Humorous mini birthday scenes for men and women

Birthday is not at all a sad holiday, as it is sung in the well-known song by Igor Nikolaev. And it’s a very fun event, especially when you spent very little time preparing it. Funny performances and mini birthday skits will help you entertain your guests, especially since we will be happy to share our knowledge and experience with you. After reading our recommendations, you, as a professional presenter, will be able to please your loved ones and friends with an entertainment program prepared just by you.

Sketch: “The Tale of the New Hero”

An excerpt from the song “Heroic Strength” is played. Ilya Muromets comes in, wearily takes off his helmet and puts down his sword.

Ilya Muromets:

The heroic lot is hard! How many days and nights did I not sleep? Harnessed a black horse, And fought with enemies all day. I no longer have the strength to fight the Polovtsians, to catch up with the nightingale, so I want to cuddle up to my wife! And sleep peacefully for three nights.

Alyosha Popovich enters, groaning and holding his back.

Alesha Popovich:

Uh, Tugarin, evil spirits! It seems he knocked my kidneys out. I fought with him for three damn weeks, Until I defeated the fierce one. Oh, Ilyukha, we are worn out! There are not enough worthy guys to drive out the slanting Pechenegs and replenish the bravest detachment. Lyubava has already threatened me to file for divorce on Thursday. “You’re still not at home! - she said, “It would be better if I went to a factory as a welder!” What to do? Eh, stupid woman! Who will defend the country? We need a good hero, so that he can help us in everything!”

Ilya Muromets:

Where, Dobrynya? He promised to be there, we can’t solve anything without him...

Alesha Popovich:

He and Gorynych got into trouble again! Everyone is arm wrestling with him... Dobrynya Nikitich enters, rubbing his right hand.


Oh, the snake overpowered me again, I became very weak for an hour, I grabbed my hand so hard with my paw that I sat down on a tree stump in pain. No, guys, that’s not good at all. We need a vacation, at least for a couple of days. Go to the sea or abroad, Find other heroes in return!

Ilya Muromets:

And where to look? Have you seen the generation? One is a drunk, the other is just a lazy person, How can we leave the Russian land for a while, When every third person here is a slob?

Alyosha Popovich (happily clapping his hands):

Friends! The other day I heard it said that there is one worthy man! He can lift buckets of garbage and takes them out every day, exactly on time. He's polite, that's what the neighbors say. And at work he is highly respected. He is not a lazy person at all, but a restless person. With him there is harmony, structure and comfort at home.

Dobrynya Nikitich (scratching the back of his head):

I also heard about this guy somewhere... He, they say, is one hundred percent the master! He will fix the tap and turn off the roof, add salt to the soup while his wife watches a movie... Great guy! This is our squad! He is hard-working, he can joke, he won’t say a rude or dashing word, but he can show courage in action. Come on, brothers, let's take a closer look. What if this hero is nearby? ...

Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich put their hand to their forehead and simultaneously move their gaze from right to left and vice versa. They glance at the birthday boy.

Ilya Muromets:

See if your eyesight is failing, but it seems that he is sitting...

Alesha Popovich:

Everything fits together: his eyes, his nose, his eyebrows, he’s seriously looking at us for something...


His posture is stately, he doesn’t smile at all, so serious, like a hero! I hope that when he sees us, he won’t swear... He won’t take us for enemy bullies... Ilya Muromets takes a step forward and addresses the hero of the day.

Ilya Muromets:

We greet you, O glorious warrior, Here is a low sincere bow to you...

(The heroes bow)

You are worthy to be a glorious hero, and rewarded with human glory!


We have been heard for your merits, for your exploits and good deeds, and at this hour allow us to shake your hand, we want to dedicate you to a hero.

Ilya Muromets holds a cardboard sword over the head of the seated hero of the day and solemnly says:

We dedicate you to a glorious husband, And in the family, undoubtedly the main one, To a brave and tenacious hero And we wish you good health. Love, respect your wife and children, and always help around the house.


To be a support, an example for the younger ones, to help those in need, without fail, your life will be sweet as honey. Let bad weather pass her by!

All heroes : Hello! Love! Good luck! They bow low and leave.

Scene 2: “Day of Honoring the Great Man”

A slow melody of the Chinese genre sounds. In the middle of the improvised stage (room) sits an old man in the lotus position, dressed like a Shaolin monk and wearing a Chinese hat.

A boy in a kimono and hat runs in.

Boy : Hello, grandpa, I brought you rice cakes! Try it, very tasty!

The boy sits next to him.

Grandfather : Thank you, grandson, this is a very tasty flatbread...(eats)

Boy : Grandfather, you look so smart today! It is a holiday today?

Grandfather : Oh, yes, today is an important special day. On this day, the family (family name of the hero of the day) honors and congratulates the Great and Wise Man with a capital letter (name of the hero of the day). Many years ago he was born into this world and with his birth the world became happier and brighter.

Boy : Oh, who is this man? Grandpa, tell me about him!

Grandfather : In a distant, beautiful country, in the city (name of the city), one wonderful day, with the first cry of an infant, a wonderful boy appeared, who was named with an unusual name - (name of the hero of the day. From that very moment, the boy’s family and friends realized that he was a strong personality. He drank milk with a huge appetite and ate baby cereal, shook rattles with great force and persistently did not go to bed.No amount of persuasion from his parents had any effect on the strong-willed growing toddler.

Boy (fascinated): Oh, what happened then?

Grandfather : Oh, then the boy grew up and went to school. How many sleepless nights did his poor mother spend, trying to force the child to do his homework, but the strong character and proud disposition of the boy born in the year (names the animal under whose symbol the hero of the day was born) forced the Great (name of the hero of the day) to go against the views of others. He always did what he thought was right. Every bruise received in a fight, every deuce was a deliberate decision by the Excellent (name of the hero of the day)!

Boy : What did he become after graduating from school?

Grandfather : This respected man chose a wonderful profession (profession name) and followed a bright path. He was always respected by the team and by his superiors. With great persistence he overcame laziness and hurried to work in the morning. Dark forces tried to force (name of the hero of the day) to lie all day long on the sofa watching TV, but the Great Man was adamant. He bravely fought evil spirits, got up from the couch and helped around the house.

Boy : Oh, what a story! And today is this person's birthday??

Grandfather : Yes! On this day, for many years, it has been customary to put on smart clothes, take gifts and go to bow to the Great One (name of the hero of the day) to congratulate him on his birthday and wish him long life! Relatives and friends from all corners of the city rush to him with warm wishes and gifts.

Boy : Grandfather, I also want to congratulate this wonderful man!

Grandfather : Your wish will certainly be fulfilled, grandson. But, for this you need to fulfill two conditions: smile sincerely, stand up, turn to the person who is now looking at us with a smile and say loudly: “Happy birthday, dear (name of the hero of the day)!”

The boy and Grandfather get up, say congratulations to the hero of the day, bow and leave.

Cool birthday script for a man at home

Cool birthday script for a man at home

A birthday party should be enjoyable for all guests, and especially for the birthday person. If a person does not like surprises, he may not like a party organized behind his back. But when the hero of the occasion is determined to have a good time, it’s worth thinking about the course of the evening and what you’ll have to feed the guests. In any case, you will need a cool birthday script for a man at home! And prepare it in advance!

Interesting ideas for the holiday

The organization of the holiday depends not only on the wishes of the birthday person, but also on the company as a whole. If young people gather, many will enjoy an evening of fun board games. For example, Jungle Speed ​​or Activity have been tested by millions of people and are suitable for both unfamiliar company and old friends.

Not everyone likes active competitions if the group has not had such a tradition before. However, after a certain amount of alcohol, many will like the idea of ​​playing Crocodile and answering questions from the life of the birthday boy in exchange for a symbolic prize. In general, for such a company it is better to start with tabletop intellectual competitions, and then everything goes like clockwork!

Young people also enjoy costume parties. There is a wide choice of themes: Indians, cowboys, beach, pirates, etc. The older generation prefers themed holidays in the style of the 70s and 80s. It is necessary to warn guests in advance to dress according to the stated theme or have outfits in the apartment to wear when everyone arrives.

But in general this is unlikely. Who would look at photos and eat cake on their birthday?! It's once a year! Lots of food, alcohol and a great, cheerful mood! This is the slogan of any holiday! We tasted the dishes, drank and had a blast! The main thing is not to forget about the script ready for execution!

How to prepare the table?

Gone are the days when the birthday boy, with his own efforts or the efforts of his other half, set a large table for the guests. Now many people prefer to order something from delivery. Companies offer packages depending on the number of guests, which is not very expensive and saves time. The most popular options: pizza, sushi and burgers. It should be taken into account that not everyone welcomes this food, so it is worth serving something neutral: salad, noodles, a meat dish.

When preparing your home, you can bake a whole chicken with herbs and halved potatoes as a side dish. A couple of plates of salad (from fresh vegetables and, for example, Olivier), cold cuts and cheese, and a cake to complete the evening. It’s worth having a variety of alcohol to choose from, and there’s no shame in asking guests to come without a gift, but with their own drink. This way the birthday boy will be calm and everyone will be happy. For an intimate company of old guests, you can set the table from the very beginning of the evening and invite the rest to take their seats. If games and competitions are expected, you can first make a buffet with small snacks, and take out a separate table for hot food when everyone is hungry.

A cool scenario for celebrating a man’s birthday at home. Beware, neighbors!

The program is designed for holding a holiday at home. Both men and women can take part in games and competitions. Symbolic prizes are provided for winning each competition. The number of guests must be at least 6.


Greetings to all! How are you feeling, people?! Are you ready to stretch your legs a little and win some prizes? I did not doubt it! Then let's begin!

Competition “Naughty Message”

The players' task is to guess who the sender of the message is. It is most convenient to make the venue for this competition a festive table, when a friendly company has already had fun, but is not yet tired of the entertainment program. The host reads out the messages, and the rest of the guests must guess who their author is. The smartest participant will receive a reward from the hands of the birthday boy.

Messages may contain the following content:


Here you go! The first competition went off with a bang! Let's not stop and continue the fun! Let's please the birthday boy!

Game "Spontaneous stories"

This game is very intense emotionally and intellectually. It is necessary to write the letters of the alphabet on paper: one piece of paper - one letter. Place the sheets of paper on the table with letters facing down. One of the participants chooses a letter and names a word starting with that letter. The following participants take turns naming one word per given letter, but in such a way that these words make up a coherent story. Other letters are used in this way. You shouldn’t be shy; on the contrary, the more creativity and imagination, the more fun the game is.

Game “Guess the object!”

An active and fun entertaining game that develops reaction speed and non-verbal communication skills. It only requires paper, pencils or pens. So, the names of objects are written on pieces of paper and placed in a box or other container. Participants, divided into pairs, take turns taking out the treasured piece of paper, and one of them reads the name. Without saying anything out loud, he shows with gestures and facial expressions what kind of object it is, and the second one tries to guess. This is a speed game - it only takes 20-30 seconds to guess, no more. To win, you need to guess as many words from the box as possible. Such games always cause a lot of laughter, joy and a storm of emotions.


Each of those present dreamed of catching a magic fish that would grant three wishes of their choice! Now this unique opportunity is available to all guests. Let's try?!

Game "Goldfish"

The props are pre-prepared - fish cut out of colored cardboard. One of them must be gold. They are placed in a bright bag. Guests take turns trying to get the magic catch at random.

The one who gets the goldfish makes three wishes. The winner also chooses several people to perform them. Desires are written down in advance on special cards that the presenter has:

  • make a toast using certain words,
  • tell a poem
  • Sing a song.

The content can be anything, but within the bounds of decency and easily doable. Originality is also welcome.


Now it's time to take a break! Have a drink, get some fresh air, or grab a bite to eat! In the meantime, while you are busy with your own affairs, I will start preparing the next competitions!

Competition "Toast according to the rules"

Not a single holiday is complete without fun, feasting, congratulations and toasts. But for some, giving a solemn speech is a calling, but for others it is a whole test. But there is a way out - you can perfectly organize table congratulations, turning this task into general delight. The organizer of the game writes tasks with rules on pieces of paper and distributes them to all guests present. According to the given rules, each guest, in turn, makes a toast. And here are examples of tasks:

  • Come up with a food-related toast. For example: “May your life be sweeter than honey!”
  • Set the style of congratulations in any genre - mysticism, criminal slang, parody of a famous person or cartoon character, you can give the toast a certain emotional coloring and facial expressions. There is no limit to imagination here.
  • Tie the toast to the animals. Here are examples: “Be strong and regal like a lion”, “Float through life like a butterfly!”
  • Portray a foreigner in another language or in Russian, but with a typical accent and characteristic manners.
  • Congratulate in poetic form or sing a ditty.
  • Take any set of unrelated words and combine them into an appropriate toast.

Competition “Socks off!”

The essence is this: all participants form in pairs and sit on the floor, then one of the duet must remove the socks from his partner as quickly as possible, while his hands are not involved in the task. The winning participants pair up again, after which the game starts over. Repeat until there is a winner.


Goodbye, dear friends! It’s a pity to leave your holiday, but there’s nowhere to go! I’m sure you won’t let our birthday boy get bored! And I congratulate him once again and hasten to take my leave!

Such a cool scenario for a man’s birthday at home will undoubtedly turn the holiday into a memorable event! The birthday boy will be delighted! Be happy!

Scene: “Fabulous congratulations”

There is a knock on the door. The lady of the house opens the door and says: “Eh, who are you?” She enters the hall in surprise, followed by fairy-tale characters: Koschey, Baba Yaga and Ivanushka the Fool.

Hostess : Are you lost for an hour? We're celebrating an adult's birthday here. We are not expecting any fairy tale characters...

Koschey : Don’t worry, citizen, we’re on an important matter.

Koschey, Baba Yaga and Ivanushka examine the guests and greet them.

Baba Yaga (points to the hero of the day): Here he is, a handsome fellow! Hello! We came to congratulate you!

Ivanushka : We have been following the path since childhood! Koschey rattled with bones, I died on the way, Baba Yaga limped by the time we reached your hall. Oh, how important and courageous he has become! I remember you as a snotty boy, when you read fairy tales in a book. I drew horns for different authors and wrote awkward words in the book...

Baba Yaga (pulls Ivanushka): Well, well, enough of the pranks to remember, it’s time for us to congratulate the birthday boy. We brought a whole bag of gifts and want to congratulate our dear hero of the day. Koschey, do you have a bag?

Koschey : Yes, here it is, hidden in the dungeon. We were waiting for the right moment to give you fabulous items, but necessary for adult life.

Ivanushka (takes out an apple from the bag):

Here's a refreshing and rejuvenating apple for you, so that it always adds strength to you. So that you take vitamins every day, never grow old and delight everyone!

Baba Yaga (takes out boots):

Here are your walking boots, so that your legs are strong and fast. Things were resolved with lightning speed... These boots cannot be demolished!

Koschey (takes out a ball):

Ah, this ball provides a guideline, With it you can walk and explore the whole world! I give it to you so that you don’t become a homebody, so that you don’t become a lazy and dozing grandfather.

Ivanushka (takes out a tablecloth):

To the table on all weekdays and early in the morning, You need to put a self-assembled tablecloth on the table, So that the delicious dishes in the hut do not run out, Relatives and guests always treat themselves!

Baba Yaga (takes out a chicken foot):

When I hurried here, I took the part with me to the path, I grabbed a part from the hut on legs, I give you a symbol as a reminder, So that diligence is shown in the household.

Koschey thoughtfully rummages in his pants pocket and takes out an egg.


And, finally, I’ll say the most important thing, I’ll give you my egg, Koshchei. May you live for many, many, many years, without knowing illness, boredom, pain or troubles.


We bow to you! (bow)

Eh, finally, grandma, bring the harp! Let's dance merrily, Oh, the guests will admire us!

An incendiary song plays, fairy-tale heroes lift the hero of the day and dance with him, showing the movements.

"Guess what I'm hiding behind my back!"

So, two participants are selected, each of whom has a piece of paper with a design pinned on their back, as well as paper numbers, for example, 48, 94, and so on. Participants stand in a circle, raising one leg and holding the other with their hand under the knee. Thus, it is necessary in this position to examine the image attached to the opponent’s back. The task is not easy, because it is very difficult to stay in this position. The winner will be the one who will be the first to decipher the “secret” hiding on the opponent’s back.

Scene: “The Fifth Musketeer”

The song sounds: “The shabby saddle creaks again...” from thin. Film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Gray-haired and limping musketeers enter the hall: Athos, Porthos and Aramis. They have gray mustaches, wigs, beards, and they hold onto their backs. Athos comes with a wand.

Athos (in an old voice): Aramis, where are you going in such a hurry? Oh, I got rheumatism... woe, woe...

Porthos : Athos, our Aramis seems to have seen several pretty old women and rushed to pick up their powdered handkerchiefs... Eh, gray hair in his beard, and a devil in his rib...

Aramis (also senile): Talk nonsense, friends. I’m in a hurry to sit down on a chair. My legs have weakened, what kind of ladies can there be here... (waves his hand and sits down on a chair)

Porthos and Athos are still hobbling towards him.

Athos : Aramis! Have you seen, among the guests of our dear hero of the day, the famous musketeer (name of the hero of the day)?

Aramis (squints, looking around at the guests): Oh, I don’t see anything at all... Maybe he’s sitting in the corner of the sofa? ..Yes, no, it seems it’s not him... Oh, probably this chewing spot opposite... Although no, it’s not him either... Hey, (name of the hero of the day) show yourself, raise your hand up and say: “One for all and... whatever further and...all for one..."

The birthday boy performs. Aramis waves at him.

Aramis (pleased): Oh, bonjour, buddy! Oh... (grabs his back)

Athos and Porthos finally approach Aramis and hold on to the chair.

Porthos (speaks with shortness of breath): Dear (name of the hero of the day)! We, as your devoted friends - the musketeers, came to congratulate you on this significant day and wish you a peaceful old age, a large pension and worthy guardsmen for a domino competition on a bench in the yard.

Athos : May the Lord protect you from grumpy Miladies and grant you patient and kind workers of the Security Council and the post office.

Aramis : Oh, so that your companion takes care of you, like a musketeer takes care of a beautiful Parisian woman. May the Lord protect your marriage until the end of your days...

The musketeers cross themselves. D'Artagnan runs into the hall.

D'Artagnan : Three thousand devils! Kanaglia! What kind of a bunch of pensioners is this?? You are musketeers!! And that means: ageless, forever young, healthy guys! Oh, well, quickly, tighten your bellies, straighten your backs, put away your sticks, shave your gray beards! The musketeers look at each other.

Aramis : Oh, really, why are we doing this? Life after (the age of the hero of the day is called) is just beginning! No, I don't want to grow old! (Aramis straightens his back, gets up from his chair, cheers himself up and looks around) Moreover, there are so many beautiful and elegant women in this room!

Porthos (clears throat): Oh, how many goodies are on the table! Only a young, healthy body can absorb such an amount of food! Such a young healthy body like mine! (throws the stick aside)

Athos (to D'Artagnan) : You noticed correctly, my friend! There is a dark pond in the count's park, where lilies bloom... And we are still thriving. Let's put old age aside, friends, we can't grow old!

D'Artagnan (claps his hands): I'm glad, friends, that I got the crap out of your young and strong heads. They decided to grow old! Yes, just look at him, our fifth musketeer! Monsieur (states his age) is years old, and he is still as young, handsome, strong and daring as I was when I first arrived from Gascony! Congratulations on your anniversary! May your life continue to be filled with pleasant and joyful adventures! Repel all difficulties and sorrows, like the musketeers repel the attacks of the cardinal!

Porthos : May peace and comfort always reign in your home, and may your tables be full of luxurious dishes and treats!

Aramis : Let women continue to admire your courage and beauty, and let your wife treat you like a King. And my advice to you: oh, you, treat her like a Queen.

Athos : May God bless your family, give peace and love.

Everyone (together): Happy birthday!

D'Artagnan : And may you always have faithful and caring friends next to you...Remember!

All : One for all and all for one!

An excerpt of the song sounds: “It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice...” The musketeers leave.

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