Birthday contests for 4 year old boys and girls

Your 4 year old's birthday is approaching. I would like to arrange an unforgettable and fun holiday that will make your child even happier and allow you to have fun with your peers. At this age, the child begins to have favorite games, friends and girlfriends in kindergarten. You can arrange a real holiday for your baby by celebrating his birthday at the zoo, children's club, or entertainment center. If parents decide to arrange a real celebration and invite guests, it is worth considering the festive program. To prevent your little guests from getting bored and sad, take care of the entertainment part of the event. It must include various competitions and games. Here are examples of different competitions that are suitable for holding a birthday party for a 4-year-old child.

Children's birthday contests for teenagers

It’s not easy for teenagers to find entertainment that will keep them interested and captivated. Fun should be funny, cheerful, entertaining - so that the children do not try to quickly leave the holiday, which has become boring, or do not bury themselves in their smartphones.

Birds at the market

This is an Italian competition. The game can involve from 6 to 8 participants.

One participant plays the role of the seller, the other must cope with the role of the buyer. The rest of the children squat down and clasp their hands around their knees. They will play chickens.

A buyer comes to the market and asks: “Do you sell chickens?” The seller replies: “I’m selling.” Buyer: “Can I look at them?” Seller: “I allow it.”

The buyer begins to walk behind the chickens, talking dissatisfiedly: “This one is thin, and this one is plump, this one is not young, but this one is dry, this one is too wiry and frail.” Then he grumbles dissatisfiedly and chooses chicken. The seller and the buyer lift the purchase, swing it and say: “You are beautiful, don’t unclasp your hands and don’t smile.” If a participant starts laughing or smiling, he is eliminated.

Putting shots

This is an exciting competition for teenage children. Place balloons on the edge of the table. The one who drives must be blindfolded and placed with his back to the balloons that lie on the table. The player must take five steps forward, and then turn around 3 times in one place. Then he turns around and tries to deflate the balloon. Quite often, guys lose the right direction and try to blow away the balloons from where they weren’t even there. It's funny and funny.

Goose made of gold

The presenter can remind the children of an old fairy tale, where everyone was glued to each other, and a magical golden goose led the procession. All players must stand in a circle, each can name one of the body parts. On the count of three, you need to stick to your neighbor with exactly the part that was named by the player

It is important to walk confidently and not fall. In this unusual form, children must loudly shout “Congratulations!” three times.

Dancing with obstacles

The competition consists of several stages:

You will need to stock up on ropes. One must be pulled at a height of 1 meter, the second 50 centimeters from the floor. If there is nowhere to tie the ropes, the guys can hold it. The music turns on, we step over the bottom rope, and climb under the top rope. The two participants taking part in the game are blindfolded. They must overcome obstacles to Latin melodies

The ropes are carefully removed, and the guys watch how the dancers try to carefully squat and step over.

Still artist

The presenter invites 2 people who can boast of artistic talent to participate in the game. Guests are given a felt-tip pen. The presenter says that there will be no need to draw today, because he has a magical gift and will bewitch the participants. Children should imagine an invisible easel in front of them and stand in front of it with a felt-tip pen.

Two more children are invited to take part in the game. They are given a sheet from the album, which is recommended to be attached to a solid base. The point of the competition is that the artists do not move, and the players with paper move the sheet along the tip of the felt-tip pen, trying to depict a drawing. The one whose drawing is more original wins.

Mimicry or pantomime

To conduct the competition you will need to prepare cards. You need to write a word on them. This is an object that participants in the game will have to portray using pantomime. Those invited will have to guess what is being shown to them. If no one could guess within 2-3 minutes, the participant loses and completes a penalty task. He can crow, meow, grunt, and giggle.

It is important that the entertainment that will be at a children's birthday party is not boring, mediocre or banal. In many ways, the holiday will depend on the host, his talent and ability to attract attention, interest and organize guests. Games should not be the same type. The main requirement is attention to everyone, variety and fun

Don't forget that competitions must be safe. Do not use low-quality pyrotechnics and do not trust children (especially small ones) to use candles, sparklers and other dangerous objects on their own.

The main requirement is attention to everyone, variety and fun. Don't forget that competitions must be safe. Do not use low-quality pyrotechnics and do not trust children (especially small ones) to use candles, sparklers and other dangerous objects on their own.

By preparing in advance, you can be sure that your child’s birthday will be held in a fun and friendly atmosphere with exciting competitions and prizes.

Examples of tasks for forfeits

1) Sing a song.

2) Tell a poem.

3) Crow loudly (there may be options here: meow, bark, or voice some other animal).

4) Give a congratulatory speech for the birthday person.

5) Draw a portrait of the birthday boy or someone present.

6) Tell about each of the players - what good qualities you see in him.

7) Depict a specific object using pantomime (the object must be indicated).

8) Jump across the room holding a balloon between your legs.

9) Tell a fairy tale of your own composition or some well-known one.

10) Eat some fruit, candy or something else (depending on what is on the holiday table).

11) Sit down several times, holding your ears (or nose) with your hands.

12) Take a photo with the birthday boy as a keepsake.

13) Make at least one of the players laugh.

14) Say your name backwards (for example, instead of Kolya - “Yalok”).

15) Mirror (or Monkey): you need to approach one of the players and copy all his movements and words for a while.

16) Depict any of the emotions (indicate which one: sadness, anger, joy, etc.)

17) Kiss the person sitting next to you (on the right or on the left).

18) Listen to questions from each player, answering only “yes” or “no”.

19) Compose a line of a poem (subsequent players can continue this task until a complete poem is completed).

20) Sneeze until someone says “bless you!”

21) Tell us about yourself: what’s your name, who are your parents, where do you live, etc.

22) Name your favorite fruit, cake, candy, cake or other sweets.

23) Take a balloon and sit on it so that it bursts.

24) Talk like a robot for three minutes, asking questions to other participants in the game.

25) Show a capricious child who demands his parents buy him a toy or candy.

26) Hide under the table (you can also: in a closet, behind a sofa, behind a curtain, on a balcony, etc.)

27) Freeze in a certain position, depicting a monument. For several minutes you need to stand, and other players can approach and change the position of the “monument”’s body.

28) Pronounce the tongue twister quickly and without errors. For example: “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t chop wood on the grass in the yard”, “Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole Karl’s clarinet”, “Four turtles have four little turtles”, etc.

29) Take any item that comes to hand and sell it to one of the players, praising and advertising the useful qualities of this item.

30) Take a sheet of paper and fold it into some shape (for example, an airplane).

31) Come up with a funny joke about each participant in the game.

32) Play a journalist: approach one of those present and interview him, asking ten questions.

33) Explain why you did some kind of prank, for example: broke a vase, didn’t finish semolina, pulled the kitten’s tail, etc.

Give your children a little witchcraft and magic, read - For those who believe in miracles

Birthday contests for children for home

These ideas are simple, the details are accessible. Children will be happy to participate, and adults will take fun shots.


An interesting and educational competition. Children will consolidate their knowledge about colors in a playful way.

The presenter offers to collect a rainbow. Little participants with items of clothing of the required color stand in a row in order. Then they say a phrase about the colors of the rainbow (every hunter wishes...).

Additional details will help you beat the problem differently:

  1. candies and other sweets wrapped in rainbow colors;
  2. seven tablets, cards of different colors;
  3. markers, which participants will use in order to draw a wonderful natural phenomenon.

Those children whose objects match the colors of the rainbow are called up.


The game is perfect for a pirate-themed birthday party.

Little sailors are given a sheet, which they hug from all sides. There is a balloon in the center of the fabric. The kids show the storm by shaking the sheet with waves. The main task is to hold the ball.

Use the same principle in another competition. Two participants create strong waves from the canvas. The rest are trying to run without touching the fabric.

This game works well in kindergarten and at home.

Fun exercise

The competition is perfect for young children.

The pranksters gather in a circle. The presenter stands in the center and shows the movements, the children repeat. Everything seems to be easy. However, confusion begins. The presenter calls one thing and shows another.

Such games fit well into any event style. Let's say you have a minion banana party - funny dance sketches are shown. Superheroes - movements depicting throwing a lasso, flying, swinging, etc.


There are many variations of quizzes. It is good to arrange such games at the table. This means that even the most shy and lazy will be able to join.

Example options:

  1. Questions about the birthday boy. Easy questions are asked. What is the name, how old is he, what kindergarten does he go to, etc. And whoever knows the hero of the occasion best receives a prize.
  2. Fun riddles. Party in some style? Then riddles aimed at the relevant topic are suitable.
  3. Questions with possible answers “yes” or “no”. For example, is porridge good for you in the morning? Is today Masha's birthday? Is she 5 years old?
  4. Set the rules in advance. It is forbidden to shout out from your seat without raising your hand - such answers are not taken into account. For the sake of the prize, the children will try to be obedient.

Warmth cold

This is one of the most famous games. There is a bag of candy hiding in the room. A team of volunteers is called. Following the presenter's prompts, participants look for the prize. Warmth is close, cold is far away. When the gift is found, the sweets are divided equally.

Competition for the birthday boy

The task depends on what year the child is. Turned 4? This means that the 5th year has begun, so the birthday boy completes some task five times. For example, he jumps, names 5 favorite cartoons, kisses five guests on the cheek, etc.

Morning of the birthday girl

You need to make a holiday for your child in the morning.

Several ways to start your holiday:

  • Decorated room. You can bring decorations to your child's room ahead of time, such as balloons or inflatable figures of cartoon characters.
  • Congratulation. Parents in the morning should say pleasant words to their daughter and show tenderness (hug, kiss). The little lady will be pleased to receive a small bouquet of flowers and a sweet present for breakfast.

  • Attention. Starting from waking up, the child needs increased attention all day long. You can also break some rule in honor of the holiday, for example, allow you to watch cartoons longer.
  • Music. You can start the birthday girl’s morning with music (various birthday songs or just fun children’s music). Music will immediately create a festive atmosphere and improve the mood of children and adults.
  • Present. You can start the morning by presenting gifts.
  • Anticipation of the holiday. The most pleasant thing about a celebration is the anticipation. In order for the child to look forward to the holiday, you need to constantly involve him in the preparation (table setting, cooking).
  • Beautiful clothes. The child should be dressed up in the morning. Clothing for a holiday should be different from things for everyday wear. You can also give the little lady a beautiful hairstyle (use elegant hairpins and bows).

Competitions for children from 3 years old for speed and development of fine motor skills

"One Hundred Pieces"

Required details:

multi-colored paper.

All three-year-olds are little master craftsmen. Therefore, competitions for children aged 3, like this one, will definitely delight them. Each participant is given a bright piece of paper and asked to tear it into small pieces. The winner is the participant who shreds his sheet into the most particles in the allotted time.


Required details:

  • baskets or buckets;
  • toy cones, vegetables, fruits.

The leader scatters toys on the play mat, and each child is given a basket. As soon as the music starts playing, all the kids begin to collect the toy harvest. The one who has the most collected items in the basket wins.

"Put the puzzle together"

Required details:

pictures cut into large pieces, or a puzzle with large elements.

Competitors are given pictures or puzzles consisting of several parts. The winner is the one who can assemble the image correctly the fastest. Choose simple and bright pictures so as not to complicate the task for the kids.

Required details:

  • cards with pictures of animals,
  • cards with pictures of food.

First you need to name all the animals, showing the cards to the children. Then you should name the animal, for example, “monkey,” and the child who is the fastest to point to the card with the monkey drawn will receive a prize.

The game can be complicated by naming only the first letter of the animal's name. For example, the child must find a card with the name of an animal that begins with the letter “F”.

For variety, you can prepare cards with images of food in advance and ask the children to find a pair, that is, an animal - food (cat - sausage, monkey - banana).

It is recommended to continue the game until each child receives a prize.


A game for children from 2 years old. Everyone who wants to take part in it is lined up in pairs; one child must remain without a pair (if this cannot be done, the leader takes on the role of the player without a pair). The driver walks along the “stream” in search of a couple, breaks one, and the one who is left alone repeats this action. According to this principle (at a fast pace), the game continues until the children get bored. For older children, you can offer “Stream” in a more complex version. When passing through the “stream”, the player without a pair needs to dive and jump over the waves. Pairs make waves with their hands in a line (raise them, passing the child from below, or lower them, allowing him to step over his hands). The first passages of the “obstacles” should be relatively slow, but as soon as the birthday boy and his comrades get used to it, the pace is accelerated.

Funny competitions

A cheerful and funny competition at a children's party is the basis of a good mood. Therefore, it is necessary to include comic and fun competitions in the program.


Every child who comes to a birthday party can become a magician. In order for children to be convinced of this, they need to prepare in advance.

Take several jars with screw caps, preferably slightly larger than the number of invited children. Apply a large coat of paint of the same color to the inside of each lid. Paint the next one a different color. Place the lids next to the jars so that children cannot see the paint.

The leader assigns a color to each child. Invites all the children to sit in a semicircle in front of him. Names the color, the child must go to it. He suggests closing the jar and shaking it well.

The paint will begin to dissolve upon contact with water and will turn into the color assigned to the child.

Guess what it is?

A simple but fun competition where there are no winners or losers. We blindfold the children one by one and ask them to taste what they gave him. For example, berries, pieces of fruit or candy.

Such a competition can be held several times.

Another option is for blindfolded children to determine by touch what kind of vegetable or fruit they were given in their hands.

Colorful teams

We divide the children into several teams, the more teams, the more interesting it will be. Each team gets its own color, for example, blue, red, yellow. On the contrary, we place a large basket with multi-colored balls for each team.

The task is that each team must choose only its own color and bring it. You can only take one ball per player, after which he returns and waits for his turn.

You can choose energetic music, and adults should encourage the teams.

Funny traffic light

We place all the players along the walls, it is better to place them in such a way that the players are facing each other. The traffic light - the leader - must name the different colors. Players wearing this color calmly walk to the opposite wall. Players who do not have this color try to run across as quickly as possible.

The traffic light should notice this and catch the violator. You can catch it with your hands or throw it with a soft ball. The one who is hit or caught becomes a traffic light and catches the violators.

Home zoo

We divide all the children into several teams. Each team must have at least two people, the more people in the team, the more interesting it is.

We give each team what paper and markers. The leader gives each team the task of drawing one animal.

To make it more fun, you can not say the name of the animal, but make the sounds it makes or show it visually.

All children should participate; if they can’t draw, adults can help.

The most accurate

We divide all the children into several teams. Each team is given a certain number of shells. Opposite we put buckets or basins. The task is for each team to throw all the shells into the bucket.

Children stand in line so as not to disturb each other. Shells can be made from paper - we roll the leaf into a snowball. For beauty, each team can have its own color.

Those who throw the maximum number of shells will win.

When preparing for a child's birthday, it is important to remember that competitions need to be alternated. Active, should be replaced by intellectual or passive games

It is important for children not only to play, but also to relax.

Relay "Vegetables vs. Fruits"

Stock up on baskets (4 pcs.), fruits and vegetables. Divide the runners into 2 teams. Call one “Vegetables”, the other “Fruits”. Place an empty basket next to each team, and 2 baskets with the same amount of vegetables and fruits against the opposite wall. After the signal, the children from the “Vegetables” team run to the basket of vegetables, and the children from the “Fruits” team run to the basket of fruit. The runner grabs one item from the full basket and moves it to the empty one. And so on down the chain. The team that fills their basket first will be declared the winner.


Competition "Snow Basketball"

A basket or bucket is placed near the Christmas tree. A cup with “snowballs” is placed near the player who stands opposite the bucket at a distance of 5-7 steps from him. They can be foil balls, or small balls, or paper lumps. The player, from where he stands, must try to throw all the “snowballs” into the bucket. After all players have made their throws, a count is made. The most dexterous one, who throws the largest number of “snow balls” into the basket, wins.

Game "Cap of Wishes"

All players sit in a circle. One of them is holding a Santa Claus hat. The host turns on the music, and the players quickly begin to put the cap on each other’s heads, passing it around in a circle. Anyone who did not have time to pass the hat after the music stopped must fulfill some wish of the host or any other player. For example, draw a portrait of Father Frost or the Snow Maiden or dance a cheerful dance. And the more interesting the wish task, the more interesting the game will be.

Competition "Signs of the New Year"

At the leader’s command, all players in turn must name a word that relates to the winter holiday. For example, “winter”, “Christmas tree”, “Santa Claus”, “elegant”, etc. Words cannot be repeated, but they must be named as quickly as possible. If a player finds it difficult to name a word on the count of three, he is eliminated. The one who names the most signs of the holiday wins.

Competition "Harvest the candies"

Candies are tied onto a string at equal distances from each other. The thread by which the candy is tied to the rope should be long enough to be conveniently cut with scissors. The candy garland is hung so that the child can stretch his hand forward with scissors and cut off the thread with the sweetness hanging on it. The player is blindfolded and, taking him some distance from the garland, is spun. And then they ask you to carefully and slowly take a few steps, and, stretching your hand forward with scissors, try to cut the candy from the garland. Whoever of the players cuts the most candies in a certain time wins.

Game "Secret Agent of Santa Claus"

Various words are written on the sheets of paper, which will mean the nickname of the secret agent Santa Claus. Only the presenter knows the names of the agents, who attaches signs to the backs of the players. Children take turns letting everyone playing read their name, but no one will know their name and they will have to guess it by asking different leading questions to all participants. To make it easier for children to ask, the presenter informs that all secret agent nicknames mean some domestic (wild) animal, piece of furniture or the name of a tree (flower).

Competition "Let's go to the ball"

Different clothes (mixed for both children and adults), accessories and jewelry are placed in two boxes. The players are divided into two teams. At a sign from the host of the competition, they should run up to the box and quickly start dressing up “for the ball,” trying to put on everything that is in his pile. Whoever turns out to be faster wins. And the more ridiculous the outfit looks, the more fun everyone will have.

Competition “Dressing up the Christmas tree”

Another fun competition for the whole family and guests. Two adults depict a Christmas tree. A container or box with clothespins and New Year's (unbreakable) toys is placed next to them. The child players are blindfolded and, at the command of the leader, they must begin to decorate the “Christmas trees” with everything they find in the container. The child who quickly puts all the clothespins on an adult and hangs all the toys wins. The second stage of the competition will be to remove everything (also blindfolded) from the “Christmas tree”. The one who leaves at least one attribute not put into the box loses.

Competition "Attach your nose"

A snowman or the face of Santa Claus is drawn on whatman paper, but without a nose. The player must blindfolded approach the drawing and place the plasticine nose in the right place. Not everyone succeeds in this trick, so it will definitely be funny.

Competition "North Wind"

Place a “snowball” made of cotton wool or paper on one edge of a clean table (approximately in the middle). The child will have to blow on him in such a way that he can roll to the other edge of the table and not fall. If there are two children, then let them compete and blow on their “snowballs” at the same time. The winner is the one who first reaches the other end of the table without losses.

Game "Caution, mine!"

A volunteer is selected from among the guests. The presenter lays raw eggs on the floor. The volunteer is blindfolded, and the host begins to quietly collect the eggs, asking the other guests to remain silent. The player is then spun around and told that they need to walk across the room without crushing the eggs. The spectators do not show that anything is wrong, and as if nothing had happened, they give the participant hints: “Go left!”, “Go right!”, “A little more, and you would have stepped on!”. After some time, the blindfold is removed, and the child realizes that there were in fact no eggs. This will be hilarious!

Birthday lottery for children 9 -12 years old

You can hold a win-win lottery for the kids. Papers with lots are placed in a box. Whatever the child pulls out is the prize he gets.

  • There is no more important book than this: Only you are the writer in it. (nice notebook)
  • And you have good taste, Chupa Chups for you, my friend. (Chupa Chups candy)
  • Receive your winnings quickly as a gift - (Balloon)
  • Happiness suddenly fell into my hands, I got a big apple. (Apple)
  • He knows how to copy and loves it, he will multiply everything by two. He’ll put everything in order: he’ll praise the clean guy, he’ll condemn the slob (Mirror)
  • You don't need to spray yourself, here's a chocolate bar. (Chocolate)
  • What kind of treasure is this, that both old and young will be happy? Doubts and thoughts go away! Eat marmalade day and night! (Marmalade)
  • To always have your hair in place, you are given a comb. (Comb)

Lottery for children's birthday

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