Riddles for adults - the best selection with answers: 115 riddles

If you are planning a fun party, but don’t know how to entertain the guests, then our article will help you with this. In it you will find a selection of riddles for adults, from funny to complex and logical.

Riddles, as a genre of oral folk art, have existed at all times. People, with the help of such unique prose or poems, had fun and learned. After all, there are not only fun and funny riddles, but logical ones that force a person’s brain to work hard. You will find a selection of the best riddles for adults in our article.

Riddles for adults - with a trick: the best selection

Trick riddles are a great way to have fun. However, remember that this type of riddles for adults often has a slightly vulgar slant, and therefore you should choose them for entertainment only if you are planning a meeting of close friends.

Trick riddles for adults with answers

Riddles for adults - with a catch:

  1. The most famous semiconductor. (Answer: Susanin.)
  2. It nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer. (Answer - vodka, alcoholic drinks)
  3. What needs to be done to make a blonde's eyes light up? (The answer is to shine a flashlight in her ear.)
  4. What should you do if you get into the car and your feet can’t reach the pedals? (Answer - you can try to move to the driver's seat.)
  5. What should you do if you sit in the driver’s seat and your feet still cannot reach the pedals? (The answer is that you first need to turn your face to the steering wheel.)
  6. What should you do when you see a green man? (The answer is to quickly cross the street while the traffic light is green.)
  7. Thunder rumbles, bushes shake - what are they doing there? (The answer is that rabbits are very afraid of someone.)
  8. The three letter word that every man is afraid of? Women and children love to say it very much. (The answer is still.)
  9. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (Answer: I could, if I could talk.)
  10. You are sitting on an airplane, there is a horse in front of you, and a car behind you. Where are you at? (The answer is in the recreation park, on the carousels.)
  11. In what case will six children, two dogs, four adults, climbing under one umbrella, not get wet? (The answer is that everything is very simple, if it doesn’t rain outside.)
  12. About 40 percent of people do this activity at night. What are they doing? (The answer is they surf the Internet.)
  13. Why do my feet smell bad when my feet sweat? (Answer: think about where they grow from. Do you remember?)
  14. The name of the first woman in the world to perfectly master an aircraft. (The answer is Baba Yaga.)
  15. What is on a woman's body, on a Jew's mind, is used in hockey and on the chessboard? (The answer is a combination.)
  16. These three TV stars are well known to each of us. The blonde's name is Stepan, the brown-haired guy's name is Philip. What's the bald guy's name? (The answer is the well-known Piggy.)
  17. What human organ can expand tenfold when stimulated? (The answer is the pupil of the eye. And this organ, when excited, increases only 2.5 times).
  18. There are 5 mushrooms in the basket. How to divide mushrooms between five mushroom pickers so that everyone gets an equal share and one mushroom remains in the basket? (Answer: 4 mushroom pickers will receive one mushroom each, and the fifth will receive a basket with one mushroom.)
  19. What can fall and rise, and at the same time not move? (Answer: body temperature during illness)
  20. Two boys were playing checkers. Each of them played five games, and each won the same number of games. How could this happen? (The answer is they simply played with different opponents.)

Need more fun

You don’t need to search long for the entertainment you need: it’s all already there in complex, funny birthday riddles with answers.

  1. Bald trees, seas without fish, flat mountains, but not the apocalypse. What is this (the most ordinary map or globe)?
  2. Three little hares were sitting at the edge of the forest. Suddenly a wolf came running and caught one of them. What did he do with the others (didn’t catch up)?

Birthday contest riddles with a trick will not give boredom any chance. The main thing is to start!

  1. The woman got four cats, and then thought about it and got three more. How many legs do they all have in total (two, cats have paws after all)?
  2. The most ill-mannered person suddenly took off his hat in front of another person. Why did he do this (because the second person is a hairdresser).

The really successful puzzles are the ones that are fun and actually a little weird. Yes, we are talking about short, funny riddles for birthdays.

  1. Why would you be kicked out if you were back in school (out the door)?
  2. Name the unit of measurement expressed in two notes (E).

Dancing and feasting are necessary, but rather banal activities, which, of course, will not surprise anyone. And in order to get to the point, you need to surprise with intellectual puzzles! Choose only the most unusual and funny riddles!

Riddles about adults with answers

Riddles-jokes for adults
Next, we bring to your attention a selection of riddles about adults and life situations associated with them. The answers are, of course, included.

Riddles about adults with answers:

  1. A man and a beautiful woman were doing something in the grass on “E”. (Answer: they ate the dugout with great appetite.)
  2. Why does Santa Claus deliver gifts alone, and Father Frost with the Snow Maiden? (Answer: Santa Claus will get home on his own after the New Year, but someone must drag Santa Claus.)
  3. There is no way two women can use it together. A woman and a man - somehow. Two men - at least. (The answer is the toilet.)
  4. What does a watchman do when a sparrow sits on his head? (Answer - sleeps sweetly.)
  5. How many blacks does it take to bury a person? (The answer is five. Four are carrying the coffin, and the fifth is walking in front with a tape recorder.)
  6. After extinguishing the fire, the body of a scuba diver was found in the forest. The nearest body of water is more than 50 km away. How did he end up there? (Answer - a scuba diver was looking for fish in a pond, a firefighting helicopter accidentally scooped him up and dropped him on a fire in the forest.)
  7. A dead man lies in the desert. There is a bag over my shoulders and a flask of water on my belt. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die from and what was in his bag? (Answer - the man died from hitting the ground, and in the bag there was a parachute that did not open. )
  8. Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (The answer is a man with an umbrella, or a bald man.)
  9. Buratino, Malvina, an honest customs officer and a filthy cop are riding in the compartment. They play cards, there is a lot of money in the bank, the train enters a tunnel. After leaving the tunnel, the money disappeared. Who stole the money? ( The answer is a filthy cop, as the first three do not exist in nature.)
  10. When is a person in a room without a head? (The answer is when he sticks it out of the window or door.)
  11. Soviet janitors had their brooms shortened and shortened. For what? (Answer: Soviet janitors liked to stand leaning on a broom.)
  12. Which social group has critical days twice a year? (The answer is the students who close the session.)
  13. Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat and felt boots? (Answer: Santa Claus is from Chukotka.)
  14. The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he end up? (The answer is to the police.)
  15. The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps? (The answer is just one, the second one is already broken.)
  16. Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house. (Answer: the wife does not allow a drunken husband into the house.)
  17. What is it, hanging on the wall and crying? (The answer is a climber.)
  18. Two backs, one head, six legs. What it is? (The answer is the man on the chair.)
  19. Can a woman make a man a millionaire? (The answer is maybe, if he is a billionaire.)
  20. Who is a gynecologist from a non-scientific point of view? (The answer is a person who looks for problems where others find joy.)

Funny riddles

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Funny riddles

Whose mustache is longer than their own legs? (cockroach)

What stones are not in the sea? (dry)

What wish does a plump woman with a cold like least? (Get well soon)

Pigeons sit around the ice hole (mouth, teeth).

What words really tired Winnie the Pooh? (unpronounceable and long)

What is the difference between the first floor and the ninth? (You’ll fall from the first floor: “Boom!” - A-ah!” And from the ninth floor, “A-ah!” - Bang!”)

Two nails fell into the water. What is the Georgian's last name? (Rusted)

It will become as hard as a potato, just knead it a little (snowball).

As soon as it gets up, it will reach the sky (rainbow).

What can't you eat for breakfast? (dinner and supper)

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (bald)

The eye peeked out and a horn was visible, but not a rhinoceros (a cow peeking around the corner).

You are sitting on an airplane, with a horse in front and a car behind. What kind of place is it? (carousel)

What should you do when you see a green man? (to cross a street)

Under what tree does the hare sit during the rain? (Under the wet)

Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (spare)

A deftly hairy head (toothbrush) tickles the cheek

He quietly approached from behind, put his feet in and walked (slippers).

Name five days of the week without naming numbers or names of days (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow).

Which plant knows everything? (horseradish)

Three tractor drivers have a brother, Sergei, but Sergei has no brothers? Is this possible? (Yes, if the tractor drivers are women)

What word has 40 vowels? (magpie)

What kind of utensils are impossible to eat from? (empty)

What word always sounds wrong? ("wrong")

There are a pencil, a ruler, an eraser and a compass on the table. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin? (you need to get a sheet of paper)

There were 90 apples growing on a birch tree. 10 apples were knocked down by the wind. How many apples are left (apples don’t grow on birch trees).

Where does the chicken go when it crosses the road? (to the other side)

He walks, wanders, staggers, comes home and falls apart (broom).

As they increase, the weight becomes less. What is this? (holes)

What is 90-60-90? (This is a drive past the traffic cop)

Not a bird, but flying, not an animal, but howling (a beetle).

One head, two backs, six legs. What is this? (man on chair)

When is a person in a room without a head? (when he sticks it outside)

One commander for thirty-two warriors (tongue and teeth).

What question will you never get the answer “Yes” to? ("Are you sleeping now?")

What is between the valley and the mountain? (letter "I")

Four brothers are running after each other, but they can’t catch up with each other (wheels).

Where is the water standing? (in glass)

What question can you never answer “No”? ("You are alive?")

Is it possible for an ostrich to call itself a bird? (No, he can talk)

One corner of the square table was sawed off. How many angles are there? (five)

What does half an orange look like? (to the other half)

Who has critical days twice a year? (for students)

Which knot cannot be untied? (railway)

One egg is boiled for three minutes. How many minutes will it take to cook 2 eggs? (three minutes)

How many letters are in the alphabet? (seven – A-L-F-A-V-I-T)

First he rubs himself next to you, then he demands money. Who is this? (conductor on a tram)

The bull is behind, and the cow is in front. What is this? (letter "K")

Which hand is better to stir tea? (tea is stirred with a spoon)

What is the difference between an elephant and a piano? (you can lean against an elephant, but you cannot lean against a piano)

How to catch a tiger in a cage? (there is no tiger in a cage, a tiger in stripes)

In winter and summer in green (dollar).

Millions of people do this every night (go online).

When taken, it lengthens, passes between the breasts and enters the hole. What is this? (safety belt)

What legacy did Anna Karenina leave to modern fashion? (platform shoes)

What do a tree and a thief have in common? (both are imprisoned)

What won't you find in a woman's handbag? (about)

When will the foal become a horse? (never – when is a child..)

What is the longest word in the Russian language? (The Tale of Igor's Campaign)

What do hedgehogs and milk have in common? (both collapse)

It melts, but not the ice; it floats, but not the boat (salary).

What are the similarities between a motorcyclist and a chicken? (both sit down and rush)

A and B were sitting on the pipe. A went abroad, B sneezed and went to the hospital. What's left on the pipe? (letter B, I went to the hospital)

A ton of copper and a hundred heads (brass band).

What is the difference between a Ukrainian and a Ukrainian? (A Ukrainian is someone who lives in Ukraine, a crest is a Ukrainian who lives outside of Ukraine)

Why aren't robots afraid of anyone? (because they have nerves of steel)

What kind of cow is this that doesn't give milk? (greedy)

Why does the rooster crow with his eyes closed? (shows that he sings by heart)

How is a men's dormitory different from a women's dormitory? (in women's dishes they wash dishes after eating, and in men's dishes before)

Who guards a hundred faces? (watchman)

A piece of gold and a piece of iron were left on the street for six months. A piece of iron has rusted. What happened to the gold? (lost or stolen)

Why do blondes eat yogurt in the store? (because it says "open here")

What was the name of the first traffic cop? (the nightingale the robber - whistled, stopped and robbed)

Stands when working, hangs when not working, and wet after work (umbrella).

What disappears when you eat a bagel? (donut hole)

Blue, big, with a mustache and stuffed with hares. What is this? (trolleybus)

Two strokes - eight holes (fork).

Above the knee, below the navel, the hole is large enough to fit a hand (pocket).

If you lean it against the wall, it will come in handy; if you put it on your back, no one will need it (stairs).

Sometimes standing, sometimes hanging, sometimes cold, sometimes hot (shower).

What invention allows you to see through walls? (window)

Red twenty-first, long (tram).

Where was the snow woman born? (in ZIMBABwe)

What bell can't ring? (floral)

Although they themselves do not burn, they have to be extinguished constantly (debts).

How much money can't buy anything? (pig nose)

What disease does no one get sick on land? (nautical)

What kind of horse is this that doesn't eat oats? (chess)

What is picked up when it is not needed, and thrown away when the need arises? (anchor)

What notes can be used to measure distance? (mi-la-mi)

What could be in an empty pocket? (hole)

Why do students usually get kicked out of class? (out the door)

Who is “all covered in greenery?” (new Russian)

Why do they rarely drive, but do they walk often? (ladder)

Which clock shows the correct time twice a day? (those that stand)

What is easy to pick up from the ground, but difficult to throw far? (fluff)

What is the difference between a needle and a horse? (you first sit on a needle, then jump, and vice versa on a horse)

Why does a person look back? (because it has no eyes at the back)

He simultaneously walks and stands, hangs and stands, walks and lies. What is this? (watch)

Which pronouns do pavements spoil? (I-We)

What can't be eaten, but can be cooked? (homework)

Who speaks all languages? (echo)

What do you get when you combine Microsoft and iPhone? (MicroPhone)

Funny riddles

Riddles are usually called expressions in which an object or concept is veiledly described. This folklore genre has been known for many centuries, and has long become one of the favorites of both adults and children. Funny riddles are a great way to add fun to any atmosphere: a class at school, a matinee in kindergarten, a home feast or a friendly party. Funny riddles are perfect for every company, delivering many pleasant moments and positive emotions. Funny riddles for children With the help of funny riddles for children, you can not only amuse your child, but also develop his horizons, train his imaginative thinking, and teach him to think abstractly and associatively. It is not without reason that funny riddles have long been used by psychologists and educators as a full-fledged pedagogical technique. Funny riddles are not always simple; they are often tricky. Children, in search of answers to funny riddles, learn to think outside the box, looking at the question from different angles. They may need adult help in the early stages. But how much joy a child has when the answer to funny riddles is found! Experts recommend using funny riddles starting from a very early age, from 2 to 3 years old, thus ensuring the child’s correct and comprehensive development. When asking funny riddles, you need to speak loudly, clearly, with space so that the baby can clearly hear all the words. In parallel with solving funny riddles, a child can learn the meaning of unfamiliar words, expand his horizons, and expand his sense of humor. Funny riddles can be great entertainment during a children's party. It is difficult to keep children in place for a long time, therefore, some time after the start of the feast, you need to devote time to having fun. Little participants of the holiday will be delighted by guessing funny riddles. At the end of the fun, you can give a gift to the person who gave the most correct answers to funny riddles. Funny riddles for adults Funny riddles originate from the times of Virgil and Cicero; this genre of creativity is found in the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Schiller. If for children funny riddles are a kind of exercise in developing logic, memory and imaginative thinking, then for adults funny riddles are a great way to compete in wit, add a sense of celebration and fun to any atmosphere. For example, by asking funny riddles at work, during your lunch break, you can bring a little lightness and ease into a strict, business environment. Solving funny riddles together is a great way to unite the team and strengthen corporate spirit. Your friends will definitely appreciate your sense of humor if you ask funny riddles during a party or friendly get-together. New Year, birthday, any family celebration is a great occasion to demonstrate your wonderful abilities in the ability to create a unique festive atmosphere. You can not limit yourself to simply asking funny riddles, but frame the whole process as a fun and interesting competition. For example, put funny riddles written on a piece of paper into a balloon. Participants in the competition must burst this balloon without using their hands, pull out a piece of paper, and guess the riddle. In case of failure to complete the task, a “fine” is imposed in the form of some fun activity, singing a song or dancing. Funny riddles absolutely guarantee a lot of positivity and positive emotions for the whole company! Theme of funny riddles. Funny riddles are a universal way to cheer up yourself and those around you. Depending on the conditions and environment in which they are asked, funny riddles are usually divided by topic.

Funny wedding riddles are an excellent task for ransom. Bridesmaids often use funny riddles to test the groom's ingenuity and intelligence, as well as to amuse the guests. Funny riddles for the New Year. New Year's Eve is not only a luxurious feast, but also a wonderful occasion to make the holiday unforgettable. You can ask funny riddles to your friends or relatives, or you can go out into the street and ask passers-by with funny riddles. Not only will you have a great time, but you will also be able to meet new friends! Funny birthday riddles. The best gift for a birthday person is a fun birthday spent with loved ones. You can add a festive atmosphere with the help of funny riddles that will appeal to all guests. Adults will be happy to rack their brains over funny riddles with a little spice, and little guests will be delighted with simple, but very funny children's riddles. Funny riddles for work. It is unlikely that your bosses will appreciate funny riddles if you decide to ask them during a planning meeting or an important meeting. But a corporate party on the occasion of a professional holiday is an ideal place to demonstrate your sense of humor. Colleagues and bosses will be happy to take part in guessing funny riddles, which can become a real highlight of the evening. Funny riddles for February 23 and March 8. Amazing, funny riddles about lovely ladies and representatives of the stronger sex are a great idea to make the holiday unusual and memorable. There will definitely not be anyone indifferent: everyone will plunge headlong into the world of exciting, fun, funny riddles! Funny riddles for all occasions. Funny riddles can turn an ordinary weekday evening with your family into an unforgettable event! It’s no wonder that this entertainment is incredibly popular all over the world; kids, adults, and the elderly enjoy solving funny riddles. Interesting discoveries, curious facts – a lot of new information awaits everyone. The phrase that laughter prolongs life is not just words, but a scientifically proven truth. Extend the life of yourself and your loved ones: tell them funny riddles!


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Riddles for adults - fun

Riddle with an answer
If your goal is fun, then a selection of funny riddles for adults will help make your time as easy and relaxed as possible.

Riddles for adults - funny:

  1. To stroke from the front, you need to lick from the back. (The answer is a postage stamp.)
  2. Lying on his back - no one needs him. Lean it against the wall - it will come in handy. (The answer is stairs.)
  3. Small, black, wrinkled - every woman has one. (The answer is a highlight .)
  4. Why are riddles dangerous? (The answer is because people puzzle over them.)
  5. Two women at the fence - one is glued, the other is sewn. What needs to be done with them (Answer: tear off the first one, cut off the second one.)
  6. What is very blue gold? (Answer: my beloved wife got drunk.)
  7. With onions and eggs, but not a pie? (Answer: Robin Hood.)
  8. What is business? (The answer is a way to take money without brute force.)
  9. What happens if you cross bedbugs with fireflies? (The answer is a dense network of electrification throughout the country.)
  10. With claws, not a bird, it flies and swears. (The answer is an electrician.)
  11. What is it, there is a head, but there is no head, there is a head, but there is no head? (Answer - a lame man is walking behind the fence.)
  12. What is 90/60/90? (The answer is traffic cop speed.)
  13. What kind of woman first rubs around you and then starts demanding money from you? (The answer is a conductor on public transport.)
  14. How to write correctly: “buttocks” or “buttocks”? (Answer - look in the dictionary for the letter “zh”.)
  15. Why do gorilla have big nostrils? (The answer is because she has thick fingers.)

The most unexpected decisions

If your party is in full swing, then under no circumstances should you let it die out. To do this, arm yourself with funny birthday riddles with answers for teenagers.

  1. Every mechanic has a brother, Vitya. But Vitya has no brothers at all. How did this happen (the mechanics were female)?
  2. Everyone constantly writes the next word “incorrectly” (the word “wrong”).
  3. You saw a duckling crossing the road. How to determine where he is going (he is definitely going to the other side of the road)?

Comical adult birthday riddles with answers are definitely not for children's ears. But they will amuse the adults themselves!

  1. If you want to reduce the weight of something, do it (punch as many holes as possible).
  2. What exactly should you not eat potatoes from (from a vodka glass)?
  3. Two friends decided to sprinkle sugar on the table. As a result, every hour during the day they were scattered into a pile. Then 300 grams were collected back, and a mass was added, which is equal to the square root of this number. Please count the number of piles (one, the sugar is poured out and will not stand in separate piles).

The first entertainment that should be on a holiday for a self-respecting person is of an intellectual nature. Yes, these are birthday riddles with a trick...

  1. Why did Alina suddenly take offense at Arina for not congratulating her on her birthday a year ago (because Arina didn’t congratulate Alina this year either)?
  2. Two friends celebrated the birthday of one of them with mulled wine right in the middle of the street. The police walked nearby and did not react to what was happening. Why (because the mulled wine was non-alcoholic)?

Comic birthday riddles with answers are designed to unite literally all the guests. You won’t even notice how much all your comrades will unite!

  1. All guests prepare it for the holiday in advance. But he comes only when everyone is drinking (toast).
  2. He will turn your head with his gaziki (champagne).
  3. The older he gets, the less joyful this particular day is for him (birthday boy).

Riddles for adults - logical

Logical riddles for adults
If among your friends and relatives there are people who love not entirely banal riddles, then you will definitely need the following collection.

Riddles for adults - logical:

  1. How far into the forest can a hare run? (The answer is to the middle of the forest, since then he will already be getting out of the forest.)
  2. How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb? (The answer is none. This is a hardware problem; programmers cannot solve them.)
  3. Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (The answer is a spare one.)
  4. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (The answer is by gender.)
  5. What needs to be done to keep four guys in one boot? (The answer is to take off each person’s boot.)
  6. What rocks are not in the sea? (The answer is dry.)
  7. A crow sits on a branch. What should be done to saw off a branch without disturbing the crow? (The answer is to wait until it flies away.)
  8. What language is spoken silently? (The answer is in sign language.)
  9. You are ahead of the skier who was in second position. What place do you occupy now? (The answer is the second, you took his place.)
  10. Mary's father has 5 daughters: Nicole, Agatha, Eugenie, Laura. What is the name of the 5th daughter? (Answer: the girl’s name is Mary.)
  11. The train travels east at a speed of 80 km/h. Which direction does the smoke fly while driving? (The answer is that an electric train cannot have smoke. It moves thanks to electricity.)
  12. You entered a dark room taking a box of matches; on the table there is a candle, a kerosene lamp and a gas stove. What will you light first? (The answer is that to make it light, you will have to light a match.)
  13. Is there a field where a horse jumps over a horse? (The answer is chess.)
  14. Your friends and acquaintances use it more than you, but it belongs to you. What is it about? (The answer is your name.)
  15. A woman was walking towards Moscow, and three men met her. Everyone has a bag, in each bag there is a cat. How many creatures were heading to Moscow? (Answer: only the woman went to Moscow. The men were already returning.)

Riddles for adults - funny

Cool riddles for adults
Well, a few more riddles for a fun and noisy company.

Riddles for adults - funny:

  1. What is it - gold coins falling from a branch? (The answer is a common occurrence in the land of fools.)
  2. What is it like to walk on the wall and play? (Answer: a fly with a player in its ears.)
  3. A bald hedgehog is walking - how old is he? (The answer is 18, he is being drafted into the army.)
  4. What is the difference between a women's dormitory and a men's dormitory? (Answer: in the women’s dormitory, dishes are washed after meals, and in the men’s dormitory, before.)
  5. It can be small or big. Iron is very friendly with it. With it, even a blind person will certainly find a needle in a haystack. (The answer is a magnet.)
  6. What is a dietary egg? (The answer is an egg laid by a hen on a diet.)
  7. What was Munchausen thinking about when he was flying on the cannonball? (Answer: I played at the bowling alley.)
  8. Who gets free cheese in the mousetrap? (The answer is the second mouse.)
  9. What is the sapper's least favorite phrase? (The answer is one leg here, the other there.)
  10. Who are men from the point of view of science - biology? (The answer is arthropod creatures.)
  11. What's the difference between a husband and a director? (Answer - the director knows his deputy, but the husband does not.)
  12. What has a head but no brain? (Answer: cheese, onions, garlic.)
  13. It dies in the evening and comes back to life in the morning. (The answer is an alcoholic.)
  14. Can a dog have a heart attack? (The answer is, maybe, if human conditions are created for her.)
  15. Sometimes with dirty hands we take it out of our trousers, bring it to the hole with the hair and a delicious sound is heard. (The answer is a handkerchief.)

Feast for the whole world

A family celebration is a grand event. You need to prepare carefully: think about the decor of the room, menu and entertainment program. Write down funny riddles for a feast with answers on a piece of paper. Prepare more tricky questions in case guests don’t want to take part in competitions. But no one will refuse to use their brains! You can combine riddles by topic: “animals”, “food”, “names”, “objects”. Or, conversely, ask them randomly in order to confuse the public.

Riddles for adults - difficult

Complex riddles for adults
If there are people in your house who like more complex puzzles, then try to surprise them and offer to solve complex riddles.

Riddles for adults - difficult:

  1. The satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. How can it be? (The answer is 100 minutes - that’s 1 hour 40 minutes.)
  2. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Answer - time, temperature)
  3. If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later? (The answer is no, since it will be night in 72 hours.)
  4. What can travel the world while remaining in the same corner? (The answer is a postage stamp on the envelope.)
  5. What is the best age for a child? (The answer is when you no longer lead him by the hand, and he still does not lead you by the nose.)
  6. What are these, two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (Answer: a horseman holding a chicken in his hands.)
  7. There were 10 birds sitting on a tree. A hunter came and shot one bird. How many birds are left on the tree? (The answer is not a single one, the rest were frightened by the shot and flew away.)
  8. The product first rose in price by 10%, and then fell in price by 10%. What is its value now relative to its original value? (The answer is 99%: after the price increase, 10% was added to 100% - it turned out to be 110%; 10% of 110% = 11%; then subtract 11% from 110% and get 99%.)
  9. You have driven your car two-thirds of the way. At the beginning of the journey, the car's gas tank was full, but now it is one quarter full. Will there be enough gasoline until the end of the trip, with a similar consumption? (The answer is no, since 1/4 <1/3 .)
  10. A deaf and mute man went into an office supply store to buy a pencil sharpener. He stuck his finger into his left ear and made a spinning motion with the fist of his other hand near his right ear. The seller immediately understood what was being asked of him. Then a blind man entered the same store. How did he explain to the salesman that he wanted to buy scissors? (Answer: he simply said, he is blind, not dumb.)
  11. 2 people entered the entrance at the same time. One has an apartment on the 3rd floor, the other on the 9th. How many times will the first person get there faster than the second? Note: They simultaneously pressed buttons on 2 elevators moving at the same speed. (The answer is the usual answer: 3 times. Correct answer: 4 times. Elevators usually travel from the 1st floor. The first one will travel 3-1=2 floors, and the second 9-1=8 floors, i.e. in 4 times more.)
  12. One student tells another: “Yesterday our college basketball team won the basketball game with a score of 76:40. At the same time, not a single basketball player scored a single goal in this match. (Answer - women's teams played.)
  13. A man walks into a store, buys sausage and asks to cut it, not across, but lengthwise. The saleswoman asks: “Are you a fireman?” - "Yes". How did she guess? (Answer - the man was in uniform.)
  14. On one Odessa street there were three tailoring workshops. The first tailor advertised himself as follows: “The best workshop in Odessa!” The second is “The best workshop in the world!” The third “outdid” them both. (Answer: “The best workshop on this street!”)
  15. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse? (The answer is five minutes.)

Developing intelligence

Riddles have a beneficial effect on people of any age. If during the entire evening the guest could not give a single correct answer, he will definitely think about it! It's never too late to develop intelligence. Read more books, spend time with your kids! Let them come up with tricky questions themselves and ask them to you. You can introduce a new family tradition - an hour of riddles after dinner. This will benefit all family members. Write down funny riddles for the feast and delight your loved ones and friends with them. This way you can collect a “golden” collection that will have no analogues, and also earn a reputation as a good organizer.

Have bright holidays and have fun from the heart!

Riddles for adults - vulgar

Vulgar riddles for adults
Well, what would we do without vulgar riddles. This is how a person is made that he likes such piquant jokes.

Riddles for adults - vulgar:

  1. What can you get off a naked secretary? (The answer is a naked boss.)
  2. What do burnt bread, a drowned man and a pregnant woman have in common? (Answer: we didn’t have time to pull it out...)
  3. What is the difference between a woman's breasts and a toy railroad? (The answer is nothing, both are created for children, and dads play with them.)
  4. Why is the floor in the men's restroom often covered with sawdust? (The answer is so as not to break the eggs if you fall.)
  5. How many eggs can a woman hold in one hand? (The answer is both.)
  6. What should a woman be like? (The answer is like a clinic: clean, public and free.)
  7. It dangles between the legs, it starts at “X”, and as soon as it sees “P” it immediately rises. (Answer: an elephant's trunk when it sees food.)
  8. The hard is inserted into the soft, and the balls dangle nearby? (The answer is earrings.)
  9. Above the knee, below the navel, the hole is large enough to fit a hand. (The answer is a pocket.)
  10. All men have it, some have it longer, some have it shorter. Does a man give this to his wife after marriage? (The answer is a new surname.)
  11. Now hanging, now standing, now hot, now cold, I will name three letters, in the middle is the letter “u”. (The answer is shower.)
  12. Where did the husband not kiss his wife before the wedding? (The answer is a wedding ring.)
  13. I take it in two hands, put it between my legs, sweat for five minutes, and then go crazy. (The answer is a bicycle.)
  14. In a dark room, on a white sheet - two hours of pleasure. (The answer is a movie show.)
  15. Smelly, red, dangerous for girls. (The answer is a Java motorcycle.)

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