Birthday games and competitions for children 6 and 7 years old (boy and girl)


A child's birthday is an excellent occasion to gather his friends and give them a good mood with the help of fun games and funny competitions.

Children do not like long feasts; they need to move, play, and have fun. Therefore, in order to organize an interesting holiday, but not waste a lot of time, you can invite animators.

And if you decide to prepare everything on your own, you can’t do without games and competitions. It’s better, of course, to spend them outdoors, but you can also do them in the house, only in the largest room. Select competitions based on the age of the children and prepare small gifts for the winners.


At this age, children are already ready for school and study, but still love to watch cartoons. This competition can be held for both individual participants and teams. The presenter calls the name of a cartoon character, and the participants must quickly remember the name of the cartoon with this character. By the way, the host can be the birthday boy himself. So, the presenter says: Nolik, someone is the first to raise their hand, he answers - “Fixies” and gets a point for the correct answer. The names of the characters can be completely different, for example, Jerry (the mouse from Tom and Jerry), Nyusha (the pig from Smeshariki), Leopold (the cat Leopold), Funtik (the pig from the cartoon "The Adventures of Funtik"), Marinet (the girl from cartoon "Lady Bug and Super Cat") and so on. Participants who earn the most points will receive prizes.

Birthday games and competitions for children 7-9 years old at home

Interesting games, competitions for children's birthday parties at home

Game "Loaf"

The players stand in a round dance and sing.
As on Vanina’s (player’s name) name day, we baked a loaf. Such a height! …… Participants raise their hands.
Such lows!
…… Participants squat down and lower their hands.
That's how wide it is!
…… Participants spread their arms to the sides and move wider.
These are the dinners!
…… Participants narrow the circle.
Loaf! Choose who you love! (Vanya says): I must admit, I love everyone, only Tanya more than anyone. …… Indicates the selected player.
Tanya stands in the center of the round dance and reads poetry or sings a song. Then the game continues.

Game "Grandfather"

A driver is selected from among the players - Grandfather, who goes outside the playing room.
The remaining players agree on what they will show. Then they call Grandfather. Grandfather sits down on a chair. Participants of the game . Hello, grandfather! Grandfather . Hello children! Where were you, what were you doing? Participants of the game .
We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did. Players show movements characteristic of any work. Grandfather must guess what kind of work it is. If he guesses right, the children run away, and Grandfather tries to catch them. The caught player becomes Grandfather. Focus "Balls"

The magician calls one volunteer from among the guests. Then he shows him and all the guests a foam ball and asks the volunteer to hold it in his fist. When the guest fulfills the magician’s request, he asks him a question: “How many balls are in your hand?” The guest answers: “One.” Then the magician makes several passes over the participant’s hand and asks him to unclench his fist. When the volunteer unclenches his fist, 5 balls pop out. The secret of the trick is that the magician immediately gives the spectator 5 foam balls. While he shows only 1 ball, 4 balls are held in the magician's hand. When a volunteer squeezes the balls into his fist, he does not feel how many balls he has in his hand, since they are foam rubber.

Trick "Piercing a balloon"

The magician takes an inflated balloon and pierces it right through with a sharp needle. In this case, the ball does not burst. The secret of the trick is that the places where the ball is supposed to be punctured are first sealed with several layers of tape.

Game "Mole"

Several stable objects are placed around the playing area (you can use skittles). Players try to remember their location. Participants are then blindfolded. Their task is to walk across the site without knocking over the installed objects.

Karaoke game

The player is put on headphones, and he tries to repeat the song after the original, which only he can hear. As an original, you can use not only songs, but also a famous cartoon or television program.

Children's quiz

1. Who ate Kolobok? A. Hare. B. Cook from the school canteen. B. Fox. + 2. What did Baba Yaga fly on? A. By plane. B. On a magic carpet. B. In a mortar. + 3. Where was the death of Koshchei the Immortal hidden? A. In the safe. B. In the refrigerator. B. In the egg. + 4. What was Puss in Boots wearing? A. In shoes. B. In sneakers. B. In boots. + 5. What did Emelya use as a vehicle? A. Mercedes. B. Horse. B. Stove. + 6. What did the Bear carry Mashenka in? A. In a bag. B. In a suitcase. B. In a box. + 7. How many shirts did Eliza weave from nettles for her brothers? A. 12. + B. 24. B. 15. 8. Who should the Kid become for Carlson at his request? A. Brother. B. Grandson. B. Birth mother. + 9. Who took brother Ivanushka to Baba Yaga? A. Kites. B. Parrots. B. Geese-swans. + 10. What was the name of the boy from Prostokvashino? A. Grandfather Stepan. B. Uncle Fyodor. + B. Brother Ivanushka. 11. What did the merchant bring to his youngest daughter Alyonushka? A. Cactus. B. Palma. B. Scarlet flower. + 12. What was the name of old Hottabych, his friend the boy? A. Volka ibn Alyosha. + B. Petya ibn Seryozha. B. Volka ibn Volodya. 13. What did the old woman have left? A. At the broken washing machine. B. At a leaky basin. B. At the broken trough. + 14. What did the merchants sail past to the kingdom of the glorious Saltan? A. Buyan Islands. + B. Treasure Islands. B. Cossack Island. 15. What was the name of the goose that Nils traveled on? A. Ivan. B. Martin. + B. Karl. 16. What were the names of the learned ravens who helped Gerda find Kai? A. Karl and Clara. + B. Ivan and Marya. B. Martha and Martin. 17. Who did Ole-Lukoje take Jadmar to for a wedding? A. Proteins. B. To mice. + B. Bears. 18. Who did the brave little tailor kill at one time? A. 7 flies. + B. 3 lions. B. 7 os. 19. Where did Ellie, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Lion go? A. To the Emerald City. + B. To the City of Masters. B. To the Land of Fools. 20. In what units was the Boa constrictor measured? A. In monkeys. + B. In meters. B. In parrots.

Game "Stream"

The participants in the game join hands and stand in pairs one behind the other. They hold their hands high above their heads so that they create a corridor of arches. The player left without a pair passes under the arches of clasped hands. He chooses a mate, whom he takes by the hand and leads along. The resulting new couple leaves the corridor and stands at its end. The player left without a pair goes to the beginning of the corridor and, like the first player, chooses a pair for himself. So the game continues.

Game "Living Picture"

A driver is selected from among the players and goes outside the playing room. The rest of the players come up with the plot of the picture and freeze in appropriate poses. The driver says his options for the name of the picture. If he fails to guess correctly after 3 attempts, he is told the answer. The driver can be re-elected and the game continues.

Game "Burst the Ball"

Participants in the game receive inflatable balls, which are tied to their left leg. The task of each participant is to burst the opponent’s balloon and try to keep his own.

Questions and answers
Pinocchio. This is a very hardworking hero, kind, cheerful, and handsome. Thanks to wonderful events, he will be rewarded for his kindness and responsiveness; however, he will lose one thing, but this will not only not prevent him from finding his happiness, but rather will help. Possible questions from children are suggested. Playing . Is this hero a girl or a boy? Pinocchio. This is a young girl. Playing . Does she live alone or with a family? Pinocchio. She lives with her stepmother and her two daughters, all of whom treat her very badly and force her to work hard. But they help her. Playing . Is the girl being helped by a person or some living creature? Pinocchio. This is a man. Playing . Is this a wizard or a sorceress? Pinocchio . This is the good fairy. Playing. How does the good fairy help her? Pinocchio. Oma helps the girl get to a very pleasant place, but in a very unusual way and advises her to constantly remember the time. Playing . Does the girl get to this place by air or water? Pinocchio . No, but with the help of some transformations that concern the most ordinary things. Playing . What are these things? Pinocchio . This is a vegetable and several small animals. Playing . Is it a big or a small vegetable? Pinocchio . Quite big. Playing. Where do these animals live? Pinocchio . In fact, these animals can live in the field, in the forest, and in the house. But the ones we are talking about live in the house. Playing . What do they turn vegetables and small animals into? Pinocchio. Vegetables are turned into carriages, and animals into coachmen and footmen. Playing . I guess I guessed it! This vegetable is a pumpkin, and the small animals are mice and a rat, and the hero of the fairy tale is Cinderella, who was really helped by her godmother, the good fairy, and it was she who turned the pumpkin into a carriage, the mice into lackeys, and the rat into a coachman. Malvina . The hero I envisioned lives in an unusual place. He has one unique ability. He is a cheerful, scary inventor and prankster. Playing . He lives alone? Malvina . Yes one. But he has a very good friend who treats him to all sorts of delicious things: cakes, pies, buns. Playing. Where does this fairy-tale hero live? Malvina . He lives in a small house and loves to look at the stars in the evenings, sitting on the porch, because from his house the stars are visible very well. Sometimes this hero invites his friend to visit him. Moreover, they get to the house in a very unusual way. Playing . How unusual? Malvina. By air. Playing . So they're flying? And by what? Malvina . I said that our hero has a unique ability. Playing . Which? Malvina . He flies by himself. Playing . Does it fly on its own? Does he also like sweets? Isn't his house on the roof? Malvina . That's right, on the roof. Playing .
Then I guessed it! This is Carlson, a handsome, intelligent and moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life. That's what he says to himself. Competition "Dance on the Newspaper"

Each participant in the game is given a sheet of newspaper on which he dances. At the leader’s signal, the players fold a sheet of newspaper in half and continue dancing on it. After some time, the players fold the newspaper again. This continues several times. The player who steps over the edge of the newspaper loses. The most resilient one wins.

Game "The Sea Is Troubled"

The driver is selected. Music is playing. Children move voluntarily. As soon as the music stops, the children should freeze in the most bizarre poses, and the driver should make the players laugh in every possible way so that they move. If this happens, the player becomes the driver. Game continues.

Geography quiz

1. What is the name of the model of the globe with the outline of land and water spaces? (Globe) 2. What is the name of the device that indicates the direction of the magnetic meridian? (Compass) 3. What is the name of the side of the horizon where the sun rises? (East) 4. What is the side of the horizon opposite the south called? (North) 5. What is the name of the line located at the same distance from both poles? (Equator) 6. What is the name of the continent on which the Sahara Desert is located? (Africa) 7. What is the name of the line indicating the path of the ship? (Fairway)

Game "Fishing"

A small container is brought in, in which various souvenirs are placed as fish, to which a loop of thread is tied. It is necessary to use a fishing rod (a twig with a hook) to hook the toys by the loops. The one who succeeds receives an elongated toy as a prize.

Game "Mummy"

The game involves pairs of players. One of the pair members is a mummy, the other’s task is to wrap the mummy in toilet paper as quickly as possible. You can also suggest then unwinding the mummy.

Game "Fanta"

Each participant in the game puts something that belongs to him in some container (box, bag or hat). The presenter and driver are selected from among the players. The presenter pulls out any object from the container and asks the driver: “What should this phantom do?” The driver answers what he would like to see performed by the forfeit, and the player who owns the item completes the task.

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Pass it around

The guests sit in a circle, each of them is blindfolded. The presenter hands the first participant an object that can be guessed with a little difficulty, for example, a nut or a paper clip. Each of the participants needs to pick up an object and quickly understand what it is, without saying this word, and also quickly hand it over to the next participant. At the end, each participant names his own version of the item that passed through the hands of the guests. Whoever names it correctly gets a delicious candy, for example.

Master classes

There is nothing complicated for handicraft moms! The website contains a description of master classes that you can conduct yourself:

Painting gingerbread cookies (and here is a separate “how to make icing” and “how to make dough”) Painting wooden blanks Making candies Painting stones How to make Kapitoshka Master class for mothers “TUTU Skirt” Fortune cookies

All materials for decoupage, painting and creating jewelry can be easily purchased in the online store. Children have fun painting T-shirts, making a “rainbow” in a bottle with colored sand, and decorating photo frames with a hot gun. Even boys are not against this activity!

As a souvenir, children take with them a souvenir that they made with their own hands.

We have many master classes, here is a partial list in this article.

Animal, find food

Various fruits, vegetables and some other food items of some animals are located (hidden) in the room in advance. The presenter takes turns calling the animal, into which the children instantly turn and who begin to look for their food, that is, what this animal eats. In this game it is important to show the animals as believably as possible and to find food faster than others. For example, if the presenter says: bunny, then the children jump around the room and look for food, and soon someone finds a carrot. Then the presenter names the next animal. Examples of animals and hidden food items: 1. Wild boar - acorns, 2. Horse - refined sugar, 3. Dog - bone, 4. Cat - sausage, 5. Chickens - grains of wheat, 6. Mouse - piece of cheese, 7. Monkey - banana and so on. The participant who proves himself to be more dexterous and more artistic than everyone else will receive a prize.

A show where children are just spectators

You can have active fun for 1.5-2 hours. Then - that's it! The children are tired. You need to arrange a small snack and organize something where you don’t need to run around and answer questions. You can show kids a puppet theater, but older children need something more interesting - a science show, for example.

If nothing like this is planned, showing old recordings from previous holidays goes very well. I remember my daughter’s guests were delighted when I played them a recording of my 7th birthday in 7th grade. They saw themselves as small and funny, laughed a lot and were touched.

Fun relay race

Participants are divided into 2 teams, each team member chooses his own forfeit, that is, the pose in which he will cover his distance and pass the baton to the next member of his team, for example, a squatting pose, on one leg, left side, back forward, etc. Further. At the command “start”, team members try to cover a certain distance as quickly as possible and pass the baton to the next participant in their chosen position. The first team to complete their fun run wins a prize.

Prizes and gifts for guests

During competitions, I do not recommend giving prizes.
This is distracting and sometimes even leads to conflict. Something gets lost, falls, comes off, etc. all the time. children begin to change and beg each other for things. It is best to prepare gifts and give them away at the end of the holiday. Here's my selection of cute baby trinkets at a reasonable price.

You can prepare the most ordinary dishes and sandwiches, but try to decorate them in an unusual way. Here I have collected pictures for you on the Internet with decorations for children’s dishes. Something will definitely come in handy for you!

Game "Broken Phone"

All players sit in a row on a bench, bed, sofa so that it is comfortable to whisper in each other’s ears. The presenter thinks of a word and whispers it to the first player so that the others do not hear. The first player whispers into the ear of the second player what he managed to hear. The second whispers the word to the third, and so on down the chain. The last player names what he heard. As a rule, this is very different from the word suggested by the presenter. The last player becomes the leader, and everyone else “moves” along the bench. The former presenter takes the place of the first player. To make the result funnier, players should whisper very quickly and very quietly. You can say not a word, but a whole phrase.

Outdoor game "Balloon Fight"

This is a fun team game that is best played on the playground, in the yard, in a clearing in the park.

Divide the area into two equal parts. To do this, you can pull a rope or a net. Divide the children into two teams and give each the same number of inflated balloons (for example, 6). The players' task is to throw all the balls into the opponent's territory. During the game you need to hit the balls coming from the other side. To make it more fun, you can turn on music. Then the round will last exactly as long as the music plays. After the music has turned off, the team with the fewest balls on its side wins.

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