • Sweet prizes for everyone who will take part in the celebration.

Fun team competitions

Spring water

The main task of the teams is to quickly move all the water from a full glass to an empty one using a straw.

The winner is the team that fills the glass the most.

Love and strength

A regular tug-of-war contest can be used as a test of sympathy for the birthday boy. The team that pulls the rope loves the birthday boy more.

Chief rodent

It is suggested to eat a pear or apple on a string without touching it with your hands. The winner of this competition receives the honorary title of rodent.

Corn sticks

You need to play in pairs. One person has his hands tied behind his back, the other is feeding him with chopsticks. The team that likes corn sticks more, that is, eats them faster, wins.

Sports entertainment for adults with a ball

Physical education activities with a ball are widespread.

Such games include:

  1. Everyone's favorite football, which can be played by men and women.
  2. Basketball, where tall people are especially valued.
  3. Tennis, etc.

Everyone can choose their own ball game to suit their taste. The easiest way to organize a football match is to only need players, a ball and a suitable field, and the goal can be improvised. This game will teach you how to run fast, instantly react to your opponents’ movements, calculate the strength and accuracy of a strike, and most importantly, how to work as a team, trusting each other, communicating, and interacting. The latter qualities are almost more important than sporting success, because you can get much more pleasure from a well-coordinated team game than from sitting in a bar.

Sports games for adults play an important role in physical and emotional health:

  1. The work of various muscle groups perfectly trains the body and stimulates blood circulation.
  2. Improved blood circulation in turn improves mood and improves well-being. And what joy every goal scored brings!

If football is still closer to the male half of humanity, then girls can warm up and improve their health by playing tennis or. The most important thing here is coordination, which, however, develops in the process.

Weight-conscious ladies will rejoice at the number of calories burned during intense jumping and racket hitting. And some girlfriends will even have time to discuss pressing problems while the shuttlecock is flying. In the warm season, it doesn’t cost anything to find a playground in nature, then the invigorating influence of fresh air will also be added to the entertainment and training aspect.

Sports relay races for active recreation enthusiasts

Nothing invigorates like the spirit of competition, and it is present in abundance in sports relay races. Proving your superiority in agility, strength, jumping ability or endurance is sometimes more enjoyable than a simple football victory.

All members of the winning team experience an unprecedented emotional uplift, which has a good effect on the relationship between them. It is not without reason that some companies introduce the practice of so-called team building, trying to achieve team cohesion.

Frivolous “fun starts” will give a lot of adrenaline and pleasant impressions to both the company of old friends and a group of co-workers. For lovers of such entertainment, you can choose a lot of interesting options:

  1. Funny competitions that require you to rip off an attached ball or scarf from the participants of the “enemy” team.
  2. There may be a traditional tug-of-war, which usually ends in a pile of mala.
  3. Players with good physical fitness will enjoy high-speed races and distances with obstacles where they have to tumble, do push-ups and jump over traps on the way to the finish line.

In any case, such physical education will bring both joy and tone to the participants.

Ideas and tips

  1. When organizing outdoor sports competitions for children, take into account the age, number of participants, their temperament and physical fitness. This is especially true for sports competitions.
  2. Take into account the child’s interests and hobbies: include your favorite characters and superheroes in the game, prepare costumes and props together; use your favorite activities: drawing, jumping, running, playing in pairs.
  3. Help and motivate: encourage the winners, support the losers (for example, you can offer these guys consolation prizes).
  4. Use fun sports competitions for children to develop new skills - physical, intellectual, creative, and help your child overcome difficulties.
  5. In a playful way, it is easier to teach a child to interact with the outside world: you can name and remember plants, navigate the terrain, use sports equipment and toys for various purposes.
  6. Children's sports competitions are a useful experience of working in a team: here, in order to achieve results, you need to learn to interact with each other.
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