Funny and table-based birthday contests for adults

Today, in search of a place to celebrate the New Year, people forget that New Year's holidays are traditionally celebrated at home, with their families. The preparation for this evening is as magical as the holiday itself: they bring home a beautiful, lush Christmas tree, decorate it with garlands, toys and homemade snowflakes. The family's favorite dishes are prepared in the kitchen all day long. There is a saying: who you celebrate the New Year with is the one you spend it with! Therefore, it is worth celebrating this holiday with your family.

If you are worried that the usual gatherings at the table and watching “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” not for you, don’t rush to give up celebrating the New Year at home. After all, together with your family you can come up with a thousand and one new and interesting fun. Typically, such leisure activities bring loved ones closer together and give them shared joyful memories. The only thing to consider is the age of the participants. As a rule, in a family there are not only children and parents, but also grandparents who will not be able to participate in too active games. At the same time, it is undesirable for any of the family members to sit on the sidelines. It should be remembered that not all games can be played in a house or apartment. Therefore, think carefully about what New Year's games to play at home so that everyone is happy. It is also important to think about the prizes that you will award to the winners. For example, it could be some New Year's sweets that you made with your own hands.

Do not forget about the importance of registration of details. For example, if for a competition you need to make cards with words-attributes of the New Year, you should make sure that they convey the whole spirit of the holiday, and do not remain ordinary cardboard. Every little thing should correspond to the New Year holiday, then the New Year will go off with a bang.”

Family New Year competitions for home

The chimes have struck, the New Year has arrived! Everyone had already made wishes, congratulated each other on the upcoming holiday and had time to taste the delicious dishes that everyone had worked so hard on. Even Santa Claus has already stopped by the house and left gifts for everyone! As a rule, this is where this New Year's holiday ends. To prevent it from being boring, you can include family competitions in the celebration. We have selected the most fun, bright and unforgettable competitions that will make your New Year memorable.

New Year's story quests New Year's family quests New Year's internet quests New Year's quests for children New Year's quests for school New Year's quests in the office and cafe New Year's quest cards

Tips for choosing and conducting

Competitions at a wedding at the guest table will go off with a bang even without a toastmaster, if you use the recommendations given below.

It is best to choose table entertainment that is suitable for people of any age , gender and social status. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your company so as not to offend or offend anyone.

The games played should not touch upon topics that are “taboo” in polite society, that is, those that could lead to unnecessary controversy. This includes areas such as: politics, religion , national views .

Guests at the wedding table

There is no need to hold competitions with indecent tasks. For example, undressing would be inappropriate. You should also not go too far with the intelligence of interactives. All competitions should be fun and understandable to each of the guests.

The number of games is determined in advance. You should also allocate clearly limited time for them. In addition, musical accompaniment is prepared in advance.

If the guest has no desire to participate in the game, there is no need to insist on this. Everything should be voluntary and relaxed.

Competition "Who am I?"

This fun will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Moreover, all family members can and should participate in this competition - the game will not let anyone present get bored. The presenter, that is, you, must prepare adhesive stickers and write the name of the New Year's character on them with a marker. For example, “Santa Claus”, “Snow Maiden”, “snowman”, “deer”, “elf” and so on. Next, you stick a piece of paper on the participants’ foreheads and ask each of them to say who they are. The rest of the characters will help by answering questions “yes” or “no”. The game ends when all guests have guessed their characters.

There is another variation of this competition. On a large sheet of paper you need to draw or print several characters that everyone knows. Next, very carefully cut out the face of this character so that the player’s face can fit there. The presenter selects a participant, blindfolds him and sticks his head into this hole. The player, holding whatman paper, must guess who he is. Other participants can help him by answering his questions only “yes” or “no”. The game will end when the player's character's name comes out.

This competition is good for warming up the public, since you can take part in it while sitting at the New Year's table.

Games and quizzes for a large number of people

And in order for the party to be successfully remembered not only for very tasty dishes, it is worth diversifying its program with gaming competitions and quizzes.
Game rooms or banquet rooms with all amenities, or those rooms with a lot of space, are perfect for them. Also, do not forget about the large number of people that will be needed for these competitions.

Say birthday wishes with a lollipop in your mouth

Up to 5 guests can participate in the game. You need to tell the birthday person: “On this birthday I wish you ...” and come up with any three wishes to your taste.

Then the task becomes more complicated: participants receive lollipops and, with them in their mouths, must repeat the previously spoken phrase. You should not bite or swallow sweets. This is considered against the rules.

Then you need to increase the portion of sweets until someone can clearly congratulate the birthday boy. Such a participant leaves the competition, and the rest continue in the same spirit. The winner is the one who manages to talk over the other guests with a mouth full of candy.

The most agile one will advance to the finals in the speed game

To participate you need to invite 10-12 guests. They should stand on both sides of the table at a distance of about 4 meters. The presenter names the item, and the participants must complete its task as quickly as possible, that is, run up to the table, take what they need and bring it to the presenter.

The one who does not have time to return with the required item is eliminated. The competition usually starts with something easy - a spoon, a fork, and then everything gets more complicated - you need to bring a mobile phone, a tie, etc. When the fastest ones remain, you can ask them to bring shoes and even socks. Please note: you cannot bring your own belongings.

The game goes off with a bang both from the guests running after the desired item, and from the guests at the table. After all, the latter help in every possible way to get the desired item. And the one who “reaches” the final should be congratulated on his victory.

Carefree milkmen will raise their glasses to the birthday boy

To begin, we select three teams of three participants each. The presenter gives them a glove, which is used in medical care, with each finger pierced on it.

Only then does everyone begin to play: one “milkman” holds the “udder,” another holds the glass, and the third milks. The task of each team is to “milk” as much so-called “milk” from the glove as possible against the background of playing music. Those whose milk yield will be higher than others will win.

After the completion of the competition, “milkmaids” and “milkmaids” raise their glasses to the health of the birthday boy. They are usually very surprised when, while drinking an alcoholic drink, they think it turns out to be water.

Super guy with a lot of items

Only three couples are invited to participate. Ladies are offered to put on their companions more clothes and accessories while the music is playing, thereby creating for them the image of a real super guy or super macho.

Spectators help the participants in every possible way, giving them the necessary items or simply cheering them on with applause. The winner will be only the girl who managed to put the most items on her boyfriend. And objects need to be counted without removing them from the macho. This was the first part of the competition.

The second is no less entertaining: the gentlemen, dancing to an erotic melody, must undress, removing all other people's items worn by the lady. The audience will determine the hottest dancer.

Recognize your husband among others

This competition requires 5-6 married couples. Husbands need to be seated on chairs with their backs to their companions. Meanwhile, women should be blindfolded. The task of wives is to recognize their soulmate by their hair, eyes, hands and the like.

Of course, only those lovers will win where the spouse recognizes her beloved husband most often.

Speeches from invited guests for the dear birthday boy

To implement such a program, it must be prepared well and qualitatively in advance. It is held at the height of the fun, when the guests have entered the spirit.

In order for everything to go fun and a little recklessly, under the seat of the chair on which the guest is sitting, you need to attach a task with a bias towards some kind of creativity (dance a waltz, sing the latest hit, show a magic trick, perform a circus trick, etc.).

The organizer announces to the birthday boy somewhere in the middle of the party that his invited guests have prepared an unusual and funny surprise. At this time, guests find their “concert numbers” under the chair and, after 5 minutes of preparation, begin to perform.

This is where the most unexpected talent that no one even suspected could emerge. Each guest will receive a gift at the end of the room for their efforts.

Competition "Answer with your name"

Another competition without leaving the festive table. The presenter must prepare cards in advance with words that will be the name of each family member during the game. Choose words that are associated with the New Year. For example: “Christmas tree”, “snow”, “deer”, “fireworks”, “garland” and others. Distribute these cards to all players and ask various questions. In the meantime, participants must respond with their first name only. The first question should be: “What is your name?”, and then you can ask anything. For example, “What do you drive to work?” - “On a deer.” Whoever laughs while answering the question with their name is eliminated from the game. And the one who passes the test receives a prize. This competition is suitable for both children and adults.

Game "Fanta"

Difficulty level: low

Preparation: deep basket, bag or hat

Rules: Each person present puts his own item in the basket. This could be a watch, earring, lighter or any other personal item.

The presenter chooses a partner for the game, who is blindfolded. Pulling out the object, the presenter asks, “What is this phantom doing?” , and the partner comes up with any task at his own discretion, without seeing which of the guests belongs to the pulled out object

Blanks: and this phantom...

  1. Gotta drink a cup of champagne with a coffee spoon
  2. He will sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in heavy metal style
  3. Will tell you why he didn't wear underwear today
  4. Will take a group photo, acting as the author of the original idea
  5. Depicts Napoleon with a pillow on his head

Competition "Air Snowflake"

Another wonderful New Year's competition at home - each player is given one snowflake in the form of a blue or white ball. The task of each family member is to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible without touching parts of the body. The person whose snowflake lasts longer will have to burst his balloon and read the New Year's prediction that you hid in advance. This competition is needed in order to stir up the celebration participants a little, without annoying them with too active competitions.

Competition "Find Santa Claus's things"

The interest of the guests has been piqued, and now active competitions can begin. This game requires several people to search for certain items. Give grandparents the task of being the navigators of this competition - telling the players whether they are close to the object (“hot”) or far away (“cold”). Write a letter in advance from Santa Claus saying that he forgot some things when he brought gifts and asked to find them at your home. The players' task is to find all these items. The gift for completing the task can be candy in the shape of a chocolate Santa Claus, which will be waiting for the participants under the Christmas tree. It is very important that all family members can participate in this competition, despite the fact that this is a fairly active test.


Holiday party guests stand in a circle. First, one of them is chosen as a counting counter; according to the rules, he must start counting. The count is carried out clockwise, guided by this rule - instead of certain numbers they say “pass”. What these numbers will be should be agreed upon in advance. This could be, for example, a prime number, and then all that contain it (like 3, 13, 23, 30, etc.). A more complex option is numbers that are multiples of a certain number (if it is 5, then skip 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.). Anyone who fails is eliminated. The competition continues on this principle until one or more winners are determined.

Competition "New Year's Field of Miracles"

The trick of the competition is that for each correct answer, players will receive a tasty prize in the form of a guessed word. You need to choose funny questions so that guests not only guess this New Year's word, but also get a lot of pleasant emotions. For example, “Dear experts, give the full name of an elderly man who breaks into houses at night and leaves various boxes. 8 letters." Of course, the correct answer is Santa Claus. The one who answers the question correctly receives a chocolate Santa Claus. Such a competition is needed so that the participants have a little rest from the previous one, refresh themselves and have a good laugh.

Some useful tips for a beginner toastmaster

If you have the role of presenter at a celebration, but you don’t have the necessary experience, don’t rush to get upset.
Here are a few simple rules to follow for successful competitions and the evening itself:

  1. do not organize competitions too often - let guests have a little time to communicate;
  2. alternate musical games with games at the table;
  3. competitions at a women’s birthday can also be used at a men’s, because usually the gender of those invited is the same at both holidays; it is important not to forget only about the sense of tact and proportion, as well as the appropriateness of the competition;
  4. In order for the evening to go well, it is better to start the games with table games, so the guests can get to know each other better. By the way, in order to make the atmosphere even more cozy and relaxed, and the celebration unforgettable, decorating the festive table can overlap with the entertainment program;
  5. the break between games should be at least 15-20 minutes, and a musical break is usually carried out approximately once every 40 minutes and should last no more than one-fourth of an hour;
  6. After the completion of the competition, it is imperative to present the participant with a symbolic gift. As a rule, it is coordinated directly with the organizers themselves; for convenience, it is best to sketch out a list of gifts and their approximate cost;
  7. before the party itself, it would be appropriate to draw up a small scenario for the course of events; build an entertainment program, including all the invented competitions in the correct sequence;
  8. To make it easier for you to carry out invented games, the props needed for one or another competition should be kept separately from each other. This will make it easier for you to find the necessary items and gifts for a particular quiz at any time;
  9. the key to a successful and memorable party is improvisation, because every holiday is unique and different from the others;
  10. remember, in any incomprehensible situation, joke, as laughter saves even the most boring or ridiculous situation.

Successful, inimitable, memorable parties, bright, active guests and creative birthday people! After all, your holiday depends only on yourself, your mood and, of course, on your friends. You don't need a lot of money or expensive drinks to brighten up your evening. Good competitions will do the trick.

Funny and table competitions for adults' birthdays help create that necessary atmosphere of a real holiday. Neither gourmet dishes, nor expensive gifts, nor beautiful hairstyles and clothes will help you with this. Laughter and joy sparkling in the eyes and frozen on the faces will tell you that your holiday was truly a success.

Improvise, invent, have fun and you will be in a good mood not only on your birthday, but on any other ordinary day.

Competition "New Year's face control"

And this competition is more interesting when pairs of grandparents and grandchildren participate. To prevent your child from being tempted to peep, blindfold him with a bandage or tape, and also put warm mittens on his hands. Sit the older generation in comfortable chairs and ask them not to make a sound. Next, sit the child opposite his grandparents and, using tactile sensations, ask him to guess who is sitting in front of him. The difficulty of the task is that through the thick fabric of the mittens it is not easy to feel even the closest person.

"Super memory"

Participants in this intellectual competition take turns listening to the presenter name different numbers. Their task is to repeat them in the order in which they were spoken. The competition takes place in several rounds, in each round the presenter names new numbers and, importantly, one more number than the previous time (and they start with 3 numbers). As this game progresses, many participants will drop out. The party guest who manages to remember the most numbers wins.

Competition "Snow Massacre"

Have you been wanting to play in the snow with the whole family, but this year winter didn’t cover everything with white snow? No problem! Organize a snow massacre at home. To do this, prepare snowballs in advance from ordinary A4 sheets, crumpling them and gluing cotton wool on them. Next, pick up a large bucket and decorate it with rain. On New Year's Eve, invite the players to split into two teams and give each of them the same number of snowballs. Place the buckets at equal distances parallel to the participants. The point of the game is to hit snowballs into a bucket. The team that throws the most snowballs into the bucket wins. The beauty of this game is that the whole family can play it, and no one will be left bored alone.

Funny birthday contests. Part 2

When a large and noisy company gathers for your birthday, you always want to play some fun games . Your guests will not be bored at your party. We have selected fun competitions suitable for both a large noisy company and a close group. You can hold our cool competitions both outdoors and at home. Have fun, relax, play fun games and your friends will remember your birthday for a long time.

1. Best competition “Blowing up a Balloon” An inflatable balloon is placed in the middle of the table. The two participants are blindfolded and sit down at the table. They are invited to compete in blowing up this balloon. Carefully remove the ball and place a plate generously filled with flour in its place. When they begin to blow forcefully on this plate, they are amazed, and when their eyes are untied, they are indescribably delighted.

2. Competition “Fun Replacement” A girl and a guy are required for the competition. The girl lies down and the host lays out cookies and nuts (anything edible, but not large) on her. Meanwhile, the guy is blindfolded and told that with his eyes closed and without his hands he must eat the girl’s food. The trick is that during the explanation of the competition, the girl is replaced by a guy (discussed in advance). With the host's permission to begin the competition, the guy begins to get creative, collecting pieces of food, unaware of the replacement. He begins to suspect that something is wrong only when a wild laugh is heard))))

3. “Touchable” competition The boys take turns entering the room with the girls. Boys must be blindfolded and have their hands behind their backs. The young man needs to guess all the girls who are present. Your hands are tied behind you, you have to use your head in the literal sense of the word. Everyone just falls out of laughter when a young man simply sniffs, licks, or does something else with her. At the end of the competition, the total is calculated: how many correct and incorrect answers there are. Based on this, first place is awarded.

4. Adult competition “Train Schedule” Required: a bottle of vodka and a train schedule. The presenter announces: “The next station is Lanskaya” (for example). Everyone drinks a glass. Next - “Next station - Udelnaya”. Everyone drinks another glass. Gradually, the participants “leave” the route, and the one who goes further wins...

5. Fun competition “Cucumber” One driver is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle (shoulder to shoulder). Moreover, the players’ hands should be behind. The essence of the game: you need to pass a cucumber behind your back without the host noticing and, at every opportunity, bite off a piece of it. And the driver’s task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guessed right, then the player he caught takes his place. The fun competition continues until the cucumber is eaten. It is very funny.

6. Competition “Burglars” Required: many different keys and 2-3 locks. Participants in the competition are given a bunch of keys and a locked padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch and open the lock as quickly as possible. You can put a lock on the cabinet where the prize is hidden.

7. Competition “Dress each other up” This is a team competition. Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package containing a set of clothes (the number and complexity of items must be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the pair must put clothes on the other from the package he received by touch in one minute. The winner is the couple that “gets dressed” faster and more correctly than the others. It's fun when there are two men in a couple and they get a bag of purely women's clothing!

8. Best competition “Balls” The number of players is not limited, but the more the better. Composition – better equally: girl/boy. Props – a long inflatable ball (like a sausage) The ball is clamped between the legs. Then it should be transferred to other participants without hands in the same place. Who loses - a fine (set by the company) To make the competition fun, you can split into two teams.

9. Fun competition “Horses” You need several pairs and a large room where there are no breakable objects. In the future, everything resembles the competition that is well known to everyone since childhood, one sits opposite the other and... And then a piece of paper with a written word is attached to the person sitting on his back. The players must read what is written on the backs of the opponent’s pair and, at the same time, not allow their own to be read.

10. Contest “Pourovers” Two glasses are placed on a table (chair or other surface). There is a straw nearby (well, through which they drink). The task of the competition participants is to pour water from one glass into another as quickly as possible. You can use something alcoholic instead of water, but there is a danger that after pouring there may be nothing left in another glass. :))

11. Cool competition “Barrel of Beer” For the competition you need to purchase a 5-liter barrel of beer (for example, “Baltika”). A judge is appointed and everyone is invited. The goal of the competition is to grab the barrel from above with one hand and hold it suspended for as long as possible. Whoever can hold the barrel the longest gets it as a reward. Believe me, not everyone will be able to hold it in their hands, although it seems very easy.

12. Competition “Alcohol Relay Race” Required: 2 chairs and 2 bottles of wine Two teams with an equal number of participants gather. At the end of the hall there are two chairs, and on the chairs a bottle of wine (vodka) and a glass. The first participants run up to the chairs, pour a glass, run back and stand at the end. The next participants run up and drink the contents of the glasses. The next ones run up and pour again - and so on. Winner: the team whose bottle is empty the fastest. It is recommended to recruit an odd number of participants.

13. Fun game “Football” A rope with something heavy at the end (for example, a potato) is tied to the participants’ belts. Each participant is given a box of matches or something similar. The task is to swing a tied object, you need to hit a matchbox and thereby move it along the floor. You can come up with a route around the chair, or just in a straight line. Winner: Whoever reaches the finish line first.

14. Cool competition “Collect Kisses” for a large company. Two (male) people are invited to participate. The goal of the competition is to run around all the guests in a certain amount of time and collect as many kisses as possible. The results of the competition are determined by counting kiss marks on the cheeks. Winner: owner of the most tracks..

15. Competition “Guess where the vodka is.” 5-6 men are invited and each is given a glass of water and only one glass contains vodka. To the music, everyone takes turns drinking the contents, trying not to show with emotion that they have drunk. And other players must guess by facial expression who drank the vodka.

16. Competition “Who can “sew” the fastest?” Two teams of players must quickly “sew” all team members to each other. Instead of a needle, a spoon is used, to which a thread or twine is tied. You can “sew” it through a strap, a strap, a loop on your trousers, in a word, through something that will not offend your partner’s dignity.

17. The best competition at a birthday party “Sweet Tooth Drum” Props: a bag of sucking candies. Two people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag, putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed) and after each candy they call their opponent “Sweet Tooth Drum.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and at the same time clearly says the magic phrase wins

18. Competition “Tear off the hat” Two players can compete, or two teams can compete. A circle is drawn. Players enter the circle, each of them has his left arm tied to his body and a hat on his head. The task is simple and difficult - to take off the enemy’s hat and not allow him to take off his own. For each cap removed, the team receives a point.

19. Fun competition “What’s behind you?” Clear pictures (drawings) and paper circles with numbers, for example: 96, 105, etc., are pinned on the backs of two opponents. The players converge in a circle, stand on one leg, tuck the other under the knee and hold it with their hand. The task is to stand, jump on one leg, look behind the opponent’s back, see the number and see what is drawn in the picture. Winner: the one who is the first to “decipher” the opponent.

20. Birthday game “Push the Cannonball” Required: balloons, chalk 1/3 cup of water is poured into several balloons. The balloons are then inflated to the same size. In the room (hall), circles with a diameter of 1.5 meters are drawn with chalk. The participant must push the balloon “core” as far as possible, as is done in athletics. The one who pushed it the farthest wins.

21. Fun game “Blow on the box” Free the box from matches. Pull it out halfway and, putting it to your mouth, blow hard. The box can fly quite far. Hold an “air shooters” competition. With this paper box flying out of the box you can:

  • try to get into the small circle outlined in chalk,
  • shoot down a light paper target,
  • get the box into a basket installed on the floor,
  • try to set a record, i.e. “blow” the box through some kind of bar.

22. Cool competition “Who is faster?” Required: 2 empty boxes Players are divided into two teams. The presenter gives two empty boxes without an inner paper drawer. Task: quickly pass the boxes to your teammates...with your nose. If the box falls, it is picked up, put on the nose, and the competition continues. Everything seems simple, but you can’t do it without dexterity.

Posted by Katrin 05/11/2010 at 21:30

Competition "Dessert Time"

Do you and your family love sweets? Challenge them to an ice cream eating competition! But first, ask them to guess a riddle, the answer to which will be a dessert that they will have to eat on speed. Bring each player ice cream in a cup and announce the main highlight of the competition - ice cream should be eaten not from the top, but from the bottom, that is, you need to start from the bottom of the cup. Whoever overcomes this sweet test first is the winner! For such a competition, you need to stock up on napkins, because the ice cream will flow from all sides.

Without unclenching your hands

The participants in each pair stand facing each other, palms to palms, and clasp their fingers together. At the same distance from all pairs there is a large basin with coins. And at the start of each pair there are empty basins (any other containers). At the “start” command, couples in the starting position (palms to palms and clasping fingers) run to a basin with coins, grab as much as possible between their palms without unclenching their fingers, and run to their basin, pour out the coins and get them again. The couple that manages to collect more coins than the others in half a minute will be the winner. Simple scales will help determine the winning couple.

Competition "Crocodile"

A classic example of fun that both adults and children can participate in. In order to organize this competition, you need to select a list of New Year's words and write them on beautiful cards. During the game, you give the player a card on which a certain word is written, and he must convey to the rest of the household the meaning of this word, without uttering a sound. The person who guesses the word receives a prize and a card with the name of the object, which also needs to be shown using gestures. Such a New Year's competition for children at home will give your loved ones a sea of ​​positive emotions for the entire New Year's Eve.

Competition "Password for the New Year"

To implement this idea, you need to prepare cards with words that, in the correct order, will form a New Year's phrase, proverb or line from a song - it's up to you! Next, you need to hang these cards on the Christmas tree with clothespins so that children can easily remove them. Give the role of keeper of the New Year's password to the oldest member of the family, for example, grandfather. The children's task is to guess the password by collecting all the cards from the Christmas tree and placing them in the correct order. Having guessed the password, the grandfather gives each grandson a tangerine. Whoever peels the citrus first wins.

Home quests for the New Year

Do you want to surprise your loved ones and give them incredible emotions without leaving your home? Prepare a New Year's fairy tale for them in the form of a home quest! A house quest is a chain of tasks and riddles, after solving which participants are sure to find prizes. To organize a home quest, you need to make a list of interior and household items that will be used in the game. Next, you need to choose the route along which your loved ones will reach the finish line. It is also important to create interesting tasks and choose good riddles.

We know how difficult it is to prepare such an event on your own, especially before the New Year, when all the troubles fall on your head like a big snowball. Therefore, we offer you our ready-made New Year’s home quests, which will become your “lifesaver” in spending the New Year.

New Year's quests for children

Children absolutely love gifts and various games. So why not arrange for your child to search for a gift using notes?

We have home quests for children of different ages:

New Year's quest for children 3-4 years old

New Year's quest for children 5-6 years old

New Year's quest for children 7-8 years old

New Year's quest for children 9-11 years old

New Year's quests for teenagers and adults

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for teenagers and adults to give a gift for the New Year. Thanks to the home quest, your loved ones will receive unforgettable emotions and, of course, the gift itself!

New Year's quest for teenagers and adults

New Year's corporate quests

A good team is a friendly team. During working hours it is very difficult to find a common language with colleagues. Therefore, we need good corporate events that can unite employees and thereby make the company more successful. New Year's quest is a great option for a corporate party.

Corporate New Year's quest in the office

New Year's quest for a company in a restaurant, cafe or banquet hall

New Year's quest at school

A quest right at school is a wonderful entertainment for children before leaving for school holidays. A great addition to any school New Year's party. One or two teams can take part in the quest. You can organize a collective search for hidden gifts or just organize a game for fun. New Year's quest at school

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