Romantic quest for two. Romantic quest in the apartment for the husband: tasks, riddles, scenarios, ideas

Category: Scenarios, competitions, games for a birthday > Birthday > Scenarios, competitions, games for a day... > Quest for my husband's birthday - fun...

For a woman, her husband is the most important person in life. I really want to surround him with positivity, warmth, and care on his birthday. Choosing a gift is a difficult and responsible task. After all, attention and love cannot be bought in a store. But for a creative wife there is always the opportunity to surprise and pleasantly please her husband. Well, men love to be surprised. We’ll take advantage of this by offering our husband a series of simple and fun challenges for his birthday—a cool quest.

The organization will not take much time, but it will force the married couple to shake themselves up, have fun and spend the beginning of the wedding in a special “operational” mode, different from the tired annual “relaxation”. Without a doubt, congratulations, in which the soul is invested, the desire to surprise and please, will not leave any man indifferent - who among them in childhood did not dream of treasures and treasures? After completing several consecutive quest tasks, the birthday boy himself will find the gift intended for him, that is, he will find the “treasure”. We offer a cool version of the quest that can be easily arranged in your own apartment.

Romantic quest for two

Typically, holidays such as Valentine's Day or anniversaries are celebrated as a couple, without inviting guests. If you have prepared an unusual gift, you can not just give it to your significant other, but organize an interesting and unusual quest. You will have to take a little time to print out the task cards and hide the clues in different places. The optimal number of tasks is from 7 to 10. They should not be too simple or very short; it is necessary for the man to tinker a little while looking for his gift. At the initial stage, you need to give your beloved a postcard with a message attached. Help your chosen one and take part in the quest if the tasks are too difficult.

Romantic quest for two:

  • There is no need to place hints in the most visible places. At the very beginning, you can hint to the young man that his shirt needs to be washed; recommend putting it in the washing machine. It is there that he will find a clue. Use interesting riddles and puzzles.
  • It is not necessary to conduct such a quest indoors. You can start from work. Send him an interesting congratulation by e-mail with a secret message about an unexpected gift.
  • In winter, you can cut out snowflakes and attach them to the window. Write a riddle on the back of one of the snowflakes. Please note that there should be not one snowflake, but several, and only one of them should have a riddle written on it. The remaining snowflakes should be empty. You can also place the puzzle on the back of the window by taping it to the frame. This will complicate the task by forcing your lover to open all the windows in the house.

Start of the quest

Cards for riddles


Romantic quest to find a gift

You can print the message on paper with hearts and write the terms on the back. This message should contain the first clue that will allow you to find the next one. Thus, you will have a linear quest, completing tasks one after another, the person looking for the appropriate clues, proceeding to the next stage.

Romantic quest to find a gift:

  • At the initial stage, you can encrypt where the next clue is. For example, it could be an English or German word, after translating which a person will receive guidance and be able to approach the next step.
  • You can use simple words that you don’t need to use a dictionary to translate, for example Cake is a cake. Accordingly, you need to look for the next clue in the cupboard or refrigerator with a cupcake, cake or dessert. Post the note in a visible place so that the person does not have to rummage through the refrigerator. This is where you leave your next clue.
  • The clue word does not have to be in English or German. You can ask a simple riddle or rebus. For example - “The hanging pear cannot be eaten.” Accordingly, this is a light bulb, you need to look for clues on the lighting fixtures. It is best to place the hint in the area of ​​the table lamp so that your lover does not have to climb the stairs.
  • Although many girls want to complicate the task for their lovers, so they attach hints to light bulbs near the ceiling. This can be done using double-sided tape or simply tied with thread. Please note that the paper or tape should not touch the incandescent lamp. The encryption must be attached to the lampshade or wire on which the chandelier is located.

Riddle about the refrigerator


Riddle about TV

Romantic quest tasks

Try to place clues throughout the apartment, covering rooms from the bedroom to the bathroom. It is necessary for the lover to get nervous and look for clues throughout the apartment. It’s better to hide them in advance, so you need to choose places that the young man usually doesn’t look into if you live together.

Romantic quest tasks:

  • A place to store hints can be a mailbox, or a bedside table in the nearest supermarket, which is located not far from the house.
  • Don't forget to give your lover the key. It's best to hide the clue in a storage locker early in the morning. Without your loved one noticing, place the key in your pocket or bag. Choose supermarkets with a lot of people so that there is no suspicion that the cell is occupied. You can use a simpler option and hide the tips.
  • Attach clues at work in places that can be asked in riddles. Remember that this method is suitable if you have access to the office of your beloved man, or often visit him at work.

For example, this riddle:

Like a brave captain, and the screen is on fire. It breathes with a bright rainbow, and the computer writes on it and draws all kinds of pictures without hesitation. At the top of the picture this is located... (display).

Attach the following prompt to the back of the display.

About the computer

Another riddle that you can send by email:

What is this box for? It drags paper into itself and swallows letters, periods, commas, line after line. The clever inkjet master will print pictures... (printer).

Mailbox Mailbox

Romantic quest game

It is best to make a quest out of simple tasks. It is considered an ideal option if it contains approximately 30% difficult, 30% simple tasks, 40% intermediate level. This way, the person searching for clues will not get tired, and the quest itself will not turn into a boring routine.

Romantic quest game, approximate stages:

  • Remember that it is best to use not only riddles, but also outdoor games for these purposes. Make your loved one dance for the next clue. Perhaps it will be a song or a poem. Try to ensure that not all tasks are intellectual. Some of them need to be sporting and entertaining. It is desirable that the person not only wander around the apartment looking for the next clue, but also run, jump, dance or sing songs.
  • Even though apartments are limited space, there are plenty of ways to hide clues. Moreover, these are not necessarily cabinets, bedside tables or household appliances.
  • If you don't want your lover to rummage through the closets, you can hide the clues in accessible places. For example, on the window. There are several ways to hide riddles, puzzles or puzzles in this place.

Romantic riddle
You can encrypt the window using one of the riddles:

I have a large rectangle in my room, and an ordinary window sill is nailed to it.

Having heard such a riddle, hardly anyone will have any doubt that the secret object is a window.

You can use a table to hide the clue. Usually notes are glued to the back of the table or placed in a drawer. If it's a kitchen table, you can put a hint in the napkin holder. Give free rein to your imagination.

The table can be encrypted with the following riddle:

We sit at it, we eat at it, the whole family needs it.

A great place to hide a clue is in the mailbox. This option is suitable if the man lives with you and has the keys to the mailbox.

You can encrypt it with this riddle:

  • A narrow and iron mouth, he quickly steals letters. So you won’t get them if you don’t show them the key.


What is “Home Quest”

Perhaps there is no more original way to propose or present a loved one, or to congratulate him on any holiday in an unusual and bright way, than a quest. And not just a quest, but a do-it-yourself quest at home.

The gift a person chooses for his or her partner is of great importance, but how it is presented is equally important. With the help of a quest, you can captivate and engross the recipient so much that sometimes it can overshadow even the gift itself, and in which case, compensate for its quality!

The essence of the quest is that the participant solves pre-prepared tasks, completing them step by step, with each small victory becoming closer to the cherished goal - a gift. Tasks are hidden throughout the house and the correct answer to one task becomes a hint indicating the path to the place or object where the next one is hidden. The result is a kind of chain that leads the recipient of the gift to a long-awaited surprise. In other words, a home quest is also called finding a gift from notes.

At first glance, this may seem like some kind of children's game or fun, but in fact, home quests are currently gaining quite a lot of popularity. This is not just about romantic quests. Searching for a gift using notes can be organized for any occasion, both for children and adults. It's very fun and interesting. Those who have tried will not let you lie!

To arrange an unforgettable quest, it is important to think through every step and every detail in advance. First of all, you need to prepare a gift for your soul mate and decide in what secret place it will be kept until the nimble hands of your loved one discover it. The process of thinking through tasks that will subsequently lead the addressee to his cherished goal also deserves special attention. For the first task, it is best to prepare a bright, beautiful postcard or valentine in advance, which will become an original invitation card to the home quest. It is very interesting to watch how your loved one receives a Valentine card, expecting to see the “duty” words of congratulations and love inside, but instead reads an invitation to participate in a small adventure. And the goal of the adventure is to find your gift. Therefore, the opening card should invite the recipient to find their gift.

Next, you prepare a chain of tasks according to the principle described above, i.e. the answer to each task indicates the place where the next task is hidden. The chain should eventually lead to the place where the gift is hidden.

Romantic quest in the apartment

Remember that the main goal of the quest for lovers is not to brainstorm, testing the intellectual abilities of your beloved, but an interesting way to hide a gift. Therefore, do not try to choose very difficult puzzles that will require you to spend a lot of time. After all, most often the festive dinner is held in the evening, after a hard day of work. It is unlikely that a young man who has been at work all day will want to waste his time solving complex problems.

Romantic quest in the apartment:

  • The main advantage of conducting an quest at home is that there are a large number of places where you can hide clues and gifts. On average, you will need about 30 minutes to organize the quest, print out the cards, select tasks, and hide them in various places. You need to come up with a quest that will take a person about 30 minutes. The main hiding places that are used for hints: mirror, bed, window, lamp, shelf, box, TV, vacuum cleaner, suitcase, kettle. Here are almost all the items located in the apartment in visible places.

Be sure to prepare an interesting surprise at the end so that the person is rewarded for his efforts.

  • You can start the quest with a romantic dinner. Hide the first clue in the object that is on the table. It could be a napkin holder or a hodgepodge. Be sure to include assignments that contain memorable, interesting dates.
  • This could be the date of birth of the child, or your first meeting. For married people, this could be their wedding date. Use riddles in verse. Below we present several of the most common riddles in which household objects and things found in the apartment are encrypted. Also use love puzzles to solve a riddle. You can prepare in advance, buy balloons, and put empty packages in them, but place the next clue in one of them.

Cards for hints Cards for hints

Card for tasks Quest for Valentine's Day


Features of the quest for husband, wife, loved one

Preparation time: about 30-40 minutes. The material is completely ready for the event. You have to study the instructions, decide on suitable hiding places, print and cut out the necessary cards, an envelope and a starting message. Hide it around the apartment.

Completion of the quest: from 30 min. Depends on how well the clues are hidden.

Venue: house/apartment. All hiding places are interior items.

Romantic quest for husband

Remember, it is not necessary for the man to complete the quest in your presence. This can be an interesting task, which is carried out not in an apartment, but along a pre-designed route. To complete this quest you will have to try a little and get confused. On average, the time to complete such a quest is approximately one and a half hours.

Romantic quest for husband, script:

  • You need to agree in advance with the taxi driver, and also organize a meeting in a cafe. Send your loved one a message. This can be a regular text message in Viber, WhatsApp or Telegram. However, it is best to record a video appeal and post the video on YouTube.
  • Send the link to your loved one, don’t forget to limit access so that only your boyfriend can view the video. Tell us in the video what will happen. At the end, say that a car will pick up your loved one. Do not forget to warn that after watching the video, he must send confirmation of viewing. It is from this moment that the quest will begin.
  • Call a taxi at the address where the young man is located and indicate the route to the taxi driver. This could be the cafe where you celebrated your first anniversary, or where you first met. You need to choose objects that are related to your love story. This is the place where we first met, met, celebrated name days, the birthday of our child.
  • You can indicate several routes in a taxi, but ask the taxi driver not to reveal the end point. An interesting surprise should await a man in every place. If this is a cafe, then you need to book a table, order dessert and coffee. Don't forget to remind the taxi driver that he must wait for your lover. Once the young man is in the cafe, send him the following hint on his phone. Of course, it is not necessary that all locations are located far from each other. It is enough to bring the man to the cafe and place the clues in the nearest places. In one of the places you can meet your loved one and give a gift.
  • It could be a park, square, supermarket. Remember that the man must have enough time to complete the quest. This, first of all, is one of the ways to beautifully congratulate and cheer up your beloved. Be sure to ask for a selfie after completing each task. This way you can make sure that the person is in the right place and can find all the clues.

For husband


Ready quest Riddles for the quest Cards for riddles
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It is best to organize such a quest if the man has his own car. You will be able to find out what time he will be in a particular place. Then you need to book a table in a cafe, and leave tips in different places, the coordinates of which you can send to him in text messages. Can issue them in the form of regular messages or video messages sent to Viber, WhatsApp or other instant messengers.

Please your soulmate, arrange an adventure for her!

Why not have a real romantic adventure within the walls of your own home? Interesting tasks specially designed by professionals are an excellent solution for you and your loved one. You don’t have to waste time and effort on lengthy preparation and thinking about the quest scenario. Everything has already been thought out for you down to the smallest detail! All you have to do is start the most unusual and creative game in your life with your soulmate.

In the archive that will be sent to you, in addition to the tasks themselves, you will also find files containing task templates that you can change yourself if necessary, as well as empty card templates for creating your own tasks. Answers are included with all assignments. A special reminder for creating a quest outline will simplify the entire process. Well, all this comes with instructions that will help you correctly prepare and conduct an unforgettable quest.

Organize the best love celebration in your own home and get the most out of it.

My beloved husband’s birthday is coming soon and I am, as always, puzzled about what to give him. On all holidays, I always give my husband unusual gifts. They can be expensive or cheap, but they are always unusual. Perhaps you now don’t know what to give your loved one, and my ideas from last year will suit you.

The year before last, for his birthday, my husband received a quest

. I was running out of time, so I just wrote riddles on pieces of paper and spread them around the house.

The first task was on the front door, so I woke up my husband, congratulated him and said that he should look for a gift

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