How to celebrate a teenager's birthday | How to celebrate 15 years

Competitions and scenarios for the birthday of a 15 year old girl

Entertainment is central to the event. It is necessary to think in advance about games and competitions that will not only be interesting and fun, but will also involve all guests, without exception, in the entertainment.

For home

Wash off your makeup!

The competition is quite funny, although the girls may not be delighted with it. A container of water is placed in front of the participants, in which several fruits, for example apples, are floating. The participant’s task is to get fruit from the container while holding his hands behind his back. To make the process more fun, turn on energetic music.

I know I'm your candidate

At the age of 15, teenagers begin to think about their future career. So give them the opportunity to create their first ever resume as fun. The task is to describe your bright sides and character traits that will become an argument for hiring. You can use famous characters from fairy tales, cartoons and movies as vacancies.

In the cafe

Theatrical debut

The goal of the competition is simple. All guests are divided into teams of 3-5 people. The presenter gives an introductory phrase from which the game will be based in the future. For example: “The Greek was driving across the river, the cancer sees the Greek in the river, he put the Greek’s hand in the river, the cancer grabbed the Greek’s hand.” Each team pulls a genre out of the box: detective, comedy, drama, thriller, horror, etc. The participants’ task is to act out the performance one phrase at a time in accordance with the received genre.

Hug until you crunch

First, for the competition you need to prepare several balloons and divide the participants into pairs. Preferably a girl and a boy. The players' task is to hold the ball between them, facing a friend, and hug their partner so tightly that the ball bursts. The one who copes faster than others wins.


find me

To play, you must select a participant who will be the missing player. All guests go indoors while the driver leaves 5 clues to his friends and hides in nature. The “missing” person is given 5 minutes for the entire process. Hints can be in the form of a drawing, rumpled grass, a piece of clothing in an open place, an SMS left on a friend’s phone, etc. The guests' task is to find their friend. To make the game more interesting, it is better to choose 2 drivers and 2 teams so that the participants have a competitive spirit.

Obstacle course

For the competition, it is necessary to create an obstacle course in advance that the players will need to overcome. The barriers can be benches, chairs, filled pools, lava floors, etc. Players begin to go through an obstacle course at speed. Whoever can overcome the barriers to the end and faster than others is the winner.

How to celebrate a teenager's birthday in a fun way

All parents whose children have entered the difficult age of 13 to 16 are scratching their heads over how to celebrate a teenager’s birthday. On the one hand, they are no longer children and they will not be pleased with a team of clowns with balloons, and on the other hand, none of the options for holding an adult birthday suits them yet.

Celebration specialists offer parents of birthday people a whole range of ways to celebrate their teenagers’ birthdays. Parents can choose one of them in accordance with their financial capabilities and the preferences of the birthday child.


Bowling clubs, roller rinks and water parks have opened in almost all cities of our country. They can be a great place to host a fun, memorable birthday. True, parents should take into account that such a holiday will cost a pretty penny, since all invited guests will have to pay entrance fees.


If the company with which the birthday person is friends is sports, then as an option for holding a teenager’s birthday, you can offer a bike ride or a paintball competition. The holiday will become especially interesting if the bike race is turned into a kind of quest - a treasure hunt.


For girls who dream of a career as a fashion model and show business, you can order a shoot from a professional photographer who will dress the girls in fashionable clothes, do stylish makeup and hair and conduct a photo shoot. This gift is not only pleasant, but also useful, as it will help the young girl understand that she is truly beautiful.


Another option for a purely girlish birthday is to sit in some trendy cafe and watch a tearful melodrama with your favorite Hollywood actor.


Often, when thinking about how to celebrate a teenager’s birthday, parents decide not to scatter themselves and organize home name days, to which, traditionally, everyone is invited, both distant and close relatives. Psychologists advise avoiding such decisions, since children who have entered adolescence try to look emphatically grown-up and strive for independence. In the event that gatherings with relatives cannot be avoided, the teenager should be rewarded by celebrating his birthday again with friends.

Gifts for a teenage girl

At the age of 15, choosing a gift is not so easy, so parents often rack their brains over this issue. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of TOP 15 gifts for a teenage girl.

  1. Idol's autograph.
  2. A gift with a photo of the birthday girl.
  3. Digital photo frame.
  4. Jewelry box.
  5. A pet.
  6. A film for the birthday girl.
  7. Girl's diary.
  8. Home flower.
  9. Tablet.
  10. Smart watch.
  11. Certificate for the quest.
  12. Tourist travel.
  13. Professional photo shoot.
  14. Courses for manicure, eyebrow styling, etc.
  15. Shopping certificate.

Menu for the festive table

The menu for a girl’s 15th birthday party should be unusual and varied. After all, at this age, teenagers begin to monitor their figure, so they can show character and refuse to eat their favorite pizzas, hamburgers, fries, etc.

Diversify your main courses and fast food with fruit and vegetable salads, canapés, sandwiches with red fish and cottage cheese filling. Make healthy desserts: fruit marshmallows, jelly, pudding.

To create the perfect menu, consult with your child about what he would like to see on the holiday table.

Should you invite relatives?

As a parent, you may feel obligated to have parents present at your teen's birthday party. But remember that first of all, this is your child’s holiday, and only then yours. The birthday person wants to feel in the center of attention and understand that their opinion is taken into account. Therefore, discuss the presence of relatives at the event with the hero of the occasion.

If a teenager does not want to see relatives at the holiday, but prefers to have a youth holiday, then divide the celebration and organize family gatherings on another day.

>How to organize a teenager's birthday

What can be done to ensure that the teenager remembers the holiday for a long time and leaves extremely pleasant memories? This process is responsible, sometimes difficult, but always incredibly interesting. If you decide to organize a birthday party for a teenager, be sure to read our article - you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things.


You should always focus on the teenager’s age and interests. It is unlikely that feasts with toasts and congratulations will be interesting to him. So, you need to immediately understand that you should focus on active leisure and recreation. First, count the number of guests and think about what you could do to keep them busy. Today it is not necessary to celebrate a birthday at home - there are many places where you can send a teenager and his friends if you wish. For example, they can go bowling, visit a cafe, water park, or swimming pool. In almost every city there are interesting places - for example, an open-air museum, where it is proposed to organize various holidays. In general, study all the offers that are available to local residents, and then, focusing on the interests of the child, make a choice in favor of several establishments. Then contact the birthday boy to discuss this issue with him - after all, the teenager should also take part in the process of preparing for the birthday. This is especially true for the location of the event.


Now let's talk about the menu. It is no secret that teenagers today are increasingly consuming ready-made semi-finished products, sweets and other not very healthy products. If at the same time you abruptly force the birthday boy and his guests to eat only salads and steamed cutlets, it will be, at a minimum, stupid and ineffective. In order not to spoil the mood of the hero of the occasion and his friends, you can simply set the table so that guests can try a wide variety of food: fried nuggets and salads. By the way, use one clever trick - brightly decorate healthier food. Such dishes will stand out from the crowd and arouse genuine interest. Also, no one forbids you to add a little less salt to your food, replace sugar with honey and use other similar tricks. Develop a menu with your teen. If you are celebrating a birthday outside the home, involve a worker in this process who will supervise the food preparation process.


And, of course, don’t forget about games and competitions. It’s great if you can hire an animator who will set the right pace for the holiday and do everything to make it unforgettable.

Now you know how to organize a teenager's birthday. Good luck!

End of the holiday

In order for the teenager and guests to have only positive emotions from the birthday celebration, it is necessary to end the evening beautifully and effectively.

At the age of 15, girls are not averse to showing off their party on social networks, so bright fireworks or a performance by the teenager’s favorite artist at the holiday would be a great option.

You can organize the launch of Chinese lanterns; such an idea will be very symbolic and can become a symbol of farewell to children's carefree time.

How to have fun celebrating a 15 year old girl's birthday

You were invited to a birthday party by a school friend, and you want to congratulate her in an original and fun way? Put on funny skits for a 15-year-old girl’s birthday. You will need to choose a presenter, rehearse some numbers based on roles and select the necessary props.

Scenario for a girl's 15th birthday

The hero of the occasion will be pleased to hear congratulations in verse: - Our dear friend, Happy anniversary, dear! You are incomparable at 15, we wish you happiness and love!

A sea of ​​joy, smiles, let everything work out. Believe in yourself, dream about the main thing, Never give up.

Let your youth be beautiful, inspire inspiration, We wish you bright days and good luck on your birthday!

Presenter: – Dear birthday girl, dear guests! This holiday involves: complimenting the birthday girl, having fun to the fullest, eating delicious dishes that you will see on the festive table, dancing, singing songs, participating in sweepstakes and competitions.

What else fun can you do for a fifteen year old girl’s birthday? Act out a short scene, performing verses to the tune of the song “The blue ball is spinning, spinning.” During the performance, participants will give the birthday girl balloons of different colors:

- We came to congratulate you today. We brought different balls. They look very beautiful and are as good as spring days!

– In red balloons - an expression of love. We have now brought them with us. A fiery sign of friendship and fidelity, We brought it in our hearts.

- There are blue dreams in blue balloons, so that you continue to dream, so that all your dreams come true. This is what we all want now.

– The little white ball is like a sign of purity, Faith, hope and bright love! We wish that envy be only bright, May your deeds be pure!

- In the green ball, hope lives in the fact that you will be happy, in the fact that there will be no war in the world, the forests and gardens will be green.

- We didn’t carry the black ball with us, not because we didn’t find it, but because in the hearts of the guests there was only a wish for sunny days.

After this, according to the scenario for celebrating the girl’s 15th birthday, a girl dressed as a policeman will appear in the hall: - Good afternoon, citizens! Everyone stand and sit in their standing and sitting places! Allow me to introduce myself: senior commander-lieutenant Otdykhalova. However, you are disturbing the order! Your neighbors are complaining about you; They say your place is noisy.

What is going on here? On what occasion is the pandemonium? Are you celebrating a birthday, even an anniversary? Of course, you can have fun at the anniversary, but are you telling the truth? We'll check this now. So, let's begin operational investigative activities.

You will need to answer the questions:

  • When was the birthday girl born?
  • What are her parents' names?
  • What color are her eyes?
  • Do she have pierced ears?
  • Her hobby?
  • Her favorite dish?
  • Her favorite music group?
  • Her favorite movie?
  • Her favorite color?

(Guests answer questions).

Otdykhalova: - Well, you drew up the portrait of the birthday girl correctly!

(She reads out the protocol): “The investigation established the following - the birthday girl and her guests are having fun from the heart, which is what they wish for all other citizens. Instructions were given on how to have fun celebrating the birthday of a fifteen-year-old girl. During the explanatory conversation, the birthday girl promised not to get bored or give in to despondency in the future.”

– Dear citizens and citizens! Have fun and relax, as you should on such a day!

(She addresses the birthday girl): - You are fifteen, dear, You should be the happiest of all! I wish you fun, joy, be strong and full of energy!

Let all your goals come true, Always walk towards your dreams! I wish you to smile more often and only strong friendship to you!

After this, at the birthday celebration of a 15-year-old girl, you can play out another comic scene: the lights in the room will go out and the lanterns will come on.

Presenter: – Guests from another galaxy came to congratulate our dear friend.

According to the scenario for celebrating the girl’s 15th birthday, “aliens” in costumes made of foil or silver fabric will appear at the celebration.

They will perform a remake of the song “Grass near the House”: - We are from another galaxy, we are from another galaxy We rushed to say a few words. We are your birthday girl, we are your birthday girl We want to wish you great happiness!

And no matter how hard we tried, and no matter how hard we tried, But we still couldn’t help but fall in love! And even though we are from another planet, even though we are from another planet, accept our admiration!

Chorus: You are so beautiful, like a Martian! Like the Sun, you warm everyone with your warmth! And even all the galaxies of the Universe cannot compare with your beauty.

Oh, how we don’t want to, oh, how we don’t want to, But still we have to fly away. We are saying goodbye after all, because it is a birthday after all, We must give a gift to the birthday girl.

Accept without embarrassment, without tears or regret, the Gift so as not to forget us. Having cast aside all doubts, casting aside all doubts, you were able to make a wish.


The aliens will give the birthday girl a big star and take a photo as a souvenir.

According to the scenario for a girl’s 15th birthday, you can organize a game of forfeits, in which the presenter will take out sheets of paper from a box or hat with tasks for the guests:

  • Sing a song to your friends, we will thank you.
  • We are all waiting for ditties from you, our ears are already on top.
  • We are waiting for a joke from you: you want to laugh until you cry.
  • I ask you to show your talents: crow and howl.
  • Roll your eyes and vomit like a goat.

Let's offer a few more ideas on how to arrange a fun birthday for a fifteen-year-old girl.

The presenter will ask you to remember the childhood of the birthday girl. Guests will have to use pantomime to depict:

  • how she learned to walk,
  • how she took away a child’s favorite toy in kindergarten,
  • how she asked her mother to buy her a doll in the store, etc.

Hold an auction, inviting guests to purchase “antique things”: a pacifier that the birthday girl lost in childhood, her rompers, etc. (for this competition you will need to buy new things).

Presenter: – The winner of the auction will be the one who is the last to say a kind word in honor of the birthday girl. All words spoken to her should be pleasant to her. So, friends, don’t skimp on your nice words, these vintage items are worth it!

You can organize a dance competition of different styles. For it, you need to select various musical compositions in advance - disco, waltz, folk music, etc. The best dancer will be recognized as the one who can orient himself in time and perform dances in different styles.

We hope that our ideas will help you have a fun birthday party for a 15-year-old girl, and this holiday will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

Checklist for preparing to celebrate a girl’s 15th birthday

In order for the event to go well, it is necessary to consistently follow all the steps to organize it. Use the checklist to help you create the perfect celebration for your child.

  1. Decide on the number of guests.
  2. Invite guests.
  3. Choose a theme for the party.
  4. Solve the issue with the decor of the room.
  5. Decide on an entertainment program.
  6. Choose the birthday girl's outfit.
  7. Create a menu.
  8. Notify guests the day before the holiday.
  9. Check all the details of the holiday organization.
  10. Celebrate!

Should you entrust the celebration of your daughter’s fifteenth birthday to an agency?

Often there is absolutely no time to organize a birthday, and you don’t want to do it half-heartedly.
In this case, it is better to turn to professionals who will organize a turnkey birthday celebration in Moscow. All that remains for you is to have a fun and interesting time at the holiday. What benefits do you get?

  1. Save your own time and money.
  2. You can choose absolutely any theme for the evening.
  3. You get a guaranteed result and don’t have to worry about unforeseen circumstances.
  4. Enjoy unforgettable events without organizational worries.

How to celebrate a teenager's birthday in an interesting way

In order for the birthday of a young man or young girl to pass without complications, it is enough to follow the simple rules that are described below:


Children who have entered adolescence want to leave childhood behind as quickly as possible, so they overly strive for independence. Allowing a teenager to independently choose how to celebrate a birthday is already half the gift.

Let the grown-up boy or girl make the list of guests themselves, create a menu and decorate the house for the guests' arrival. The potential birthday boy will be happy to help his parents buy food for the holiday table and prepare treats.


At this stage, children are very dependent on the opinions of others, and first of all, on friends, impressing whom is the main task of a teenager. The parents’ task at this stage is to try to fulfill the teenager’s wishes as much as possible and celebrate the birthday the way he wants.


If the birthday person is a little lost and cannot decide on the design of the holiday, you can invite him to celebrate his birthday in the style of a themed party. For example, if the birthday boy is a boy, then all the guests can become feasts. In order to make the holiday more colorful, the room where it will take place should be decorated in the appropriate style.


Teenagers really want to have everything “like adults,” so a disco will be a pleasant surprise. However, in order not to get into trouble when making a playlist, parents need to know the musical preferences of their child and his friends.


As one of the options for celebrating a teenager’s birthday, you can consider outdoor recreation - you can go to the country or just pitch a tent on the river bank. This method of celebrating a teenager’s birthday provides a lot of opportunities for children - swimming in a pond, fishing, football, badminton, food cooked over a fire. However, it is worth considering that during such a holiday, several adults must be present who will control the movement of children and monitor their behavior.

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