Fun contests, games and riddles with answers for birthdays for children 5 - 8 years old

How to prepare competitions for children 8 years old

When preparing for a festive event, you need to pay attention to several important points:

  • All children love “tasty” things, but a beautifully decorated table with a huge number of different delicacies is not the main thing. Write a cultural program for the children's party in advance to make organizing the holiday easier.
  • When choosing competitions and games, consider the age of the children and their hobbies. Ask your child what his friends and classmates are interested in, find out about his favorite pastimes. This makes it easier to organize a celebration.
  • It is necessary to approach the organization of a game scenario with ingenuity. Come up with several options for games in case the kids don’t like something. Please note that it is necessary to entertain not only children, but also parents. Therefore, make the theme of the competitions multifaceted.
  • Take care of the decoration and design of the room in which the children's party will take place. You can offer several decor options for the birthday boy or girl to choose from so that the party has a special themed style. Offering options to your child will help build trust between child and parent.
  • Think about the features of the holiday location. At school, written games would be great, but we have an out-of-school children's life, where we need to decide on a list of which games would be perfect for the street or at home.
  • Carefully choose not only active competitions, but also creative and intellectual ones. Children are different: some like to fool around, while others will be interested in a board game with puzzles and logical questions.

Advice! Consider games to get children to know each other and bring them closer together. After all, it may happen that not all guests of the holiday know each other. Funny badges with names and the name of the child’s favorite direction will be suitable. For example, DIMA IS A CONQUERER OF MATHEMATICS, VASYA IS A POPCORN LOVER.

  • Buy in advance everything you need for holding competitions: whatman paper, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, markers, balloons, puzzles. Don't forget about small prizes and favorite souvenirs. They will cost little, but they will be able to leave a long lasting memory of the holiday.

Even more tips on preparing any children's party here:

Funny and cheerful birthday riddles with answers for children

Riddles are a favorite among children. They always hide the answer that everyone knows, but they don’t always guess about it. You can choose a wide variety of riddles for the competition and give out chips for each correct answer. The winner will be the one who has the most chips.

Try to choose a symbolic gift that meets the specifics of the competition - a notepad, a crossword puzzle or a “The Smartest” figurine.

Children love riddles, especially if they are rewarded with prizes.


  • The pine tree has a hollow, and it is warm in this hollow. It accumulates nuts round, a furry and red one lives in it ( squirrel )
  • In winter he sniffs sweetly, and in summer he stirs up a bee hive in the forest looking for honey ( a bear )
  • He wanders through the forest hungry in the cold snowy winter ( wolf )
  • A small gray prickly ball dragging mushrooms into its hole ( hedgehog )
  • Very soft paws with a thick sharp claw, a shaggy tail like a hat, we call him ( cat )
  • It flows all the time, it carries water ( river )
  • It just so happens that it is important to others. Without him we cry, we hide from him ( sun )
  • He is used to wearing a green striped jacket, it is scarlet inside like a poppy and it tastes sweet ( watermelon )
  • You put it on the table - it will be very filling, it is golden like the sun and it is round like a sieve ( bread )
  • You love it for breakfast and for lunch too, gobble it up with butter on both cheeks with a large spoon ( porridge )

children's birthday

Giving a holiday to a child is very simple if you try to put all your effort into the organization and are not afraid to spend your time. Children are creatures not spoiled by money and stereotypes; inflated balloons, competitions and symbolic prizes will become great happiness for kids and will leave them with a lot of impressions.

Outdoor games for children 8 years old

"Merry colander."

Children are divided into pairs. Each participant is given one colander and a set of cocktail straws. At the signal, you need to insert a tube into each hole. The one who completes the task first wins.


Not all 8-year-old boys know how to tie their shoelaces. This competition will help you practice this and will show which of the guys can do a great job with laces.

Children are divided into two teams and choose captains (preferably those guys who know how to tie shoelaces). At the signal, the captains begin tying the shoelaces of their team players. The team that completes the task faster wins. A selection of the top 5 simplest but most interesting competitions for children here:

Age-related gender differences and their impact on play

From this age, children's behavior begins to change due to gender differences. Girls, as a rule, begin to grow up faster and their sexual development also begins earlier. While this is not so noticeable, it is already beginning to affect behavior.

This is how creativity increases in boys and their imagination is in full swing. Simple everyday objects can take on the most unexpected incarnations in games - an ordinary saucepan can turn into a bunker with a secret weapon, and a simple stick can become a lightsaber or even a horse.

It is at this age that boys can get really hooked on computer games. It will be easier and simpler for the child’s brain to receive ready-made fantasies in a “pretty wrapper” than to generate them on their own. Adults need to take this fact into account and limit the time a child spends in the “virtual world” of computer games.

Girls of this age are more conservative, can devote more time to reading, play games that are well studied and do not have wide variability and arbitrariness in the rules. Unlike boys, they pay more attention to their appearance, are more neat and picky in their clothes. They begin to become interested in music, show interest in the behavior of adult girls or women, and try to imitate them.

In general, at this age logic begins to strengthen and critical and cognitive thinking accelerates. Old toys become uninteresting for children of both sexes. Adults should not throw them away without notifying the child, but they should carry out an “audit” together with him. This will help emphasize the age transition and move on to new toys.

However, despite the transition to a separate stage of development by gender, children still have a lot in common. For adults, it’s still easy to find games that will be interesting to both girls and boys of these years.

Intellectual games for children 8 years old

Children will celebrate the holiday for a long time. Therefore, you can have an interesting time during the process and organize a small survey or quiz for teenagers so that they can relax.

"Sounds of nature".

For the quiz, you need to download various sounds of nature and human activity from the Internet in advance. For example, the hum of an airplane, the howl of a dog or wolf, the knocking of a hammer, the sound of a drill, the singing of a nightingale, the purring of a cat, the sound of the spring month, and so on. The guys take turns guessing the sounds, gaining points for correct answers (you can give chips). The one with the most points wins.

"What's extra?"

The game involves 2-3 teams. Each team is given cards with groups of words. You need to cross out the excess and justify your answer. For example, owl, golden eagle, swallow, bat. The odd one out is the bat, because all the others are birds. The complexity of the questions will depend on the preparedness of the children. The team that answers all questions correctly wins. If there are several of these, you can make several new questions to which participants should know the answers.

Educational games

To develop mathematical abilities.

You need to play with a ball, supplementing the game with exercises with arithmetic, depending on the child’s level of preparation. The adult throws the ball and gives an example, and the child, throwing the ball back, must give an answer. The numbers can be single or double digit, the main thing is that the adult himself can calculate the correct answer and check the child.

Another variant of the same game can be the use of given adjacent numbers. An adult, throwing a ball, names a number, and a child, throwing the ball back, must name a number that is 3 more, 7 less, 2 times more, etc. Depending on the child’s abilities and the school curriculum he has learned.

A game to develop attention.

Various objects from 5 to 8 pieces are laid out on the table. The child looks at them carefully to remember. Then he turns away and closes his eyes, the adult removes one object and swaps the rest. Opening his eyes and turning around, the child must guess what is missing

Sports games for children 8 years old


Everyone can participate, even family members. Players receive 10 paper clips. You need to throw the paper clips one at a time or all at once into the jar from a distance of 2 meters. You can make the game more difficult by not getting up from your chair when throwing. The one with the most paper clips in the jar wins.

"Run under the rainbow."

Two adults hold the corners of a bright fabric - this is a rainbow. Children must have time to run under the rainbow while it is high. Therefore, you won’t be able to wait long in the game. When the rainbow drops low, you need to sit down to avoid touching the fabric or wait it out. The one who is hit by the fabric is eliminated from the game. The competition requires agility experience.

Creative birthday scenarios for children 8 years old


Place cards with words written on them (who needs to be depicted) in a box. The guys take turns going out and taking a card from the box and depicting what is written. The rest must guess. The player then turns over the card and everyone reads the word.


Each team is given a large sheet with drawn figures and markers. Players must use their imagination and draw each figure into an object. It is advisable to have a plot picture on the sheet. This will be a manifestation of creative imagination. For example, draw a square into a house, turn the nose into a portrait, and turn the circle into a small dog. The whole process should be given a couple of minutes, not an hour or two. What is important is the imagination and strength of the participant’s idea. Adults can suggest ideas for pictures. The team whose drawing turns out to be interesting, amusing, funny wins. Participants or a formed jury can mark the winner.

Speech games

Write a story

The child must build a storyline using just two words as a basis. You will need to ask one word from one adult, another from another or a peer. In this case, the words do not have to be consistent in meaning. The interest is in what kind of funny fable a child can come up with when composing a narrative.


The child is offered the role of presenter at a quiz, which will be held at a joint family tea party or at a picnic when all loved ones are together.

It is necessary to assist the child in selecting riddles, questions, and organizing a “prize fund” for presenting gifts for the correct answer. Give the child the opportunity to create a script and include musical accompaniment in it. Over time, if children are inspired by the idea, this can become a good family tradition.

Answer in time

If there are two or more children, you can make a list of questions (taking into account the level of basic knowledge) and conduct a quiz for a while, you can conditionally take one minute.

When answering, children must name the maximum number of correct answers to the maximum number of questions asked.

In addition to developing speech, the game trains reaction speed and quick thinking.

Outdoor competitions for children 8 years old

"Bumpy squirrel."

Tie a plastic bottle to a tree branch. All children are squirrels. They take 10 cones. From a distance of 5 meters you need to hit the bottle with a cone. The number of hits is easy to count, because the sound of a cone hitting a plastic bottle is clearly audible. The most accurate shooter receives a prize and, for example, a diploma from a member of the shooting club.


For the competition you need small stones. 2 teams compete. You need to run to the fire (hoop), throwing a pebble - it’s a coal, and it’s hot! Impatience will help you put the coal into the fire faster and go back. The team that never drops the coal and is the first to complete the task wins.

General recommendations for adults

When playing games with children, do not be afraid to show flexibility of thinking and use your imagination. Any household items are suitable for organizing games with children; you can devote time to stories about everything that surrounds the child in this world, let him try the roles of fairy-tale characters and very real personalities. Let the child jump, dance, smear his hands with paint or douse himself with water. Through this, he assimilates the surrounding space and develops abstract thinking skills.

You should not isolate yourself from your child by the need to work; you will have to work like this all your life, but your child will only be 8-9 years old once. If this time is given to the gadget, then the child will, of course, plunge headlong into this virtual reality, but at the end you will get a disastrous result and, alas, this time cannot be made up for with anything.

In addition to the games listed above, there are a lot of creative and educational activities: beads, macrame, burning, sawing with a jigsaw, embroidery, decoupage.

To help with creativity, sand paintings and paintings by numbers, kits for creating and painting plaster figures, making toys, etc. are sold ready-made.

By using the time spent with your child to your advantage, you can win him over and in the future become an authority for him, which is an indispensable condition for his further upbringing.

The article was compiled on the basis of materials from websites and parent forums and the educational practice of employees of the private institution Children's Home "Solnyshko" of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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