Clothes for a year. What should a girl and a boy wear for their first birthday?

One of the most important questions when preparing for a first birthday celebration is what outfit to choose for the birthday boy or girl? Despite the large selection of children's clothing, this is a difficult question.

Festive clothing must meet several requirements:

Be smart. Throughout the holiday, the child will be visible. Photos from the first birthday will take a place in the family album; the grown-up birthday boy, his children, and then his grandchildren will look at them with interest. Therefore, a daughter or son should look “excellent” on their first holiday. Be comfortable. Beauty should not come at the expense of comfort. The baby should be comfortable in festive clothes, otherwise he will be capricious and irritable. Correspond to the time of year and place of celebration. Even in a warm apartment, a summer sundress in the middle of winter looks out of place. But an outfit that is too tight will be inappropriate - the child will become hot.

Before the holiday, dress your baby in smart clothes and make sure he is comfortable:

nothing presses, does not rub, does not restrict movements. Cut off the labels, wash and iron your child’s outfit. Make sure items are not damaged during washing.

Features of a photo shoot for a one-year-old child

Children's photo sessions for babies are carried out mainly in a reportage style. The fact is that a one-year-old child is simply not able to sit in one place for a long time, much less pose (although, admittedly, there are quite a few exceptions to this rule). The photographer will most likely shoot the natural course of the holiday, capturing “special” moments and trying not to interfere in the personal space of the birthday person.

At the beginning of the photo shoot, you can take several staged photos of the baby (alone and with family).

Any children's photo shoot requires special endurance from both parents and the photographer:

  • For the photo shoot to be successful, you need to adapt to the child’s routine (lunch, nap, walk, hygiene procedures, etc.).
  • If the child has rarely seen strangers before and is wary of new people, you need to give him time to get used to the photographer.
  • Not all kids like excessive attention - some feel much more comfortable in solitude and entertain themselves with great pleasure. You need to behave especially carefully with such children so as not to cause unnecessary discontent and tears.
  • If your child has older brothers or sisters, you should definitely involve them in photography - the baby will feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Even if something didn’t go according to your plan, don’t despair or be upset. Firstly, the parents' panic will certainly be transmitted to the baby, and he will begin to be capricious and cry. Secondly, an experienced photographer will always be able to find a way out of the current emergency situation and will certainly save your photo shoot!

You should not plan a photo session if your child is sick - it will definitely not bring joy to either you or him. In this case, it is better to postpone the holiday to a more favorable time.

Children's photographer in Kyiv - Denis Yarkova

Children's photo shoot (Kyiv)

The real treasures of family photo albums will certainly be children's photographs. They are distinguished by their emotionality and spontaneity. These are pieces of warm and tender feelings, reminiscent of happy and carefree moments of childhood. Photos of children “1 year” will give unforgettable new impressions to both parents and babies.

Does your baby poke his curious nose everywhere? Runs, jumps and picks up everything that “cannot be touched”? Then hurry up to capture this amazing period of restlessness in photographs! A children's photo shoot at this age is usually very emotional, dynamic and full of character.

Photographing one-year-old babies is considered one of the most difficult types of photo sessions. During this period, babies no longer lie quietly in the crib, like newborns, do not sit in one place, like children under one year old, and at the same time, do not yet pose like older children.

These little stompers have learned to walk and it is now impossible to stop them: they climb and climb everywhere, explore and study everything that catches their eye. One-year-old toddlers, as a rule, tend to quickly and completely unpredictably move from place to place, change poses, turn away from the lens and shield their faces with their hands... They spin, spin - it’s difficult for them to sit still for even a couple of minutes.

A children's photographer here must not only attract the attention of the little fidget, but literally “catch” successful angles and bright, lively emotions of the baby.

A children's photo shoot in Kyiv is possible both in the studio and outdoors or at your home.

In a home interior, you get very cute family photos of a baby surrounded by the love and care of adults. These are sentimental and touching memories of childhood in a native, relaxed atmosphere.

Bright and lively photographs are also taken during a walk, when an active baby explores the world. A playground, an autumn park, photographing children by the river or in a sandbox, in yellow leaves or on green grass, in the rain under an umbrella or hugging a snowman in grandma’s mittens - such a photo session for a child will become one of the most memorable childhood experiences.

If it’s cold outside, the weather is bad, or you just want good studio photos, then welcome to our studio - we’ll conduct a children’s photo shoot here!

In general, don’t hesitate, give yourself and your child a holiday - arrange a children’s photo shoot!

At your service

children's photographer in Kyiv

Denis Yarkova

The cost of a children's photo shoot can be found in the “Services and Prices” section.

order a children's photo shoot (Kiev) right now,

by calling 095-579-48-02 or using the feedback form.

You can also GIVE A children's photo session in Kiev as a GIFT .

In other articles on the topic “Children’s photo shoot, Kyiv” read:

  • Beautiful photo session for newborns (0-3 months) in Kyiv
  • Photo session for children under one year old (Kyiv)
  • Photo session for preschool children
  • Photo session for school-age children
  • Children's Love Story
  • Masha's autumn children's photo shoot
  • Katya's children's photo shoot
  • Photo album "Sisters"
  • 10 Commandments of a Good Children's Photographer
  • The best children's photographer for your child - how to find him?

The article is the property of Denis Yarkovoy.

Full or partial copying of materials without an active indexed link to the site is prohibited.

How to prepare for a photo shoot?

Preparing for a photo shoot is a separate stage of preparation for the holiday. Needless to say, you need to treat it as responsibly as possible?

How to behave?

Calm, just calm! So said the children's favorite Carlson. And his words perfectly describe the basic rule of parental behavior during a photo shoot.

The connection between a small child and his mother and father is very strong, so any experiences of loved ones are immediately transferred to the baby.

  • Be patient and try to act as calm and relaxed as possible.
  • Make sure that you carefully discuss all the nuances of the upcoming photograph with the photographer, introduce your child to the master, and make sure that you have not missed anything important.
  • Try to plan your day in such a way that during the photo shoot the child is rested, fed, clean and happy.

Try not to go beyond your normal behavior: talk to your baby, play with him, hug him - do everything you do on a normal day.

Do not try to force your baby to pose - most likely your attempts will end in violent protest and loud crying. Just let your baby behave naturally, take comfortable poses, explore the world around him - and leave the creation of beautiful shots to the photographer.

How to interest a child?

All children are different, so there is simply no definite rule on how to interest a baby. Turn on your intuition and use your enormous experience of motherhood:

  • Does your child experience indescribable delight when he sees new toys? Buy a couple of cars, dolls or a set of new cubes.
  • Does your child really love animals? Involve your pets in photography!
  • Soap bubbles, crackers and fireworks invariably bring joy to little birthday boys, so make sure they are available at the party (and don’t forget about safety!).

A great way to get your child interested is to take part in a photo shoot with him! Rejoice, laugh, have fun - and your baby will certainly be “infected” with your excellent mood!

What to take?

To organize a baby's first birthday, it is not necessary to set a lavish table and invite numerous guests. Try to focus on your child's needs and ensure he has a pleasant and comfortable time. Among the items necessary for the holiday in general and for a photo shoot in particular are the following:

  • Order or bake a birthday cake. It doesn't have to be big - it can be a pie or cupcake, beautifully decorated with bright figures, cream flowers or colorful candies. Don't forget the candle!
  • Take care of all the necessary accessories. During studio photography, the photographer will offer you a lot of cute things, but small children are more willing to play with their favorite toys and feel more free when surrounded by familiar things (favorite pillow, soft toy, cozy home blanket, etc.).
  • If you plan to take photos away from home, check the availability of necessary hygiene items (paper towels, wet wipes, spare diapers), food (bottles of water or juice, cookies or fruit for a snack), and a change of clothes in case of an unforeseen “accident” (spilled juice, unexpected falling on grass or sand).

Don’t forget to decorate the photo zone and the hall where the celebration will take place - bright streamers, balloons, colorful posters. You can give out caps with images of your child’s favorite cartoon or fairy-tale characters to all guests, as well as buy bright disposable tableware and drinking straws with pom-poms made of shiny multi-colored foil.

What to wear?

When preparing for the holiday, it is important to clearly think through the outfits of both the birthday boy and the parents. Mom and dad should be dressed smartly, but at the same time comfortably, in order to be able to keep up with the little fidget everywhere. During your photo shoot you will most likely have to sit on the grass or studio floor, so avoid wearing tight skirts or dresses.

As for the outfit for the birthday boy, the rules are very simple:

  • Clothes should be comfortable. Often parents dress up their children in beautiful, but not comfortable outfits - boys in strict three-piece suits, girls in fluffy ball gowns. Of course, such clothes are quite suitable for a couple of staged photos, but after that you need to urgently take them off and put on something lighter and more comfortable.
  • Don’t neglect the little things - lace socks or knee socks, a headband, a colorful belt will certainly make the baby’s image even more gentle and sweet.
  • Pay attention to the color. Roughly imagine the studio or photo zone in which the photography will take place. Which color do you think best suits the decor? So you've made your choice! A little advice - if the colors of the interior and the child’s outfit are identical, the baby can easily “get lost” against the background of the scenery. Remember - the photos should be harmonious, but the child should stand out from the general background.
  • Don't forget about a spare set of clothes!

It is quite acceptable and even desirable to use all kinds of accessories - beads, brooches, hairpins, elastic bands, caps and hats, crowns or tiaras, wreaths.

Choosing a location?

The choice of location largely depends on the preferences of the parents and the birthday boy himself. But other factors are also important, such as the time of year, weather, the presence of specialized children's cafes nearby, and the opportunity to arrange a photo shoot at home.

If your child happened to be born in the summer, then a photo shoot in nature is the best option. Of course, a warm spring and autumn day is also perfect for creating wonderful shots, but at this time the possibilities are still a little limited. In winter, an outdoor photo shoot can become a real problem - firstly, the weather does not always please us with fluffy snow, and secondly, both the child and the parents will not feel very comfortable in the cold air.

Children who prefer a home environment will be more accustomed to spending the holiday at home. Well, for those mothers who want to get original and stylish photo frames, you can plan a shoot in a specially equipped studio.

You need to agree on the shooting location with the photographer in advance - after all, the master is also preparing for this event, so he thinks over a rough plan for his work, the progress of which directly depends on where the children's party will take place.

What is the best time to choose?

Here, too, everything is individual. Is your baby a “morning person” – he wakes up easily, and his main activity hours are in the first half of the day? Then plan your photo session before your nap. Does your child like to sleep and spends the first half of the day half asleep, but after a nap he feels cheerful and rested? Conduct holiday photography at this time.

Make sure that the baby is not hungry during the photo shoot, carry out all the necessary hygiene procedures with him - this way you will minimize the unnecessary whims of the birthday boy. .

Decorating a photo zone for a 1 year old: what to pay attention to.

When planning a photo zone, first of all, you need to decide on the theme of the design, as well as the color palette: there is an opinion that if you are decorating a children’s party, then everything should be “multi-colored and bright.” Yes, in some ways this opinion will be correct, but trends are changing and more and more often people are focusing on more “pastel” tones, or opting for two or three bright and colorful shades, or maybe even prefer more “strict” tones , in particular, this applies to the design of a photo zone for a one-year-old boy. Tip:
Pay attention to such stylish colors as: mint, pastel pink, lilac, blue. In combination with white and silver, you get a simply amazing combination.

Ideas for a family photo shoot for a one-year-old child in nature

Outdoor photography is a great way to have a great time with your family, breathe fresh air and just relax, away from the daily hustle and bustle. Usually children really love such photo sessions, but for parents they are attractive because of the huge number of possibilities for holding a holiday.

Family report

Hello! I'm Kolya Yakubovsky. I photograph families in Moscow in a documentary style.

To learn more

With balloons

All children, without exception, love balloons. You can order a large composition of balloons, or you can simply inflate many balloons of different colors and sizes. Helium balloons can fly, but little ones often get upset if they “run away” from them high into the sky.

In frame

The “portrait within a portrait” technique is now very popular, and not only in children’s photography. Since the baby himself is unlikely to be able to hold the frame himself, such photographs are most often taken with mom or dad.

With letters (phrases, words)

For such a photo shoot, you will have to stock up on large-sized decorative letters (after all, small objects should not be given to children!). Although, most likely, the photographer will have a couple of such decorations in his box with props.

On the bedspread

A mini-picnic with fruit, children's cookies and drinks is a great option for a holiday! Well, a few cute photos on a colorful blanket will certainly decorate your family album. Standing, sitting, lying down - choose a comfortable position and enjoy the photography process!

With toys

Every baby has his own favorite toy. Be sure to take it with you to your photo shoot. And, of course, don’t forget to grab others - blocks, dolls, cars, soft toys, educational toys, children’s books.

Interesting outfits

If the weather is good outside, you can safely experiment with outfits - dress your baby in the costume of a farmer or shepherdess, a cowboy or a little village girl. In fact, there are many options - a bunny or a bear, a princess or Little Red Riding Hood - choose the one that suits you.

At the playground

Where else can you really have fun than on the playground! Slides, swings, sandbox, colorful toys - a real holiday is guaranteed for the child. Here, a photographer can easily take a huge number of wonderful memorable photographs.

With parents

Be that as it may, the birthday boy will not be left without photographs with his family. Mom and dad should support the baby throughout the photo shoot, be nearby and give confidence. Photos with a child in your arms, hugs and kisses - such shots will not only become a real decoration for your family photo album, but will also help the baby relax and feel free.

With soap bubbles

Get yourself various devices for blowing bubbles - standard jars and bottles from which you need to blow bubbles yourself, as well as special devices that release bubbles automatically. Your baby is guaranteed to be delighted!


A fishing rod can be made from scrap materials - from a stick and a bright cord, and instead of a float, you can use a pine cone. It is very dangerous to let your baby near a pond, so a basin of water or a simple puddle on the asphalt can play the role of a lake!

An outdoor photo session can be a full-fledged outing for your baby, so you can easily schedule it at a time when you usually walk outside with your child.

Ideas for a family photo shoot for a one-year-old child at home

At home, the child feels confident and free. Even the presence of a stranger - a photographer - will not cause negative emotions in him here. If the arrangement of your home allows you to take photographs here, great!

On a highchair

Place your baby on a high chair, place toys, special pencils for babies, and a sketchbook in front of him. You can simulate a situation where the baby is eating (it’s great if he already knows how to hold a spoon and tries to eat on his own).

Festive outfit

Your baby should look perfect on his first birthday! While at home, you can change your baby's clothes at any time, so don't be afraid to experiment with outfits! A girl can be dressed up in a princess dress, and a boy can be dressed up in a white shirt with a bright bow tie and dark cotton trousers.

With toys

While at home, you can safely take out all of your baby’s toys - place plush animals on a sofa or chair, lay out cubes on the floor, set up a play tent, in general, let the baby behave naturally and have fun in.

In a chair, on a sofa

Make your baby sit comfortably, place bright pillows nearby - this will make him cozy and comfortable. To prevent the child from becoming capricious, one of the relatives should always be nearby.

With parents

Photos from home celebrations always turn out very warm, tender, imbued with love and care. The gentle hugs of parents have a beneficial effect on the baby - don’t be surprised that after such a photo shoot, the baby will fall asleep in your arms!

With grandparents

No less important participants in the holiday are grandparents. They are perhaps more worried, nervous and worried than mom and dad. Touching shots of grandparents loving to tears are one of the sweetest chapters of the family album.

With cake

What would a birthday be without a cake! And it doesn’t matter whether you ordered a huge two-story loaf with a bunch of decorations, or baked a fragrant and delicious homemade cupcake from healthy ingredients - decorate it with a festive candle and blow it out together with your baby! This shot will certainly remain in your memory for many years to come!

With balloons

You can decorate the entire room with bright balls, or knit flowers or funny animals from long thin balls. This is an inexpensive and incredibly effective way to make your holiday truly magical. Photos with balloons always turn out very festive and bright!

With pets

Never forget about your baby's best friend - a fluffy cat, puppy, rabbit, hamster or parrot. A few years later, your child will be happy to view such photos!

If possible, invite the birthday boy’s friends to the photo session - this will make the holiday even brighter and bring a lot of joy to its little participants.

What should a birthday girl wear on her first birthday?

Birthday dress

Every girl's mother looks forward to the time to dress her daughter in beautiful dresses! How beautiful and touching a one-year-old baby looks in her first formal dress! The choice of dresses is truly limitless: from short A-line to long fluffy, from knitted to velvet, from plain to colorful, with and without decorations...

When choosing the color of a holiday outfit for your little beauty, you need to take into account the color of your skin, hair and eyes.

No matter how beautiful a long dress is, do not wear it to the birthday girl. A long skirt will greatly restrict the child’s movements: the baby will not be able to walk or crawl in it. This means he will be capricious.

The dress can be made of thick or light fabric, plain or patterned, with additional accessories in the form of bows at the waist or brooches, in bright or pastel colors. The choice is up to mom.

In any case, the outfit should contain white color - it will give the image a special solemnity.

If it’s difficult to make a choice, then you should opt for a universal option - a white lace dress with a sheath. The image will be gentle and airy. You can add color through accessories: a headband, barrettes or a fabric bracelet. In any case, you need to prepare 2 more spare sets of elegant clothes. This could be a knitted dress with a fashionable print that does not restrict movement; leggings with a long T-shirt; capri pants with a sewn-on skirt and bodysuit. In such clothes the baby will feel comfortable.

All mothers and fathers (although they rarely admit it) want to feel like the parents of a little princess. It is possible to create such an image only with the help of a dress.

Dressy skirt

A fluffy bright skirt will be an excellent replacement for a dress. The optimal solution is a tulle skirt. You can buy it, have it sewn to order in a studio, or sew it at home yourself. Tulle skirts look festive and unusual. The baby will look like a princess, a fairy and a fairy flower at the same time. Tulle is easy to work with, so even without experience, sewing a skirt for a little birthday girl will not be difficult. The skirt can be plain or combine 2-3 colors. It is best to choose a lining from satin fabric and match it to the main color.

An undeniable plus of a tulle skirt is a wide elastic belt. It will not put pressure on the tummy and restrict movement.

The length of the skirt should not be below the knee. The pomp depends on the number of layers of fabric.

A smooth top goes well with a full skirt: a bodysuit, a T-shirt or a thin jacket.

Other holiday clothing options

If the option with a traditional dress seems banal, then you can knit the dress with crochet or knitting needles. The beauty of the dress will depend on the skill level of the mother or grandmother. It is necessary to take into account that a knitted dress will not turn out lush. If your daughter's first birthday will be held outdoors, then it is worth considering a costume consisting, for example, of leggings with sequins and a matching T-shirt. The option of a short skirt and shorts and a bodysuit or T-shirt is perfect for an outdoor celebration on a hot summer day.

Accessories for the birthday girl and guests

Even a little fashionista cannot do without accessories that will complement the image and add solemnity.

Shoes Booties for a year

If the baby does not walk yet, then the best solution is light booties. You can buy booties that match the color of the main outfit or contrast with it. Or the same color as the bow or headband. A baby who cannot walk should not be tormented by over-bought sandals. She will spend most of the holiday trying to remove the strange object from her feet.

If the birthday girl already walks independently, then she needs comfortable sandals or shoes. They must meet orthopedic standards. The first birthday is not the best time for new shoes. Put your baby in a proven pair of shoes that won't rub or put pressure on her feet.

Hair accessories

You need to choose based on the thickness and length of the birthday girl’s hair. If your hair is thick and long enough, you can pin it up with a bow that matches the dress. For any hair length, headbands with flowers or bows and soft headbands are well suited.

There is no need to decorate the birthday girl's head with heavy hairpins. They will disturb the child.

You can wear a headband with a crown. Then the image of the princess will be complete. A wrist bracelet can only be soft, similar to a headband. There is no need to put any jewelry on the birthday girl’s neck. They will inevitably end up in your mouth or get torn.

If the birthday girl is wearing a tulle skirt, then you can make a flower from a piece of the same fabric (fold the fabric in several layers and sew it in the middle) and sew it to the T-shirt. Or make a bracelet out of it. Or a headband decoration. If the holiday takes place outdoors, then you need to provide a beautiful Panama hat, hat or scarf for the birthday girl.

Decorations for guests can also be made from tulle in the form of flowers. Pin to shirts for men, and blouses or dresses for ladies.

Ideas for a family photo shoot for a one-year-old child in the studio

A photo shoot in a studio setting can be a little more hassle than shooting at home or outdoors. But, believe me, the result is worth it! Correctly set light, high-quality decorations and accessories will certainly do the trick!

I'll do a live photo shoot for you

I love smiles until the eyes wrinkle, lively emotions, life style. No experience needed, it's easy with me.

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In interesting costumes

If you are planning a themed photo shoot, think through the outfits of all participants in advance. You don’t have to sew expensive suits - you can just order the same T-shirts for the whole family or wear the same pajamas. You can play with a plot from a cartoon or fairy tale (this is a little more complicated in terms of choosing costumes).

In a business suit

A small child in a strict three-piece suit always causes a lot of affection! Dress your baby in a formal suit, place themed accessories nearby - a leather briefcase, a diary, a smartphone.

On the armchair

The equipment of the photo studio allows you to take very high-quality photographs, so even an ordinary portrait of a baby sitting on a chair will certainly turn out colorful and interesting.

With the whole family

A group portrait is an essential part of a photo shoot! It is very important to bring together everyone who came to congratulate the baby and his parents on this significant event. Many years later, looking at this photo, your child will rejoice in the fact that there were loving people next to him from birth!

With parents

Mom and dad are the most important people in a baby's life! Therefore, taking a few family photos is a must! Even if you don’t know how to pose, the photographer will certainly tell you how to behave so that the pictures turn out beautiful and bright.

With musical instruments

Another popular trend is to photograph a child with a guitar, balalaika, drum, or small accordion. Who knows, maybe in a few years the child will learn to master this particular musical instrument...

To prepare for studio photography, you may need the help of a makeup artist or hairstylist. In most studios, photographers work closely with such specialists, so you don't have to worry about looking sloppy in your baby's first birthday photos.

The most important attribute of decorating a photo zone for 1 year old.

You probably guessed that this is “number one,” but you didn’t know that there could be so many options. For example, holiday supply stores often have a very large selection, but if you want to add uniqueness to your photographs, you should contact a photo studio or a special craft workshop to produce your own branded version in a single copy.

The most popular types of numbers

  • The foil balloon number
    is the simplest and most popular option. The main advantage is a very attractive appearance and a large assortment of colors. You can always find number balloons with helium in our catalog at this link.
  • Crafted numbers made of plastic or wood
    are also one of the most popular options. They look stylish and will suit almost any photo zone design style, and numbers with special lamps will add a special charm to a photo shoot in the “Loft” style.
  • Craft figures made from artificial flowers
    - The unique and inimitable design of these figures will be completely individual, and the color palette can also be very diverse. This option can be ordered in a special hand-made workshop or rented on popular platforms with advertisements, fortunately the prices there are reasonable.
  • A ready-made “mannequin” of numbers in your own decor
    is the most difficult, but interesting option, there are no rules and you can bring even the craziest idea to life:)


In fact, there are a lot of options for holding a children's photo session dedicated to the child's first birthday. Just use your imagination a little and you will come up with a lot of scenarios.

In order to be 100% confident in the result, seek help from experienced professionals such as Nikolai Yakubovsky. By ordering family photo shoot services ( from us, you can completely relax and enjoy the holiday - the master will definitely try to realize your ideas as much as possible and will not miss a single important moment of this holiday!

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